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Bikers Learn Marine’s Remains Being Shipped FedEx, Ride 2,000 Miles To Keep That From Happening

After seven tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, Sargeant Jonathan Turner died in California a hero from combat injuries just a year after his retirement.

Living in Georgia, the 41-year-old veteran’s family couldn’t travel out to his funeral in California. Once the ceremony ended, the military had plans to send the remains to the family. Before they could do that, the Patriot Guard Riders (PGR) stepped in.

PGR is a fantastic organization of bikers that go to funerals for firefighters, military members, and police officers. At the funerals, PGR protects them from protestors and harassment. In addition to all this, they fill the seats at homeless and indigent veterans, hold homecoming celebrations for troops arriving home, and do volunteer work for veterans organizations.

After hearing Turner’s remains were going to be shipped home, PGR refused to allow it.
“The California Patriot Guard Riders contacted all of the state captains from California to Georiga and explained the situation, that it wasn’t proper to ship this war hero home via FedEx,” explained Jeff Goodiel of the Georgia Patriot Guard Riders. “Within days, a convoy was assembled with each state’s Patriot Guard Riders driving Turner’s cremated remains across their state and then passing those remains off to the next group of riders.”


Organizers say they had hundreds of volunteers transporting the remains more than 2,000 miles across the country. The respect the PGR showed meant the world to Turner’s family.

“It’s heartwarming, to see all these people here,” said Turner’s mother, Annie Glanton. “I know that he was loved by a lot of people.”

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-B4vZwMF-c]

Dad Learns Son Is Being A Bully, Teaches Him Lesson He’ll Never Forget

Becoming even more prevalent, bullying stands as a huge issue. A very likely cause of this is that parents don’t teach their kids how to treat people. This father seeks to change that in his home.

When Bryan Thornhill heard his son bullied other kids on the bus, he decided his child needed to learn a lesson. With his form of discipline so unique, Bryan Thornhill soon went viral.

“Hey everyone, welcome to ‘You Better Listen to Your Dad 2018,’” Bryan started a video he posted on Facebook.

Taken from the car, this video shows his 10-year-old-son running on the side of the road with a backpack on.

“My son has finally got in trouble on the bus enough to where he was kicked off the bus for three days because he was being a little bully, which I do not tolerate, can’t stand. Therefore, he has to now run to school. We’re right about one mile from the school so all week he’s got the experience of running,” Bryan explained.

He refused to tolerate his son acting this way, and he knew exactly how to make it stop.

Good Parenting

Great job Dad… (Bryan Thornhill)

Gepostet von WarriorCode am Samstag, 3. März 2018


“We’re gonna make sure that one way or another his teachers are gonna be able to enjoy his company at school – he’s not disrupting his classmates and everything else,” Bryan said.

Bryan reports seeing changes in his son’s behavior since then. The teachers even approved of his son’s behavior for the week. He went all week without getting in trouble!

“Teach your kids. Don’t be a friend, be a parent,” he said. “That’s what children need these days.”

Officer has the most unexceptional response when a lawyer tries to defend his guilty client in court

This was emailed to us by Charlie G. from Fort Worth, Texas. Read and enjoy.

A motorcycle officer stops a man for running a red light. The guy is a real jerk and comes running back to the motor officer. The violator demands to know why he is being harassed by the ‘Gestapo.’ So the officer calmly tells him of the red light violation. The motorist instantly goes on a tirade, questioning the officer’s ancestry, sexual orientation, etc., in rather explicit terms. The officer, being a professional, takes it all in stride.

The tirade goes on without the cop saying anything. When he gets done with writing the citation he puts an “AH” in the lower right corner of the narrative portion of the citation. He then hands it to the violator for his signature.

The guy signs the cite angrily, tearing the paper, and when presented his copy points to the “AH” and demands to know what it stands for. The officer then removes his mirror sunglasses, get in the middle of the guys face and say, “That’s so when we go to court, I’ll remember you’re an Asshole!”

Three months later they are in court. The violator has such a bad record he’s about to lose his license and has hired an attorney to represent him. On the stand the officer testifies to seeing the man run the red light. Under cross examination the defense attorney asks: “Officer is this a reasonable facsimile of the citation you issued my client?”

Officer responds: “Yes sir, this is the defendants copy, his signature and mine, same number at the top. ”

Attorney: “Officer, is there any particular marking or notation on this citation you don’t normally make?”

Officer: “Yes sir, in the lower right corner of the narrative there is an ‘AH’, underlined.

Attorney: “What does the AH stand for, officer?”

Officer: “‘Aggressive” and ‘Hostile’, Sir”

Attorney: “‘Aggressive’ and ‘Hostile’”

Officer: “Yes Sir.”

Attorney: “Officer, are you sure it doesn’t stand for Asshole?”

Officer: “Well Sir, you know your client better than I do!”

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Muslim Restaurant Owner Hangs a Note Out Front About Christmas Day That’s Going Quickly Viral

When the time comes to celebrate the holidays, everyone wants a good company to share a laugh and some nice moments with. However, not everybody is lucky to be around other people.

The world is now celebrating one of the happiest seasons of the year.. Christmas is here and all the colors of red, gold and green are covering the streets, shops, houses, etc.. No matter how spirited you are, Christmas is the perfect time to show your generosity, kindness and gratitude.

These positive acts can come of anyone no matter the religion he or she belongs to. For example, this Muslim-owned Turkish restaurant in London showed in a perfect way how someone can express the true values of Christmas towards people especially those in need.

Hasan Masud, the restaurant owner, hanged out a sign about Christmas that you don’t see it everywhere during the holidays. The sign is now going super viral and gaining praise from people who have been photographing the restaurant and sharing the event.

It doesn’t matter where you come from or what you believe in, we can all take a note from Masud’s playbook!

See the restaurant owner’s touching gesture to unite different cultures this Christmas below.

A restaurant owned by a Muslim in London is offering a three-course meal to the homeless and elderly on Christmas Day to ensure that no one eats alone.

The restaurant, named Shish restaurant, sells Turkish cuisine. It is located in Bexley, London. The restaurant owner spread the word through social media to benefit maximum people.

The menu for the occasion will include starters like soup and cacik. The main course will include chicken or vegetarian casserole or chicken shish. There will be rice pudding for dessert.

“We’re just helping people,” Hasan Masud, an employee at the restaurant, told Buzzfeed. “Lots of people stay home alone for Christmas. They don’t need to. They can come here and have some fun.”

“We are here to sit with you,” owner wrote in a note about the offer posted to the restaurant window.

Since the handwritten sign went up, they have upgraded to a more official flyer.

If this doesn’t capture the Christmas spirit of giving, what does?

Please SHARE this inspiring holiday story with your family and friends on Facebook!

Old man is told his life was easy as there was no drug problem when he Grew up…

The other day, a woman standing next to me at a store in our small town read that a meth lab had been found in an old farm house in the adjoining county, and she asked me a rhetorical question…

Why didn’t we have a drug problem when you and I were growing up?

I told her I did have a drug problem when I was a kid growing up.

I was drug to church for weddings and funerals.

I was drug to family reunions and community socials no matter the weather.

I was drug by my ears when I was disrespectful to adults.

I was also drug upstairs to my room or the woodshed when I disobeyed my parents, told a lie, brought home a bad report card, did not speak with respect, spoke ill of the teacher. Or if I didn’t put forth my best effort in everything that was asked of me.

I was drug to the kitchen sink if I uttered a profane four letter word or smoked a cigarette (I do know what soap tastes like).

I was drug out to pull weeds in mom’s garden and flower beds and to clear cockleburs out of dad’s fields.

I was drug to the homes of family, friends, and neighbors to help out some poor soul who had no one to mow the yard, repair the clothesline or chop some fire wood, and if my mother had ever known that I took a single dime as a tip for this kindness, she would have drug me back to the wood shed.

Those drugs are still in my veins; and they affect my behavior in everything I do, say, and think. They are stronger than cocaine, crack or heroin, and if today’s children had this kind of drug problem, America would be a better place to live today.

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Three Siblings Gathered To Celebrate Their Parents’ Anniversary. Their Dad’s Response Was Priceless.

Joke submitted by Scott W. from Biloxi, Mississippi.

A couple was about to celebrate 50 years together.

Their three kids, all very successful and wealthy, agreed to a Sunday dinner in honor of their parents. As usual, they were all late and had varied excuses.

“Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad,” gushed son number one. “Sorry, I’m running late… I just didn’t have the time to get you a present.”

“No worry,” said Dad. “The important thing is that we’re all together.”

Son number two arrived and announced, “Just flew in from L.A. and didn’t have time to get you anything… I’m sorry.”

“It’s nothing,” said the father, “just glad you could be here today.”

The daughter arrived. “Happy anniversary! I’m sorry, but I’ve been out of town and didn’t bring a present.”

Again the father said, “I really don’t care, at least the five of us are together today.”

Later, during dinner, the father put down his fork, looked up and said, “Listen, you three, there’s something your mother and I need to tell you. We came to this country penniless and desperate. Despite this, we were able to raise you and send you to college. But we never got around to getting married.”

The three kids gasped and said, in unison, “You mean we’re BASTARDS?”

“Yep,” said the dad. “And cheap ones, too!”

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Rude teen tells mom of crying baby to ‘shut that thing up,’ – has no clue his dad is listening in

A crying baby can be frustrating and annoying for those who get around it, and people are often judging the parents for not shutting their babies up, not considering the fact that the parents themselves are just as frustrated, if not more. I believe every parent out there makes everything to get their baby calmed down but that’s not always an easy task.

Exhausted parents are always grateful for a word of kindness and support from understanding strangers, and thankfully that’s exactly what mom Lucy Hatami got when she encountered a rude young man while out to breakfast recently.

Tired of being stuck in the house all day, Lucy decided to go out to breakfast with her 8-month-old son. While she was trying to get organized, though, her son began to get fussy.

Lucy tried desperately to calm him down, but before she could, she heard a 20-something young man muttering some unkind words meant directly for her.

“I wish she’d shut that thing up!” he said loudly enough for her to hear.

Lucy was taken aback and didn’t know what to say, but soon an unlikely hero came to her defense.

“Before I could even respond his dad comes up behind him clips him round the ear,” Lucy recalled.

“What and you think you were perfect?” he chastised his son. “You were a right little sod. Now stop being a brat, go up there and apologize to her and offer to get her breakfast as she clearly has her hands full!”

Clearly, this father remembered the challenges of raising young ones and he wasn’t about to let his son get away with being rude and disrespectful to a struggling mom.

“So I got my buffet breakfast with waiter service along with a lovely coffee,” Lucy wrote in a Facebook post. “Thank you to that dad who even after 20 odd years still remembers the difficulty of being parents to babies!”

It seems this dad may still have a little parenting of his own yet to do, but thankfully he is not afraid to do it! Hopefully, his son took his lesson to heart that day and remembers to treat others with a little more compassion and respect.

We never know what road another person is walking. What a good reminder to put ourselves in another person’s shoes and show them the same amount of kindness we ourselves would wish to receive!

Are you glad this dad stepped in and put his son in line? Then share it!

No One Can Believe What Superintendent Did With His Summer

Being a teacher requires a lot of patience and dedication, but very often it also requires spending money on supplies for the students who can’t afford any. This is especially true if you work at a public school where budgets are usually tight.

Textbooks are used and outdated because it’s too expensive to buy new ones. Improvement projects are put on hold because the funding simply just isn’t there. But, no matter the financial struggle, there are still people out there who do their best for the schools to function impeccably and for the students to experience the best out of the educational institution they attend.

Facebook/Fox 17

Dr. David Harnish has juggled meeting his staffers’ and students’ needs while running a school district. So the Martin Public Schools superintendent was thrilled when voters passed a bond that secured $18 million worth of upgrades to their buildings.

After the remodeling was done at the high school, there was only one thing missing. The entire building was in desperate need of a fresh coat of paint.

Facebook/Fox 17

Unfortunately, having a professional company tackle that project would cost an additional $150,000, he told Fox 17. There was no way Dr. Harnish could find that in the bleak budget.

“That $150,000 would’ve taken away from the kids or taken away from the potential for us taking care of our staff.”
The last time the building and classrooms were painted was in 2001. So Dr. Harnish thought outside the box and came up with a solution that stunned district parents.

He painted the buildings himself.

Facebook/Fox 17

While others were embarking upon magical vacations, soaking up the sun and enjoying their summer off, Dr. Harnish logged 90-hour weeks for the entire summer working on the district buildings. It was the only alternative.

“We could’ve maybe done a room here or there but I would’ve been retired by the time we were completely done.”
He also hired a handful of freshly graduated students to help him out. The small crew hoped to have the buildings ready by the first day of school.

“It’s neat to be able give some of these seniors (who’ve graduated) an opportunity to do some summer work, too.”
When the bell rang for the first day of school, Dr. Harnish was there, greeting everyone and hearing nothing but compliments for the fresh face the school was sporting. The parents were stunned.

Facebook/Fox 17

Dr. Harnish met his goal and everything looked great just in time. What an incredible gesture this man made for his students and the community!

Timid little girl steps up to mic. Within seconds, entire school is blown away with her flawless voice

Some people are natural talents and are given a gift from God to be the best at what they do. These people usually leave us speechless because of the way they use their skills. An example of this is the lovely little lady whose performance is beyond stunning.

When she gave this performance, she was only 11 years old but her incredible voice is mature enough and that is the reason why this video has gone viral.

On this day, Mia Negovetić was doing a rendition of “Listen,” a song sang by Beyoncé. She decided that the school gymnasium was the right stage to show off her talents that are unique to find in a kid of such an age.

She’s a confident girl since many can confess that it’s not that easy to give a worth performance while standing in front of your friends. One wonders how a small kid managed to sing such a difficult song with such standards something that most seasoned performers will have struggled to achieve. The clip makes you understand why fans are requesting the little girl to release more and why it has over a million viewers.

I believe Beyoncé will be proud watching Mia’s performance. How do you fail to appreciate what she does at the 1:10 mark? I believe this is one of the future superstars who are waiting to take the music industry by storm. What a talent!

Listen to Mia sing “Listen” in the video here. It’s safe to say she won the talent show with this performance. We can’t wait to see what this gifted young lady can accomplish as she gets older!

You might have heard the song, but you won’t resist falling in love with the performance of this kid. Please show some love to this young star by SHARING her awesome performance with everyone!

New Elvis Presley Music Video Revealed For Where No One Stands Alone

Some people have the fortune to live a life that leaves a mark in the lives of many. Despite being physically absent from this world, those people never really die because their deeds remain to remind us of their glory. Such a special person is the great Elvis Presley whose music is still very popular among people of every generation.

More than 41 years after Elvis left this World, his daughter Lisa Marie surprised the fans with an amazing performance of one of her father’s best songs ‘Where No One Stands Alone.’ She is releasing the song after certain struggles and rough time she recently went through. Lisa says whenever she faces hard times, she always turns to her father’s music which has the power to heal her.


Lisa Marie said in one occasion that besides her father’s death, she still finds consolation in his words. This mother of four struggled with addiction and during those times, Elvis is the only person she seeks. Lisa says: “I wouldn’t say I talk to him. I just remember everything. I can sort of pull out of the files whatever memories I have and stuff like that. And occasionally ask for help. Which was the case with this record. I just felt like a hand came down to me, it felt like that a little bit.” Releasing the song is a way of saying ‘thank you’ to her father for always being there for her with his spirit.


The duet she performs along with her late father is indeed something unique and special. Their voices blend together perfectly and create a sense of harmony. The video contains family photos never seen before. We are sure Elvis is looking at her loving daughter from Heaven and is proud of everything she achieved in life.

Take a look at the video and enjoy the angelic voices of this father-daughter emotional duet.

Bus driver quits driving mid-route to save child

When we think about heroes, the first thought that comes to our mind are the movie characters that save the world, not realizing that the real heroes are ordinary people who are among us, people who never hesitate to offer a helping hand or act quickly so to save a life. People like bus drivers.

Bus drivers and passengers alike have an unspoken trust when driving down the road to their destination. It’s not something we often stop to think about.

But every single time we hop on a bus, taxi, airplane or any mode of transportation for that matter, we have to put our trust in the driver. Reaching our destinations safely is something we expect.


Drivers, on the other hand, can only hope that their passengers have common courtesy. When children of any age hop on board, it’s impossible to know what could happen.

All thanks to one very observant bus driver, she was able to save the life of one of her 5-year-old passengers who was only trying to have fun. Her heroic story happened the day she took her shift.


She glanced back every once in a while to make sure they were behaving. All of a sudden she heard a noise which she will never forget.

One child alerted her that their friend was choking. She could hardly believe it, and her automatic reaction was to scream, “Are you serious?”


Adrenaline pumped through her veins as she had to decide in a split second what she should do. Though most people in this serious predicament would go into panic mode, she did something much different.

Demonstrating her care for others, she got out of her seat and did something incredibly heroic. It’s the people who are passionate about their jobs that push them to go above and beyond.


Watch the way she shows her ability to quickly halt the bus and focus on what was needed to be done in this heart-racing situation when the little boy choked on a random object. Reminding us all to be alert, caring, and loving, she saves this little boy’s life, all caught on camera in the shocking video below.

Her heroics were an absolute blessing to him. She rescued him without hesitation, prepared for the worst-case scenario.


After the penny was removed from the little boy’s airway, she remained with him to ensure he was okay. That had to be a frightening situation, but she handled it with aplomb.

The little boy was blessed to have a school bus driver who not only responded quickly in a dire situation, but one who cared enough about him as a person to comfort him.

See for yourself how incredible her efforts are and what a blessing she is to this little boy.

Toddler hears favorite song plays on, begins to dance the jive, but his last move cracks whole crowd

Music, along with dancing is the best medicine that helps you relieve stress and stay happy and active. Everybody likes to dance from time to time, no matter the age. But there are some people who rock at doing it so much that they rule the dance floor and make everybody feel good about it.

William Stokkebroe, 2-year-old stunned a crows when he dashed into the middle of a dancefloor, excited to show everyone what he’s got.

His parents, Kristina and Peter Stokkebroe and the dancers at Studie43 must have caught his attention overtime as he couldn’t wait to show them all what he can do.

Elvis Presley’s Jailhouse Rock was playing at that moment, and the little enthusiastic boy couldn’t help himself but busting some serious moves. the impressed crowd burst into a round of cheer. He even gives a very proud bow at the end of his dance.

William has certainly a bright future and we can’t wait to see him dancing again since he is so brave to step in front of an entire crowd like he just did.

Don’t forget to watch this adorable baby jive in the video below.

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Kid Writes A Letter Home After Joining The Marines.

Their kid joined the marines and the parents were anticipating a letter in order to know how their child was doing. When they finally received one it quickly went viral. This is definitely a must read!

Dear Ma and Pa:

I am well. Hope you are. Tell Brother Walt and Brother Elmer the Marine Corps beats working for old man Minch by a mile. Tell them to join up quick before all of the places are filled.

I was restless at first because you get to stay in bed till nearly 6 a.m. But I am getting so I like to sleep late. Tell Walt and Elmer all you do before breakfast is smooth your cot, and shine some things. No hogs to slop, feed to pitch, mash to mix, wood to split, fire to lay. Practically nothing.

Men got to shave but it is not so bad, there’s warm water. Breakfast is strong on trimmings like fruit juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, etc., but kind of weak on chops, potatoes, ham, steak, fried eggplant, pie and other regular food, but tell Walt and Elmer you can always sit by the two city boys that live on coffee. Their food, plus yours, holds you until noon when you get fed again. It’s no wonder these city boys can’t walk much.

We go on “route marches,” which the platoon sergeant says are long walks to harden us. If he thinks so, it’s not my place to tell him different. A “route march” is about as far as to our mailbox at home. Then the city guys get sore feet and we all ride back in trucks.

The sergeant is like a school teacher. He nags a lot. The Captain is like the school board. Majors and colonels just ride around and frown. They don’t bother you none.

This next will kill Walt and Elmer with laughing. I keep getting medals for shooting. I don’t know why. The bulls-eye is near as big as a chipmunk head and don’t move, and it ain’t shooting at you like the Higgett boys at home. All you got to do is lie there all comfortable and hit it. You don’t even load your own cartridges. They come in boxes.

Then we have what they call hand-to-hand combat training. You get to wrestle with them city boys. I have to be real careful though, they break real easy. It ain’t like fighting with that ole bull at home. I’m about the best they got in this except for that Tug Jordan from over in Silver Lake . I only beat him once. He joined up the same time as me, but I’m only 5’6″ and 130 pounds and he’s 6’8″ and near 300 pounds dry.

Be sure to tell Walt and Elmer to hurry and join before other fellers get onto this setup and come stampeding in.

Your loving daughter,


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Strangers Act Towards Little Boy On Subway Makes Headlines

Sometimes people surprise us. And in the big city of New York City where everyone and everything is moving fast it can sometimes be hard to appreciate the little things. So when one man boarded the NYC subway he wasn’t expecting his trip to make headlines all over the internet because of his actions. Little did he know it’d be because of a tiny passenger sitting next to him that people would remember his face.


Unbeknownst to the man on the train a tiny passenger sitting next to him was looking over his shoulder at his phone. The man had his earphones in and was playing some sort of game on his phone when he suddenly felt little eyeballs looking in his direction. That’s when the man looked up and locked eyes with a little boy sitting in the seat next to him.


The man continues to play his game and tend to his phone, not knowing that a stranger in front of him is recording the entire scene. After a few stops and still feeling the young boys eyes glued to his phone he suddenly gets an idea. He disconnects his earplugs and then hands his phone over to the little boy. The boy eagerly takes it and dives right into a game as the man casually looks up as though he didn’t do anything special. But he had no idea that an onlooker in front of him had recorded the entire scene and was going to post it on social media. Days after the ride, the video went viral and it’s clear to see why the footage is heartwarming to see. Now everyone is praising the man for his act of kindness towards the little boy. Watch the scene for yourself in the video below.

Stranger Snatches Little Girl But Cops Can’t Believe How She Fights Back

As four young girls left a Michigan gas station, they had no idea that danger was lurking just a few feet away. What happened next left the group of pre-teens in a fight for their lives, as a strange man snuck up behind them and uttered one chilling sentence that forced them to act fast.


The girls first noticed the man trailing them as they left the Millington, Michigan convenience store, but once they crossed the street they suddenly became aware that they were being followed. Before they could even act, the strange man grabbed the youngest of the group and said: “You’re coming with me.” Little did he realize at the time, but he was no match for the quick-thinking young girls. Without hesitation, they immediately made their move.


As the 22-year-old assailant, later identified as Bruce Hipkins, wrapped his arm around the 11-year-old’s face, he never could have anticipated what she and her friends would do next. Hipkins was suddenly overpowered by the pint-sized group of girls, severely underestimating their quick thinking and resourcefulness. But when local authorities found him minutes later, cops were stunned by what they discovered. See the incredible turn of events for yourself in the video below – what a brave group of girls!

Internet Adores Man Who Blocked Traffic When They See Why

People cruising down a very busy highway in Griffin, Georgia, were confused when traffic came to a standstill. It was raining, but there wasn’t an accident to be seen.

E’Ondria Weems was one of those motorists perplexed by the lull. Then she saw a man named Justin Jackson standing in the middle of the road, his truck parked haphazardly across both lanes.

Facebook/E’Ondria Weems

He had abandoned his big white pickup in the pouring rain and sprinted into the busy four-lane road. It took a moment for E’Ondria to realize what was going on.

An elderly man was attempting to cross the road. He relied on a walker and wasn’t moving terribly fast.

But the traffic was. Cars were zooming all around the man and no one stopped to let him pass on over to the other side of the road, Justin told 11Alive.

It seemed to be very dangerous! Justin couldn’t let anything happen to him.

“The old man was walking across the streets and people were flying by and I was like I got to stop.”

Facebook/E’Ondria Weems

E’Ondria whipped out her phone and captured the good Samaritan in action. She wasn’t the only one who couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

“It was so nice of him to do that. Makes you think there are still nice people in this world.”

Her video has been viewed millions of times. People were praising Justin for his kind act.

The dad of five told 11Alive he learned to help others from his own father. Two of his children were in the vehicle with him and were able to watch their father lead by example.

“It makes me feel good because it’s obviously making other people want to do good, too. And that’s the ultimate goal – make everyone do good.”

Justin has been modestly shrugging off all of the compliments he’s received so far. He simply hopes that others are inspired to do the right thing if they encounter a similar situation.

“I just did what I would want someone else to do.”

Facebook/E’Ondria Weems

Watch Justin spring into action in the video below. What a great guy!

Mom Adopts Orphan But Detail In Stranger’s Picture Changes Their Lives Forever

When Angie and her husband decided to adopt a little boy from China, they were ecstatic. The idea of adding another smiling face to their family was more than exciting. Mav had been living in an orphanage for most of his short life, but the moment they laid eyes on the sweet boy they knew that he was the perfect fit for their family.

But as Angie looked at the adoption photos of her new child, there was one detail that she just couldn’t ignore. She had to get to the bottom of this.


In every photo of Mav was another little boy, and she soon learned that this child had been Mav’s “brother” in the orphanage. Although Mav didn’t have a family to call his own, Josh had been the only constant in his short life while he anxiously waited to be adopted.

From all accounts, the pair was inseparable. They spent hours together every day eating, playing, helping each other with daily tasks and exploring the great outdoors (when they were given the chance)!

Desperate to locate the other little boy, Angie posted the photo to a Facebook group devoted to Chinese orphans, never expecting to find exactly what she was looking for. But fate had other plans for the boys.


The very same day, Josh’s adoptive father had posted to the same page. Miraculously, the families instantly connected. Sadly, they soon realized that they lived 1300 miles apart, making a reunion nearly impossible.

It wasn’t until Josh’s father received a call from his company months later that everything changed. They were relocating to the very same state as Mav! When Angie broke the news to Mav, a giant smile spread across his face – he couldn’t wait.

The thought of having Josh so close was a dream come true!


When it finally came time for Mav and Josh to be reunited, Angie couldn’t keep her tears in any longer. She watched as her son ran up to his old friend, hugged him tightly and began to chat like no time had passed at all.

Clearly, the two shared a brotherly bond that went far beyond blood!

What cameras captured next will leave you in tears. They went right back into the swing of things, and now they get to play together all the time.


See the emotional way Mav and Josh’s story unfolds in the video below. What an incredible turn of events!

Boy Learns He’ll Be A Big Brother On The Same Day He Gets Adopted

Cole and Jordan Dickerson had no doubt they were meant to be parents. Raising a family was something they daydreamed about – and adoption was always part of the plan. So when Jordan heard of a little boy who desperately needed a caring family, she begged Cole for the chance to bring him into their home.

To Jordan’s dismay, the universe had other plans for the Dickerson family. But when the day came that they were finally able to bring their son home, fate had one more surprise up its sleeve.

Facebook/Jordan Smith Dickerson

In an emotional post on the Love What Matters page, Cole shared their family’s inspirational story, how they came to adopt their son Jeremiah, and how they found out they were expecting another child.

Cole wrote:

“My wife Jordan works at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. One day she told me there is the cutest little boy there right now. She said he’s only there because he doesn’t have a family to take care of him. It was only a couple of weeks later when I got a text while I was at work that said, ‘Babe, will you seriously pray and think about something?!’ Immediately my heart pounds because I knew this must be something serious on her heart.

We both had talked about how passionate we were about adopting and desired to do it one day. We talked, prayed, and decided to begin the foster parent classes that were required by the organization he was involved with. We talked with DCS and it seemed nearly impossible to begin the foster-to-adopt process for a specific child that you’re not yet related to. It would have to take a miracle… the rest of the story is nothing short of just that.

During the process, another couple came and began fostering him which totally hit us hard emotionally because we had made a connection with him already. We were disappointed and upset but decided to continue the classes to be future foster parents and true parents to a child someday…”

Facebook/Dani Brewer Photography

“Two weeks later, while we were on our 1-year anniversary trip, someone from Jordan’s work called and told her Jeremiah had been brought back to the hospital for medical reasons and the couple was not going to be able to continue caring for him for their own reasons. We immediately busted out in tears and knew this was the work of God that we would one day be a family.

When we got back from our trip, his social worker wanted to meet Jordan at Le Bonheur to make sure we were serious about fostering to adopt. After going through legal, medical and fostering classes, we were finally able to bring our boy home in June 2017.

And on July 16, 2018, we officially were able to adopt our son!

Back up to April 2018, Jeremiah was praying one night. He said, ‘Thank you God for God, for Jesus, for my Mommy and Daddy, and my baby sister in a couple of weeks, Amen.’ We looked at each other like, ‘What did he just say?! Not really how it works, bud.’

Just a couple of weeks later is when we surprisingly found out Jeremiah was going to be having a baby brother or sister! Fast forward to today, HE WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE BABY SISTER! We just found out yesterday!

The Miracle Worker continues to do work, and we’re so thankful to be a family.”

On the same day Jeremiah found out he was officially adopted, Jordan and Cole revealed he was going to be a big brother. Jeremiah was spot-on about God giving them a baby girl – and now their family gets to grow by one more happy heart!

Facebook/Dani Brewer Photography

Learn more about Jeremiah’s big surprise in the video below. We wish them nothing but the best in the years to come!

Ride Home With Disabled Son Turns Into Mom’s ‘Worst Nightmare’

Navigating public areas isn’t always the easiest for those with physical challenges. Even though the Americans With Disabilities Act requires public places to be handicap accessible, hurdles can crop up.

Mom Monica Ward Scharrer has experienced the difficulties of traveling with her son’s heavy wheelchair. She and her son Chris love getting out and about, especially watching their favorite sports teams play, but it’s nervewracking when things don’t go as planned.

Facebook/Monica Ward Scharrer

Monica and Chris were thrilled to be able to watch a New York Rangers game, especially considering how much they love hockey. They rode the train in to town without a hitch, excited to watch the team take the ice.

They found their seats, settled in and had a great time. But it was the ride home that proved difficult for the pair – with Monica saying:

“Our worst nightmare occurred…”


When they left the game, they discovered the elevator that would take them from street level down to the Penn Station platform wasn’t working. Chris’ wheelchair weighs 350 pounds, so they desperately needed an elevator.

Monica fretted about how to get her son down to the subway and in time to catch the train home. That’s when she came across her guardian angel…

Officer Mears just so happened to be walking around the area – and was happy to lend a helping hand. It was dark out and the area was beginning to bustle with fans heading home.

Monica described the officer as a “beautiful human being.” He escorted Monica and Chris all around until they found a working elevator.

Then Officer Mears personally led the pair to the Long Island Rail Road, inquired what track they would be on and walked with them to their train platform. He even set up the ramp for Monica, giving her a delightful break.

Facebook/Love What Matters

Chris was able to board the train before the pressing throng of passengers descended upon the platform. Monica profusely thanked Officer Mears who then confessed something quite sweet to her.

“(He) told me he worked with the disabled for six years before he became a police officer and that is where his heart is. I can’t say enough about how wonderful this officer was to my son and I. He essentially moved a mountain for us! I love this man and what he represents of humanity.”

Shortly after Monica decided to post her story on the Love What Matters Facebook page, which has been shared more than 1,300 times.

What a blessing Officer Mears was to this mom and her son in their time of need! Sometimes it’s the little acts of kindness that mean the most – and there certainly are a lot of officers making a difference in this world.

Monster Who Made Couples Have Sex At Gunpoint Before Locking

  • Rasheed Powell, 43, forced way into rooms and watched partners have sex
  • He locked men up and raped women, making them loudly compliment him
  • He was handed a 148-year sentence but legal reps asked for 80 years instead
  • Trial went on for eight weeks and jury took three-and-a-half days to deliberate
  • Father-of-two was in court as four of eight victims delivered powerful messages
  • One victim said she hoped he never saw daylight again as she spoke in court
  • Powell maintains innocence despite evidence including DNA rape kit, gun he threatened victims with and the mask and jacket he wore that girlfriend provided
  • The robber got into crime as a teenager and has spent 14 years in prison already
Rasheed Powell, 43, was sentenced to 148 after forcing couples to have sex at gunpoint before raping the women

A father-of-two has been sentenced to 148 years in prison for forcing couples to have sex at gunpoint in New Jersey motels, before locking the men in bathrooms and raping the women.

Rasheed Powell, of Elizabeth, was convicted in March for 60 counts that include aggravated robbery and sexual assault.

The crimes took place in the towns of Elizabeth and Linden in New Jersey over the course of two months in 2012, and there were eight victims – four men and four women – in total.

On four occasions, Powell, 43, stalked his victims before forcing his way into their motel rooms, making the couples perform sex acts in front of him, then locking up the men in the bathroom and raping the women.

Springfield Municipal Court heard how Powell would make his victims ‘loudly compliment’ him so their locked-up partners would hear.

He was caught when responding to a traffic summons in court April 2012. When arrested his bail was set at $3million.

It took two hours for Powell to be read his fate in court when he was sentenced August 16.

A jury deliberated over three-and-a-half days at the end of the eight-week trial. The Union County Prosecutor’s Office Special Victims Unit tried for 200 years but he was given 148.

His sentencing was based on 24 counts of first-degree aggravated sexual assault, and eight counts of robbery which is a first degree crime.

In addition, Powell was charged with 12 counts of sexual assault, 12 weapons offenses, and four counts of burglary, which is a second degree crime.

One victim says she’s ‘afraid of people and what they’re doing’ after the traumatizing incident at the Swan Motel in Linden (picture above)

Powell’s attorney Erin Cook asked he only be punished per couple, not per individual, so that he would only get 80 years.

He has already spent a total of 14 years in prison and has been in trouble with the law since he was 14 years old.

Superior Court Judge, Robert Kirsch, was having none of it though, calling Powell a ‘serial rapist’ and mentioning the extensive evidence they had against him.

As well as his ex-girlfriend handing in the mask he used to disguise his identity as well as his jacket and gun, rape kits were used to match his DNA.

‘Your reign of terror ends here, now,’ the judge added.

It didn’t stop Powell from claiming he didn’t get a fair trial, however. mycentralnewjersey.com reports he said: ‘In due time proof will come out. I’m innocent.’

Four of his victims were present in court, two men and two women, who shared the stories of how the horror affected their lives.

Attendees at Springfield Municipal Court (pictured) heard how Powell would make his victims ‘loudly compliment’ him so their locked up partners would hear

A woman assaulted at a Route 1&9 motel said: ‘I hope you don’t have the option to see daylight again.’

Powell’s victim faced him to call him a ‘monster’ and told those in attendance ‘I’m afraid of people and what they are doing. I focus on work, family and I go straight home.’ She was attacked at the Swan Motel in Linden.

The Benedict Motel in Linden, now called the Bentley, was also the setting for one of his horrific crimes.

In Elizabeth, his victims were at the Spring Lane Motel and the Royal Motel.

Another woman, who was raped on Easter Sunday in 2012 and asked for him to get life in prison, told the packed court how she has since suffered from panic attacks and had nightmares.

Additionally she has self-mutilated and had suicidal thoughts after Powell threatened to kill her if she told anyone.



War veteran goes to buy 2 items at grocery store. Suddenly a stranger in line starts filling up his cart

If everybody was nice to each other, the world would be a much better place. Holding a door for somebody, giving money to charity, even just smiling at somebody who looks down can be great ways to help somebody out.

If humans were nice to each other, the world would be a much better place. Give up your place for an elderly or a pregnant woman while in the bus, giving money to someone in need, even smiling to someone who looks down while walking by can make this person’s day better.

And this is exactly what FOX5 Surprise Squad does, the difference is that these good people can do a lot for someone in need or who deserves it after a long struggle. Spreading kindness and good gestures around the country to inspire the world to do the same is what FOX5 Surprise Squad aims for. So the team decided again to make someone’s life better and headed to a busy grocery store in Las Vegas.

They approached some of the shoppers in the check-out line, but the team never expected they’d meet two inspiring local veterans. First, reporter Dave Hall met with Stephanie, a disabled veteran who was bound to a wheelchair.

Stephanie has dogs who love so much. This woman barely have enough money to feed herself and her dogs. Actually, she was spending from her last $50 that day. So Dave and his team happily paid for her grocery shopping. Then they noticed the man who had accompanied her to the store that day.

Larry is Stephanie’s husband, he was also a fellow club member and truck driver who was most of the time hitting the road. Larry was also a struggling veteran who gave a lot of his time to drive Stephanie wherever she needed to go. “No vet should be going through what she’s going through,” he told Dave and his team.

Unfortunately, Some of Larry’s brothers died in the Vietnam War. That’s what inspired him to create a charity called Bones for Blankets which donates blankets to homeless veterans.

Larry always put people in more need first. That’s why he was very low on cash. The only items he bought that day at the supermarket were a piece of candy and some mouthwash. Once Dave and the Surprise Squad heard Larry’s story, they decided that this wouldn’t do. They immediately took Larry back down the aisles of the supermarket to make sure he gets what he needs.

Watch what the Surprise Squad has in store for Larry in the video below:

In 1977, nurse saved badly burned baby. 38 years later, she sees her old photo on Facebook and freezes

When Amanda Scarpinati was 3 months old, she rolled off the sofa and fall onto a steam vaporizer. The outcome was a scolded and burned skin. As she grew up, she had to undergo several reconstructive surgeries.

She was taken to the Albany Medical Center where she was taken care of by Sue Berger, a special nurse. Berger took the bandaged girl into her arms and gave her some comfort while she was experiencing pain. That was back in 1977.

After Scarpinati’s discharge, all she was left with were the photos she had taken with Berger while in her arms. Scarpinati was determined to find the carrying nurse and thank her for her unconditional compassion.

While growing up, bullies took advantage of her burn and tormented her. That is why the sincere gesture of the caring woman mattered a lot to her. Scarpinati went ahead and posted a note about it on Facebook. It did not take long before the nurse was identified.

In the clip below, we see Scarpinati and Berger reunite at the place where they had first met and it is a special moment to watch. You can’t miss watching to see how the two express their feeling towards each other.

Kindly SHARE the incredible reunion with all on Facebook!

Lisa Marie Presley Opens Up About Her Father’s Incredible Legacy

Lisa Marie Presley is no stranger to the spotlight. As the King of Rock N’ Roll’s daughter, every childhood memory was larger than life and every flash of the paparazzi’s camera is stuck in her mind. After a recent struggle with drug addiction, Lisa Marie was finally ready to speak out about her struggles, getting clean, her father’s legacy and her upcoming album with Today’s Jenna Bush Hager.

Jenna had no idea the interview would get so personal so fast.


Instead of shying away from the problem that plagued both herself and her father, Lisa Marie spoke directly about the issue with Today’s Jenna Bush Hager:

“I’m not perfect, my father wasn’t perfect, no one’s perfect. It’s what you do with it after you learn and then you try to help others with it”

Thankfully, Lisa Marie’s children, Riley, Benjamin, Finley and Harper, helped her see the light. On the hard days, she turned to music as a place of solace – just as her father had done when things got tough in his own life. Lisa Marie even released a new compilation album of Elvis’ gospel recordings she co-produced called “Where No One Stands Alone.”

It was a way to keep her father close while he’s up in Heaven.


But when the music just won’t fade her worries away, she admitted to Jenna reaches out to Elvis in Heaven. It’s something she’s done for years now and his unspoken wisdom guides her.

“‘I think I already said, ‘Help me, God help me…’ I would want to know he’s there. Yeah, It would be pretty much, ‘I could use your help right around now.'”

He may not be around anymore, but Lisa Marie knows he’s there with her in spirit. There’s nothing that can separate a father from protecting his little girl – not even death.


As for her father’s legacy? She said the gospel album is the perfect embodiment of who he was as a person. Lisa Marie told Jenna:

“He just loved it. He would break out into Gospel music whenever and wherever he was, at any time. It’s what moved him.”

Now she hopes her father’s songs can help bring other people peace the same way his spirit guided her during her time of need. We’re so impressed with Lisa Marie for picking herself back up and reaching out when she needed help!


Listen to their full interview in the video below. Lisa Marie is making her father proud every single day!

Baby Demonstrates CPR On Dummy

As adults it’s easy to sometimes forget that kids pick up on everything that we do. Sometimes catching us off guard with just how observant they are of our actions and behavior. It can sometimes even get us into trouble! So when mom attended a CPR class with her baby girl she wasn’t expecting the baby to pick up on everything from the lesson that day. But what mom soon witnessed after class made her mouth drop.


Unbeknownst to mom her baby girl was paying extra close attention to the class that day. So after class when the baby saw a CPR dummy lying on the ground she didn’t hesitate to show off her new skills. As mom watched in awe she could hardly believe what she was witnessing. The baby crawls over to the dummy and begins to give it chest compressions as she babbles to the dummy, possibly checking in to see how the dummy is doing. But it gets even better.


After some chest compressions baby girl begins giving the dummy mouth-to-mouth. It may seem shocking but it’s true! She alternates between chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth leaving mom in complete awe of her little lifesaver in the making. Barely even able to walk, the family can certainly expect great things from their little girl in the future. It truly is remarkable how quickly children can learn things and implement them on their own. Watch the baby demonstrate her CPR skills in the video below. What a doll!

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