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Secret stockpile found after man with duct tape shoes passes

Alan Naiman was known among his colleagues and friends as a very modest and humble man who didn’t spend much money. He is also described as a loner who never got married and had no children but devoted his whole life to his job as a social worker.

Knowing that these people don’t really make that much money, his friends didn’t think he was exaggerating whenever he opted to duck-tape his torn shoes instead of buying a new pair. However, no one could ever imagine the real reason behind this thrifty man’s lifestyle until he lost the battle to cancer at the age of only 63. His secret gives a whole new meaning to the old saying that “it’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for.”

Facebook/WFMY News 2

Whenever someone would invited him out for dinner he would choose a fast food restaurant over a nice sit-down place, and even waited in front of the deli around closing time to grab some cooked food for less money. That’s how careful he was with his spending habits.

However, him being considered “stingy” by some didn’t overpower the fact that Alan Naiman was a very special person who was aware of the hardships vulnerable children suffered, among which his brother with a developmental disability Alan rarely spoke of. He even fostered children in need of home while he was younger, and apparently they were the reason behind his thrift way of living.

Facebook/WFMY News 2

When Alan left this world, he left something behind. To everyone’s surprise, this man managed to save quite a fortune during his lifetime. He sacrificed a life of luxury and abundance just to have enough for the number of charities that helped the poor, sick, disabled, and abandoned children.

The sum he had put aside were staggering 11 million dollars. Each penny of that money ended at the right place.

Many of the organizations that got a part of Alan’s funds didn’t even know him. But he knew how much they needed someone who will do their best to ease their hard life. According to CTV News, Barbara Drennan, founder of the Pediatric Interim Care Center said:

“We would never dream that something like this would happen to us. I wish very much that I could have met him. I would have loved to have had him see the babies he’s protecting.”

Barbara’s organization got 2.5 million dollars. This particular organization helps newborns and babies of drug-abusive mothers wean off their chemical dependence. She remembers she and Alan spoke on the phone regarding a case while he was still working as a social worker but she never met him in person. She only knew that he was the most generous man ever.

Facebook/WFMY News 2

He left $900,000 to the Threehouse foster care organization that took care of the kids he once fostered. This organization provides children in need with toys, clothes, school supplies, and other necessities. Jessica Ross, Treehouse’s chief development officer couldn’t believe that one man could be so committed to serving a higher calling:

“The frugality that he lived through, that he committed to in his life, was for this. It’s really a gift to all of us to see that pure demonstration of philanthropy and love.”

Alan will be forever remembered for the life he led and the amazing reason behind it. A man with a heart of gold who put other’s happiness on the top of the list of his life priorities.

It’s a pity he was never given the recognition while he was still alive. Although he isn’t among us any longer, his deed will live forever.

Green Beret is Sentenced to Night Behind Bars, Judge Enters His Cell and Does Something Amazing

Joe Serna has spent a significant part of his life serving the country. He had taken part in the Afghanistan war. The courage he showed in the battle field brought him Three Purple Hearts.

However, this war veteran was going through tough times after he returned to his home country and had troubles adjusting to the life he left there after he joined the military.

In hopes of dealing with the stress, Serna turned to the alcohol and that decision lead him to the Veterans Treatment Court which helps struggling veterans get back on track.

The judge conducting the Green Beret veteran’s trial was a veteran himself. Because Serna violated his probation and faked his urine test, judge Lou Olivera sentenced him to a night in jail.

However, recalling everything a member of the military goes through while deployed, made Judge Olivera empathetic and he simply couldn’t let Serna spend the nigh all by himself.

“When Joe first came to my court, he was so tight,” Olivera says. “His shoulders were so tense. Over time, you could see his shoulders relax.”

Serna knew it was going to be the longest and most difficult night of his life, as she started thinking of the fellow companions who lost their life in a devastating incident. Anxiety gripped him and flashbacks began to play in his mind as the door closed behind him.

While he and three other soldiers were driving, the road gave way and they ended up into the water. They knew all hope was lost when the truck started filling with water.

With tears rolling down his face, he says how he was the only survivor.

Olivera then did the most amazing thing. He accompanied Serna to the cell and told the guard that he was about to spend the night there as well. Those who witnessed what happened were left speechless.

“Joe was a good soldier and he’s a good man,” Olivera said. “I wanted him to know I had his back. I didn’t want him to do this alone.”

Serna felt relieved when he saw the familiar face getting closer.

“When he came in, I knew everything was going to be okay,” recalled Serna.

The two war veterans spent the entire night talking about their service, their families, and their lives.

Judge Olivera knew Serna was a good man who had to face the consequences of his behavior, but he wasn’t willing to let him do it alone.

“He is a judge, but that night, he was my battle buddy,” Serna said. “He knew what I was going through. As a warrior, he connected.”

This judge and this story remind us that the soldiers who spend time deployed serving our country don’t have it easy adjusting to the life once they retire. They do so much for us and our well-being that the least we can do is pay them respect the way Olivera did.

Or simple “thank you for your service” might be enough and can mean so much to them, especially when they face rough periods in life.

Nurse wife sits alone to eat sandwich after long 14-hour shift – then husband pens viral Facebook message

Franklin P. Jones once wrote that “Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile” and we can’t agree more. Because finding that one person who understands your struggles and is willing to stay by your side during the toughest of times is a privilege not everyone has.

Philip Urtz’s open letter to his loving wife touched us to the core. What these two have is something we all strive for having in our life.

Jessica is a stroke nurse who’s working long shifts and even though she comes home pretty exhausted it’s not something she would confess or cry about. Her strength is unbelievable. Even after 14 hours on the job, she comes homes and has the time to make herself a quick dinner before she goes to bed. The next morning, she is ready for another day filled with stress.

Witnessing all this, this husband decided to share with the world how he feels like regarding his brave wife.

Facebook/Phillip Urtz

“This is my wife Jessica having dinner after a 14 hour day. She comes home from work, has enough time to eat and get ready for bed and it’s back to work the next day for another shift.”

Facebook/Phillip Urtz

“She is up early to get ready for her day. She doesn’t like to be bothered in the morning and I respect that. She showers, throws her hair up, grabs her lunch gives the dog and me a kiss and heads out the door.”

“At work she takes care of people who are having the worst days of their lives. Strokes, Car accidents, motorcycle accidents, falls, breaks, brain damage and more. She takes care of mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends and families. It doesn’t matter who you are or what happened. She will take care of you.

Facebook/Phillip Urtz

She works through lunch and rarely has time to sit. She comes home after 14 hours, takes off her shoes that have walked through blood and tears, and just wants to sit down. I don’t ask her about her day because She doesn’t like to talk about work when she is home and that’s fine.”

Facebook/Phillip Urtz

“If she does want to talk, I will listen. Sometimes she comes home happy and sometime she comes home sad. But no matter how she feels, she is always on time for her next shift.”

Facebook/Phillip Urtz

“I love her with all my heart. My wife is my hero. My wife is a Stroke Nurse.”

I believe all spouses should have this love and respect for their significant other!

Please note: this post was originally inspired by Bobby Wesson’s Facebook post.

“This is my wife taking a nap. In an hour she will wake up, put on her scrubs and get ready for work.

The tools and items she needs to perform her job will be gathered and checked meticulously – her hair and makeup will be done quickly. She will complain that she looks awful. I will disagree, emphatically, and get her a cup of coffee.

She will sit on the couch with her legs crossed under her and try to drink it while happily playing with the toddler that’s crawling all over her.

She will occasionally stare off blankly as we talk; silently steeling herself for the coming shift. She thinks I don’t notice.

She will kiss the baby, she will kiss me and she will leave to go take care of people that are having the worst day of their entire lives. Car wrecks, gunshot wounds, explosions, burns and breaks – professionals, poor, pastors, addicts and prostitutes – mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and families – it doesn’t matter who you are or what happened to you.

She will take care of you.

She will come home 14 hours later and remove shoes that have walked through blood, bile, tears and fire from aching feet and leave them outside.

Sometimes she will not want to talk about it. Sometimes she can’t wait to talk about it. 

Sometimes she will laugh until she cries and sometimes she will just cry – but regardless of those sometimes she will be on time for her next shift.

My wife is a nurse. My wife is a hero.”

Woman Who Spends Hundreds from Own Pocket Each Week To Feed Homeless Surprised by Steve Harvey

Some people are angels sent from God to make this world a better place for the less fortunate.

Debra Davis is definitely one of them. This woman with a heart of gold has a noble mission in life. And that’s making sure the homeless are well fed.

Auntie Davis, as the students from the cafeteria where she works call her, won’t settle with only volunteering at a shelter, but she is the one who gets all the food served prepared. She is an amazing cook who won’t let her talent go in vain. Instead, she is making the most of it and makes an enormous difference in the life of the people who visit the soup kitchens and shelters.

If this isn’t enough, Auntie Davis goes above and beyond and pays for all the food herself. She does anything in her power to make sure she has enough money to feed the people who rely on her kind soul and her insane cooking skills.

At times, when she can’t afford to buy groceries for the day she collects cans and plastic only to be able to complete her mission.

She used to deliver the food with her ’76 Chevy Malibu, but after a group of auto shop students refurbished a car for her, she’s now delivering the meals in style in her 2014 Mazda3.

And as no good deed goes unnoticed, hers was spread among the communities, so she was invited to be a guest at Steve Harvey’s show.

During her interview she said,

“I get up (at) 3:30 in the morning and I prepare the food and everything and I put it in the car … I go to work, and then when I get off of work I go feed the homeless from say 1 o’clock to like 6 o’clock.”

She has never expected anything in return for what she does, because as she says, her faith in God makes her do good, and she will claim her reward in heaven.

“The Bible says if I love the Lord, I’ll feed His people,” Davis told Harvey. “So I’m just doing what the Lord asked me to do. I’m just a servant.”

There is a GoFundMe campaign set to help Auntie Davis in accomplishing her goal, and thanks to kind people, around $27k were raised so far.

Harvey, along with San’s Club surprised her with a check for $5000, because she really deserves to be given support for her unselfish act. The moment she accepts the gift is so touching. She can’t hold her tears back.

Harvey told her how we all know she will use that money for the right thing. Hopefully, there are people out there who would be inspired by this woman and will do a good cause for the community.

Full House Star Shares The Secrets Behind Her Marriage

Celebrity couples divorce at nearly twice the rate of the general population, so when we hear of those that are together for more than two decades we always wonder what’s the secret behind their marriage.

The Full House star Candace Cameron shares with the world how much she loves her husband of 21 years, the NHL hockey star Valeri Bure. She says that their marriage, as any other out there, had gone through thick and thin, but what made them stay strong by each other’s side is their deep faith and love for God.

“There have been several tough years, in a row, ups and downs, bad attitudes and bad decisions, but we’ve persevered. We rode them out. We loved each other through them. We kept the focus; God’s glory. We are both better for it. I’m so grateful and thankful for the man I married. Neither of us are perfect, far from it, and will continue to make mistakes because we are human. But God’s Word and His grace see us through – striving to be the best of ourselves in Him. To God be the glory.”

Candice and Valeri dated for two years before they tied the knot. They have three children together, Natasha, Lev, and Maksim. They always tried raising them in the the way of the Lord.


Recently, as Valeri turned 43, his wife posted a photo of the two wearing matching shirts that highlight their faith. This brave woman is not afraid to show her love and affection for her hubby in front of the whole world.

“You’re like fine wine baby, so tasty and better with age.”


These lovebirds first met at a party, and the person who introduced them to each other was Candice’s TV uncle, Dave Coulier.

At the time, Valeri’s English was pretty poor and he confesses how he learned it watching Full House.

We hope their marriage will last forever and their love will grow even stronger. If that’s even possible.

Elderly Man Looks Mom In Eye And Gives Advice About Kids

Many times life changes in an instant. Something or someone comes along the way and changes the way we perceive the things that are truly important.

A mother of four named Leanne was doing her shopping when she stumbled upon a complete stranger who approached her and said,“I need to tell you something.” Little did she know this encounter will affect her so deeply.

Leanne runs a blog called“Life Happens When” where she shares inspiring stories that remind us what life really is all about.

Facebook/Leanne at Life Happens When

On her Facebook page she shared how a gentleman approach her, and without beating around the bush went straight to what he believes was important for him to share with this young mother.

“Have you ever had a conversation with a total stranger and later realize that person must have been sent by God?”

She believes this stranger was exactly that, sent from God to remind her of the real values of our existence. It appeared that he first spotted Leanne while she was pushing a cart full of groceries and two of her kids sitting on top of them. The kind man took the time to tell this family how cute they were and went on his way.

Facebook/Leanne at Life Happens When

When they stumbled upon each other again, the stranger felt the need to share a story with this mother.

“He then began a story about when his son was five years old. His son had asked him to build a birdhouse. He told him no because he was really busy with “important” things for work. He watched his disappointed five year old slump off without crying or making a scene, and suddenly he felt terrible for breaking his son’s heart. He called his son back to him. Together they went to the store to buy the materials and they built the birdhouse.”

Now, 40 years after that birdhouse was built, it’s still there, reminding him of those precious moments spent with his son that he will cherish until the last day of his life. He also told Leanne that even after such a long time, he remembers that day as if it was yesterday.

Facebook/Leanne at Life Happens When

“My eyes immediately flooded with tears. Even though I’m with my kids for the majority of our days, I don’t always devote myself fully to them. I halfheartedly do activities with them. I fuss at them. I get distracted by chores and my to do list and my phone. This man may never know just how much he stopped me in my tracks, helped me adjust my priorities, and inspired me to slow down and be more intentional with my family.”

We should all learn from this man’s story. Family really is the most important thing and we should always find a way and the time to have fun together and make memories.

12-Year-Old Bravely Helps Deliver Her Baby Brother

Sometimes things don’t go as planned, but luckily, for one family they turned even better than expected.

Dede Carraway was about to give birth to her son, and the delivery turned into a touching family moment none of them will ever forget. This mother-to-be could never in her wildest dreams imagine who will help deliver her baby boy.

Facebook/Nikki Smith

Dede has a 12-year-old girl named Jacee who was beyond excited to welcome her little brother into this world. But just as the process was about to start, Jacee got really concerned that she would miss the whole thing.

“I started crying because I thought I wasn’t going to get to see him be born, because I was too short.”

However, Dr. Wolf wouldn’t let that happen because he knew how much it meant for the girl to witness the birth of her sibling.

Facebook/Nikki Smith

To everyone’s surprise, he made an unusual request, asking Jacee to step in and help him deliver the baby. Both the mother and the daughter felt confused at first but then realized it was an awesome idea.

Jacee told WS News Now it was a once in a lifetime experience.

“I actually delivered him, he let me actually push down and pull the baby out…. I was like, wow, like I’ve played fake doctor before, but this is the real thing, this is is the real deal. I was really nervous.”

The delivery wasn’t easy for Dede because her epidural wasn’t working and she was in so much pain, but looking at her daughter’s face and seeing how excited she was gave her strength.

Facebook/Nikki Smith

After a couple of pushes, Dr. Wolf and Jacee had baby Cayson Carraway in their hands. Everyone was over the moon.

Dede told WS News Now how she felt.

“Seeing the emotions on her face, it made me cry. I’m about to cry now! It was just a good moment for me.”

Jacee was so good at what she did that she’ll probably pursue a career as an OB-GYN.

Facebook/Nikki Smith

We are sure the bond between these lovely siblings will be as unique as their first encounter.

Mom tells a store manager her kids were hungry…

Stumbling upon this kind of stories every once in a while lifts our spirits and restores our faith in humanity. This is touching indeed!

So let me first off explain how my store manager looks to most people, he is 6’3″ so he is tall, and seems very intimidating, but he is actually a very nice guy, and this was how I learned what kind of guy he was.

I had only been working for about 7 months at the store, and this woman walked in with two little kids. One was about 2, and the other was 5 years old. Their mother looked scared, her hair was a mess, and looked like she had no sleep in days she looked rough. Well she walks up to me, and asked to see the store manager so I call for him.

I was working check out that day so it was pretty slow compared to others so I had breathers between the customers, and I over heard the woman talking to him. She escaped her husband who was abusive, and lived in the neighboring town she had gotten an apartment with the help of a friend of hers, but she had nothing to eat, and she asked him for help.

The store manager told her to go fill a buggy with food, and to come to my line when she was done, and told her to get herself, and her children some hot food from the deli also. So she left, and about half an hour later she came to my line, and I called him back he showed up, and told me to ring it up like normal, and then he pulled out his wallet, and paid for the woman’s cart. Then he asked me to come to his office, and asked her to wait there.

He said he wanted me to help take things to her car, and to give her a paper he was writing on. So he handed me the paper, and I walked her to her car. Then handed her the paper he had given me to hand her. She started crying, and I asked her if she was ok she handed me the paper.

It basically was a note telling her he was sorry for her position, and if she needed a job to help her to get by that she could show up in a couple of days, and told her if she needed child care he had his number on there to call him, and he would help set it up for her.

Needless to say she showed up, and she is a very nice person who still works at our store. This is one of the many reasons why I love the store I work at, and I believe I have the best store manager in the world.

That’s the true American spirit for ya.

Clever Winter Tip For Removing Snow Off Your Rooftop

No matter how much we enjoy the winter and all those tiny and uniquely shaped snowflakes that fall on our face, I am sure we can’t help but think of all the trouble those piles of snow bring for the homeowners.

Having inches of snow on the roof means leaving and entering the place with a dose of precaution because no one wants the heavy snow to jiggle loose and fall right on the head of any of the residents.

Shoveling it if you are not a real pro can be dangerous, and hiring a snow cleaning company may cost you an arm and a leg. However, this guy from the video has the right solution for this problem and not only it’s very clever, but won’t cost you a lot.


Shoveling snow by hand can be extremely tiring task, because it’s cold and you are outside braving the weather, instead of treating yourself with a cup of hot cocoa while reading a good book under your most warm blanket.

Above all, in order to complete this troublesome task, you have to be in great physical shape, because you have to heave hundreds of pounds of snow while staying on the rooftop trying to balance you body.

The excess snow may result in various damages such as leaks, or even roof collapse. Now if you wonder how could you prevent this all by yourself, the answer is here. You are going to need a rope and a hammer, and a bit of courage.


This man climbs up onto the roof and then throws a length of rope with a hammer tied to one end onto the ground. He drapes the rest of the rope over and around the edges of the snow-pack on the roof, and hops back onto the ground.

He then starts pulling the rope which scraps underneath the layers of snow. And you are probably assuming what is going to happen next and how this unique idea works.

Now this YouTube

By doing so, the man creates the effect of an avalanche. The moving rope, which is previously covered in grease, makes the snow loose and slippery from the bottom so it falls down easily.

Now these enormous layers of snow have to be removed from around the place, but that’s easier and less expensive than shoveling it from the rooftop.

Who would have though removing snow from the roof could be so simple.

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[VIDEO] Dad makes baby giggle. When the baby makes sheep noises, dad loses it

Your time is the best gift you can give to your kids, because they grow up so fast and every moment spent with them is a memory to cherish forever.

This loving family definitely knows that making the kids happy is a number one priority. It’s amazing how much fun they have together.

Daddy and his little baby boy are staring at each other and both of them know that some good laughter is on the way.

Luckily, mom has her camera rolling and we get to witness the touching but funny scene.


The little boy finds his daddy’s voice hysterical, and whenever he starts speaking, the cutie pie lets a uniquely contagious belly laugh. This is definitely the funniest thing they’ve ever heard.

The boy simply can’t stop laughing, which is true for his daddy too.


The sweet sound resembles that of a little sheep. At one moment, the daddy exclaims in hysterics,

“You’re not a sheep! You’re a boy!”

With a laughter all of his own, his dad and mom couldn’t resist getting him to laugh as much as possible.


This is the sound parents could listen to all day. It’s a reminder they are doing things right, making their kids feeling satisfied and loved.

The siblings have a blast as well. They couldn’t contain their laughter either. This is all so adorable that it melts our hearts.


This cutie pie definitely made our day, and the way they all bond should serve as an example to other parents out there and remind them there is nothing more important than hanging out with your children.


Make sure you watch the video below, it’s really heartwarming.

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Busker Sings ‘Hallelujah’ In The Streets For Touching Reason

Becoming a world famous singer do requires possessing amazing vocals and God given talent, but luck is always there in the picture. There are lots of people whose voice sounds out-of-this world, but they never made it in becoming starts or pursuing a career in the music industry.

However, thanks to the talent shows such as The Voice or X Factor, many struggling musicians get their chance to wow the world. You certainly remember Susan Boyle, the lady who stunned 10 million viewers of Britain’s Got Talent and became a celebrity over night. And as it’s normal for people to be noticed while performing on huge stages of popular shows, it’s definitely not that usual for a talent to be found on the street.

An older gentleman with long bushy hair, wearing gray pants, hitting the high notes of “Hallelujah,” sometimes accompanied with a guitarist with torn jeans, stunned the onlookers and everyone who got to listen to his divine voice.


This man is Herbie Russ. He spends his days helping the homeless make enough money to go through the day. At times, he can be noticed puling a trolley and sifting through garbage, but what he really does is using his voice to entertain the passersby who will hopefully put some money in his box. This time, Russ has been seen singing the amazingly ear-catching rendition of “Hallelujah” while sitting under a tree. People say he often sings while walking by the side of the road, while his amazing voice is blending with the noise of the driving vehicles.


You’ll be amazed to hear that he does all of this for his fellow friends on the street. All the money he makes are for them.

In fact, this generous man is a professional musician, singer, and a songwriter. He had borrowed his voice to many companies, and can be heard doing the commercials of General Motors, AT&T, the Ford Motor Company, and Fox Network.

However, Herbie didn’t have an easy life. He had been kicked out of his home when he was a teenager and he’s been living this kind of life ever since. He survived playing for bands, and sleeping on couches.


When he found himself at the crossroad of life, not knowing what to do with his talent, he somehow found himself in front of a shelter for homeless people. He though it was a sign from God to use his voice in order to help the less fortunate. But, when he offered to sing and play for the residents, the shelter’s staff turned him down. This didn’t discouraged Herbie. On the contrary, he started doing gigs and used the money he was making to ease the life of the people who needed a push in life.

He has many bookings for shows now, but helping others remains his life mission.

It’s amazing what this man does for the community. His kind deeds affect the existence of many people who are left alone and have no one by their side.

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Bride And Father Surprise Groom With Moving Song

A wedding ceremony should be anything but ordinary. That’s the special day in the life of a couple who commits to love and cherish each other until the end of time.

Every girl’s dream is having a perfect picture wedding, starting from the wedding gown, the cake, the venue, the flowers, and everything that adds to the flawless event.

Mary Holand Tosse is a bride-to-be from Norway who added a pinch of awesomeness to her wedding ceremony and left everyone, including her husband-to-be, speechless.


The enchanting ceremony took place in a fairy-tale like lit church with huge wooden doors everyone was waiting to open and see Mary walking down the aisle by her father’s side.

As the church organ produced melody that warmed everyone’s heart, Mary did her part in treating her guests with a traditional song she performed as she was going towards the love of her life.


She pulled a microphone and began serenading her fiancé, as she was holding her bouquet of yellow roses and her father’s hand.

Both her beaded dress and her soft voice glistened as the touching words and the melody of the all time favorite “You Raise Me Up” echoed in the air.


The overwhelmed fiance Ronny can’t believe the amazing surprise. The guests are left in awe as well. This is just another proof that he hit the jackpot marrying this lady.

The way these two are looking at each other is how we want to be looked at by the one person we love.


This really is an incredible scene to witness unfolding in front of you.

Check the amazing video to see another surprise.


Former Miss Universe Makes Headlines For Remark When Giving Up Crown

Miss Universe is the annual event millions of people are waiting in anticipation.

Gorgeous women are walking the stage, doing their best to show both their inner and outer beauty that would hopefully enchant the judges and the audience.

These women take part in various categories, secretly dreaming of being crowned the winner of the show.

Last November, dazzlingly beautiful Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters from South Africa won the title and captured the hearts of people from all around the world. She also stole the heart of one very special person. Her attractive looks accompanied with her strong faith in God made her the country’s sweetheart.


When she met Tim Tebow, the athlete who makes difference in people’s lives, everyone agreed they were a match made in Heaven.

“She is a really special girl and I am very lucky and blessed for her coming into my life,” Tebow said.


Among the numerous charities and events missionary Tebow runs, one brought him and Demi-Leigh together. “Night to Shine” is an event for young people of all abilities that Demi-Leigh’s sister with special needs attended. Demi herself is a founder of an organization that helps these people.

That things between the two are pretty serious is apparent. Their families met after the Tebows invited Demi-Leigh’s parents to their 47th wedding anniversary celebration.


The couple is known for their devotion to God and their life-mission of helping the less fortunate.

It looks as though Demi-Leigh agrees with and follows along her sweetheart’s mission of “bringing faith, hope, and love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need.”

This gorgeous Miss Universe proclaims her love for God through her Instagram posts. Also, through her involvement in charities such as God’s Love We Deliver.

People, however, only learned of her strong commitment towards the divine during this year’s ceremony of passing the crown to the new Miss Universe.


The words she spoke as she passed the crown to this year’s winner Catriona Gray touched the hearts of many.

“First, all glory goes to my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ,”

This reminded everyone that even in the time of glory, we should always praise our God, because He was the one who guided us through our path to success.

Store Staff Finds Boys Note On Box And Take Action

Many kids grow up with a favorite stuffed toy by their side. These huggables are their best friends that never leave their side. Well, who would fight against the monsters under the bed if not the plushy bear, turtle, or even panda?

Leon is a 10-year-old boy who seems to love toys a lot. However, this particular “Lovable Huggable Panda” stole his heart the moment he laid eyes on it. Staying there on the shelf of their local Asda store in Hunt’s Cross, it looked as though it was waiting for Leon to notice it and take it home.

With sparkles in his eyes, he rushed to him mom Debbie and asked her to buy the panda. He really didn’t want any other kid to get it before him and make it their pal. Unfortunately, Debbie didn’t have the money with her and had to say no. At least until the next payday. This was devastating news for lovely Leon who already named the toy ‘Pandy.’

After they left the store, the staff could see something that brought smile on their face. Leon placed the Panda in an empty cardboard box and left a heartwarming message on it.

“My mum doesnt have anuff money, so she’s byeng  me Pandy next week 15 June. So please don’t bye him it will make me cry – thank you so much from his hopeful future owner. Pandas name is Pandy.”

Facebook/David Bateman

This was enough for the employees to step in and make sure this panda ends up in the hands of the boy who loved it so much. They all gave some money from their own pocket, paid for it, and then posted it on Facebook hoping the future owner will stumble upon the post. Luckily, that’s exactly what happened.

“A few days later I was flicking through Facebook – I hadn’t realised until then what Leon had written – he’d really poured his heart and soul into his message.”

Facebook/David Bateman

Debbie and her son got back to Asda where the employees were waiting for Leon. They handed in the panda to him and he was beyond grateful and happy.

“As he was walking out he said to me ‘This is the best day of my life’.  It meant the world to him – thank you so much Asda!”


What the staff did for Leon didn’t only affect him, but the whole family. During their toughest period, while they were still mourning the loss of Leon’s baby brother, this kind act came as a reminder that no matter how hard it gets there are still things we should be grateful for.

“In January my son Oliver was born prematurely and passed away four days later so it’s been a really tough, difficult time for all of the family, especially the children who were so involved in the lead-up to the birth.”

We are so happy this very special boy got the panda he so much wanted to have. We are sure he will keep it as a loving memory of the good act even after he gets older.

Celine Dion And Jimmy Fallon Musical Impressions

Celine Dion has ensured for herself a firm place on the list of the all-time favorite vocals in the music industry. Charles Alexander of Time once described her as “the power behind songs” who can easily manipulate her voice shifting from ballads into pop music. Her performances are effortless and elegant, and she never ceases to surprise us with her talent, such as when she appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.

She showed the world once again that she isn’t only a singer, but a performer who knows how to charm those listening to her perfect singing and her sweet dancing. This time she nailed it impersonating other artists.


Once our favorite host mentions the Wheel of Musical Impressions, where artists have to push a button to see which artist and song they need to copy, Celine says how she’s seen other guests done it before and she goes for it.

Celine’s first pick is her fellow colleague and friend Cher and the song “Frere Jacques.” This fun and entertaining performance brought laughter at the audience.


The second pick was Michael Jackson’s “One Dance” that’s done mostly by Jimmy who is really good at it. He showed some killing singing skills himself.

Next is Rihana and the nursery “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.” One would think it’s hard to perform a kid’s lullaby sounding like Rihana, but when it comes to Celine nothing is impossible. She first pretends for it to be a challenging task, but then quickly starts singing the song to the tune of Rihana’s “Work.” But the real surprise here was seeing Celine dancing. She really rocked that stage.

Now this has to be the best part of all. Celine’s final pick is Sia for the song “Hush, Little Baby.” However, for the whole experience to be complete, Celine needed to look like Sia as well so she asked Jimmy for a wig, but the only thing she got was a stuffed toy.


Doing this last challenge, Celine showed everyone once again she’s a top-notch artist with a wide vocal range who easily hit the high notes of Sia’s “Chandelier“.

This doesn’t really come as a surprise because she always had certain dose of sharpness in her voice. Some of her all time favorite hits are “Because You Loved Me”, “All by Myself”, “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now“, and “The Power of Love“.

Check the video below and enjoy this fun side of Celine we don’t get to witness that often.

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Teen Steps In To Help Motorist Stuck In The Middle Of The Road

16-year-old Max Greenwood’s parents have to be honored to raise a boy with such a strong moral compass who wouldn’t let another human being be in trouble without offering help.

Even though many people believe that helping others is important, when it comes to actually doing so, not many step in. It’s probably like that because things are always easier said than done.

Max was on the road one day when he noticed the vehicles in front of him trying to maneuver around a car that was parked on the side of the road.

Facebook/Mary Ann Pudelko

No one seemed to care enough to stop and check on the driver who was out of his car and visibly distressed and shaking. But Max couldn’t simply pass by someone who was in a desperate situation, so he jumped of his truck and rushed towards the man.

Max later shared his story with KREM News saying:

“A few people were honking and a couple of people passed him because they were frustrated he was stopped. I didn’t want to just honk and be a dirt bag like that.”

Seeing the brave boy taking action made two other women stop and offer help as well.

The man wasn’t feeling well and couldn’t even open his mouth to tell Max and the women what was going on. After a couple of minutes, however, he gathered the strength and tell them how his blood sugar levels were very low. One of the women offered him a can of Coke, but it didn’t really improve his condition.

Max told KREM News how he thought that calling 911 at that point was the best idea, so he did just that.

An ambulance arrived within minutes and they offered the man medical assistance.

Max was asked what made him stop and offer help, to which he said:

“It’s a person. If I was in his situation, I would want someone to help me…. I stopped because I always try and make an effort to help people on the side of the road.”

Max’s mother couldn’t be happier for what her son did. Beaming with pride, she shared her thoughts on the incident.

“You preach to your kids that you need to do the right thing, and when he did I was really proud. 

In this day and age, when a lot of kids don’t think about anyone but themselves, he stepped up and it made a difference.” 

Without Max’s quick thinking, there’s a good chance that the motorist’s blood sugar levels would’ve endangered his health.

Facebook/Mary Ann Pudelko

This story gives us hope that we can rely on the kindness of the future generations.

Airport Comes To Standstill Emotionally Affecting All Inside

There is really nothing that can help erase the pain of losing a parent. When children lose their mom or dad while they are still young, they will always wonder why their guardian left them and is not by their side any longer. This can affect their childhood, and even their life as grown ups.

This is unfortunately the fate of many kids whose parents lost their life in combat while serving the country. These kids’ parents died as heroes whose deeds will never be forgotten.

When a plane full of children of fallen military members was announced at the Nashville airport, everyone present took the time to pay them respect by singing the national anthem as the plane boarded.

Facebook/Jen Tringle

All these children are part of an annual event called Snowball Express. They are offered a trip to Disneyland on the state’s expense.

Watching all these kids gathered together, trying to move forward with their lives made everyone very emotional. People even had tears rolling down their faces. One of the people who witnessed the event was Jen Tringle. She believed this was worth sharing with the world so she recorded the whole thing and posted it on her Facebook page.

Facebook/Jen Tringle

In her post in social media, Jen shared:

“When they announced them over the loudspeaker and they lined up to board the plane the whole airport literally stopped and sang the national anthem with military present in salute. Most every person standing around, myself included was bawling at the sight of these kids and spouses who have paid so great a price for our country. To see all of this at Christmas time was so humbling. Seeing the general public in an airport stand still to honor these kids was simply beautiful.”

Facebook/Jen Tringle

And as nothing could bring their parents back, at least we can do our best to try to comfort these loving children by offering our respect to their loved ones who lost their lives for the well-being of the country.

This is definitely an experience Jen will never forget.

In an email she sent to ABC7, she shared:

“I’ll never forget it myself, witnessing an unannounced standstill like that by the general public – out of honor.”

It was truly a heartwarming sight to see!

Truth About Wedding Dress Leaves Internet In Disbelief

What would a wedding be without “the dress” which is the most important addition to the breathtaking looks of the bride that walks down the isle right into the perfect new life? Not much, really.

The search for the right gown can be tiring because it has to be simply impeccable. The price is irrelevant, and it doesn’t matter if the family has to pay a small fortune for it as long as the bride-to-be looks stunning in it.

However, the photo of this particular wedding gown has gone viral and all for the right reasons. It’s not only eye-catching, but incredibly tasty as well. Yes, you’ve heard that right. This beautifully and precisely done gown is edible and probably the dream cake of every couple.

Emma Jane’s wedding dress inspired cake simply awakens the senses of taste. This never-before seen cake creation caught the interest of the picky people blessed with both an eye for high couture fashion and a sweet tooth.


The original design of the dress was created by fashion designer Mak Tumang. The gorgeous cake is a replica of the “Angela” gown that is both breathtaking as a dress and as a cake.

Even though “stealing” other people’s designs is a type of crime, that obviously doesn’t apply to the edible versions of the creations, especially because they don’t last very long and don’t leave evidence behind, except maybe for some crumbs on the plate.


The sparkly and flowery cake took Emma Jayne 10 days to make. Because of the size of it, which is six feet tall, it took six people to lift it over Emma’s garden gate.

She used around 132 pounds of fondant to create the dress, and 110 pounds of modeling paste to make the flowers.

Luckily, it got to the right place untouched and safe.


Emma Jayne originally created this edible art to show off at London’s Cake International, which is a trade show that gives super talented bakers the opportunity to show off their sugar-laden creations.

“We were asked to choose a wedding dress designer and make a cake based on one of the wedding dresses. I was asked to make the only life-size wedding dress and chose Mak Tumang as his designs stopped me in my tracks. They are simply incredible.”

Mak Tumang was part of the show and was more than happy to pose next to his dress design which was turned into a mouth-watering cake.

Not only he wasn’t mad at Emma for using his drawings, but he was indeed flattered because she chose exactly this model, which is one of his favorite.


The details of the dress are incredibly real. To be honest, if you see it at a wedding dress store we are absolutely convinced you are going to confuse it for a real dress.

It wowed everyone who got to see it and left people in disbelief. The main color of this mesmerizing creation is bluish-grey and the flower petals are crafted as a 3D form.

The back, however, is pretty stunning as well. The details added are crystals that add to the overall experience.

We know that we would really like to taste this masterpiece, but we also feel it would be pity to ruin it.


Girls Have Priceless Reaction When Dad Blows Out The Candles

The Busbys are one of our most beloved American families. We wait for each new episode of their show OutDaughtered to air in anticipation because we can never have enough of the busy, but fun life of this family of eight.

Adam and Danielle are the parents of six daughters, five of which are the only all-girl quintuplets in the U.S. Being around so many girls has to be a bit difficult for the only guy in the family who always makes sure to make his girls’ days enjoyable.


However, no matter how hard it is to fulfill the needs and the wishes of their daughters, the members of this family are never bored. They won’t stay still but are always looking for new adventures.

This time, it’s Buzz’s birthday, that’s how the girls call Adam, and he is arranging a party with a cake.

They all sing “Happy Birthday To You” out loud, and the little ones swing their bodies to the rhythm, all dresses in cute pink dresses for the special occasion.


The family is having a blast as they are trying to cherish a very special moment which turns into a priceless ending once daddy blows the candles out.

It’s not surprising the video has been seen more than 14 million times.


Dad, however, has no idea the reaction of some of the girls will be so “strong.” The little one from the right seems to be mad because she didn’t get to blow the candles herself.

One of the comments says, “Well, we know who the drama queen is going to be in 15 years lol.”


The girls’ response is priceless! Watch for yourself!

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Lunch Lady Sobs At Sight After She’s Escorted Outside

Being the only provider in the family, Cheryl Stewart, the lunch lady at Teton High School in Deiggs, Idaho, doesn’t have it easy. She is a hardworking woman who struggles to make ends meet because her husband who suffers from lupus and is a cancer survivor, just like Cheryl herself, is unable to work.

This incredibly brave lady does other jobs too. She cleans the U.S Forest building as well as the seminary at the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And if this isn’t tiring and time-consuming enough, she finds the time to make rolls for all the funeral services in the Teton Valley.


It’s amazing how Cheryl would always put other people’s needs on the top of her priorities list. She is one of those rare individuals to whom the happiness of others means more than her own. Despite the tough time she is experiencing, Cheryl keeps going forward.

Her relatives and friends only have words of praise for their most loyal and most loving friend. Some of them, or one of them, took the time to do something nice for her by writing a letter to Nate Eaton of East Idaho News, the Secret Santa who changes lives.

“Cheryl works from sunup to sundown, and in-between. She’d give you the shirt off her back and everybody loves her. Right now she’s using a borrowed car because the engine blew in their van. She’s actually having surgery too next week during her time off because she can’t afford to take additional time off from work.”

After reading this anonymous letter, he gave Cheryl the surprise of her life.


When Nate and his crew entered the school building and called Cheryl’s name she knew something big was going to happen. She got so excited that she nearly collapsed. The first thing Nate asked her was about the rolls she mas making for all the funerals in town and the reason why, to what this humble lunch lady said, “Just because I’m good at it.”

She was then handed in a tiny box with a check for $100 inside. Cheryl was grateful, because she needed every penny, but didn’t know that it was just a tiny part of the huge surprise they were about to reveal.


As Cheryl and the crew headed outside the school, she was given another tiny box, and that’s when she started sobbing crocodile tears filled with shock and joy. As she was about to go and check the second gift she was asking the students to join her outside.

Seeing the new brand vehicle parked in front of her was a dream come true. She couldn’t wait to test it and go for a ride. She even had the money for gas and for the registration.

This very special lady got exactly what she deserved. We are so happy for her!

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This woman had the perfect response when a waitress refused to take her order

When are people going to learn not to mess with seniors? They’ve been through thick and thing during their lifetime and are way more experienced than the youth. They know how to be witty and many times their comebacks either leave us speechless or make us burst out laughing, like in this case.

We went to breakfast at a restaurant where the ‘Senior Special’ was two eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast for $2.99.

“Sounds good,” my wife said, “but I don’t want the eggs.”

“Then I’ll have to charge you $3.49 because you’re ordering a la carte,” the waitress warned her.

“You mean I’d have to pay more for not taking the eggs?” my wife asked incredulously.

“Yes,” said the waitress.

“I’ll take the special, then,” my wife said.

“How do you want your eggs?” the waitress asked.

“Raw and in the shell,” my wife replied.

She took the two eggs home and baked a cake.

How Divorced Mom Surprised Kids at the Airport

When two people decide to tie the knot, they believe it’s forever. But sometimes being with someone through better or worse is harder than it seems, and many couples nowadays see the divorce as the only logical solution to the obstacles they are facing as married partners. Instead of trying to smooth things out, the union ends with hard words said to one another, long and tiring custody battles, and children who are confused and wonder what is happening.

However, even if this is the case, people who have children together should try their best to make their offspring feel loved. Co-parenting is not easy, because once you split with the person you were once together with, it’s common to judge their parenting abilities. Joint custody arrangements can be exhausting and fraught with stress, but sometimes, that’s the only way to assure your kids retain close relationship with both parents.

We do believe that there are tips that can lead to great co-parenting, such as setting the anger aside, and not putting the kids in the middle giving them the choice to choose between their mom and dad. But at the end of the day, being a co-parent is easier said than done and we do believe every person has different opinion on the matter.

The below story is one example of how the kids’ needs should be on the top of the list of priorities of divorced parents.

Laura Lee and her two kids, Darcie 11, and Callum 9, were about to have the time of their life taking a Mediterranean trip. But to their surprise, there was a familiar face at the airport, waiting at the same terminal. The kids were left puzzled, what was their dad doing there? Was there any chance that he was coming too? Yes, Dean Bone was going to Cyprus with his ex-wife and their kids.

Being separated didn’t mean they couldn’t put their misunderstandings on the side and take vacation together, all for the well-being of their little joys.

This story is a very special one, and has been shared by many people who believe that many other parents who share custody of their kids should do the same. It’s obvious that both Dee and Bone have made a concentrated effort to keep things copacetic.

In an interview with Newsflare, mom, Laura Dee, gave a statement many parents in her situation can relate to. “As parents seeing our children upset is hard, all we want is to make our children happy. Co-parenting is hard for many people but we are proud of what we have achieved with bringing our children up.”

Now that you know the background of this special family, it’s time to take a look at the heartwarming video and the ultimate reaction of the lovely boy and girl who realize their vacation will be like the one they used to have, with both their guardians by their side.

If this isn’t the perfect co-parenting, we don’t know what is. We do believe these mom and dad are so caring and devoted that they’ll do anything for their kids’ happiness. Please share your thoughts on this subject with us in the comments below.

Girls brutally fat-shame man waiting for food in McDonald’s: Seconds later, karma turns on them with full force

How someone looks like and what they eat shouldn’t be anybody’s business. However, many times, people believe they have the right to judge others only because they consider themselves smarter and better looking. This type of behavior is inappropriate and rude, and affects person’s privacy.

The below video shows two girls waiting in line to order their meal at the local McDonald’s. At one moment they notice an overweight guy standing in front of them, and that’s when they start laughing and ridiculing his physical appearance. They have the courage to speak directly to his face, saying how he is “fat” and how he shouldn’t be eating at McDonald’s or anywhere else.

How would you react if you witness this type of bullying while at your favorite restaurant? Would you step in and stand for the victim?

This is actually a social experiment conducted by the YouTube channel Troll Station that will let us know how many people would be willing to defend someone who is publicly shamed for being obese.

YouTube/one lonely Dude

I don’t know what your thoughts on this video will be, but I honestly believe that it took the onlookers a lot of time to interfere, while the girls won’t stop mocking the guy, constantly repeating he should leave the store without getting any food.

YouTube/one lonely Dude

Check the video and see the facial expressions and eventually the reactions of people when witnessing such a horrible scene.

At the end of the day, being obese is not always a person’s choice. We should always have in mind that each individual is going through tough times during their life that may affect the quality of their lifestyle. Or, being overweight can be a result of a hormonal dis-balance or other similar condition.

Would it kill us if we show a bit of empathy and compassion for those that don’t fit the “standards of beauty” we sometimes tend to follow? I guess not. But people can be cruel and emotionless. Luckily, there are always those who won’t put up with bullies like the two girls in the video, and that gives us hope that not everything is as bad as it looks.

Note: high use of profanity — watch with caution.

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Stranger Helps Woman And Receives Surprising Payback

Life is full of surprises and many times when we act in a certain way we don’t really realize that what goes around comes around. The good thing is that this is true for good deeds as well.

This story is just another reminder that we should always lend a helping hand to those in need of kindness and a few words of compassion, because we may never know the impact we have on someone’s life.

Chris Wright was on his way home getting back from church when he and his family stumbled upon a lady staying in the middle of the road during a heavy rain. They didn’t stop, but continued driving. However, once they got home, Chris felt he made a mistake for not stepping in and told his wife:

“I have to go back. I have to help her.”

Carmen wasn’t at all surprised by her husband’s action.

“You know when you have an urge and a desire something to do good? He was raised that way. He’s kind and generous to everyone. He’d never picked up anybody before, but he felt compelled.”

He got in the car again and was determined to track the lady down. He prayed she was still there. Luckily, he could easily spot her walking in the rain. Apparently, she run out of gas and money and had no one to ask for help. Chris was more than happy to pay for the gas and give her some cash.

The woman who introduced herself as TunDe was beyond grateful for what this generous man did for her.

Flickr/Jerry Luo

Life went on for Chris who now had worries on his own. His mother Judy was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and needed an around the clock care.

Because of this, Chris hired some nurses that would assist his parents who weren’t able to do things by themselves.

One of the nurses, however, seemed to take extra special care of Judy. Carmen said:

“She cared for her in the most respectful way. She had the utmost respect for human life.”

This nurse and Judy became really close. One day, she even shared her life story with Chris’ mom telling her how she didn’t have it easy, until an event form 2014 completely turned her life for the better. Apparently, a man helped her one day and that gave her hope to continue her fight and become a nurse.

And as you are guessing already, that nurse was TunDe and the person who changed her life was Chris.

“The encounter that had blessed them both three years ago, came full-circle. We don’t believe in coincidence. We’re a family of faith.” Carmen said.

Chris simply couldn’t believe that a couple of bucks for gas and a lift could inspire someone to do such a drastic change. He was really happy for his acquaintance. But this is not how the story ends. Chris learned how TunDe wanted to continue her education but needed money for the tuition. He and his family were willing to help this loving lady again.

Sadly, Judy passed away, and that’s when Chris decided to ask his family and friends to do a kind deed and instead of bringing flowers at the funeral, to donate that money to the YouCaring Page they set up to help raise funds for the tuition.

To TunDe’s surprise, the family raised around $20,000. She couldn’t believe she was given that much money. These people were sent from God. They not only changed her life, but made it perfect and filled it with joy.

Screenshot via YouTube

After a short period of time, random people donated additional $14,000. That was enough for TunDe to purse her dream of becoming a professional nurse. Words couldn’t describe how grateful she was for everything Chris and his family did for her.

This girl’s reaction to the surprise is beyond adorable.

Don’t forget to help a person in need whenever possible, because people like Chris and their good deeds is what make this world go round.

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