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7 Years Old Girl Taunted By Bully For A Whole Year, Until Bikers Turn Up To Sort It Out!


One consistent thing that seems to happen in all schools, at least to some extent, it’s bullying, being such a common occurrence there are many children who are made to feel awful daily! This distasteful act was happening to seven-year-old Ashley Wastakiewicz, she is in the first grade of school…

Ashley was being bullied by an older 11-year-old child in her neighborhood and it wasn’t just verbal bullying, it had started to take an even more serious turn and was becoming increasingly more aggressive towards her.

The bully was pulling and pushing Ashley off her bike constantly, and generally tormenting her continuously.

Ashley was even in the hospital one day because of the attacks that were happening to her, she was scared and understandably not feeling good about things!

The boy that was doing the bullying was charged with assault by the police, but even after that he didn’t care and they denied everything that they could!

Ashley’s mom, Christine, said:

“She has felt that nobody loves her, nobody cares about her. She feels alone …She is afraid to come outside to play. She has been cooped up most of the summer because she is afraid to come out and play with the fear of being bullied.”

It was just too much to handle everything going on for Ashley’s mother. SHe posted a desperate cry for help by creating a Facebook page called “Justice for Ashley” she was really just looking to find support and help!

Ashley’s mom Christine held out hope to hear from even a few people that knew what to do or were willing to help, but she really never thought about who would show up to help her…

There was a group of really caring people who would respond to her, a local motorcycle group had heard all about Ashley’s problem and what was going on.

The ‘bikers’ are a unison group, they gathered and decided that they really wanted to help and support her, god bless them!

James Dingmon, a motorcycle enthusiast, said:

(American Veterans Motorcycle Club of Jackson)

“We got word from other brothers at other clubs and we all met …I don’t believe in bullying. Nobody should be bullied. We wanted a show of force, that she is loved and she’s got people out here that care for her.”

Another biker who wanted to help, John Spencer, wrote:

“We made a difference tonight and helped in the widespread fight against bullying, particularly with a very serious case with a wonderful little 7 year old girl named Ashley, whom has (had) a terrible bully in her neighborhood for quite some time now and has been terrified to play outside her own home after being sent to the E.R. and continuously threatened and hurt.”

They all decided to meet up, the bikers and Ashley and her mom… They decided to meet at a local playground, the first-grader told her story…

Afterward, the whole group of motor enthusiasts escorted Ashley back to her home with dozens Harley Davidson bikes right to her doorstep!

The bikers also put on a show of solidarity by driving to the bully’s house, just to let them know that they were supporting Ashley!

Ashley said:

“I’m not scared anymore”

These bikers might seem a bit threatening, but their actions and who they are is absolutely lovely people!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Sister Asks Internet For Tonka For Her Disabled Brother, Can’t Believe The Response She Gets!


Most of us love a surprise at Christmas, the thrill of getting something and not knowing what it is, but for 25-year-old Max from Maryland that is nothing further from the truth…

Max really wants to get the same gift, 17 years in a row in fact and whilst it sounds unoriginal and unimaginative, that is exactly what he wants to happen.

During the last several years Max’s sister Cassie Greshel, 30 years old, has given him a Tonka truck, but this is by no means a plain old ordinary Tonka…

What she gives him precisely is a Fire Rescue Hummer, which was made back in 2000, unfortunately, the truck has been discontinued and you can’t get it easily, apart from thorough searching long and hard on eBay, but it’s harder each year!

This Christmas was even harder, she really struggled to find one, and having no luck with finding that truck on eBay, Cassie shared her dilemma on Reddit!

Max is special, and being mentally and physically disabled his pleasures in life are quite specific, he really loves playing with Tonka Trucks!


Source Imgur: aishavoya

Cassie used to have no problem finding the discontinued trucks online, but after many years of buying them on eBay, it looked like they were running aground there too now!

She said:

“They used to be really easy to find because we would just get orange ones, and then I made the mistake of finding a blue one on eBay, and now he only wants blue ones”

Max loves his Tonka toys plays with them for hours every day, making convoys of Tonkas!

Source Imgur: aishavoya

His sister said that she has tried some other ways, like painting trucks or making resin copies of parts of the truck, but Max knows straight away that it’s not right. She has alerts to her phone whenever a Tonka Hammer is Listed on eBay

Max is registered blind and, for him, that means he is visually impaired… the family tried to give his different models of Tonka that are easier to find, but the model he actually wants, Cassie calls it the “holy grail for a visually impaired kid”, is really hard to get now!

He spends so much time playing with all of his trucks that a few of them are just kept for spare parts now, retired from service!

Source Imgur: aishavoya

Cassie got hundreds of replies to his post on Reddit, she had asked if people could put their old Tonkas on eBay, but instead and very sweet, people said they would look for Tonkas for her!

Some people even said that they would send Cassie their own Tonka Trucks!

She wrote on Reddit:

“I’m not sure how Reddit is so much better at finding this truck then I am!”

Not only did good people she didn’t know reach out to Cassie, but they also reached out to Tonka.

Redditors shared all about Cassie’s story and her search to find a specific truck for her brother a Tonka Hummer, they are really excited to help her and her brother.

Jessica Gonzalez, owner of Tonka said:

“As soon as we received the first email, no one at this office batted an eye, and we began searching for the toy immediately”

Jessica said that the task of finding the Hummer would be hard because it was such an old toy, but also that she was positive and very hopeful that after searching the company warehouse in USA and China that they could find something for Max!

Jessica said:

“…we plan on sending her as many of those hummer trucks we can find, as well as some additional Tonka trucks …Since he has special requests like no rubber wheels, action levers, and a need for bright colors (he’s legally blind), we plan on making some custom adjustments to some other vehicles in hopes that he’ll like those as well.”

This Christmas Cassie really isn’t going to have to worry about scouring eBay to find one of these toys for her brother!

Source Imgur: aishavoya

The family has an emergency backup, a red hummer hidden in a closet for a backup, this year they really won’t have to worry about Max being let down and disappointed. Either a vehicle from a Redditor or a surprise from Tonka he will at least have one present to open at Christmas!

Cassie said:

“It’s like an all-year mission, but we haven’t failed him yet!”

We hope Cassie, for your brother that you get enough Toys for many Christmases to come and that your brother will really enjoy this special time of year!

If you enjoy this awesome story then please SHARE it with friends and family!

Little boy born without limbs learns to “walk” in joyous video


Watching their young boy of 4 years for the first time moved Katie Whiddon and her boyfriend to tears, it was all too much for them…

Four years old and just walking, seems a little late right? However, consider the circumstances that made this moment even more momentous and special for the parents, their little boy doesn’t have arms or legs!

Katie was only just 18 weeks pregnant when she received the heartbreaking news that during the ultrasound they saw something very wrong. Thier little unborn baby wasn’t properly developing his limbs, its called amelia-phocomelia.

Source: Katie Whiddon via Facebook

After she had been diagnosed his mom was scared that her son would never be able to do even simple things and as life passed him by be would really struggle…

She said:

“When I first found out he wouldn’t have arms or legs, I thought that he would just be a vegetable … I didn’t know what to expect,” she told People. “I had just turned 19 and I didn’t know, ‘Am I gonna be able to be good enough for him?’ ”

Even though she had these fears at first, her son, Camden, was really going to show them how it was going to be! He is brave strong and such an inspiration to them and anyone who sees him.

His mom went on to say:

“When he was around 2 months old, I had him laying on my bed… I saw him out the corner of my eye and he was hitting the toys with his arms. I started to cry, I was just so happy and that confirmed that he was gonna be able to do things.”

Source: Katie Whiddon via Facebook

The little boy is seen in front of Katie’s boyfriend, called Cole Green, he opens his hands and beckons the little boy to come to him, his sister cheers him all the way!

He says:

“I’m coming to you! …I’m walking!”

He expertly slides across the floor with perfect balance to his dad and his young three-year-old sister, Ryleigh, his younger brother jumps in excitement for his big brother!

The amazing experience that happened as he slid across the floor really showed everyone that as he gets older his conquer anything attitude will really take him far in life, bravo Camden!

Source: Katie Whiddon via Facebook

Cole and Camden are really excited during the whole thing, such an awesome first experience as he walks for the very first time! Cole says he is “Walking like Nick”, he is talking about a motivational speaker and author Nick Vujicic’ who was also born with a similar syndrome.

Katie said:

“We started crying, we were so proud …I didn’t know when that day would come. I didn’t think he was ready for it yet and I was just so shocked and happy. It was so exciting and Ryleigh was over there jumping, excited.”

Since the video was posted to Facebook the video has been shared and view thousands of times, Katie knows that her little boy is strong and so incredibly determined to do anything he set his mind to. He will conquer the World!

Source: Katie Whiddon via Facebook

She said finally:

“Call it mother’s intuition, but I feel like he’s gonna be one of those motivational speakers and now, giving him the exposure will give him a platform so when he’s ready to speak for himself he will have people who actually want to listen to him and care about what he has to say.”

Bravo again Camden, we think you are completely Awesome, keep up the great work and really never change yourself for anyone, be who you are and you will be amazing!

Firestation Rush To Elderly Mans Home When They Find Out Why He Came To Fire Station!


We really commend the senior people of this world who really don’t let their age define who they are. Far too commonplace are situations where the elderly are told what to do and what not to do…

The real key to living a long life is to keep active, keep yourself as busy as you can, every day. That’s exactly what this 82-year-old Jesse Langunas was all about!

He lives with his 63-year-old wife, called Joyce, everything was going really well until they found a hole in the shed roof. Like most of us, he got a quote from a builder to have the work done for him, but it just cost too much!

Jesse being the active guy he is decided to fix it himself, how hard could it be right?

Jesse went to the store and bought a safety harness, very sensible so far, he thought if he tumbled off the roof he would still be safe. There was only one little problem, he couldn’t figure out how to put it on!

He could have watched a video online to know how to do it, but no, he went to his local fire station to ask them instead, genius, it makes perfect sense!

He went up to a couple of firefighters in the station and they showed him how to put it on properly, they didn’t know what he was intending at this point though.

In the fire station, Daryl Burns, sat in his office overheard the conversation between his firefighters and Jesse.

Daryl said that:

“Sean was trying to put the harness on himself and came to find out Jesse was trying to get on the roof to work on his shed …[I thought] I don’t know if that’s the best idea.”

He went on to say:

“All of us had an opportunity with a little bit of time in our afternoon and it was like we can do something good with it”

The firefighters were not about to let him do the work himself and they were a little concerned for him, they went to his house and they did the work for him, how amazing, what amazing people!

Jesse said:

“They said, you go and start on it, and when we get off, we’ll help you come and finish it”

Jesse’s wife was even more impressed by the firefighter’s action, she was so happy they did such a kind thing for them, she cooked up a homemade meal for them all to enjoy when they had finished working on the roof!

The roof now at Jesse’s house is completely suited up, no leaks in sight, at all! Jesse is overjoyed at the whole thing that happened!

He said finally, about it all, that the best thing was really that:

“I’m glad to say now I have four friends”

Thank you so much to the amazing firefighters, and Jesse you are an inspiration to us all!

Angry Because Maid Burnt Baby, Wife Screams She’s Fired, But Husbands Words Ring True!


Amusing a baby is really hard sometimes and knowing what to do can be a little bit of luck too sometimes. They will be amazed at what you do when you don’t think it’s anything special and other times you think you have done something amazing and there is just no reaction!

This year, on the 8th December, In Singapore a maid tried to entertain a 7-month-old baby called Masha by shaking a thermal flask? She really hadn’t realized that the flask was not closed properly!

The boiling water in the flash shot out as she shook it, all over the baby’s right arm, scalding her, she cried out in pain and was very upset, as you can imagine!

Masha’s mother, Jinghan Naan, in a Facebook post, said:

“Blisters were already starting to form on her pink skin”

Thankfully the baby’s father, Aizat, was there and able to take action fast, he poured cold water over her arm and the burn as quickly as possible. The maid wanted to console Masha but was worried about touching her now.

The Maid sincerely apologized to everyone there and Masha’a parents took her to the hospital, some of the people accepted her apology, but Jinghan was still very upset with her.

She said:

“I never said a word to her but I was furious …Hateful and spiteful thoughts filled my mind. Somehow, it irked me that Aizat and his siblings were being so cheery and smiley in order to distract Masha’s attention away from the burns.”

On the journey to the hospital, Jingahn was very quiet…

Aizat said:

“It was an accident boop”

He was trying desperately to soften the tension, but his wife didn’t respond at all, in fact when they arrived at the hospital, her irritation grew even more!

But Jinghan went on to say:

“It broke my heart to hear Masha’s cries as they dressed her wound …My rage grew; my baby was suffering unnecessarily because of the helper’s carelessness.”

When they got back to the car Masha was so incredibly tired she fell asleep on her papa’s shoulder, her eyes red and puffy from crying so much!

The couple was talking and as Aizat began to speak Jinghan finished his sentence thinking that she knew what he was going to say…

“Later when we go back . . .” he started.

“Yeah. We’re going to send her (the maid) back. She’s fired…” Jinghan finished the sentence for him!

That was not what Aizat was going to say though…

He said again what he wanted to say:

“Later when we go back, ask if she is ok.”

Jinghan really could not believe her ears, she sat and listened as her husband explained more:

“The water probably spilled on her as well. We didn’t even bother to ask if she was ok.”

His wife really didn’t see it that way at all, she thought that if it were not for the maid it would have never happened in the first place.

She said:

“But this is her fault!”

He said in return:

“Yeah, but she’s human too…”

Jinghan then thought a little about what he was saying and realized that it made sense, she had not shown any compassion for the maid at all in her anger.

The maid had only been working there for one week and was still getting to know what to do and learning her role there, she had made a big mistake, but not completely unforgivable.

Jinghan said:

“I fooled myself into thinking that how I acted when times were easy was a testament to my faith and character. I couldn’t be more wrong …This has served as a huge lesson for me. I hope that by sharing this, we can all practice more magnanimity, patience and compassion in the most trying of times.”

Jinghan cleared up many details in a recent update.

According to the post she made, Masha is making a great recovery, but she still can’t swim yet though. The maid is still diligently working for the family too!

It really is great that everything has worked out ok after such a terrible mistake it could have been considerably worse, her father’s quick actions with the cold water no doubt really helped too!

Good luck Masha we hope that you recover quickly and send you love and prayers to be happy and well!

Pregnant lady found squatting inside the house by Cops, Upstairs Is Even More Disturbing!


Two police officers went to investigate an abandoned house over in Milwaukee, but they really weren’t sure what they would encounter when they got there. They found a two-year-old toddler in the house!

They really tried to make her feel super safe and secure, after all, they are both dads too! 

Officers Dan Resnick and Vin Paolo responded to the call where a pregnant woman, with her toddler, who was living in an empty and boarded up two-story house. The House was on 29th Street near West Locust Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

On entry into the house they saw a pregnant woman, she looked young, squatting inside, she said that she had lost her job and she had nowhere else to go.

The house was completely freezing cold, with no electricity and no heating at all, it was super cold!

Pablo said:

“[There was a] Broken upstairs windows, draft through the house, clothes and garbage and beds amongst the house”

On entering the bedroom, Resnik saw a 2-year-old toddler under a pile of winter sheets on the bed.

Resnik said:

“I just moved the sheets and that’s when I saw the two-year-old for the first time”

The little boy was wrapped in two or three jackets and was deep asleep in the cold room, the only food in the house was a lonesome bag of chips.

Paolo got the boy and brought him inside his warm squad car, he called a colleague to bring some McDonald’s for the very hungry looking boy.

Paolo remembered:

“Oh, he was really hungry. He scarfed it down …He warmed up to us fairly quickly, but he didn’t say very many words. He did say mama and that’s about it”

“It hurts my heart to see children like this. It’s unfortunate, but we see this quite often”

Paolo has five adopted Foster children himself and really feels compassion for children like this, in these unfortunate circumstances.

Facebook – Melanie April

Paolo said:

“Coworkers often joke with me as if I’m going to take home every child that I see, and I really wish that I could”

The boy sat on his knee and ate up his chicken nuggets and fries, Resnick took a photo of them both.

The lovely photo that the Officer snapped and the toddler has been around after being uploaded by a friend of Paolo’s, called Paulette Rutter Drankiewicz, on Facebook.

The post has received well over 4,500 reactions and over 2,400 shares!

Facebook – Paulette Rutter Drankiewicz

Facebook – Paulette Rutter Drankiewicz

Jennifer Ralston said on Facebook:

“I see this officer at work sometimes daily, he does great work!” 

Paolo’s wife, Mel Williams, said:

“He did it because he’s a loving, kind, compassionate, great person with a huge heart. He did it because he’s a dad, and wants every child to feel loved, safe, and have a full belly”

“We don’t want recognition,” Paolo told the Journal Sentinel. “It’s just what we do because we’re dads, we’re people.”

The Milwaukee police have announced that Child Protective Services have custody of the boy and his mother is working closely with social services to find a permanent accommodation.

All in all its great news for the toddler who will now live a much more enriched safer life and a great thank you to the police officers involved too!

Mom Get Kids Back From Social Services, The Lady Who Fostered Them Cooks Up A Plan!


Sometimes in life things feel like they are all against us, this woman felt like that, she had a really awful tile, she gave up her children to social services and sought professional help to try to improve the situation!

After she had reunited with her children again the local community banded together and gave her a gift, it was $625 dollars of gift cards, what an amazing start for her and a wonderful gift from concerned and kind people around her.

It didn’t stop there and there was another surprise waiting for her…

YouTube Screenshot 

From South Carolina, Jessica McCutcheon was experiencing a really difficult year, recovering from domestic violence and drug abuse problems her children stayed with carers on behalf of social services while she could get better and recover.

When she was fit and able to get her children back from the social services the community wanted Jessica to really have a fresh start in life and achieve the stability she desperately looked for.

Facebook Video Screenshot | North Greenville University Athletics

The people that cared for one of her children, 2 years old Harper, had cooked up a plan and they couldn’t wait to do it! They knew that she was working two jobs just to pay all her bills and they wanted to make her life a little easier for her.

Shannon said:

“We just felt she was part of our family and we just felt that she needed her kids to have a good Christmas and we wanted to be a part of that”

YouTube Screenshot 

They had a great idea! Kate Sepko, Shannon’s neighbor works at the North Greenville University as a cheerleading coach, they got some of the students there to help too!

The students were able to amazingly and very kindly make a donation of $625 for Jessica.

YouTube Screenshot 

Kate said:

“Some of them were giving $5, $10, $20. It just impressed me so much, you know, $5, $10 is a big deal for these kids. That’s a meal or a couple meals”

Facebook Video Screenshot | North Greenville University Athletics

It was all given to Jessica in gift cards in a lovely gift box. When she opened the box she just cried, she was so touched by what they had done for her!

But there was even more to come…

Facebook Video Screenshot | North Greenville University Athletics

In the emotional toll and tears of happiness for the gift, Jessica was given some car keys, she had been given a car!

People had realized that she had to keep borrowing other peoples cars to get the kids to school and do jobs, so they decided it was the time that she had a car of her own!!

Facebook Video Screenshot | North Greenville University Athletics

Jessica was so happy, she could hardly believe what was happening to her!

she said:

“It still brings tears to my eyes to know those young people who are trying to start their life actually care enough about me and my children”

Facebook Video Screenshot | North Greenville University Athletics

People realized that she was recovering from domestic violence and left her some lovely messages of support on Facebook!

One Facebook user wrote:

“Personally I think this story is wonderful and good for her trying to get her life straight and do the right thing for her and her kids.”

Someone else Wrote too:

“God bless these people for helping someone that is obviously trying to do better!”

See the video below for yourself:

Father Lost Daughter 30 Years Ago, Daughter Finds A Website About It That Brings Her To Tears.


Nobody gets married with the intention of breaking up, but nevertheless, people do get married then decide to break up, usually because of the emotional turmoil of toil of some sort. They fight for the children and the assets that they own, or partially own… Dr. Scott Becker 30 years ago had a particularly difficult divorce…

The Doctor, Scott had to experience his daughter torn from him and his life all because his wife decided to run away with her. He could then only wonder how his daughter was growing up without him in her life!

Scott never gave up on his daughter even many decades later, he was always thinking about her and how he might be able to reunite with her, after some time his efforts really did pay off.


For quite a few years after his marriage had failed, Scott tried his best to find his daughter, in vain. He only wanted to have a normal father and daughter relationship and some conversations with her too! Spending many thousands of dollars on private investigators but none of them could help him find his daughter, called April.

Many years down the line, 20 years to be exact, after looking for her nearly constantly, Scott decided to use the power of the internet to help him find her! He set up a website called aprilbecker.com he hoped that his daughter would somehow see it and get in touch with him!

At last, the miracle happened, he could hardly believe it! It turns out that April was also desperately looking for him too! One afternoon she just googles for “Scott Robert Becker” and sure enough landed on the web page he had set up in hopes of finding her!

April found on the website that there was a note for her, like a handwritten note, her dad had written the note for her, it was so she would contact him, and she could see that her dad was desperate to contact her.

April says the letter hot her hard…

She said:

“I must have cried for three hours straight”

She was overjoyed with the whole event of finding her father that she was forced to leave when she was only two months old! She couldn’t wait to talk to him and catch up on all the things they had missed!

Scott was a little reluctant to email her back, it was so nerve-racking to finally find her, he knew just how he would test to see if it was really her!

The test he went for was asking her:

“What’s your mother’s maiden name and are you green?”

April, being the real daughter, passed the test no problem at all!

She said the correct maiden name and for her mother, and she said:

“Of course, I’m green. My birthday is St. Patrick’s Day”

She knew exactly what he was asking of her, Scott knew that he had found his baby at last!

There are no words that Scott could find to express how he felt, all the emotions when he saw her again, like the huge hole in his life had been filled again, he was at peace with himself again.

April said:

“Thirty years have passed. He missed everything …He missed high school. He missed junior high. He missed me being active in drama and theater. He missed my kids being born.”

Scott had even missed being a grandfather, but he was determined to catch up on lost time!

Scott’s ex-wife had told his daughter little to nothing about him, what a great shame…

April said:

“My mom is an excellent woman. She did a good job. But every child deserves to know their mother and their father”

She also said that she is a huge fan of children’s rights and advocates good parenting, with everything that she went through in her childhood she wants to help protect other children from having to endure the same as she did growing up!

Boy goes missing after visiting dad. Then, 4 years later, his mom gets chilling text message


A young Teenager, a boy who was missing for around four years was recently discovered in a hidden room, behind a false wall inside a garage in a suburb of Atlanta. It was police who discovered him there, he had been there for four years and encountered awful treatment, however, he still didn’t want his captors jailed…

The police described how the boy, called Gregory Jean Jr. at the age of 13 was hidden in a secret compartment, inside was insulation and wooden beams, situated between the garage and the attic of the house in Jonesboro, Georgia.

Clayton County Police Sgt. Joanne Southerland said:

“It was an area where no person should be living or held …No one should have been in that area where we found the victim.”

Four years before the police found him, Gregory and his little brother went to visit their father, at that time his mother and father were separated.

Gregory Jr. said:

“I love my dad. After he and my mom split up I would ring him every day after school …He invited me and my brother Sammy to Atlanta. Sammy was allowed to go home but she [their step-mother Samantha Joy Davis] would not let me go home.”

Lisa Smith, Gregory’s mother, and father had both agreed on an informal custodial agreement after their separation and they said that Gregory Senior would send child support to Smith. To stop the boy from contacting his mother the father convinced his boy that his mother didn’t want to see him or want him back!

As it turns out Smith never contacted the police about her missing son as she’s an immigrant, not familiar with the system.

The boy was forced to stay in the house and do all the housework for his stepmother, every single day!

Gregory said:

“I felt like a maid. I had to clean the house and yard, and if there was even a leaf out of place my step-mom would beat me with a stick”

He tried to inform the school counselors of the abuse he suffered:

“I told my counselor at school what was happening at home and at first they believed me. They went to my house on a home visit but my step-mom hid everything so they did not believe me. She hid the cot she made me sleep in, the bucket she made me use to go to the bathroom in and the stick she hit me with. After that I was put on punishment for a long time and she took me out of school.”

He had no choice but to sleep outside while his step brothers and sisters slept in beds in the house, he wasn’t even allowed to use the bathroom …

“I had to sleep on a cot in front of the door of the garage. She only gave me a thin blanket to cover me and I got cold. The other kids slept in a bed.”

“She made me go to the bathroom in a bucket. And they would all watch me. It was embarrassing.”

“One time she stripped me naked and put a diaper on me to embarrass me. And my step-brother had his friends over and they all laughed at me.”

“She did not let me have Christmas for the last two years because I was on punishment for talking [about how he was treated] in school …I prayed and I cried and I tried to wait. I said no matter how long it takes I will get home.”

After four years the 13 year old boy finally found a way to get in touch with his mother and older brothers and sisters, he used an app called Magic Jack. The App allows users to text each other, he used it to text his family in Florida.

The boy’s mother called the police straight away and told them what had happened and were her son was being kept!

The police couldn’t find Gregory Junior because his step mother forced him to hide behind a fake wall in the attic of the garage.

The boy said:

“When the police went away the first time my step-mom got real mad. She told my step-brother ‘get him.’ He punched me in the face and pushed me down the stairs.”

The next time Gregory contacted him mother he told her exactly where to look and where he was forced to hide. The next time the police knew just where to look and found him right where he was hidden!

The boy said:

“I was so grateful to the police officers when they found me, I kept saying, ‘thank you, thank you”

He was so happy to be rescued, it was almost perfect timing around the Christmas season…

He said:

“Whatever anyone else gets for Christmas I don’t care, this is my Christmas present, to be back with my family.”

The boy’s stepmother, Samantha Joy Davis and his father, Gregory Jean Sr., were both arrested by police and charged with felony offenses of false imprisonment and cruelty to children.

The boy had no resent towards either of them and moved on with his life…

“I don’t want my step-mom or my dad to go to jail. If her [Davis’s] family think I put them in jail that’s wrong. I just want to be free to live my life and let them live theirs.”

Watch the video below and please share this story with your friends and family.

Loving Couple Eat Together For 13 Years, One Day He Only Eats With Her Photo…


When we get married we commonly say ‘until death do we part’ but for this amazing guy it goes beyond this for his wife that passed away, but he still truly loved… He continued to eat at the restaurant that they used to enjoy together. Now he takes her framed photo and has it on the table next to him as he eats, to feel close to her!

This amazing guy, Clarence Purvis, 93, found love in his life, she was called Carolyn Todd, when she was, back in the day, just 16 years old, when they first met each other, he was 24 at that time! About a year later they married each other.

This was to be the start of 63 years together, in that time their love just grew stronger and stronger and their lives grew closer, all the time filled with love and understanding

As Clarence tells the story their time together was the stuff of fairy tales, it was a one in a million example of true love that fairy tale that everyone searched for, but very few actually find!

Clarence said:

“Ain’t nobody loved one another more than me and my wife loved one another. I wanted what she wanted and she wanted what I wanted”

Dining at the same place for lunch for the last 13 years, Clarence and his wife went to the Smith’s Restaurant in Reidsville with religious dedication. Even when four years back Carolyn died he still didn’t leave her out, he took her photo to the restaurant and placed it on the table to remember her!

He said:

“She was always with me when we were livin’. She’s with me now”

Lots of concerned people tried to convince Clarence that he is simply a little bit lonely and he would be so much better off if he moved forward and tried to move on. It’s simply the case that some people just don’t believe in the concept of true love as Clarence knows that it exists for his wife and him.

He said:

“They said if I get me a girlfriend things will be better. I could ask her, could I get me a girlfriend? You know what she’d say? If you want too. That’s how we operated”

Around four times every day Clarence visits the grave of Carolyn a the Cemetery Glennville, he said it’s because he loved her so much and he misses her!

He said:

“I imagine I come 125 times a month …I love her that much. And miss her that much. And think she would with me.”

Clarence’s behavior could seem a little over the top and worrying, and that Clarance can’t move on with his life. However, the other side of the story is that they had found true love between them. Clarence just is showing really that true love never dies!

How amazing, if you think so to then SHARE with your friends and family, and watch below to see more!

Grandpa’s Christmas Nearly Destroyed, Walmart Staff Save Him Just Before Its Too Late!


One Christmas Cecil Rodgers was staying with family and very excited to be there, he received a disturbing call from someone who claimed to be his eldest grandson, it was only set to dampen his spirits….

The guy who called him said he had been in a car crash and really needed his help!

Cecil said:

“A voice comes on and says, ‘Papaw, this is your oldest grandson. I’m in trouble…He said, ‘I hit a woman’s car and she was seven months pregnant. And they charged me with drunken driving and I’m in jail.”

Cecil then said that a lawyer “appeared” to come on the phone at this stage to talk to him and tell him what he needed to do next…

He said:

“I’m going to try to get him out so he can drive home.”

He gave Cecil instructions to send them $2,300 by a direct store to store type of transfer, that would pay for his grandsons’ bail!

The “lawyer” told Cecil to go the local Walmart and then transfer the money to the Walmart in Bel Air, in Maryland.

He was really concerned for his grandson, Cecil drew out $2,300 from his bank and went to his Walmart Store as he had been told to do…

The clerk that day in the store was Audrella Taylor, she would be dealing with the transaction that day, thankfully this was a good thing!

Cecil told the clerk about what was happening to him and what he had to do, Audrella was experienced in the store and worked there for years, the alarm bells were ringing loudly in her thoughts when she heard his story!

Audrella said:

“He said something about somebody was locked up in jail, he got a call and he needed to send $2,300 …I said I am going to refuse the sender. I’m not going to let you send that money. I think you are being scammed.”

She sensed that something wasn’t right and suggested he call his family first, just to check what was going on and to see if anyone had heard about the accident.

Audrella was right, no one else had heard about the accident, his grandson was safe at college, the Walmart store manager, called Dominic Gross, was very happy with the staff member who raised the alarm and for her super fast thinking!

He said:

“We are very happy with Audrella and all our customer service associates who help in that manner”

Also, he went to say that they are now training staff to recognize if someone is being scammed like this again!

Cecil said:

“I don’t have much”

Which is why he was so pleased that woman had really helped him from being scammed.

There are millions of people, but especially seniors who are the victims of financial fraud, we need to look after our elderly, and help protect them from scammers and bad people like this!

Please SHARE the story and help others not get scammed with this rouse!

Man discovers $500 In ATM, Bank Teller Calls The Manager!


One year on the holiday season Bobby Puryear was passing through, he went to the ATM to get some cash but discovered that there was a bunch of money already left in the tray! He was shocked and knew straight away what he was going to do…

He thought that someone had left it behind so he picked it up and realized that there was $500 there. That was no small amount at all, we have heard to saying before right, finders keepers, losers weepers…..

Well, it’s not a very nice expression at all, certainly not in this case anyway, there is almost definitely something the bank can do to find out who it belongs to!

He really wanted the money to find its way back to its owner so he drove around to the bank to speak to someone that could help him! When he got to the bank he told the teller he had found the money and what had happened?

He wanted to give her the money but she wouldn’t take it, instead, she called for the manager!

When the manager came he just asked him what he expected him to do with the money?!?

Puryear was really baffled, surely he was having a weird dream right? No, he asked if they would check who used the ATM just before him so they could return the money….

The manager then agreed and Puryear shared to Facebook, the manager had Puryear’s number to contact him also.

The very next day after this he got a call from the bank, while he was working, they found the owner of the cash!

He was on a three-way call with the manager and the 92-year-old lady called Edith who had lost the money. Edith drew the $500 for her monthly rent and without it, she would have been both upset and lost, what an awful thing to lose $500 especially considering her financial situation!

Edith was so grateful that she wanted to give Puryear the $20 that she didn’t need for her rent, as a reward… That was all the money was left!

Puryear said:

“I told her absolutely not, and have a great day”

When he came off the phone he realized that she only has this for the rest of the month; just $20! That really didn’t seem right at all…

Puyear called the bank manager again and told him to transfer $200 from his account the elderly lady’s account, how lovely!!

As he was speaking to the bank a co-worker overheard what was going on, the whole story and felt touched too, they also contributed to the elderly lady, he told Puryear he wanted to give $100 too!

Puryear felt touched that another person felt like that too, but he didn’t realize that this was just the beginning….

About an hour on the bank called Puryear again, it was the manager again, who told him that he shared the story with all the tellers and they too grouped together and put in another $300 too!

Puryear said on Facebook:

“So today was a good day …Merry Christmas a little early, Edith.”

This guy’s simple thoughtful act of kindness of returning the money from the ATM to the rightful owner turned into something much bigger and even nobler.

All this was posted to Facebook and it has been shared over 180,000 times all around the world, how awesome!

Puryear went straight to Facebook to explain his actions, in today’s world where many people just seem to look out for themselves then this act is even more gracious and inspiring to us all!

This small act really touch everyone who read the story because it was so genuine and kind!

Puryear said:

“I mean, this is just something small, but just think if everybody would just do something kind for someone every day …Imagine what this would be like.”

To Puryear $200 was a lot of money and quite a big deal to him and he couldn’t do this very often at all, but as he wrote he just couldn’t stand the thought of this elderly lady cold or not being able to eat!

If you love this story as much as we did then SHARE with friends and family and inspire others!

One Last Christmas For 2 Year Old Terminally Ill Boy, Santa Comes For Him…


It was December 5th and this day was going to be a cherished memory for the family of 2 year old Miles Agnew. Santa made a special trip to the hospital this year for this little boy, he rushed there so he could sit on his knee for the very last time ever!

Sadly Miles has a condition that he was born with called microcephaly, spastic quad cerebral palsy, and cortical vision impairment, brain malformations, and a feeding intolerance.

When Miles was three months old he was adopted by his now parents, Michelle and Sean Agnew, the couple also have two other children Taveon, 11 and Hailey, 13.

Michelle said:

“With the turn in Miles’ health and trying to make more memories as quickly as we can we didn’t think we would be able to do our Santa visit”

When he landed in hospital permanently then Santa came to him and tanks to the Secret Sleigh Project, an organisation that gives Santa visits to children who are very sick, either in hospital or at their homes.

Michelle said:

“I’m sure if Miles could speak, he would have been excited to see Santa”

“Miles was very weak during his Santa visit, unfortunately [but] I think he appreciates it and he would have been pretty excited if he was awake.”

The Secret Sleigh Project Facebook page said:

“The family was grateful to have Santa there and to get pictures with all of their children, one last time”

Over recent years the Agnews have been through the loss of their two youngest children, they had genetic disorders, their names were Mannix and Maggie.

The family really doesn’t assume anything anymore, they are thankful for everything that life give to them, they treasure all their memories with family ever so much more!

Michelle said:

“Although we have had so much heartache in our lives we try our hardest to keep moving forward”

Santa was played by the lovely Jerry Bodily and he treated Miles and his other siblings to an hour long visit, they had pictures together and Miles got to sleep on his Lap.

Jerry said:

“I can’t lie, I got choked up …And there was a tear in Santa’s eye, but this was for this family’s memory”

The whole day was completely special to all involved, especially Michelle and Sean, they are so grateful to those who made those special memories possible.

Michelle said:

“We are so fortunate for all the good times we’ve shared together and are so grateful for the friends, family and medical community that have supported us …Miles is such a special little boy who is very, very loved in our family.”

All our thoughts and prayers are for the family this Christmas!

Mother at 18, Has Cancer, She Risks Her Own Life to Save Her Unborn Baby!


There is always one thing in a couple’s lives that completely changes everything in one fell swoop, it alters the schedules for life, that you might have decided. Each and every single mother can vouch for the fact that children are not all coos and grins, looking after a newborn is hard work, but worth it!

Loretta Cyrus, 41 years old and residing in Michigan really knows this well. When she was the tender age of 18 and then called Loretta Pullins, she found out that she was pregnant, she wasn’t married at the time…

At the time her boyfriend responded to the news by saying “You’re not going to keep it, are you?”, but Loretta said that she was going to have the baby and he then left her to cope all by herself!

It wasn’t long after this that she discovered that a lump on the side of her neck…

She had been tired and sick for months, the weight was really dropping off her too…

She visited the doctor in the end and that led to a biopsy and terrible news: She had a disease called Hodgkin’s disease, its a sort of cancer that affects the lymphatic system.

The Doctors advised her that if she started chemotherapy and radiation therapy straight away that she would have much better chances of living, but on the other hand it would kill her unborn baby, the choice was hers to make.

Loretta wouldn’t do it, she wanted her baby to have life and be born, it was a risk she was more than willing to take!

It was a huge risk and it nearly was fatal to her…

Doctors were not able to monitor the state of her cancer as it worked its way through her neck and chest to her abdomen and even under her arms, poor brave girl!

Towards the end of her pregnancy, the physicians started administering targeted radiation treatments to her chest so she was able to keep breathing and to keep the cancer in her chest at bay.

At about seven months her doctor induced labor, little Alana was born weighing 4 pounds and 10 ½ ounces…. After this Loretta’s treatment really started!

The chemotherapy really made her lose her hair fast and she was so incredibly thin too, but it really killed off the cancer too, she was at last cancer free!

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the only problem that she had, she also had an ovarian tumor, o bowel obstruction and a very nearly fatal car accident, all affecting her life very seriously.

She was, however, such a strong girl and she survived it all, her daughter by her side all the time, her reason to live and to fight on!

Alana, her daughter said:

“My mom’s amazing!! …Sometimes when bad things happen, people kind of fall, and she doesn’t. When something bad happens, she gets back up and keeps going.”

Dairy Cow Crying Even After Rescued, Rescuers Learn Why…


In Tennessee, this dairy cow, Maybelle had been producing milk for around eight years for her previous owners, she was healthy and cared for well by them. But like many cows over five years old she was not producing as much milk anymore.

Her previous owners were very grateful for the years she had produced good milk and they were very happy to surrender her to the sanctuary called The Gentle Barn.

Andrea Burritt, the sanctuary Manager was happy to receive Maybelle and she wouldn’t have to produce any more milk again for people.

She could now spend her time in comfy stalls and have nice deep bedding and graze in the fields in the lovely pastures on the sanctuary.

But even though Maybelle had a wonderful environment, comfy and relaxed she was still pacing and crying, she was really frantic!

Andrea was really concerned for her, and what was wrong, it was really hard to see her so distressed, she said that it made her feel awful!

She said:

“She would look you right in the eye, and just scream. You knew something was wrong, and it was just hard trying to figure out how we could help and what we could do.”

The only time Andrea had seen her stressed like this before was when she had been separated from her baby. No one knew if she had a baby, but it certainly looked like she did.

Like us, humans animals have extremely strong bonds with their young. Mothers love is clearly what seemed to be compelling her to feel like this, she was trying to tell everyone what was wrong!

The family that owned Maybelle didn’t have a phone so the Gentle Barn confounder, Jay Weiner, went over to the farm to see if she had a baby on site, he had a trailed just in case they did have her baby there!

Sure enough, there was a calf, and it was Maybelle’s baby, the little calf was male and 9 months old, called Miles, how sweet!

Miles was over the age of weaning and was completely self-sufficient now, but he was next to Maybelle’s pasture and they saw each other every day!

They talked about what to do and in the end, they decided that Miles should also stay with her mom, they loaded her onto the trailer and headed back with her…

As soon as Maybelle heard the calf, she knew it was hers, everyone was so pleased to see her happy again!

Andrea said:

“We ran to Maybelle and told her, We have your baby, we have your baby”

“And she just stood at the corner of the pasture until she saw that trailer come. Then she started chasing the trailer across the pasture up to the top.”

Maybelle was calm again and all was well with the two of them, she even started eating again, because she hadn’t been eating she had been moved to the Gentle Barn.

As another complete surprise to everyone, months later Maybelle was found to be pregnant! She was pregnant when she was brought to the sanctuary but no-one had realized that she was at the time!

Maybelle had a little girl, she was called Eclipse, now Maybelle, Miles, and Eclipse are all together on the sanctuary at the Gentle Barn, these lovely cows will have such an awesome time together!

Farmer Drives Tractor To Create Stunning Snow Art


Joy and cheer at Christmas are absolutely essential and to spread a little of this around at Christmas can be as simple as sending a Christmas Card or singing some carols. One group of clever people though thought up a really clever way to spread joy at Christmas!

They waited until the snow was deep enough then they sent out the farmer on his tractor, with 10 inches of snow it was perfect for his holiday mission. Dan the Farmer had his mission and only one chance to get it right!


Only one chance made it a little harder but if he were to pull it off he would be so pleased, just one wrong turn and it would be all over! All the other farmers had faith in him as they sent him out to do his deed!

It was not an easy task for sure, but nevertheless, he got stuck into it and kept going until he was finished.


They filmed him on his mission in the snow, you can see scenes of his tractor driving in all different directions in the deep snow. He looked like he was just driving in circles, but he wasn’t at all, he was there for a purpose!

Every last little turn was planned out beforehand. As you looked at him driving from ground level it just looks like he is crazy though, but we know he is not…


His route across the snow covered acres of land, it was a mammoth mission and thankfully there was a drone covering the ground to capture what was going on.

They all really hoped that their holiday mission would actually turn out perfect. It all took quite a lot of effort but the end result would be really worth it.


Thankfully the results were flawless and their idea to spread Christmas cheer worked exactly just how they had planned that it would do, maybe even a little better.

There have been many farmers that carve patterns into their fields of maize, but this farmer used mother nature gift of Christmas snow for their idea!


Get prepared to see an incredible performance and the result that they achieved, you won’t want to miss it.

If you love it like we love it, then please SHARE!

Born Just After 24 Week Abortion Limit, 9 Months On, Doctors Can’t Believe What They See!


We all have a paternal instinct in us, to prosper and carry on our genetic lines. Victoria Bradley was more eager than most to have a little beautiful baby and bless the word with another little beauty of life. Imagine how excited she was to realize that she was pregnant!

Around 24 weeks into her pregnancy she realized that it was not going to be a conventional sort of pregnancy for her. She learned in her hospital visit that it could be devastating if her daughter was born too soon.


It was a very touching and special time, quite emotionally taxing though too. She was so nervous not knowing what might happen to her precious little baby when Victoria gave birth to the tiny little girl the doctors said that she wasn’t likely to live very long.


Francesca is what her mom decided to call her sweet little girl, she had no idea at that stage that the two-pound little baby was going to be a miracle!

The little baby arrived so early that just two days before her birth she could have been legally aborted and while her early birth was a shock to both mom and the doctors, mom grasped hope for her little girl to live.


Just looking at Francesca’s tiny little feet and her tiny little hands made everyone melt, her mom said that looking at her little body it hadn’t sunk in that she was her daughter!

Mom hung on and was string through her multiple surgeries and medical procedures, she held her skin-to-skin to help bond to each other and hoped it all worked out.


During the first month, there were many challenges and it makes it very hard to believe that she could one day really be a normal thriving baby girl. However, after many months of sickness and recovery, just see how she looks now!


Francesca has completely denied the odds and look at her now, an inspiration, one day she will grow to be an even bigger inspiration too!

Wath the video below, and if you love it as much as us, please SHARE the video and raise awareness about this miracle!

Mom Gives Birth To Incredibly Special Set Of Triplets


The sudden realization that your having triplets would shock most parents, so that moment that doctors told the 23 years old Becki-Jo Allen that she actually has three babies in her tummy, she was completely stunned!

One Becky-Jo had gone through the birth she then got another surprise, one that nobody had any clue about and that was a complete surprise too! As it happened the three babies, baby boys to be precise were really rare…

They were identical triplets!! That’s about one in two hundred million!!!

Becki-Jo Allen and Becki-Jo Allen had some lovely news to share with their daughter Indiana, she was going to be a big sister three times over!

The couple lives just outside Liverpool in England and they had been thinking about having more children, but they weren’t quite sure how many, it looks like some higher force has at least in part helped them make a decision.

The ultrasound really make it clear as day!

Early on in Becki-Jo’s pregnancy she was very sick indeed and had very bad headaches too, that’s when the doctors scheduled her ultrasound just that little bit earlier than usual and it’s because of that they got their shocker triplets news!

Becki-Jo said to the news:

“It was the biggest shock of my life! We haven’t got any triplets in the family so it came completely out of the blue”

The three boys were delivered by Cesarean section in her 31st week of pregnancy, they weighed about 3pounds 5 ounces, their names are Rohan, Roman and Rocco and beautiful they are! There first six weeks was in intensive care until they were a little stronger on their own!

Having triplets usually involves many complications, it’s quite unusual for all three to survive even.

We too, like the parents are very grateful that they did so well, they all gained weight really well too, after just six weeks they were ready and able to go home with mom and dad.

Doctors said that the boys weren’t identical triplets. But everyone who visited the family noticed how incredibly similar the boys were. And so, Becki-Jo decided to look into it further.

They did a private DNA test and samples were sent to a Lab, her question was answered in the result, the three were completely identical genetically!

As in vitro fertilization is becoming more common so are triplets, but normally, and naturally occurring they are extremely rare.

The chances of an egg splitting into two and then for one of these that have split to then spit again and all during the first ten days of pregnancy. In America, in 2015 there were only four sets of identical triplets actually born!!

Roman, Rocco, and Rohan really look so amazing, and unsurprisingly similar, however, Becki-Jo has no trouble at all distinguishing between her three sons.

Becki-Jo said:

“It’s only when they’re asleep that they look the same to me. But they all have completely different personalities. And they’ve all got dark birthmarks between their eyebrows, but Roman’s is slightly darker than the others, and Rohan has got a birthmark on his leg as well”

The tree babies go through about 130 diapers every single week, add onto that about 5 packs of wipes, these little ones really keep their parents super busy.

6-year-old Indiana really is happy with her lovely special brothers. What a proud big sister she is!

Becki-Jo said:

“Indiana loves them. She’s not one bit jealous. I do feel a bit sorry for her when I think what it’s going to be like growing up with three little brothers though”

These guys will most certainly get huge amounts of attention for a quite a while. And I think they really do deserve it, how adorable!

Please do SHARE if you Like this story like we do, and of course to wish them good luck too!

Prace and Love

Boy Gets On Bus Crying, Bus Driver Stops Him And Has To Take Action!


We all know that Washington is well known for its cold weather, it is after all quite far north, so in Kennewick its exceptionally cold too. Getting deep into the winter months it is really important that parents help their children stay warm. Not all families have the money though to spend on a hat and gloves each year, especially as kids grow out of their things so quickly!

A bus driver from Kennewick, John Lunceford, saw this as a problem up close and he wanted to do something about it and help the kids who can’t afford clothes they need to keep warm this winter!

He first saw this happening one time he stopped at the ‘bus stop’ to pick up some kids. There was one boy in particular who got on the bus crying. His ears and his hands were red, from being exposed to the cold so he let the boy use his own gloves.

He said to the little boy that it would all be OK, but really he was quite concerned, he didn’t like the thought of any kids going without warm winter clothes, what a nice guy!

Source: Kennewick School District Facebook

After he finished his work for the day he thought up an idea, he was determined to help! To make sure the kids could actually keep warm when outside it was so incredibly cold he went to the dollar store. He bought several pairs of hats and gloves in black and pink.

He revisited the school where the boy was who he helped earlier, he didn’t know the boy’s name, but he found him anyway! He gave the boy a pair of gloves and a hat, so he wouldn’t be cold again. Lunceford is a grandpa and it really touches him deeply to see such suffering!

He had plenty of hats and gloves left over, and he now wanted to give them all to children who needed them. He planned a trip to the school Library to talk to the children, he said he would give them hats and gloves that they needed them.

Source: Kennewick School District Facebook

There was one girl who was very excited about a hat and gloves!

All the kids at Kennewick School district now know that if they need warm clothing for the winter, there is one lovely guy looking out for them! He told them all he would take care of them if they needed help!!

For many families its hard to even put food on the table each day, let alone afford gloves and hats, boots etc. ….all the things needed for the winter months! If the kids were left to get cold they would be sick for sure, making them even more behind and disadvantaged at school!

It’s really so essential that they have these things to stay happy and healthy and educated and that is why this lovely bus drivers contribution really was so special, many children really do feel special and cared for by what this wonderful guy has done.

Not surprisingly the bus drivers story has gone viral and people on the internet are talking about how inspiring this guy really is, and we completely agree!!

Facebook user Shelley Maglio said:

“Amazing role model to all.”

Please SHARE this with your family and friends at this wonderful time of year, what an inspiration!

After Birth Of Their Healthy Baby, 6 Weeks After Feels Something Wrong, Doctor Does An Ultrasound


Ben and Eliza Curby found out they were going to have a baby around three months into their dating, of course, they were in a panic but equally excited too! They always wanted to start a family and this great news meant it was all coming to fruition!

Their adorable little girl was born, Charlie, as healthy as a horse, but as the weeks passed by, Eliza couldn’t stop feeling that something wasn’t quite right.

Eliza shared her lovely love story, she said:

“We fell pregnant with our first, Charlie, three months after we started dating!”

“Ben had always been super keen to become a father so we were over the moon at the thought of creating our own little family.”

“Needless to say the decision was taken out of his hands – I win!”

She really enjoyed being a mother, it was her dream come true, Ben too was so happy about their lovely daughter. However, despite their happiness, Eliza still sensed something a little off.


The girl and young mother thought that she may be pregnant again, she was tired all the time! But only six weeks after the birth of her last child she just thought that her tiredness was due to her crazy busy year. Starting a new relationship, having a baby, it all took its toll!

She said:

“I was exhausted trying to figure out the ins and outs of being a mum, but about a month after having Charlie though I felt really, super exhausted…Everyone told me it was sleep deprivation catching up with me but I was not convinced – I remember looking at Ben and saying, ‘I think I’m pregnant.’ “

Ben…. “He just laughed.”

They already had a super busy house with a newborn baby so another seemed just practically impossible!


Eliza was really convinced that she really was pregnant again, around four home tests later she got the result that confirmed her thoughts, she was, in fact, pregnant again!

The next thing to do was to get to the doctors to really make sure that the test wasn’t wrong, but as sure as eggs are eggs she was pregnant. Even more than that, yes there is more, there was another surprise…

She told the news:

“The technician seemed awkward and uncomfortable, before he finally said, ‘Look, it’s early days…. but… I think there’s two.’ “

That’s right folks, there really was two!!

“I was so scared but secretly super excited – I think everyone has a secret desire for identical twins.”

Twins usually run in families, but for there to be identical twins, it’s not heard of at all. It took a good while for all this to register….


Thankfully for Ben and Eliza, their twin boys went all the way to term, to 36 weeks without any problems at all.

The two boys were born and named, Jack Antony Richard and Wolfe George Harry, they were lovely and in perfect health, everyone was thrilled with the new additions to the family circle.


Even with other young children in the house, the couple wouldn’t have it any other way, what a wonderful couple!

One great way they look at how things turned out is, it’s just like they had triplets, constant diaper changes, pacifier hunts and breastfeeding bonanzas and that’s Eliza’s day every day, rinse and repeat!

Now Eliza even has her own blog called “twingenuity” she shares what life is like under their crazy, loved-filled house!


There is nothing at all that could have possibly prepared them for the challenges that were ahead of them, with those three amazing children, however, we couldn’t be any happier for them all!

Little Girl On Santa’s Lap Says 4 Words That Makes Everyone Cry!


The armed forces fight to protect us and look after us in times of conflict too, but having a Loved on in the forces is a mixed blessing. On one side you’re incredibly proud of what they do, but also you are also immensely worried about them and their life they are laying on the line for those ideas they are protecting!

We pray for them every day and hope they are returned to us safely, one little girl really didn’t quite understand what was happening when dad was shipped off to Afghanistan.

She knew that daddy had gone and she just wanted him to come home to her. Santa Claus had asked her what she wanted for Christmas, her first thought, of course, she wanted daddy to come home.

As soon as she perched herself on Santa’s knee she immediately said; ‘I’ve been a good girl’ and that’s why I’m asking for a special present this year…

It had been months since her father was around and she wanted Santa to bring him home to her from Afghanistan. Of course, Santa is the only one that can do something so huge!

Santa with his jolly smile and happy aura telly Kensley to turn around and that there is somebody special that is waiting for her…

Right now Kensley has no idea what is happening or who is waiting for her, but this is a surprise that will blow little Kensley away!

Dad will remember this special moment forever, the look on Kensley’s Face was priceless and for Kensley she will look back on this moment with fondness and appreciation. What a momentous reunion between father and daughter and how altogether sweet!

Have a look for yourself at the touching reunion of father and daughter below.

Dying Son and His Mom Return After A Visit To Santa To See Note Scrawled On Car


Going to visit Santa is a special thing for any child, but for 7-year-old Garrett Coyne’s it’s both special and exciting, he really loves seeing Santa every year. So much so that the family makes it a special event every year at the local mall.

This year though, a parking lot Grinch has dampened the spirits of the family!

Garrett went to the mall this year with his mom, Nancy, to spend some time to see Santa, she only wanted to bring a little joy into his life! They parked in a handicapped parking space and went to see Santa.

When they got back got back to the car, they were completely shocked! Somebody had scrawled something on the car…

Someone had written on the car in lipstick, the words:

“UR not handicap”

Nancy really felt awful about it, not surprisingly, she was hurt and saddened by what had happened the parking lot Grinch really didn’t know what her family has to cope with every day.

Garrett was diagnosed with Batten’s disease around the age of three years old, it’s a neurological disease and it is degenerative, he will slowly lose his motor skills over time.

Sadly his speech is declining quite fast, he also has no vision and he is stuck in a wheelchair. There is no known cure or for that matter treatment either. More often than not the condition ends in childhood death.

Their car was parked in a disabled space with a legal permit, at the mall, which is even odder and surprising why somebody had done what they had!

Nancy said:

“I can’t believe someone could be so obnoxious and ignorant and rude about a situation that I struggle with daily”

The place where it happened, at the mall, they have also spoken out, they too are offended by what had happened there!

During the investigation by the police, the mall is giving their full cooperation to help find the person responsible for doing this.

At first, the family was very angry, but now having had the time to reflect, they just hope that the person realizes that what they did was wrong.

The Coynes have since started a non-profit in his name since discovering Garrett’s illness, called Garrett the Grand – Batten Fighter.

They have raised a whopping $100,000 to help other children who also have Batten disease and to provide ongoing support to Garrett and children like him.

Every single day the Coynes are dead set to show Garrett that nobody can crush his spirit, to give him the best life and experience he can have, for what little life he has left.

His dad Joe said:

“You just have to do the best you can and always move forward …You have to look at it all and say, Let’s just live.”

Can you Believe They Fired This 88 Year old Walmart Greeter for This?


The strangest thing made the headlines the other day, an 88-year-old greeter in Walmart was fired because he let a “Wild Turkey” come into the building. This happened to be the Walmart in Waukesha, Wisconsin where had been working for around eight years.

After eight years of loyal service, suddenly he was fired, just like that, well it certainly made headlines and we can most certainly see why!

The reason given for his termination was because Bob failed to react fast enough when the stray bird came into the store. After the Humane Animal Welfare Society was called they came to catch the turkey and take him to safety!

The Management said that Bob’s responsibility was to guide the bird back out of Walmart before it upset any customers. As it happens no one actually made a report of having a negative experience at all.

Janet, Bob’s wife thinks that the decision made by the Walmart Managers was very ‘unfair’ and that is was not his responsibility to handle wild animals, well we think so too! Janet goes on to say that Bob really was one of the most popular greeters working there!

Bob says that most of all he will miss the people, what an awful thing happened here…
The local news sought a statement from Walmart and they get this response:

“We appreciate the public concern and take this situation seriously. While we will not comment on HR matters, we can confirm Mr. Tallinger is no longer with the company.”

Bob’s coworkers seem to agree too that they thought it was not a good decision, by their actions, they called local news very disgruntled and upset about the whole situation and what was done to Bob!

What do you think about Walmart’s decision? Share and shame, we think poor Bob was treated very unfairly!

Dying Boy’s Final Words Leave Mother Heartbroken


Back in 2015, Nolan had a blocked nose, it seemed fairly inconspicuous.

His mom and dad thought that it was just a cold, but no longer after he also had trouble breathing, his medicine wasn’t even helping him.

Nolan Strong

Just two months on than this, his doctor found out, while investigating the case, that it was a tumor causing the blockage in his air passages.

Nolan Strong

It turns out he had a condition called rhabdomyosarcoma, which is a rare form of cancer. Its resistant to all forms of treatment that we currently know….

Nolan Strong

Ruth felt a compulsion to share with everyone the hard reality of this disease. She shared a photo of Nolan sleeping on the bathroom floor because he was terrified to leave his mom, even when she was in the shower.

Nolan Strong

After many rounds of treatment unsurprisingly Nolan was becoming very weak, the cancer had very sadly, spread all over his body.

When cancer has migrated around the body so much, it decreases the chances of survival from 40% to around 20%.

Nolan’s mom made the hard decision to document all his final months with them to spread awareness about the condition to others.

Nolan Strong

On the final time, she took Nolan to the hospital, the poor little boy hadn’t eaten for days, he couldn’t hold any food down at all, he was constantly sick!

Nolan Strong


Nolan’s mom posts to Facebook about their final days in the hospital.

“I sat down with him and put my head up against him and had the following conversation:”

Me: Poot, it hurts to breathe, doesn’t it?

Nolan: Weeeelll…. yeah.

Me: You’re in a lot of pain aren’t you baby?

Nolan: (looking down) Yeah.

Me: Poot, this Cancer stuff sucks. You don’t have to fight anymore.

Nolan: (Pure Happiness) I DONT??!! But I will for you Mommy!!

Nolan Strong

Me: No Poot!! Is that what you have been doing?? Fighting for Mommy??

Nolan: Well DUH!!

Me: Nolan Ray, what is Mommy’s job?

Nolan: To keep me SAFE! (With a big grin)

Me: Honey … I can’t do that anymore here. The only way I can keep you safe is in Heaven. (My heart shattering)

Nolan: Sooooo I’ll just go to Heaven and play until you get there! You’ll come, right?

Me: Absolutely!! You can’t get rid of Mommy that easy!!

Nolan: Thank you, Mommy!!! I’ll go play with Hunter and Brylee and Henry!!”

Nolan Strong

As the next few days went past Nolan mostly slept.

His mom and dad thought that they might go home to spend one last night together, but when they were finished packing everything, Nolan said to his mom, that it was OK, they could all stay at the hospital.

Ruth wrote on Facebook:

“My 4-year-old Hero was trying to make sure things were easy for me….”

Nolan Strong

The mom goes on to say:

“About 9:00 pm we were watching YouTube in bed (Peppa Pig actually) and I asked Nolan if I could get in the shower, as I was not allowed to leave him and Mommy had to be touching him at all times.”

“He said ‘Ummmm ok Mommy. Have Uncle Chris come sit with me and I’ll turn this way so I can see you. “

“I stood at the bathroom door, turned to him and said ‘Keep looking right here Poot, I’ll be out in two seconds”

Nolan Strong

“I ran and jumped into bed with him and put my hand on the right side of his face. Then a miracle that I will never forget happened….”

“My angel took a breath, opened his eyes, smiled at me and said ’I love you, mommy’.”

“He turned his head towards me and at 11:54 pm Sgt. Rollin Nolan Scully passed away as I was singing ‘You are My Sunshine’ in his ear.”

The little boy had woken up one last time, just to tell his mom he loved her one last time.

What a little hero!

Nolan Strong

If you too were touched by this story, then please SHARE it and help his mom spread the message!

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