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Trick-Or-Treater Sees Empty Candy Bowl, He Does Something Very Unexpected and It Goes Viral!


Thinking about Halloween for a moment I bet you’re immediately thinking about trick or treaters and the many groups of marauding children all with bags full of candy treasure. All that sugar and all those hyper children with sugar rushes….

These kinds of circumstances give most people the picture of spooky and freaky costumes and large groups of happy sugared up children and with the fun of Halloween it’s not hard to think that its the ideal environment for children to get up to a bit of unsupervised naughtiness!

But for this boy, Halloween brings out the very best in his nature, from Idaho Falls in Idaho, He really does something so special and it goes viral, for a change, for the best reason possible…

Facebook/KBOI 2

It was also really the most amazing thing that the owner had a security camera and it was recording the Haloween happenings, it perfectly captured this boy and his selfless and kind act, outside the home of Jesse Robertson.

At Jesse’s home, outside he had placed a large bowl outside, with candy and a sign that reads “Do a trick, take a treat! Only one or two, please. You’re on camera!”. When the boy came to the bowl it was empty, he came, did a silly trick then he walked away, but….

Then he seemed to have a thought, then he turned back around, came back to the bowl and dipped into his own candy bag and put some handfuls of candy into the bowl!

Facebook/KBOI 2

How many children would you honestly see do this? I really do think about how amazing it was to see something like this happening. I mean, really, such a completely selfless act of kindness, it warms my heart to see such a kind thoughtful thing!

Facebook/KBOI 2

Just the thought of another child coming to the bowl and walking away without any candy, without anything at all. Replenishing Jesse’s candy bucket from his own supply!

When another trick or treater come to the bowl he will go away feeling great about getting some lovely treats because of this young boy.

Facebook/KBOI 2


See for yourself this amazing act of kindness, and what he does when he sees the empty bowl:

Couple Dining Out Returns Home To Find Strangers In House


Day to day we leave our houses for a large part of every day, to work, to run errands, or even to go round town to have a dinner date out with your significant other! When you do return hole you certainly don’t expect to find that anything has happened inside your house while you’re out!

Sometimes strange things can happen in this world, but, Mike Cox and his wife, after enjoying a perfectly great dinner out were not at all expecting something like this when they returned home, after all when they left the house was empty!

When they got home Mike couldn’t quite believe his eyes, what the heck was going on? Both him and his wife, in their beautiful Colorado home, was stung with tens of thousands of dollars of damage, not a single morsel was left untouched…

Every single glass pane was smashed, the furniture had been completely smashed up and the walls vandalized beyond belief, this was most certainly not a naturally occurring act, this was vengeful in its nature!

Littered all over the floor was empty beer bottles, Mike knew all he needed to know by this, an alcohol-fueled storm had torn through his home, but apart from that simple knowledge, there was nothing else that made any sense, but he was going to find out.

When the parents are away, their children like not so little and not so shy lice come out to play, but in this case, they broke into Mike’s home and threw a party if that’s what you can call it anyway!!

More than 300 teenagers had done the damage to his house, he was left completely stunned, they posted the footage on Facebook it was so unbelievable… It’s really shocking that the teen targeted this home and then did this to these people, what were they thinking, or should I say they were obviously were not thinking at all..

Watch the video below to see more about what happened:

Apparently Invisible Woman Wants To Be Seen At Daughter’s Wedding, Now She’s Unrecognizable!


As time passes by and you begin to get older it gets increasingly difficult to be comfortable with yourself, at least for some of us! However in the case that one of your children getting married then it’s even worse, it’s then much harder to feel comfortable in yourself!

Bev was experiencing these exact feelings before her daughter’s wedding, so when she searched out the ‘Makover Guy’, called Christopher Hopkins she was really determined to get his help.

Christopher sat with Bev and they had a chat, she told him how she really felt almost she didn’t exist, invisible in fact for many years, she told him about the wedding too. With some color and a little snipping here and there Christopher was confident that she would feel amazing, and different again.


Well, he was really able to transform her from an average middle-aged lady into a vivacious sexy lady! Bev looked and felt a whole new lady, she not only felt great but also she had the newfound self-esteem to go with her new look.

Just looking at Bev’s reactions in the video is completely wonderful, she is so happy and vibrant! She is having a laugh with Christopher and chatting away like that are reunited, friends. She really can’t contain herself with everything that has happened.


In the wings, her family watches, excited with her to watch the transformation that Christopher lake a reality. You can see then in the video eagerly watching on over the whole process.

It really shows that a physical appearance change also completely changes your attitude too, confidence and your whole outlook on life.

The moment Christopher allows Bev to see her new look, she completely loses it! This was what she wanted all along and she couldn’t be more grateful for the magic he worked.


Now she has the chance to live it up at her daughter’s wedding and feel proud of who she is – and not feel invisible anymore! Her abundant beauty within is now visible for everyone to see on the outside.

Have a look at the video and see for yourself the complete transformation that happens to Bev, she finally gets to be the person that she feels is trapped inside.


She has embraced her amazing new style, she will rock and roll at the wedding and reception for sure!

Jessie Has Dementia, But Finds Solace In A Baby Doll She Thinks Is Her Granddaughter


Sadly diagnosed with dementia around five years ago, Jessie Bell, a grandmother, was moved into a nursing home this year as her condition worsened, for her own safety and wellbeing.

At a ripe old age of 94 she had done ok in life, but is now having a hard time in enjoying what’s left in life for her, Jessie’s daughter, Sandra, now 57 years old, described her mother as hardly ever smiling anymore.

Sandra Said:

“She started doing the oddest things like going into the garden in the middle of the night to move around garden furniture or she’d try to cook her chips in washing-up liquid”

“It got to the point where my sister was going down there seven days a week and mom had carers too.

“She’d be getting up in the middle of the night and playing up so in the end we had no choice but to put her in a home.”

As her mother’s condition progressed it was inevitable that Jessie’s condition would become worse to the point that she couldn’t remember anymore that Sandra and Carol were her daughters.

One year Carol, Sandra’s sister bought a doll for Jessie for their mother from a charity store, they desperately wanted their mother to feel happy again. Jessie, when she saw the doll thought it was a real baby, the doll made real baby noises too, it was quite convincing if your sight wasn’t too great!

For the first time in a long time she started smiling again, she found some happiness!

Jessie called the doll ‘Gizzy’, which also was her dog’s name!

Sandra said:

“My mom will look into the doll’s face and say to me ‘isn’t she lovely? Look at her smile’ …then mom will smile too, she rarely smiles at anyone else”

Sandra after some refmection then said:

“She’s gone really downhill in the last few months and she can’t walk at all, but the baby is always with her”

“Every time we go in and see her the baby is always by her side,” she said. “When I visited last night, she was cuddling it in her arms.”

“She’ll feed it and if she’s eating something then the baby will have to eat too. She doesn’t change the baby’s nappy or clothes herself though because she kept pulling its arm out of the socket.”

Many of the residents at the nursing home took to the doll too, some of them, also with dementia will ask Sandra how the baby is doing when she comes to visit her mother.

Sandra said:

“There’s a few other residents in the home that like to take her doll when she’s not looking”

“They get a lot of comfort from holding the baby.”

Some of the residents who are ‘sound of mind’, as Sandra said, ask Jessie regularly how the baby is doing, these are some of the few interactions Jessie is able to understand.

Would you believe it, but there is definitely something there, “doll therapy” is a controversial but growing thing; It’s been found to calm people with dementia and be a bright spot in their lives, but some people are not comfortable with it.

Sandra and Carol get some comfort in knowing their mom’s mind will be occupied while she is playing with the baby and she will feel a sense of happiness.

“I think the dementia has been harder for us than it has been for mom, but now when we leave her the doll gives her comfort”

While this story might be heartbreaking it is also a little ray of light for sons, mothers, and daughters in these positions, and it gives happiness and comfort to someone who otherwise would live every day in confusion and despair.

The baby may not feel, look, or be real to us, but it is to Jessie! It brings peace to chaos, harmony to despair and confusion, and in the end, the result for Jessie is the most important thing of all!

Local Farmers Leave Their Own Crops To Harvest Dead Farmers Crop First!


So often in life its every man or woman for himself or herself and especially in this hard and difficult world, there are many people who don’t or won’t make the time to help others. It feels like we could be destined for a future where less and less people care, well this story will restore your faith just a little…

I wonder if that is the reason why the 2013 Super Bowl commercial for Ram Trucks is still strongly felt by many, many across American soil. The advert featured clips from decades old speeches that were recorded by renowned radio broadcaster Paul Harvey.

The original speech that Harvey gave was in 1978, it was at the Future Farmers Of America Convention and very aptly entitled “So God Made a Farmer.”

It all happened to start like just like this:

“And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a caretaker.’ So God made a farmer.”

Many were, perhaps not familiar at all with this speech, but it was somewhat possible that Van Brownlee’s neighbors, that reside in the rural parts of Saint Charles over in Iowa, could be a little vague but familiar with this speech…

Even though that was the case, it really didn’t stop them from living out the words, from Harvey, in real life. Coming from all the local townships, Truro, Saint Charles and Peru… just to take care of everything!

Sadly, back in May and not long after the farmer had planted all his crop, Brownlee, aged 58 years, died.
Lisa Brownlee, woke up one morning to a big surprise, there was a huge convoy of trucks, grain carts and combines spread across the family’s land.

It happens that the community had resolved themselves to harvest her husband’s final crop before they had even dealt with their own crops in their own fields!

The harvest was a huge 165 acres of soybeans and 235 acres of corn too, the news said that Brownlee had practiced something called “no-till farming” to minimize soil erosion, he was, of course, concerned about the crazy amount of chemicals used today.

Very active in the cattlemen and pork producers groups of Madison County, he had not only been on the Interstate 35 School Board, but he had sat on local cooperative farming boards.

Everyone has passed the word around, and very fast, many of the neighbors had taken note of the harvest plan, good old word of mouth! Not a single person could believe the extent of the turnout.

Steve Downs who organized all of the harvest, had known Brownlee since his junior high school, and he said that if Brownlee himself would do exactly the same for others, without a second thought.

Steve also said that it wasn’t that long ago that Brownlee helped bring in a neighbors hay crop for a farmer that had been sadly killed in a farming accident.

Other friends revered Brownlee as a guy committed to the land and real farming. He loved every single second that he got to be there, raising livestock and planting crops.

Steve said his friend is someone who:

“…always had a chew in and a hat on.”

This really does restore your faith in not just humankind but just goes to show how the hardworking farming community really do support each other, and have a true love of the work!

Teacher Dresses as Michael Jordan And Regrets It, His Career Could Be In Bits


In life, there are many strange things that happen every day, to all sort of people, but for a teacher, in Seattle, he had a shock when he was put on paid leave, from the high school he worked at, for dressing up as Michael Jordan on Halloween.

The teacher concerned, Peter Colino, was wearing a costume which had a rubber mask and a jersey with number 23 embossed on it, with black gloves, just like a full body head to toe, Michael Jordan copy outfit!

Peter had worn the costume before, in fact, for the last 18 years, every single Halloween. He used it to encourage his students in the class, he thought it was a great thing…

In his usual routine, and in his yearly excitement, he had told the class that Jordan was coming to visit the school to visit, on the very next day, in costume, he walked in, he also played a video of Jordan’s wonderful career.

Peter said:

“He is, to me, the greatest, I’m going to say, athlete of all time and my whole deal is to honor Michael Jordan”

One of the parents made a formal complaint after a video was passed around the students at the school, the video featured Peter Colino. One mother who wanted to remain anonymous received the picture, screen-shotted image from the video, from her son at school.

The woman said:

“He’s never texted me while he was at school, he sent me the picture and I was just floored,”

“I couldn’t even believe the lapse of judgment.”

The result was that the principal emailed the teacher to tell him to remove the mask for the remainder of the day.

Many of the students couldn’t see a problem with the costume their teacher was wearing, it seemed innocent and harmless to them.

Dillon Mahone, KIRO, said:

“I laughed. It was funny. I didn’t mind it, seemed cool to me”

Peter felt very bad, his unfortunate incident sparked something he didn’t intend it to spark, so the very next day, after much thought he apologized to all the classes, then he discussed with them issues of race.

This is what he said also:

“The difficult part for me is I’ve always done well with trying to bring people together. I teach kids of all backgrounds and I’ve been respected and liked as a teacher”

A letter was sent out to all parents, the principal had said quite descriptively, that how he acted is:

“…in opposition to Ingraham’s values of racial diversity and inclusivity and have impacted our students negatively.”

Peter also arranged to meet with the Black Students’ Union where he apologized profusely.

Vice president, Eden Gevremariam, of the Union said:

“We are all able to learn from this and now people know this kind of thing shouldn’t happen. I’m hoping it won’t happen again in the future”

Well, his intentions were perhaps thought out, but his delivery definitely offended some people and sparked a lot of anger.  Should he have been treated this way when he meant no harm? Is the world going crazy? Or, should he feel the severe weight of his actions firmly fall on him?

Nurse believed that the young girl’s family was not aware of what she did daily


One of the worse things is cancer, even more so when it’s concerning children.

Jonathan and Shelby thought that their daughter, Sophie, who is two years old, was suffering from allergies. She was finding it hard to breathe and her doctor thought it might be asthma. Unfortunately, it was soon going to be evident that it was much worse!

The little girl, Sophie was set to have an allergy test a few day later, but she didn’t get to take that test.

One night she stopped breathing…

For every parent it’s a worse case scenario, Her parents ran to call an ambulance and within minutes they were on their way to the hospital.

It was just at that moment that doctors finally confirmed that Sophie had a condition that was much worse than just asthma or allergies. She had developed cancer, a T-cell lymphoma.

Sophie has since then spent many months in hospital having chemotherapy, even though fighting it hard the cancer spread.

The treatment affected her ability to talk, walk, use her hands to eat, her tiny body is going through the preparations for a stem cell operation.

Shelby is keeping a constant watch over her daughter and is by her side constantly. So many times Shelby forgets to take care of herself, it’s just the only thought she has, to get Sophie better!

Jonathan and Shelby have created a Facebook page to record Sophie’s fight against the disease, they want friends and family alike to have an easy method to see updates on how Sophie is getting along. The page is called Sophie The Brave.

It’s not just family that follows the page, there are over 12,000 people following Sophie’s fight.

There is one post on the page that has especially been welcomed. Moms with sick children will also relate, very likely, to what Shelby’s said.

Shelby wrote:

“I see you. I sit on this couch all day long and, I see you. You try so hard to be unnoticed by me and my child. I see your face drop a little when she sees you and cries. You try so many ways to ease her fears and win her over. I see you hesitate to stick her or pull bandaids off. You say ‘No owies’ and ‘I’m sorry’ more times in one day than most people say ‘thank you’..”

“I see all of those rubber bracelets on your arms and wrapped around your stethoscope, each one for a child that you’ve cared for and loved. I see you stroke her little bald head and tuck her covers around her tightly. I see you holding the crying mom that got bad news.I see you trying to chart on the computer while holding the baby whose mom can’t-or won’t be at the hospital with her.”

“You put aside what’s happening in your life for 12 hours straight to care for very sick and something’s dying children. You go into each room with a smile no matter what’s happening in there. You see Sophie’s name on the schedule and come to check on us even when she isn’t your patient. You call the doctor, blood bank, and pharmacy as many times as necessary to get my child what she needs in a timely manner. You check on me as often as you check on her. You sit and listen to me ramble for 10 minutes even though your phone is buzzing and your to do list is a mile long.

“I see you. We all see you. No amount of snack baskets or cards can fully express how appreciated you are. You are Jesus to us every single day. Our children wouldn’t get what they need without you. Moms like me wouldn’t feel sane or heard without you. You save our babies and we couldn’t do this without you.”

Shelby got 26,000 likes on her post, its easy to see and understand why, all the amazing people at the hospital, the nurses, all deserve to be thanked and recognized for their great work.

Let’s all hope and pray that Sophie makes a fast recovery, and as it happens the family got some really great news, Sophie’s cancer is almost all gone!

Let’s also share Shelby’s words about the nursery and hospital staff so that more and more people can hear about the amazing work they do.

Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

Mom’s Clever Punishment Is Getting Love From All Over The World!


Sometimes children are children, but rules are also rules, so when this one mom found her son using his phone after bedtime, even though he knew it was again the rules. He then had to ‘earn points’ to end his punishment… 500 points!

He was allowed to choose how to earn points, and his mom came up with an ingenious mix of household jobs for him to do it, each different job with a different amount of points.


This is what she wrote:

Congratulations! – You got grounded!!!

To get rid of your penalty, you must earn _500_ points.

Offense: _ Playing on the mobile phone after bedtime _

Write a nice letter to a family member = 10 points

Prepare and cook dinner = 50 points

1 load of laundry (get started, hang up, fold) = 100 points

Clean and organize a kitchen cupboard = 50 points per shelf

Empty the dishwasher = 25 points

Load the dishwasher = 25 points

Clean and wash off counters = 25 points

Clean out microwave = 40 points

Clean and vacuum the living room = 30 points

Sweep and mop kitchen = 30 points

Wash windows = 10 points per window

Water houseplants = 10 points

Dust living room = 25 points

Clean bathroom (sink, toilet and floor) = 50 points

Take out trash (and rebag) = 10 points per garbage bag

Clean the litter box = 10 points

Magic Mum

There is one absolute certainty here, the house is going to be very, very clean, by the time he earns enough points!

What do think about this kind of punishment, I know I’ve done this before with my kids and it’s a great way to teach responsibility for actions!

Share this if you agree that mom’s clever way to teach her son a lesson was great!

After Parents Jailed, Boy Is Alone At School, Cop Does The Only Thing He Can…


School for many children is a scary affair, there are tests in school, bullies at play time and simply fitting in is a challenge in itself. All in all it’s a lot of anxiety!

A particular student, in Green Bay, Wisconsin, who is only 8 years old, had a recent fear come true. ON 23rd October he was left at school until the end of the day.

That in in itself wasn’t to bad, but there was more, it was the boy’s birthday.

He only had one patent recorded on his file, and that parent was in jail., the school didn’t even have someone listed as an emergency contact for him.

The boys position was an awful and seemingly impossible combination of family circumstances.

The Staff at the school did the only thing they could and called the police department.

Yesterday Officer Robinson responded to a local elementary school for a child that was not picked up at the end of the…

Gepostet von Green Bay Police Department am Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2017

Right at that moment the story could have ended in tears, but thankfully and thanks to the officer who arrived, it didn’t. Darryl Robinson the officer there knew just what to do, and soon the situation turned around.

He realized that the young man had no-one to celebrate his birthday with, so having put the boy into his cruiser, he headed for the nearest Golden Arches.

Robinson explained:

“We did have a phone number for his grandfather”

“I asked his grandfather if it was okay to take him to McDonald’s before bringing him home. He said, ‘Yes.’”

The Police department said on it’s Facebook page;

“Thanks to the owners of our local McDonald’s, we were given free cheeseburger coupons to hand out in certain situations. Officer Robinson took the child for a meal at McDonald’s and a ride around in the police car for his birthday. Family was eventually located and the child was dropped off.”

The actions of the officer, Robinson, had greatly impressed the boy and the community!

One citizen commented on Facebook, he said:
“Thank you Officer Robinson for treating that young boy like a human being even though his parents are having a hard time right now.”

What this Woman Sees The Plumber Doing Goes Viral!


Most of us, in general, have our office jobs, even some of us work from home, but some of us have to deal with dirtier harder jobs! One person who has one of these challenging and dirty elements in their work is Jimmie Cox.

Just outside of Fort Worth, Texas, Jimmy is a utilities employee who regularly has to overcome problems most of us wouldn’t even think of. Recently when he went to service a broken water pipe in someones home, he encountered one of these problems.


The water just kept going, he couldn’t work out where the leak was. He decided then, to do the only thing that was left to do… He dove deep into the hole!

He did it just to look after his customer, like he does for all his customers, this guy is not only dedicated to his job but he really goes above and beyond for all his customers.

The owner of the house, a woman, came outside to see Jimmie’s torso, deep in the mucky water! After she checked to see that he was really ok, and he wasn’t in trouble, she took a picture of him (with his permission of course).


Jimmie wasn’t paying any attention to the woman taking the photo, he was busy on the job. Gladly Jimmie was able to repair the broken pipe, he really didn’t realize how the picture would go viral!

Jimmie’s picture was even noticed by “Dirty Jobs” master, Mike Rowe.

Mike saw the picture of Jimmie’s body totally submerged in the murky water and contacted him directly.


There was just one question he wanted answering; ‘was it a water main or a sewage main?’ Laughing Jimmi confirmed it was just a water pipe!’

Not only that, but Jimmy got a surprise from Wrangler (the jeans brand he was wearing) who sent him a year’s supply of jeans!


It just goes to show that it really does pay to go above and beyond!

Boyfriend Gets Makeover, It’s What Happens Next That Nobody Expects!


Claribel really has the look of being the absolute height of fashion, like she is from Hollywood, however, her boyfriend Brandon look about as casual you can get. The couple were really soul-mates, destined to be with each other, but at the same time, seemingly opposites.

The couple grew up together so know each other really well, their fashion, well, they accept each other the way they are. As their relationship matures a little, it’s time for a change-up!

Brandon wanted a look that was a little more professional and trendy, a really laid back kind of style; He would like to get his hair fashionably short and ultra professional.

Brandon is about to get a new look and Claribel really is looking forward to finding out what her ‘new guy’ is going to look like, she is excited about a drastic change!

Gretta Monahan, a makeup artist, share the secret plans for them with the audience:

“I just want to warn you all that your jaws are gonna drop”

“I have something in store for him that you’re not going to believe!”

Brandon goes backstage for his transformation, Claribel’s anticipates impatiently the result of his big makeover. When Brandon come back out the audience erupts with his amazing look!

The smart gent comes onto the stage, with his fashionably short hair and professional looking suit and shirt with a tie he looks like a start from Hollywood. But no one knew that he had a secret of his own too! He is going to reveal it after his beautiful girlfriend sees his new look.

When Claribel walks on stage, he can’t wait any longer! He gets down on one knee, in front of shocked Claribel, who is now overwhelmed by her amazing boyfriend, it’s the surprise of her life!

Nobody could hardly believe Brandon’s new look, and the icing on the cake was what he did after that, what an awesome way to remember not only his makeover but the start of forever together!

Have a look at the video, his unveiling plus his special request of Claribel has gone viral with in excess of three million views:

Rory Takes His Daughter Out Of Mainstream School For One Incredible Reason!


Rory Feek’s wife sadly passed away when she lost her struggle with cancer, at that time her fans were completely dismayed and saddened, everyone wondered what would happen about their favorite duo, the next couple superstars.

A full year and a half after this, Rory didn’t feel the same without his one and only and had found it so difficult to perform again. ‘This Life I Live’, his website, has kept his fans busy though!

Rory blogs as if he is writing an open diary, recounting his life after the terrible loss after Joey’s death. There are good reasons why the fans keep coming back, one is Rory’s daughter Indiana.

Facebook/Joey + Rory

Three years old and with special needs she is full of energy and smiles and keeps Rory grounded and happy when he needs it most. Just to show how much show is his latest blog post, he surprises his fans by telling us how deeply his love is for his daughter and her mom.

At school, there is an awesome team of people, teachers and therapists right by Indiana’s since the first day she started to help her learn everything that other children the same age do. However, Rory thinks this isn’t what Joey would have desired…

Rory said:

“If Joey were here … she would be homeschooling Indy … she would be way more interested in Indiana learning to be a good person than being a good reader. To love God and the life that He’s given her, more than what a lot of the world is telling us to love. And in her mind, home is the best place to learn those things.”


Rory really wanted to fulfil Joey’s dream, so much so that he deiced he was going to build a school on his farm, and give Indiana the best of both! He used an old schoolhouse built around 1892 in Kentucky as his inspiration, Rory has started constructing his one-room schoolhouse, right there on his land!

Rory said:

“Fifty or more people… descended on our parking lot at 7 am this past Saturday morning with hammers and saws, hamburgers and hotdogs and hearts full of love. They were here to help build something big for someone little.”

The school when finished will have the room for about twelve children and as well as teaching the kids to read, write and mathematics, rural skills will be a big part of the curriculum.

Rory said:

“… the kids will have a playground and their own garden … a hen-house/barn with chickens and other animals to raise and woods to build a birdwatching hut and make trails that the teachers can take them for walks in. And across the pasture, we have horses that they can care for and learn to ride and a concert hall where they can learn about music and put productions on the stage.”

This will definitely be great for three year old Indiana, just look how the community comes together to realize Joey’s dream and see it materialize!

Dad Loses Wallet, But Gets An Even Bigger Surprise With A Note From A Stranger…


It doesn’t take much in todays world to discourage some people, just a good look at the news of the day is usually enough to make most people feel down.

Somebody was held at gunpoint, an elderly person was conned out of money, thugs broke into the family home…

Most news sources use shocking events that occur in everyday life to catch the attention of their readers and to keep them interested, but more rarely are their reports of nice things that less people want to ready about.

Though, with all these negative vibes we are surrounded with, there are many acts of kindness that we do not hear about. Whether the media decides not to report them or not, we must think to ourselves that there are more good people than bad.

Beau Collins, an Australian resident, had not long ago had his faith in humanity restored, it was a complete surprise to him.

Just think about how it feels in the grocery store, the cashier totals up your full shopping cart and you see the amount in the display as you reach for you wallet.

Now picture that feeling of all the blood suddenly draining from your face, we all know that feeling!

Your wallet that you thought was safely in your pocket, or purse in your handbag is nowhere to be found. Standing there you can feel yourself turning white, then red, no way to pay your bill and frozen in a stupor how to deal with this situation.

Collins had assumed that his daughter had played a joke on him and hidden his wallet, but actually he had misplaced it. In the US over 1000 purses or wallets are stolen every two minutes, but Collins didn’t want to think about it.

He now accepted that he would have to get a replacement drivers license and credit cards, any cash he would just consider lost!

Collins had not been expecting a package, but one arrived at his house…

He opened the package, but was shocked by the contents, his wallet!

Everything that was in his wallet was still in there, safe and sound, nothing missing at all.There was only a note in the package, unsigned…

He didn’t know who to thank for the safe return of his wallet, and their honesty, so he went to Facebook to find the person that had so thoughtfully returned his wallet to him, but so far he has had no luck finding them.

It looks like the anonymous person that returned his wallet was going to stay anonymous!

Its a great thought to know that despite everything we hear in the news, that this story of kindness, although little hear, is here to inspires us all! Let’s share this amazing story and hope it inspires us all a little more!

Boy, 11, Reads Essay To Class About Hero Brother, He Turns Around To Get A Huge Surprise!


All children have heroes they look up to and admire, fictional or depicted by an actor, in sports, possibly a prominent political figure, film actors and many others, in essence, somebody to look up to, even perhaps a cool relative of a friend of the family.

Role models like these are so essential for reinforcing good values in the young minds of children and young people, who of course copy their every move. Children want to be just like their heroes as they grow up and copy what their heroes do, of course, they can do no wrong!

One of the greatest of these role models, at least in boys is his older brother, who holds, in most cases admiration and a sense they the younger of the two want to do as they do, especially when the older brother in a little more advanced in years.

An 11 year old from Carnegie Elementary School, in Tulsa, called Damon Chiodo had not seen his bigger brother Devin Tomei, 25 years old, for more than a few days since March 2015. His brother was an Army Specialist in Basic Training and Damon holds his brother in such high regard.

Gepostet von Damon Chiodo am Montag, 9. Oktober 2017

Devin completed his basic training then after this was deployed in Germany, he worked on the CH-47 Chinook helicopters there. The brothers kept in touch with Skype and of course Xbox! They really didn’t get to see each other though…

At school, Damon was asked to write an essay about his hero, so of course, he decided to write, without a second thought, about his brother!

Damon didn’t have a clue that the assignment was not a real one… It was planned by his teacher and the school principal very cunningly…

Gepostet von Devin Tomei am Samstag, 27. August 2016

Devin realized that he was coming home, the Army was sending him stateside to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, his mom set a plan in place and Devin was in on it!

Daemon stood on stage, he began reading his essay, if only he knew what was coming, his older brother was hiding just the other side of the curtain…

Devin stood there listening to his little brother read his essay for at least 15 minutes, who read:

“Hundreds of Army missions depend on these helicopters, and my brother must make sure that all of them are safe and ready to fly.”

Then when he finished his speech Daemon turned round to find his brother there, in the flesh, the hero he had just told his class about. He was completely stunned at first for a second, but then leapt into Devin’s arms.

Devin was trying his best not to cry in from of the room full of sixth graders, he said:

“He was begging me to come home most of the time, telling me about all the stuff he’s doing”

When Daemon finished reading the essay he was allowed to leave school for the day so he could spend time with his brother. Devin will be stationed over in Kentucky, which is still a fair distance away, however, he can now get home more often.

Daemon sent a recent post to a television show, Ellen, DeGeneres, he said:

“Hey, Ellen I was wondering if you knew me. I’m Damon Chiodo from the national news and I was wondering if I could show them what happened and have a conversation.”

“I have always wanted to meet you and I think I can show you some things me and my brother like to do and show everyone the resemblance cause everyone always said that if I was born with Devin we would be twins but I think it would be a surprise for Devin to be able to see you because of him surprising me I want to surprise him.”

What an awesome display of brotherly love, I think they will have definitely made their parents proud!

9 Year Old Addie, Daughter Of Airman Dad, Gets A Surprise She Needs


A high school boy did something really amazing and it all started when a Texas cheerleader, 9 years old, began to cry. This all happened during a football game, while her father, absent, was undergoing training at the Travis Air Force Base in California around 1,700 miles away, see the video below…

The girl, called Addie Rodriguez, is at the St. John Bosco Elementary School, in San Antonio, her dad Abel Rodriguez, who is a senior airman, fought in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Addie was left to be the odd one out when all the other fathers lifted their daughters onto their shoulders during a football game; nobody was there to lift little Addie onto their shoulders!

Alexis Perry-Rodriguez said:

“It was really heartbreaking to see your daughter standing out there being the only one without their father, knowing why he’s away. It’s not just an absentee parent. He’s serving our country.”

It was a hard reminder to her that her dad was not there and her eyes burned and filled with tears when she saw the other children with their fathers.

Addie said:

“I just felt like really sad because I missed him a lot”

A high school senior, Matthew Garcia, has seen the Addies was on her own and there was nobody to lift her up. He could see she was really upset and her tears in her eyes, so he vaulted over the fence to see if she was ok.

Garcia said:

“I ran down from the bleachers right here. I just hopped the fence, and I went over, and I kneeled down, I talked to her and I said, Are you OK?”

He very quickly knew what the problem was and why she was so upset, he lifted her up onto his shoulders to absolutely make sure she was not the odd one out and to make her feel better.

Alexis said:

“I realized what he [Garcia] was doing, and my heart just melted”

“It was just the most beautiful thing.”

Garcia is really pleased he could help the girl feel better, he made Addie’s day, she was really grateful to him and for what he did.

Addie said:

“I just felt like somebody saved my life”

Alexis said finally:

“She’s really tough and she understands that dad goes away for a reason”

What an amazing heartfelt gesture, Share if you agree!


A School Talent Act You Won’t Forget, These Fifth Graders Will Have You Rolling On The Floor


Do you remember going to school? Sitting in class through lunchtime breaks and Physical Education and all the different events through the year, perhaps talent shows too. Simply the idea of being on stage was intimidating!

OK, so talent shows consist of either singing, dancing or playing an instrument and that pretty much covers it, but apart from showcasing talent the shows were a great way to show off to your schoolmates, the attention you got was pretty good too!

I really do think that these 10 year old boys that come from New Braunfels Christian Academy really did just that, they entertained, they impressed all their schoolmates, they, all in all, put on a great show in their school’s annual talent show.

These four boys had put a lot of time and effort too into their preparations for the amazing performance together and were really excited to see if their schoolmates would love it as much as they loved performing it.

The performance starts mysteriously with just a very big black sheet, everybody in the audience it quiet!

Then the sheet is pulled away, then there is nobody that is not laughing.

The boys didn’t go for the traditional talent show kind of thing, by singing or having an instrument, they thought up an original and incredibly funny performance, as babies in onesies and bibs, looking a little like puppets!

As soon as the music started it will crack you up, they are awesome!

The way they perform, right to the props and the choreography is just great, you will remember it for sure!

Have a look at their performances and you will see exactly, 1:50 will have you rolling on the floor!

Woman, 56 years Old Stabs Daughters Rapists and Escapes A Prison Sentence


As parents, we often take actions to prevent harm to our children, sometimes without thought to ourselves of the repercussions! This is just one of those times as this 56 year old mother jumped in with a knife in her hand to fend off three men gang raping her daughter.

One of the men died and subsequently the woman was arrested, however, the courts have now decided that she will not receive any time for the murder!

A South African woman was told by a friend of the terrible thing that was happening to her daughter, being gang-raped by three men, inside an empty house in part of a village called Qumbu.

The woman, 56, whose daughter was suffering the attack searched the house frantically only to find the three men and her distressed daughter. Without a thought, she quickly grabbed a knife and stabbed the three men to get them away from her daughter, one of the rapists died after the incident.

The mother was arrested and faced charges of murder and attempted murder for the part she played in the ordeal.

In South Africa, the case received a lot of attention, as well as international media too! The brave mother was nicknamed “Lion Mama”.

There were a lot of people who sympathized with the mother and there was a crowdfunding campaign set up to show their support and to pay her legal costs of around USD $ 10,000.

The mother’s lawyer said:

“She still needs to go for trauma counselling for her and her daughter. We have transferred the money that was paid to us to her for her wellbeing”

The Magistrates Court, Lady Frere, made an announcement that the woman was not going to be charged with the murder of the rapist and the other two men were arrested and await prosecution.

Talking publically to hundreds of her supporters outside the courthouse the mother said that she was completely touched by the public’s reaction and support.

She said:

“I felt like an old baboon that has no friends, but today you showed me I have people and that I was not alone. Thank you”

You can certainly say that this mother needed to save her daughter from the violence and stepped in without a thought for herself.

What would you do? Should she be locked up for the murder, share and support her!

Alexander Thought She Had Been Scammed, She Was Happy To Learn The True Story


Homeless people do have a way of drawing in those who want to genuinely help. Many of us only look at how they look outwardly but some of us make assumptions about them form how we think they ended up in the streets.

Nevertheless, even considering how that homeless person might have ended up on the streets, we find the love in our heart to give to them selflessly. On this note, there was one Facebooker who realized how important it is to do this!

A realtor in Jacksonville, North Carolina, called ShelbyLynn Henry Alexander went into detail about what exactly happened to her in January. She saw, while sat waiting at some traffic lights, a raggedy man standing with little clothes and it was only 30 degrees outside!

He had handwritten in big letters on a cardboard sign:

“Need a little help. Will pay it forward.”

Alexander went over to the guy, he had a dog that he wrapped in a blanket and decided to give him some money. She wrapped three bills around her real estate business card, and then for the times to come, maybe he would be in a better position and need a home.

Alexander drove off and as she did she said a prayer for him, she said about him:

“I never caught his name, but I remembered his face.”

Looking forward eight months and Alexander saw how much a simple prayer could change things, sure enough, she received a call one night from a client, at her office.

When Alexander arrived at the meeting with the client she noticed a dog poking his head out of the client’s truck. As the guy opened the truck door she noticed that is was the same guy she gave the money to earlier on that year.

This time around the guy was clean and dressed nicely, Alexander had a fearful thought that maybe it was a scam from the beginning, but then the guy, with tears in his eyes handed her back her card wrapped in three bills!

She was left completely speechless, she learned that he was homeless following a bad divorce. Present day he has a new job as an engineer, his life was back on track!

That day Alexander really learned to not judge anyone without knowing all about them and their circumstances, just pray and let God decide!

Jasmine, Wet And Bedraggled, Jumps In Earl’s Truck Terrified, Calls 911


Do you remember the last time you left something important at home and had to turn back to get it? It’s completely maddening when this happens don’t you think?

There are some people that believe in fate and that there are no such things as coincidences, then there are some that things happen for a reason, like a grand ordained plan. Earl Melchert, whatever he believed before the September the 5th he now won’t ever grumble about such a mistake again.

Earl returned to his house in Barett, Minnesota at lunch to pick up diesel, in the distance he saw what looked like it could be a deer, but as he got closer he realized it was a person!

That deer that was a person was really a scared 15 year old girl called Jasmine Block, soaking wet and very nervous to take refuge inside Earl’s truck.

Earl recognised the girl straight away, he had seen her picture on the television news, flyers and all across the internet, missing from her home Alexandria, Minnesota since August 9th.

Jasmine said that the father, who was 32 years old, came to her housemate at night looking for her help with his son. Jasmine got inside the truck he was driving and went with him to his house in Carlos, Minnesota.

Jasmine was tied with zip ties one she got there! For a whole 29 days she was sexually assaulted by Baker and his two friends Michael Samuel Powers and Jason Lee Holby, 21 and 31 years old respectively. She was moved to many different locations regularly.

Jasmine feared for her life all the time she was kept there and told investigators that Baker tried to Kill her three times, once in a bathtub, but he was not strong enough with his cerebral palsy. The 5th of September the two men transported Jasmine in a duffel bag in a pickup truck…

Completely scared, Jasmine found her chance to make a run for it when the two men went inside a store, so when she was unsuccessful in getting help in nearby houses she swam across a lake to get to land near Earl’s home…

Her captors were looking for her, desperately, and she knew it, she was desperate to get inside Earl’s Truck, she pointed the men out to Earl and he called 911, when the police came, ultimately leading to the arrest of the three captors.

Powers came out and said that he had spent two weeks at baker’s house and been involved in sex with a child. Baker only admits to heavy alcohol and drug use but denies accusations of knowing Jasmine, and even denies picking her up or holding her against her will.

For Earl, and his part in helping the girl and calling the police he received $7,000 from Alexandria Police Dept which he immediately gave to Jasmine’s family as an anonymous donor!

Earl had retired the wekk beofre really surprised everyone when he just smiled and handed his cheque to Jasmine and gave her a huge heartfelt hug.

He said:

“It’s the best thing I’ve ever done,”

“What a retirement present, to hand over some money to people that really need it.”

If Earl had not left something at home and hadn’t had to return, then he would not have been able to save Jasmine’s life, The next time you double back just think, maybe it’s fate or part of a bigger picture!

Six Months After Boy Donates Hair to Children With Cancer, He Has A Terrible Shock


Torrin Brenman has spent the last three years determined to change the lives of other children. The 12 year old boy has selflessly given his time in a very special way and it has had an unthought of consequence that has deeply affected his life.

Many children when they have cancer lose their hair because of the treatments used to destroy cancer. Torrin wanted to restore the health and spirits of the children have found out this and his main focus was children with cancer.

The organization ‘WIgs for Kids’ help children that do have this kind of hair loss, they use real hair donated to them to make the wigs, and they do this without any cost to the families or the children. Torrin grew out his own hair for three years so he could donate to this charity.

People that didn’t know him thought he was a girl and bullies made fun of him. Even after all the grief he continued to grow his hair until it was long enough to donate.

Six months later he started to become ill with a bad cough which developed into something more serious and he wound up in the intensive care unit at the children’s hospital.

It was so sad, Torin was told he had stage four Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, at only 12 years old!

Six months previously he gave his hair in the hopes it would help a child who had lost his hair with chemotherapy treatments and now he himself was starting chemotherapy treatments too!

The community of Detroit, in general, is made up of many people who do not have extensive resources, but nonetheless, they have worked very hard to raise money and help the family.

They also have brought presents to the family home for Torin and his sister, Julissa, but they had been sadly stolen! When the storey made the local news that the presents had been stolen while the family were in the hospital, they were returned to them!

Torrin really looked forward to this very special outing to see a wrestling event. Unfortunately though, despite having the tickets, this was not healthy enough so he was unable to attend.

His mother, Carrie, wrote on Facebook:

“Most ppl would be upset about being here but honestly he is continually being monitored here so for me it makes me feel much safer.”

We pray that Torrin gets the support that he once dedicated three years ago, trying to provide for children affected by cancer.

Fizzy Drink Nearly Fatal To Farther Weeks Before Son Is Born, Now He Has A Hole In His Head


Briana a soon to be a mother will have these four words, her mother in law said, imprinted in her thoughts forever “Austin had an accident”.

Brianna took the two hour journey to the hospital by car, her emotions were running high as she drove, without a single clue what was wrong with her husband. The baby she was carrying inside her was due in a few short weeks, they had excitedly anticipated the birth and new baby.

Squarely between life and death in an awkward balancing act, his brain had bled, the doctors were not sure why though at first.

Many tests later the doctors had eliminated drugs as the cause but they were able to give Austin’s family the reason why his brain had started to bleed like it did.

In order to push himself further and work more hours, especially with a daily commute, her husband had slipped into an energy drink addiction. Austin now faced a less than certain future, with many brain surgeries ahead of him, with the possibility of seizures and strokes.

Brianna wrote:

“But while everyone was focused on the almost unrecognizable face hooked up to all sorts of machines and tubes, all I could see was his parents”

Brianna’s heart couldn’t emotionally stand up to the gravity of the situation watching the grief on her in-law’s faces as they realized what was in store for him.

She went on to write:

“I saw the light leave his mother’s eyes as she saw her motionless son laying in that hospital bed”

“I saw his father break down crying as he held onto his wife.”

After two weeks her due date approached and he still had not woken up, she had to give birth without him there.

When her newborn baby looked up at her she wept with a bittersweet feeling, on one hand, the joy of the birth, but then the sadness of her husband too.

Brianna went on even more:

“But a beautiful miracle happened as I delivered our son, Austin woke up”

Months onward, eight to be more precise and Brianna finds herself caring for her baby and her husband, her husband is now a completely different man than she married, nevertheless, she falls more in love with him every day.

Brianna shared her final thoughts:

“Love is knowing you would sacrifice things that you didn’t even know you could sacrifice”

“Love is selfless.”


Gorgeous Girl Get Her Long Hair Cut Ready For Hospital Treatment, Her New Look Is Fabulous


Laura after her cancer diagnosis was driven to cope with things most of us couldn’t imagine, lots of people have makeovers to change the way we look but Laura Turned to Jerome Lordet of Pierre Michel Salon in New York City to get a new look before she started the chemotherapy!

Screenshot via YouTube

She was very pleased that Jerome had the perfect look for her to make her dreams come true, and of course, to help her through the immense emotions she faced ahead of her, and in her treatment!

This was something that was really important to Laura because she wasn’t just looking for a new look, she really needed and wanted something amazing and dynamic, something easy to keep while she had her treatments.

Screenshot via YouTube

Jerome knew what to do straight away and got straight to it by chopping more than a foot from her beautiful long brown hair and whilst it was a bit of a shock to her at first, she soon realized it was all part of the plan.

Next, the talented stylist, Jerome, cut beautiful natural layers that fell perfectly around her neck, an easy and stress-free cut to manage for her to manage in the weeks to come.

Screenshot via YouTube

Laurea just wanted to completely remove the problem of worrying about what to do with her hair and how it looked, she wanted a fuss free style! Jerome after skillfully layering the hair then blow dried the hair to an amazing finish!

Laura now looked completely perfect, and stunningly glam!

It was absolutely perfect for the trying times ahead of her, she just couldn’t stop feeling her hair and running her fingers through her hair over and over.

Screenshot via YouTube

The Pierre Michel Salon went on her their most talented makeup artist, Katherine, to give Laura a complete makeover too.

Her new style, hair colour, blush, eyeshadow, lipstick, were all applied perfectly to her pretty face, how completely adorable she looks!

Screenshot via YouTube

Laura was so amazed and taken aback by the Salons kind gesture to help her that she was not able to hold back her obvious emotion!

Embarking on such a difficult journey was going to be hard, but with the help of the Salon, she felt empowered and ready to start on her path with a fresh clean and easy to maintain the look.

Check out the amazing video and see her transformation with your own eyes!

Farmers Wife Sick Of Husband’s Long Hours, Until She Realizes Something….


We often don’t take the time to think about where all the food came from, especially when we sit down to eat it! Fresh vegetables and fruits are delicious, but we pay the price for them, the largest is to the farmer’s families!

To the farmer’s families, the sacrifice is great, that of a father working long hours and sacrificing his family time, either not realized or soon forgotten as we eat our food.

That is just the reason that the wife of one farmer decides to share the truth about her husband’s work on the farm after her difficult night trying to get the kids ready for bedtime.

Katie Spence Pugh, the Farmer’s wife was completely drained after a long hard day working, followed by an evening of looking after the kids, again without her husband’s help! Eugene her husband was, as is always, working his usual long hours in the fields and although his wife was frustrated she had a light bulb moment.

Katie went on to Facebook to let out her thoughts about the whole situation:

“I snapped this picture the other night at the end of a long day.

I was tired. I was irritated.

I had sent my husband a text telling him that I knew it wouldn’t make a difference, but I wanted him to know that I was feeling fed up with how much he works and with all that I have to do every day by myself.

The full-time job, cooking dinner, bathing kids, weekend trips without him, keeping up a home – you name it, I was resenting it. I have to have these little moments once (okay, several times) throughout planting and harvest season.

Then this happened.”

For Eugene, it really was the hardest time of year, with all the work he needs to do, but he had to keep on going for his family and the business.

Eugene wasn’t at all angry with his wife’s text, but simply sat down calmly to eat, for a little quiet time after a long difficult and wearing day doing all the farm jobs.

“He came in, fixed his plate and sat down to eat all alone. He was tired. He was hot. He was exhausted.

Rather than complain, he said he was sorry I was tired and felt that way.

Charlotte joined him and talked his head off and even ate most of his dinner. He didn’t complain. He shared, and it hit me. Do I wish that we saw him more than an hour or so a day? Yes. But, the love he has for his craft is something to envy.

Farmers work in a thankless profession. It’s always non-GMO this and organic that, and let’s not even talk about the stress from Mother Nature.

This is a man who is working to uphold four generations of blood, sweat and tears and showing his children the value of hard work and discipline. So while I felt frustrated, I really should have felt thankful.”
“I got to sit down to dinner and hear all the stories from the day with the kids. I got to give them a bath and hear their squeals and giggles. I got to snuggle and love on them for three hours more than he did. He is the one sacrificing, not me.

We will keep on keeping on until the next rainy day when we get a few extra hours with our hard worker. In the meantime, the next time you slip into that comfy cotton shirt or eat delicious farm fresh food, thank a farmer.

Where would we be without them?”

WIthout families like the Pughs then we wouldn’t have the fresh farm produce that we eat every day!

Even if things get difficult for them, Katie and Eugene will have each other to lean on for support – there will be no more frustration in their home.

Soulful Singing Firefighters In The Forest, Hear Their Words That Have Gone Viral


Samoan Hotshot fire crew are completely accustomed to marching through the forest, most people don’t even give it a second thought. Their absolute favorite thing that they do was caught on camera and now it’s going viral!

These brave firefighters not only save people’s lives every day, putting themselves in harm’s way to save others, nut they are really talented singers too! They often project their powerful Samoan hymns as they are on the move….

Screenshot via YouTube

A classic Samoan hymn that is popular with Samoan people is “Fa’afetai i le Atua”, which sounds a little bit like “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” it is all about saying praise to God for what he has given and its translated to something like:

“Thank God, that we grow, when he was free, to all of us”

This is the song in the video below starts by saying thanks to the son of God for coming from the heavens and to his soul for bringing success to their lives.

Screenshot via YouTube

The forest fighters, who are incredibly brave and bold, they know how perilous their work is, saving others lives but too they also know that they have God to thank for protecting them in times of need.

Of course it makes perfect sense that they sing to the heavens to praise the Lord while on their merry way to the next place, it’s not only gracious but it’s magical echoing through the forest.

Screenshot via YouTube

To gladly run into dangerous situations every day to help others takes amazing people, who are selfless and have God to help them out in times of need. Strong individuals with strong souls and their voices really are heavenly!

Four weeks of training is how long it takes before they are permitted to march through the forest together, with a more than significant bond they have developed, each depending on the other for their lives.

Screenshot via YouTube

Have a look at them in their full mountainside sing song in the video below!


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