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How to soften butter with nothing but a glass and a plate

There are a ton of cooking tricks that are the culinary equivalent of a get-rich-quick scheme: they’re overly complicated and unlikely to be fruitful. Unless, of course, you already have the know-how to go toe-to-toe with chefs like Gordon Ramsay, and most of us aren’t.

But there’s hope yet for all you amateurs who just want a legitimately simple trick. It involves softening butter in a snap. All you need is butter, a glass, and some hot water…

Sometimes, you just want to spice things up in the kitchen—and we’re not talking about adding a pinch of hot pepper to your chicken. There are tons of hacks out there, but how many of them really make your life any easier?

So many articles claim to have the perfect way to make things easier in the kitchen. But more often than not, they are just weird and not too effective. Cut your cake with dental floss? No thanks! Put a pizza in the waffle maker? Why?

Luckily, there are some people online who have tips and tricks that really do work wonders. One of these useful resources is a YouTube channel called OnePotChefShow.

The channel prides itself on bringing viewers the best traditional, home-style, and classic recipes all using one single pot. However, there is one video that only involves a single ingredient, and it’s one of the most useful tips you’ll ever learn.

Let’s say that you want to spread some butter on a hot stack of waffles. After all, what are waffles without a rich melty square of butter?

Suddenly, panic strikes! You realize you had every intention of leaving your butter on the counter so it could soften before you ate, but you accidentally left the stick tucked away in the fridge. Uh oh!

Don’t panic! Rather than wait for it to warm up, grab your butter, a plate, and a glass of hot water. With these three simple items in hand, you’re well on your way to solving your problem.

Here’s how it works: first, you’ll want to cut a piece of butter—however much you plan on using—from the stick and set it out on a plate.

Next, take your glass of hot water, and let it sit out for a minute until the cup absorbs some of that nice heat. Once the glass is sufficiently warmed, dump out the water and wipe the inside of the cup. Now there’s only one step left until you have a perfect butter spread…

Take that hot cup, turn it upside down, and place it right over the butter, giving your little square of tasty fat a wave of residual heat. If you let it stand over your butter for a minute or two, it should be the perfect consistency for you to spread!

What’s the point of all this? Well, waiting for butter to soften to the optimal consistency can be one big pain. The butter is either too hard—and you destroy the bread while trying to spread it—or it’s too soft after you put it in the microwave and you accidentally melt it completely.

This tip comes in handy for more than just spreading your butter on waffles and pancakes, too. A majority of baking recipes call for softened, or room temperature, butter, and there’s a good reason for it…

Recipes that call for softened butter utilize sugar to help aerate the fat. When the butter is soft, the sugar can whip air pockets into the batter or dough, which then captures the baking soda or powder. This creates a fluffier end product. Unfortunately, butter that’s too hot or too cold simply doesn’t get aerated by the sugar.

In fact, it’s so important to soften your butter for some baking recipes that countless cooking blogs have offered their own tried-and-true methods for making sure your butter is ready for aeration. You might want to give these a try too…

Using a pot of hot water and a small metal bowl, you can soften a stick quickly by allowing the heat from the water to warm the bowl when it’s placed over the top of the pot.

Another method is cutting the stick into small cubes. This, however, takes more time, but the cubes will soften more quickly than the entire dense stick.

Here’s one more great method to try. Place your butter into a ziplock bag or between two sheets of wax paper and flatten it out with a rolling pin. By spreading out the surface area of the butter, it becomes room temperature quickly.

These are all great ways to soften your butter but whichever you choose. Be sure to give each one a try so that you can find the method that works the best for you.

Once you’ve mastered your butter-softening method of choice there’s nothing stopping you from creating treats that are practically worthy of a professional bakery. Butter can create food magic!

OnePotChefShow makes his videos totally easy to follow, especially his butter-softening video since it only requires one ingredient! It’s a quick and easy way to ensure your butter is always perfect…

This little trick will make it so you never have to wait for your butter to melt again! Now… is it time for seconds yet?

SHARE this helpful trick with your friends!

Son builds aging father a cozy tiny home to keep him close and still live independently

Josh Wynne is the son everyone would want. This young man is the creator of one of the coziest tiny homes we’ve ever seen. Inspired by his father and his needs, Josh built the one-room cabin next to his house. The place meets the needs of his father who is getting old and in need of certain level of assistance, and at the same time it allows him live independently.

The concept is so practical, that is lets Mike Wynne easily navigate around the place, as well as to enjoy the nature.

Do You Remember

This amazingly functional cabin consists of a bedroom, a bathroom, a chic kitchen, and a living room. Josh named the place Mike’s Hammock and it’s a Heaven on Earth where the father can spend his days relaxing and enjoying Florida’s nature.

Do You Remember

The most amazing thing is that the 604-square-meter cabin was built using sustainable and recycled materials he purchased form a construction site, which makes it eco-friendly. Josh said how the process of building his father’s new abode only produced less than one dumpster of waste. The house keeps energy costs low due to the central cooling and heating system installed. During summer time the energy costs are around $25 per month.

Do You Remember

The house is very stylish as well. In order to achieve for it to appear visually more spacious, Josh used big windows which allow great amount of natural sun lighting to enter the place. Especially designed for handicap accessibility, it can accommodate wheelchairs and walkers. The bathroom has a shower with a fold down-seat which facilitates its usage. It’s the perfect, and most comfortable gift this father could receive.

Do You Remember

Josh was so thoughtful that for each tree he cut for the house, he planted three. He really is an awesome guy whose good and unselfish deed should serve as an example of how every child should treat their parents, especially when they age and need a little assistance. Mike is grateful to have a comfortable place to stay, near his son.

Do You Remember

What do you think of Josh’s idea to have his father near him. Would you do the same thing for your parents?

SHARE your opinion with us in the comments!

Photos| Josh Wynne Construction

Wife Gets Her Revenge After Husband Tried To Be Funny About Her Weight

One evening a husband, thinking he was being funny, said to his wife

‘Perhaps we should start washing your clothes in Slim Fast. Maybe it would take a few inches off of your butt!’

His wife was not amused, and decided that she simply couldn’t let such a comment go unrewarded.

The next morning the husband took a pair of underwear out of his drawer.

‘What the Hell is this??’ he said to himself as a little ‘dust’ cloud appeared when he shook them out.

‘April,’ he hollered into the bathroom,

‘why did you put talcum powder in my underwear?’

She replied with a snicker…’lt’s not talcum powder……lt’s ‘Miracle Grow’

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Teen Ditched By Friends At Prom Gets Last Laugh When Mom Plots Plan

Prom is a major milestone in a high schooler’s life. Some kids love dressing up, going out to eat at a fancy restaurant and dancing the night away.

Other kids simply enjoy the comraderie, their final hurrah as a high schooler before the seniors graduate and the juniors move up to become the top dogs. It’s definitely a memorable time for many full of flowers, food, smiles and fun.

Flickr/Ken Srail

But for high school senior Jackson Loop, his final prom definitely was memorable — for all the wrong reasons. Jackson and his band friends made plans to meet up before the night’s festivities for the ritual pre-prom photo session.

But some of the kids texted him that plans had changed and they wouldn’t be taking any pictures. Jackson was bummed, since he had bought a custom-tailored suit just for the occasion.


So he waited until close to the time his friends were supposed to pick him up, then donned his brand new suit. And he waited…and waited…and waited…

Jackson’s friends never showed up. He called them, he texted them, but no one responded.

He was crushed.

His mom Sheila Loop said she had never experienced such heartbreak as a parent watching her son be ridiculed and left out. It broke her heart.

“His younger brother and sister and I watched him as he started to realize that he was being ditched and I have to tell you that in my 18 years of parenting I have never felt so much pain. It was mixed with an indescribable amount of rage. This was. painful. Then, after he changed out of his suit, he saw all of their pre-prom pictures on Facebook, and he all but collapsed in the kitchen.”

After he calmed down, Jackson admitted he wasn’t surprised that his classmates — the kids he thought were his friends — had treated him so horribly. He’d confessed to his mom that he often felt invisible, a loser.

Jackson had always struggled to fit in and discern where he belonged. He desperately wanted to be part of a group of friends, Sheila told Yahoo Lifestyle.

“It wasn’t until high school band where we thought, ‘Oh, great! There’s going to be band kids!'”

Yahoo Lifestyle

But those friends from band mistreated him often. Jackson accepted part of the blame, saying he allowed them to treat him poorly, too.

“Like, ‘They can do whatever they want, I’m all right. I can be in the back.’ But I never really liked it. . It really hurts me when it’s almost every time that I’m just in the back, tagging along, and barely anyone is talking to me.”

Despite how horrible Jackson felt after his so-called friends betrayed him, there is a happy ending to his prom story. A group of juniors in the band knew what had happened and decided to make things right for Jackson.

Sophie reached out to Jackson’s mom with a plan she had hatched. She asked Sheila to hide Jackson’s suit in the trunk of his car on Memorial Day.

She invited Jackson to her house just to hang out with a group of kids for the holiday. After he worked out, he headed over to Sophie’s only to receive the surprise of a lifetime.

The kids answered the door dressed in their prom clothes and shouted “Happy fake prom!” Jackson was stunned!

“I was flabbergasted. I didn’t know how to respond. I’m in the bathroom changing [into my suit] and I kind of shed a tear a little bit, because no one has ever done this for me, really ever. . This is what it means to receive a gift from friends who are doing something, particularly for me.”

The group spent the afternoon reliving prom for Jackson, posing for photos and eating their “fake prom” cake. He couldn’t believe the kids put this together for him.

Yahoo Lifestyle

Jackson shared that the other kids from prom told him they were disorganized and that’s why he was left out. But Jackson knows better.

He also wants other kids to realize they should choose their friends wisely and make sure those friends are treating you kindly. If they aren’t, take a life lesson from him and find new friends, he said.

Jackson’s new friends were exactly what he needed at a low point in his life. These teens are a prime example of how we should all act and uplift others when they’re down. Bravo kids!

Woman With Cerebral Palsy Turned Away From Nail Salon Gets Pampered By Walmart Cashier

Angela Peters frequently shops at Walmart in Burton, Michigan, all the time. On this particular day she decided she wanted a manicure, and popped into the independently owned salon inside the Walmart to ask for one. But Peters, who has cerebral palsy, was refused service.

“When I went in there they denied me because they said I moved too much,” Peters told local news station WNEM.

That’s when Ebony Harris, a cashier at that Walmart, noticed that Peters was upset and offered to help.

“I found out what happened and I just asked her, ‘do you want me to do your nails?’ And she just started smiling and said yeah,” Harris said. So Harris bought a few bottles of nail polish and she and Peters sat at the Subway restaurant inside the store to paint her nails.

Stasia Smith, an employee at the Subway, took some photos of the touching moment, which have since gone viral on Facebook.

In the photos, Harris is concentrating on carefully painting Peters’ nails, and Peters is clearly thrilled. The simple act of kindness made her very happy and has touched people’s hearts around the world.

Afterwards, both women said they don’t want negative repercussions for the nail salon. In a post to Facebook, Peters said she forgives the employees there, and hopes people who see her story reflect on the challenges people with disabilities face.

“I don’t want anyone fired, I just educate people that people with different challenges like being in a wheelchair, we can have our own business and get our nails done like anyone else,” she wrote.

As for Harris, she says that she and Peters knew each other before this. She is surprised by all the attention and modest about receiving accolades for her kind deed.

During a radio show appearance, the hosts offered to do “something beautiful” for Harris. She went on to explain her reason for helping Peters had nothing to do with rewards.

“I don’t…that’s fine,” she said. “The reason why I did it was because God told me to do it. I’m a spiritual person. I’m not perfect. I have my flaws. I have my own issues. But my heart goes out to people who are in need.”

The hosts ended up giving Harris a pair of tickets to see Beyoncé and Jay Z perform.

Since Harris’ act of kindness, Peters says that she, Harris and Smith plan to meet again in the future.

“I’m making new friends at Walmart as well and they get to see my abilities too,” Peters said. “So it’s awesome.”

Baby Suffers Brain Damage After Fall From Bed

There’s nothing better than snuggling with your baby—most moms of little ones known that. That’s why we love to keep them in our beds with us as we sleep. We know we shouldn’t, but we do it anyway. No harm done, right?

Well, unfortunately, there can be a lot of harm done by letting a baby sleep in an adult bed. Take this unfortunate story about a 6-month-old named Colton, for example.

Parents Paige Ferguson and Blake Linton were hanging out a friend’s house when Colton fell asleep. To allow him to be more comfortable, they tucked him into the friend’s bed, making sure to place pillows all around him for protection.

They were only outside of the room for a short while when Colton rolled off the bed onto the floor. The bed was only about two feet off the floor, but that didn’t matter.

At first, it didn’t seem like Colton was badly injured.

“He had a bump on his head. A bump. He was crying, acting alert and at one point even smiled,” Paige posted in a now viral Facebook post on her wall in March. “Because we are paranoid parents, we decided to get him evaluated. We thought for sure they were going to say he hit his head, has a bump, and he will be fine.”

But to the parents’ surprise and much dismay and horror, Colton wasn’t okay. This was the moment everything in their lives changed forever. “He fractured his skull and bled half of his entire blood volume into his brain,” wrote Paige.

It was heartbreaking for Paige to learn the news. And not only that, but there were nearly 20 doctors and nurses caring for Colton at the hospital he was at in Memphis, Tennessee, and no one would tell Paige for sure that he was going to make it.

“I knew something was wrong when I kept asking if he was going to be okay and everyone kept replying with ‘We will do what we can,’” Paige said. “No one would simply say yes.”

She later found out that Colton was bleeding so much that he went into cardiac arrest. For an entire month, Colton had to endure major surgery as well as an MRI that left some devastating news. It revealed so much brain damage that doctors said he could be in a vegetative state for the rest of his life—that is, if he even survived the injury at all.

Paige posted her Facebook comment as a way to let other parents know to take all kinds of head injuries seriously, even if it’s seemingly “just “ a bump. She doesn’t want anyone else to have to go through something as devastating as she is.

“I don’t want other parents going through this…I don’t want any kid to go through this. Please take any hit to the head seriously. I cant say this enough. My heart is broken,” she wrote.

There is good news: Colton was able to open his eyes in April and doctors released him from the hospital. He’s still using a feeding tube to eat, and is on a range of medications for seizures. There’s hope, but there’s still a waiting game.

“He’s doing okay, as well as he can,” says Paige. “He smiles at us, which is the best thing in the world. But, doctors have explained that we need to understand that Colton suffered a very significant brain injury and in most cases, kids with this injury do not live. He will have a very hard life.”

This type of injury can happen from any type of fall, but it’s certainly worth noting to be wary of putting your child in an adult bed, no matter how safe you think it might be.

Can you imagine going through something so devastating? We’re hoping Colton continues to make progress in his injury and that Paige and Blake are able to find peace during this devastating time.

Please SHARE this story to warn others.

Identical Twin Sisters Marry Identical Twin Brothers, And Everyone Is Thinking The Same Thing Right Now

No, you’re not seeing double. Identical twin brothers Josh and Jeremy Salyers proposed to identical twin sisters Brittany and Briana Deane on the 2nd of February (or 2-2), and the couple of couples have just gotten married in a joint ceremony at the 2018 Twins Days Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio. The ceremony was themed “Twice Upon a Time,” with identical twin ministers leading the way.

“It’s really been a fairy tale come true. Marrying twins is something that’s very important to us,”
Briana (who married Jeremy) told PEOPLE. She even called the ceremony a ‘double fairy tale.’ “Even when we were little girls I can remember being in kindergarten, knowing that that is what we saw for ourselves.”

Brittany added: “We knew that the chances were incredibly scarce. The stars had to align for our dreams to come true. I get to marry the man of my dreams and at the same time I get to look over next to me and see my twin sister marrying the man of her dreams.”

The brides wore matching dresses while the grooms rocked identical tuxedos. The foursome first met last year at the same festival. Brittany and Briana had been attending it for years, and met Josh and Jeremy on the final day of the 2017 twin gathering. It was their first one.

“I remember vividly the first time Brittany and I saw Josh, and Jeremy at the twins festival,” Briana said. “I also remember the first time we all spoke the last night of the festival. It’s sort of like everything was in slow motion.”

“If they couldn’t find identical twin girls that matched up well with them, they were never getting married,” Brittany said. “I think that they experienced a lot of the same challenges dating what we call singletons, that means non-twins. It’s hard when you’re dating someone and they don’t understand the twin bond.”

If that’s not enough, the gang also plan to all live in the same house where they would raise their children together.

Identical twin brothers Josh and Jeremy Salyers met identical twin sisters Brittany and Briana Deane at the 2017 Twins Days Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio

Image credits: salyersjeremy

Brittany and Briana had been attending it for years

Image credits: thedeanetwins

But for Josh and Jeremy, it was the first one

Image credits: salyersjeremy

“I <…> remember the first time we all spoke the last night of the festival. It’s sort of like everything was in slow motion,” Briana said

Image credits: salyersjeremy

Both couples got engaged on the 2nd of February (or 2-2)

They proposed to the women on the 2nd of February (or 2-2)

Image credits: salyersjeremy

“It’s really been a fairy tale come true. Marrying twins is something that’s very important to us”

“Even when we were little girls I can remember being in kindergarten, knowing that that is what we saw for ourselves”

Image credits: twinstalentcasting

“We knew that the chances were incredibly scarce. The stars had to align for our dreams to come true,” Brittany added

Image credits: twinstalentcasting

The ceremony was held at the place where they met, the Twins Days Festival in Twinsburg

Image credits: Elizabeth Paddock

The brides wore matching dresses while the grooms rocked identical tuxedos

Image credits: twinstalentcasting

The theme of the event was “Twice Upon a Time,” with identical twin ministers leading the way

Image credits: twinstalentcasting

But the gang have future plans, too

Image credits: twinstalentcasting

They plan to all live in the same house where they would also raise their children together

Hooray for the happy couples!

Image credits: twinstalentcasting

Here’s how people reacted

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Devoted Tim Tebow Swoops In To Save Boy With Flamingo Legs

We can only thank God for people like Tim Tebow, a professional athlete and the founder of the Tim Tebow Foundation whose goal is to “to bring faith, hope, and love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need.”

Tim is the son of missionaries who was raised in the spirit of helping others whenever he can. His parents also showed him the power of trusting in God, which gave this young man the desire to make a difference in people’s lives.

Tim himself had traveled on numerous mission trips during which he met a young boy that changed his perspective on life.

About fifteen years ago, Tim visited a remote village that had never seen visitors, and that’s when he first met Sherwin. A disabled young man with legs deformity. The boy was treated as ‘cursed’ by the villagers, and Tim knew he had to do something in order to give this boy a chance for a happier and a pain free life.


The impact Sherwin had on the kindhearted athlete was so huge that it inspired him to establish his foundation that will later help children with similar and even worse disabilities like Aldrin.

When Aldrin arrived at the Tebow CURE hospital, doctors couldn’t believe the severity of the deformity he had. His knees bent the wrong direction and looked like a flamingo’s legs. The doctors, among which Dr. Mead decided to operate on the boy.

This hospital has so far performed 2,139 surgeries on at-risk and at-need individuals since it was founded in 2014.


This 11-year-old boy’s condition was even worse because it wasn’t treated for so long. The skin stretched out across the front of the leg. His femur was malformed. His tendons were contracted.

Even though they knew this wasn’t going to be an easy operation, the doctors decided to do their best and improve this poor boy’s life as much as they could.


Aldrin and his family put all their hopes in the hands of the doctors and were looking forward to the day he would be able to walk properly.

Aldrin’s mom said:

“When he had surgery it was OK because their staff gave us encouragement and they take care of us very well.”

Fortunately, the surgery went well, but the road to recovery was long and hard. But Aldrin managed to endure everything, because at the end of the day it was for his own good. He was about to stand and walk again. None of it would be possible without Tim Tebow’s big heart and incredible outlook on life.


Aldrin is truly an inspiration. Take a look at his journey in the video below.

Cashier Shames Elderly Woman At Grocery Store, But G’ma’s Response Leaves Her Dumbfounded

I’ve always been taught to ‘respect my elders’. Their experience and wisdom they have come from a lot of tough times.  The younger generations should listen and learn but sadly they all think they know it all.

At least, that’s what one cashier thought when she saw an elderly woman coming through her checkout line.

As she began to check out, the cashier condescendingly said to her “you should start  bringing her own grocery bags to the store because the “plastic bags are not good for the environment.”

The woman was appalled. She took a deep breath and said this:

“We didn’t have this ‘green thing’ back in my earlier days.”

Thinking she had won this argument the cashier snidely remarked “That’s our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations.”

That’s when the older woman had had quite enough of her.  She let her have it right there in the line and what she said has everyone talking, commenting and sharing all over the internet.

“Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles, and beer bottles to the store,” she said. “The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled. But we didn’t have the ‘green thing’ back in our day.

“Grocery stores bagged our groceries in brown paper bags that we reused for numerous things. Most memorable besides household garbage bags was the use of brown paper bags as book covers for our school books. This was to ensure that public property (the books provided for our use by the school) was not defaced by our scribblings. Then we were able to personalize our books on the brown paper bags. But, too bad we didn’t do the ‘green thing’ back then.

“We walked up stairs because we didn’t have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn’t climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. But you are right. We didn’t have the ‘green thing’ in our day.

“Back then we washed the baby’s diapers because we didn’t have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy-gobbling machine burning up 220 volts. Wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But, young lady, you are right; we didn’t have the ‘green thing’ back in our day.

“Back then we had one TV, or radio, in the house – not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief, not a screen the size of the state of Montana. In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn’t have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn’t fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn’t need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. But you’re right; we didn’t have the ‘green thing’ back then.

“We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blade in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. But we didn’t have the ‘green thing’ back then.

“Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service in the family’s $45,000 SUV or van, which cost what a whole house did before the ‘green thing.’ We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn’t need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 23,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest burger joint.

“But isn’t it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn’t have the ‘green thing’ back then?”

The cashier stood there speechless!  The older lady gathered her thing and left the building!  I hope this was a lesson for this young cashier, and that she gives a second thought to “think before you speak”.  Also that she doesn’t just listen to the media and take what they say as gospel.  Go out and talk to someone see where they came from, what they have endured.  It’s bound to give you a new perspective on the world and not one that someone else has given you!

Think for yourself!


Toddler Spends 3 Solid Minutes Telling Dad He Loves Him, But Dad’s Reaction Will Melt Your Heart.

Growing up, I always knew that no matter what mistakes I could make, my parents would always love me. It’s a bond that can’t be broken by missed curfew or misunderstandings… a parent’s love lasts forever. The little boy in this video certainly knows that to be true as he chases down his Daddy just to say “I love you” before Dad leaves for work. Looks like that special love goes both ways.

In fact, this little guy loves his dad so much that he spends 3 solid minutes continuously telling him so. The best part? His awesome dad responds every step of the way, even stopping the car for a little extra love before he goes and honking his horn as he’s driving down the road. The entire interaction is absolutely adorable.

The video splices together the highlights of those 3 minutes into an adorable clip, showing viewers the best of this precious father/son duo. There really is nothing quite like the innocent love of a child! Equally as beautiful is a father’s unparalleled love for his son.

Check it out the precious moment of pure, heartfelt love below.

Polar bear shot down by members of a ship crew who claim were being attacked – People are furious at the killers


Not only was this beautiful animal shot on the Spitsbergen island of Norway’s Svalbard archipelago, but this polar bear was fatally shot, anger is growing daily…

People are absolutely outraged, and quite rightly so, a German crew member on the cruise ship called the “Bremen” was said to have been attacked by the bear, his fellow crewmate was the one to shoot the bear, it was fatal for the poor polar bear!

The cruise ship, called the Hapag-Lloyd, was docked on the Saturday at Spitsbergen island, this is said to be when the bear attacked the guard, it was his job to investigate that there were no bears before passengers departed.

The guy that was attacked, the guard, had to be airlifted out, however, he had injuries that were described as non-life-threatening, to his head…

The cruise ship “Bremen” is a luxury cruise ship and quite pricey too. The Cruises promoted by Hapag-Lloyd are with a promise that “nature determines the course of eventful days”, in fact, polar bear sightings are all considered part of the experience.

The tourists were all well out of the way through when the polar bear was shot dead, it was said that a crew member of the “Bremen” had gone ashore, with other guards, all together.

The company said:

“The incident occurred when the four-person polar bear guard team, who are always on board for these expedition cruises as required by law, prepared for a shore leave”

However the shooting was performed, the majority of people are very angry and against the shooting, popular figures on Twitter talk about the preventability of shooting and the events of that day.

British comedian Ricky Gervais said:

“‘Let’s get too close to a polar bear in its natural environment and then kill it if it gets too close,’ Morons”

Jane Roberts, a genealogist said:

“Maybe cruise sightseeing tours shouldn’t take place then polar bear guards wouldn’t be needed to protect gawking tourists & polar bears would be left in peace & not shot dead merely to satisfy a photo op?”

Biologist Adam said:

Tourism… again proving itself to be harmful to wildlife.”

Biologist, Daniel Schneider, said:

“This #polarbear home was invaded from tourists from the Cruise Ship MS Bremen. He defended himself, in his home, mildly injuring a “polar bear guard”. He was then shot dead. Here’s a thought. Why not look at the bears from afar and leave them alone. RT to Leave the Bears alone.”

Polar bear guards, so they are called, are there to ensure the safety of the travelers on guided tours, while on shore according to the news. Crew members are of course armed and get special training for events like these.

During the incident itself, there were no actual tourists to protect, but the guards were setting up a landing gear protection station just before they were attacked.

The Ole Jakob Malmo of the Svalbard police said that they are opening an investigation into the shooting in due course.

The Cruise ship’s organizer Hapag-Lloyd Cruises said on Twitter:

Maybe it would be a good and sound idea for tourist companies to stop using animals to fuel their tourist trade and be content with viewing these amazing creatures from a safe distance, safe for the polar bears!

If you agree we should have stricter guides for how we are allowed to interact with magnificent creatures like this then please SHARE and show your support.

Little Boy Proudly Shows Off Ability To Walk with Crutches to Dog in Heartwarming Video

At just two years old, Roman Dinkel is probably the most inspiring toddler you’ll see all week.

He was born with Spina Bifida, yet attacks life with an infectious enthusiasm that is inspiring hearts around the world.

Roman’s parents, Whitney and Adam Dinkel, found out their son had a birth defect at their 20-week ultrasound.

While 64 percent of prenatally diagnosed babies with Spina Bifida are terminated, Roman’s parents never considered ending their child’s life.

Roman’s life is a gift, a beautiful story that his parents document on a Facebook page dedicated to their son: Defying Odds: Roman’s Journey.

Adam Dinkel shares information about Spina Bifida, heartfelt stories and updates about Roman’s progress, and adorable videos of his tot’s milestones.

Recently, Roman has learned to walk using a pair of forearm crutches, dubbed as his “sticks.”

The adorably small sticks are just the right size for Roman’s height, and it wasn’t long before a few wobbly steps in the living room turned into a walk outside.

Roman’s father posted a video of Roman bursting with pride over his newfound ability. Roman couldn’t help but share his joy with the family dog, Maggie.

“Look, Maggie, I walking Maggie!” Roman gushed as he walked down a carpeted hallway.

It was a moment to be celebrated and cherished, and nearly 14 million people think so, too. Roman has legions of new cheerleaders, thanks to this adorable clip.

His parents are thrilled with Roman’s progress, sharing a little more about how the new crutches have helped their son gain a little more independence.

“I promise I’m going to stop talking about this soon, but this kid keeps blowing my mind,” Roman’s parents wrote.

“I decided to take him outside to test out his sticks in the grass.”

“Not only did he walk all over the yard but then he walked across the street and down the road and turned around and came all the way back. Without any help from me!”

Roman has been defying the odds since he was in the womb. And by the looks of things, this tenacious little boy isn’t going to quit anytime soon.

Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family.

Dad Films His Own Hilarious Reaction To Kids Going Off To School

Summer is a glorious time of year, but it’s true that all good things must come to an end. So as the pool toys and patio furniture go on clearance and the school supplies come out, there are usually some pretty unhappy campers out there. However, there’s no getting around it – the first day of school is on its way.


For one family they were all prepared for their kids to head back to the classroom. It was the first day of school and as many parents do they headed outside in the morning for a traditional send off. The two students were dressed in their nice outfits with backpacks on, watching as the bus pulled up. Sure they were probably a little nervous, but that never stops a parent from making them get on!


Dad’s filming the scene as mom does the final goodbye, even taking a couple photos on the bus steps. It’s a moment that brings a tear to many parents’ eyes watching their babies head off. Well, or maybe not… After the bus drives away dad flips the camera around and shows everyone how he really feels about his kids going back to school – and it’s hilarious! Watch the video below to see if you or someone you know can relate to this guy’s over-the-top reaction.

Wife caught her husband in bed with another woman, her husband’s explanation…

A wife arrived home after a long shopping trip, and was horrified to find her husband in bed with a young, lovely thing. Just as she was about to storm out of the house, her husband stopped her with these words:

“Before you leave, I want you to hear how this all came about. Driving home, I saw this young girl, looking poor and tired, I offered her a ride.

She was hungry, so I brought her home and fed her some of the roast you had forgotten about in the refrigerator.” Her shoes were worn out so I gave her a pair of your shoes you didn’t wear because they were out of style.

She was cold so I gave her that new birthday sweater you never wore even once because the color didn’t suit you. Her slacks were worn out so I gave her a pair of yours that you don’t fit into anymore.

Then as she was about to leave the house, she paused and asked, “Is there anything else that your wife doesn’t use anymore?” “And so, here we are!”​

SHARE if it made you LAUGH 🙂

Bloody, Crippled Donkeys Suffer In Agonising Pain Due To Tourist Rides


The Greek island of Santorini has over 500 steps to climb before tourists can enjoy the view from the very top of Fira, the capital of the island.

To make sure that visitors don’t’ actually have to do this incredibly arduous climb up the steps, donkeys are used, they plod up and down the hill each and every day like some sort of animal lift system.

This quite traditional ride is quite the tourist attraction, to say the least, but it does take a massive toll on the donkeys, working so hard, every day, day in, day out!

Animal rights activists have released the gruesome images from behind the scenes of what actually goes on, that you don’t get to see, the tourist industry has been shaken to the core.

In the baking hot day, the donkeys are forced to carry the tourists up the jill, one after the other, the paths are commonly very steep in parts and also a little dangerous in other parts.

It’s not like the animals are given any kind of respite, or any kind of care, because they are not at all, animal rights groups claim also that tourists, on the whole, are getting much heavier, increasing their workload even more.

It really is a job for the donkeys that have no end, not without even a little break for them, seven days a week, every week, but are they getting ample water and being treated well for their work? No apparently not!!

A newspaper in Britain, called the Sun, says that owners at the Santorini attraction have bred the donkeys with horses, these mules are much stronger, bigger and of course more equipped to be able to last longer, to carry the tourists of course…

A picture really can say far more than mere words, and to document the cases too, especially in such cases of animal cruelty, the evidence is key.

Photos from Network for Animals have now been released, they document all the bloody wounds you don’t see, the ones hidden from tourists as they book their tickets for the donkey ride.

A lot of the donkeys don’t even have saddles that are properly fitted, which makes their injuries even worse, they are so exhausted by the end of the day that they can’t even get to their feet again after they finish.

Help the Santorini Donkeys said:

“It’s recommended that animals should carry no more than 20 percent of their own body weight. The obese and overweight tourists, combined with the lack of shade and water as well as the sheer heat and 568 cobbled steps, is what is causing such a problem.”

Even without carrying excess overweight passengers, the working conditions that these donkeys have to work in every day would still be quite tortuous, without any doubt.

So what can the ordinary tourist do to help them?

Without a market for these rides, they will cease to exist, tourists can fight against this terrible trade by not participating and trying their best to spread the word and raise awareness of the animal cruelty involved.

Thankfully though, because of the hard work of animal rights activists, it’s becoming increasingly hard for the owners of such businesses to cover up the nasty results of their business.

Please SHARE this and tell everyone you know, we can help the donkeys together!

Man Learns Heartfelt Reason Why Teen’s Buying So Many Coats

It’s not uncommon to see people with overflowing carts at second hand stores. After all, being able to find amazing treasures at low prices can make it hard to resist!

But when a customer at a Goodwill in Canton, Ohio spotted a teen with an arm full of coats he became a little curious. Sure, they were probably a great deal – yet there was something about it that sparked his interest.

Flickr/Mike Mozart

The customer decided to approach the teen to find out why he was purchasing so many winter coats. He asked him about it, not expecting the young man’s answer to be so heartfelt and powerful.

As it turns out, he wasn’t buying the six coats for himself. In fact, he wouldn’t be wearing a single one of them at all. He was buying them for the homeless.

Being so touched by the teen’s explanation, the customer decided to snap a photo of him as he went to pay for all the coats – which totaled $65. Upon returning home he told his daughter about what he had witnessed and asked her to share the experience online so others could know of his selfless deed.

Facebook/Love What Matters

His daughter, Haley Stewart, posted the photo of the teen on Facebook along with the story and a beautiful message (which was shared by Love What Matters). She wrote:

“We don’t know who you are, Sir, but you deserve recognition! Keep being an amazing person! A very sweet and kind young man… My dad snapped his photo while shopping, after asking him what the coats were for, and it really touched his heart. We need more people like him, in this world.”

The photo of the kindhearted teen went viral, which is what led to his identity being uncovered. 19-year-old Fredrick White was the one in Goodwill that day buying the coats for the homeless – and even went back later to buy gloves and hats.

Fredrick had become inspired by an idea he saw on Facebook where people were hanging free coats on posts around the city to help the homeless. He also feels the United Way’s Get Connected program steered him in the direction of wanting to make an impact in his community.

He told WKYC News:

“One good deed for each person. Just wake up and do something different.”

Twitter/Amani Abraham

Although his act of kindness was about giving to others, the people at Goodwill decided they wanted to do something special for Fredrick as well. He was presented with a $200 gift card to be used at their stores.

It’s incredible to see people of all ages lending helping hands to those in need. Hopefully Fredrick’s heart of gold continues to inspire others!

Deployed Marine Gives Family a Surprise to Remember


When U.S Marine Dave Woodruff learned his deployment was coming to an end a bit earlier than expected, he decided to give his family a surprise to remember.

During the past two years of his life, he was spending lots of time away from home and missed on many important events. Needless to say, he just couldn’t wait to return to his home town again.

His arrival, however, was kept a secret as he planned on going to ‘a secret mission’ with the help of his friends. The reunion he was about to prepare for those who were eagerly waiting for him to be back is unique and touching.


It all took place while his parents were attending service at Christ the King Church in Deville, New Jersey. They thought it was just going to be a day like any other, not realizing that the so much anticipated homecoming of their son was awaiting just around the corner.

As the pastor was preaching, he told the membership how they had a little treat before they dismissed everyone. Soldier Woodruff was waiting in the car outside the church and his mom and dad had no idea he was so close to them.

Woodruff prepared a touching video for his dad’s 53rd birthday and everyone at the church started crying when he said how much he loved and missed his parents. Who wouldn’t ask for such a caring and loving son?

As people were wiping their tears commenting how great of a guy Woodruff is, he told them to turn around.

The rest is too good to be put into words, so take a look at it yourself in the video below.

Listening To This Baby Sing Himself To Sleep Will Melt Your Heart

While dad is softly playing on the guitar, this little baby is trying out for lead vocals, but just can’t stay awake long enough to make it through the song. What a precious little angel!

WATCH this lovely video below:

This Boy Got Way More Than He Bargained For After Going To Confession.

A young Italian boy went to confess to his priest.

“Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl.”

The priest asks, “Is that you, little Joey Pagano?”

“Yes, Father, it is.”

“And who was the girl you were with?”

“I cant tell you, Father. I don’t want to ruin her reputation.”

“Well, Joey, Im sure to find out her name sooner or later so you may as well tell me now. Was it Tina Minetti?”

“I cannot say.”

“Was it Teresa Mazzarelli?”

“Ill never tell.”

“Was it Nina Capelli?”

“I’m sorry, but I cannot name her.”

“Was it Cathy Piriano?”

“My lips are sealed.”

“Was it Rosa DiAngelo, then?”

“Please, Father, I cannot tell you.”

The priest sighs in frustration. “You’re very tight lipped, and I admire that. But you’ve sinned and have to atone. You cannot be an altar boy now for 4 months. Now you go and behave yourself.”

Joey walks back to his pew, and his friend Franco slides over and whispers, “What’d you get?”

“Four months vacation and five good leads!”


Package Thief Attempts To Steal From Front Porch, Then Karma Immediately Strikes Back With Full Force

The criminal justice system was set up so people who commit crimes receive the penalty they deserve, but sometimes justice comes even more swiftly. Some people might call this fate, others karma, but one thing is for sure – they definitely had it coming!

Such was the case when this woman decided to steal some packages off of some unsuspecting victim’s porch.

Shortly after the UPS truck left the neighborhood, a car with tinted windows drove up and a woman got out of the passenger side. After checking to make sure no one was watching, she quickly walked up to the porch and grabbed the three packages that had just been left there.

It looked like she was going to get away scot-free, but then karma hit her hard!

Watch what happens to the woman in the video below:

Maybe what follows was a freak accident…or maybe it was karma.

Do you think this thief got what was coming to her? Then SHARE it!

Drunk Driver Left Mortified After Waking Up From 10-Year Coma, Then Finds Out It Was All A Lie

Losing a loved one to a car accident fuelled by drink-driving is a fatality that could have been easily prevented had the person behind the wheel not made the irresponsible and frankly selfish decision to drive while under the influence.

That’s why the message behind this video is so important and that’s why it went viral soon after it was uploaded.

In 2013, Tom Mabe played an epic prank on his friend in order to teach him a lesson. His friend, Ray, had essentially become an avid drunk driver but it was only when he was charged with his fifth DUI that Tom knew he had to step in and help him see the error of his ways.

So this prank wasn’t merely about having a laugh at Ray’s expense, but about allowing him to see the value of his own life and the lives of innocent people whom his drinking habits could potentially kill.

So Ray’s friend, Tom, watched him get absolutely wasted, as per usual, then took him to a faux hospital room. So when Ray woke up, he found himself in the presence of medical staff, who were really just actors in disguise. The first person Ray sees after waking up is the nurse who informs her “patient” that the “doctor” will soon be in to check up on him.

Credit: YouTube / MabeInAmerica

When he meets the “doctor”, he learns that it is now 2023 and that a whole decade of his life was spent in the hospital.

“Some time ago you were out drinking and you decided to drive and there was an accident,” the “doctor” explains. “And you’ve been here with us for some time. This accident took place back in 2013, it’s now 2023. You’ve been in a coma for the past 10 years.”

They even prepared a fake TV news report set 10 years in the future, only serving to confuse Ray even further.

Credit: YouTube / MabeInAmerica

The most poignant moment in the video is that when Ray learns what had happened to him, he immediately asks “Where’s my daughter at?”

The fact that family is so dear to him is just another reason why his drink driving, which could drive him to an early grave, needs to be brought under control.

So watch the video to see how Ray reacts to the prank and ask yourselves if it was justified? Or whether his friends were taking advantage of his weakness and perhaps took it too far.

Pizza Delivery Guy Plays Customers Piano Inside Their Own Home

Bryce Dudal is a 17-year-old pizza delivery boy with a passion for the piano. While he hardly gets to play anymore with the chaos of school, work and applying for college, Bryce did have the chance to stroke the ivory keys recently.

Now his impromptu performance is going viral online – and we understand why!

It all started when the Varchetti family called their local Hungry Howie’s for a few pies. It was pizza night in their home! Once the pizzas were made and ready to go, Bryce was assigned the delivery duty. He had no idea that fate would take that evening in such an interesting direction.

Facebook/Julie Varchetti

When Bryce arrived at the Varchetti’s home, he grabbed the pizzas and walked up to the door, just as he had done countless evenings before. After handing over the pies and collecting the cash, Bryce saw a baby grand piano out of the corner of his eye.

The yearning to play suddenly took over his mind – that’s all he wanted to do.

After politely asking to take a closer look at the piano, the Varchetti’s agreed and let him in. The group chatted about the piano and how no one in the family has used it in years – and that’s when Bryce sat down.

He confidently stretched out his hands and placed them carefully on the keys. Then, without warning, Bryce broke into a breathtaking rendition of Beethoven’s “Moonlight” sonata!

Facebook/Julie Varchetti

Byrce told the Washington Post that playing the piano was always a passion of his – and he likes to test the limits of his talent when playing for others.

“[Learning to play the piano] was a long process. You have to sit there and think and try to put it on the piano, piece by piece. I couldn’t read music back then. I would sit there and listen for hours and hours and try to figure it out… A lot of people sit down at the piano and play something slow and beautiful. But when I play for someone, I like to go all out.”

The entire Varchetti family was blown away by Bryce’s performance. Even the youngest Varchetti child stopped his favorite video game to watch Bryce play the classical piece! We’re just so happy someone decided to record his performance and share it online for us to see.

By the looks of things here, Bryce has a bright future in the music industry!

Facebook/Julie Varchetti

Watch this incredible impromptu performance for yourself below. What a talented young man!

3 Kids Sneak Onto Stranger’s Porch As Camera Captures Their True Intentions

Packages swiped from front porches and vandals causing trouble in yards sadly is on the rise. More and more homeowners are installing cameras and other security devices to monitor activity at their home while they’re away at work or sleeping.

When Jamie Carlton checked his home surveillance video, he could not believe what he saw on it. Approaching his front porch was a trio of kids that meant business.


Jamie had been scanning the video monitoring for suspicious activity as a precaution. He watched as the kids strode up to his home single file, then rang the door bell.

The oldest of the three began saying something to the camera and motioning around. Jamie couldn’t quite make out what was being said.


Then the kids did something out of the line of sight of the camera. They quickly turned away and hustled down the driveway.

On the video, the kids hopped on their bikes and sped off. Jamie rushed outside to check out his porch area and see what on earth the kids had done after he watched their suspicious actions on video.

He didn’t find any signs of vandalism or theft, but instead he found a black wallet. Jamie flipped it open and discovered it belonged to his son Nigel.

The trio of kids were Haylie, 13, her brother Reagan, six, and friend Ashley Dayton. They were biking to the pool when they spied something lying underneath a car.

When they realized it was someone’s wallet and it was full of cash, they picked it up. They flipped through it and couldn’t believe what they were seeing — $700 in cash!

The kids had no intention of confiscating the money. Instead, they wanted to make sure the wallet and its contents were safely returned to its owner.

“Someone else could take it and it wasn’t safe leaving it there in plain sight.”

They checked for an address on the driver’s license and trekked their way to Nigel’s home. When no one answered the front door, they opted to hide it on the front porch after realizing that a camera was recording them and they could leave a message.

“We found your wallet outside of your car and we just thought we would give it back to you. I’m going to put it over here so no takes any money. You’re welcome. Thank you.”

Jamie said watching the video and knowing what the kids did has “restored my faith in humanity.” Haylie and Reagan’s mom Kerri Eddy Wenke told the Daily Mail how proud she is of her kids for doing the right thing.

“As parents, I think we always hope they are doing the right thing when we are not around or when no one is watching.”

Nigel’s dad Jamie decided to share the home surveillance footage in order to thank the kids for their honesty and honorable actions. People commented on Jamie’s Facebook post how wonderful the kids were to consciously decide on their own to return the billfold with all of the money inside.


Check out these kids who are being hailed for their actions in the video below.

Singer Has Heartfelt Interaction After Paying Strangers’ Tab

When your moral compass kicks in and you experience that sudden urge to do something kind, you get that warm and fuzzy feeling. It could be something as simple as quickly holding open the door for someone or swiftly offering to help a person carry something heavy.

Singer-songwriter Andy Grammer suddenly felt compelled to take action one afternoon. He was enjoying breakfast at the Sea Ketch restaurant in Hampton Beach when a group of women caught his eye.

Facebook/Andy Grammer

He had noticed what he described as five “SUPER CUTE” elderly ladies. Instantly he was awash with sadness as he longed for his mom, especially now that he’s a parent.

Andy later wrote on Facebook:

“I felt a strong urge to pick up their check. I don’t know them and didn’t want to bother them but I just did it.”

The musician didn’t want to draw attention to himself, so he secretly paid for their meal. But then he had another urge, one that he just could not ignore.

“…a lot of times it’s better to just do nice deeds without asking for acknowledgment but something felt like I should tell them I missed my mom, like they might like to hear that. So I walked over and said ‘You are five of the sweetest ladies I’ve ever seen. I lost my mom a while back and something about seeing you made me miss her this morning so I’m getting your check.’”

Facebook/Mary Conant

Instead of being starstruck, one of the women felt her own urge to act. She popped up from her seat, threw open her arms and uttered words that stunned Andy.

“COME HERE. I lost my son and really needed this.”

She embraced Andy with a “mom hug” he admitted needing. He reciprocated with the “son hug” she craved.

Andy ended his Facebook post saying,

“We are all so connected. #imnotcryingyourecrying #cryingwithstrangers”

Facebook/Andy Grammer

These women had no clue that day they were going to cross paths with a star that day. Andy could not have imagined being blessed with a hug from a super sweet senior either.

One of the women, Mary Conant, shared on Facebook that they were meant to meet Andy. It was fate!

“Your Mom sent you to us today.”

Things definitely have an interesting way of working out! Since Andy posted his story it’s been shared more than 6,900 times.

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