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Why You Should Always Put A Spoon Of Sugar In Your Backyard Before Leaving The House


Some of us are not so keen about bees, they feel that they just bother us and disturb our lovely picnics, but in reality, these little insects are dying out of existence slowly…

These are critical as these little insects are responsible for feeding 90 percent of the world’s population, we really can’t live without them!

It’s not the case that you have to be a tree nut to respect the environment, not at all and happily there is some amazing stuff we can do to help the planet.

A single person can’t do everything, but all of us together can help, and we all have a responsibility to do something to preserve the beautiful world we live in, for our future generations.

Zoologist and author, British, and best known for his work as a television presenter, you would definitely recognize his voice if you heard it…

Facebook / David Attenborough

He said on Facebook:

“If bees were to disappear from the face of the earth, humans would have just 4 years left to live”

David Attenborough is not the first person to give this grave warning to us, but his post is a real reminder that it is a real issue and we all should take it very seriously.

They might well seem small and unimportant, but bees have a huge task, nearly a third of the food we eat is pollinated by these little insects

David Attenborough writes:

“In the last 5 years, the bee population has dropped by 1/3”

The situation is not hopeless at all though, one thing we can all do, an idea growing like wildfire…

David Attenborough gives us a simple little tip that every one of us should try: Mix some sugar and water in a spoon and then leave it in your backyard. It really could help save your life!

David Attenborough writes:

“This time of year bees can often look like they are dying or dead, however, they’re far from it. Bees can become tired and they simply don’t have enough energy to return to the hive, which can often result in being swept away.”

“If you find a tired bee in your home, a simple solution of sugar and water will help revive an exhausted bee.“

“Simply mix two tablespoons of white, granulated sugar with one tablespoon of water and place on a spoon for the bee to reach. You can also help by sharing this post to raise awareness.”

Here’s yet another way that will help bees and mankind thrive: plant flowers on your balcony maybe even let wildflowers take over a corner of your backyard. Your local bees will really love it!

Facebook / David Attenborough

Bess can save our planet, together we could save the planet SHARE and let’s spread the word

Listerine Isn’t Just A Mouthwash – Here Are 15 Incredible Uses Every Woman Should Be Aware Of

 Listerine is a popular mouthwash used for fresh breath, fighting gingivitis and whitening teeth.  But this awful tasting liquid is so much more than that…
There are at least 15 other uses for Listerine.

1. Stop Toenail Fungus

Photo Credit: Namibiauraniuminstitute.com

Toe fungus is no joke!  If you feet are in terrible shape try soaking them in Listerine.   To rejuvenate them and get rid of the fungus and stink, add some Listerine to lukewarm water, and dip your feet in the solution. It may take a few soaks but it’s worth it!

2. Clean The Toilet

To get rid of nasty germs, just add a cup of Listerine to water and use this solution to clean off your kitchen tops, sinks, toilet seats, floors, and practically everything.

3. Cure The Itch

To save yourself from the pain caused by a bee sting, pour some Listerine on a cotton swab and put it over the bite or itch. The pain would diminish considerably.

4. Back-Up Deodorant

Soak a cotton ball with some Listerine, rub it on your armpit area, and odor will be gone all day long.

5. No More Dandruff

A little alcohol is great for your hair. Just add a cup of Listerine to water, rinse off your hair with it and get a lustrous mane sans dandruff. You’re welcome.

6. Flea-Free Pets

Now nobody likes it dirty. Okay, some might, but your pet definitely doesn’t! Keep them happy by getting rid of the fleas that breed on them. Just add a cup of Listerine to their bathing water, and save them from pests.

7. Facial Cleanser

The alcohol in Listerine is a great way to save yourself from embarrassing zits.  Just apply a small amount of Listerine to a cotton pad, apply it to the directly-affected areas,

8. Toothbrush Cleaner

Listerine does keep your mouth clean so it only makes sense that it would also keep your toothbrush clean too! Dip your toothbrush in a jar of water and Listerine solution and make your toothbrush bacteria free.

9. Screen Cleaner

Listerine is also handy to do away with all those grimy fingerprints on your TV, laptop, or cell phone screens. Mix some of it with water, pour it into a spray bottle.  Spray onto cloth  and use it to wipe away the dirt.

10. De-Odorize Your Trash

You almost expect your trash can to stink but after this you won’t.  Just dab a cloth or a tissue in Listerine and drop it in your garbage can. Not only will this keep your garbage stink-free, it will also add a minty smell to your kitchen.

11. Stop Lice

Lice is no reason to SHAVE your head as some thought in the past.  All you need to do is soak your hair in Listerine, then let it sit in a shower cap for a couple hours. Then wash your hair, and you’re good to go.

12. Remove Ticks

No one wants to be stuck with a tick. If you find one, simply place a paper towel that has been soaked in Listerine on the surface of the skin. It should let go after just a few seconds

13. Use as a bug spray

You can set off a bug bomb in your house but then you are left with the nasty odor.  We like using Listerine instead.  Spray some Listerine in the air just use a spray bottle. And as a bonus, it would give a super minty smell.

14.Use as an After Shave

If you happen to have cuts and itches after you shave, you can apply a small amount of Listerine to calm that fire.

15. Soothe Toothaches

Listerine also helps in getting rid of the pain caused by a toothache. Just dab a cotton with some drops of Listerine and keep it on the affected area.

Dad leaves 1-year-old in hot truck all day – mom looks inside and makes horrific discovery.


Each and every year the same problems seem to crop up, whether its animals or humans, the hot summer claims many lives.

How often are people told about the carelessness and extreme danger of leaving a living breathing human or animal inside a hot vehicle, under any circumstances at all?

Sadly it is a huge issue that has claimed countless lives, this particular guy left a one-year-old in the car, the little girl was found dead on the Wednesday in Nashville, Tennessee, inside a parked pick-up truck.

The metro police said that the little girl had been left there, in the pickup truck outside the family home in East Nashville after her father (adopted, not her blood-related father) had taken her sibling to daycare.

It was claimed that he forgot about her there in the car and so she stayed in her car seat…

The girl’s mom (also adopted, not her blood-related mom) found her in the truck in the Wednesday night, still strapped into her seat.

She rushed her to the Monroe Carrell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, but it was way too late and they recorded that she was dead.

It is unclear right now how long exactly she had been in the truck or if her adoptee father will face any charges for what transpired that day.

The investigation continues and the two parents have not been named until the police decide what will happen next, see the full story below:

This really is a tragedy no matter how it happened, such a great shame and such a hard thing to even think about, taken before her life even had the chance to begin.

It was most certainly the sort of incident that could have been avoided, and such a great and sad loss.

SHARE the love for this little girl who never got the chance at life!

Parents Go On Vacation, Return And Are Stunned By How Their Daughters Transformed Their Home

Parents give so much to their kids…a home, clothing, cars, and college.  Very few times is that sacrifice ever acknowledged. These four sisters made sure their parents know how much they appreciated them and all their hard work.
Karen and Chip Schoonover live in Conway, South Carolina. They have four daughters who are all grown up now, but they love their parents so much. When Karen and Chip went away on a week-long vacation, the sisters got together to give their parents a HUGE surprise.
They decided to give their parents’ house a makeover. Just after Mom and Dad departed the four girls snuck into the house and began to make changes. They headed to the local hardware store and started their video.
The first step was packing up over 30 years of ‘stuff’ and cleaning everything.
Next the girls started painting, even with these two things finished the place looked so much better.
They all pitched in day and night for the entire week.  They enlisted the help of family and friends but they hustled to complete the job before their parents got home.
The moment of truth was finally here.  Mom and Dad were pulling in the driveway.  They waited patiently as their parents walked onto the porch giving them hugs and kisses.
As Chip and Karen walked in the door the girls caught the moment on video.  The two were shocked and you will be too.  Karen admits she was wishing someone would come clean while she was away but she never imagined this.

This Man Demanded To Move His Seat On The Plane. The Flight Attendant’s Response Was Priceless.


Man recently posted this online, describing a not-so-politically-correct move pulled by an airline attendant after a customer complained and insulted another passenger.

A 50-something year old Muslim man arrived at his seat on a crowded flight and immediately didn’t want the seat. The seat was next to an elderly white woman reading her Bible. Disgusted, the Muslim man immediately summoned the flight attendant and demanded a new seat. The man said “I cannot sit here next to this infidel.”

The flight attendant said “Let me see if I can find another seat.”

After checking, the flight attendant returned and stated “There are no more seats in economy, but I will check with the captain and see if there is something in first class.”

About 10 minutes went by and the flight attendant returned and stated “The captain has confirmed that there are no more seats in economy, but there is one in first class. It is our company policy to never move a person from economy to first class, but being that it would be some sort of scandal to force a person to sit next to an UNPLEASANT person, the captain agreed to make the switch to first class.”

Before the irate Muslim man could say anything, the attendant gestured to the elderly woman and said, “Therefore ma’am, if you would so kindly retrieve your personal items, we would like to move you to the comfort of first class as the captain doesn’t want you to sit next to an unpleasant person.”

Passengers in the seats nearby began to applaud; some even gave a standing ovation.

Did the flight attendant do the right thing? Share this post and let us know in the comments below.

Dad Picks Up 6-Yr-Old From School Only Teachers Notice His Pants & Suddenly Realize Situation


As parents, there’s nothing we wouldn’t do to make our children happy and comfortable. So when Ben Sowards, a husband and father from Utah, got a call from his 6-year-old daughter’s school that there had been a bathroom accident, he knew that he had to pick her up right away.

Ben also knew that he had to make his daughter Valerie feel better after the embarrassment of wetting herself. That’s when a brilliant idea popped into his head…

Facebook/Connie Merrell Sowards

Before jumping in the car and heading off to Valerie’s school, Ben splashed a little water around the crotch of his pants. In an interview with Huffington Post, Ben explained that the key to making his little girl feel better was in making her laugh!

“Honestly, I knew she was mortified, but I thought if I could make her laugh everything would be fine.”

This would surely do the trick!

Facebook/Connie Merrell Sowards

As soon as Ben walked into the principal’s office, he asked to borrow Valerie’s backpack. He quietly whispered to his daughter that he needed to hide something. At first, Valerie didn’t understand why her dad needed to hide anything!

Then she looked down and saw his pants.

Ben told Huffington Post that the moment Valerie saw his pants, everything was okay. She felt comfortable standing up and walking out of the school with confidence.

“She was totally exasperated. But, once she saw my pants, I got that look from her where I knew everything was OK. All dads know what look I’m talking about. And we just strolled out of the school like nothing was happening.”

Facebook/Connie Merrell Sowards

All Ben had to do as a father was drive down to the school and pick up his daughter. Wetting his pants with water was the extra step he took to make sure his she wasn’t embarrassed by something most children experience.

We need more fathers like Ben in the world!

Postal worker noticed a sign on porch while on the job and it went viral


While some people get to work from the comfort of their home, there are also those whose job demands use of physical strength or being outside. Postal workers are one of those people who don’t work from an office but are required to be out and deliver people’s mail and packages no matter the weather conditions.

During the winter they have to deal with freezing temperatures, and during summer time they try to brave the heat and stay hydrated while on the job.

The residents from a village in Oklahoma are aware that the postal workers sometimes struggle with the high temperatures, so they decided to do something nice for them and ease their job. Namely, many families have placed coolers full of bottle with fresh water. Some of them even wrote messages for the delivery men and women to see and treat themselves with some refreshment.

Along with the bottles of water, some even provided the workers with sports drinks.

Isn’t this idea a brilliant one? If you love it maybe you should do it to for the dedicated individuals who make sure your mail is always delivered just on time.

Take a look at the KOCO 5 News Report video below for the whole story.

Professor Tries to Silence a Christian Student by Proving His Faith Is Useless


One professor tried convincing one of his students how his faith in God was just an illusion as God didn’t exist. But the student’s answer left him speechless. His wise words make us all think deeply as well.

Read it below.

Professor : You are a Christian, aren’t you, son ?

Student : Yes, sir.

Professor: So, you believe in GOD ?

Student : Absolutely, sir.

Professor : Is GOD good ?

Student : Sure.

Professor: Is GOD all powerful ?

Student : Yes.

Professor: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to GOD to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn’t. How is this GOD good then? Hmm?

(Student was silent.)

Professor: You can’t answer, can you ? Let’s start again, young fella. Is GOD good?

Student : Yes.

Professor: Is satan good ?

Student : No.

Professor: Where does satan come from ?

Student : From … GOD …

Professor: That’s right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?

Student : Yes.

Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn’t it ? And GOD did make everything. Correct?

Student : Yes.

Professor: So who created evil ?

(Student did not answer.)

Professor: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the world, don’t they?

Student : Yes, sir.

Professor: So, who created them ?

(Student had no answer.)

Professor: Science says you have 5 Senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me, son, have you ever seen GOD?

Student : No, sir.

Professor: Tell us if you have ever heard your GOD?

Student : No, sir.

Professor: Have you ever felt your GOD, tasted your GOD, smelt your GOD? Have you ever had any sensory perception of GOD for that matter?

Student : No, sir. I’m afraid I haven’t.

Professor: Yet you still believe in Him?

Student : Yes.

Professor : According to Empirical, Testable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says your GOD doesn’t exist. What do you say to that, son?

Student : Nothing. I only have my faith.

Professor: Yes, faith. And that is the problem Science has.

Student : Professor, is there such a thing as heat?

Professor: Yes.

Student : And is there such a thing as cold?

Professor: Yes.

Student : No, sir. There isn’t.

(The lecture theater became very quiet with this turn of events.)

Student : Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don’t have anything called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can’t go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.

(There was pin-drop silence in the lecture theater.)

Student : What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness?

Professor: Yes. What is night if there isn’t darkness?

Student : You’re wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light. But if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called darkness, isn’t it? In reality, darkness isn’t. If it is, well you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn’t you?

Professor: So what is the point you are making, young man ?

Student : Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.

Professor: Flawed ? Can you explain how?

Student : Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there is life and then there is death, a good GOD and a bad GOD. You are viewing the concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, Science can’t even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing.

Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?

Professor: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do.

Student : Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?

(The Professor shook his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the argument was going.)

Student : Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor. Are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?

(The class was in uproar.)

Student : Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor’s brain?

(The class broke out into laughter. )

Student : Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor’s brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?

(The room was silent. The Professor stared at the student, his face unfathomable.)

Professor: I guess you’ll have to take them on faith, son.

Student : That is it sir … Exactly ! The link between man & GOD is FAITH. That is all that keeps things alive and moving.

If your faith is as stronger please share this conversation with your friends and remind them of the strength God gives us every day.

It is believed this student was Einstein. Such incredible scientists with such brilliant thoughts on religion.

She Asks Stranger Where He Was On 9/11. His Answer Leaves Her Dumbfounded

Most of us can remember the exact moment when the horrific events of September 11, 2001 took place.  The tragic events that occurred on that day play on a movie reel in our minds.

Most of us were only glued to our TV’s for the footage on the news, but there were some that experienced that fateful day right in the eye of the storm.  Some carry scars, others lost loved ones.  A day will never go by that the memories won’t haunt them.

Kylee Tinney and her husband Cling took a trip to visit the 9/11 Memorial in New York City they had the chance to talk with one of these individuals.  His experience will stay with her forever.

This is the story she shared of the day she met Tom, her words will resinate with you from this day and remain with you forever.

“Our driver dropped us off near the 9/11 Memorial entrance. It was POURING down rain and the line was long so I ran to the nearest cover, which was by the museum exit door, while Clint went to buy tickets. Standing there was a police officer and a museum facilities dispatch worker. I eavesdropped on their casual conversation for a few minutes and finally mustered up the courage to ask them where they were on 9/11.

‘The 47th floor of the North Tower’, the museum worker said. Thomas Canavan, one of twenty survivors of the collapse. Wow. He proceeded to tell me his harrowing story of being buried alive, crawling through 46 horizontal and roughly 30 vertical feet of rubble, making it out alive, severely injured (but not realizing it due to adrenaline) and sadly having lost the friends he started with

It’s hard to imagine that much rubble or that someone could even begin to climb out of it.

We talked for 20 minutes as if no one else were around. I asked questions, and he gladly answered. One of the many things from that conversation that stuck out was that he said it’s so deceiving on TV when all you see is one cloud of dust and a small hole from the plane. The reality you don’t realize at home is that it was desks, file cabinets, chairs, staircases, elevators, and people falling down on him. The little holes in the Towers on TV from the planes were really 6 stories tall. The magnitude of this tragedy was so much more than most of us can imagine from our television screens. Something that’s hard for us to comprehend.

Unless you were there you wouldn’t have a clue.  Those holes were 6 stories tall.  WOW!

Clint came back with museum tickets for 11:30am. It was 10:45am so we were going to have to wait a bit. The rain had subsided by now. Tom without hesitation said, ‘You guys come with me.’ He escorted us past the (still) long line, past the police officers, and told the security guards, ‘these are my two friends, let them in.’ And without question we were quickly escorted inside, as if the President had just given orders. I could tell Tom was highly respected by everyone around. Before he left us, he told us to look for him in the museum; we would find his picture and the watch he wore that fateful day.

Sure enough, we found Tom’s watch displayed in a shadow box

Gepostet von Kylee Tinney am Sonntag, 13. Mai 2018

From the impact of the collapse, his wristwatch stopped; a moment stuck in time. The eeriness and irony. Tom told me that was the last day he ever wore a watch. It’s easy to think of September 11 as just a terrible tragedy in our country’s history. We so often forget that these were/are REAL PEOPLE, many who still feel the effects every day. Even something as simple as not being able to wear a watch, because it brings back haunting flashbacks.

We spent two hours in the museum, but could’ve spent days. As we exited the museum we saw Tom not far away. We hollered his name and ended up chatting a bit longer. Before leaving he said in his Northern accent, ‘See us Yankees aren’t so bad after all. You never know what you’ll learn about people until you sit and talk to them.’ This made me reflect a little…while I was talking to Tom, probably ten or more visitors came up to him and asked where is the bathroom, where is the museum entrance, nearest restaurant, and the list goes on. But I got the feeling that not many people took the time to ask him about 9/11. The reason we were all here. No one knew everything he had been through. I could only be thankful it was raining that day and I picked that particular awning to run under, or else I might have missed this happenstance and humbling conversation of fate. I can only hope he was equally as touched to share his story with us as we were to hear it.

When we told him goodbye, I let him know that we would bring his story with us back to The South, which is why I felt compelled to share with you today. I may never see my FRIEND Tom again, which makes me sad, but every September 11th I will fondly remember him and all of the other men and women who died and lived in the face of pure evil. As always, I am Proud to be an American.”

Gepostet von Kylee Tinney am Sonntag, 13. Mai 2018


I am still moved to tears every time I hear a 9/11 story, I can’t imagine.  But the stories remind me of a time when America banned together and that makes me proud to be an American.  

Does this story make you proud to be an American? Then share it! 


If You See A Plastic Bottle On Your Tire, You Are At Risk For Theft


Thieves have found a new way of stealing cars and we are asking you to help us spread the word about their method and warn everyone to be more cautious.


News outlets have been writing of a “new” method thieves came up with when it comes to stealing people’s cars and we believe everyone should read this and see the video in order not to be fooled and left without their vehicle.

As it turns out, all the thieves need is a plastic bottle and patience. If you wonder how can a plastic bottle help in stealing someone’s car, wait until you see the video.

Allegedly, the first person whose car was stolen this way was a guy from Limpopo, a South African province bordering Botswana, Zimbabwe. After people learned of this trick, some Mexican guys recorded a video that shows how it’s done. It has been seen around 6 million times already but the police believes it not only warns others to keep a close eye on their vehicles, but it also helps thieves to learn how to master the method, too. So it looks the video does more harm than help, police says.


The first thing criminals do is target the car they want to steal. Afterwards, they place an empty plastic bottle on top of the car’s passenger side tire wedged in between the rubber and the wheel well. This does the trick because the car owners don’t take notice of it.

Once they enter the car and the engine starts running, a strange noise comes from the tires. That’s the bottle cracking under the tire, but of course the drivers have no idea what is really going on, so they get off the car to inspect the problem. While they do it, they are very likely to leave the car open, with the keys inside, too.

Once this happens, you already assume what the next step of the thieves is.

The video is in Spanish, but it’s pretty detailed and you don’t even need to speak the language in order to understand what the person is trying to tell you.

Seeing the vehicle open and running, the criminals simply jump inside it and start driving, leaving the owners in disbelief. So basically, your car can get stolen right in front of your own eyes, and you can do nothing about it.


If you believe that this only happens in Africa and Mexico, you may be wrong. It only takes for a criminal to see the video or hear of this trick in order to try it.

So, whenever you have your car parked, check it thoroughly before you enter it. Or simply never leave it open with the keys inside, even if you are near by.

If sharing this warning prevents even one single person from being fooled, it’s worth it. Please make sure you spread the word and warn your family and friends.

Officer finds toddler roaming the street alone, image of what he does next goes viral…


This father of two and police officer maybe only just started in the police force but he looked like a real professional after he found an abandoned toddler roaming the streets of Georgia recently.

The police received a call about a small child wandering the streets alone, sent out to investigate was officer Hurst and his colleges went out to the Cuyler-Brownsville neighborhood. A picture of him holding the child and caring for her was posted online and the response was really amazing!

Hurst and his colleagues took the little boy over to the emergency room to get checked over straight away, the little boy was quite understandably upset and feeling very stressed by everything that was happening. Officer Hurst was so sad about what was happening he couldn’t just leave him to be upset!

Officer Hurst said:

“The boy, obviously, being so small, became very upset. He was crying. He was sobbing. I asked the hospital staff if I can hold him to comfort him and soothe him a little bit to try to calm him down, to continue getting medical care, and they said that was fine. So I picked him up.”

“Minutes later, I was standing and he was asleep on my chest, and with all my body armor and my gun belt, became very heavy holding this small child. So that’s when I decided to sit down on the bed and make it easier for him and me.”

The officer’s fatherly instincts took over and he really calmed down the toddler so well, the little boy fell straight off to sleep on his chest.

That picture of him holding the child went completely viral, he just had the view that he was simply doing his job, he has been completely flooded with well-wishers and people wonderful reaction to the photo and his kind nature.

The toddler is now completely safe and healthy, he is with the Georgia Department of Family & Children’s Services, now he can hopefully get placed in a safe and happy home really soon.

Officer Hurst not thinking that there wasn’t anything special in what he did, said:

“It’s what we do, every single day; not just me, but the 600 officers that are on this department. This job is so much more than just chasing the bad guys. It is about serving the citizens of the communities you work in and doing what they need you to do.”

The police officers in the community work really hard to look after their communities, they work hard and really care, they make us feel very proud!

If you agree too then SHARE this story with your friends and family.

Olivia Newton-John Shares A Heartbreaking Update About Her Health

We all know and love the movie Grease.  If you are one of the many that do then you know the name Olivia Newton-John from her iconic role opposite of John Travolta. Others may know her from her singing career.

These days, people are hearing her name due to a battle she was facing with cancer.  Unfortunately she is familiar with the disease and the treatments that come with it.  This is not the first time she has had to fight cancer.

She had gone into remission and believed that the worst was behind her. Recently she was told that she is not clear yet. She has been experiencing terrible back pain which was initially chalked up to sciatica but she would soon realize that her problems were actually much worse. The cancer actually metastasized and has now made its way into her sacrum.

Olivia was floored when she found out she was going to have to beat cancer again. She truly believed her fight had ended and she was able to continue living life cancer free.  After hearing this terrible news Olivia maintains a positive outlook on life no matter what.  This is how she approaches many obstacles and it will serve her well during this battle.

She doesn’t allow herself to be swayed by opinions and is open to alternative treatment methods. Olivia Newton-John believes she is going to be just fine.  What a mind set to have in the midst of adversity.

Medicinal marijuana has been part of her treatment process and she is trying her best to remove any of the stigma that surrounds the treatment. She isn’t just getting high all day.  She uses the drug as a means to reduce her pain.  The drug helps with the inflammation caused by the tumor.

This woman is still remaining active on stage and performing for her fans.  Even during her most vulnerable time she is an inspiration to us all.

Share this inspirational story with your family and friends.

Hilarious Dog Accidentally Steps On The Rubber Chicken and Discovers His New Talent


Oh, those amazing canines. Their unique character and antics never fail to make our days. Despite being very friendly and loyal, many have hidden talents. All they need in order to gain confidence and share them with the world are supportive humans around them. Or, sometimes, what they need is just a rubber chicken. Like in the case with this lovely pooch.

He stumbled across the toy while casually walking around the house, and the moment he stepped on it, he realized the sound it was making was an interesting one. What he did next? He started singing along the noise the toy was making and it’s pretty hilarious to watch and listen to.

Take a look at this ‘musician’ in the making in the video below.

Mom thinks her son got stung by a wasp until his entire body turned blue

We all love a beautiful summer day full of warmth and sunshine. Enjoying a meal on the patio, hot dogs on the grill, s’mores over a campfire it doesn’t get much better.

Unfortunately, time spent outdoors in the summer does comes with it’s downside and 3-year-old Kristoffer Nordgarden painfully experienced one of them.

Summertime means no shoes, which increases your risk of injuries by accidentally stepping on a sharp object or a bee or even worse….a snake.

When 3-year-old Kristoffer ran to his mother Elisabeth Nordgarden crying one day, she initially didn’t think it was too serious.

“Me and the boys were visiting my grandparents. Kristoffer began to cry a little and climbed onto my lap. We thought he had been stung by a wasp or scratched himself on a branch.”

Elisabeth Nordgarden would have never thought that this would be the most terrifying weekend of her life.

A short 15 minutes after he started crying, Kristoffer’s foot began to swell and turn blue.

Elisabeth called the 911 the ambulance and helicopter arrived almost instantly. They repeatedly said this is a snake bite…Elisabeth had no idea.

Kristoffer received an antidote when he arrived and began to show signs of improvement. His vital signs quickly began to get worse… then even worse.

It turned out that the boy had internal bleeding in his intestine, his blood value was at a 5 (11 is standard) and he had lost weight (now 33 pounds down from 44)

Soon, Elisabeth began to understand how serious this situation was, and that’s when she really began to worry.

“Vipers are much more active in the summer. More people are also out in nature, and therefore there are greater chances of encountering one”


After a week and a half at the hospital, Kristoffer had survived!  He finally recovered and was able to go home.

Despite everything, in typical 3-year-old fashion Kristoffer was back outside playing the very day he got home.  However, mom is more cautious of the places he plays and the time of day he plays.

“I have much more respect for vipers now and I will ensure that my kids are wear boots when they go out in areas with high grass in the future,” she says.

It’s wise to be extra cautious with vipers or any other venomous animal. Kristoffer was lucky but this could have ended in tragedy.  


Wife Shares Heartbreaking Tale About An Uganda Orphanage


Matt met his wife Dayna Mager back in high school and they both were in fact high school sweethearts too. Their first child was in October of 2015, they called her Luella, they were both delighted but just a few weeks later Dayna posted a sweet photo of her sleeping next to Luella…

She really never expected that the photo would go viral!

Dayna’s photo has a powerful and motivating message to deliver! She tells us that there is a really good reason for why she climbed the crib of her daughter when she screamed out. It is simply because Dayna had remembered a promise she made to her daughter!

She remembers hearing a story while at a worship conference with her hubby, the two of them were sat in the audience during which time a missionary shared an amazing story with everyone. On their recent visit to Uganda, the missionary went to an orphanage, it was there they were completely shocked!

There were about 100 cribs all filled with babies, but not a single baby was crying or calling out, in fact, there were no babies even making much sound at all!

Now in circumstances like these, you would think that babies would call out for a little love and comfort, just a little support even, but none of theses babies did that. The missionary said something that will forever be stuck in her mind!

Keep reading to find out why it was that Danya climbed into her little babies crib…

Danya said:

“This was from several weeks back, yes, I climbed in the crib in hopes to soothe my screaming, teething, blushed faced, and tear-soaked little girl.”

“My husband came home to this, and I am re-posting because this captures the essence of my heart, and my ‘why…’

“There I was in the heat of this exhausting, beautiful thing we call parenthood, and I remembered a promise I made to her.”

“One of the first times Matt and I left Luella, was to a worship concert. At that conference, a missionary shared his story, and it shook me to the core.”

“A moment that would forever be burned in my fragile, hormone raging, new mommy heart that had already become 100xs more fragile after meeting her.”

“That missionary was in an orphanage in Uganda, and he has been in many before, but this one was different.”

“He walked into a nursery with over 100 filled cribs with babies. He listened in amazement and wonder as the only sound he could hear was silence.”

“A sound that is beyond rare in ANY nursery, let alone a nursery where over 100 new babies laid. He turned to his host and asked her why the nursery was silent.”

“Then, her response to him is something I will never, ever forget. EVER. This was my ‘why’ moment.”

“She looked at him and said, ‘After about a week of them being here, and crying out for countless hours, they eventually stop when they realize no one is coming for them…’”

“…They stop crying when they realize no one is coming for them. Not in 10 minutes, not in 4 hours, and maybe, perhaps, not ever… “


“I broke. I literally could have picked up pieces of my heart scattered about the auditorium floor. But instead, it stirred in me a longing, a hunger. A promise in my spirit.”

“We came home, and that night as Luella rested her tiny little 10lb body against mine and we rocked, I made a promise to her. A promise that I would always come to her.”


“At 2:00am when pitiful desperate squeals come through a baby monitor, I will come to her.”

“Her first hurt, her first heartbreak, we will come to her. We will be there to hold her, to let her feel, to make decisions on her own, and we will be there.”

“We will show her through our tears and frustrations at times, that it is okay to cry, and it’s ok to feel. That we will always be a safe place, and we will always come to her.”

Please SHARE this mother’s really lovely message with everyone you know.

Here’s the original post that appeared on Facebook on March 31, 2016:

3-year-old dies without warning: 1 week later doctors make terrible discovery during autopsy

Jasmine Shortland’s 3-year-old son, Bryan-Andrew, got a case of the chicken pox. He had a sore neck and a little swelling, but otherwise he was fine.

Bryan’s 23 year old mom dropped him and his brother, Austin off at their grandmas house. Austin had chicken pox without any complications, so Jasmine thought it wouldn’t be any different.

This was about to turn into the worst day of her life quite literally a nightmare.  Now she wants other parents to be aware so that they can prevent this from ever happening to them.

The morning afterward, Jasmine couldn’t wake Bryan-Andrew up.  No matter what she tried  following morning, Jasmine’s mother discovered that Bryan-Andrew would not wake up. No matter how hard she tried, even his grandma could not wake him up.

Paramedics were called they quickly rushed to the scene.  But it was already too late. Bryan-Andrew was pronounced dead.

“The night before he was running around. He was happy. He was laughing and joking. It just doesn’t make sense,” Jasmine told Daily Mail.

The mother remembers saying “i love you” the final time.  The loss is unimaginable. How could something like this happen?  A healthy boy passes away with any serious symptoms that they knew of.

It was a few weeks later that the doctors finally understood.

Bryan-Andrew contracted a rare and aggressive for of steptococcus , also known as A strep.  This infection causes blood poisoning (sepsis) which makes the individual severely ill.

“There were no symptoms because it was so rare he just had normal symptoms for mumps. He had no rash, nothing that you would normally have,” Jasmine told Daily Mail.

Her only comfort was knowing he didn’t suffer because he had fallen asleep and never woke up again.

Jasmine doesn’t want any other mother or families to ever go through what she had just witnessed with her son. Now she wants to help raise awareness of this unknown danger of chickenpox.


UPS Driver hears woman scream ‘help’ when cops break door they realize they were fooled

What would you do if you heard someone yelling for help from inside a house? Would you go in and help?  Or would you call the police? Maybe even just keeping walking like you heard nothing?

UPS driver Lee Purdy was delivering packages like every other day when this exact thing happened to him.  He ended up in this situation — and he chose to take action.

He didn’t know it but this was not going to end as he expected it to.

During his normal route off dropping packages off in Oregon, USA, Lee suddenly heard a scream from inside a  house he walked passed.

He heard what sounded like a woman crying for help.  He stood still, not knowing what he should do next.  The voice sounded weird, as if the woman was having difficulty speaking or breathing. He called his wife to ask for advise.  She immediately advised him to call 911.

The police arrived quickly. They had no idea what to expect, but, as always were ready for anything. Or at least, they thought they were ready.

When they finally entered  the house they were in the living room, they realized that the house was vacant. Vacant, not including the parrot on his stick in the middle of the living room… shouting “help me”.

The police were surprised — but also relieved. Lee had heard the parrot not a woman. It was sure nice that no one, not even Diego, was in need of help.

Diego’s owner Susan Baird told police that this wasn’t the first time the parrot she triggered someones reaction.

Lately the bird has been mocking sound from human and animals. Apparently the words ‘help me’ had been heard on television and was her latest favorite phrase.

Check out Diego’s story in the video below.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuyjYRE64ss]

Woman sees crying man forced to throw gift in airport trash – what she digs out breaks her heart

When I travel my kids know that I am bringing something home for them. I love finding the perfect gift for them and giving it to them when I arrive.  I love seeing their reaction and it’s an awesome feeling.

Bill and Linda Modry felt the same way and were looking forward to visiting their newly adopted granddaughter.  They were beyond joyful that they were finally welcoming a little girl into the family.  They brought a special gift for her to help her remember this moment in time for the rest of life.

Sadly, when they got to the security gate at the airport, they were forced to throw the gift away.

Amarri Hernandez and her boyfriend were waiting at St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport when they saw the whole thing go down.

“I witnessed a man being told that he was not allowed to take his package on the plane,” Amarri writes on a Facebook post. “The guy looked at the officer and said ‘Could I leave it at the airport in the lost and found. It’s a snowglobe for my adopted grandchild.’”

The officer, like so many at the airport,  was unsympathetic to the man’s plea.

“The officer replied ‘Put it in file 13’ and pointed at the garbage can,” Amarri writes on Facebook. “The man was hurt and threw it in the garbage.”

When Amarri saw the man walking away from the trashcan in tears, she was heartbroken. When her boyfriend decided to go to the trash can and retrieve the package they discovered something that made them cry. The gift was a snowglobe containing photos of the couple and the little girl.

It was engraved with the message:

We love you Katie, Nana and Papa 1/25/16.

Amarri was determined to find the man that was forced to leave this precious gift in the trash.  She sent out a  post on Facebook to try to reunite the man with the gift.

Her post went viral and was shared over 40 000 times. It caught the eye of just the right person.  An employee of ‘Things Remembered’, the company that made the custom snow globe. She contacted Amarri right away.

“She’s just amazing. I can’t believe that she did this,” she tells Fox13 News. “People are basically really good, and she’s just exceptional.”

Amarri did what was right because she knew it was right not because she had to.

“My mom raised us to always be good to people,” she says. “I would want the same thing to happen to me.”

Watch the emotional reunion for yourself in the clip below:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33h_X1nM3r0]
I’m so happy when I hear stories of kindness, the world needs more of them.  Be sure to share this story and spread the kindness.

Cute little girl raises $70,000 for hospital simply by holding sign


Many times, life doesn’t treat everyone fair and different obstacles are constantly getting on our way to success. However, we should always do our best in order to look at things with optimism and never lose hope that everything is going to turn out just fine at the end.

When sweet Addie was born, her mother Julie Bryan didn’t know how her little girl would have to spend most of her life at the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas, Texas. The reason behind these frequent hospital visits were her legs that were positioned backwards. This condition was a result of the Larsen syndrome she was born with which affected the normal development of the bones.

During her life, Addie had to go through four surgeries and around 60 or 70 casts.

This girl’s family did everything in their power to gather the funds needed for all those treatments that cost them an arm and a leg. Knowing how her parents and other moms and dads out there whose children were in a similar position were struggling to make ends meet, Addie decided to help them with the finances by doing something truly amazing. In fact, this brave girl’s act helped the world learn of her condition and people were happy to step in and help as much as they could.

As her birthday was approaching, this 8th grader had only only wish, and that was for other kids like her to be able to do everything their peers could and that was running and dancing. Addie’s condition improved a great deal over the years, and she was able to lead a completely normal life.

Mom Julie told WFAA:

“When she was born, her knees were backward, her legs were all the way up to her head, she had hip dysplasia, and a club foot. We didn’t know if she would ever walk, if she would ever run.”

The doctors were true miracle workers as they significantly improved Addie’s condition and enabled her to walk, and this girl wouldn’t settle for anything less than having completely normal legs and knees.


But this time, it wasn’t about her, nor her legs, it was all for all those kids who needed casts and who had to spend a lot of days at the hospital. Addie had a plan of rising $8,000 for the hospital and the doctors who did so much for her. She somehow felt it was about time for her to do something nice for them in return.

The money she would collect holding that sign at the busy street corner near her home would help in buying prosthetic devices for those in need.


Amazingly, many people were eager to stop and hear this girl’s story. And as many learned of her condition and her goal, she eventually raised more money than she could ever expect. Her kind deed got media coverage and quickly spread across the country. She was able to raise an astounding $19,500 all by her self. But wait, the best part is yet to come. An anonymous donor was so touched by everything Addie had to go through that they decided to write the hospital a check on $50,000.

Addie was beyond happy. She knew how many children in need would get their casts and other devices that would facilitate their walking a great deal. She spent so much time at the hospital that she considers it her second home. During her stay there she was not only surrounded by professionals who treated her condition, but doctors who showered her with kindness and love.

This sweetie says how giving all those money to the hospital is the least she can do for all the help she got from them.


Check Addie’s story in the video below.

75-Yr.-Old Was Going To Be Arrested Because Of Her Lawn, Then 4 Young Boys Run To Her Rescue

This little 75 year old woman was about to be arrested and taken away in hand cuffs when a group of young boys in Texas stepped up.  They never even met this woman but they didn’t want to see her got to jail because her grass was over 18 inches tall.

Gerry Suttle is the 75-years-old woman, she was issued a notice to appear in front of a judge regarding grass on her land being unkept.  The law states that grass needs to be under 18 inches, Suttle said she was unaware of this law.

The woman also said that she hadn’t  received the letter regarding a court date with the judge. Unfortunately, when she failed to appear in court a warrant was issued for her arrest.

When a group of local young boys heard about the woman’s arrest warrant they immediately jumped into action to help.

“It’s a summer day, we don’t have season passes yet to Warren Falls. What else could we do? Just go out and help some people”

The boys knew that she need their help she was 75 years old it was the ‘least we could do’ one of the boys said.

The boys effort was about more then cutting grass in the overgrown yard it was about keeping her from going to jail, being kind, and treating others with respect.

Shortly after the boys began mowing the lawn, other neighbors in the area began to notice their efforts.  It was over 90 degrees and the boys were using push mowers to mow the large lot.

That’s when some of the neighbors showed up with riding mowers and began to help the boys with the enormous job.

With everyone’s help the lawn was mowed and looking beautiful in a short 2 hours.

Suttle came out she was shocked! She couldn’t believe what the boys and her neighbors had done for her and she was left completely speechless.

“I cannot believe this. I’m very seldom without words. but this is one time, you mark it down in history. that I didn’t have something to say”

She couldn’t believe it!  These young boys would go out of their way to help an old woman like her, for no reason.  Her faith in the younger generation has been restored.

“I really wouldn’t want her coming out here doing it or paying a bunch of money.  when we could have just done it for free”

If we all did one thing a day randomly to show others in the world kindness. The world would certainly be a much better place to live.

Please share this video and spread the positivity!

1 Week After Losing Wife Husband Finds Picture In Phone He Never Expected


It all started with a girl called Michelle, when John Polo first saw her for the very first time he fell deeply in love with her, love at first sight I suppose we would say. The two high school goers dated fearlessly but parted after only 12 months of a wild romance!

Fate has a turn of luck, eight years after they parted company, they bumped into each other again, but this time it was really meant to be, for real!

Facebook/Better Not Bitter Widower

They promised each other to be together for the rest of their lives and soulmates, with Michelle’s daughter, they made the decision to be a family. Michelle and John were going to spend their life together, with Michelle’s daughter, of course, a life of love and friendship!

Two years on though, after taking up their relationship again, Michelle had some sad news, she was diagnosed with a “one in seven billion” rare and aggressive type of cancer, it was devastating.

Michelle is a life coach and author and John is Michelle’s biggest pillar of strength during these trying times ahead, and there were going to be many!

Facebook/Better Not Bitter Widower

With all this going on, Michelle and John thought they would quite like to go for a basic ceremony, at the courthouse, before she must have the cancer removal operation, they would fight it as a married couple.

She recovered from the operation but then had cancer come back again, they took two very special holidays, like a honeymoon really, to Disney and to Las Vegas too!

Her diagnosis was much worse this time though, Michelle and John celebrated their love for each other in the few days they had remaining with each other, they had their full wedding with friends and family all in tow to witness their love.

It was lovely, they Michelle even got the Wedding dress of her dreams, she kept that a secret from John though. He worried that she wouldn’t have time left to wear it…

John said:

“Her dream dress. She loved that dress SO much. While at the hospice, she would talk to people about how great the wedding was going to be.”

Facebook/Better Not Bitter Widower

The Dress hung in the closet, it was ready for the big day, the tuxes were being altered too, sadly though Michelle couldn’t hold on any longer, she was 30 years old and it was only just two weeks before the ceremony.

Only two and a half years after the diagnosis, Michelle and John’s dream of spending all their lives together vanished, he was broken.

John was given a little glimpse into what could be just a week after Michelle passed on, it shook his every bone.

He was looking through his wife’s phone and saw a photo, which was of Michelle wearing the lovely Wedding dress that she dreamed of wearing, in a moment he realized it really was THAT dress!

He said:

“I lay motionless in bed, both happy and devastated.”

Facebook/Better Not Bitter Widower

John was in floods of tears, he lost the love of his life, remembering how happy Michelle was to have found the perfect dress for her special day, it was a cherished memory, it completely captured that special moment with the dress on.

John will always keep that photo and completely cherish it, it’s likely he will marry again he said, but he will never ever forget his first love!

Teacher argues God doesn’t exist – Student’s response leaves her in shock


Teacher took to class to explain to the students God didn’t exist. One girl, however, was willing to prove her wrong in the most hilarious way possible!

One day a 6 year old girl was sitting in a classroom. The teacher was going to explain evolution to the children.

The teacher asked a little boy:

TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the tree outside?

TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the grass outside?


TEACHER: Go outside and look up and see if you can see the sky.

TOMMY: Okay. (He returned a minute later) Yes, I saw the sky.
TEACHER: Did you see God?


TEACHER: That’s my point. We cann’t see God because he isn’t there. He doesn’t exist.

A little girl spoke up and wanted to ask the boy some questions. The teacher agreed and the little girl asked the boy:

LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the tree outside?

LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the grass outside?

TOMMY: Yesssssssss (getting tired of the questions by this time).
LITTLE GIRL: Did you see the sky?
TOMMY: Yessssssssss.
LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the teacher?


LITTLE GIRL: Do you see her brain?

LITTLE GIRL: Then, according to what we were taught in the school today…she must not have one!!

Man Explains How Families Worked Back In The Day. This Is So Accurate It Hurts


I grew up in the 40s/50s with practical parents. A mother, God love her, who washed aluminum foil after she cooked in it, then reused it. She was the original recycle queen, before they had a name for it. And a father who was happier getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones. Their marriage was good, their dreams focused. Their best friends lived barely a wave away.

I can see them now… Dad, in trousers, tee shirt and a hat, mowing the lawn or checking the oil in the car — Mom, in a house dress, with a child’s spelling list in one hand and a cooking spoon in the other. It was the time for fixing things. A curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress. Things we kept. It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy. All that re-fixing, eating leftovers, reusing, I wanted just once to be wasteful.

Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant you knew there’d always be more. But then my mother died, and on that clear summer’s night, in the warmth of the hospital room, I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn’t any more. Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away… never to return. So, while we have it… it’s best we love it… and care for it… and fix it when it’s broken… and heal it when it’s sick.

This is true for marriage… and old cars… and children with bad report cards… and dogs with bad hips… and aging parents… and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it. Some things we keep. Like a best friend that moved away or a classmate we grew up with. There are just some things that make life important, like people we know who are special… and so, we keep them close!

Send this to those people who are “KEEPERS” in your life. Good friends are like stars… You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there. Keep them close!

Share this with the keepers in your life by clicking below!

Newborn Baby Passes Away – 4 Days Later A Call From Hospital Turns Their World Upside Down

A couple in Nashville, Tennessee were expecting a baby. Josh and Katie Butler were excited beyond measure to welcome their new baby into the world. At their routine visit at 20-weeks, doctors discovered something during the ultrasound.  This would change the couples plans for the future.

The problem they discovered in the ultrasound could cause a problem for their son Dewey’s development. Dewey was immediately taken to the NICU for 132 days during which the doctors tried to work out what the problem was. During a routine operations when the doctors were trying to insert a feeding tube the precious baby boy died.

The Butler’s were beyond heartbroken with the loss of their son. When a nurse just one floor above them intervened and gave them a lifeline in their time of grief.  The nurse worked in the NICU and had grown close to the Butler’s. She called to tell them she knew a little boy on the 5th floor named Brax who needed to be loved.  She knew the couple had expressed interest in fostering.

Brax was 11-months-old; he hadn’t left the hospital since his birth. His parents abandoned him since they weren’t able to care for him. The poor little man suffered from pulmonary hypertension, chronic respiratory failure, and tracheomalacia. Doctors believed that Brax’s condition would improve as he got older.

As soon as the Butler’s brought Brax into their home, his health improved. Josh and Katie loved him so much, they made it official in September adopting Brax.

They will always miss their Dewey. They know he is free from pain and they feel his loss. They also understand that his death, they were able to make room in their hearts for another child who needed love.

This story gives everyone hope for the future even in the midst of darkness.

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