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Husband Of 26 Years Dies From This Common Insect Bite

No one lives forever, we know that but when death comes suddenly to a loved one it is a painful moment.

That’s what happened to Crissy Naticchia, when she had to bury her husband after he was bitten by a tick.

Crissy’s story starts at the end, describing all the emotions and feelings of the loss her family suffered during this time.

“My son, now a junior in high school, has no father to teach him how to drive, to talk to him about girls, to help him choose a college— nor to see him reach all of these milestones. My husband was all about his family— he did everything for us, unconditionally— which we took for granted like most people do. Now that he is not here, we feel lost and scared and alone.”

Her husband had been working hard at getting healthy and losing weight when suddenly he developed a fever.

In their entire 26 years of marriage, Crissy’s husband had been pretty healthy only getting sick once.  So when his fever continued with no other symptoms, she rushed him to the emergency room.

“He had been having drenching sweats— so bad he would have to change his clothes and bed sheets,” Crissy wrote.

“Urgent care tested his urine and diagnosed him with raging kidney infection, and prescribed him antibiotics. The fever and sweats went away but he still felt weak and not well.”

When her husband got worse and worse with each passing day he decided to leave work and go to the hospital.  In the 12 hours that followed he went from joking to being in the ICU on a ventilator.

All the test came back negative for scarlet fever, strep, meningitis but the doctors determined his liver and kidneys were shutting down.  When Crissy’s husband’s condition continued to get worse, he was transferred to a center that specializes in liver malfunction.

“They set him up on dialysis and they awakened him periodically to make sure his brain was functioning. After two days in this hospital, he was showing signs of respiratory distress and his prognosis was poor.”

Finally, they received a diagnosis. Crissy’s husband was suffering from a Babesia— a tick-borne illness that attacks the red blood cells. Because he did not have a spleen, the infection was particularly severe.

Doctor’s gave Crissy’s husband medication and she left feeling more optimistic than she had in a long time.  Sadly, at 4:30 a.m. the next morning, she got a call urging her to go to the hospital.

“His blood pressure was dropping, and his heart was giving in,” she wrote.

“Within 2 hours, I watched my handsome husband of 23 years pass away.”

Crissy says her husband’s death was a tragedy that could have been prevented.  She is hoping to bring awareness to others on this parasitic infection. Especially those who do not have spleens or are otherwise immuno-compromised.

“I lost the father of my children because he was bitten by a tick and the infection that developed is not widely known. If the doctors were able to diagnose him one, two, or four days earlier, might he have survived? We will never know.”

“If we had been educated, perhaps it might have made a difference.”

3 Girls Battling Cancer Posed For A Picture, But Their Updated Photo Will Leave You In Tears

When photographers Lora Scantling and Christy Goodger sent out an open call on Facebook  in 2014 they never thought it would change their lives forever.

“My stepdad was battling lung cancer at the time and I wanted to do something that had an impact,” Scantling told ABC. “I thought, ‘Oh how sweet would it be and I put a post on Facebook asking if anyone knew of little kids battling cancer.’”

Since then, she’s photographed childhood cancer survivors for a project she calls “Little Heroes.”  But these three special little girls from Oklahoma stood out to her from all the rest.  Their photograph, featuring all three bald and angelic little girls hugging each other went viral shortly after it was shot.

“They walked in and the second they saw each other they were like, ‘Hey, you don’t have any hair either. You’re going through what I’m going through,’” Scantling recalled. “Everyone was quiet at first, but after a few minutes they were sharing stories from the hospital.”

Rheann Franklin ,6, center, was battling a rare brain tumor. Ainsley Peters, was 5 and on the right, was facing leukemia. And Rylie Hughey, on the left, she was only three, but living with kidney cancer.

Less than one year later the 3 reunited to take another photo and to celebrate the all three girls remission.


“It was just like a bunch of friends getting together,” Scantling remembered. “They were bouncing off the walls, having fun, like, ‘Oh my best friends are here.’”

Scantling decided to make it an annual tradition. She plans to keep photographing Rheann, Ainsley, and Rylie throughout their lives, and hopes they will continue to give hope to people around the world.

“If I had to sum up Lora’s photos in one word, it would be ‘hope,’” said Rylie’s mother. “Strength comes in numbers!  I hope that another family in the middle of a battle with cancer can look at the photo and be inspired.”

For this year’s photo, the girls were joined by a special guest — three-year-old Connor Lloyd.

 Lloyd heard that the young boy had been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, she invited him to pose with the girls.

“Sometimes you never know how much time you have,” she explained to his mother. She adds that Connor is responding well to treatment.  so we should all expect to see him in the next photo as well.

“Connor will be in treatment for another three years, and yet he’s always so happy and brave. Just like the girls, he’s an inspiration,” she said. “I’ll keep taking this photo every year for as long as they want me to. They’re inspiring to all of us.”

Share this story of these amazing and strong kids with your friends and family!

After a recovering addict adopted a dog from the euthanasia list, she refused to look at him!

It is truly amazing when a human rescues a dog. But sometimes that same time the dog returns the favor and saves the human, that’s called a ‘mutual rescue’

This story is about PJ a recovering addict and his dog Clove.  PJ made a decision to conquer his addiction and that lead him straight to Clove. Clove was at the shelter waiting to be euthanized and this wasn’t the first time she had been there before.  When PJ first saw her she wouldn’t even look at him, but that was about to change…

PJ had decided that part of his recovery was going to be an epic journey of hiking through woods and terrain that he never visited before.  That’s when he discovered that Clove also loved to hike!

She not only looks at him now but she has the love in her eyes that only a dog can express to their human.


PJ ad Clove on one of their hikes in the snow.

Clove loves to hike even in the snow!


Watch the full video below!

Sociology Assignment Asking to Smile at Strangers Changed One Mother’s Life


This story is a proof that a single smile can make a difference in someone’s life. One mother was about to complete the last assignment for her sociology class before she graduated. Interestingly enough, it didn’t require nights of studying or writing a bunch of essays, but simply to smile to complete strangers and see what happens.

See how this incredible story goes below.

I am a mother of three (ages 14, 12, 3) and have recently completed my college degree. The last class I had to take was Sociology. The teacher was absolutely inspiring with the qualities that I wish every human being had been graced with. Her last project of the term was called “Smile.”
The class was asked to go out and smile at three people and document their reactions. I am a very friendly person and always smile at everyone and say hello anyway…..so, I thought, this would be a piece of cake, literally.

Soon after we were assigned the project, my husband, youngest son, and I went out to McDonald’s, one crisp March morning. It was just our way of sharing special play time with our son. We were standing in line, waiting to be served, when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away, and then even my husband did. I did not move an inch … an overwhelming feeling of panic welled up inside of me as I turned to see why they had moved.

As I turned around I smelled a horrible “dirty body” smell…and there standing behind me were two poor homeless men. As I looked down at the short gentleman, close to me, he was “smiling.” His beautiful sky blue eyes were full of God’s Light as he searched for acceptance.
He said, “Good day” as he counted the few coins he had been clutching.

The second man fumbled with his hands as he stood behind his friend. I realized the second man was mentally deficient and the blue eyed gentleman was his salvation. I held my tears….as I stood There with them. The young lady at the counter asked him what they wanted.

He said, “Coffee is all Miss” because that was all they could afford to sit in the restaurant and warm up, they had to buy something…he just wanted to be warm. Then I really felt it…the compulsion was so great I almost reached out and embraced the little man with the blue eyes. That is when I noticed all eyes in the restaurant were set on me…judging my every action. I smiled and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me two more breakfast meals on a separate tray.
I then walked around the corner to the table that the men had chosen as a resting spot. I put the tray on the table and laid my hand on the blue eyed gentleman’s cold hand.

He looked up at me, with tears in his eyes, and said, “Thank you.” I leaned over, began to pat his hand and said, “God is here working through me to give you hope.”

I walked in tears to join my husband and son.

When I sat down my husband smiled at me. We held hands for a moment and at that time we knew that only because of the Grace that we had been given were we able to give. We are not churchgoers but we are believers. That day showed me the pure Light of God’s sweet love.

I returned to college, on the last evening of class, with this story in hand.

I turned in “my project” and the instructor read it….then she looked up at me and said, “Can I share this?”

I slowly nodded and she read it to the class.

In my own way I had touched the people at McDonald’s, my husband, son, instructor, and every soul that shared the classroom on the last night I spent as a college student. I graduated with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn….UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE.

Much love and compassion sent to each and every person who may read this.


70-year-old widow wants to marry again – posts hilarious single ad in newspaper that goes viral


Getting back into the dating world can be strange, and intimidating, especially if it has been a long time since we were last single. But the most important lesson to remember is that it’s important to stay open to others and not judge anyone too quick.

In this funny story I came across online, that’s exactly what a 70-year-old widow had to experience. She was home when suddenly her doorbell rang… but she never expected to see who was on the other side.

Read the full hilarious joke below — and make sure you read until the punchline. Oh, if you appreciated the story, you’re more than welcome to share with others to give them a good laugh too!


A lonely 70-year-old widow decided that it was time to marry again…

She put an ad in the local newspaper that read:

“Husband wanted! Must be in my age group, must not beat me, must not run around on me and must still be good in bed. All applicants please apply in person.”

The following day, she heard the doorbell. Much to her dismay, she opened the door to see a gray-haired gentleman sitting in a wheelchair. He had no arms or legs.

“You’re not really asking me to consider you, are you?” the widow asked: “Just look at you — you have no legs!”

The old gent smiled: “Therefore, I cannot run around on you!”

“You don’t have any arms either!” she snorted.

Again, the old man smiled: “Therefore, I can never beat you!”

She raised an eyebrow and asked intently: “Are you still good in bed?”

The old man leaned back, beamed a big smile and said: “I rang the doorbell, didn’t I?”

Why not help cheer a friend up? Share this joke and help give someone a good laugh!

Peace and Love

Bored Daddy

Why not help cheer a friend up? Share this joke and help give someone a good laugh!

Bored Daddy

Single Dad Gets Strange Feeling About Waitress. When He Sees Check Knows It’s A Sign

Bitterness of divorce was a firsthand experience for Sean Whalen growing up. His parent got into a huge fight and his mom took Sean an his brother to a hotel.  When they arrived back the next morning all the locks were changed.

With a police escort we were allowed to go back in the house for 10 minutes and grab what we needed, not what we wanted.  No games, no toys not even pets just the necessities.

They were left with nothing.

During this horrible time Sean watched his mom work hard to support the family.  He seen her exhausted and no matter what she still never gave up.

He even saw her down on her knees every night praying for strength so she could do it all again the next day.  He never forgot.


Now Sean is grown man and single parent to a son. After losing everything in the recession, he had to put everything on the line to get his life back.

Now he understands what his mother went through for so many difficult years.

Recently, Sean took his son out to eat at one of their favorite Chinese restaurants. As they ate, they struck up a conversation with their waitress.  The two soon learned that she was a single mom.

As they continued making small talk, Sean couldn’t shake the feeling inside that there was something familiar about this woman.

She reminded him of his mom

Sean felt compelled to help so Sean left a $100 tip on his $26 bill.  He knew it wasn’t enough to change her life forever, but it was something that would brighten her day and maybe give her strength for tomorrow.

Sean sat down later that night and put some thoughts on paper.  His words have now inspired thousands:

“The day my parents split up is forever etched in my mind.  Me and dad get into a big fight.Me, mom and my little brother take off cause my dad is going nuts. We stayed at a hotel that night. When we came back the next day my dad had changed the locks.I watched my mom plead with him through the door to let us in to get clothes etc. He wouldn’t. 

We had to go back later that day with a police escort. I’ll never forget the cops handing me a black trash bag saying I had 10 minutes to take the necessities.I loaded up all the clothes I could fit into the bag, and that was the last time I ever stepped foot into the house I was raised in.

No baseball trophies.
None of my 10,000 baseball cards.
None of my stuff.
Hell, I left my pet turtle.

Me, mom and my little brother moved into a little condo and didn’t have jack shit. People from the church brought over pots, pans, couches, beds, and food.My dad cashed out the bank and literally left my mom with the money in her pocket.

Not a damn thing she could do.

No family around.
No real support other than strangers from church.

I only began to realize what mom went through working multiple jobs when I became a single parent. I never understood when I was younger the grind and effort she put in for me and my little brother. She hustled. She worked her ass off to just get by. She did everything she could so that my brother and I had everything we ever wanted.

But she worked man.


I still to this day don’t know how she did it.

I have no idea how she didn’t throw in the towel at times.

I would have.

I remember vividly walking past her room countless nights seeing her on her knees praying. I can only fathom what those conversations were like between her and God.I can only fathom the amount of tears that poured down this sweet woman’s face as she pleaded with God for a break.

I have felt some intense pain in my day. I’ve questioned many things, but this single mom with two boys never gave up. She never one time gave up. 

Tonight as my son and I sat at this little crappy Chinese joint we love, there was a new waitress. She stuck out like a sore thumb. The owners are Chinese. The workers are Chinese. And this little white waitress. She was absolutely fantastic and kept complimenting my son on his manners.

We ate our dinner.

Over small talk and water refills, I got the sense that this single mom didn’t want to be there, but had to be there and she was doing her best to smile.

It tore my heart out.

I thought of my mom, and I saw the same hustle in this woman that I saw in my mom.

A single mom.

Maybe by choice.
Maybe not.

But working on a Wednesday night to ensure she can put food on the table and shoes on the kids feet.

Not for opulence.
Not for status.

But to live.

To hopefully be able to provide the things for her kids that will put a smile on their face.

I empathized for her.

I felt her pain.

I kept thinking of my mom and how difficult it is for a single woman to go from home maker, to bread winner.

I can’t even begin to understand what that must be like for some moms.

I know my tip won’t pay her rent,
it won’t  pay for kids braces, 
or keep the fridge full.

But I hoped tonight in some way it might put a smile on her face, and she can go home to her babies happier than when she left them.

I felt tonight that maybe along the way someone did this for my mom, and that’s what kept her going on nights she wanted to quit.

I don’t know.

I’ll likely never know.

But I do know this

I have been blessed beyond measure, and my mother paved the way for my persistence.

She showed me how to bounce back.

She showed me what work and effort is.

I hope this small gesture with my son tonight brightens this woman’s life so she can wake up tomorrow and fight a good fight.

Single moms who grind…. RESPECT.

You are beautiful and your posterity will learn from your efforts. They are watching you.

Just as I watched my mom.

Mom I love you.

You are my hero.”

Grab your tissue! If you were moved by Sean’s words please let us know.

Cop Finds Missing Girl In Car In Middle Of Woods, Then Sees Strange Man Sleeping Beside Her

On February 13, something strange happened to a South Carolina mother that never happened before.  She never showed up to pick up her two daughters from school. Teachers and administrator were so concerned they called the police.  When the police pulled up to the family home what they found left them numb.

A man broke into the family home and brutally beat the mother.  To make that even worse the man kidnapped the girls 4 year old sister, Heidi.

Officers quickly called the paramedics and the mother was rushed to the hospital where she had emergency surgery.  At the same time authorities began the search for Heidi and her kidnapper.

When the community heard of what happened they joinded the search.  They scoured the area in search of any clues to the little girls wherabouts.  They found nothing.

24 hours later and about 400 miles away a railroad worker noticed something out fo the ordinary.  A car had been parked close to where they were working but it was deep in the woods and off the main road.

The workers quickly alerted police to the suspicious vehicle.

Riverside Police Chief Rick Oliver carefully approached the vehicle. When he got to the car and looked inside there was a man sleeping next to a little girl.  The man turned over the girl but then sped away.

Officer Oliver quickly figured out the little girl was indeed Heidi, the missing little girl everyone was searching for.

Thoma Lawton Evans, was caught and arrested with his prior felony record he will be in prison for a long time to come.

Chief Oliver said that the moment he was able to safely return Heidi to her family was one of the greatest moments of his 20-year law enforcement career.

“This is a blessing,” he said. “It is nothing to do with luck. The good Lord put me in that place.”

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5Kky3fRuKs]

Mom Abandons Husband And Month-Old Baby – Dad’s Letter To Her Goes Viral

So many stories start with a father leaving his family to pursue his dreams, new love interest or selfishness.  You don’t hear many stories that start with a mother abandoning her baby and husband. Well get ready because this story is about to break your heart.  Spoiler Alert it has a happy ending.

In January 2015 Richard Johnson’s daughter Persephone was born, and his life was changed forever.  With this new addition Richard was the happiest he had ever been, until Richard’s wife ran away with their new baby to California.

Why? Everything seemed perfect…she was suffering from postpartum depression.  She reached out to Richard and threatened if he didn’t come get the baby right away that she was putting her up for adoption.

After he brought her home he was faced with a whole new set of problems.  He never raised a child before. How in the world was he going to function as a single father?  Richard did what most of us do these days he turned to Facebook. He found a page called Life of Dad that was dedicated to other single dads.

With this group Richard’s life turned around,  He shared his journey on the page. It was the most heartfelt testimonies I’ve heard.

“Life of Dad,

My name is Richard Johnson, and I’m a single father to a beautiful little girl named Persephone. Her mother left about a month after she was born. We still don’t know exactly why, but we suspect postpartum depression played a part. In the first few weeks of it being just her and me, I stumbled upon your page by accident. I was so nervous and scared about being a father in general, but now I was a single father and had to fulfill two roles. I wasn’t sure I could do it.”

“After reading every ‘new parent’ book I could find and clocked in over 1,000 hours in YouTube videos from everything to braiding hair and painting nails to theories on how to deal with common parental issues. I then started to watch your page more closely and saw that there were other fathers out there who were in similar predicaments as me.”

“The page started to turn into a major confidence booster and really helped me through all of this.”

“We’re both very happy now and continue to grow together every day. She’s now 10 months, and I now get asked by my friends for parenting advice constantly. We’ve come a long way, my daughter and me, and we definitely owe part of that to this page and the people within it. So from both of us, we wanted to thank you.

Sincerely, Persephone & Richard Johnson”

In April 2017, Richard posted an update that was exactly what we needed to hear.

“This lovely lady is my girlfriend and Persephone[‘s] wonderful and gorgeous Mother Jennifer.

We had met at the mall while I pathetically attempted to catch her attention by asking if she could help me pick out clothes for Persephone.”

“I explained that I wasn’t sure what actually matched and need some pointers considering my own closet had consisted of nothing but black, faded black, and dark black clothes.

We had talked for months before I allowed her to meet Persephone. Upon meeting her Persephone had made the choice that this would be her mommy.”

Persephone wasn’t a fan of women and would normally shun away from them. She had only known her bearded father and his friends.

The first time they had met Persephone had cried to be held by Jennifer.”

Fast forward to today, Jennifer has helped us become the family we desperately wanted to be. Persephone knows no other woman other than her as mommy.

Richard says that Persephone only know Jennifer as Mommy now.  Even Jennifer’s parents are embracing the little girl as their grand daughter.

What a way for this tragic story to turn around to having this amazing ending.


Pregnant Teen Told by Family Her Boyfriend Would Abandon Her, He Proves Everyone Wrong


Being a parent has to be one of the toughest jobs ever because taking care of little children is really demanding at times, let alone if you are a child yourself.

When Caitlin Fladager learned she was expecting a baby she was still in high-school and the news came as a shock. How she approached and handled her situation is what left us in awe.

Facebook/Caitlin Fladager

Understandably enough, when her parents and family learned she was pregnant, they were somehow mad at her. They believed she was going to be forced to take care of the child all by herself as they were certain her boyfriend Noah, who was also a teenager back then, wouldn’t want to take any responsibility.

Without even speaking to him about the future, Caitlin went to Noah and started yelling at him, accusing him of something that was only in hers and her parents’ head, and it was that he would just abandon her and their unborn baby. He, however, just told her to wait and see how he wasn’t ever planning on doing such thing.

Facebook/Caitlin Fladager

Noah was there for her and was over the moon when their baby girl was born. Soon after, he proposed Caitlin and she was more than happy to say YES to the father of their bundle of joy.

“My husband was only 17 when I got pregnant with our daughter and I was told to expect him to leave. 4 years ago, when I asked him how he would be different than any other teen dad, he said ‘I guess you’ll have to wait and see so I can show you’ He definitely did.”

Facebook/Caitlin Fladager

Today, they do face struggles, but they are always supportive of each other and would never leave each other’s side. Caitlin suffers from anxiety attacks but with Noah’s help she is always able to overcome them. She also takes to social media to write about her feelings. Luckily, she’s not alone but has a loving man in her life.

The couple now has another child, sweet baby boy named Jack. They are happy together and their story serves as an example that one’s life doesn’t have to “bad” only because someone said it will be.

Facebook/Caitlin Fladager

Noah is a caring and devoted father. He and daughter Arianna nurture special relationship. The two bond and have fun all the time, and every month he takes her on a ‘date.’ The little girl gets to choose her outfit, and her dad brings her flowers and then takes her to dessert.

Noah has a picture of Arianna on his key-chain because he says she inspires him to “keep going.” Caitlin is happy to be married to such a loving man.

Facebook/Caitlin Fladager

Caitlin and Noah showed everyone who didn’t believe in them that they are strong, committed, and always by each other’s side. The adults in their life failed them because they didn’t trust in their love, but they never failed one another, and that’s probably what matters most.

A lot can be learned from the relationship these two have, but I guess the most important one is to never judge a book by its cover and never jump into conclusions.

Caitlin and Noah, you are such an inspiration to all of us!

Airline passenger shouts at check-in woman – then her 6-word response instantly knocks him down to size


The absolute classic phrase you might have heard is, in the service industry, “The customer is always right”, but as always there are some people out there who prove this wrong!

We all know, those of us who have worked in a service job especially, what this phrase really means, there are some who think that, sadly, they are better than everyone else and insist that they are treated that way, almost like a king or queen, and treat customer service like peasants.

This woman in this story is working at the check-in counter for an airline is not real, but illustrates a really clever way to deal with quite terribly rude people, customers that is! Her retort to a very not so respectful passenger show him his place in a polite and professional way, it also made me howl with laughter!

Go further down this page to read the story and don’t even think twice to share it, the woman retort is completely amazing! The woman at the check-in desk at LaGuardia Airport in New York needs to have a medal for how she dealt with this nasty customer!

Have you ever dealt with an irate customer? This is the one for you guy n gals!

The Southwest Airlines flight, a really busy and full flight was canceled, because of really bad weather, this single agent was re-booking everyone to fly again another time.

Then, all of a sudden a super angry passenger pushed his way to the head of the line…

He slammed his ticket on the table and said rudely:

“I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS.”

The agent said in reply:

“I’m sorry, sir. I’ll be happy to try to help you, but I’ve got to help these folks first, and then I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out.”

This passenger was really not impressed at all!

Loudly, he demanded so all the other passengers could hear:


Then the agent smiled and responded in a split-second, by grabbing her public announcement microphone…

She said:

“May I have your attention, please?”

“We have a passenger here at Gate 14 WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS.”

“If anyone can help him with his identity, please come to Gate 14.”

The folks who happened to be behind him and hysterical with laughter, the man glared at the woman gritting his teeth…

He said:

“Screw you!”

Without even hesitation the woman said, as she smiled nicely:

“I’m sorry, sir. You’ll have to get in line for that, too.”

SHARE this lovely and funny story with your friends and family and have a laugh together!

Peace and Love
Bored Daddy

Man Tells School Board How Bully Forced His Head in Urinal 40 Yrs Ago, Same Bully Now Sits Among Them


One thing that is never acceptable it bullying, and even though time passes by the sting of a bully can last forever!

A guy from Texas stood in front of a board at a school quite recently to explain just that, the impact of bullying on a child…

The Guy, called Greg Barrett started by explaining that his name, in law is Greg Gay, but that, as he said to the board, he was shamelessly bullied as a child because of that name and was at the receiving and of daily, grueling, bullying!

Greg said:

“I started out and I had teachers that bullied me, I had kids that bullied me, even the coaches. I had nobody to turn to.”

Then he told everyone about one particular day, he sadly remembers it now still it was so awful!

He said:

“One day at lunch, I had my head shoved in a urinal where it busted my lip. I laid on the ground in a fetal position as the kids kicked me”

“I got up, rinsed my face off, I walked out of the lunchroom, walked straight to the principal’s office, and he told me that these kids would grow up someday. They won’t always be like this.”

“But yet, here I am, covered in urine from lying on the ground under the urinal. And they sent me home.”

Greg’s story was a really shocking one, but there was more… He admitted to, that evening, getting his fathers gun, from the drawer where he keeps it, and put it in his mouth and contemplated the worse!

He went on to say:

“Because at this point I had nobody — nobody in the school system — to help me…Is that the way this is going to be?”

Then Greg told all of them all exactly what he meant by pointing to Superintendent Lance Hindt and saying:

“Lance, you were the one that shoved my head into the urinal.”

Then, after Greg made his way straight away from the podium, Lance tried to Laugh it off, he wasn’t convincing!

Greg said, just out of view:

”Do you want to debate? Because I got witnesses that were there when it happened.”

Superintendent Lance Hindt later on then released a statement denying Barrett’s claim!

Lance said, in his statement:

“It was difficult for me to listen to a gentleman Monday night recount a bullying incident he said occurred more than 35 years ago”

“As superintendent in three school districts in Texas, I have always tried to create an environment where every student is safe, physically and emotionally. But when an individual impugns my character and reputation as the instigator of those actions, I am disappointed because it simply is not true.”

He also said that the head of the school would have never have allowed these actions to happen.

The statement finished:

“I do not suggest that Mr. Barrett was not bullied, only that I was not part of it. Bullying is wrong. Period. It was then and it is today,” the statement concluded.”

Another guy, a businessman also came forward and stated that Lance was a bully all through middle school and high school too!

But even with all that the school board blindly stands behind Lance!

Katy ISD board president, Ashley Vann, said:

“The board fully vetted Dr. Lance Hindt before hiring him two years ago …His strong leadership and fulfillment of our vision since then has affirmed our decision. We stand united with Dr. Hindt today.”

Greg said:

“People change. They do stupid stuff when they’re young …I just want him to acknowledge it, say he’s sorry and make some changes so this doesn’t continue to happen.”

Please SHARE this story with your friends and family, maybe the SHAME will persuade all to the right thing!

Cop Stops Teen on Street, Uncovers Broken Home Life. Then Mom Calls Cop, ‘You Need To Take Him’


During September 2014 when this 16-year-old, called Anthony Schultz, was jogging down the street, it was a sweltering Arizona night. He was all alone, and he was jogging with all his strength, he really had no clue that a Peoria police officer was observing him.

Watching the teenager from his patrol vehicle, Officer Brandon Sheffert could not get rid of that nagging feeling that something was disturbing with regard to this kid. He detained the boy and tried to have a chat with him, but young boy didn’t want anything to do with the cop.

Brandon said:

“Something about it bugged me because I couldn’t get through to him …He just seemed like there was something going on, and that there was something that was hurtful going on that he wouldn’t say.”

Brandon, who arrived back home to his dear wife, plus two little children, couldn’t get rid of the thought of the disturbed young boy from his mind. For an officer who’s experienced it all, Brandon really did feel compelled to look into the boy’s living circumstances then investigate a bit more about the mysterious teen.

Brandon started by visiting Anthony at his apartment complex, there he discovered that the teen was sharing a 1-bedroom apartment with, can you believe, seven other members of the family.

Brandon said:

“I kept coming over here, talking to him, spending time with him, getting to know him, getting to know the family, understand what’s going on”

Things were still getting a lot worse though. One night, Brandon’s phone rang, Anthony’s overwhelmed mother was on the phone!

She said:

“You need to come take him …I can’t take him anymore.”

Brandon was Taken back with shock, he said:

“I was like, ‘whoa, whoa, whoa. That doesn’t make sense,'”

Without another place to go and no other family to go to either, Brandon and his wife made the decision, it would change his life for the better and forever! They both, to start with agreed that Anthony would live with them for at least a week, while Anthony’s mom got things sorted out!

Alas, things did not get sorted though, when Anthony reached the age of 18, just November last, he still had nowhere at all to live.

Brandon said:

“This kid just keeping getting hit over and over with things that no kid should have to go through”

Brandon and his wife really did something amazing, they took on Anthony into their house and home, just like he was their own son. For the very first time, Anthony had the love, support, and warmth of a healthy and amazing family.

Brandon said:

“We have taken him in as one of our own ..Even my kids say he’s their big brother, and they love it.”

Under the protection of his new found family, Anthony really started to flourish. He stopped stressing about his next meal, and where it would come from would come from, he learned to drive a car too, he even had his own bedroom and got his very first job too.

Anthony really did see some light at the end of the tunnel for the first time. Later this month, he will become the first person in the family in over 30 years to graduate from high school, on time!

Anthony really is very pleased and happy, and thankful too, that everything turned out the way it did…

He said:

“If he weren’t there that night, there would be no one else, in my opinion”

“I don’t think I would be here …I wouldn’t be the person I am, I could be in jail for all I know.”

Anthony is now planning a future in the Army, then anything is possible, he said:

“I feel as though there’s not a lot stopping me, at this point”

Please SHARE this story with friends and family!

Flight attendant comforts 9-year-old girl during panic attack


With her Three children, Erika Jeorgean Swart got on board the plane, after they took off into the air, the reaction from her 9-year-old daughter completely took her by surprise! Gabby became super anxious about going from Orlando to Newark, it really did confuse her mom. Before this, as a little girl, she had flown, so Erika was really shocked when her daughter suddenly got a real fear of flying all of a sudden!

Gabby was finding it difficult during the whole flight and mom was able to see the panic and stress in her daughter’s eyes. Gabby, who happens to be a Type-1 diabetic, was really trying to stay calm, but it really was not working in the least bit. As well as that though it was making her blood sugar levels take a dive!

Erika thought that her daughter wasn’t really disturbing other passengers, however, all of a sudden a flight attendant showed up all of a sudden and gave Gabby an “extraordinary drink” to keep her calm. In any case, staying silent was not Erika’s thing, and the mother promptly took social media after seeing what the guy had done for her little girl.

Her husband wasn’t together with her on this flight, she really had a hard time making an attempt to create certain all 3 of her youngsters behaved themselves. Then again an attendant called Garrick decided by himself to help out. Mom then decided to write an even bigger post on Southwest Airline’s Facebook page to allow them to recognize what one of their flight attendants was up to:

“This is Garrick, an employee of yours working flight 1264 flying from Orlando to Newark…”

She also took a pic of the guy, that the big bosses at Southwest could easily identify him. Instead though, rather than firing him for being awful, Erika really praised him for the super sweet things he had done!

“Throughout the flight, he tried making her laugh and bringing her special drinks. As we were getting closer weather was rough and there was a bit of turbulence. Gabby began having a complete panic attack on the descent.”

Facebook/WYN 106.9

Garrick could tell that Gabby was struggling to stay brave and composed, so he paid extra special attention to her. He even asked if it was okay if he could sit in the empty seat next to her!

“During extremely rough turbulence she began crying and grabbed his arm, he gently told her she could hang on as long as she needed to.”

“Just after this due to the extreme stress she was under her blood sugars began dangerously crashing.”

“He got up from his seat to get her an orange juice and came right back to sit with her. She asked again if she could continue to hold his arm while the plane was landing.”

As the plane began its decent Garrick distracted Gabby, he cleverly talked to her about fun stuff. For about half an hour the caring father in him, who also has a daughter about her age, chatted to the little girl about school and pets!

Facebook/Erika Jeorgean Swart

This Guy knew just what he needed to do, by the time the plane touched down, Gabby was calm and asleep!

“Once on the ground while taxiing to the gate he came on the intercom and announced that his friend, Gabby, in the front row overcame her fears of flying and asked for a round of applause.”

“The whole plane clapped for her. It was a wonderful experience on Southwest. We are forever grateful to have met such a beautiful, selfless soul.”

William from Southwest said that flights can be really scary for some people and that their flight crew really care about the people that travel with them.

They said:

“It warms our Heart to see such kindness and carrying from one of our amazing Flight Attendants, and we can’t even tell you how proud we are of your daughter for getting through the flight.”

The flight attendant will really get the rewards and recognition he well deserves, how awesome!

Please SHARE this lovely and sweet story with friends and family!

Dad’s Message About His Childhood Neighbor Is So Heart Warming


Even in the darkest times, when as a country we seem so divided, it’s evident that there are still hopes and love, glimmers of greatness. This story has just that, a guy called Cody Shugart and Mr. Chip the childhood neighbor.

From the very beginning, when Cody was very little, he felt a real pull to be a father, without his own father figure the road to becoming a father was more than challenging until Mr. Chip came to help!

Facebook/Aubrie Shughart

For years Cody was quiet about the relationship he had with Mr. Chip for tens of years, then one day he posted a photo the guy and his baby boy and it absolutely went viral! But instead of being quiet about it, let it pass and fade away, Cody stood up and spoke out, to say why the photo was so important.

He said:

“So a lot of people like this picture. So I wanted to take a minute to tell the story.

Milton West was my childhood next door neighbor. I knew him as Mr. Chip. He retired from DOW chemical as an operator. He has always been there for me since I was two years old.

Growing up without a father was always difficult for me. But the Good Lord surrounded me with great men — Mr. Chip was one of them.”

Facebook/Aubrie Shughart

“He constantly preached the value of an education, taught me how to take care of a yard. He taught me to see people for who they are, not what they look like. He taught me how to treat my mother like a saint and many other life lessons. His contributions to me becoming a good son, man, and father was huge.

I am forever grateful for God putting him in my life.

So this past May my wife and I had a little boy named Bob Wayne Shugart. When Mr. Chip and his wife Shirley saw him they fell in love with him. They babysit him sometimes and we go and visit when we can. The last time we were over there Mr. Chip said he wants to be called ‘POP.’ He says that’s his grandson.

So we had to come up with a name for his wife. We decided on Lolli!

So we tell Bob Wayne we are going to see Lolli Pop! I’m grateful that Lolli and Pop will be part of my son’s life. If he learns half of the things from Mr. Chip as I did he will become a great son, man, and father.

Every day I read something negative and how race relations are worse than ever. I disagree and I hope this is a positive loving message to many people. This is just one story in little ol’ Victoria, Texas. I’m sure there are millions of similar stories across the United States.”

Cody’s photo really is proof that as long as we are good human beings then we really can get along and love each other, hopefully, Lolli and Pop will still be around for many years to ahead, then Bob Wayne can learn as much from them as his father also did too.

Facebook/Aubrie Shughart

When Cody posted this is circulated like wildfire, in just a few days it was like more than 367,000 times and had more than 122,000 shares too.

Please SHARE this sweet story with your friends and family!

Cops Called To Elderly Woman, What They See In Kitchen Sends One Of Them Right Out The Door!


Each day without fail there is a real tragic event that happens, we can ignore it and turn off the Television, even block out and ignore the news, but cops don’t have that luxury at all, they must watch and investigate! There are things that they see that can’t just then be unseen, these officers are constantly exposed to awful events and sights!

This one scene that officers Kristen Miller and Jessica Van, of the Gainesville police, saw was a sight they would remember forever, they were fast thinking and lept into action straight away!

They were doing what was meant to be a routine welfare check on an elderly woman, but the Georgia cops discovered something in the kitchen that made one of the cops head for the door. No one should ever have to see something like this!

We all think of cops as tough as old boots, but to be honest, they are just other human beings like you and me, this encounter with the elderly person had the two cops in tears.

Gainesville Police Department’s Facebook page described what happened:

“Earlier today Officer Kristen Miller responded to a welfare check on a 92-year-old female, her family was worried for her because her electricity and water had been out due to unforeseen circumstances. Officer Miller arrived on scene and found that all the food in the refrigerator had spoiled and she was out of water.”

Most folks are quite capable of looking after themselves, but as they get older, generally, people get less capable of looking after themselves properly, health and mobility reduce over time. But, this case the 92-year-old woman wasn’t even aware of the basic necessities of life anymore!

Facebook/Gainesville Police Department

For the sake of humanity no one should have to live in such a poor condition, the cops were really heartbroken by it, they sprang into action and made sure she had just what she needed and she was taken care of!

“Officer Miller found out that she had no means of transportation and couldn’t make it to the store. Officer Miller and Corporal Jessica Van immediately took action, Cpl Van stayed with the female while Officer Miller went to the store and purchased some consumable items and water with her personal money.”

One of the cops, Officer Miller, went to the shops to get some non-perishables, groceries, Gatorade etc so that the woman would at least have a little energy, some cookies because we all need some comfort food now and again!

Facebook/Gainesville Police Department

The Police Department also said that they are working towards getting Cynthia’s utilities all looked after too. Protecting and caring for the community is a priority, and it really does show too.

“The elderly female and her family were very grateful for Officer Millers selfless act and were glad to have her respond the way she did. This is what 90% of police work is about. We are PROUD to SERVE.”

This is just one tiny little example of the things that the police officers do every moment of the day that just goes unnoticed normally.

The officers really acted out of the kindness of their hearts!

Please SHARE this lovely and inspirational story with your friends and family!

Dying boy with terminal cancer says ‘ Dad I gotta quit’ – Dad makes promise that leaves him choking back tears


As a parent, there are some things that we simply never want to have to discuss with our children, without a doubt the toughest is having a discussion with your child regarding his passing away!

Sadly though that is just what this father had to do! Bill Kohler was just in this position with his son, Ayden, who has been found to have a diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, which is as serious as it sounds!

This illness, DIPG for short is a very rare condition that causes a problem with the bain stem, commonly patients don’t live for more than a year after diagnosis of this condition.

HIs son’s case was even more severe and he didn’t just have one but he had two brain tumors, he knew that he was dying, what a brave boy!

His father was a medic and had completed his tour in Iraq, Kohler, so he knew a lot more than the average parent would about these things, especially about what it was like to lose people, he just didn’t expect it to be his son he was going to lose!

He really did try everything he could to get his son to some clinical trials, as it was likely his best chance of either beating it or at least getting longer then he would have without any treatment, but he got turned down at every turn.

He said:

“I was a medic in the war, you know, and you fix things …And this was something I couldn’t even touch.”

There and then he made a promise to himself:

If he was not able to cure his son’s disease then he would at least do everything in his power to make the time he had left as meaningful and enjoyable as he could.

He met WWE wrestling stars, spent time chatting to celebrity chef Guy Fieri using FaceTime, he hunting in the woods with his dad, and joined team members of the York Generals, a semi-professional football team to help them with a fundraiser.

His mother said:

“We looked at the day, and we looked at how we could make that day the best we could …Every day.”

There came the times when it was all becoming too much for him and he just couldn’t even walk, eat or even breathe very well… such sad times, but he manages to do so much!

He then said the words to his father, his father hoped he would never have to hear those words from his son:

“Dad, I gotta quit!”

His dad answered his son, but there was only one way he could find the strength to do it, he said:

“I’ll make you a promise. If you’ve fought as much as you can and as hard as you can and you feel you fought that hard, I promise you it’s OK to quit.”

Ayden fought hard and carried on, for seven months and seven days from the time he had his diagnosis, his fight was over, he had only one final request:

He said in the end:

“If people gather to remember me, I want them to dance, sing, and take group pictures …If anyone asks how I want to be remembered, please say happy, funny, athletic, wise, fighter, caring, and selfless.”

Ayden has passed away sadly, but his legacy lives on, donation made in his name to the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center continue to pay for the much-needed research against DIPG!

Please SHARE this amazing and important story with your friends and family!

Thief Attempts To Steal Car, Woman Laughs When She Sees Note He Left For Her!


A Reddit user posted this quite hilariously funny set of pictures of a note that was left in the glove box of her vehicle, as you will see looking at them, this ridiculous note, not surprisingly went completely viral!

The woman whose car it was has a terrible problem, her car endlessly keeps getting stolen, and she absolutely knows it to be the biggest problem for her.

The car gets stolen so much that she decided to do something a little different, thinking out of the box, she typed a note and put it in the glove box of the car, in the case that it was stolen again, wow what an idea!

The note she typed makes a kind request the thief leave the car in a secure area, with her preference being, in the neighborhood so she can get it back…

She had some really awful experiences with towing companies and she would not want to deal with them again, but she prefers that a stranger borrows her car and leaves it safe for her, at least!

Have a read of the note below and see why it’s going viral online:

The note reads like this:

” Hello!

If you’re reading this, you are probably stealing my car. I’m a nice person and likely would have given you a ride, but obviously, we’re past that.

I would love to afford a car that doesn’t get stolen and burglarized all the time, but I’m broke and this is what I’m stuck with. So, you got me. Again.

You’re not going to get into trouble for stealing my car. As long as you don’t f**k around and kill a pedestrian, you’ll just leave this somewhere and go about your business. Nobody investigates this tomfoolery.

One quick favor: please do not leave my car somewhere it will get towed. If I have to deal with one more f**king impound lot holding my stolen shi**y Honda for ransom, I am going to lose my mind. And my car, because I can’t afford to keep bailing it out of car jail. If I had any money I would just go buy a goddamned car that wasn’t constantly getting stolen in the first place…


Please just leave my old piece of sh*t car in a neighborhood or something. There’s a note in this envelope; just stick it on the dash or under the wiper. A passerby will see it eventually and call me and then I can come get my car. No cops, no questions asked; I’m not even mad at you.

It’s win-win: I don’t have to deal with police reports, insurance claims, and tow trucks, and you don’t have to feel like a jerk for ruining the month of a nice person.

There are countless safe places to leave this thing. Drive the car, take my first aid kit and emergency supplies in the trunk (my stereo is worthless) and just leave this motherf**ker in front of someone’s house when you’re done with it.

Thank you. Enjoy your ride.

PS if you don’t mind committing another misdemeanor tonight, feel free to go throw a brick through the window of (redacted) Towing in Vancouver. They are literally the f**king worst. Thanks. Have a good night. “

To clarify, this note has worked… Please SHARE this hilarious and ingenious note with others!

Doctor Delivers Baby, But Then Shocks Mom With What He Does Next!


This Mom discovers she is going to be a mom, the newt important thing she must do is to find a doctor to deliver her sweet baby. We can only pray she makes a great choice, seeing as its especially the case that the person she picks will really be her confident and almost intimate partner in her next nine months of pregnancy!

It’s most common that the mom won’t really know if she has made a really great choice until the big day itself! A doctor at the Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC is really causing a stir with his very unusual way of delivering babies!


To be exact, it is actually what he does to those babies once they have left the warm womb of their mom and are out in the world that has everyone flabbergasted! His technique is truly amazing though!

The doctor, Dr. Carey Andrew-Jaja, happens to have delivered many thousands of babies over his career. He is a very well respected doctor in his field and in the community too, but he really has pushed the boat out on his bedside manner as he does something his colleagues won’t do!


Dr. Andrew-Jaja is known as the “Singing Doctor” and he belts out a sweet little song every time he delivers a newborn. It all started when he was a resident, and an elderly mentor passed the singing tradition down to him.

Ever since then, the doctor has been expressing joy with the lovely lullabies he sings in the operating room, the doctor said that, when he’s singing to beautiful babies, he’s singing to that future person, who has such an important impression to make in the world.


This is how special the lives of the babies are to him, they are truly unique gifts of life, blessed by heaven! He is well known to sing songs like “It’s a Wonderful World” and “Happy Birthday” to the shock and to the enjoyment of all involved in the delivery suite.

This beautiful song from the doctor’s delivery room is such a wonderful event as mom looks gleefully into her babies eyes with such love, it’s a completely magical moment, his singing really rounds the moment off to perfection!


The doctor in the video below, Dr. Andrew-Jaja, will remain in the families memories forever, see what happened as he brings the lovely little baby into the world, it’s so magical and just simply amazing…

Please SHARE this lovely story with your friends and family!

Mom Of Four Scalped In Seconds, Warning To All Women…


Most of us, before we go to a mechanic have a try at resolving our own problems, and don’t immediately seek professional help. This mom of four children thought that she might be able to save a few bucks and do exactly that, by herself.

She popped the hood of her car, turned in the engine and revved it up, she didn’t realize that one simple and small mistake would change her life forever, what a shock!


Alon is now telling everyone about what happened to her, and to warn others too, to be careful and to the small details that could be overlooked all too easily. A lesson to take to heart, and remember well…

Alon realized that her car was having problems, that’s when it all started really, she didn’t have any money to pay out on the car, the expense of a mechanic was too much, so she popped the hood and stuck her head under…

As she looked under the hood she was trying to look for obvious problems, to see where she could find a problem, but quite the contrary not only was she unsuccessful, but her life was in danger!


Her head was pulled down, in the blink of an eye, she was in devastating severe pain, with no idea what had just happened to her, she just knew it was bad, she had never felt pain like it ever before.

Her kids, fortunately, heard her cries for help and came to her rescue. If it wasn’t for their fast actions then there was a good chance that she could have died that day.

She was rushed to the hospital, they said that her mistake nearly cost her life, she didn’t even think about it before she stuck her head under the hood though.


Such a simple thing, she is warning other women not to make the same mistake, before it’s too late, Alton has to endure many surgeries and transplants to bring her back to something resembling how she was before!

This tiny, but a significant mistake had cost thousands in medical bills, and nearly left her kids without a mom, and once she was freed from the car it needed even more work than before.

Watch the video below to learn about her terrible mistake and make sure you and anyone you know doesn’t make the same mistake too:


SHARE this story with anyone you know and family, let’s get the word out about how to preserve your health and never try to save a few bucks by repairing your own car…

Amazing Ways To Reuse Your Old Teabags!


After you make a lovely mug or cup of tea, what do you do with your tea bag? Do you throw it away?

Well, no more will you need to throw away your old tea bags, there is a multitude of uses for them, from health to outside in your garden…

Tea Can Relieve Sunburn:

Have you ever been sunburned? Well, whether or not you have any after sun lotion, grab your tea bags because they contain an acid that can really calm the heat of sunburn quite quickly and effectively!

Tea Can Restore Tired Eyes:

You know that feeling of tired baggy or puffy eyes? Now you can fight the dreaded bags that are around your eyes by applying tea bags to your eyes, once they are cool of course!

The tea contains tannins that have a calming effect and can really help to rejuvenate your eyes, be sure to use tea bags that are black tea!

After you make your tea put the bags in a tightly covered jar in the fridge, they grab a nice cool bad when you need a morning fresh pick-up.

Tea Can Sooth Minor Burns:

If you are unlucky enough to burn yourself, tea can give the relief you need, the tannins in the teas bags are great for reducing inflammation caused by heat damage to the skin!

Tea Can Be Used To Rinse Your Hair:

A Tea rinse for your hair is really beneficial for your hair and scalp. Its known to also help with dandruff too, and as an added benefit will leave your hair lovely and shiny…

Boil a couple of tea bags in a pan of water, let it cool with the bags in the water, then remove the bags once its cool. Then rinse your hair well with the tea water, and dry using a dark colored towel that your not too bothered about getting tea stains on.

Tea Stops Warts In Their Tracks:

Antioxidants from green tea can help stop warts growing bigger, apply tea bags to your warts every day to keep them at bay!

Tea Can Even Freshen Up Smell Shoes:

At some point, all our shoes tend to start to smell, put a dry tea bag in your shoes, it will absorb any moisture and the horrible odor.

Tea Can help Your Plants too:

The tannins in the tea can lower pH levels of the soil, and help to feed the plants too, the lower pH helps prevent fungus growing at the base of the plant, and gives you lovely pretty blossoms in your plants.

Tea Is Great To Help CLean The Dishes:

If you have grime and dirt ground on your dishes, soak them overnight with a couple of old tea bags. it’ll be so much easier to clean that grime off them the next day.

Tea Bags Can Remove Water Marks From Mirrors:

That dirty bathroom mirror with unsightly water stains on it, use your old bags to vanish away those nasty marks, before you know it, with a tea bag wipe and a buff with a cloth, they will be sparking again!

Tea Will Remove Odors From Hands:

If your hands are smelly after chopping some garlic or onions, wash your hands using tea bags. It will help remove some of those awful odors.

Tea Will Sooth Sore Gums:

If you have sore or sensitive gums you can use tea bags in your mouth, just like you would some gauze pads. They will really help reduce any swelling or bleeding.

If you like these great uses for tea bags then SHARE with your friends and family!

Toddler Calls 911, It’s A Cry For Help Like No Other She Had Ever Seen!


Right from an early stage in life children are taught about how to call 911 in emergency situations. When an amazingly adorable little two-year-old girl, called Aaliyah Garrett, from South Carolina, needed help right then and there, she took action…

So she called that emergency number that everyone knows by heart, and a dispatcher from the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office responded to her.

The dispatcher really could not believe what he was hearing, Aaliyah was so incredibly desperate, and she really did need a helping handBut why was that?

Then as the dispatcher took the call, and answered the phone, but all that could be heard was muffled noises on the other end of the line.

The dispatcher repeated,Hello?’ …but could only just about make out on the other end a tiny little voice of a toddler, he immediately at that point sent an officer to the scene to investigate.

The first to arrive there was Deputy Martha Lohnes, but when she put her first foot inside the house, the toddler came running toward her in a scruffy mess, so disheveled she could hardly believe it!

She very quickly had a realization that this was not at all like any other call she’d ever seen before in the line of duty.

In Aaliyah’s home was also her grandfather, he had not at all realized that she had made the call and was completely stunned when he learned what had happened with his little granddaughter.

Her mom had always told her that if there was ant time that there was an emergency that she must call 911 straight away for help, and she did exactly that!

The Deputy stood in the doorway and even though the grandfather insisted that there was nothing wrong, the Deputy was making her own assessment of the situation.

Deputy Lohnes had quickly made a decision that there was trouble brewing up and she responded to her call for help…

The questions remain, what did the Deputy do? How was her grandfather involved?

Find this all out in the video below, and SHARE with everyone you know!

When Twin Girls Are Born They Are Full Of Joy, The The Doctor Says “I’m Sorry”


There are some things that when we hear them we are getting prepared for bad news, one of those things is when we hear people say “I’m sorry”, and it generally means they are apologizing in advance for something bad!

In really bad cases when people say it, then it’s a little like a buzz term since there is a huge probability that following it something life-changing is going to happen, forever!

When Jodi Parry and her partner Matt heard those words in the hospital about six years ago, their hearts practically lept, fluttered then missed several beats!

For the two of them, it was the second time around having children, they were both pretty scared about it, but also quite excited too, after a healthy son they were joyful about bringing two little angles, twin girls into the world!

Sadly though their happiness would take a beating and uncertainty would catch them up as the stress built as the births came around finally!

The doctor took the couple into a small waiting room and quietly spoke to them, their world would begin to spin out of control, he started:

“I’m sorry…”

The two of them were completely taken back as the doctor explained, hardly able to process what was happening to them and what it would mean, the two girls, Abigail and Isobel, had been diagnosed with a condition that would affect them forever… Down’s syndrome…

They had been trying for another baby for quite some time, even though they had a lovely little boy, called Finlay. Mom Jodi sadly had a miscarriage not long after Finlay’s birth and thought that she was prepared for anything at all!

Unfortunately, though the words of the doctor shocked her, she was not prepared for this!

Facebook / JodiParry

It wasn’t so much the actual words but more the way the news was given to her, Jodi said that the doctor made it sound like it was a lifetime of doom, like an everlasting punishment.

The two girls were born early and had to stay in the intensive care unit for a full four weeks, things were looking pretty bad at this point.

Jodie said:

“That day, I didn’t feel like a mother. I just felt lost and confused. I had bleak visions of the future. I thought we’d be carers until we dropped dead”

Facebook / JodiParry

From a statistical standpoint, Abigail and Isobel are really rare, the odds of giving birth to twins who are both Down’s Syndrome is one in a million, so super special they are!

Doctors said that the little girls were born with many health issues, Abigail is deaf on one side, in one ear, and Isobel had a hole in her heart…

None of what they were hearing was really what they wanted to hear, but they listened and took it all in, Matt an Jodi had no choice, they had to get on and get stuck in and do it as the reality of the situation sunk in.

Even more sadly there was such little information about children with Down’s Syndrom, no one even explained that they could live a normal life like other children and everything else…

Facebook / JodiParry

They didn’t really realize for a little while because nobody explained to them that their family could really live a pretty normal life together!

This meant that Matt and Jodi were petrified about how things were going to work for them all.

They didn’t even know that their girls would be able to go to school like normal children, or if they would be able to talk!

Facebook / JodiParry

The family had to find out and do everything themselves, the hard way…

Some sympathized and felt sorry for the children, but Abigail and Isobel got along just fine with massive amounts of love and affection by those closest to their family.

Facebook / JodiParry

Abigail said:

“When the doctor took us to one side to give us the results, he said he was sorry that Abigail and Isobel had Down’s syndrome. To this day I’ll never know what he was sorry for”

“And I think if I could ever meet him again, I would like to show him Abigail and Isobel and say, ‘Why did you say sorry because we wouldn’t change Abigail and Isobel for the world now.”

Present day, six years after the birth, the girls have proven the real prejudices that exist in the world through ignorance and small-mindedness!

Facebook / JodiParry

Another human being is another human being, regardless of anything else, and everyone deserves a real chance at life, these two children are perfect examples of that, for sure!

Looking at this lovely family who at all could say that they are not completely happy? No one!

Facebook / JodiParry

There are important lessons we can learn from Matt and Jodi’s experiences:

You really can be happier than you think you can, whatever your situation, even when society tells you that you are less than perfect, you can be very happy indeed!

Facebook / JodiParry

Anyone with Down’s Syndrome should have the same opportunities as anyone else in life, SHARE and spread the word!

Parents Mourn Son, He Took His Life At 12-Years-Old Over School Bullying.


Our children should have their lives filled with joy and play, laughter, and feelings of security and fun, to be children without the worries of life, experiencing new and happy things each day.

Andrew Leach was 12-years-old, and he had his whole life ahead of him, but for Andrew, he felt like he could not go on anymore.

The young boy, having seen nothing of life chose to end his life and his personal nightmare in the worse way possible on March 6.

His brother found him in the garage, such a deeply upsetting tragedy!

Andy was putting up with being bullied, and it only got worse as time went on, he told his classmates that he thought he might be bisexual…

His father said to the news that he thought that because he was open it only made other children pick on him even more.

His Mother said that:

he was called… “fat, ugly and useless”

The other children at the at Southaven Middle School picked on him, they didn’t care in the least bit about his feelings at all!

Facebook / CherylHudson

It all went too far, he even got death threats from other children at the school whilst he was in the school toilets, how incredibly low and inhumane!

His dad said:

“Kids were telling him, ‘We’re gonna put hands on you. You’re not going to make it out of this bathroom.’ Things of that nature”

The family told the school and complained about the treatment of their son, but none of the teachers could stop the bullying from happening. In the end, Andy, in the sixth grade, thought enough was enough, he couldn’t stand it anymore.

He was found dead in the garage, he had hung himself, his brother, 16-years-old and also suffering from bullying had found him, such sadness for the family, but especially for him, seeing him like he did.

Facebook / CherylHudson

And’s mom, Cheryl Hudson, said that her son left a farewell letter to his family, he revealed in the letter about his plan to end his life.

Since he died his mom has shared many heartbreaking stories about her son on Facebook, she also tells about how Andy loved to cook even, many things he wouldn’t be able to do anymore!

Cheryl writes:

“Another story just came to mind. Andy loved to learn how to cook. He wasn’t always good at it but he loved it. I came home from work one day (this happened several times) and sitting on my nightstand would be something he made. Once, it was sliced potatoes that were dang near raw lol But he always thought about things he could do for me, help me with, he loved doing special things for me”

Facebook / CherylHudson

In yet another post hi mom shared; she wrote:

“I also remember each time I’d give him a bath. I’d get him out of the tub and stand him up on the toilet to dry him off. One night he said, “Mommy, I don’t want to eat anymore.” I said “what?? Why baby?” And he said “if I eat I’ll get bigger. And then you won’t be able to hold me anymore.”
God I miss my baby so much”

Facebook / CherylHudson

Andy’s parents have spoken out to the media following their son’s death, they want to raise awareness and use the tragedy to educate and help others about the dangers of bullying.

Cheryl said to the news:

“I am on a crusade that I plan to not stop”

His mom hopes that Andy’s death won’t be in vain, that more and more people will join the fight against bullying.

Cheryl writes on her Facebook:

“Please share!! We need people to attend this. If your child is being bullied, you need to be here. If you know children being bullied, you need to be here. If you have children growing up and beginning school, you need to be here. Let’s allow Andy’s Voice to make a difference!! Share this event and tag everyone you know!”

Facebook / CherylHudson

Sadly Andy’s story is not an isolated incident, there are many similar cases.

Way too many children end up taking their lives each year because of being bullied by peers.

DeSoto County School said (In a statement relating to Andy’s case):

“All bullying reports are treated with the utmost importance. Students and parents are encouraged to contact school officials anytime there are bullying concerns, and they can use a link on the DeSoto County Schools website if they would prefer to report bullying incidents anonymously. All claims are investigated thoroughly, and school counselors are trained to help students and intervene when they are aware of a situation. Our hearts go out to this young student’s friends and family.”

Facebook / CherylHudson

Bullying is a terrible and deeply disturbing thing to experience, to be pushed to such extreme limits, it’s so sad!

Let Andy’s story give us a reminder and huge wake-up call. All of us must do whatever we can to stop bullying, wherever and whatever stop bullying!

Bullying can happen anywhere, let’s all join together and stop bullying once and for all!

Please help and SHARE this with everyone you know!

Officer Impounds Single Mom’s Car, But When Her Discovers Her Secret, He Is Forced to Take A Suprising Action!


Pulled over for a routine check, Ebony Rhodes felt nauseous and butterflies in her stomach as she stopped, she was so far down on luck that this was really the last thing that she needed today.

The police officer, Jeff Glazier, wanted to see her license and registration, but both of them were expired, just to make it worse she also had no insurance either. Tere were no other options open to him, he had to impound her car and arrest her, she was heartbroken but it all.


On the way back to the police station with Ebony the Officer received a call, one of the officers who searched her car found something strange about something on the back seats. The officer was alarmed and reported it to Jeff Glazier!

The officers just kept on pulling out belongings and a ton of clothes, it was really a huge amount of things, like her whole apartment was squashed into the car.


Ebony had to reveal the terrible and sad truth about the fact that she was homeless and had been forced to live out of her car, but she was living in the car with four children too!

For an incredible and grueling six months her four children, Calvin, Ja’heame, Isaac, and Dannaija were all living out of the car, which happened to be a 20-year-old Buick Regal, but they how no other options!

Eboly desperately tried to keep her family above water, by working at Walmart, she was also a single mom! But she did not earn enough to be able to afford a place to live, how sad and heartbreaking!


The Officer also learned that Ebony has a chronic blood disorder that was so serious that she had to miss days off work at a time, Ebony really felt like she was seriously letting down her children, she felt terrible about it!

She really did feel like the worse mo ever, each step forward she took seemed to force her to then take two steps back again.

The Officer after learning about Ebony went home to his wife and then had a powerful idea, he talked with his wife about it that evening, he could not just sit aside and watch this happening.


There really was not a thing in the world that could prepare Ebony for what was about to happen, watch what the officer does below:

Please SHARE this awesome and powerful story with your friends and family!

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