It’s summertime! For most families all over the world that means firing up the grill and having burgers for dinner. The Fiore family was enjoying this typical summer evening just like so many others but things turned bad quickly.
Their 6-year-old son Anthony took a bite of his burger and got sick immediately.

He was rushed to the hospital and the family was told how Anthony had swallowed a tiny wire from the brush used to clean the grill.

“We knew something was wrong and he was in extreme pain because he was crying.From the time we had dinner to the time we had surgery, it was about 12 hours later, because our journey started at the local hospital, and then we were transported to SickKids,” Anthony’s mother, Nadia said.

There is not a surefire way to remove metal wires from human’s throats, but the surgeons were finally able to dislodge the metal wire. I can’t imagine the task would have been easy! It would be like removing a splinter, a not so easy task.

Doctors kept a close eye on Anthony to make sure he didn’t develop a throat infection.

The doctor has encountered more than his share of patients that need these brush bristles removed. If untreated the results could be fatal.