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5-year-old’s 911 call saves her dad’s life and is shared by millions for being so darn cute


Kids are so adorable, sometimes they just know how to say the truth of a situation, when us adults would normally bite our lip. Savannah, who is five years old is equally hilarious in what she does, so much so that it has gone viral!

She discovers her father, daddy, in distress, she knows exactly what to do and gets right to it, it all starts when her father feels pain and thinks the worse…

The conversation that Savannah has with dispatcher is so incredibly funny, her dad thinks is is having a heart attack but is in too much pain to speak, Savannah steps in!!

So little Savannah takes the phone from dad and she reassures him that he will be alright and manages to keep amazingly calm for the whole duration of the 911 telephone conversation.

Little Savannah competently tells the 911 dispatcher that her dad “can hardly breathe” she tells him that he needs help and to hurry up and get to their home. The dispatcher reassures little Savannah that help is on the way and it won’t be too long.

She turns and tells her pop that he will be alright and help is coming soon. The dispatcher asks if the front door is locked, Savannah doesn’t know, so she asks her dad…

When she finds out that the door is actually locked, the dispatcher asks her to unlock it ready for the emergency workers…

When Savannah realizes that strangers will be coming into her house she realizes that she and her dad are still wearing their pajamas.

She makes a decision that she needs to get changed before the rescuers arrive, so she say to the dispatcher that since she’s in a tank top, she must go to her room to get dressed.

The dispatcher gently intervenes and says that she really needs to stay there with her dad, to look after him and watch him, the dispatcher continually checks if her dad is awake and how he is doing.

Lovely Savannah really can’t help thinking about what she is wearing and she doesn’t want the emergency workers to see her in her pajammies!

Savannah says:

“I don’t know what I’m gonna wear, but he really needs oxygen real fast.”

She then introduces the dispatcher to her doggie LouLou, who likes to bark a lot, but is a very friendly dog!

You really have to listen to Savannah and her sweet reassurance she gives to her dad through the whole thing!

Baby Saved By Strangers

A day-old infant, Victoria, was taken from her parents by a woman that appeared to be a nurse, claiming that the baby needed to get routine tests done. But 13 minutes later the family realizes something isn’t quite right.

On a Monday evening, the new parents cuddled their newborn baby in a Quebec hospital. A woman dressed as a nurse came into their room and said she needed to take the baby for a routine test. Just 13 minutes later, the hospital called the police about the missing child, and the picture of her from security footage was spread around. The parents also shared pictures of their little girl, asking for help. A group of people in their 20s decided to take the initiative and search around, when one of them, looking more closely at the picture of the kidnapper, realized she was an old neighbor.

They called the police and within moments the baby was rescued. The girls later said it was the best moment in their lives and they were crying. Victoria’s parents thanked everyone involved in a post on Facebook, and warned others to always ask questions despite the uniforms people might be wearing. Thank goodness this young lady was paying attention and was able to play such an important part in the speedy recovery of the kidnapped newborn.

Three Young Contestants On The Voice Kids Take On The Prayer

We’ve seen some incredibly talented little ones grace the stage of The Voice Kids, but Matteo, Claudia, and Matteo Markus seem to be among the top! Together, the three teens shared the stage and sang a rendition of “The Prayer” by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli that left the judges and audience members speechless!


Even though Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli’s voices come together perfectly in the original version, there was a little-known detail behind its recording. The song was actually recorded as two separate pieces – one in English recorded by Celine, the other in Italian recorded by Andrea. The thought of recording it in two languages turned out to be a smart decision, as the song was an instant success. Shortly after its release, “The Prayer” won a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1999, as well as a Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals in 2000. Now, “The Prayer” is widely considered to be one of the best collaborations of all time.


The song’s challenging nature and moving lyrics were why Matteo, Claudia, and Matteo Markus opted to sing it as a trio. While they were competing against one another for a chance to move onto the next round, their voices blended together flawlessly. It’s hard to imagine that these three are teenagers, not season artists! Listen to their impressive rendition of “The Prayer” for yourself by pressing “play” on the video below. If this performance is any indication, all three have a bright future in the music industry!

If Noah Built His Ark in Modern Day America, This is What Would Have Probably Happened


We all know the story of Noah and the ark all too well, but would it go the way it did if it took place in modern day America? Not according to this story.

It was submitted by a man named Steve S. from Gainesville, Florida and we are so glad he got to share it with us.

If Noah had lived in the United States today the story may have gone something like this…

And the Lord spoke to Noah and said, “In one year, I am going to make it rain and cover the whole earth with water until all flesh is destroyed. But I want you to save the righteous people and two of every kind of living thing on earth. Therefore, I am commanding you to build an Ark.” In a flash of lightning, God delivered the specifications for an Ark. In fear and trembling, Noah took the plans and agreed to build the ark. “Remember,” said the Lord, “you must complete the Ark and bring everything aboard in one year.”

Exactly one year later, fierce storm clouds covered the earth and all the seas of the earth went into a tumult. The Lord saw that Noah was sitting in his front yard weeping. “Noah!” He shouted. “Where is the Ark?”

“Lord, please forgive me,” cried Noah. “I did my best, but there were big problems.

First, I had to get a permit for construction, and your plans did not meet the building codes. I had to hire an engineering firm and redraw the plans. Then I got into a fight with OSHA over whether or not the Ark needed a sprinkler system and approved floatation devices. Then, my neighbor objected, claiming I was violating zoning ordinances by building the Ark in my front yard, so I had to get a variance from the city planning commission.

Then, I had problems getting enough wood for the Ark, because there was a ban on cutting trees to protect the Spotted Owl. I finally convinced the U.S. Forest Service that I really needed the wood to save the owls. However, the Fish and Wildlife Service won’t let me take the 2 owls.

The carpenters formed a union and went on strike. I had to negotiate a settlement with the National Labor Relations Board before anyone would pick up a saw or hammer. Now, I have 16 carpenters on the Ark, but still no owls.

When I started rounding up the other animals, an animal rights group sued me. They objected to me taking only two of each kind aboard. This suit is pending.

Meanwhile, the EPA notified me that I could not complete the Ark without filing an environmental impact statement on your proposed flood. They didn’t take very kindly to the idea that they had no jurisdiction over the conduct of the Creator of the Universe.

Then, the Army Corps of Engineers demanded a map of the proposed flood plain. I sent them a globe.

Right now, I am trying to resolve a complaint filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that I am practicing discrimination by not taking atheists aboard.

The IRS has seized my assets, claiming that I’m building the Ark in preparation to flee the country to avoid paying taxes. I just got a notice from the state that I owe them some kind of user tax and failed to register the Ark as a ‘recreational water craft’.

And finally, the ACLU got the courts to issue an injunction against further construction of the Ark, saying that since God is flooding the earth, it’s a religious event, and, therefore unconstitutional. I really don’t think I can finish the Ark for another five or six years.”

Noah waited. The sky began to clear, the sun began to shine, and the seas began to calm. A rainbow arched across the sky.

Noah looked up hopefully. “You mean you’re not going to destroy the earth, Lord?”

“No,” He said sadly. “I don’t have to. The government already has.”

Sounds about right, don’t you agree? Share this story using the buttons below.

Woman Left in Shock After Noticing a Wet Dog With Makeshift Anchor Attached to Its Collar

Audra Petraškienė was driving near a river.  She was close to her home and she noticed a dog on the side of the road. The dog was sitting all alone wet and shivering. Audra had to stop and help him.  She noticed something around the dogs neck and probably why he was staying in that one spot.
It was a makeshift anchor. An anchor!!  Made of Iron and attached to his collar with at clasp.

It seemed that the dog had somehow pulled himself out of the water where someone had tried to drown him.

The spaniel looked so scared and confused Audra wasn’t sure how he would react to her approaching him.

Watch the video of her rescue.  this is so heartbreaking but we are so THANKFUL for Audra and he willingness to help a pup in need of some love.

Gepostet von Audra Petraškienė am Freitag, 1. Juni 2018

Veteran And Wife Sleep In Freezing Cold, Left In Tears When Kids Tell Them House Is Theirs

Veterans have given so much of themselves for the rest of us – their time, their families, their comfort, their safety – yet when they come home their sacrifices often go unrecognized. That’s why we love it when we hear stories like this one of people who give veterans the recognition and honor they deserve!

Navy veteran Eddie Browning and his wife, Cindy Browning, had been praying for a new home for a while. The camper they had been living in had fallen into disrepair and had been further damaged by a fire, but the couple couldn’t afford to make the necessary repairs. They were left largely exposed to the elements in the dead of winter.

“We’ve been freezing to death,” Eddie said.

Recently, though, their prayers were answered by a group of big-hearted students from Elm Street Elementary in Rome, Georgia.

The students had come up with an idea to build a tiny house for a homeless veteran. They started the project about a year ago, but ran into some roadblocks when they couldn’t find a place to legally put it.

But when organizers of the Georgia Tiny House Festival at Ooh La La Lavender Farms heard about the students’ predicament, they jumped in to help. They offered to let the kids store the house on the farm.

Then they took things a step further.

The students had originally planned to build a house that measured four feet by eight feet and fill it with a sleeping bag, supplies, and a propane heater. The house wouldn’t have plumbing or electricity.

But as word got out about their project, donors, volunteers, and corporate sponsors pitched in to help them add a larger extension onto the house, put in electricity and plumbing, and fill the house with amenities.

During the festival, the Brownings were escorted to the field where the tiny homes were displayed, thinking they would just be checking them out. When they were informed that one of the houses was actually theirs – and had been given to them by a group of kids, no less – they were overwhelmed.

“I don’t have the words to tell you what we feel,” Eddie said through tears.

“It’s like a dream,” Cindy chimed in.

They said they are excited to move in and escape the freezing elements that have been plaguing them in their old house.

“[This] will be warm,” Eddie said.

After the festival, the house was brought to the Browning’s property in Norwood.

The project has been such a success that the school has decided they will try to donate a tiny house every year.

Chinese Man Chases After The Thief Who Stole His Three Dogs

One of the worst feelings in the world is realizing your dog is missing.

In China, there are few laws that protect animals.  The dog meat industry is responsible for over 20 million dog killings per year. Over a thousand dogs are taken right out of their homes and killed or resold every year.  There was ONE man that wasn’t about to let his pet be taken from his home.

He was able to catch the van and proceeded to crash into it with his own car. The collision caused the van to flip and come to a stop. The owner jumps out with what looks to be a machete. He started swinging the long knife in the middle of the street.  He was obviously angry and determined to do whatever he had to to save his dog.

THe video shows the thief exit his vehicle with a bat ready for a battle.  Spectators as well as police officers watch at their arrival.  The officers detained the thief. Luckily, all three dogs were rescued and unharmed. The owner was so beyond happy when he was finally reunited with both of his dogs.

44-year-old Xie was detained by officers.

“Police also confiscated the tools believed to be used by the suspect to steal dogs, including lassos, a rod, a hammer and a butterfly catcher. They also found four fake number plates in the suspect’s van.”

Xie admitted to stealing the dogs but would not say what he planned on doing with them. It was likely that he would have killed for the dogs for meat or resold them as pets.  Luckliy these dogs are safe and sound.

The intense rescue was caught on the video below.

8-Year olds write best paper ever on grandparents…

This is great!

What is your grandparents’ role in your life? Do they live under the same roof as you? Have you made your parents grandparents as well? Here’s something that we’re sure grandparents of all ages will enjoy, so feel free to share it.

Toddler Debuts In Pow Wow And His Moves Astonish Everyone

Culture and family history is incredibly important to many people, including Martina Desjarlais. This mom makes sure her little ones are fully immersed in their Native Canadian heritage and feel the same sense of pride as she does.

Martina has shared traditional songs and dances with her children. As they grow up and are ready, they perform in powwows alongside their leaders.

Facebook/Martina Josephine

Her little boy Albert, however, decided he didn’t want to wait to be old enough to dance in his tribe’s powwow one day. Mom captured him on video watching the adult men at their powwow.

Albert did a phenomenal job of trying to keep up. So they worked together at home and finally, Martina felt he was ready to make his big official debut.

Facebook/Martina Josephine

Despite being just two years old, an age where kids are still mastering how to navigate the playground side and can’t even tie their shoes, Martina encouraged little Albert to dance in a powwow in Camrose, Alberta, Canada. She was nervous for him, but this shy little guy was ready.

Martina captured footage of her baby boy that she shared on Facebook. He not only is dressed in traditional attire for his powwow and looks absolutely precious, but his moves are quite impressive, too!

Albert struts his stuff and stomps his feet rapidly, then takes bigger steps. He clutches a tambourine and rattles it alongside the men dancing in the circle.

We’re sure Martina’s heart is swelling with love for her little boy and his bravery at being in the center of the dance circle. It’s no wonder this video has gone viral!

So many people have expressed how simply adorable Albert is. It will be wonderful watching him grow up and continue to embrace his heritage.

Facebook/Martina Josephine

Check out how impressive this toddler is Mom’s video below.

An aging mother wrote this letter to her daughter

A mother isn’t just a woman who gives birth. For many children their mother covers many roles like teacher, caregiver, and friend. So when the roles are reversed later in life, it’s important to keep those memories alive.

Read this letter, written from an aging mother to her daughter.

“My dear girl, the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through. If when we talk, I repeat the same thing a thousand times, don’t interrupt to say: “You said the same thing a minute ago”… Just listen, please. Try to remember the times when you were little and I would read the same story night after night until you would fall asleep.

When I don’t want to take a bath, don’t be mad and don’t embarrass me. Remember when I had to run after you making excuses and trying to get you to take a shower when you were just a girl?

When you see how slow I am when it comes to new technology, give me the time to learn and don’t look at me that way… remember, honey, I patiently taught you how to do many things like eating appropriately, getting dressed, combing your hair and dealing with life’s issues every day… the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through.

If I occasionally lose track of what we’re talking about, give me the time to remember, and if I can’t, don’t be nervous, impatient or arrogant. Just know in your heart that the most important thing for me is to be with you.

And when my old, tired legs don’t let me move as quickly as before, give me your hand the same way that I offered mine to you when you first walked.

When those days come, don’t feel sad… just be with me, and understand me while I get to the end of my life with love.

I’ll cherish and thank you for the gift of time and joy we shared. With a big smile and the huge love I’ve always had for you, I just want to say, I love you… my darling daughter.”

A mother’s love is beyond compare. It’s important that we always let them know this, and return the care when they need it. Agree? Pass it on.

College Student’s Act Of Kindness Saves Homeless Man’s Life

When Casey Fischer went into her local Dunkin’ Donuts for a mid-morning coffee, it wasn’t anything new. However, little did she know…it would soon become an experience that she would never forget.

Facebook/Casey Fischer

Everyone needs a pick-me-up

Not only is Casey a college student at Southern New Hampshire University, but she is also the mother of a beautiful baby girl. So, understandably – she sometimes grabs a coffee in-between classes.

One particular day, as she headed into a nearby Dunkin’ Donuts, Casey took notice to a man sitting on the side of the road. He appeared to be homeless and looking for spare change.

Flickr/Mike Mozart

A penny for your thoughts

While Casey was waiting in line, the homeless man walked into the establishment. He was counting the loose change in his hand in order to pay for his meal.

The college student decided to try and spark up a conversation, although it seemed as if the man wasn’t interested in talking. Realizing that he only had about a dollar in change – Casey bought him a bagel and coffee. She then invited him to join her at a table to eat.

Facebook/Casey Fischer

He shared his heart

Over their meal, Casey learned a great deal about the man named “Chris.” He shared how he had never known his father, had lost his mother to cancer, and how drugs had changed him into a person he despised – although he wanted to be someone that his mom would’ve been proud of. Chris also expressed how people usually treated him unkindly because he was homeless.

Although they were former strangers, the pair sat at the table for a long time…simply talking.


One final message

When it became time for Casey to head back to school for a class, Chris asked her to hold on for a moment. He then took out a crumpled receipt and jotted a note onto it. Her new friend smiled, handed her the paper, and left the restaurant. It was at this point that Casey read his written message…

Facebook/Casey Fischer

Words she’ll never forget

Casey was taken back by Chris’s scrawled message, which said:

“I wanted to kill myself today. Because of u I now do not. Thank u, beautiful person.”

If it had not been for Casey’s random act of kindness, that day may have turned out very differently for Chris… Being very affected by the emotional experience, Casey decided to share it on her Facebook page. You can read her entire post below.

A powerful experience gone viral

Initially, when Casey first made the Facebook post – it was read by her friends, family, and those who it was shared with. However, it was after Love What Matters posted the young mother’s message on their page that it went viral. In a short amount of time, her story has collected more than 740,000 likes and 220,000 shares on their page.

Facebook/Casey Fischer

Sometimes it’s the little things…

Casey’s story goes to show how effective a simple kind gesture can be. As the old saying goes, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

Have-a-go heroes who tackled a ‘thief’ to the ground had to let him go because police were TOO BUSY

Lymington Times/Solent News
  • Shopkeepers in in Lyndhurst, Hampshire, chased down suspected thief
  • He allegedly stole a briefcase from a neighbouring business and they took chase
  • Man gave himself up and was detained by townsfolk for 40 minutes
  • But police were too busy with ‘higher priority’ jobs to come and help
  • They blame cuts to police forces for there not being enough officers on duty

Have-a-go heroes who chased and caught a suspected thief were forced to let him go because police they were ‘too busy’ to arrest him.

The shopkeepers were bemused to be told by a police control room operator there was no-one to send despite the village’s police station being less than a mile away.

The business owners detained the man for up to 40 minutes in Lyndhurst, Hampshire, before releasing him.

Two of them were landlord Tony Phillips, 58, who runs the Mailmans Arms pub in the high street with his partner Louise Hodgkins, 47.

‘I held him there and held him there and held him – by the end my arm was dropping off!’ Mr Phillips said.

Hampshire Constabulary blamed its non-appearance on higher-priority incidents it was responding to at the time, including a search for a missing person.

Have-a-go heroes Mike Kinna, Louise Hodgkins, Marius Costea, Tony Phillips and Aarong Page chased and caught a suspected thief but were forced to let him go because police they were ‘too busy’ to arrest him

It also highlighted warnings from Chief Constable Olivia Pinkney that the force is more than £47 million short of the funding it should get and is lobbying the government for ‘fairer’ finance.

Mr Phillips said the incident showed a wider failure with public services rather than a particular fault by Hampshire Police.

‘This is what happens when you stretch all the services,’ he said.

‘The government and the Prime Minister are to blame as they’re making cut after cut to the police, ambulance, fire and health services.

‘I actually don’t have a problem with them saying there were other priorities at the time.’

Mr Phillips said just after 4.30pm on June 22, a worker from the Meridien Modena Ferrari dealership adjacent to the pub ran over to him and said a briefcase had been stolen from their premises.

Word quickly spread that a shoplifter may be about, and when the suspect was spotted walking down the road, a group of around 10 people, including the village butcher and Mailmans Arms chef Marius Costea, 33, gave chase up the high street.

‘When I was running down the road he was throwing watches and hats and everything he had pinched,’ Mr Phillips said.

‘We cornered him, and he could not get away, so he gave himself up.’

Plumber Mike Kinna, 50, left his drink and dog Poppy with the pub landlady and also went to give chase.

‘It sounded as though the police did not want to know [about the suspected thief],’ he said.

Witnesses said the suspect had small grocery-style bags with him, filled with clothes and children’s shoes, two charity boxes, watches and a hat.

‘I’m not going to stand here and b***h about the police – but I will b***h about the government and the cuts,’ Mr Phillips said.

‘As time goes on I can see there being a civil war in this country. As for Theresa May and the way she’s cut police numbers, I have no confidence in her. Nothing will change.

‘The cuts are across the board and affecting everywhere. Rural places like the New Forest will just get worse and they won’t do anything.’

Ms Hodgkins, who has run the pub for 20 years, added: ‘They said they were too busy to come and arrest the guy.

‘We have got bobbies who walk around here sometimes, the community officers, but the area they cover is massive – it goes from Brockenhurst to Fordingbridge and everywhere.’

Aaron Page, who runs gift shop Pages of Lyndhurst, was one of those who dashed outside after seeing a commotion.

‘We are a little, local community here and we help each other out however we can,’ he said.

‘The problem is now people like him know if they come into Lyndhurst and steal something, they might get caught and look like a complete idiot but the police can then say, “We have got a lot on and sorry we can’t come out”.’

Meridian Modena garage, where the briefcase was stolen, did not wish to comment on the incident.

Tony Phillips, 58, who runs the Mailmans Arms pub in the high street with his partner Louise Hodgkins, 47, said the incident showed a wider failure with public services rather than a particular fault by Hampshire Police

A Hampshire Police spokesman said the force received a call at 5.02pm that day.

‘At the time of this incident police were dealing with a number of ‘grade one’ incidents – the highest priority incidents – including a high risk missing person in the New Forest, and no units were available to deploy at that time,’ it said.

‘As a result the man was let go. The items suspected to be stolen were recovered.

‘All calls that come into our control room are risk-assessed before a deployment decision is made.

‘Factors include if a crime is ongoing, whether there is an immediate threat to life, and whether there are any units available not responding to priority calls.

‘A risk assessment of the circumstances of this incident was conducted at the time of the call on the basis of the information provided to us.

‘The incident at the Meridien Modena garage in which a Louis Vuitton briefcase was stolen is currently under investigation and is being treated as a burglary.’

The force said the force ‘worked closely’ with firms in business crime reduction partnerships, shares intelligence and gives crime prevention advice under the Shopwatch scheme.

‘We encourage any business owners who have been a victim of crime always to report it to us, as anything that helps identify criminals, particularly travelling or professional shoplifters, is invaluable and enables us to focus our resources where they can achieve the most benefit,’ it said.

Prince Harry recognizes fan who waited hours in the rain

Prince Harry meets a lot of people each year through the events that he attends and the charity organizations he supports. And while he’s very busy carrying out tasks under the Crown, he makes sure to spend time with his fans.

When people learn that the prince is coming to town, some of them go to great extremes to see him in person. The lucky ones may get to shake his hand or receive a kiss on the cheek.

One woman spent seven hours waiting in the rain so she could meet one of her favorite members of the royalty. She first met him two years earlier and hoped he would remember her.

YouTube/NBC News

The prince was visiting Sydney, Australia, to promote the Invictus Games. While he was touring Sydney Harbor, Daphne Dunne, a 97-year-old widow, patiently waited with throngs of other fans.

The prince slowly maneuvered himself through the crowd to greet people when he spotted Daphne. She had nothing to fear because he recognized her right away. He immediately reached out to her.

YouTube/NBC News

Daphne first met the prince when he was working with the Australian Defense Force and stopped at the Sydney Opera House. He picked Daphne out of the crowd because she was wearing numerous military medals. One in particular, the Victoria Cross, stood out.

Daphne is a veteran of the Australian Women’s Army service. She explained to the prince how her first husband, who died at the age of 24 during World War II, was awarded the Victoria Cross posthumously. They had only been married for one year when he passed away.


Daphne wears the medals to to honor the memory of her husband, Albert Chowne. She often puts them on for events supporting those involved in the service. When the prince met her the first time, he gave her a kiss on the cheek. He repeated the gesture the second time around. Daphne told reporters:

“He remembered me. And gave me another kiss on the other side.”

The prince spent a few moments chatting with Daphne and giving her a big hug.

Like many around the world, Daphne respects the prince’s dedication to veterans and members of the military. He developed the Invictus Games in 2014, which allows wounded, injured, or sick armed services personnel to compete in various sporting events.

Sydney, Australia, will be hosting the event in 2018. There’s no doubt that Daphne will make a concerted effort to see the prince again. The third time’s the charm!

Youtube/NBC News

Watch the pair’s sweet reunion in the video below:

Little kid made $2,467 on a weekend assignment, but the truth…

On a Monday class, kids were excited to go to their class and shows off how much money they made. The teacher had given them a weekend assignment to sell things and then give speech on productive salesmanship. The first girl managed to earn by $30 by selling Girl Scout cookies. The next student sold magazines for $45. She told the teacher that she made customer realize the magazine would help them keep them updated current affairs. But then this little kid made $2,467 by doing something extraordinary. Read the full post to know how this little kid made $2,467. You will have a hearty laugh after reading it.

Share this hilarious story with your family, friends and colleagues.

Little Brother Steals Spotlight From Sisters Practicing Routine


Everyone with a sibling knows that sisters and brothers can get on your nerves very easily. The disadvantage is that it’s hard to make them stop because a sibling always knows which of your buttons to press to get a rise out of you. Having a sibling isn’t always a bad thing though. It’s great to have someone you can relate to about mom and dad or school. They’re also always great to have around to make you laugh too. When two sisters wanted mom to film them practicing their cheer routine their little brother offered to help by hitting play when they were ready to start the music. However, they never anticipated his little show behind them.


Mom watched her daughters get into position as she stood before them hitting record on her phone. Her son is in the corner next to the speaker and finds the button to press in order to start the music. The music starts and little bro decides he needs to show off his own routine too. The girls begin to cheer but the hilarious part is that they don’t realize their little brother is stealing the show with his own moves behind them.


The girls are enthusiastic and smiling at the camera as little bro jumps and flails his arms around behind them. He kicks up his legs into the air too! When the chorus “I can make your hands clap” plays the silly boy decides to smack his behind in hilarious fashion. His sisters never notice but we’re sure the girls will have something to say about the footage once mom replays it for them. This routine just took a turn we’re sure mom will have to handle when the yelling starts. Watch it for yourself in the video below. You’ve gotta love when a sibling acts up!

Woman asks neighbor’s son why he visits her grandma 5 times a day: She’ll never forget his answer

Darrien Middleton works saving lives in the emergency room everyday, her job is tiring but she loves it.  the one thing she loves is that she is making a difference in peoples lives.

If she could Darrien would also be able to take care of her sick grandmother every day, but of course the reality is Darrien needs to work.
Luckily, Wilma has a guardian angel right here on earth.

After suffering from lung cancer 2 years ago, Wilma was incredibly weak and it took months for her to heal.

But just when they thought she was out of the woods, they were socked with another devastating report from Wilma’s doctors. Wilma now had breast cancer.

Darrien has tried over and over to have her grandma move in with her. But according to Darrien, her grandma is too stubborn to leave the home she has lived in for 38 years.

“She refuses to move in with me because she loves her independence and her home,” Darrien explains.

“I work full time in the emergency department in our hometown on night shift,”Darrien said. “That alone keeps my schedule very limited, along with being a full-time student. We don’t have much family here, so getting Nana back and forth to treatment every day and being able to check on her frequently (or as much as I would like) has been difficult for me to do. This is where her beautiful neighbors come into play.”

“They check on her multiple times throughout the day and have even helped me get her to chemotherapy and radiation appointments. They are honestly what keeps Nana going. I can’t go over to her home without someone at some point yelling ‘Hey Ms. Wilma, How ya doing?’ She knows everyone by name and they know and love her just as much as I do.”

But one particular neighbor checks in on Wilma’s everyday. 7-year-old Caleb.

Darrien explained how the boy has an “old man’s soul” that everyone loves.

“My nana is so attached to him and the bond they have is incredible. He doesn’t come from much, but you can tell he has been raised on love. He will bust out a dance move in a heartbeat, will go on and on about how much he loves school, and make you laugh until you cry. This kid deserves the love he has received from this post. He stands out from the norm and brings so much joy into everyone’s life he is around.

“I am so thankful for him and the love he has shown my grandmother. I know for certain it has helped her on her hardest days. He will never know how much I truly appreciate him. I hope one day he realizes the impact he has left on her life and mine as well.”

In a world where age, race and gender are such hot topics it’s nice to see that in Tennessee none of that matters and two people can sit and chat.

This Black Cat Won’t Stop Staring At A Picture Of Her Son Until She Pieces Things Together


Adopting an animal from a shelter might be the most humble thing ever. Many of the loving souls who found themselves there are either strays who experienced a tough life on the streets, or abandoned by their owners who believed they were no longer worth taking care of.

When a teen named Max and his mother Erin Nimrischter adopted a black cat from a shelter, little did they know they would get the best friend for life and someone who would love them unconditionally.

This especially came as a surprise because cats are believed to be more independent animals who don’t get attached to humans easily. But Yuuku turned to be one of the most special felines out there.

Facebook/Erin Nimrichter

Speaking to The Dodo, Erin said how her son and the cat became so close that they would spend all their days by each other’s side.

“Max has always felt connections to any animals he was around. He’s a sweetheart.”

Facebook/Erin Nimrichter

However, just six months after Yuuki was adopted, her favorite human was sent to a boot camp and is now serving at the U.S Navy.

The absence of Max made Yuuki feel confused. So, she would now spend all her time staring at his photo. Erin thought it was strange and wasn’t even sure whether the cat was staying in that room because of her son’s photo or not, so she decided to move it and see what happens. The cat found the photo and continued staring at it.

“She just sits there, stares and meows and then lays down next to the picture to nap. I know for sure she misses him.”

This melted Erin’s heart. She knew the cat missed her son dearly so when they scheduled a visit with Max, they took Yuuki too.

The sweet cat reunited with Max and was over the moon when she saw him. Now, she just has to be patient and wait for him to return from service. And until that happens, she has his photo to look at.

Facebook/Erin Nimrichter

Take a look at how Yuuki stares at her human sibling’s photo all day. This is kind of sad and cute at the same time.

Mom finally gets pregnant after years of trying. Few days later, doctor calls in panic and confesses terrifying mistake

Most couples that get married want to start a family at some point. But wanting a family and not being able to must be unbearable.  Some couples go to extreme lengths to conceive.

Carolyn and Sean Savage were one of those couples.  Instead of Carolyn having positive pregnancy test Carolyn would just continue getting her period.  Each month was mentally and emotionally draining.  When she would become pregnant her dreams would be crushed when miscarriages happened.

The couple turned to in vitro fertilization like so many couples in the same situation.

Married in 1993 the couple tried and tried but it simply wouldn’t happen naturally.  They celebrated their 1 year anniversary with the birth of their first baby.  The second child came soon after with the help of fertility treatments.

Fast forward 10 years after trying test tube fertilization in 2007 their daughter Mary Kate was born.

2009 Carolyn had embryos implanted to attempt to have child number 4. With the news that the IVF treatment was successful the couples lives were changed forever.

Only days into the pregnancy the couple received terrible news…the embryos had mistakingly been mixed up.  The baby she was carrying wasn’t hers!

The Savage’s were forced to make the hardest decision of their lives. Should they abort the baby or give the baby to the biological parents?

“We moved from a position of shock to a realization that this was actually going to happen. It’s just been difficult, but we feel we made the right decisions on how to handle it,” Carolyn explained.

Sean and Carolyn decided the biological parents, Shannon and Paul Morrell, should have the baby they were longing for.

“He is their son. But he will always be my baby,” Carolyn says.

After that experience, Carolyn thought she had been through everything.

Blessing Come in Two’s

In 2011 happiness returned… Carolyn and Sean announced they were expecting twins, this time via a surrogate mother.

“Miracle twins” Isabella and Reagen brought immense joy to the family.

“The twins have closed some of the grief we were still experiencing over what happened with Logan. They are certainly not replacement babies, but they have been the best thing for all of us,” Carolyn told the Daily Mail.

And just when you thought their family was complete, perhaps the most surprising news of all came in the spring of 2014.

Carolyn couldn’t believe her eyes when she looked at the pregnancy test.

Could it really be true? How could it be?

“As my befuddled brain studied the test, I thought I must be wrong. I’m infertile. I’ve gone through countless fertility treatments over the past two decades and with the exception of a couple of IVFs, I’ve only seen two positive home pregnancy tests. What on Earth was my 45-year-old self thinking? I couldn’t be pregnant now. Could I?”

Baby Nicholas, was born without the use of any fertility drugs.

This is one of the most amazing stories EVER!   We are so glad it had a happy ending.


Disabled veteran gets a new lawnmower


Joining the army and leaving your family behind during long months of deployment is something only brave individuals can do. Being a soldier takes a lot of courage and strong love for the country and the nation.

This is why we should always treat soldiers with the ultimate respect they deserve. After all, we owe them our freedom, and you can never put price on being free.

Christopher Garrett

A combat engineer with the U.S Army’s 10th Mountain Division named Christopher Garrett was serving in Afghanistan when he got shot in the stomach.

He suffered severe and life-threatening injuries but doctors were able to save his life. Unfortunately, he was left disabled and was forced to retire from the military.

Christopher Garrett

Although Christopher felt devastated, he still had his loving wife Brittany and son in his life and knew they would help him accept the new reality.

Facebook / Brittany Lynn Garrett

No matter how hard things got, Christopher was determined to do all he could in order to leave a normal life.

However, simple tasks like mowing the lawn now required extra effort to be done and this brave soldier didn’t have it easy.

Christopher Garrett

On a sunny day, Christopher was outside mowing the lawn with his old push lawnmower. His wife was watching him and her heart broke as he collapsed on the ground. She rushed to him, believing he either hurt himself or just broke down, but once she got out she realized he was crying tears of joy.

He looked at her and showed her a pair of keys. Unaware of what was going on, she recalls how Christopher asked her to look across the yard.

Facebook / Brittany Lynn Garrett

She was in complete disbelief when she noticed a brand new John Deere lawnmower. On it, there was a note that said:

“I hope this saves time for the things that matter most in your life. Thank you for your service and for my freedom. Sincerely, a grateful American.”

Facebook / Brittany Lynn Garrett

Someone very generous and compassionate from the neighborhood felt the urge to do something nice for Christopher and his family as a sign of thank you for the sacrifice he made for the country.

It’s truly amazing to know that people realize the importance of the soldiers for the well-being of the country and its people.

Christopher Garrett

The gift they received made Christopher stay true to his goal of leading a normal life despite his condition.

Elderly Man Lost $100 Bill And Can’t Pay For Groceries But Then Gets Unexpected Phone Call

If you found a $100 bill what would you do?  I’m sure you would be excited but after the excitement wore off and you realized someone lost it…what would you do?
This little 8-year-old boy Jaron Johnson was thrilled when he found a $100 bill at the grocery store. However, he wasn’t thrilled because he found it, he was thirlled because now he had a mystery to solve.  He had to find the owner.

Jaron and Jodie went grocery shopping in a local Walmart not any different then any other time for them.  Until the little boy suddenly saw something green lying on the floor. After a closer look, Jaron realized it was a hundred dollar bill.

A $100 bill is a large amount to lose, and it turned out that an elderly shopper lost the cash just a couple of minutes before.

The 86-year-old Jamie Grice was about to pay for his groceries when he realized that his $100 went missing.  He didn’t have any other cash with him. He had to leave without the groceries. He already had a hard time making ends meet.  He relies on a fixed income and losing $100 could mean eating and not eating.

He was distraught but knew exactly what to do.

“When I walked outside of the store I said lord let somebody that really needs that money, find it. When I turn things over to the Lord, I don’t fool with it anymore.”

The next day Jaron reminded is mom to call the store.

“I gave it to my mom and then the next day when we woke up I reminded her to call Walmart to see if anyone reported it”

She realized that this was an important lesson he was learning.

“We talked about it on the way home, you know, people work hard for their money,” she added. “I was immediately proud of him. He’s a great kid, he has amazing character. He does the right thing even when no one is looking.”

When Jodie called, they were immediately able to connect the dots.

Jaron, Jodie, and James met each other at the store and the little boy proudly handed the man his $100 bill.

James was extremely happy and thankful.  He knows that most people would just pocket the cash for themselves.

As a ‘thank you’  James gave Jaron a $20 finders fee.  If you found $100 would you do the same thing?  Have you ever lost money only to have it returned by a stranger?

15-yr-old teen badly burnt in accident refuses to go to prom, sudden knock at door leaves her trembling

Sitting around a campfire with your friends and family is a scene that everyone enjoys. Korryn Bachner, 15 was doing just that on evening in April.  Just hanging out until one of her friends thought it would be fun to pour gasoline on the campfire.

The explosion caused 12 people extreme injuries, including Korryn who suffered from third degree burns on her face and hands.  Leading up to the campfire the friends were making plans to go to their high school prom.

Korryn spent two weeks in hospital fighting for her life. She will need to undergo more surgical procedures in the future.

Korryn is a cheerleader and had many friends at her school, Glendale East High School. But now with her head completely wrapped in bandages, Korryn assumed that she would not be asked to the prom this year.

Jonathan Ayala, was a friend that Korryn had attended a prom with weeks earlier. He had a different idea in mind.  He wanted to bring her some joy during her heartbreaking recovery.

“He told me in the hospital that he was determined to bring prom to her, even if it was in the hospital,” Korryn’s mom, Ellen, recalls of Ayala. “Then when we came home, he asked if he could decorate the basement.”

Ayala decorated the basement and friends stopped over before going to the actual prom.

“She has such a great group of friends. There were definitely some tears, but they were happy tears,” Ellen recalls of the event. “[Ayala] missed his senior prom for her. She has the opportunity to still attend two more, but I don’t know that another prom will ever be as special as this one was.”

“She was just happy. I’m sure there was a smile underneath her bandages and a few happy tears. It made my heart happy,” Korryn’s mom, Ellen, says.

The young mans act of kindness has been a source of encouragement for Korryn who has a long way to a full recovery.

No charges have been filed in the fire, as police said they believe the incident was an accident with no malicious intent, though the investigation is ongoing. The boy who caused the fire was also badly injured, Ellen says.

The girls recovery is slow but Mom says “it’s going in the the right direction, every day we see improvement.”

After Nearly 50 Years of Marriage, a Couple Was Lying in Bed One Evening, When the Wife Felt Her Husband Begin to Massage Her


A couple that was married for almost 50 years was lying in bed when the husband started doing something that really caught the wife by surprise. She felt his arm on her body as though he was about to give her a massage.

She didn’t say a word as he continued touching her, starting from the neck down her back. He then proceeded to her shoulders and the stomach.

The wife felt nice as her husband carried on moving his hand gently to the side of her body going down her buttock and then her inner calf.

Then he did it all over again but now to her other side of the body. It was one hell of a massage.

As he was slowly placing his hand near the most sensitive part of her body he suddenly stopped and turned around not saying a single word to his wife who at this point was quite excited. She was now even more surprised by his behavior and said: “Honey, that was really amazing, why did you stop?” to what the husband replied: “Because I found the remote control I was looking for”

If this joke made you laugh SHARE it with friends. 

Mom gives daughter’s husband a secret note on their wedding day to teach him how to help his wife with anxiety


Living with anxiety can be terrifying. People who experienced it describe it as a strong feeling that won’t let them enjoy moments of their life in a way they would love to.

It can’t be easily controlled and it may come when they least expect it.

During these rough times, it’s of crucial importance that these people have by their side a person who understands what they are going through and help them cal down.

For a young woman named Nikki Pennington, that special and comforting person was her mom.

So, when her mom said the last goodbye and left this world, Nikki felt like she had lost a part of herself. She feared there will be no one to help her during her anxiety attacks.

But even after her death, Nikki’s mom made sure her loving daughter would be well taken care of. Before she died she did something truly amazing and her girl is forever grateful for that.

Nikki shared her touching story on the Grief To Hope Facebook page, and it came as an encouragement for everyone who battles anxiety.

You can read her full post below:

Anxiety has been a part of my life for as far back as I can remember.

It’s been there for so long that I don’t really recall a time in my life without it.

If you have anxiety then you know you have that one person. The one person that knows just how to help calm you down in the midst of the anxiety fog.

That one person for me was my Mom.

She knew just what to say, how to say it and the right moment to say it to help bring me back to reality. Her words and comfort were always stronger than my anxiety.

I always just assumed she would always be there to be my person but that all changed.

It was a few weeks after my husband and I were married and my anxiety kicked in, I said, “I have to call my Mom” he paused and said, “How about you talk to me instead? Just give me a try and see if I can compare.”

So I did, I gave him a chance to help ease my anxiety and it was as if I was talking to my Mom, it was as if I was talking to my person.

The calls to my Mom when my anxiety was in full force became less and less. She never asked why, never asked about it once. That’s because Moms like mine are few and far between.

The day my Mom died I called my husband. I said, “My person is gone. The one that knew me and loved me with all my flaws. The one, the only one who could calm my fears, she’s gone.”

Then he began to tell me a story about my Mom. A story that I never knew about her before because she didn’t want me to know.

You see on our wedding day, my Mom gave my husband a note. A note that was just for the two of them. A note with the title that said, “How to be Nikki’s person.”

It was a step by step guide on what she would say and do for me when my anxiety was taking over.

Step 1: Just listen.
Step 2: Listen a little more.
Step 3: Don’t try and solve the problem.
Step 4: Tell her you understand.
Step 5: Keep listening until she’s sorted it out on her own. She will, she always does.

She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s had it figured out on her own all along,

My Mom gave up being my person not because she wanted to but because she wanted my husband to know how to be when she was no longer here. She gave up being my person so that she could make sure I would always have one no matter what.

Well Mom, you will still forever be my person.

Woman with cancer gets married in hospital – 18 hours after, husband looks into her eyes and falls apart


On your wedding, the day should be full of love and laughter, and plenty of tears of joy too. The expectation of weddings we have now are ever increasing, but sadly the marriage between David and Heather Mosher was nothing but ordinary.

Facebook / Heather Lindsay

David and Heather had love at first sight back in 2015 when they first met, they completed a dance course together and knew straight away that they were right for each other there and then.

Dave got on one knee, it was 23rd December 2016 to ask for Heather’s hand in marriage, under the cool ambiance of the lights in the street, while they just happened to be in a horse-drawn carriage.

Facebook / Heather Lindsay

Heather gladly said yes to him, the couples’ great news would soon be sadly overshadowed!

The very same day the two of them became engaged, Heather told David that doctors had found a suspicious lump in her breast and that it could be cancerous.

Five days after that, she was given the heartbreaking diagnosis: regrettably, she had a strange and rare form of aggressive breast cancer, the prognosis at this stage was really bad.

Facebook / Heather Lindsay

The two of them had planned to get married on December 30, 2017, however, because of this cancer’s unusually fast growth, they soon came to realize that they would have to bring the date way forward.

It is more often than not the presence of metastases, or daughter tumors, that decide the severity of a patient’s cancer. In Heather’s instance, it was a fast road to the worse kind of outcome.

Happily though in December 22, nearly a full year after Dave proposed, it was time to do it and tie the knot. The amazing wedding went ahead, Heather was laying in her hospital bed surrounded by all her family and friends.

Instagram / Christina Lee Photography

One of Heather’s best friends said:

“She was determined to marry her soul mate”

Her body was so slight and delicate at that stage that her family just draped the dress over her body like a sheet…

She did though, eventually, manage to get the dress on, in the hospital’s chapel, and so the ceremony was ready to get going.

Still, every breath, every action, and every moment was hard for Heather. She fought for the strength to speak her vows proudly…

Instagram / Christina Lee Photography

These words would be her last, and maybe that’s not such a bad way in the end…

Christina said:

“It was a miracle …Even when she raised her arms and realized she would die, she was happy. She just wanted it to be a party.”

Instagram / Christina Lee Photography

“Everyone cried …We all knew that this was the last moment with her and we would treasure every second.”

David’s day was sad and deeply hard, with pain and true heartache, but not just that, it was also filled with love admiration.

David said:

“She was beautiful and she felt safe …I saw her illness. I saw her pain but she did not give up until she married me. It’s unbelievable how much you can love a person.”

Heather took her last breath only 18 hours after she said “Yes” …She was just 31-years-old.

On December 30, the actual day Dave and Heather had originally planned to get married they held Heather’s funeral, it was the same place the couple had chosen for their wedding.

Christina said:

“It was a really hard day …The world lost a wonderful person.”

Christina has shared the photos she took of the lovely couple during their wedding since that day. They really have touched hearts right around the world.

Instagram / Christina Lee Photography

This has turned out to be a really heartbreaking time for everyone involved, however, we are pleased that this story can be used to give hope to many more people.

Hold on to your dreams Love will out and follow your heart!

If you felt touched too then SHARE this lovely story with your friends and family!

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