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Woman noticed her husband smelled weird – then doctors discovered the odor was related to Parkinson disease

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you possessed super powers? Well, most of us can only dream of something like that ever happening. However, some people do posses certain talents and gifts that resemble superpowers.

For a woman named Joy Milne, that special gift is her strong sense of smell. It’s so special, that now doctors are interested in examining it. It all started after Joy noticed how her husband Les smelled a bit different one day. “His lovely male musk smell had got this overpowering sort of nasty yeast smell,” she said. At first, she didn’t think the distinctive odor that only she could sense was something to worry about, but as time passed by, Les was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

Joy was very supportive and they both joined many groups with people who had the same disease. During the first meeting, Joy was shocked. She could feel in the room the smell she noticed at her husband some six years ago.

“I could smell it in this room all around of me,” Joy said.

After she told her husband’s doctors about that, they were hesitant at first, but then they decided to put Joy’s smell to the test. As they said, it’s not unusual for cats and dogs to be able to sense certain diseases, but that has never happened with a human before so they wanted to be sure.

To their surprise and delight, Joy performed exceptionally well on the scientific test.

Joy’s gift led to a new discovery related to the Parkinson disease. Namely, scientists believe this disease may result in a subtle change in the skin’s natural fluids.

Currently, scientists and researchers are working on creating a test that would help diagnose the disease early. Isn’t that amazing?

Sadly, Les passed away in 2015, but Joy hopes her special smell would help others in the future. Take a look at this incredible story in the video below.

Baby girl born weighing just 1 pound leaves hospital after 4 months – see how she looks today

This is the story of an incredibly brave girl named Tru Wende Beare who was born 14-weeks-premature but pulled through and is a real beauty today.

When she was welcomed into the world, Tru only weighted 1 pound and was the tiniest baby doctors have ever seen. Sadly, that meant that Tru had to spend a lot of time at the hospital where the doctors at Royal Columbian Hospital, in New Westminster, Canada did their best to fight for her life.

Her mom and dad prayed to God and hoped for the best. They somehow knew their little girl would survive and couldn’t wait to hold her in their arms. Mom was first able to touch her little bundle of joy after 11 days, and dad only got to hold her when Tru turned 54 days old.

Tru spent 71 days in an incubator after she was finally moved to a crib. It was then that her life started becoming better and better with each passing day.

During the four months at the hospital, baby Tru faced numerous challenges and was able to overcome a great number of conditions.

Imagine having to fight against Necrotizing Enterocolitis, two blood clots, chronic lung disease, MRSA, retinopathy, two blood infections – including sepsis – a congenital heart defect, and seven blood transfusions at such young age. But as it turned out, nothing was impossible for this tiny warrior who wanted to live and be around mommy and daddy’s side.

Today, Tru is four years old and super cute. Who would have thought this beauty only weighted a pound when she was born. What’s most, she is a big sister and a true inspiration for many. She is a perfect example that nothing is ever impossible and the only choice we have in life, no matter how hard things get, is to never stop fighting.

We hope she will have an amazing life and will reach everything she will put her mind to. She proved already that she’s unbeatable and we would love for her to keep that attitude in the years to come.

Take a look at Tru’s incredible story in the video below and share it with your friends.

Doctors said that heroin addict only had 12 months left to live

Despite the devastating fact that it ruins numerous lives and affects them in the most negative ways possible, people still use heroin. Once they start using it, there is usually no way back. That addiction is stronger than life. 

Luckily for a woman and a heroin user named Caroline Beat, 36, the news that she only had a year to live if she continues abusing drugs came as a wake up call. 

She was first introduced with the heroin while she was still a teenager. Her friends used it and one day they asked her to try it. Although she didn’t want that, they pressured her and called her a coward for refusing to play along. 

Saying yes to that ‘offer’ she knew she had to refuse was a turning point for the worst for Caroline. 

Soon after, Caroline was hooked. The last 20 years of her life were a constant struggle to find money for heroin. 

After her family and friends turned their back to her, she started stealing. That got her into prison numerous times. There, she would go through a rehabilitation programs, but once out of prison, she always turned to her bad habits. 

The last time she was in jail, the doctors told her that she damaged her body to the extent that she only had 12 months to live. She had sepsis that had reached to her heart valve and gave her endocarditis. 

Now the problem was that no matter how much Caroline wanted to undergo the so much needed surgery that would help save her life, no hospital agreed to operate on her until her body was drugs free. 

The devastated woman almost accepted her fate. She just couldn’t fight her addiction all by herself and knew it would eventually kill her. 

But then, all of a sudden, someone came across her way and lent her a helping hand. It was the police officer who arrested her the final time. Stuart Toogood had seen similar cases and he really wanted to see Caroline thrive and change her life. 

Officer Toogood told Caroline how he knew of a very effective six-month-long rehabilitation program, and Caroline was more than willing to visit the center and start the healing process. 

Instead of spending the night on the streets, stealing or bagging for money, Caroline was in rehab. And it was the first step towards her new life. 

Amazingly, Caroline was following the program and with the unconditional support from officer Toogood, she managed to keep herself clean for six months. It looked as though all she needed in her life was someone to give her a little push and trust her. 

The time for the operation has finally come. But once the doctors ran tests, they discovered that Caroline’s body was able to repair itself, so she didn’t need the surgery any longer. 

This brave woman who had gone through so much during her life now looks like a brand new person. 

Now, Caroline and her savior speak of the incredible journey to complete recovery and are ready to help others who face drug addiction problems.

Check the video below to see what they have to say. 

This is what happens to your body if you include ginger in your daily diet

When we turn to the nature, amazing things happen to our mind and our body. All fruits, vegetables, and herbs contain certain vitamins and minerals our body needs so it doesn’t come as a surprise than many people choose to heal themselves using alternative medicine.

Ginger is an awesome food that offers plenty of health benefits. People have been using it for its healing powers for hundreds of years. So, do you know what this plant can do to your body if you eat it every day? Stay here and read all about this powerful root.

The good thing about ginger is that you can eat it whole, ground, cooked or raw. It gives a distinct flavor to your food and transforms it to something both delicious and healthy.

1. Ginger is great for your heart

Ginger contains components that lover blood sugar levels and prevent heart disease, hypertension and stroke. A study shows that 85 people who were given three grams of ginger powder per day during 45 days showed reduced levels of cholesterol at the end of the study.

2. Ginger fights the common cold

Ginger is rich with anti-inflammatory properties and contains antioxidants and as a result, it prevents the common cold and fights against it. At the same time, it reduces the risk of infections. The gingerol compound found in it prevents the multiplication of bacteria by speeding up the healing process.

3. Ginger relieves nausea

In case you experience nausea, give the ginger a go. Many studies shows it prevents this condition.

Jim Lightfoot/Flickr

4. Good for the stomach

Ginger can ease any discomfort you feel in your stomach. It helps with diarrhea, improves digestion, and reduces the production of too much acidity. Most acid reflux medicines contain ginger substances so consuming it is a safer way of getting rid of this condition.

5. Ginger helps relieve migraines and severe headaches

Consuming ginger is the best non-medical way to put an end to headaches. Studies suggest this root is at least as effective as sumatriptan, a drug commonly used in migraine treatment. 

6. Helps you lose weight

If you struggle losing weight and most diets won’t give you the desirable effect, then consuming ginger might help. Eating it, or drinking it as a tea helps you resist hunger and is a great way to re-activate your body metabolism. Gingerols and shogaols are two properties that aid the body’s biological activities.


7. Ginger helps muscle soreness

Study conducted by the University of Georgia suggests that ginger helps reduce muscle soreness by 25 percent.

8. Increases blood circulation

Ginger increases blood circulation and that is why it’s the perfect drink for the cold winter days. It will keep you warm and healthy.

9. Ginger helps against menstrual cramps

Those days of the month can be very uncomfortable because of the cramps many women experience. Ginger is believed to have the same effect against menstrual cramps as the drug ibuprofen. All you need to do for the pain to disappear is take some water soaked in ginger or some honey infused ginger tea.

10. Ginger can protect against cancer

Studies suggest ginger has the power to kill cancer stem cells that make malignant tumors dangerous and is helpful when it comes to breast, pancreas, and ovarian cancer.

Knowing how powerful and beneficial it is, all you need to do is make the ginger part of your diet.

Professional dancer and his prodigy student tap dance together in perfect sync

Although tap dancing doesn’t seem to be as popular nowadays as it was back in the 40s and 50s, this dance style never really got out of style completely. Famous names such as Fred Astair and Gene Kelly used tap dance in order to tap their way into their audiences’ hearts.

Why we all love tap dancing is because the energy and the fun involved in it can’t really be compared to any other form of art.

One popular name in the world of tap dance is Justin M Lewis. Justin has been dancing ever since he was 5 and his love for this style was born after he watched the movie “Tap” staring Gregory Hines. In fact, this movie is believed to be inspiration for many talented dancers from all around the world.

Justin performed on many famous stages including, Lincoln Theatre, Kennedy Center, Wolf Trap, Blues Alley, The Smithsonian, National Corcoran Gallery, The Apollo Theatre in New York City and many more. But it seems like the video of him dancing along with his student Luke Spring is what made people fall in his talent even further.

This performance took place at the DC Tap Festival back in 2011 but is still very popular and it looks like people can’t stop watching it so they go back to it over and over again. The video has been seen more than 2 million times and many agrees that little Luke was a star in the making.

If he can dance like this at such young age, we can only assume what future holds for him, right?

Their dancing is brilliant and perfectly synced. Speaking of their unforgettable performance, Chloe Arnold, a co-founder of DC Tap Fest said, “They had every person in that house on their feet and going crazy.”

I have to admit that I tapped my feet while watching. This is definitely something you don’t want to miss. Check it out below and share it with your friends.

Newborn baby girl can’t stop smiling – mom sees it as a warning sign

Mother’s instinct is a real thing. It “kicks” whenever the welfare of the child is in question and “tells” mothers something’s wrong, even when doctors and modern medicine question the parent’s claims.

Baby Emmy was welcomed into the world with a huge smile on her face and everyone who saw her was thrilled. Her mom Vanessa was glad her girl seemed happy to be in her parents’ arms.

However, as time passed by, it looked like baby Emmy just wouldn’t stop smiling. And as everyone thought her smile was heart-melting, Vanessa somehow knew there was something more behind that constant smile. No matter how much she wanted her daughter to be super excited and all smiles all the time, she was aware that wasn’t normal. Besides that, this worried mother noticed how the girl’s fingers curled inwards every now and then.

Eventually, Vanessa took Emmy to the hospital and asked from the doctors to see whether there was something wrong with the little girl.

When doctors examined the baby they said how Vanessa was just ‘looking for things’ and told her to go home and enjoy the time with her bundle of joy as everything seemed perfectly normal to them.

However, that didn’t stop Vanessa from doing her own research. She found out that Emmy’s fingers who were now constantly angled inwards could be sign of different symptoms. Although she was sent home with a clean bill of health, Vanessa wanted a second opinion and sought the help from a specialist.

After thorough research, the specialist diagnosed Emmy with Williams syndrome. According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders, this syndrome, also known as Williams-Beuren syndrome, “is a rare genetic disorder characterized by growth delays before and after birth (prenatal and postnatal growth retardation), short stature, a varying degree of mental deficiency, and distinctive facial features that typically become more pronounced with age.”

Another issue emerging from the syndrome are cardiovascular diseases, which Emmy had. Over the years, she had undergone several surgeries but is doing well now.

“The special days I have with Emmy aren’t the ‘big’ days like trips to Disney World, it’s snuggling on the couch on a rainy day,” Vanessa told The Mirror. She added that no matter it looks like Emmy is smiling all the time, she has her moods just like every other child out there. “I’d love Emmy to be able to drive a car, go to college, and get married (if she wants to).” 

“To have a profession that she’s proud of, and I would like for her to feel valued at work. I’d like her to have a couple of good, solid, meaningful friendships. Above all, I’d wish for her to have unending happiness.”

We hope Emmy will have a wonderful life. But if it wasn’t for Vanessa’s gut feeling in the first place, who knows what would have happened to her daughter. It’s true when they say that moms know best.

This chef claims you’ve been chopping onions wrong your whole life: No more crying with this simple trick

Onions make each dish more delicious. They are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium and folate, and offer impressive health benefits. Well, that’s all great, and we all love onions, but the thing is that we hate chopping them.

But as it turns out, there is a simple way of cutting onions that won’t make you cry and this chef is here to present it to you. Trust me, once you try this and realize how simple it is, you will never get back to handling onions the old-fashioned way.


What chef Jack Scalfani suggests is to try to find the onion’s root before you start cutting it. Once you do that, you take the root out and turn the onion upwards and then you are done. Sounds easy right? If you still wonder how it’s done, take a look at the video below.

If you know someone who won’t let a dish pass without onions in it, share this video with them and ease their cooking.

Mother spots bruise on daughter’s leg and thinks it’s harmless, but she’s wrong

Kristine is a mother who knows that kids can be mischievous at times so it doesn’t come as a surprise for them to end up falling and getting bruises every now and then. 

When her 5-year-old daughter Kailyn got one on her knee, Kristine wasn’t really concerned. But, in the following couple of days, the bruise got bigger and the girl came down with fewer, and this mom knew things were more serious than they appeared so they took her to the emergency room. 

Weeks passed by, and the ‘harmless’ bruise wouldn’t heal. In fact, it looked nastier with each passing day. That was when the doctors informed Kristine and her husband Josh that the girl got bitten by the deadly black widow spider. 

“We never in a million years thought it would be a black widow spider,” Kristine, of Mendon, Massachusetts, told TODAY.

It all started when the girl first felt pain in her knee, but her mom thought it was because of her tight jeans. However, one night, as the girl was getting into her pajamas, Kristine noticed there was a bruise. 

“We never thought it was a bite or anything at the beginning,” she said. “There was no bite mark.”

Kailyn was given antibiotics that seemed not to have much effect so she had to return to the emergency room a couple of times. This raised the red flag. Something big was going on and no one knew what it was. 

“I had a feeling that the bite didn’t look right,” Kristine said. “It started to get really nasty.”


As the ‘innocent’ bruise wouldn’t heal, Kristine took her daughter to UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester, Massachusetts. There, doctors ran a bunch of tests that confirmed that Kailyn was bitten by the venomous black widow. 

“I didn’t think they were around here,” Kristine said. “I was pretty shocked.”

The doctor who admitted the girl, Dr. Durbin, said how there are only two or three cases a year of people who get these bites.

Unfortunately, this spider’s venom is so strong that it causes necrosis, a condition in which the skin dies. 

“That’s a very unusual and distinct reaction,” Dr. Durbin told TODAY. “I diagnosed her with a spider bite, presumably a black widow because that’s the only spider in New England that I know of that causes this kind of reaction.”

The poor girl was prescribed more antibiotics. But her condition now seemed to improve. 

“She was not severely ill,” Durbin said of Kailyn. “The bite looks nasty, but it wasn’t causing any serious illness in her.”

The parents believe that Kailyn was bitten on the day they were cleaning their yard as she recalls the children were running around the grass.

“We just want parents to trust your instincts,” she said. “If you feel something doesn’t look right, just keep going to the doctor to find out what it is.”

Luckily, these parents’ instinct didn’t fail them. As a result, things turned for the better and Kailyin is now healed completely.

You can take a look at the whole story in the video below. 

This omelette-in-a-hole is a must try for breakfast

What’s for breakfast? Well, this meal, which is considered by many the most important of all, tends to include the usual and somewhat dull choices such as eggs, some fried bacon or ham, cheese, maybe pancakes with some maple syrup, or some fruits and vegetables.

Today, we bring you an amazingly delicious recipe involving most of the stuff mentioned above, blended in a “twisted” way. It’s so tasty that you won’t believe it’s that super easy to make.

All you need in order to treat yourself with this omelette-in-a-hole is:

  • 2 slices of white bread
  • 3 eggs
  • onion
  • peppers
  • ham
  • shredded cheese
  • butter

The first thing you need to do is cut the inside of the bread slices, leaving the crust. Keep the bread for later and chop the onions, the peppers, and the ham in small dice. Of course, you don’t have to stick to these ingredients, but choose whatever you please.

Once you are done with this, place the ingredients in a preheated pan with a few tablespoons of sizzling butter and stir until they get a brownish color. After this, separate the veggies into two separate piles and place a bread crust around each of them.

So far, so good, right? Now whisk the eggs and add salt and pepper to taste. Once everything is nicely mixed, pour it over the fried veggies and inside the bread crust. You add the cheese, as well as any other ingredient you’ll think will fit this tasty breakfast, then place the sliced out bread over.

Once the egg is cooked, flip it over. It doesn’t take long for it to be perfectly fried on both sides. Turn the heat off and serve the omelette-in-a-hole with any side veggies you want.

Isn’t it feel awesome to be able to “play” with the food this way? This is perfect for turning the boring breakfast into an appealing dish and yet keep the ingredients we all love so much.

Once you try this, you’ll never do your eggs the old-fashion way. You can take a look at the recipe in the video below. Don’t forget to share it with your friends.

And yes, in case you give it a go, tell us what you think of the taste.

Betty White is 98 and speaks of remaining positive after 80 years in Hollywood

We can all agree that when it comes to America’s sweetheart Betty White age is just a number. Even at the age of 98, she still sparks positive energy and reminds us that if you do something with the devotion and love she puts into her acting, you do become irreplaceable.

White’s career in the movie industry both on the screen and behind the camera has lasted for 80 years and she’s still not ready to quit doing what she does best. She’s best known for her award winning roles in “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” and “The Golden Girls.”


Recently, White spoke to Parade of the life in Hollywood and how to stay sane in such world. She recalled the time when she was starting her career and how she was rejected many times. However, being told that she wasn’t ‘photogenic’ and that she should probably try herself in some other job didn’t stop her from trying, and that led her to where she is today.

“You just keep plugging away. You don’t give up,” White said.


This award winning actress has some advice for those who would love to follow her path and be part of the Hollywood glam. “Do your work, learn your lines and come in prepared,” she said. “Don’t think you can wing it, because you can’t. We’re in show business, which is fun, but take your business seriously, because it is a serious business.”

White tends to be a huge optimist about life and says she has a lot to be thankful for.

“I know it sounds corny, but I try to see the funny side and the upside, not the downside. I get bored with people who complain about this or that. It’s such a waste of time,” she said.

She believes people should live by the notion that no matter what happens, life can be great.

You can take a look at the story and the interview with this living legend below. Betty White is such an inspiration. It’s not surprising her career has lasted for so long.

Homeless man who spent 30 years on the streets is brought to tears after a hairdresser gives him a makeover

If someone is homeless, that doesn’t mean the person isn’t working hard enough and doing their best to find themselves a shelter, it usually means life was unfair to these people who spend their days on the streets and lack a roof over their head.

Jose Antonio from Majorca, Spain, used to have a job, but with the depression striking the country, he’s life changed over night and he found himself on the streets. From that day on, Jose has done all he could to provide food for himself.

The 30 years of harsh life without a home took their toll, and Jose looked untidy. With overgrown beard and ragged clothes, he appeared way older than he really was.

One day, a salon owner who often saw Jose struggling decided to give him the much needed change and offered him a free makeover which included new clothes and a haircut.

Jose was happy to accept the help. However, he didn’t expect for that change to bring him to tears. His reaction after he saw himself in the mirror melted many hearts. Honestly, we were deeply touched by the video of him smiling and finally feeling content about himself after so much time.

Before the hairdresser started with the makeover, Jose had a wish. “Leave the doors over the mirror open for the moment so I can see myself for the last time like this,” he said, as he was eagerly waiting to see the new him.

Seeing himself looking the way he always wanted made Jose emotional.

© Facebook/LaSalvajeríra

“My God, this is incredible. Is this me? I’m so different. No one’s going to recognise me unless I tell them who I am.”

People who knew him from the streets couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw Jose. They were all smiles as they were happy for him.

“The new look has helped me deal with the way I feel inside. It’s had so many practical consequences,” Jose told news channel Telecino. 

Jose was greeted with many thumbs ups and that added to his happiness. The salon La Salvajeríra that gave Jose the makeover hopes the video of his transformation will help him find a job so that he could get a fresh start in life. What’s great is that a company that helps homeless people financially has taken Jose out of the streets. We hope he’ll get the life he truly deserves.

Man comes across abandoned but perfectly preserved mansion while exploring the forests of France

Old buildings hide many secrets and testify of the past better than any history book. They have a soul and speak of the times when people used to live there and how life was decades and even centuries ago.

Bob Thissen loves exploring secluded places and investigating old buildings. He comes across many interesting objects, but this time, he discovered a perfectly preserved mansion. The place is untouched and exactly the same as the owners left it years ago. It looks like this mansion stood frozen in time.

There are newspapers on the tables, the beds are made, and there is a piano ready to be played. The interior gives a feeling of the past times and touches the soul in an unexpected manner.

Thissen first discovered this mesmerizing place some five years ago and now got back wanting to see the condition of it. To his surprise, nothing has changed.

“Normally, abandoned buildings usually go down very quickly, because they are robbed and vandalized,” he told Caters News Agency. “It was a miracle to see how almost nothing had changed.”

He doesn’t have any idea who the mansion belongs to, but believes that the owner had probably died or maybe moved places and never looked back. He says the place is still preserved because it is located deep into the forest where no people go, so he assumes not many even know of its existence.

Those who have seen the video of the mansion could feel the passion with which Thissen approaches it and agree that he’s been doing justice to these long forgotten objects.

“I love how respectful you are of the places you visit,” one person wrote. “It’s beautiful and sad simultaneously. Thank you for being respectful to not just the structure and belongings but to the remembrance of the former occupants,” another added.

If you want to take a look of the inside of this magnificent huge building check the video below.

Celine Dion has a message for everyone criticizing her slim figure

Celine Dion has been a target of harsh criticism because of her slim figure recently. Many people believe she should put some weight because she doesn’t look like her younger self any more. But this singer says she’s happy the way she looks and has one message for those who comment on her looks and her style; “Leave me alone.”

Since the death of her husband Rene who was 26 years her senior, this incredible singer started rocking completely new style. She opts for designer pieces that she is convinced make her look fearless and attractive, something many of her fans don’t agree with.

Speaking to The Sun, she said, “If I like it, I don’t want to talk about it. Don’t bother. Don’t take a picture. If you like it, I’ll be there. If you don’t, leave me alone.”

Her fans on the other hand say they are concerned for her well-being because looking that skinny isn’t healthy and don’t really want to shame her. Some of the comments are, “She looks so fragile” and “Celine, you are too skinny.”

She says she understands the concerns and convinces her fans she’s feeling beautiful and healthy the way she is. “I’m not anorexic. It pisses people off that I am thin and I don’t make any effort. I have been thin all my life. Nobody in my family is overweight,” she told The Guardian. The superstar also added that she’s “found the wind beneath my wings” and isn’t afraid to take risks and makes bold choices.

Celine claims she’s eating healthy, working hard and is practicing ballet four days a week. She claims there’s nothing her fans should be worried about. “When you go back, when I was 12 years old, my face was rounder because you have more fat when you’re younger…But I’ve always been very thin,” she told PEOPLE.

Honestly, Celine looks satisfied the way she is and I guess people shouldn’t be so harsh on her looks if that’s what makes her happy after everything she’s been through in her life.

An entire family from Mexico City wiped out by COVID-19 in a matter of days – “Take care of your children”

The coronavirus pandemic left millions fearing for their lives after it spread in each country of the world. Governments are struggling to take control of the situation by imposing lockdown and cerfew and asking from the people to socially distance from one another. Regardless, many caught the virus and many died as a result of it.

Mexico wasn’t spared either. Around 230,000 people tested positive and thousands died.

A case from Iztapalapa, Mexico City, shook the country after an entire family died of the virus in less than a month. Relatives of the family are urging people to take the situation with the virus seriously, because it’s real and it’s very dangerous.

Generic image/Shutterstock

Ricardo Sánchez González, 35, was the first to be tested positive for the virus. He died just an hour and a half after he was admitted to the hospital. His older brother, 45-year-old Julio, died as a result of complications from the virus just a few days after his brother passed away, at the end of April.

The brother’s parents, Emilio Sánchez, 68, and his wife Aurora González were both tested positive for the virus. Emilio died on May 9, and Aurora died a few days later.

Generic image/ABC News

The news of the tragic deaths of this family left many heartbroken. It was a sad thing to hear and the relatives can’t believe the whole family died in such a short time.

María del Carmen, relative, said, “It was a desperate thing, (I felt) powerless seeing death arrive and without being able to do anything. Take care of your children, take care of your parents because it’s a horrible death.”

We are very sorry for the Sánchez González family. Let their story serve as an example that we should all do our best to keep ourselves and those around us protected and safe by respecting the social distancing.

Father makes son confess he raped a girl and takes him to the police station

One father from South Wales got the praise by the whole country for teaching his son a life lesson by making him confess a crime he did. After 47-year-old Jonathan and his wife Sarah learned their 18-year old son Jack Evans was guilty of raping a young girl, they reported the case to the police. People say it was a brave thing to do, knowing that many other parents in their situation would do all in their power to protect their children from serving jail time even though they would know they are guilty. But this family knew the right thing to do was to stand for the girl their son hurt.

The girl never really came forward, and things would remain silent if Jonathan didn’t see the text messages his son was sending to the victim.

In the messages, Jack was telling the girl he raped not to speak to anyone about what happened. Jonathan didn’t think twice before he went to the children’s advice center where he was advised to report the case to the police, which he did.

Speaking to The Mirror, this father said, “I did not march him to the station, I believe you have to own what you did. So I had to make it his choice.” Jonathan wanted Jack to understand that what he did was very wrong and wanted him to accept that he was guilty.

“I am really proud of him for coming to the conclusion that the right thing to do was admit to it. He was a bright lad, he just is made a mistake. I’m hoping being in prison will give him time to reflect,” Jonathan said after his son confessed the crime.

“We wanted to get him to understand what he’s done. He’s taken it in now that what he’s done is wrong. It’s been very difficult but I just wanted to help him. We are strong as a family group and have had lots of support from friends and they are telling me I have done the right thing.”

The case was taken to court. Gareth Williams, who was on the defending side said, as quoted by the Daily Mail, “It is extremely rare for anyone to admit to such a serious offence without there being a complaint,” and asked for a suspended sentence. But Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke believed Jack had to serve time for his crime.

“Two months after the rape you apologised to your victim and said you understood why she was upset,” the judge said. “But that text came to the attention of your father and mother who took you to a police station. You told an officer your name and said you’d has sex with the young woman.”

Jack will be serving two years time at a young offender institution and will be listed as a sex offender for 10 years. His father hopes Jack will join him in his engineering company after his sentence is served.

“I would do the same thing again, I would have to because that is my moral standing on it, it is painful but it is right. You cannot get on with your life if you live your life under a lie, as much as this hurts it is the right thing to do,” Jonathan said.

This father knew what was best for his son and we honestly believe that what he did will only make Jack a better person and will provide him with a fresh start.

Tell us what you think of Jonathan’s decision in the comments section below.

4-year-old boy has his eye removed over Christmas after mom spots rare cancer in photo

As the merriest period of the year was just around the corner and the family of 4-year-old Noah Blanks was looking forward to the holiday, the presents, and Santa Claus, things turned upside down and their happiness was crushed by some devastating news.

The boy’s mom, Laila Gaudry took a bunch of photos of Noah, but when they looked at them later, the dad, Ollie, noticed a strange white spot in his son’s eye. At first they though it was just a reflection, but they could feel something wasn’t right.

After checking the reasons for it on Google, they discovered that one possible cause could be retinoblastoma. 

Noah was brought to the hospital and his parents asked from the doctors to examine him. Sadly, their fears have come true when they were informed how the sweet boy had cancer.

They started the therapy right away and Noah had to be on and off the hospital for a very long time.

Everyone hoped and prayed for the best outcome, but Laila and Ollie were warned that if the chemotherapy didn’t give the wanted results and the tumor grows bigger, Noah’s eye had to be removed.

“The path was always going to be hard but life threw some extra challenges at him from the beginning – he had an allergic reaction to the medication and developed a fever,” Laila said.

“But as time went on there were fewer complications and the tumour was responding well.”

The next Christmas was approaching, and the family was glad this one would be better than the previous one as the tumor was shrinking.

But then, out of the blue, they got a call from the hospital. Doctors informed them how the tumor had grown substantially and a surgery to remove the eye was the only thing that could be done.

“After everything Noah had been through, I couldn’t believe it. What was meant to be a good bit of news before Christmas had turned into a nightmare,” Laila said.

“I had an anger and heartache raging inside me that our little boy had fought so hard. But I also wanted the cancer gone and I knew that once his eye had been removed it couldn’t hurt him anymore.”

The worried parents decided to tell their son about the surgery after Christmas was over because they wanted him to have the best time of his life during the holidays.

The surgery was scheduled for December 27th.

“Noah had his temporary prosthetic fitted four weeks later and I was truly amazed at how good it looked and how well he coped. At his first check-up post-surgery he was given the all clear,” Laila said.

“Noah is now six years old and doing really well. His big brother Jake is so supportive and they’re inseparable – best friends and partners in crime.”

“I’m relieved Noah had the surgery rather than going through more treatment and it was the right decision for our family.”

This year’s Christmas, however, would definitely be the one to remember, as the charity Ray of Sunshine is taking the whole family to Lapland. Noah still doesn’t know that, as it will be a surprise.

Noah is such a brave little boy. He never let his condition put him down. We only wish him the best in the years to come.

Mom, 36, pregnant with triplets stuns the world with her huge and unusually shaped belly

Maria Nordø Jørstad, a 36-year-old mom of a 3-year-old boy from Denmark, went viral because of her unusually shaped belly.

This mom was carrying triplets and documented her pregnancy with photos and videos, not knowing that her belly would impress so many people. From the start of 2018, the number of her followers on Instagram has been 46,000 and growing. Today that number is 364k.

Maria says most of the comments her followers leave are very positive and people tag one another on her posts. Speaking to the Swedish newspaper Expressen, she said, “I’m proud of my stomach! I’m also surprised at how it can be so big without falling down. It’s amazing!”

What is interesting about Maria is that as her stomach grew bigger and bigger, the rest of her body didn’t change at all and that made it difficult for her to lift things. But no one says that carrying three babies is easy and she was perfectly aware of that.

Maria’s incredible journey got the attention of many and people couldn’t wait to hear the news of her babies arriving into the world.

On September 12, she gave birth to Agnes, Filip and Iben, who are sort of celebrities in their country. Their mommy is overjoyed to have them by her side and and will continue to share details of their lives on her Instagram so people can see what life is like with so many children under one roof. If you want to see how the kids look like now, almost two years later, check @triples_of_copenhagen.

Woman gives birth to a baby daughter with rare condition and is puzzled when adoptive family won’t take her

Providing the little bundles of joy with the best possible life is every parent’s dream. But life is unfair sometimes and many moms and dads struggle to give their kids a fair chance of turning into successful individuals because of the many obstacles they face, mainly financial struggles.

A woman named Christina Fisher from Florida got pregnant at 36. However, no matter how much she loved the thought of being a mother, that seemed like something impossible at the time because she had no place to live and didn’t have a job. So, raising a child wasn’t an option at that tough period of her life.

As a result, she decided to give her baby up for adoption. The thought of separating from her little daughter broke her heart into a million pieces, but that looked like the best thing for the little girl that was about to be welcomed into the world.

© Facebook/Christina Fischer

What Cristina didn’t know was that sweet Abigail had a rare condition, because all the ultrasounds revealed the girl was developing normally into the womb. When the adoptive parents looked at the baby and her distinctive looks, they let go of the thought of adopting her.

© Facebook/Christina Fischer

Abigail was diagnosed with Treacher Collins syndrome which is a genetic disorder characterized by deformities of the ears, eyes, cheekbones, and chin. It can also cause problems with the respiratory system.

This condition didn’t make Abigail less beautiful than the rest of the babies at the maternity ward. For Christina, Abigail was the most charming baby she has ever seen.

© Facebook/Christina Fischer

But the adoptive family didn’t feel the same as Christina. They were very supportive and friendly while Christina was pregnant, but once Abigail was born, they disappeared from her life. “She came out crying… and left the hospital. We never heard from them again,” Christina said of the adoptive mother.

© Facebook/Christina Fischer

Christina didn’t really care, because she now knew she was supposed to raise her daughter on her own. No one would ever love her baby as much as she did, and she wanted to be there for her.

Photos of sweet Abigail stole the hearts of many after Christina posted them online, wanting to spread the message that everyone is beautiful in their own, unique way.

© Facebook/Christina Fischer

The little girl’s story spread around and people really wanted to help Christina give her baby a good start at life so they donated around $20,000 through her GoFundMe page.

It looks like the saying, ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ was true in the case of these mother and daughter who are about to embark the adventure called life together. Abigail’s condition was just a sign that she should spend her life by her mommy’s side.

Busty Mom and Housewife Dubbed “Too Sexy” Is Unrecognizable after Incredible Transformation

Some say plastic surgery is something people get addicted to. Once they do a correction on their face or body, many believe there is always more to be done in order for them to look “perfect.” Sadly, undergoing such transformations can lead to completely losing the natural look. That is what happened to a woman the whole country heard of some ten years ago, 44-year-old Dawn Williams from Canada.

This woman’s distinctive looks, huge silicon breasts, fake ten, and blonde extensions made people turn heads whenever she would pass near them, and although she loved the attention she was getting, it was something that bothered her two children.

That made Dawn reconsider the way she looked. It wasn’t just her physical appearance, but her outfit that always seemed to reveal a lot as well. She was willing to change herself because she wanted her children to be proud of her, not embarrassed, so she accepted the help from makeover guru Carson Kressley.

© YouTube/OWN

The first thing Carson did was make Dawn get rid of the excessive make up that she would always apply in very thick layers. Next, her bleached extensions and her pink heels went off, and she got some new clothes.

Her transformation to a more natural looking woman made her children happy. Dawn now knows that she doesn’t have to resemble the Barbie Doll in order to feel good about herself. The new version of her was presented to her loved ones at the Oprah Winfrey show.

Needless to say, everyone, even her closest friends and family, couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw Dawn taking the stage. You can take a look at this busty housewife and mother in the video below. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and make sure you tell us what you think of her transformation.

Delivery Guy on the Job Stops What He’s Doing to Fix American Flag Tangled in Wind

Nowadays, when most of us stay home in fear of our health and safety because of the coronavirus, there are those people who have to be on the job every single day. Besides the medical workers, others also deserve all the praise for what they do every single day, like the delivery drivers who make sure our packages get at our front door no matter the severity of the situation with the pandemic.

Their commitment is truly important to many, especially those people who are way too fragile to get out and buy things for themselves. A family’s note for their delivery guy went viral recently. It read, “Thank you for delivering our packages to us. We have an immunocompromised baby and online deliveries are essential to her health. You are helping to keep our daughter ALIVE and well. We are grateful to all who are on the front lines delivering to our family. Much Thanks – The Bays’ Family.”

Another delivery guy vent viral for his incredible act just before America’s greatest holiday, the 4th of July. A woman named Chelsie Root Ashley from Adiar, Oklahoma shared a video that touched the hearts of many Americans. Namely, the US flag in her yard was tangled, and the delivery guy, Trent, made sure he took it down from the perch, untangled it, and put it back after he delivered the package.

“The hero of today is my UPS driver!!” she posted on Facebook on Friday. “My USA flag was rolled up so he stopped and fixed it before he left. Happy Memorial Weekend!!!!” Ashley wrote along with the video.

Trent had no idea someone was watching his act, but he did what he believed had to be done. He just wanted to do the honor to America’s greatest symbol that represents the core values all Americans tend to live by, freedom, democracy, the American dream, and our men and women in uniform.

Many praised Trent’s action and he said that he was glad he was caught on tape.

Woman Gives Server a Generous Tip Only to Learn Waitress Stole from Her Bank Account

When people don’t feel like preparing their own food, they usually head to the nearest restaurant where they can just eat what they want without spending time in the kitchen for hours. And while they are there and expect from the waiters or the waitresses to serve them hand and food, they should tip them accordingly.

But what happens when the servers feel they are not tipped enough and decide to take more money from the customer’s bank account without them being aware of that?

Source: Whitney Anderson

Whitney Anderson was having dinner at the Abuelo’s Mexican Restaurant with her family. Before they left the place, this mother of three paid the bill and tipped the waitress more than 20% of the total amount, but it seemed the server wasn’t satisfied so she simply took additional $10.

It wasn’t until the next day that Whitney noticed what happened, after she took a look at her bank history. She couldn’t believe how the waitress dared to steal from a customer, especially because she believed she left a reasonable tip for the meal.

“It was $45.50 and I tipped $10 even, made it $55.50,”

she addressed the matter on Facebook after the restaurant owner wasn’t willing to accept her complaints. He refused to even have a talk with the waitress, didn’t say they were sorry for the inconveniences, nor took it as a serious issue. He only told her how it would take around seven days for her money to be returned.

Source: Whitney Anderson

“Our server filled out the blank customer copy of the receipt and threw our merchant copy away!” Whitney posted. “She forged a signature that isn’t even my name and tipped herself $10 extra. All the manager is doing is working on getting my $10 back and could take up to a week. I’m so angry that a server did this and who knows how many times she’s done this and stole money from customers!”

Source: Whitney Anderson

As it happens, this waitress has done this to other customers as well, not only at this restaurant but at the other many places she worked at and had been sacked from because she was caught stealing.

Whitney wanted to warn others so she contacted the local news station and shared the whole experience with them. That is when the restaurant management gave Whitney a cash refund covering the entire bill the very next day and apologized.

Source: Whitney Anderson

Whitney was happy to be able to warn people to be more cautious when they pay their bills. She says it’s important to check your bank account any time you are charged for a service.

Unfortunately, these types of frauds happen more often than we think. We believe Whitney did the right thing for not letting the server get away with what she did.

92-year-old Lady Knocked on the Ground by a Man Who Saw Her Fall and Hit Her Head on the Fire Hydrant but Kept Walking

The elderly have done so much for the society over the years and the least we can do for them in return is to show them appreciation and make sure they feel loved and cared for. Sadly, some individuals have no respect for this group of people and treat them as an unimportant part of the society, forgetting how fragile they are.

On June 12, an incident that took place in Manhattan involving a 92-year-old lady left everyone outraged. As the woman, Geraldine, was on her way to Duane Reade, she was hit on the head by a random passerby later identified as 31-year-old Rashid Brimmage according to New York Post.

Geraldine then fell on the ground and hit her head on the fire hydrant. Her attacker turned his head and saw her lying on the floor but did nothing to help her. He simply kept walking which can be seen from the disturbing video.

“When they helped me up, I said ‘what happened’ because I didn’t even know what happened. It was completely out of the blue,” said Geraldine.

“I thought a brick hit me or something hit me on the left side of my head, and I went right down and hit my head against the hydrant,” she told New York Post. “Blood was coming out, not spurting blood, but blood was dripping.”

Luckily, other people who noticed her rushed to help her get on her feet. They called 911 and Geraldine was taken to the Beth Israel Hospital. She didn’t suffer any serious injuries on her head, but is having hard time understanding why would someone attack her for no reason. She now fears getting out of her house all by herself and the incident had some psychological impact on her.

“This damned guy put me in a state where I’m fearful to walk the streets alone. So my super’s trying to find somebody who will walk me to a park nearby or to the supermarket, that kind of thing. So that’s the problem,” she said.

Thanks to the video showing the attack, Rashid was arrested and charged with assault. This man showed aggressive behavior before and this arrest was his third this year. NBC New York reported how Rashid punched a 39-year-old man and a 39-year-old woman at Dunkin’ Donuts in February but only received desk appearance tickets.

In March, Rashid was reported to have punched a 29-year-old man at a Manhattan pizza shop. According to New York Post, this violent man has been arrested 103 times so far for different incidents. He has been also listed as a sex offender.

Assistant District Attorney Courtney Razner who is currently working on the case said, “He’s a violent predicate felon facing a minimum of five years in state prison for this case.” Rashid lives in a homeless shelter in Bronx and is schizophrenic and bipolar according to a social worker.

Attorney Henna Khan tried defending Rashid calling him “harmless.” She says what he did to Geraldine wasn’t a “deliberate act of violence.” However, Geraldine things otherwise and hopes he will spend some time behind bars and will have the time to think about what he did to her and all the other people he hurt in the past.

Proud Aunt Witnesses Her Nephew’s Act of Kindness Towards an Elderly Lady and Is Moved to Tears

The social distancing imposed by the governments because of the pandemic seems to be getting us even further apart from one another, not only physically, but emotionally as well. In these dark times for the humanity when millions are affected by the virus, witnessing acts of kindness and good deeds make us believe that that things aren’t as bad as they seem.

The good thing about spreading kindness to people we love and care for, as well as to those we meet for the first time in our life, is that it always goes a long way. We can never know how our selfless deeds affect those who receive our kindness.

Source: Facebook/Connie Belle Jenkins Sweet

One proud aunt is sharing a story of how her nephew stepped in for an elderly lady in need and people are glad she did that because stories of compassion are exactly what we need more of to have our spirits lifted.

Connie Belle Jenkins Sweet of Griffin and her 17-year-old nephew, Senquavious Driver, were shopping at Dollar General when the teen noticed the 81-year-old lady struggling to get off the vehicle.

Source: Facebook/Connie Belle Jenkins Sweet

We were about to pull off and leave when she was trying to get out of her car, but she was struggling to get on the sidewalk. She could barely walk. She was only going in for a soda, but she barely could even get in the store,” Connie said.

Senquavious not only helped her alight from the car but entered the store with her and helped her with her shopping as well. The lady was very grateful and shared with him a story of how she hurt her back and face recently.

Source: Facebook/Connie Belle Jenkins Sweet

“I was in tears taking pictures because he didn’t hesitate to help her, and that made my heart happy,” Connie said. Honestly, she has a lot to be proud of. Nowadays, not many young people would do what her nephew did.

Source: YouTube Screenshot

Senquavious didn’t want to be praised for what he did, but his aunt said she just had to share the cute photos of him holding the lady’s hand and keeping her company while she was doing her errands. And we are glad she did, because she made the day of many and brought joy around.

Source: Facebook/Connie Belle Jenkins Sweet

“I’m so proud of him because I know and love the lady that raised him, my sissy,” Connie wrote and added “I have an awesome nephew. I pray to God he continues to do great things in his life.”

Take a look at the heartwarming story below and don’t forget to share it with your friends.

Women in the Army Are Sharing Harrowing Stories of Sexual Harassment Using #IAmVanessaGiullen

The missing of Private First-Class Vanessa Guillen started a movement by the women in the military who are sharing their stories of sexual harassment while on duty. They are using the hashtag #IAmVanessaGuillen.

Guillen, 20, went missing on April 22. She was last seen at the Fort Hood Army Base in Killeen, Texas, after she told her family how she felt unsafe on the job because she was sexually harassed by a sergeant.

Volunteers who went searching for Guillen found remains and some of her belongings. They asked from the military to order an investigation regarding Guillen’s allegations, which the 3rd Cavalry Regiment commander did.

Women in the military know that they can’t be silenced any longer. They have to raise their voice and tell their story because of Guillen, themselves, and all the girls who ever dream of serving the country.

The testimonies come from current members as well as veterans and their words are chilling. The truth is being revealed and things have to change.

Army veteran Maira Carrier is just one of the numerous women who were sexually harassed. Upon Guillen’s story, she took to Facebook to share her own experience, writing, “I came in the Army when I was 17 years old. I was a victim of sexual assault and harassment as a child and I thought that the Army was my ticket out of that life, but instead I came into an even more painful world. Right before getting on the bus for basic training the airport reception NCO kept me back in the airport as the others went to the training center. He took me to a corner to avoid being seen, then proceeded to hit on me and grab the inside of my leg. I said I was 17 on multiple occasions,’ she recalls. “He gave me his personal cell phone number, the reception number to contact him, his emails (work and personal), and explained to me that he could help me have fun when I get to advanced individual training. I turned all his information to my DS, who said they were going to take care of it. Later in my career I looked up this individual and he had been promoted twice. It was as if my complaint made no impact in his career,” Carrier finishes her story.

The hashtag #IAmVanessaGuillen triggered the truth that has been put under the rug to finally come to light. These brave women feel like they owe it to Guillen and are standing for her because she can no longer fight for herself.

The sad reality is that many still feel scared and ashamed to confess the assaults. We hope things will change and no women will ever have to be assaulted and harassed in any way.

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