U.S. Marshals locate and rescue 45 missing children during operation “Autumn Hope”

Great job U.S. Marshals, you make us proud every day!


After the successful operations by the U.S. Marshals in the past months during which a great number of children were saved from the hands of sex traffickers, our heroes yet again give us great news and make us proud of them and their work.

During the operation “Autumn Hope,” 45 children were located and rescued. 169 arrests were made by the Central Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force and U.S. Marshals with the help of the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

U.S. Marshal for the Southern District of Ohio, Peter C. Tobin, said, “My thanks to all personnel who have stepped up for this operation. These are the same personnel who hunt down violent fugitives every day. I’m incredibly proud of them and pleased that they were able to apply those same skills to finding missing children. I know Operation Autumn Hope has made a difference in a lot of young lives.” 

In August of this year, 40 missing children were saved by U.S. Marshals during sex trafficking bust in Georgia. All of the children involved in the operation “Not Forgotten” were taken to a safe place and no longer need to fear for their lives. A month later, in September, there were two more successful operations reported.

Operation “Safety Net” resulted in 25 children aged 13 to 18 to be located and saved in Ohio. What followed was operation Triple Beam” in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma during which 262 suspects were arrested and five children were rescued.

We are very thankful for the effort and the hard work by the U.S. Marshals who make such a huge change in the lives of innocent children who were kidnapped.