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Teacher Creatively Defends Girl Picked On By Classmates


Kinsie Johns is a Teacher who adores her job, so when this third-grade teacher found out that in her safe space in the classroom a student was being teased, she was immensely distressed. Kinsie loved all her students in her class and instead of going on the warpath she chose another route!

Kinsie formulated a plan to remedy the situation once and for all, something that would catch all her students by surprise, and take away the power of the teasers!

Facebook/Kinsie Johns

With her head held high Kinsie cal to school the next day, walking into the classroom she stunned the students, it was plain as day that none of them was expecting what she had done!

One of her students, as it happens, had been styling her hair in the fashion called “space buns”. A little girl made her hair like this on Tuesday, but on Wednesday she was getting teased and called space girl.

Facebook/Kinsie Johns

Kinsie was really saddened that the girl could be made to feel like this, and formulated the plan! She coordinated the finer points with the student, who had been teased and wrote herself, on her hand, a little note of what to do.

The very next day Kensie’s students were awestruck when they saw her! The could hardly believe what they were seeing, even the student who had been teased was surprised.

Kinsie said:

“She was beaming when she saw me and the students noticed that our hair looked the same.”

Facebook/Kinsie Johns

Kinsie wrote on her Facebook that she promotes to her students to just be themselves, and makes the point that “it’s ok to be different”

Quoting Dr Seuss she said:

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out!?”

Facebook/Jessica Mullen


The day after this all happened all the students copied the hairstyle in solidarity, how awesome!

Kinsie said:

“The little point I was trying to make turned into a huge support for my little friend. All the girls in my class are wearing their hair in ‘space buns’ and even some of the boys got involved! They all wanted to support her and we even got some second graders involved!”

What do you think about not only the clever way Kinsie dealt with this but the positive result she achieved in response? Awesome right? Worth sharing!

Supposed To Deliver A Prayer, This Old Lady Has Everyone Rolling On The Floor


Mary Maxwell had a request to say a prayer before the dinner which honoured carers, but she found the opportunity to also bring a little laughter to everyone too.

She asked for blessings of the carers, but then delivers an incredibly funny speak about growing old and the changes you could encounter while you get there, inevitably!

It can be a scary thing growing older, but Mary takes it all in her own pace and brings humour to a subject that, really, by most people, is dreaded, she says:

“The thing about old age is you don’t get to practice. This is the first time I’ve ever been old… it just sort of crept up on me.”

Knowing that if you can resist taking life too seriously, Mary takes the view that everything will pan out just fine and how it’s meant to. Her dry witty delivery, with such a straight face, was tremendous, with one-liners like:

“This is the first time I’ve ever been old” and “It just sort of crept up on me”

…everyone was absolutely rolling around in the aisles!

Many comedians avoid the subject of getting older like the plague, but Mary, with her amazing humour even in prayer, you can tell that she won’t avoid it at all, she going to hit it head on!

Mary’s view on getting older is a light and sparkling change that coerces everyone in the room to laugh loudly and uncontrollably, it’s no surprise that this has more than 13 million views, what an incredible and witty lady!

Among all ages Mary really is popular, she’s even got her own dedicated followers on her own blog, it’s more than likely that it’s her humour that has helped her in her years!

Listen to her amazing presentation, press “play” on the video below to hear it!

Son And Mother See Licence Plate At The Drive Through, They React Quickly And Jump in, Just In Time!


Getting up each morning, most of us think that the day is going to go just as planned, usually if we have a plan that is. Work, maybe for some of us, school, routine jobs, and other things. Now and again though something happens that we were not expecting and an ordinary day will become life changing.

One day when A son and his mother were going through the drive through at a fast food place, they hoped to have a delicious lunch, but instead and to their amazement, they left the restaurant with a lot more!

Landon and his mother Tara Routzong were in the drive through and saw something that drew their attention to the licence plate in front of them. As they patiently waited in the line at the ‘Chik-fil-A’ Tara and her son noticed something on the licence plate directly in front of them, something which drove them straight to take action!

The licence plate displayed the word ‘Florida’, but what was the reason that it was so interesting, after all we pass many licence plates every day, but Tara and Landon were feeling very downtrodden when they had the realization where the guy came from!

Facebook/Tara Parker Routzong

The sad news about the Hurricane Irma on television has touched us all, such a destructive storm as it passed through the Caribbean and finally landed on Florida, tearing up homes, lives and while communities too. So when Son and mother noticed the Florida plates right in front of them, they decided almost immediately and together to do a good deed.

Tara said on Facebook:

“Went to Chick Fil A for lunch today because yum. Landon saw the car in front of us was from Florida (we have been talking about Irma today) and he declared we were paying for their meal and I agreed.”

Facebook/Tara Parker Routzong

Then she said:

“But how do you pay for the car in front of you?? You run toward their window with a debit card in hand and scare the mess out of them lol”

The Florida guy felt very deeply moved by this gesture, so unexpected and beautiful was this act of kindness! The Floridian guy in the ‘Chick-fil-A’ drive-thru was actually fleeing the path of this crazy and terrifying hurricane…

“Landon and I both had tears in our eyes from how appreciative he was.”

Facebook/Tara Parker Routzong

Tara said, in her Facebook post:

“The man has left his home in Miami and was passing through to go stay with family in Birmingham. I told him we hoped he returned to his house untouched and that we’d keep him in our thoughts.”

The awesome kindness of his mother and son wasn’t expensive, but the gesture really made a difference!

The tragic events of the hurricane has really brought out the best in most of us, as humans, looking after other humans. People from all over the world and many different states are joining together to donate their time, help, personal things and belongings, and hard earned cash to help rebuild the lives of those suffering because of the hurricane.

Tara said:

“I often feel like I’m failing because I can’t do it all, all the time and then things like this happen and remind me that I don’t have to. My most important job is going just fine.”

Something Feels Wrong When She Gives the Homeless Woman Her Leftover Food…


Carmen Mendez and her boyfriend were on their way to get some fried chicken when they spotted a homeless woman near the entry, the woman was quite dirty but sober, she was standing quietly close to the trash asking people for their leftovers.

As everyone put their trash into the bin, they looked at her but just carried on throwing their food in the trash!


Mendez said on Instagram:

“Not one person said yes, they all ignored her and threw it away, it broke my heart” … “I have been volunteering with the homeless now for many years… they don’t repulse me or make me sick to my stomach. I hold them all with so much love.”

Carmen, who felt heartbroken by what was going on decided to give the homeless woman her leftovers if she was still there when she finished, but 20 minutes later she had gone!

She said:

“I looked for her as we were getting ready to leave and couldn’t find her” … “I felt sad knowing all the rejection she had that night searching for a warm meal.”


Sadly, Carmen was about to throw her food away when she heard a small voice say:

“Can I have your food?”

Without a moment of hesitation, Carmen gave her food to the woman with a big smile, but it just didn’t feel like it was enough.

Mendez said:

“I felt like a horrible human being feeding her my leftover chicken strip… she deserved so much more… so I bought her a whole meal… she deserved to eat a hot meal”

Carmen boldly went to the restaurant counter to get the woman a full hot meal, and politely asked the restaurant to let her stay to eat it! The woman was clearly in tears and appreciative of what was happening here.


Mendez then said:

“That hug she gave me was like a hug I had never felt… those tears she shed were felt deep in my heart”

“I held her tight and let her let it out. I wasn’t repulsed by it. I just held her. And that is a moment I will never ever forget. So next time you judge a homeless person, think twice… not all of them are homeless because of a drug addiction or because they are lazy.”

Most of us would agree that to give a homeless person money would be foolhardy or possibly feed some addiction, but no one could fault Carmen’s show of selflessness and compassion.

I hope it inspires more people to do the same in the spirit of humanity and the betterment of it!

71 Year Old Lady Lives In Car In Front Of Her House, Neighbors Discover The Reason Why…


If there is one thing that is synonymous with family it’s the worry because our family, siblings, parents and even friends are close to our thoughts and to wonder how they are doing and genuinely care,  really shows our love!

There are though, unfortunately, a lot of people that do not have families to look after them and to help them out in desperate times. As it happens Theresa Hernandez was in this position.

Theresa was 71 years old, living out of a car parked in Arizona, at the front of her house. There was no running water she could use and she had no electricity either so she would sleep in her car that was not drivable anymore.

Fortunately, Justin Hernandez, her neighbour, however, the name suggests, he was quite unrelated to her, decided to call in on her. Having only moved into the area about a month ago it pulled on his heartstrings to see how his next door neighbour was living.

He said:

“It tore my heart. It broke my heart” … “A 71-year-old woman sitting out here in 110-degree weather isn’t alright.”

“I figure if this was my nana or my mom, I wouldn’t want her to live like this, so I had to do something to help get her back into her home.”

Justin found out that the reason why the woman couldn’t live in her home was that the inside of it was a complete mess!

Excrement and Trash and dirt were on the inside of the house. Theresa told him that after her husband passed away she really couldn’t take care of the house and the two dogs on her own.

She said:

“So my jalopy became my home”

Justin started a Facebook page called ‘Paying it Forward’ and sure enough, complete strangers began to pitch in to help!

People donated money and some people showed up as a group to help clean up! Craftsmen came to help restore the house with plumbing and electricity, happy to help out and offer their services to get all the essential utilities up and running again.

Theresa could not have been more thankful and indebted to everyone, she said:

“I don’t know what I would do without people like them” … “What the world would do without people like them. There are very few.”

The house will, for sure, need a lot of work before it can be called finished and be in a livable state again, but thanks to everyone’s help, time and dedication it getting there quickly!

The neighbour said:

“I don’t believe we’re going to have it done right away, it’s going to be a process” … “It’s going to be a long process, but at least we all got together and everyone’s trying to help Miss Theresa get back into her home.”

Hospital Canteen Worker Blows Everyone Away With What She Does At Christmas


As an incredible surprise, a food service worker in a Chicago area children’s hospital, Jessie Tendayi, saved up for an amazing surprise for the children who were at the hospital, keeping the surprise all to herself.

The worker, 54 years old, working at the Advocate Children’s Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, does something very special. She saves her hard earned cash to do something special for the children at the hospital at Christmas, however, this year her surprise really blew everyone away!

The Chicago Tribune reports that Tendayi saved up all year and spent around $5,000 of her own money to buy 1,300 toys, doing all the shopping for the toys herself!

Tendayi said to the Chicago Tribune:

“I have to do what I have to do to make the children happy”

Tendayi arrived at the Hospital and Advocate Lutheran General, in Park Ridge, on the 12th December with the toys and the children were able to walk through all the awesome gifts and choose one for themselves.

She began buying the toys for the children back in 2009, and on that year she bought, in comparison, 100 presents for the children in the hospital. Each year since then she has tried to increase the number of presents she buys, arriving at an incredible 1,300 this year!

Tendayi said:

“Why do I do it? God put it in my heart” … “One day I was watching TV and I saw children in need. I asked myself, ‘What should I do for them to calm down what they are going through?’ So I started saving my money to make sure the children had something to play with while they are sick, so they can forget their pain.”

Zimbabwe was the hometown of Tendayi where she moved from around 19 years ago, the two didn’t have any children, but, she says:

“I do now. I do have a lot.”

18 years ago Tendayi was hired to work in the hospital cafeteria and while she makes a modest living with her job, it’s not a lot, but nevertheless, she has a savings account where every month she sets aside money to save up for Christmas presents for the children.

Tendayi said:

“It’s not about being rich. It’s not about money” …“The little we have, we can share. For me, it’s a blessing. I’m able to make a difference for the children. Children, they need somebody who cares about them. You want to make a difference to them. I felt in my heart I had to do something for the children.”

The biggest gift is seeing how the children appreciate the gifts, Tendayi says the children make her feel like she actually has a huge family of her own.

She also said:

“I’m happy. I’m happy to do this” … “When God puts this in your heart, you don’t get tired.You love what you’re doing. I love helping other people.”

An Ultrasound Destroys Mom’s Dreams, She Prayed, But Was Completely Numb


The most incredible times in your life, as a new mom is when you get to know the sex of your baby, maybe as a surprise or well before the birth actually happens, it’s a great and happy moment. She can imagine the colour and plan the nursery, even see in her mind’s eye the future of her little one and the many many cute outfits she will buy!

Katie Whiddon was nervously waiting for her 18 week ultrasound and hoping that her baby was a little girl, but when the ultrasound tech left the room in a hurry, she thought maybe she could quite be sure of something she saw, maybe it was hard to tell the sex of the baby properly?

The tech came back with a doctor, which must have felt maybe a little reassuring that a doctor was there too now, and Katie was feeling absolutely positive and unquestioning that there could at all be a problem!

Seventy-eight percent of women who view an ultrasound image of their unborn child end up choosing life!Click here to…

Gepostet von National Pro-Life Alliance am Dienstag, 20. Juni 2017

The doctor had some terrible news to tell her:

“Things aren’t good. Things are really bad…”

Katie was made aware of a problem, she was having a son that didn’t have any legs and only had upper arms…

She did consider many options before this moment happened, but she never even give this possibility a second thought, she couldn’t believe that her precious baby would never walk or ride a bike, or even be able to simply just hold hands.

Not wanting her son to have a life of hardships and suffering, she made an appointment for an abortion, she did, however, pray for peace, but all she could do was cry and cry!

She talked to her mom and her sister, she needed to know if she was really doing the right thing, and deep down she knew that she had to keep her baby. She found out after that other people had been praying for her and her strength too, that night!

She knew straight away that things were going to be incredibly difficult, especially as a single mom, but thankfully her family were so supportive and completely understood and supported her decision. They encouraged her to move home so they could be a bigger part of her life and to help her go to college.


Moving forward three years and her son, Camden, was really doing well for himself, in fact, a video of him and his little bro went viral with over 60,000 like on Facebook.

The video shows Camden being calmed down by his baby brother as he gives him his pacifier. Katie is so proud of her sons, and how they really look after each other even now!


Katie Wrote:

“I know that most people look at Camden and think, poor child. But when he gets comfortable in his surroundings and starts doing things on his own, everyone always gathers around to watch!”

“Don’t underestimate someone just because of the cover they were born in”

Katie Whiddon is so grateful that she actually did make the right decision to give her son life, every day is amazing!

A 16th Birthday, Dad UnTarped The Gift, What Looks Like A Car Makes Her Laugh and Laugh


A coming of age birthday is marked, usually, by the ages 16 or 18 depending on your family and your location, but at least in the USA and UK 16 is a pretty significant milestone, and certainly in the USA this coming of age represents the time when you can legally drive a car of your own, licence permitting of course!

This undoubtedly is one of those times when a lot of 16-year-olds receive a car to mark their passage into having more independence, and of course, this is duly noted by advertisers on TV, and television commercials too!

So when you see a video of a father leading a daughter, blindfolded, outside to unwrap, maybe, a car, too many teenagers it’s a dream come true!

Dad took the blindfold off his daughter, while mom was recording the whole thing, in front of her was a large tarpaulin and a large ‘something’ underneath the tarp, she started to laugh nervously and excitedly!
The mom was recording this reveal as both dad and daughter were laughing, was it too short to be a car?

Her dad played along with the thought that it could be a car, he said:

“Darling, this is for you.” … “Cuz you’ve been such a good girl…We thought you’d need your own car.”

She was still laughing and guessed that it could be a boat, but her father insisted it was a car!

Finally, he lifted up the tarp, to reveal her ‘car’ underneath, his daughter started laughing even more! Underneath the tarp was hidden a small three-wheeler motorized vehicle.

This is the best moment to just simply pause the video and admire completely the effort dad make for this prank, the long branches of wood taped together to make the shape of a car! All the effort paid off and really made his daughter laughed and laughed.

His daughter was completely in with the joke now and appreciated the humour absolutely, darting around the new vehicle and giving mom the video a thumbs up for the great birthday gift.

For sure this was a truly memorable 16th birthday, and all captured on video, awesome right?

Wouldn’t you be encouraged as a dad to now do such an awesome funny prank too, provided of course you had a real birthday gift too, would you?

Caught On Dash Cam, He Is Truly Grateful For What This Guy Does To Him


There are so many things in life that pass us by and that we pass by and ponder a moment to think, “I wonder what that was about?” , but in the case of Pavel Fesyuk, who decided to investigate the curious situation he encountered, it was a good decision!

Pavel is a talented man and not only a former contestant on the television show American Ninja Warrior, but also a mixed martial arts fighter! But upon his curiosity and investigation, he wouldn’t need those talents… He just needed a strong sense of duty to help others in need.

Pavel was driving his car at the time and he saw that a car had stopped on the side of the road and a man was next to the car, it was William Harris and he wasn’t just standing next to the car…

He was actually, and more descriptively, doubled over! Pavel was not quite sure what was going on but he felt a deep sense that he should do something.

When Pavel got close to William he straight away made it clear that he needed help, he was choking!

Pavel thought that a good pat on the back would help this guy in distress, but it was very apparent that he needed drastic help, and fast!

Pavel quickly wrapped his hands around William Harris, stood behind him, and rather expertly performed the Heimlich Maneuver!

After two large contractions William could breathe again, thankfully, and amazingly it was all captured on the dashboard camera of Pavel’s car!!

Good Samaritan Saves Choking NY Motorist With Heimlich

PERFECT STRANGER: A motorist choking in the street is grateful for a good Samaritan in the right place at the right time who performed the Heimlich – with the save caught on camera. http://bit.ly/2ih7grB

Gepostet von ABC World News Tonight with David Muir am Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2017

The newsgroup ABC News posted the video to their Facebook Page there were a lot of people that were, of course, very proud of Pavel, in fact, Jennifer Guggisberg said:

“This world needs more people like this!! God Bless Him!”

And… Joyce Caro said:

“God Bless that Good Samaritan. I am proud of him, right there and then, there was no black or white, just being a good person.”

After William could literally take a breath again, a full clear breath, he and Pavel had a conversation, albeit brief, before they returned to their own cars!

I hope if one day if I was choking that some amazing person would come to help me too, what a terrible way to die if you were to choke for the sake of a helping hand!

Or maybe Shakespeare could compare it to the loss of his kingdom for the sake of a horse?

An Amazing Random Act After Firemen Ditch Groceries For Emergency Call


Some North Carolina firefighters from the Apex firefighters department were completely stunned by the kindness of a random act of a woman at Walmart. It still remains a mystery to the identity of the woman, but firefighters hope that she will at least get their sincere message of thanks.

It all began when the crew from engine number 2, at Walmart buying some groceries had to abandon their groceries before they could even complete their purchase because of an emergency call. The left straight away for the emergency without a second thought.

We would like to send out a big thank you from the crew on Engine 2 to the anonymous buyer of their groceries at Walmart…

Gepostet von Town of Apex Fire Department am Montag, 6. Februar 2017

The crew said to the Walmart cashier that they would be back to pay for their groceries before they quickly left, there was no time to spare at all, they had to leave straight away to the emergency call.

Firefighter, Andrew Baker said:

“It’s important to us,” …it takes no more than 90 seconds to leave on a call… “We take a lot of pride in trying to get out.”

When the fire crew returned to Walmart there was a surprise waiting for them, an employee, a woman, had paid for all of the groceries, with a note on the receipt saying “Thanks for all you do”.

All the crew asked who the woman was, but nobody knew who it was, the whole crew left feeling overjoyed and grateful for such a wonderful thing that happened.

Jeffery Jones, Firefighter said:

“The nice employees at Walmart told us that it was a lady behind us in line” … “But we never did actually get to meet her and tell her, ‘thank you.’”

The hope is that the storey will find its way back to the mystery woman and she will know that she is welcome to visit the fire station any time at all.

The firefighters said:

“We would like to tell her thank you from the bottom of our hearts”

Sadness and heartache are commonplace in the role of a firefighter, putting out fires, emergency calls, sickness and death are all too commonplace. So, such a simple gesture was really appreciated, for the whole crew to know they really are appreciated like this brings such light to the dark days they endure and make it all seem even more worthwhile.

Baker said:

“It makes me feel like there are still good people in the world” …“You don’t get that every day, so to me it gives you a warm feeling inside to know that people really do care about you.”

We will probably never know who the mysterious woman was, but her kindness is truly amazing and inspires all of us. Just also to realise that to make a better world we all need to give what we can to help others and to help the brave people, whether it is firefighters to army personnel who keep us safe and secure risking their lives for us.

1 in 33,000 Are The Chances Of This Happening On The Birth Of This Baby Boy, Dad Is Amazed


Some people think of themselves as spiritual, some think of the world analytically, and some even consider statistics and patterns and how things are organized. From our daily circumstances, many of us seek inspiration and even the meaning of what we are doing, or is life just a collection of coincidences?

The birth of the beautiful Matthew James Eppard brought everyone together, on the 1st July there is going to be a great celebration for the Colorado family!

But the statistics show that the coming of baby Beauden’s birth show an amazing 33,000 to 1, 8 pounds 11 ounces was the weight of the little baby born on the same date as his father and great grandfather!


James Morrisette was brought into the world on 1st July 1931, and daddy to the little baby was proud Connor James Eppard born the 1sy July 1990.

Beauden was the third boy in four generations that was born on this exact date, and his grandfather Rik chose to blaze a brand new trail in 1963, on a birth date of the 9th December.

Rik and indeed everyone else too in this close group are over the moon about this new addition to the family, but what was even more amazing was that Beauden’s due date was scheduled, originally, for the end of July.

So what could have changed? Jordyn Eppard, Mom needed an emergency C section!

This C section procedure was the safest for baby in the circumstance, but proud daddy Connor has said, joking, that it was God’s way of keeping the family tradition.

first of July, Beauden Matthew James Eppard entered the world as a crying 8-pound, 11-ounce bouncing baby boy. Baby…

Gepostet von Kinda RoseFoxy am Montag, 24. Juli 2017

Connor explained that considering the birth date was what helped them decide to give him the additional name of James, the full name picked originally was Beauden Matthew.

When the baby made his big entry on the 1st July it seemed fitting to honour Morrisette in this special, forever continuing way.

The birth date may well show incredible tiny odds, but the odds of little Beauden being loved always and forever are easily 100%.

Little Mila Sets The World To Rights About Airports And Security, And Has Everyone Laughing


Mila Stauffer, a two year old from Arizona was with her family of seven when they set out for Michigan, having no idea that it would get so complicated at the airport the family seldom got to do much without getting much unwanted attention.

So, going to the airport wasn’t an exception either, after all getting five children through baggage control was no easy task, but they did it. But, when the time came to go through security controls little Mila wasn’t prepared to go happily.

The second Mila’s family came home she needed to get off her chest about their experience. Talking into mom’s camera she tells us her opinion about long lines, security checks of her brother and the absolute lack of accessible bathrooms, she was not prepared for this at all, so much so that she just had to share!

When you’re an adult travelling is pretty hard, but when you’re a toddler it’s almost impossible and little amazing Mila had no time at all for it!

Mila explained exactly why she thought the security at the airport was so terrible, her mom was doing her level best not to let out a giggle, this little girl is not to be diced with!

Mila never has any problems speaking out and telling us what she thinks, and her mom captured it on video to share with us all, it’s gone completely viral!

Right at the end of the video Mila looked purposely into the camera and said, pointedly, that she has had it with TSA and “NEVER AGAIN” does she want to have that experience.

Unfortunately for Mila if she does want to fly again, with her family, undoubtedly she will be going to have even more experiences with them and of course we will be ready to hear all about it!

We have seen Mila rant about things before, but this time it’s really something we can relate to more so than any other time!

Take a little look at her rant for yourself in the video below. She’s so funny!

In Innocent Looking Toy Destroys 75 percent Of A Young Boy’s Eyesight


A young teenage boy from Tasmania had a terrible accident with a laser pointer that caused him to lose about 75 percent of his sight, as reported by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Ben Armitage, an optometrist of 14 years to the family said:

“He came in to see me and on the Friday night he’d got a hold of a laser pen and unfortunately shined it in his eyes for a very brief period of time”

Ben took a photo of the boy’s eyes and discovered that he had burned his retinas and irrevocably damaged his eyes.

Ben had said that:

“Unfortunately, that’s the area where your detailed central vision takes place and therefore it’s had somewhat of an exaggerated effect on how much sight he’s lost”

The damage occurred immediately that the boy pointed the laser into his eyes, his vision was impaired exactly at that moment the laser light shone on the back of his eyes, he didn’t feel any pain but the damage had been done.

The part of his eyes that were damaged was an area called the macula, in cases like this that meant that the blindness was very likely to be permanent.

The optometrist, Ben, was hopeful that some of his vision may return once the swelling had subsided a little, however the boy had to be prepared for the fact that he may only live his life with 25 percent vision.

The Chief Executive of Optometry in Tasmania, Geoff Squibb, has since warned parents about the dangers of laser pointers and especially in relation to children, who don’t always really understand the gravity and seriousness of or trying foolish things like shining a laser into thier eyes.

He says:

“Parents are better off trying to warn children of them after this particular case where the future of a young person has been seriously affected.”

The repercussions of this can be absolutely devastating, what looks like a harmless toy is in fact a ‘silent destroyer’ of retinal components of your vision.

They All Thought She Was Psychotic, But After Seeing A Tv Show They Discover The Real Cause


In 2009 Emily Gavigan, during her sophomore year at the University of Scranton, was alarmingly paranoid and regularly rambled. She was convinced that terrible things were about to happen to her family.

Emily’s parents were very concerned too but didn’t really know what to do, but the Gavigans were not able to turn a blind eye to the situation any more, especially when Emily mysteriously disappeared one afternoon!

For the afternoon in question none of the family were able to get in touch with her for a full 24 hours, until finally they got a call from Emily’s Grandparents in New Jersey to say that she had turned up there unexpectedly.

She had driven all the way to New Jersey from Pennsylvania without any money at all, flying through the tolls as she went without paying! WHen she arrived there she said that a truck had followed her all the way.

Grandfather looked out of the window for the truck, but he didn’t see any trucks, emily’s parents came to the conclusion that it really was the time to get her some professional help.

The doctors thought that Emily’s problems were psychological, like her parents had thought, and though they ran tests on her and tried various medcine, nothing seemed to have an effect.
The treatments, if anything, made Emily even worse and at this point the doctors thought that her condition may be physical in nature, like a tumor on the brain, but they couldn’t find any physical evidence that this was the case either.

The whole family tried everything they could, but desperately nothing really helped or got to the bottom of the problem and all the time Emily was still getting worse.

In a strange turn of events the family were alerted to an episode of the ‘Today Show’, and to their surprise and shock something made them sit up and pay attention!

The story they heard was of a New York Post reporter, Susannah Cahalan, she wrote an article about the time she spent a month thinking she was for sure losing the plot. The storey sounded very similar to what the family had experienced with Emily, which prompted the doctors to then run tests on Emily!

Susannah suffered from a condition of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, which causes the immune system to attack parts of the brain, causing neurological damage and strange behaviour.

Emily’s doctors were not receptive at all to the family’s suggestion and queries, they were convinced that the family were just grasping at straws.

After some time though Emily was in fact tested for the condition, and guess what, it was positive! Now Emily had not only a correct diagnosis but could be considered for treatment that could actually help.

The Long road to recovery had finally started and there was light at the end of Emily’s long dark tunnel, finally. She could at last begin to return to the life she had before the condition robbed her of her mental faculties.

And so in 2012, after Emily had recovered she then joined Cahalan on the ‘Today Show’ and shared her story too of how the show had really saved her life.

Many miles away in Omaha, Nebraska, another family, the Jensen family, were watching this time as the Gavin’s had previously. Their daughter Madison was going through the same sort of experiences and had the same symptoms Emily had.

Madison’s mother really didn’t know what was going on with her daughter, that is until she saw the show too. Then, after that, she felt positive that she had found what would also save her 6 year old.

Madison is the wonderful age of 10, and is living happily thanks to Cahalan and Emily sharing and talking about their stories on television. Her mother hopes that one day they will be able to also share Madison’s tale and again help someone else too!

15 Year Old Nickols Woke Up Screaming, Now His Family Warns Others About This Deadly Prank


Nickolas Conrad, a 15 year old boy from Arkansas was woken up suddenly in the night with the sensation of fire on his neck, like he had been set on fire.

The burning was intense, but he hadn’t been set on fire, it was his so called friends that had pranked him, but this wasn’t an ordinary prank, it was much more serious.

Nickolas said:

“I just want them to leave me alone. They’re not my friends anymore and they’re not going to be”

It’s been called by some the “Hot Water Challenge” where people are pouring boiling water on unsuspecting others…

Everyone is now being warned about a seriously dangerous new thing that is spreading via the internet.

Nickolas was a victim of the insane new trend that is going on.

One particular night after Nickolas had fallen asleep, his so called friends crept to get some boiling water from a microwave. It was really intensely hot when they poured the boiling water on him.

Nickolas said:

“I felt this really bad burning on my neck and when I woke up and I started screaming and crying. It was the worst pain of my life”

Nickolas’s so called friends had burned him before with a cigarette lighter, he just wanted to be left alone!

He Said:

“I just want them to leave me alone. They’re not my friends anymore and they’re not going to be”

Nickolas isn’t alone and their are others that have been really badly burnt or injured in this cray trend, an 11 year old girl called Jamoneisha Merrit was burned on her face when her so called friends threw boiling water at her.

In Florida a girl died, she was 8 years old and died because she attempted a version of the hot water challenge, her cousin challenged her to drink boiling water through a straw. Several months after the grave injuries she suffered she died.

Diane Johnson, the aunt of the little girl who died is now trying to raise awareness about this dangerous growing trend, and to make others realize the grave consequences.

Diane says:

“Parents, talk to your kids about these challenges. Don’t just give them your phone and let them go by. Watch what they are doing”

This really must STOP. Please share this article and raise awareness any way you can so parents will talk to their children and make sure they know how really dangerous it is!

This Guy Was Handed A Note By Another Passenger After He Told A Woman He Was Sitting In Her Seat


“Do good. Recognize good. Make the world better.”

I think this story is truly wonderful, it really make me feel good inside!

This guy proved that one seemingly insignificant gesture can mean the world to its recipient. If you’ve traveled before on an airplane then you have probably already seen the special treatment that is afforded to members of our nation’s amazing armed services.

This guy took that step further and after the service membres were allowed to board the flight first, as is customary, he thought that this wasn’t nearly enough for all the hard work they him and his fellow service men and women do and their willingness to put their lives at stake to protect everyone’s freedoms.

A man got up from his seat and told the woman in uniform, who boarded the flight after everyone else in first class, that he was sat in the wrong seat, and actually he was sitting in her rightful seat. She was a little confused at first but when she realized what was happening she was very grateful.

One great deed deserves another, and as another woman had seen what was happening and this guy was giving up his seat to the service woman she decided to let him know what that meant to her. She gave him some money to treat himself, but he declined the money as he didn’t need a reward for his actions.

The United States Of America is truly great because of people and the actions they take exactly like this, and the mistake is thinking that the american people do not appreciate military personnel. And this storey really reinforces that and the thoughtfulness of good people.

“If everyone treated people the way you treated the servicewoman, the world would be [a] better place,” Titus wrote in a note for the man. And though he refused, according to Titus, she adds that people should make an effort to do, and recognize, all the good in the world.

If you’re like me then you too think that the great servicemen and servicewomen really must be treated to be as special as they are.

If you think so too then please do share this lovely warm storey with family and friends.

Mom Is Flat Broke on Last $20, Children Pray For A Miracle, Mom Finds An Envelope On The Doorstep…


A child, with their hearts not yet hard to the world, brings such incredible power in their faith of the world, the disappointments and the bad relationships included.

From the bible we learnt that, in Matthew, it is asked to Jesus by his disciples; “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?” and it’s there that it’s so clear that the heart of a child is so good. In fact to enter the kingdom of heaven it’s also said we are to become like a child.

As Sara Moore Gruver got to the end of her pay period she invariably had to budget, but also she was given a reminder of how fortuitous the faith of a child can be!

Her kids weren’t really sure what it means to land on a week where you’re just a little short, and begged mom for ice cream. You probably well know the kind of routine that you see in your local supermarket, or with your own kids. The end of everything could come if they don’t get their treat!

Mom explained that the last $20 in her pocket would last until payday, she explained to the kids, so they perhaps would understand that they were short on money that week. After all they had more than enough food at home already.

The children dreamed of ice cream, just the thought conjured their imaginations and followed by sadness in their seats, knowing there was no way to persuade mom, so they said a prayer.

Sara heard them say:

“God, we’d really love some ice cream. Is there any way you can give mommy some money so we can get some ice cream tonight? We know you can. Thank you.”

Telling the kids that there were bigger and more deserving things to pray for she said:

“God isn’t going to drop money on our door step so you can get ice cream. He’s BUSY right now with natural disasters.”

The Oldest, Josh, knew that God is never so busy that he can’t listen to all the prayers he receives, and he could feed millions, so ice cream should be a sinch!

So Josh said to his mom:

“Nope, God said you’ll have plenty of money for ice cream and to give some to the natural disaster people.”

Sarah was going to correct him but quickly gave up.

When they pulled into their driveway, there was some mail on their front porch. They unloaded, then she opened the envelope, inside it was a check for $123.

The extra money was actually money given back from an overpayment on an old student loan from many years before. Sara finished her Facebook post:

“The kids were not surprised. God was not surprised. They got ice cream. The Red Cross got a donation. And Mom remembered, yet again, what it means to have the faith of a child.”

Since she posted her experience, the story has gone completely viral. Sara is so pleased that her post has gained so much of people’s attention, but it’s put faith well and truly in the spotlight.

Lots of people have offered ice cream to Sarah’s kids, but she tells everyone that they are not really in need, it’s just that, she says:

“We have good jobs and are financially set, just some weeks we pay extra on things and don’t leave room in the budget for treats.”

So if you are now mindful to remember the faith of children then share the love and this storey too!

Deaf Man Breaks Down During A Pizza Delivery 2 Hours Late After Car Stalls, What Happens Next Is A Complete Surprise


Benjamin Houston from Flint, Michigan is a pizza delivery man who showed true dedication when his car let him down during a pizza delivery. He worked for Domino’s and that day he put his customer first!

His customer, Ashley Schafer had put her three daughters to bed then ordered a pizza and drink.

Ashley said:

“My husband is third shift so sometimes we have dinner for breakfast and all eat together. This night I decided to order the pizza to have it for the morning”

To deliver the pizza’s was Benjamin’s job, in his 2006 Chevy, but a short distance from the home of his customer, Ashley, his car let him down! He decided to walk the rest of the distance, about half a mile, really going above and beyond his job description.

Benjamin was hearing impaired but never turned away from challenges in his life, and certainly not this one either, that pizza was going to get delivered!

Benjamin Houston, who is deaf, walked a half-mile to customer Ashley Schafer's house to make his delivery.Schafer said…

Gepostet von KTLA 5 News am Donnerstag, 3. August 2017

“I don’t like sitting in a car doing nothing for so long,” he said. “Even though the area where I live is not safe for people to walk, especially a deaf person.”

So he set out for the Ashley’s home, on foot, determined to deliver their pizza one way or another.

During this Ashley had been waiting now about an hour, feeling confused, she finally got a knock at the door, now even more confused because there was the Domino’s assistant manager stood there, concerned about his driver, until he realized he had decided to finish the delivery on foot.

“I told him I wasn’t worried about the pizza,” Schafer said. “Go find Ben. It was 12:30 in the morning and being a delivery driver can be dangerous as it is.”

About half an hour later, Ashley got another knock at the door, this time to find Benjamin stood at the door with her pizza, drink, and pen and receipt in hand. When she realized he had walked she gave him an extra big tip and called the restaurant to let them know what had happened.

Ashley said:

“I know he has a huge heart and is dedicated and loyal”

“Nine and a half times out of ten someone else would not have done that. That speaks a lot about his character.”

Ashley was so appreciative she set up a GoFundMe page for Benjamin to help him get his car fixed, and ove $10,000 has already been raised, what a wonderful gesture for such a wonderful kind hearted guy.

Ashley said on Facebook:

“It might seem silly, but in a world that right now feels tumultuous and full of hate and in a city where itself and it’s people are constantly put down, there was this bright light that was Ben”


“He went far above and beyond, caring more about getting me my stupid pizzas [than] staying at his car and waiting for help”

Benjamin added:

“It’s more than pizza of course, it’s an enormous understanding of responsibility, respect for self and another human being, and above all unsolicited kindness.”

What a perfect example of selflessness and kindness, simply through the way Benjamin does his job, day in day out. If he can make such a difference in delivering pizzas, the we can all really do something to make the world better!

Detectives Discover Wife’s Camera During An Investigation, Husband Is Finally Relieved…


Erica and David Lacey met at work and became really good friends, things progressed fast and about a year later they became romantically involved.

They got engaged and were committed to each other, in love and tied together in holy matrimony for the rest of their lives, but what they didn’t know was how long the rest of their lives actually was.

The day of the wedding got closer and closer, sadly Erica started to feel poorly and experienced chest pains, and so she visited her doctor when she wasn’t getting any better.

The doctors ran tests and a CT scan revealed that she had a growth, a tumor near her heart and what looked like another to the rear of the diaphragm. It turned out she had a rare form of lymphoma, but she only found out, sadly, days before she was due to be married.

Erica had treatment immediately and she was told that it would be best to cancel her wedding because of the chemotherapy she must undergo, but the two of them, to be husband and wife wanted to push ahead with the wedding!

They went ahead and got married while Erica was undergoing chemotherapy, her only worry was if her bandages would be on the wedding photos.

Dave Lacey was already devastated by the loss of his young wife Erica to cancer when a burglar raided his home and stole…

Gepostet von KTLA 5 News am Samstag, 30. August 2014

Two years is the total time she lived after her diagnosis, and the couple took every minute of the time to be with each other, Erica was passionate about photography and took a camera everywhere to document all the moments she had that she wanted to capture.

When Erica died the camera was full of photos, 300 of them, that told her storey and her celebration of life right up until the end.

About a year after something terrible happened and Dave’s house was burgled, the precious camera of all the memories was taken too, amongst all the thing taken it was the only thing he really cared about and couldn’t replace.

He was absolutely convinced that he would never see the photos again because he hadn’t got any copies or even downloaded the photos off the camera.

Dave Lacey walked out of a Santa Ana pawn shop, happy to be reunited with a camera stolen from his home over a year ago….

Gepostet von ABC7 am Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014

In a fortunate turn of events Paul McClaskey and Jerry Verdugo, detectives, had arrested a man, Dave Aguilar in relation to the theft of computers and had interestingly found many receipts from a pawn shop, so they decided to investigate further, this was the link they needed!

The pawn shop didn’t really help them, all apart from a canon camera, Jerry one of the detectives remembered being very angry as he looked through the camera at the storey of a young wife dying, and pondering how could anyone have carried out this crime!

Finally they found Dave, the victim of the robbery and reunited him with his camera and all those wonderful memories.

Had it not been for the awesome work of these to detectives, tirelessly looking for the victim of this crime Dave would have got his photos of his wife returned back to him.

Dave can now always keep safe those wonderful happy memories of his wife!

Nail Salon Worker Alerts Woman To Something Life Threatening, By Looking At Her Nails


A little bit of beauty treatment is very welcome in our busy lives, foot or even hand treatments help us relax and recuperate, so the nail salon is the last place we expect to find out about life or death news.

The nail shop, and Lisa Harrison Williams, who worked there, had a strange request from a client, they wanted a dark vertical line, from the nail root to the tip covered with nail polish.

This marking on her nail had given rise to many manicurists speculating on what it was caused by, over the years, but generally most thought it was calcium deficiency, and some assumed it was hereditary.

Lisa at the nail shop was not convinced and although reportedly, she said she didn’t want to scare the woman, she did what she felt was right. She told the woman it was imperative to seek medical advice straight away.

Cancer is a general term, but, basically a small part of your body has a mutation, an error in your DNA, that keeps multiplying and getting bigger and bigger, sometimes resulting in an tumor.

A tumor, though is not a single sign of cancer. Melanoma, cancer of the skin, is diagnosed commonly through changes in moles and alike and irregular skin colorations.

The slightly shocked customer left the nail salon but returned a few days later with some sad news, the mark was indeed cancer, it was a Subungual Melanoma.

Subungual Melanoma is a very rare and quite aggressive cancer of the nail root. Pigmentation of the vertical line spreads across the skin and then permeates surrounding tissue. Cracking, brittleness, and sometimes bleeding at the site of pigmentation can be common symptoms.

Early detection is the best defense here, commonly the most used treatment is surgery to remove the cancerous tissue. Onset tends to be about middle-age, and typically it is in darker-skinned adults.

Williams shared her story publicly via her social media as a precautionary tale, she hops that others that want to cover up what they think is an unsightly mark will perhaps see a doctor.


Ironically, this kind of pigmentation and stripes in the nails can be common and benign. Hereditary marks will show up in many nails, but a real mark of Subungual Melanoma is that of the pigmented stripe affecting, usually, just one nail, mainly the thumbs or big toes.

Lisa is delighted she could tell the customer, and now she is getting the help that she really needs.

She says; keep an eye out for changes in nail beds.

“And please keep an eye on the nail beds—toes and fingers—-of your elderly loved ones and your loved ones that aren’t physically able to notice changes in the nail beds! Early diagnosis can make all the difference in the world!!!”

Two Guys Sing While They Work, People Can’t Believe What They Hear


Would you expect, in a work day, to find to contractors video themselves as they erupt into a sing song, and if not only for that reason there are indeed many people who have such hidden talents like these two men!

So you have two amazingly skilled craftsmen, working away, but nevertheless that doesn’t also stop them from following another passion, doing what they love, and of course giving many people happy smiles too.

Screenshot via YouTube

Josh and Aaron called the song “Singing Contractors”, two very honest and humble guys that work hard and share their talents with all.

The two men are recognised for their harmonious hymns and classics that really do lift your spirits, Joshua has his camera for an old favorite on a hot july day.

“You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban was a request from an internet fan. Without having the lyrics committed to memory, the two men perform an impromptu harmony together right in the middle of their work space!

Screenshot via YouTube

Right in the middle of a work day, the perfect moment for the men pause to take a video, but not so many people have a true hidden talent like this, and that’s the reason that this is so unexpected!

An unfinished, unfurnished home make an awesome acoustics for singing and the two mens voices, and they really can sing for sure!

It’s not only the song they chose for this song that is so uplifting, the sheer power as they sing make you feel inspired to listen to them.

And when these two guys take on a new contract or building work, they bring their huge harmonious voices with them too!

Screenshot via YouTube

Skillfully working with their tools as they sing they are truly doubly talented, if that isn’t an amazing way to make the work more enjoyable, then I don’t know what is!

Screenshot via YouTube

Have a listen to the “Singing Contractors. You’ll be just as wowed as we were!

Her Cry For Help Was Finally Answered, Poorly Cat Cries Out!


When you hear a screaming animal it makes your heart jump and you pulse race, well this passerby heard and animal crying out! As they got closer they could hardly believe it was a cat, but they decided straight away they had to help.

The crying cat and a really poorly leg, a broken log and was very sick and diseased. Fortunately she is now recovering, but the video below is enough to bring you to tears.

This cat was crying for help, then they noticed… Watch the video below!

Share this amazing storey…

Dad has the perfect punishment for teen daughter accused for bullying and shaming overweight classmates


Most parents believe they know their kids all too well so when they learn their little ones are not really the ‘angels’ they pretend to be while at home, that comes as a shock.

A single father of three girls got a call one day and it changed the way he saw his oldest daughter. The quiet and always well-behaving girl was the reason why another girl ended up in a hospital trying to take her own life.

Yes, his loving daughter turned out to be a bully who made her classmates’ life miserable and he just knew he had to put an end to that and take things into his own hands.

Sadly, bullying is present everywhere, especially at schools and it may have devastating long-term effects on the people who are a target of it. Unfortunately, the number of cases of kids who committed suicide because of the way others shamed them is not low.


A girl named Amanda Todd from British Columbia, Canada had taken her own life at the age of 15 because a photo of her breasts was circulating online and among the students at her school.

Another boy named Tyler Clementi, 18, jumped to his death off of the George Washington Bridge after someone had taken a photo of him being intimate with another boy.

This father, however, wouldn’t let any other kid suffer because of his daughter’s behavior. This is what he did.

“My daughter Callie is, to me, one of the sweetest people I know.

She gets good grades, has lovely friends, and still finds time to be a wonderful loving daughter. I have never had to ground her in high school, and she had never given me reason to believe she is acting out.

“I am a single dad of 3 girls. It is tough, but I thought we were doing okay. Callie is the oldest.

“I got a phone call from a crying mother today…

…telling me that my daughter was involved in harassing another girl at her school. Callie and her friends took pictures of the girl in “funny” poses, such as bending over to pick something up and her butt crack was showing. The girl is over weight and I think a lot of the pictures had to do with fat shaming…

“The mother said that her daughter tried to slit her wrists this morning and was in the hospital.

“Callie is at the beach today and should be home in a few hours.

I am so mad, I don’t know what to do. I have always taught her to be kind and respectful to others, and I feel like I don’t even know her. From what I have heard, Callie was the ring leader in all of this…

“How do I handle this, and still keep it together? What consequences should I have for her? What type of apology does she need to do? Should I take her to the hospital to see what she has done? My daughter has been fat shaming a girl at school to the point of the girl trying to commit suicide. How do I handle this as a father?

— time passes —

“I have gone through he computer. Sure enough, she has a folder on her desktop labeled “fatty.” And it is all pictures of this girl. I don’t have proof that she created the anonymous Facebook account, but I think it proves that it was her just by the pictures being on her computer.

“So Callie was scheduled to get home at 8 30 this evening.

I get a call at 8 15 from her. She said she was going to stay at ______s house overnight. I said “no, I need you to come home right now.” She said “I’m already here! Bye!” And hung up. I decided to go get her instead of arguing over the phone. I went to the friends house, it was empty. I started calling the the parents of er friends and finally someone’s brother picked up and said they were at the park. Sure enough, I go to the park and there are about 30 kids there around a fire pit. I see her with a solo cup standing next to a beer keg.

“So I don’t usually get angry…

..but I had had enough. I went straight up to her and told her that I was not going to make a scene, but she needed to get in the car with me. She turned into another person. “I’m almost 18! You can’t do this to me! You are embarrassing me!” I snapped. I’m not sure what I said, but it was along the lines of: “You should be embarrassed! You put a girl in the hospital because of what you and your friends have been up to and now you have lied to me and you are drinking alcohol underage. Your mother would be so ashamed of you, I don’t even know who you are anymore.”

“I caused quite a fuss, so she got in the car and she is home now.

I have taken away all electronics (laptop, cell phone, tv privileges). I told her she needed to log into the anonymous Facebook and post a message apologizing and naming herself as the person who posted the pictures. When she logged in, I immediately looked through her posts. It wasn’t just one person she had posted about. This Facebook page was dedicated to making fun of the “nerds and loners” of the school. There must have been 50 pictures.

“She posted the apology and then I made it clear that she was not to do anything for the rest of the summer.

All plans are cancelled until further notice. She can use the land line phone if she needs to, but only when I am there.

Other consequences I am enforcing:

– mandatory therapy once a week.
– community service – still researching that, and looking for advice about it.
– when the girl gets out of the hospital Callie is going to apologize to her and her family.
– I have taken the door of her room off its hinges. No privacy for a while.
– everything in the house that she has as a luxury is gone. This includes: all the expensive chemicals for skins and hair that I have bought her. I gave her simple shampoo, conditioner, body – wash and lotion. Otherwise it is all in the garage. She also lost her makeup (don’t know if I will keep this enforced).
– I took everything out of her bedroom that she uses, and she basically only has books and her keyboard piano. I have told her to catch up on reading and to try practicing the piano that she begged for and then never used.

“I told her to take the night and think things over. If she wants to fight me on everything tomorrow morning, then I will add more restrictions. If she takes her punishment and agrees to these terms, then I will consider how long the duration should be.”

What do you think about the dad’s discipline? Do you agree with how he handled the situation?

We hope this girl learned her lesson. As for her father, he’s doing the best he can and tries really hard to make his daughter a responsible adult who would never ever hurt anyone in her life.

3 Kids Play In Their Backyard, Next Thing Child Services Are Knocking At The Door


Were you fortunate enough to grow up in a home which had a yard? Well, if you were I have no doubt that you have many memories, hopefully all happy about the memories in the yard when you were younger!

There is something great and at the same time innocent about those memories of running and playing with your brothers and/or sisters, if you had any brothers and/or sisters of course.

Amazingly normal you would think until you hear about why this mother, from Manitoba was visited by Child Services, then you might well be more than a little shocked!

The mother, Jacqui has a home like this with a back yard, incidentally which is fenced and secure. She sent her three kids out to play but never imagined what would transpire that day.

Somebody complained to Child Services that the kids were playing outside without proper supervision, next ensued a full investigation into the affair.

A CFS worker was sent to review the situation, Jacqui felt confident that she had indeed given enough information to answer their enquiries. Even though the yard was safe, secure and closed off with three sides in wood and a chain closure on the other side, what she didn’t know at the time was that they had recorded and added to her permanent record.

Even the suggestion that the kids were left to play on their own and do as they pleased for hours was ridiculous and we completely feel sorry for Jacqui had to go through this. Does a child need a parent hovering them for every second in order to be safe? Is there a reason this should have been reported?

If the person who reported this was really so convinced there was such a big problem, then wouldn’t they even try to speak to her first? So, we live in a mad, crazy world, but that doesn’t then mean that kids can’t play outside without an armed guard right?

We think that this mother didn’t do anything wrong based on what we know don’t you agree? Shouldn’t people just mind their own business!

We really hope this storey is shared by everyone so that things like this don’t happen again! After all, parents really should be able to let their children have some small freedoms in their own homes right? So long as they are safe and secure within reasonable measures of course!

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