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Boy Wearing Socks Alarm Officers Who Spring Into Action

Tukwila police officers playfully known as Sergeant Modest and Officer Bashful were patrolling on foot when they spied something alarming. The partners were keeping Cascade View Park safe at the moment and couldn’t believe what they saw.

A group of young boys were running around having fun, which was great to see on such a gorgeous day. But it’s what one of the boys was missing that alarmed the officers.

Facebook/Tukwila Police Department

One boy in the group did not have any shoes on. The officers scanned the area but didn’t see a discarded pair lying around anywhere.

They looked a bit closer and noticed that his socks were torn and dirty. One of his feet was bleeding quite a bit from a decent-sized cut on the bottom of his foot.

Flickr/Perry French

Parents know that running around without shoes on can be dangerous. A child can step on broken glass or sharp plastic and seriously injure himself.

So the officers cautiously approached the child. The little boy allowed Sergeant Modest to examine then clean and treat his foot with the first aid kit they carried with them.

As the sergeant worked on his foot, they chatted about where his shoes were at. The little boy sheepishly admitted that he didn’t have shoes that fit him anymore

The officers decided they just couldn’t turn the guy loose to run around and harm himself again. So Sergeant Modest took off to find a pair of shoes that would fit the active little boy while Officer Bashful hung out with the group of boys and kept an eye on them.

Not only did Sergeant Modest return with a pair of shoes, but he brought popsicles! The boys were thrilled.

“…what is better than a cold popsicle on a hot summer day?!”

Facebook/Tukwila Police Department

While the little guy slurped on his popsicle, Officer Bashful helped him slip on the shoes and tied them for him. Then the officers joined the boys for a popsicle snack before they resumed patrol.

After the Tukwila Police Department shared this heartwarming tale of two officers and the case of the missing shoes on their Facebook page, the public has gone crazy over what they did. The department emphasized that the outpouring of support has been “truly astounding.”

A small gesture like this meant the world to this little boy and probably for his parents who might not have been able to afford new shoes. How awesome are these two officers?

Stepmom Shares Big News With Her Teenage Stepdaughter

From the moment Jonathan and Kacie met, they knew they were going to spend the rest of their lives together. Both had troublesome relationships in the past and had serious baggage to go along with them. One of Jonathan’s pieces of “baggage,” or so he thought, was his daughter Brilee.

However, instead of casting Brilee aside and trying to start fresh with her new husband, Kacie brought the teenager closer to her heart…

Facebook/Sharing Is Caring

Growing up, Brileee desperately wanted her mother to be involved in her life – but no matter how hard she pleaded, her biological mother couldn’t be swayed. She was too selfish and self-involved to love another human being, let alone care for a child.

Thankfully, Kacie was there to pick up the pieces and make Brilee’s heart feel whole again.

Over the course of four years, Kacie and her teenage stepdaughter became close. Their relationship continued to developed until it reached a point where Brilee anxiously approached Kacie and asked to adopt her as her daughter. Kacie was honored, but knew the road to adoption would be challenging!

Sadly, Brilee’s biological mother refused to give up her parental rights which made adoption impossible.

Rather than take the setback and give up, Kacie went to court and battled day-in and day-out to call Brilee her child. Her odds of adoption didn’t look good at first – then, they got the miracle they had been praying for!

Facebook/Sharing Is Caring

On the final day of their legal proceedings, Brilee’s biological mother failed to show up for court. Due to her carelessness, the judge awarded Kacie with parental rights – she was going to be Brilee’s mother (officially)!

After getting home from the courthouse, Kacie called Brilee into the living room. She had big news to share and couldn’t wait another second. With Brilee sitting confused on the couch, Kacie explained what happened in the courtroom and said:

“Brilee Davis, you have been like a daughter to me, from the day that I met you. Now I want you to be not like a daughter. Will you be my real daughter?”

Tears started to pour from Brilee’s eyes! This was the moment she had waited months for – and it wasn’t a dream. Now they truly get to be one big, happy family for the rest of their lives!

Facebook/Sharing Is Caring

Watch this emotional reveal unfold in the video below. What a sweet moment!

Little Boy Serenades Newborn Sister With The Sweetest Song Ever

It’s only been a short while since Mom and Dad brought the newest addition to the family home. While they worried their first child would react poorly to some small person hogging all of their attention, thankfully, he couldn’t have been more excited to bond with his baby sister. He was fascinated by his teeny tiny sister from the time Mom and Dad placed her on his lap. But when they recently came around the corner to find him singing “You Are So Beautiful,” they knew all of their fears could melt away!


Even though most of us think “You Are So Beautiful” is an ordinary love song, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The co-writers, Billy Preston and Bruce Fisher, created the song as a way to honor Preston’s mother. She was an actress and the guiding force through Preston’s life. So when he found out one of his musician friends was using the song to shoutout young women during his concerts, Preston was furious. He called his performer friend and chewed him out – how dare he turn the once-beautiful song about his mother into some trick to attract women! After the dust settled, Joe Cocker released the slower version of Preston and Fisher’s song (the version we’re all familiar with) later that year. Now, it’s one of the most well-known musical tracks in history.


The song’s heartfelt words and beautiful composition is why Mom and Dad always played it in the house. After hearing it so often, Brother eventually picked up on the lyrics and decided to serenade his sweet baby sister. Mom watched with her mouth agape as her baby boy cradled the newborn in his arms, gently rocked her back and forth, and sang “You Are So Beautiful” to her. This moment was one she will remember for the rest of her life. Take a peek at their heartwarming family moment for yourself below. We’re sure he’s going to be an excellent big brother!

Australian Construction Worker Pays For Elderly Man’s Breakfast

If you’re paying attention, you can always find a way to help those around you.

In a viral video that’s warming hearts all over the world, we meet a humble builder named David Love from Victoria, Australia. Recently, he was grabbing a quick bite to eat at McDonald’s with his partner, Melanie Langley. As David stood at the counter placing his order, he noticed an elderly man digging through his change to pay for his meal.


Quietly, Melanie took out her phone and began to record video. She knows David well, after all, and she was sure he would do something kind. Hoping to share a moment of happiness with the world, Melanie aimed the camera at David as he did, in fact, step up to help the man.


David quickly pays for the man’s meal with his own debit card, and the man thanks him profusely and steps to the side to wait for his order. “There’s still some nice people here,” the old man tells him.

Although we can only see David from behind, you can tell he’s considering something as he stands there at the counter. Wordlessly, he reaches into his pocket and takes out his wallet a second time, this time removing a bill and stepping back towards the man.


“That’s for your next coffee,” he says over the man’s faint protestations. “Put that in your pocket.”

The grateful man accepts the money, telling David, “Thank you very much. You’re a gentleman, thank you.”

When David returns to Melanie, he explains that the man is on a tight pension and was clearly almost out of money. David might not be rich, but he’s got a good job and works hard, so giving a little bit to help an elderly man out is a simple thing he felt he could do.


“I’m helping the old fella’ out, he’s down on his last 20 bucks,’ David told Melanie. “He’s standing there with a whole heap of change. He’s a pensioner and he’s old, so I paid for his meal and I gave him 20 dollars. It is what it is, honey. It’s life.”

Melanie was moved by her partner’s graceful handling of the situation. She shared the video, which she had told David she was definitely not recording, in order to share the love and magic of David’s “incredible act of kindness.”

“Your true character is revealed when nobody’s watching,” Melanie wrote.

Truer words have seldom been spoken.


Thank you, David, for looking around and finding a way to be the light people need in the world. You are truly a great example for us all.

Watch David’s quiet, gentlemanly approach to helping out his elders below, and be sure to SHARE.


Teenagers pose for pictures after attacking disabled woman with eggs and flour – the internet is fuming


Quite rightly, as youngsters, the majority of us were taught to respect others, our elders, and people who are vulnerable in some way. That applies to those that have a mental or physical impairment just as much as it also goes for the able-bodied too.

This terrible news comes from Suffolk in England, there is a photo spreading like fire burning through the internet, and for a really good reason!

This 40-year-old woman with a mental disability is pictured in the image, abused by these four teenagers, also in the picture.

Looking at the reports on the British News, the four teenagers threw eggs and flour over the lady, who is mentally handicapped, then posed for a picture behind her as she was slumped over the park bench.

Facebook / Robin Armstrong

The woman in the picture is around 40-years-old and she suffers from a mental disability, we hope that the law will deal with this situation appropriately!

A witness said that the woman had a breakdown, which is hardly that surprising considering her ordeal that day, she started to shout at the boys who sprayed her with water, flour, and eggs.

The local police said that the woman was severely distressed by the whole thing and that she was not physically harmed.

One of the youths decided, in his even more foolish, or perhaps some would say a twisted view of reality, that he would post the photo to social media, to Snapchat.

He was perhaps expecting to get either adulation or laughter, but instead, like most of us would expect, he was met with a huge backlash which leads to him being visited by the law!

The news reports that the four teens have been taken in for questioning, they range from 15 to 17 years old, the person who took the photo has so far not been named or identified.

Inspector Anthony Bridgland said:

“This type of behavior is totally unacceptable and we are treating the matter seriously.”

“We know this incident may have caused concern and anger both in the local community and online, but we would like to reassure everyone that we are tackling the matter robustly and supporting the victim.”

Just hearing about this incident made my blood boil, and we know that many more people feel just the same way too.

Please SHARE this post and sham this awful act, this behavior is really not acceptable and there really must be consequences for their actions!

Senior Dog Left Behind On The Streets After His Family Went Without Him


The rescue center, Hope for paws, in Los Angeles, California, got a call about this senior dog that has been abandoned on the streets.

His callous owners had moved away and just left him all on his own, to look after himself, poor dog!

The local neighbors in the area had been trying to look after him, they had been feeding him for well over a year.

JoAnn Wiltz and Lisa Arturo, volunteers at the center, came to save the little dog, they saw him lay in the grass next to the road.

Once he saw them coming he briskly jumped up and toddled to the other side of the street, he was avoiding them quite successfully.


They laid a trap by putting some food in a crate, they were trying to get him to take the bait and go inside the crate…

He was quite so obviously starving hungry, but also he was smart and he didn’t trust the crate with the tempting food placed inside it.

So they had a second try but this time they tempted him with some food from their own hands, Arturo held out some food, and happily, he actually trusted her enough to get closer.

She then quite quickly put a leash around his neck, the pup was really understandably scared, but it wasn’t long before he realized that they were actually there to help him and not to hurt him.


The called him Pumba and he was a lovely kind and gentle dog too, they took him into their car and then straight to the animal hospital.

Pumba was really enjoying his new-found love and affection, this was most likely the very first time he had felt love like this in such a long time.


There are plenty more dogs in just this same terrible position like Pumba, rescued from the streets and stuck in rescue centres, or with foster carers.

Check your local shelter and if your interested in one of these nobel and faithful creatures, and you can dedicate to them what they need, you can make a dog just like Pumba feel secure, safe and loved.

Please ‘SHARE’ and pass on this adorable story to friends or family!

Cop Stops When He Sees Mom Mowing Wearing Baby In Carrier

Moms are masters at multitasking. The only way to knock things off the to-do list is to tackle them with gusto.

With a baby on her hip and a toddler wrapped around her leg, Supermom can unload the dishwasher, fill up the washing machine, feed the dog, fix the other kids’ breakfast and check email with one hand it seems. She’s pretty impressive to watch in action.

Flickr/andrea castelli

But sometimes, even Supermom struggles. Mom of three Rachael Brindley had been juggling parenting and taking care of the home and other tasks, but tackling one particular item proved to be quite challenging.

Rachael’s hubby Ryan had been working on a project and ran out of time to mow their lawn. So she placed their four-month old in a front-facing infant carrier, strapped it to her torso and took on the job herself.

She told KCTV5 News:

“It was a nice day out and so I thought I’d help my husband out and cut it myself. I enjoy cutting the grass.”

Facebook/Rachael Godsey Brindley

But when a Madison County sheriff’s deputy pulled into her driveway, Rachael panicked. She worried she had done something wrong!

The young mom later wrote on Facebook:

“Y’all I thought I was about to get in trouble or something…”

The officer did indeed stop because he saw Rachael trying to mow while carrying the baby. Fortunately though, it wasn’t for the reason she thought.

“…this sweet sheriff stopped and insisted on mowing my yard for me!!”

He couldn’t just drive by feeling she could use a helping hand. Instead the Madison County deputy decided to stop and offer her one – mowing the lawn himself.

Facebook/Rachael Godsey Brindley

Ryan told KCTV that he and his wife could not believe what the officer did for them. They were quite grateful for his thoughtful act of kindness.

“It’s small in nature, but was a huge help to my wife today.”

What an awesome thing the deputy did! Since Rachael posted her story on Facebook it’s been shared more than 17,000 times.

Mom’s Letter To 13-Year-Old Son Goes Viral, Parents Applaud Her Tough Love Approach

A mother’s letter to her 13-year-old son has gone viral. The mom, who goes by the Estella Havisham username on Facebook, wrote the letter when her teen son felt he was old enough to make his own rules — she apparently felt a little lesson about independence was needed.

The letter was intended to only be shared with friends, but the “public” viewing button was still active on her account and the “adulting ain’t easy” letter was shared with the world and quickly garnered viral status on social media.

The 13-year-old boy was identified only as Aaron in the mom’s letter shared on Facebook. She told her teenage son that he faces “greater consequences” for treating his mom like a “doormat,” the Daily Mail notes.

Estella Havisham told her 13-year-old son that if he did not once again begin acting like a son, she would soon start heaping adult responsibilities upon him. The fed-up mom noted that he could soon be footing the bill for his share of the rent, food, and any “maid service” she provided, the Huffington Post notes.

Here is an excerpt from the mom’s letter to her 13-year-old son.

“Dear Aaron,

Since you seem to have forgotten that you are only 13 and I’m the parent, and that you won’t be controlled, I guess you will need to learn a lesson in independence. Also, as you threw in my face that you are making money now, it will be easier to buy back all the items I bought for you in the past. If you would like your lamp/lightbulbs or access to the internet, you will need to pay your share of costs: Rent: $430, Electricity: $116, Internet: $21, Food: $150.

Also you will need to empty the trash Mon, Wed & Friday as well as sweep and vacuum those days. You will need to keep your bathroom clean weekly, prepare your own meals and clean up after yourself. If you fail to do so I will charge you a $30 maid fee for every day I have to do it. If you decide you would rather be MY CHILD again instead of a roommate, we can negotiate terms.”


The mom’s letter quickly received more than 85,000 likes on Facebook and was shared over 160,000 times. The out-of-patience mother followed up the letter with a second post that explained why she penned the note to her 13-year-old son in the first place.

Here’s her response:

Why publicly shame him? I’m not. It was an accident. I meant to post to just family and friends; and yesterday I couldn’t figure out why I had over 100 friend request. I actually thought maybe my account got hacked or something. Yes, I could take it down, but so many people have already read and seen it at this point.”

Many posters praised her for her child-raising method, while others thought she was too harsh.

However, the letter seems to have worked, and Heidi and Aaron have established a contract with rules that Aaron actually seems to follow.

“I’m not a bully dictator trying to ‘control’ my child. I am a parent who has every RIGHT to have rules, expectations, and consequences for my child.”

Do you think Heidi was too tough on her son, or was she right to put her foot down and post her letter online?

Share this article with your friends on Facebook if you also think that all children need a proper education!

Sleepy Baby Boy Melts Nurses Heart At Appointment

Going to the doctor isn’t fun no matter how old you are. Stopping everything you’re doing, packing into the car and sitting in a waiting room for what seems like forever – just to be poked and prodded by someone in a big white jacket. No, thank you! So when it came time for Mom to take Baby into the doctor’s office, she expected a fight. If she didn’t enjoy the doctor’s office as an adult, it was safe to assume he didn’t want to be there either. But when the nurse began the appointment by checking Baby’s vital signs, Mom was shocked by how he responded…


Checkups are an important part of childhood – and getting the information about your child’s physical, mental and emotional progress is an essential part of being a parent! That’s why Mom knew she had to schedule a checkup for her little one. After weighing him and checking his temperature, it was time for the nurse to evaluate Baby’s heartbeat. The cold stethoscope usually made her patients coil up, but this little boy was different! Instead of shrinking away from the cool metal, he focused on her warm skin and bright smile!


With a grin spread across his own face, Baby leaned over and rested his head on the nurse’s arm. Her calming presence was all he needed to forget the strange room and chilly tools! This sweet video is proof that nurses are the unsung heroes in the medical industry. Their demeanor has the power to turn a scary appointment into a cuddlefest, a painful procedure into a fun game or a heartbreaking moment into one of growth and love! Watch this adorable little one curl up on his nurse’s arm below. Thank goodness Mom was able to catch this all on her camera!

Mother and Son Do Dance Perfectly Together

Mike Song loves to dance. He does so in his free time, while teaching his students and even at home with Mom and Dad. So when Mike’s mother mustered up the courage to ask for a little help, he was quick to agree. He wasn’t sure how fast she’d pick up the moves to “Gangnam Style” but was eager to spend a little extra time with her. Turns out, Mom can learn to boogie very quick! She may be 60 years old, but the woman has natural talent. This adorable mother-son duo looks like professionals dancing to this fun song. How impressive!


Even though it can be easy for the elderly to hide away in their homes and avoid physical activity, The Your Care Everywhere website explains that dancing has a wide variety of benefits for those who are getting a little older. Dancing’s physical benefits are evident and plentiful – moving around for even a few minutes each day can help you build and tone muscle tissue, keep your core fit and your heart beating healthily. While the physical plusses are great, the mental benefit of dancing is equally as important. A solely sedentary lifestyle is one thing that can make getting older that much more difficult – and dancing is an easy solution to boredom, loneliness and being out of shape. Those are some of the reasons why Mom is so excited to swing with her son.


After hours of practicing, Mike and Mom are ready to show the world their impressive skills. Mom flows alongside her son, and he does his best to keep up with her! Take a peek at their impressive “Gangnam Style” dance routine for yourself below. It’s clear to see these two make excellent dancing partners. Hopefully, Mom and Mike release more videos in the future!

Little Boy’s Dream Of Being Big Brother Finally Comes True

Some little boys dream of being a superhero; others hope to be a famous ball player like they watch on TV. Their aspirations are grandeur and adorable at the same time.

Ever since a little boy named Mikey could speak, there is only one thing he has wanted to become. A big brother.

Facebook/Jessica Marotta

Mikey was an engagement baby for Jessica Marotta and her future hubby. Jessica shared with Love What Matters that for as long as he could talk, he would ask for a baby brother.

The Massachusetts mom and her husband Mike began trying for a second baby when Mikey was three. But month after month… nothing.

Facebook/Jessica Marotta

Mikey kept asking his mom and dad when he would finally have his baby brother — it was all he could think about. After trying to conceive for a year, the couple sought help from a fertility specialist. Jessica even underwent surgery in the hopes of increasing the odds.

Finally, the pregnancy test showed a plus sign — and it happened on Mikey’s fifth birthday. They sprung the news on family members and everyone was thrilled.

But one month later, Jessica began experiencing complications. An ultrasound showed that at 11 weeks, they heartbreakingly lost the baby.

Testing revealed that the baby had trisomy 13, a condition that would have been fatal to the infant, Jessica said. And if that wasn’t soul crushing enough, the nurse confirmed that the baby was a boy.

“It took my breath away. Mikey had gotten his baby brother, except now he was our angel baby.”

The family of three picked up the pieces of their shattered hearts and resumed living life as best they could. They moved to their forever home and found a terrific school for Mikey to attend.

While cleaning out the garage, they tossed out all of Mikey’s old baby things that they had hung on to for their now angel baby. Those things haunted them every time they laid eyes on the car seat, stroller and crib.

Once they settled into their new home, Jessica and her husband decided they didn’t want to go through that pain ever again. They would be content as a family of three.

“After that, every time Mikey asked for his baby brother, we would explain to him that there may be a chance that he may never get a baby brother. It broke our hearts to say these words to him, but we found a way to settle into a life just the three of us in our new home and enjoy our summer.”

On Mikey’s first day of kindergarten, Jessica bawled, she confessed. But she also was exhausted.

“I knew something was off, but I did not want to get too excited. I waited until the weekend and I had my husband pick up a pregnancy test. I took the test and waited in the bathroom alone for the result. My husband could hardly believe it and made me take two more tests just to be sure. We were excited but cautious.”

They were pregnant again! But every time Jessica experienced complications, she panicked. She constantly researched online the risk of miscarriage as every week passed by. She clung to hope at doctor’s appointments where she saw a strong heartbeat and normal growth.

Testing revealed a low risk for the baby to have trisomy 13. They also learned that Mikey’s dream would be coming true — it was a boy.

The family’s strength was tested again during their 18-week checkup when the baby measured small. Additional testing at 23 weeks’ gestation revealed the baby just wasn’t growing and Jessica was told they could terminate the pregnancy.

In a fog of disbelief and heartache once again, the couple decided there was no way they were giving up on this baby. This was Mikey’s dream and their child.

Facebook/Jessica Marotta

They knew the baby would arrive early and hoped Jessica would make it to 28 weeks’ gestation. She was admitted to the hosiptal for observation.

“During my one month in antepartum, the baby gave us three scares that he was going to arrive, but we made it to 30 weeks and 6 days. I had a growth ultrasound that day and the baby had only gained two grams in two weeks. The doctor told us, ‘we are going to have a baby today,’ and explained that if we waited any longer we would risk a stillborn.”

The planned cesarean section quickly morphed into an emergency procedure because the baby’s heart rate plummeting due to the anesthesia. But it didn’t take long before Baby Jake Eric arrived weighing one pound, 12 ounces, and measured only 12 inches long.

“Once I recovered a bit, I was wheeled on my stretcher to see him and his smallness took my breath away and my eyes filled with tears. That night my in-laws brought Mikey to see me and we told him he finally had his baby brother, Jake. The first time Mikey saw him, he beamed and said, ‘He has red hair just like me!’”

Once stabilized, Jessica’s husband returned to work, Mikey returned to school and Jessica kept vigil at her baby’s side. It was a tough time, but they managed.

“As a NICU mom, I feel like you go into autopilot and go through the motions without the emotion as much as possible because it is the only way to survive. Living the NICU life was the hardest thing we have ever gone through together. Jake was hooked up to so many wires and tubes and lived in an isolette. We had to leave him alone except for his care times every three hours when you would assist the nurse in diaper changing and taking the temperature. As a NICU mom you get used to all the beeping and alarms.”

When Jake’s heart rate would drop considerably and the alarms would sound, a nurse would have to stimulate him to pull him out of the episode. He experienced as many as eight of these frightening ordeals each day.

“At three weeks, we had quite the scare and Jake was really struggling to breath and was just fighting a lot more than he had been. After a meeting with the nurse practitioner, we decided he would benefit from a blood transfusion to get red blood cells which would allow him to produce more oxygen. Jake was fed via a feeding tube until he was about seven weeks.”

The one thing that pushed the family through this challenging time was when they could snuggle with Jake skin-to-skin. Jessica would sit in the chair next to her baby’s isolette and both she and Jake would calm down.

It also was a beautiful time for Mikey. He was able to touch his baby brother, but couldn’t hold him just yet, which really bothered him.

“He wanted more than anything to hold his baby brother. Mikey was filled with sadness that he could not hold his baby brother. During one of my daily rounds with Jake’s nurses and doctors on day 10, I asked if Mikey could do skin-to-skin with his baby brother, fully expecting them to say no. I was beyond thrilled when they agreed!”

Love What Matters

On March 17, 2018, Mikey became the first sibling at the Beth Israel NICU in Boston to be allowed to sit skin-to-skin with his baby. Jessica described it as “amazing and emotional.”

“I truly believe it became the foundation for their brotherly bond. Jake spent 62 days in the NICU and his homecoming was one of the happiest days of our lives. Mikey is an amazing big brother and having Jake has brought a calmness to Mikey’s life, and Mikey has a way of calming Jake when he is upset.”

Every morning, the brothers snuggle together in their mom’s bed. She said she feels honored to witness their love and their strong relationship.

Jessica has no doubt that Mikey and Jake were meant to be brothers. It was destiny.

Young Girls Actions Towards Strangers After Accident Goes Viral

People like to think of themselves as quick to lend a helping hand, but the reality is that when disaster strikes most people are too wrapped up in their own personal lives to inconvenience themselves with another strangers problems. Fred Crooks and his co-worker Isaac Mantley were heading to a job in their work truck with a trailer attached to the back when disaster struck.

As the men were driving, a septic truck crashed into them, missing their truck but hitting the trailer they were carrying behind them. Thankfully, the two men walked away with no injuries, but had the septic truck hit their truck instead they wouldn’t have walked away at all. Fred’s daughter Chelsea said it was a miracle the men avoided any injuries at all.

Facebook/Chelsea Crooks

Following the accident, Fred had to spend the next four hours on the side of the road while the police sorted things out and filed a report.

That’s when a tiny blonde girl with two dogs came into the picture . . .

Fred recalls the encounter saying,

It was a terrible day for me but this little girl was the highlight of my day. She didn’t know me from the bogeyman or the man on the moon.

The young girl had been walking her two dogs when she saw the scene of the accident. Without any hesitation she approached Fred to ask how she could help. The girl then took off but moments later was back, this time walking very slowly towards them.

Fred says:

“When she came down the second time this little girl was walking so lightly because she had a glass of cold water and you could tell she was trying hard not to spill it. She brought down some treats, too, and she turned a bad day into a good day. She was so kind and thoughtful.”

Facebook/Chelsea Crooks

Fred was so deeply touched by the little girls actions. In the heat of the moment he’d forgotten the girls name. So when he returned home he told his daughter Chelsea about the incident and Chelsea turned to Facebook to find the little girl. She posted about the story saying,

The point of this post was hopefully it would reach the parents of a kind hearted amazing young girl, who blew my dads emotions away with her generosity and how caring a young soul could be. This little girl my father could not remember her name but she was around 11 years old with blonde hair and blue eyes, she had two dogs and the only one that dad could identity was a tall black poodle. She lived on Waterford Ct in Fall River, this sweet little girl after the accident brought my father down water and these treats that are show cased in the picture. Many of people drove past the accident and and 90 percent of them didn’t stop, however this is what this little girl did. She is a behind the scenes hero and angel as the temperatures were hot and they had to stay on the accident scene for hours.

YouTube/The Enfield Weekly Press & The Laker

The family wanted to thank the little girl in person.

Thanks to the hero who helped cool my dad and uncle off, and fill their bellies. And please if you see this post share it so it can reach her parents and we can personally thank them. Her act of kindness was worth more than anything. This is a reminder that people are still raising their children with respect, compassion and all the positive. This also goes to show that there is decency left in humankind, and it doesn’t always have to be an “adult” show it. This small simple act has touched a lot of hearts, and will never be forgotten. This little girl needs to be honored, for spreading help & love.

After Chelsea’s post was shared by multiple people they were able to locate the 11-year-old girl named Robin McElroy. Robin’s mom saw the post and responded saying,

Yes !!! I’m very proud… thank you for your very very kind words.. I had to pull over my car to read it before I start work … so glad they’re both ok ?? ??

Heroes aren’t always adults and this young lady proves that being kind to others doesn’t cost anything at all. Watch Robin being interviewed in the video below, explaining why she decided to help the men in need.


Doctor tells an old man to take a sperm count for his physical, his response…

This joke was sent to us by a Jeff S. from Billings, Montana.

An 85-year-old man was told by his Doctor to have a sperm count as part of his physical exam.

The doctor gave the man a jar and said, “Take this jar home and bring back a sample tomorrow.”

The next day the 85-year-old man reappeared at the doctor’s office and gave him the jar, which was as clean and empty as on the previous day.

The doctor asked what happened and the man explained, ‘Well, doc, it’s like this — first I tried with my right hand, but nothing. Then I tried with my left hand, but still nothing.

Then I asked my wife for help. She tried with her right hand, then with her left, still nothing. She tried with her mouth, first with the teeth in, then with her teeth out, still nothing.

We even called up Arleen, the lady next door and she tried too, first with both hands, then an armpit, and she even tried squeezin’ it between her knees, but still nothing.’

The doctor was shocked and said, “You asked your neighbor?”

The old man replied, ‘Yep, none of us could get the jar open.

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Principal Goes On Comical Rant About Beginning Of School Year

The summer’s coming to an end so you know what that means – it’s back to school for the kiddos. As many parents cheer, let us also remember all the teachers and school administrators that are busy prepping for a fun, full year (we give you all the credit). And once those doors open again it only gets more stressful as the students actually arrive. Someone who knows a great deal about this is Principal Gerry Brooks from Lexington, Kentucky. When people ask Gerry “what the most stressful part of the beginning of the school year is” – he’s only got one answer…kindergarten lunch duty.


In the video below, Gerry hilariously explains why helping newbie kindergartners in the lunch room is the most taxing task of all (and there certainly are a lot of them in a school). He describes it as, “like trying to get a bunch of kittens to do something.” Being in a new environment the kids are all over the place, so getting them seated is obviously difficult. In the words of Gerry – “it’s just crazy!” But once they do finally sit to eat, that’s when a new set of problems arise…


Gerry continues on his comical rant talking about all the kindergartners who bring “fancy” Lunchables, leaving him having to open countless little packages. He then describes all the kids stories that start with, “umm, umm, umm…” and the debates like whether ponies would make good indoor pets. It’s a speech that will have you busting at the seams with laughter and maybe even giving your kids’ educators extra flowers this year. Press play below to watch it for yourself – it’s hysterical!

Deaf man blown away when Starbucks barista hands him handwritten note before taking his order

Most people don’t realize how stressful it is for people with disabilities to do something as straightfoward as ordering a coffee. And even if they do notice, how many people do anything to help?

We were so happy to hear this story about a barista who made the effort to make life a little easier for a fellow human being.

Ibby Piracha, who became deaf when he was two years old, goes to his local Starbucks in Leesburg, Virginia at least three times a week. He usually orders the same thing: a caramel Frappuccino.

Even if all the baristas know him and know what he’s going to order, Ibby writes his order on his phone and shows it to the barista.

But one day, one of the baristas did something that changed everything.

Ibby showed the barista his phone and ordered his usual Frappuccino. But to Ibby’s great surprise, the barista, Krystal Payne, passed him a handwritten note in response.

“I’ve been learning ASL just so you can have the same experience as everyone else,” the note read.

Then, Krystal asked him in sign language what he wanted to drink.

Ibby was blown away that someone had taken the time to learn sign language and make him feel welcome.

“I was just so moved that she actually wanted to learn sign. Sign language is really a totally different language and it was something that she wanted to do because of me? Because I was a deaf customer? I was very, very impressed,” Ibby told WJLA.

According to Starbucks, Krystal Payne spent hours watching YouTube videos learning basic sign language so she could give her regular customer the service she felt he deserves.

Ibby was so taken by Krystal’s kind gesture that he had to let the world know. He posted a photo of Libby’s note on Facebook with the hope that more people in the hearing world will take time to understand the deaf community.

Most people probably think that what Krystal did was above and beyond the call of duty. But for Krystal, it wasn’t such a big deal.

“My job is to make sure people have the experience they expect and that’s what I gave him,” Krystal says.

Thanks to Krystal’s amazing effort, Ibby can go to his favorite coffee shop and order just like everyone else.

Please share this story if you also think that Krystal Payne’s incredible effort should be celebrated!

Grandpa Takes A Dive In The Lake On This 102nd Birthday

They say age is just a number – and no one embodies that type of youthful thinking like Gramps! On his 102nd birthday, Gramps doesn’t want to sit at home or eat a boring piece of cake, he wants to get up and moving. That’s why he asked the family to put the boat in the lake and get ready for a lake-side day of fun in the sun. It doesn’t matter that he’s ringing in his 102nd birthday – he’s ready to party. So when Gramps and the crew dropped anchor in the middle of the lake, there was no more waiting around. He wanted to jump right in!


At first, Gramps watched from the boat as his younger loved ones swam about in the lake. It looked like so much fun! Even though his body didn’t work the same way as it used to, Gramps wanted to take a dip with everyone. While he was certainly pleased with the idea, everyone else was worried. Could he handle swimming in such cold water at this age? After discussing it among themselves, the younger family members decided to help Gramps into the chilly lake. But he had another idea! He wasn’t going to wade cautiously into the water like a wuss – he wanted to take life by the horns instead!


With a little help from his grandchild, Gramps dove into the lake with the grace of a swan! His loved ones watched with smiles stretched across their faces as Gramps swam happily with the group already in the water. He may be 102, but he still wants to get the most out of life. Take a peek at this heartwarming celebration of life in the video below. Gramps’ outlook on birthdays is an inspiration to us all!

Husband Informs Wife ‘My Word Is The Law’ But She Snaps Back Brilliantly

The husband had just finished reading a new book entitled, “You Can Be The Man Of Your House.”

He stormed to his wife in the kitchen and announced,

“From now on, you need to know that I am the man of this house and my word is law. You will prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I’m finished eating my meal, you will serve me a sumptuous dessert. After dinner, you are going to go upstairs with me and we will have the kind of fun that I want. Afterwards, you are going to draw me a bath so I can relax. You will wash my back, towel me dry, and bring me my robe. Then, you will massage my feet and hands. Then tomorrow, guess who’s going to dress me and comb my hair?”

The wife replied, “The damn funeral director would be my first guess.”

Please SHARE this wife’s witty response with your friends and family!

Photo Posted Online Helps Homeless Man Reunite With Family

When we see people panhandling on the side of the road, it is difficult to imagine what caused them to stand where they are. Are they a product of unfortunate circumstances? Or are they responsible for the position they’re in currently?

While every situation is different, it’s clear that every homeless person could use a helping hand.

Thankfully, that’s exactly what the community in Indianapolis did when they saw a man starving on the street…

Facebook/Team Johnny Rhodes

Johnny Servantez was the first person to share an image of the homeless man, who was later identified as Johnny Rhodes, on Facebook. Servantez explained that the man wasn’t just homeless, but he was literally starving on the side of a busy road while thousands of people passed by without a care.

He wrote:

“I had to give this poor guy some money. I NEVER give panhandlers money… But this guy’s stomach was hitting his back and [his] ribs popping out.

If you are at Thompson and Madison [in Indianapolis] throw him a buck or two, at least.

The man isn’t that [expletive] skinny by choice. I’ve seen skinny drug addicts. And this man is suffering from starvation.”

Facebook/Johnny Servantez

Within minutes, Servantez’s photo was shared all around the state and it reached the last person he ever expected: Johnny Rhodes’ brother, Danny.

Danny hadn’t seen his brother in seven years following the passing of their mother. He had searched for Johnny but he simply vanished without a trace. Danny told reporters that his brother had a history of substance abuse, which made tracking him down frustratingly difficult.

Even with the help of the image, locating Johnny was impossible. That’s when a total stranger named Amy Ranae Smith got involved.

Amy started a Facebook page called “Team Johnny Rhodes” and asked members to send updates with Johnny’s location if they spotted him around town. Sure enough, hundreds of people started sharing images of Johnny’s most recent location – all of which help Danny find his brother.

The two men were finally brought together after weeks of searching and, while Johnny couldn’t be convinced to get professional help, he did get a nice, warm meal and a safe place to rest his head.

Amy shared how the meeting between Johnny and Danny went:

“He had two meals, a [hot] shower, a pair of clean clothes, a room to himself with quiet, a king size bed, TV with cable, fridge, a microwave, Pepsi and leftovers. He is safe and resting.”

Despite Johnny’s reluctance to get help, Danny is determined to keep reaching out to his brother. Family is family and Danny knows he can’t simply give up!

Facebook/Team Johnny Rhodes

Even though Johnny was able to reunite with his loved ones, he still opts to spend a good portion of his time on the street. Thankfully, the community is aware of his situation and sends updates to the page regularly! Hopefully their kindness will help convince Johnny to turn his life around!

Sassy Little Mila Is Not A Fan Of Airport Security

When two-year-old Mila Stauffer and her family left their home in Arizona and set out for Michigan, she had no idea that things could get so complicated once they entered the airport! The family of seven rarely gets to do anything without drawing attention to themselves and going through the airport was no different.

Maneuvering five children through the baggage check was one hurdle they were able to overcome. But when it was time for the security checkpoint, little Mila wasn’t having it…


The moment the Stauffers returned home, Mila needed to vent about their TSA experience. Looking into Mom’s camera, Mila explained that the long lines, pat-downs of her brother and lack of accessible bathrooms are all something she didn’t prepare for!

She couldn’t believe their experience! She just had to share!


Traveling is hard as an adult, but being patient in a winding security line as a toddler is something that was practically unimaginable! Poor little precocious Mila had no patience for any of it!

Mila went on and on with her explanation as to why airport security was the worst and Mom did her best not to giggle. This sassy little one is definitely full of spunk!


She didn’t have a problem with speaking her mind! Mom was wise to videotape her testy testimony and share it with the world where she has since gone viral.

At the end of the video, Mila looked into the camera and said that she’s done with TSA and “never again” will she go through that type of experience. We beg to differ, little Mila!


Sadly, if Mila ever wants to fly again, she’s probably going to have more encounters with the TSA. We’ll be ready and waiting to hear her future reports!

Thankfully Mom was able to capture every moment of this pint-sized rant and decided to share it with the world. We’ve seen Mila go off on different topics before, but this is the most relatable by far!


Take a peek at her hilarious TSA rant for yourself in the video below. She’s just too darn funny!

Turlock Firefighters Help Woman With Home After Welfare Check

It’s not like we need to be reminded of how much we all love firefighters. But in case you do need a reminder of all the hard work, sacrifice and heart that goes into their jobs…

More than 3,500 personnel are now fighting the Ferguson fire, which broke out near Yosemite on July 13 and has since grown to include more than 43,000 acres.


Turlock Fire OES Strike Team 4803A is among those agencies, and when they arrived at Turlock resident Brenda Ann Marks’s door late last week, she was certain they were there to deliver bad news: The fire was creeping closer, and she’d have to evacuate.

But she was wrong.

“I heard a knock at the front door,” wrote Brenda. “There stood 4 firemen in full gear. I said, ‘Oh no, I have to leave again?’ He instantly replied, ‘No, ma’am we’re here to help you. Is there anything we can do?’”


These kind-hearted men had just stopped by her cabin to do a welfare check and ask if she needed anything. After all, it had to be an intensely frightening experience, not knowing if, or when, she might be forced to evacuate with only what she could carry.

She couldn’t think of anything off the top of her head — but they could!

He then replied so sweetly, “Do you have a lawn mower? Your lawn needs mowing and we want to do it!” So one guy headed out and mowed my back yard!!


Then the other guy said, “Why is your freezer out here on the deck?”

“Oh,” I said, “I still have to clean it out it’s empty of rotten food…I’m going to do that today!”

He replied, “Well I’m going to clean it out for you… Do you have cleaning supplies bleach, 409, some rags?”

I said, “Oh that’s ok I can do it.”


Lo and behold, before I knew it two of them pick up my freezer and took it over to the gravel out front. Cleaned it and carried back into my home.

I had an ice chest that was leaking water inside the front hallway… Well I’m sure you can guess he took everything out transferring it to a good freezer next to it!


I also had a lot of pieces to the inside of the refrigerator freezer propped up in the hall drying from being cleaned.

Well, that wouldn’t do. Minutes later, the freezer had been reassembled, restocked and even cleaned! All these kind gestures literally brought Brenda to tears. She was so touched that she took the time to jot down their names so she could acknowledge them in a Facebook post.


These men went well above their job description to bless a complete stranger. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if we were all a little more like Shaun, Cameron, Steve, and Corey?

Share their example of kindness and selflessness today!

Autistic 11-year-old shocked a college class when he walked to the whiteboard and did this

Autism is is a lifelong developmental disorder that can make it very difficult for the person to communicate and socialize with other people. Despite the serious disability, these individuals can reveal some impressive talents and strengths.

An 11 years old boy with autism showed his incredible drawing skills when he drew an all-inclusive and detailed world map depending merely on his memory. The happening occurred when a New York professor invited the talented boy to one of her classes where he got up on a chair and drew the accurate map.

One of the students couldn’t help and took pictures of the incredible artistic work. His father then posted the pictures on Reddit.

No matter what difficulties communicating or interacting autistic children can struggle with, they can show some amazing talents that we all of us should support and encourage.

Her son was able to draw the entire world map on the whiteboard from memory.

The drawing is very detailed. It shows small islands, peninsulas, and every continent is appropriately spaced.

He even labeled everything!

This is doubly impressive due to the fact that most full grown adults couldn’t draw a full world map without a cheat sheet. Autistic people often have very literal and photographic memories that the rest of us don’t. This 11 year old is a good example of the capabilities of autistic people.

If you felt inspired by this talented young boy’s handwork, feel free to SHARE it with everyone you know!

Elderly Woman Sends Brilliant Letter To Bank After They Bounced Her Check

This is an actual letter that was sent to a bank by an 86-year-old woman. It was so amusing that the bank’s manager decided to have it published in the New York Times.

“Dear Sir: I am writing to thank you for bouncing my check with which I endeavored to pay my plumber last month. By my calculations, 3 nanoseconds must have elapsed between his presenting the check and the arrival in my account of the funds needed to honor it..

I refer, of course, to the automatic monthly deposit of my entire pension, an arrangement which, I admit, has been in place for only 8 years.

You are to be commended for seizing that brief window of opportunity, and also for debiting my account $30 by way of penalty for the inconvenience caused to your bank.

My thankfulness springs from the manner in which this incident has caused me to rethink my errant financial ways. I noticed that whereas I personally answer your telephone calls and letters, — when I try to contact you, I am confronted by the impersonal, overcharging, pre-recorded, faceless entity which your bank has become.

From now on, I, like you, choose only to deal with a flesh-and-blood person

My mortgage and loan repayments will therefore and hereafter no longer be automatic, but will arrive at your bank, by check, addressed personally and confidentially to an employee at your bank whom you must nominate.

Be aware that it is an OFFENSE under the Postal Act for any other person to open such an envelope.

Please find attached an Application Contact which I require your chosen employee to complete.

I am sorry it runs to eight pages, but in order that I know as much about him or her as your bank knows about me, there is no alternative.

Please note that all copies of his or her medical history must be countersigned by a Notary Public, and the mandatory details of his/her financial situation (income, debts, assets and liabilities) must be accompanied by documented proof.

In due course, at MY convenience, I will issue your employee with a PIN number which he/she must quote in dealings with me.

I regret that it cannot be shorter than 28 digits but, again, I have modeled it on the number of button presses required of me to access my account balance on your phone bank service.

As they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Let me level the playing field even further. When you call me, press buttons as follows: IMMEDIATELY AFTER DIALING, PRESS THE STAR (*) BUTTON FOR ENGLISH

#1. To make an appointment to see me

#2. To query a missing payment.

#3. To transfer the call to my living room in case I am there.

#4 To transfer the call to my bedroom in case I am sleeping.

#5. To transfer the call to my toilet in case I am attending to nature.

#6. To transfer the call to my mobile phone if I am not at home.

#7. To leave a message on my computer, a password to access my computer is required. Password will be communicated to you at a later date to that Authorized Contact mentioned earlier.

#8. To return to the main menu and to listen to options 1 through

#9. To make a general complaint or inquiry. The contact will then be put on hold, pending the attention of my automated answering service.

#10. This is a second reminder to press* for English.

While this may, on occasion, involve a lengthy wait, uplifting music will play for the duration of the call. Regrettably, but again following your example, I must also levy an establishment fee to cover the setting up of this new arrangement. May I wish you a happy, if ever so slightly less prosperous New Year? Your Humble Client And remember: Don’t make old people mad. We don’t like being old in the first place, so it doesn’t take much to piss us off.”

Why you should not sleep with your phone in the bed

People have become very attached and dependent on their smartphones. What used to be a simple device to help us stay connected to our friends and family has become our entire world. Photos, messages, videos and more live on these small devices, and they become an extension of ourselves.

When was the last time you went out without taking your phone with you? It’s the last thing we put down and the first thing we pick up in the morning, which didn’t seem like a big deal until now.

One night 14-year-old Le Thi Xoan plugged in her phone before bed, and kept it next to her while she slept, which was her everyday routine. The next morning her mother tried calling for her to get out of bed, but she never received an answer. After several tries, she went to her daughter’s room to check why she wasn’t responding but found her lying unconscious in bed.

Her parents rushed her to the emergency room, but she was announced dead on arrival. Her parents were in complete disbelief and had no idea how this could have happened. Their daughter didn’t have any preexisting health conditions and it was clear that it wasn’t suicide.

So when they discovered the cause, they were stunned.

The autopsy report revealed that their daughter had died of an electric shock, according to the Daily Mail. Their parents didn’t understand since everything looked normal at home – until they lifted her bed covers.

They found Le Thi’s phone charger lying under her blanket. Although it was plugged into the phone it wasn’t charging, and they saw that the part of the cable closest to the phone was completely burnt.

The parents explained that their daughter charged her phone every night and kept her phone in bed with her. The police investigated the scene further and saw that the phone plastic cover had a piece of tape placed over it, which resulted in the shock right as she plugged in her phone.

It is extremely dangerous to charge your phone with a broken cable.

It’s better to be safe than sorry. NEVER sleep with your phone in your bed, especially if your charger is broken. Do what you can to get the charger replaced immediately and keep yourself safe.

If you found this article helpful, then please click SHARE so your friends and family can know about the dangers of using broken charging cables!

20 Years After Their Birth Captivated The World, The Aylmer Twins Are All Grown Up

In 1996, Donna and Vince Aylmer had the surprise of the lives when they found out that they weren’t just expecting their fourth child, they were going to be welcoming a fifth one too.

On January 16, 1997, the couple welcomed twin girls, Lucy and Maria, into the family. Although, they knew early on that the twins were fraternal, they did not expect them to look so significantly different from one another.

Maria was born black with tight curls and brown eyes like her half-Jamaican mother, while Lucy’s fair skin and light eyes matched her dad’s, who is Caucasian.

As expected, Donna and Vince were in shock when they were handed their daughters.

“It was such a shock for her because obviously things like skin color don’t show up on scans before birth,” Lucy explained in a recent interview. “So she had no idea that we were so different. When the midwife handed us both to her, she was just speechless.”

The twins have other siblings, including two older brothers, and an older sister, but all of them bear light-brown complexions that reflect their mixed race genes.

“Our brothers and sisters have skin which is in between Maria and I,” said Lucy to Daily Mail, “We are at opposite ends of the spectrum and they are all somewhere in between. But my grandmother has a very fair English rose complexion, just like mine.”

Over the years, Donna and Vince got divorced, but they continued to co-parent the twins and their siblings. Donna would often dress the girls in matching outfits, which confused people because although they were sisters, they looked nothing alike.

“No one ever believes we are twins because I am white and Maria is black,” Lucy explained to the New York Post. “Even when we dress alike, we still don’t even look like sisters, let alone twins.”

As Lucy and Maria got older, they asked their mom to stop dressing them in matching outfits. Around the age of seven is when the girls knew that although they’re twin sisters, they were also unique individuals, and they wanted to let that show.

“We don’t look alike. So why should we have to wear the exact same thing?” said Lucy.

Unfortunately, because of their looks, the twins endured some not-so-great moments while growing up. Lucy was often teased and called names because she did not look like the rest of her family. Her red hair and fair skin set her apart from her siblings, and people thought she was adopted. Maria also admitted that she “hated” her curly locks, and “used to cry about it.”

Now, 20 years since their birth captivated the world, Lucy and Maria are still very much opposites, in every sense of the word. Their personalities and taste in style are almost as different as their looks.

Nowadays, the sisters have learned to embrace their differences, and it has brought them a little closer. The boho-chic Maria is currently studying law and psychology at Cheltenham College in the U.K, and describes herself as “outgoing.” She also dresses in girly outfits and loves being glamorous.

“I love meeting people. I’m not scared to approach people,” Maria told Inside Edition.

As for Lucy, she is an art student at a college in Gloucester, U.K and has developed a very edgy style, but is a lot more reserved and shy than her sister. “I’m terrified of going up to random strangers,” she admitted.

When asked if their opposite appearances had an effect on their relationship as sisters, Lucy replied, “I think if we’d looked similar or even identical, then the bond between us would have been stronger when we were younger. But Maria and I had such different personalities, too. She was the outgoing twin whilst I was the shy one.”

Today, the sisters consider themselves as close friends and their bond is stronger than ever.

“Now we have grown older, even though we still look so different, the bond between us is much stronger,” Maria explained.

People, including their friends, are still doubtful that they’re sisters, but that doesn’t stop them from proudly telling everyone that they’re related.

“Maria loves telling people at college that she has a white twin – and I’m very proud of having a black twin,” Lucy said.

We can’t wait to see what Maria and Lucy have in store for the future!

Do you remember hearing about the Aylmer twins back in 1997? Let us know!

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