3-year-old causes chaos on flight with behavior – mother ignores him

It seems that nowadays children are not raised as strict as we were back in the old days.  When I hear stories of children having no respect for their parents or fellow human beings, it’s something I really can’t abide. I’m immensely thankful that my parents and grandparents ensured I had a proper upbringing, being taught right from wrong at the earliest possible age. Passengers on a flight from Germany to the USA were left especially peeved, when they were terrorized for eight hours by a 3-year-old boy and his “demonic cries” In a YouTube video that has garnered some seven million views, passenger Shane Townley shows how the boy in question was allowed to roam free and cause havoc on the journey. In the clip, it can clearly be seen how the 3-year-old is left to his own devices, hysterically screaming on a Lufthansa flight from Germany to Newark, USA. For a total of eight hours, Townley filmed the child, describing him as “demonic” and pointing out what a nuisance he was for other passengers.
YouTube / Inside Edition
Even before the plane took off, the boy was already testing the nerves of the Lufthansa crew, as well as those of his mom and other passengers. Clambering over several seats, he can be heard repeatedly screaming. Meanwhile, the child’s mother showed very little regard, instead asking the crew to turn the internet on so he might be distracted. “Let’s get the WLAN up and running for the iPad to work,” she says.
YouTube / Inside Edition
“Calm down, darling” With a gentle “calm down, darling”, the mother tries to rein in her child, but fails. After a mere 60 minutes, chaos reigns in the cabin. Many hours later, his continued screams can be heard. The hours go by and he shows little signs of slowing down, despite his cries growing hoarse. Although the mom was embarrassed by the situation, she did little to address it properly, instead trying to gently dissuade her son while allowing him to do as he wished, at the expense of the flight crew and passengers. In the video below, you can see the child’s shocking behavior: We can all appreciate that it must be difficult to travel with a toddler, but to a let a child continue to behave as in the video above is simply ridiculous. Please share this post if you agree that children need to be raised with discipline. If you have tips on for the mother of the child in this video, post them in the comments box on Facebook.

16-year-old teen slips note in favorite van – 8 years later, he answers stranger’s call that changes his life

Dreams do come true eventually. This story is a proof that when you love something really bad, life will give it to you sooner or later. Kyle Cropsey’s favorite vehicle was always the Volkswagen microbus. When he was 16 years old, he saw one and he got so fascinated by it so he walked to it and slipped a note inside. On that day, he was heading to the beach when he spotted a blue van with a white roof. Curious, he got closer to take a look, the owner wasn’t there but he noticed the window was open a crack. That’s when he got an idea. Kyle wrote a note and slipped it through the window. He did it but he was pretty sure that even if the owner finds it, he wouldn’t care that much and maybe toss it away. Little did he know his note would be answered many so years later. This is a truly fascinating story! The note had the message “Please call me” with Kyle’s phone number. When he slipped it through the window, he wanted it to land on the driver’s seat, but the note ended up on the floor. His plan seemed to fail from the beginning. He was disappointed and thought that the whole thing was pointless. Kyle wanted only to satisfy his curiosity about how the vehicle looked from the inside, but after his failed attempt, Kyle gave up the idea of ​​getting in touch with the owner. Turned out, Kyle was absolutely wrong! Cornelius, the van’s owner actually found the letter. He didn’t answer it but he did saved it and never threw it away. 8 years later, Kyle got a phone call. It was an unknown number but he answered it. He couldn’t recognize the voice, it was someone he never met or talked to before. However, the phone conversation later changed his life forever. It was Cornelius’ son on the other end of the line. He had the old VW van! Kyle’s note had survived! Cornelius had passed away and he left his son all his belongings. But it was his daughter who found the note. It had touched them both so deeply that they decided to try to do something about it…. The siblings thought that since their late father kept the note all that time, he would have wanted Kyle to have his dream car, so they gave it to him! After eight years, his teenage dream had finally come true! Hear more about this story and see Kyle drive the van in the video below — and please share this story if you also thought it was nice! It is amazing to witness a dream comes true after these years. Thanks to the kind siblings who were able to fulfill Kyle’s dream! Please SHARE this heartwarming story with your friends on Facebook!

Garbage Men Delight ‘Their Biggest Fan’ With A Surprise Present

Being able to bring laughter in someones’s life and brighten someone’s day is a trait possessed only by big-hearted people with extraordinary souls who know that a small act of kindness can go a long way. A little girl got a wonderful surprise when the local garbage men (bin men) showed up to her house and gave her a gift. Dad and mom filmed the sweet meeting. Dad writes, “The bin men found out their biggest fan watches them ever week and decided to give her a present – sorry for all the ‘oh my goodness’s’ I was just so happy for her.” He reveals that he approached the bin men a week earlier and “told them my daughter loves watching them and would the be so kind to just give her a wave next time, we only expected a wave, which is why my daughter shouted ‘he has a present’ and my wife grabbed her to go to the door, we had absolutely no idea and this was all the bin company Greyhound Recycling, the shock and enjoyment experienced by us all is genuine, faith in humanity restored.” Note: dad revealed that the gentleman giving the present was the driver (and doesn’t touch the bin). Watch the sweet moment below. The bin men found out their biggest fan watches them ever week and decided to give her a present -sorry for all the “oh my goodness’s” I was just so happy for her.

Bride’s Special Bond With Flower Girl She’s Never Met

Sometimes when life puts as in a difficult situation out path is crossed by human angels who help us overcome our problems by offering a helping hand. For one little 3-year-old girl named Skye her angel is a woman named Hayden. And from now until forever the two ladies will share a bond that will connect them to one another for the rest of their lives. That’s because when Skye was less than 1-year-old she was diagnosed with leukemia, but her life would never be the same thanks to Hayden.
It all began when Skye’s mom began noticing small bruises on her baby girls body prompting her to take her to the doctor. After multiple exams and blood work it was determined that she was sick with leukemia. Heartbroken, her parents found it hard to learn their baby’s diagnosis but began doing everything in their power to help little Skye. Little did they know that a woman named Hayden would soon come into their lives and impact it forever.
While Skye was receiving treatment in California, Hayden, who lived in Alabama, was in college. Unsure of her future, Hayden was struggling with finding her purpose in life. That’s when she came across a flyer asking for bone marrow donations through the organization Be The Match. Immediately, Hayden called the number for more information, soon enrolling to be a donor and being paired with little Skye. After the donation Hayden was desperate to meet the donor recipient and their family but due to regulations they were restricted from contacting each other for one year or knowing anything about them. Fast forward one year later and the family contacted Hayden to thank her for saving their baby girl. From that point on a beautiful relationship was born. Hayden desperately wanted to meet them so she invited the family to come to her wedding stating, “I know that y’all are all the way out in California, but I just want you to know that you’re wanted here.” On the day before her wedding Hayden finally got the chance to meet little Skye – and the moment couldn’t have been any sweeter. Watch the full story in the video below. Thank goodness for wonderful blessings such as Hayden and Skye.

Greenville Firefighters Accept Lip Synch Challenge

Sometimes our job can be so stressful that we have to have some fun every once in a while. Whether it’s playing silly pranks on coworkers or cracking jokes to make someone smile – having fun at work is a necessity that everyone needs on a daily basis. So when the Greenville Fire Department was challenged by the Paris Fire Department to do a “lip-synch challenge” they knew they couldn’t say no. Firefighters may have a serious job description but that doesn’t mean they can’t have a little fun.
With the help of iamBraodway, Jeff Davis Media and eGreenvilleExtra the firefighters obtained the resources they needed to make their lip-synch video come to life. The men had a plan and knew which songs they wanted to use throughout the video but never anticipated it to gain so much popularity in such a short period of time. The end result surpassed their expectations and it is a total riot to watch!
The video starts with Flo Rida’s popular song “My House” where one firefighter sings the lyrics and walks through the firemen’s kitchen and dining room area. They then enter the workout room where the men flex their arms and show off their muscles. The next song is a fun one “Gurl Look At That Body” by LMFAO. The show the men put on is a hoot! As water sprays them they do a little sexy dance that is impossible to resist. These guys really took the challenge to another level and it is so much fun to watch. Watch the full video for yourself in the video below. What a fun group of guys and a memory I’m sure they’ll laugh about for years to come!

Black physician pulled a 26-hour shift helping people and saving live, but on his way home the terrible happened

A black man from a working-class family worked hard to become medical doctor. He now works long, twelve hours of a thankless shift, and STILL has to deal with this. Here’s his story: I’m a black man. I’m about 6’2″, average build. Nothing too fancy. I think I look normal, not intimidating in the slightest. I grew up in a middle-class neighborhood. My parents were blue collar workers, but provided for me and my sister. We were taught manners, said our pleasantries. I got detention once in fifth grade because I was late to class because I spilled paint in my Art class and had to clean it up. But that’s it, that’s the worst trouble I’ve ever been in in my life. I am a surgical resident at a hospital you’ve probably heard of. I was educated in a Top 10 university and went to medical school at a pseudo-Ivy League institution. I have had a great life. I’ve made sure of it. So have my parents. Of course, I have noticed racism throughout my life. I have been pulled over and the officer has never given me a clear answer. Sometimes, they will straight up lie and tell me that I was speeding when I know I wasn’t. Once, I was stopped and frisked. The officer apologized and told me that I matched the description of a criminal-on-the-run in the area. The only description was “black man, average build.” I never reported this, but I always remember it. Today, I was leaving after a 26-hour shift at the hospital. I’m in my fourth year of residency and the hours get longer and longer, but I’m almost done. Today was particularly grueling, because I found out that a patient I have worked with since the start of my residency is now deemed ‘terminal’ and will be moved to hospice care. It sucked, it broke my heart. It was like four years’ worth of work had been erased. As I was walking across the parking lot, a young man younger than me, maybe twenty-five, leaned out of his car and called me the n-word. It was loud enough so people could hear. People stared, most in shock. Others picked up the pace to get away from the earth-shattering embarrassment unfolding. I stopped and looked at him.The man didn’t get out of his car, but he made sure I saw him. The sneer on his face, it grew into a piercing grin. He started mimicking the sounds of a monkey. He called me the N-word again. People continued to stare. My mouth fell open. The guy mocked my expression; he feigned behavior like one of my patients suffering from severe mental retardation. He was trying to show me how he saw me. A lot of things were on my mind in the forty-five odd seconds I was standing there. I wanted to walk up to the man and list off all my accomplishments. I wanted to tell him how, in eleventh grade, I won a science fair by creating a more efficient way for our school’s agriculture club to conserve energy. It took me to a national conference. I wanted to tell him about the first time I fell in love. I wanted to tell him about the guy who made my heart beat so fast that I thought it would explode. This guy, he was tall, his smile was dopey and his eyes were light. Just the thought of him took away the painful feelings that this man was bringing to me. I wanted to tell him that I’m a good person; that I volunteer, I save lives, I work so people like you get a chance to survive and carry on being the hateful people you are. But instead, I walked to my car. The man called me the N-word about five more times, laughing so hard I thought it was certain he would lose consciousness. I sat behind the wheel for a very long time, maybe ten minutes, processing. I was angry at the man, but also at the people that didn’t say anything. I was angry at myself for not saying anything. Sometimes, I just feel alone. Who I am, simply the color of my skin, makes me the target of hate from people that I will never even know. I truly try to love and understand everyone, so when one person returns that with malice and ill-will, it’s a lot to take in.
I don’t think anyone will read this, but I just wanted to tell you all about my day. I want to put this out into the world. I want to let the Internet know that black people are good. Black people are strong, capable, smart. Black people are resilient. I’m proud of my Blackness. I’m proud of my coarse hair and thick lips. I’m proud of my body that is subject to ridicule. I am proud of who I am, what I have been through. I am proud of my ancestors who were slaves and now I am their wildest dream. Black people can be bad, too. Black people can be murderers and thieves and rapists. Black people can be everythingexcept human, apparently. I just want to be acknowledged as a human. I want to be seen as a human. I want to be known. I love my black body. I’m tired of having to explain that pride in my black body is not hatred for any other race. I’m tired of worrying that I may be shot driving to work. I don’t hate police. I don’t hate White people. I don’t hate anyone. But, God, I love me. And I want that to be enough.” People like you Sir are the kind of folks we all should aspire to be – bless you! So sorry you experienced that. Some people are just plain nasty, cruel people & so unhappy with their lives that they try to MAKE others feel less/inferior. You made a great choice in your life’s direction. Keep going & know not all people are like this jerk!

Nicole Kidman Has Priceless Reaction To Husband’s Funny Story

When you are married to someone for a long time, you assume that you know every part and every little story of your spouse’s life including likes and dislikes, favorite memories and a lot more. Anyway, every once in a while a story from the past might pop up that leaves the other person stunned! Celebrity couple Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman had a moment like that, and it was all captured on film.
On an episode of The Graham Norton Show, they invited the country star and his actress wife on for a light-hearted interview in front of his studio audience. The program’s known for its comedic tone – so it just made sense that a funny story might emerge. At one point the host talks about all of Keith Urban’s fans and the ways that they show their love for him. He then asks Keith about a situation from his past where a woman wanted him to autograph “her.” It’s time to get out the popcorn!
With his wife by his side, Keith decides to share the story which took place years before he met Nicole. It was during one of his concerts full of screaming fans. The country star recalls how he heard from the crowd a woman yell, “Will you sign my leg?” Thinking it would be a “good moment” – he decided to invite her up so he could autograph her in front of everyone. Well, that wasn’t exactly what she had in mind… Watch the video below to find out the end of Keith’s hilarious story – which brought a priceless reaction to Nicole’s face.

Drunk driver’s mother laughs at dead victim’s family in court – now watch the judge’s perfect response

People are cruel sometimes. It seems like this world has gone mad, because all the empathy that was once part of every person is starting to fade and as it turns out, it will eventually vanish. Someone hit your son’s car and caused an accident that killed your son and injured his girlfriend. While in court, the offender’s mother laughs at you. How would you feel? Judge Quiana Lilliard understands that pain, which is why she couldn’t let a villain’s mother laugh at victims and get away with it. She did something that most people are now happy about. This happened during a court sentencing session in a case where Amanda Kosal was accused of DUI and causing an accident that resulted in the death of Jerome Zirker and severe injuries to his fiancée, Brittany Johnson. During the sentencing, Amanda’s mother couldn’t keep her calm. She decided that it was okay to burst out in laughter while jeering at the victim’s family. It irked judge Quiana to the core! This judge isn’t the type to let people misbehave in her courtroom especially when the case involves loss of life. She ruled that Amanda’s mom be thrown in jail for 3 long months for her unbecoming behavior. It served her right! Watch this video and SHARE with friends!