Kindness and compassion are so rare these days that whenever we hear stories of people caring and being gentle to those around them, we hail them heroes. However, the dream that being nice to others and offering a helping hand to the less fortunate would became our everyday reality will never fade away. Individuals like the 8-year-old Hüseyin el-Hasan are constant reminder that our faith in humanity should never be lost.
This loving boy’s life was rough even from the start. Being a Syrian, he and his family witnessed gruesome acts and felt what it’s like to be in the middle of the war. During his life, Hüseyin has experienced more tragedies than anyone can endure. Luckily, the family found a shelter in the Turkish city of Kilis where they live as refugees.
One would believe that someone like Hüseyin, who had a tough childhood and was surrounded by meanness wouldn’t know how to be compassionate, but this sweet boy never lost his goodwill and the ability to show love.

Recently, Hüseyin stumbled upon an injured god that was helplessly lying at the side of the road. Whoever hit it with their vehicle didn’t take the time to pull over and check on the dog. Luckily, this sweet boy was there to make sure it would make it until help arrived. He even went home, took his only blanket, and covered the dog with it wanting to keep it warm.
When animal control service finally arrived they could see Hüseyin next to the shivering dog. He never though of leaving it’s side. Unfortunately, due to the severe injuries, the animal passed on its way to the hospital.

It was devastating for Hüseyin to learn of the loss of the dog he wanted to save so badly. He was however happy to know it didn’t die feeling alone and not cared for. That poor creature’s last moments of life were full of compassion and sympathy.
After this story reached more people, among which the city’s mayor, he decided to personally pay the brave boy a visit and thank him for what he had done for an animal in need. Hüseyin was given a new blanket and some other presents and was told his action that day represented the best in humanity, and we all need more of that in our life and our community.

People of Kilis, as well as Hüseyin’s family are all proud of this little hero. He is a proof how we should all live by the values young kids possess.