Queen Elizabeth left upset after doctors tell her she needs to stop drinking alcohol, reports claim


Queen Elizabeth, the longest-reigning monarch, has had quite a turbulent year.

Back in 2020, her grandson, Prince Harry, and his wife, Meghan Markle, stepped down from their royal duties and caused quite a stir. Few eyebrows were raised as all eyes were on the Royal Family. Reports claimed that Prince Charles was the one least happy with the decision by the Sussexes to leave Britain and settle in California.

The Queen herself wasn’t glad either, but she received the news with dignity, pretty much as always, and issued a statement which read that Harry and Meghan will always be much loved members of the family.

Source: Shutterstock – Lorna Roberts

And as everyone believed the family solved the issues that arose from the “departure,” Harry and Meghan went on to give the infamous Oprah interview. They came forward with a number of allegations, including that a senior royal was concerned about how dark the color of then unborn Archie would be. The Firm didn’t answer to the allegations, except for Prince William who said during an occasion that they are not a racist family.

Further, Meghan claimed she was rejected help when she spoke up of her mental struggles and Harry said his father and brother were “trapped” in the system but were not aware of that.

In April, the Queen faced a huge tragedy. Her beloved husband, Prince Philip, passed away. She always spoke of him as of her “strength and stay.”

It is with deep sorrow that Her Majesty The Queen has announced the death of her beloved husband, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the Royal Family tweeted.

His Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle.”

The funeral was watched by 13 million people in the U.K.

Now, reports are that the Queen, who is now 95, has been given some news that made her upset. Namely, her doctors advised her to lower her alcohol intake, according to Vanity Fair.

A source told the magazine, “The Queen has been told to give up her evening drink which is usually a martini.

“It’s not really a big deal for her, she is not a big drinker but it seems a trifle unfair that at this stage in her life she’s having to give up one of very few pleasures.”

The source added, “The alcohol has gone, her doctors want to make sure she is as fit and healthy as possible.”

Source: Shutterstock – Shaun Jeffers

Apparently, the Queen, same as her son, enjoys dry martini every now and then. She also loves to have a glass of wine during lunch occasionally and a glass of champagne shortly before bed.

The Palace revealed that Queen Elizabeth has quite a tight schedule up until Christmas and next year’s focus will center largely around her Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

Recently, she has been seen using a cane, which of course doesn’t come as a surprise considering her age.

Man saves up younger brother’s rent payments and gives it back in the form of a down-payment


What one man did for his younger brother is melting hearts all over the Internet.

Todd Burkemper has always been there for his brother Alex. Their connection is strong and they love and respect each other unconditionally, just like most siblings out there. In fact, despite the 6 year age gap between them, they are also best friends.

When Todd graduated back in 2011, he found a well-paid job as an app designer and senior software developer at Buildium so he was able to buy his own car and a home in Wentzville, Missouri.

In 2017, when Alex graduated from college too, Todd invited him over to live with him. During the first six months, or until Alex started earning his own money, he lived at his brother’s place rent-free. However, once Alex landed a job, Todd asked from him to pay rent. What Alex didn’t know was that Todd never spent that money. Instead, he put it in a savings account.

Time passed by and Alex felt it was the time for him to find his own place. He got interested in a nice house located in the same neighborhood as Todd’s, and that’s when Todd revealed the huge surprise.

Source: YouTube Screenshot/ goodnewsnetwork

Their parents knew about the secret savings account all along, so Todd invited them over when he showed a screenshot of the account balance to Alex and said, “That’s yours.”

Alex had no idea what was going on. He was confused at first, but once he realized his brother wasn’t joking, he just couldn’t stop tears from rolling down his cheeks.

Source: YouTube Screenshot/ goodnewsnetwork

The brothers’ mother, Barbara, then said, “He didn’t just save your money. He put some money in, too.” It turned out that Todd contributed with $150 of his own money each month. That, along with Alex’s rent money, was enough for a down-payment for Alex’s dream home.

“After posting this story on my Facebook page that evening, and reading all of the heartwarming responses, I felt compelled to share this story of brotherly love with a wider audience,” the proud mother wrote in an email.

“The generosity shown by Todd is just one of many amazing facets of his character. We are so very humbled by the awesome human being he has grown into,” she added.

It’s true when they say that “you can’t choose your siblings, they are God’s gift to you as you are to them.”

If you want to learn more of this heartwarming story got to the video below.

6-year-old bravely saves Boxer dog left to die inside concrete hole


6-year-old girl named Cara from Londonderry, UK, was playing with her friends one day at the Waterside area of the city when she stumbled upon a hole in the ground. She was curious enough to inspect it and the moment she got closer she noticed a dog inside. She was aware the poor soul was stuck there and unable to climb out so she rushed home and told her father about it.

Source: The Rainbow Rehoming Centre

Her father, Kenny, who turned to be as compassionate and as caring as his little girl, went to check up on the dog. Together, they helped it get out and that’s when they realized the animal didn’t fall there by itself. It was emaciated, blind, and scared.

In an attempt to provide better care for it, they contacted the staff at The Rainbow Rehoming Centre, who determined that the dog was female. Someone used her for excessive breeding before she became too old and too week to give birth again so they dumped her like an old piece of furniture.

Source: The Rainbow Rehoming Centre

This organization, which helps old and abused animals find home, named the dog Bella. They provided her with the so much needed medical help and made sure her sad life story went viral.

Luckily, they soon found a family willing to make the rest of Bella’s life worth living. She felt love for the first time and was well taken care of before she passed away a year later. At least she left this world knowing she meant something to someone.

Source: The Rainbow Rehoming Centre

Rest in peace, Bella.

Mom induces labor so her terminally ill husband can meet his daughter


Life is hard sometimes. We often face obstacles that we are unable to overcome no matter how much we try, and during such desperate situations, we can’t help but wonder why it is us who are forced to experience and go through tough times.

Diane and Mark Aulger from Texas had a picture perfect life. They had four children together, with their fifth on the way. Mark ended up winner in his fight against cancer, but sadly, the chemotherapy treatments he had to undergo destroyed his lungs and left him with pulmonary fibrosis.

Source: YouTube

The family had hopes that he would continue living with the condition with the help of steroids and oxygen, but those hopes crushed when doctors told them Mark only had a week to live. At the time they received the devastating news, Diane was pregnant with their fifth child. Not wanting her husband to leave the world without meeting their bundle of joy, this brave woman made the decision to be induced two weeks early so that sweet Savannah could have a photo of her and her daddy to hold on to.

Source: YouTube

Mark was able to hold his daughter in his arms the day she was born. Sadly, the following day, he tried holding her again, but slipped into coma.

Mark, who was 52 years old, died just days after Savannah was born.

“The kids go on as if dad is really still here,” Diane told ABC News. “Mark was a very funny guy. My kids still tell jokes how they would when he was around. He would have been a wonderful daddy to Savannah.”

Source: YouTube

Life has taken Mark away from his family way too soon, but the memory of him will live forever.

Tiger gives birth to a lifeless cub only to have caretakers astonished when her mother’s instincts kick in


Giving birth is a miraculous process all by itself. Welcoming a baby into the world is always accompanied by genuine joy and excitement, but at the same time, with a little dose of fear. Many parents-to-be can’t help but wonder if everything was going to be alright and whether their bundle of joy would be born healthy. The same goes for animals.

Recently, a breathtakingly beautiful footage of a Sumatran tiger giving birth to two cubs at the Australia Zoo was shared online.

Source: YouTube/ BBC Earth

Sumatran tigers are on the list of endangered species and humans do all in their power to prevent their extinction. Recent figures estimate that the number of these tigers in the wild is around 400 to 600.

That is one of the reason why the caretakers at the Australian Zoo closely monitored first-time mom Kaitlyn giving birth. They were ready to jump in in case of an emergency, but it looked like they didn’t need to because this mother’s instincts kicked in the second she realized her first born baby wasn’t breathing properly.

Source: YouTube/ BBC Earth

In order to help open his lungs, Kaitlyn started licking the tiny cub as he struggled to gasp for air. Her licking stimulated the baby to start breathing on his own. Even after a couple of unsuccessful tries, she didn’t give up. Luckily, some few seconds later, the bundle of joy started breathing properly.

Despite the rocky starts, everything turned out for the best for this new mother and her little ones.

We are so glad we got to witness such a miracle ourselves. For more got o the video below.

Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

Simon Cowell and longtime girlfriend Lauren Silverman got engaged over the holidays


The relationship between one of the most famous names in the music industry, TV personality and record executive Simon Cowell and the mother of his son, Lauren Silverman, has raised a few eyebrows over the years mainly due to the fact that she was once married to Cowell’s good friend Andrew Silverman.

Cowell, the judge of some of the best music talents shows in the world, confessed that he and Lauren had an affair while she was still married.

Lauren Silverman and Simon Cowell arrives at the “America’s Got Talent” Season 14 Live Show Red Carpet at Dolby Theatre on September 17, 2019 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Steve Granitz/WireImage)

The couple started dating back in 2004 and have a son together. Eric Cowell is 7 years old. He was born while Lauren’s divorce was still not officialized. Back then, Cowell spoke to Mirror about being a father and said he was extremely proud, however, he added that what he wasn’t proud of was the affair. “It is not something I am proud of or wanted to happen in terms of hurting anyone. It just happened,” he said.

Over the years, it has become evident that the two were meant for each other. They love one another so very much and complement each other perfectly.

“They have fun together, as well as being each other’s rock. They are both passionate [about one another], but really do bring out the very best in each other. As a family, they all have such an incredible bond,” a source told People.

Steve Vas/Featureflash/Shutterstock

As reported by People Magazine, Cowell popped the question while on vacation in Barbados, the place they first met. The two were taking a walk at the beach when he got on one knee and asked her to marry him. Both Eric and Lauren’s son from her previous marriage joined the couple on the vacataion.

Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock

Cowell has always spoken of Lauren with much affection. Back in 2018, when he was presented with a star on the Walk of Fame he said, “Lauren, you’ve been my rock for the past few years, put up with everything I put up with.”

Congratulations to the happy couple!

Couple buys $130 worth set of engagement rings, saleswoman shakes head and calls it ‘pathetic’


Marriage is all about the love, affection, and trust two people share. Still, there a lot of people who see this union through a prism of money. They believe that a relationship should be based on gifts and material things.

It is not unusual to come across situations in which many women are shamed because of how small or inexpensive their wedding ring is. The sad reality is that this so-called ring-shaming grew into a trend and now everyone believes they are entitled to comment on other people’s wedding band.

These rings may cost thousands of dollars, but not every woman dreams of getting such expensive piece of jewelry.

One woman named Ariel Desiree McRae shared how she and her boyfriend Quinn went to a jewelry store to find the perfect ring. Although she had one pear-shaped ring in mind, she didn’t mind her and Quinn getting a simple but very attractive set of matching rings created out of sterling silver and cubic zirconia. She was aware he only had $130 to spend, and she was perfectly fine with it.

However, one person who though the ring was cheap and unattractive was the woman behind the counter at the jewelry store. Believe it or not, she dared to call Ariel’s ring “pathetic.”

Ariel was shocked and offended, but she didn’t want to get into an argument with the saleswoman. Instead, she went home and took to Facebook to share the story. In a matter of days, Ariel’s response attracted a huge number of comments and her story was eventually picked up by media outlets and shared even further. This way, Ariel believed she got her revenge. This is what she wrote.

“My husband doesn’t have a lot, neither of us do. We scrape and scrape to pay bills and put food in our bellies, but after almost two years of dating we decided that we couldn’t wait anymore, so we didn’t.

“I wasn’t even thinking about rings, I just wanted to marry my best friend, but he wouldn’t have it. He scraped up just enough money to buy me two matching rings from Pandora. Sterling silver and CZ to be exact. That’s what sits on my ring finger, and I am so in love with them.

“While we were purchasing my rings however, another lady that was working there came over to help the lady selling them to us. She said, ‘Y’all can you believe that some men get these as engagement rings? How pathetic.’

“When she said that I watched my now husband’s face fall. He already felt bad because he couldn’t afford the pear-shaped set that so obviously had my heart and covered my Pinterest page. He already felt like a failure, asking me again and again, ‘Are you sure you’ll be happy with these? Are you sure this is okay?’

“He was so upset at the idea of not making me happy enough and of me not wanting to marry him because my rings didn’t cost enough money or weren’t flashy enough.”

Facebook/Ariel Desiree McRae

“Old Ariel would have ripped that woman a new one. Mature Ariel said, ‘It isn’t the ring that matters, it is the love that goes into buying one that is.’ We bought the rings and left.

“Y’all, I would have gotten married to this man if it had been a 25-cent gum-ball machine ring. When did our nation fall so far to think the only way a man can truly love a woman is if he buys her $3,000 jewelry and make a public decree of his affection with said flashy ring?

“Sure they are nice, sure the sentiment is wonderful, and I’m not trying to cut down any of your experiences, but when did it come to all that? Why do material possessions equate love??

“My husband was so afraid of me not wanting him because he couldn’t afford a piece of jewelry. He was afraid that the love I have for him would pale because he couldn’t afford the wedding set I wanted. The world has made it this way and it is so sad.

“Here I am though, court-house married, $130 ring set, the love of my life by my side and happier than I could ever imagine.

“Update: This post keeps growing (much to my surprise), and I’ve been asked a thousand times how we met. So here is the short version!

“My husband and I met online at the age of 20, talked on the phone (and I mean actually talked not text) for [more than] 6 hours a day for two days. He then drove an hour out of his way to take me on a date. I wore a tacky Christmas sweater (if you think I am lying, ask him).

“We ate wings, had a burping contest, and drove around listening to music and singing. I fell in love with him on the first date. If he had asked me to marry him the first time we met, I probably would have said yes.

“To be honest, we had wanted to elope three months into dating, but decided to take some extra time to get established beforehand. Ultimately we couldn’t wait any longer.. so we eloped. I’ve never been this happy in my life and I couldn’t imagine spending it with anyone else ever.”

Ariel handled her insult with grace and dignity!

Facebook/Ariel Desiree McRae

For Ariel, it was never about the size of the ring. She is happy she has found someone who loves her unconditionally and is there for her through thick and thin. Not every marriage is about the rock on the top of the finger.

For more on the story check out the video below.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte go by these ordinary names at school


Being born into royalty means enjoying lavishing lifestyle, owning mansions, and basically, having the world in the palm of your hand. The world’s fascination with the royal babies starts even when they are still in their mother’s womb. In the first hours of them being welcomed into the world, millions of people are eagerly waiting for their first photos to be printed in magazines. In a word, royal children are privileged from the moment they are born and their lives are carefully followed by the press and the media.

The news of the birth of Prince George on July 22, 2013, who is third in line of succession after his father, Prince William, and his grandfather, Prince Charles, took the world by storm. His arrival was celebrated not only in Britain, but in every part of the world. Some two years later, the royal family welcomed Princess Charlotte, who was born on May 2, 2015. The youngest child of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Louis, was born on April 23, 2018.

Comic Relief/BBC Children in Need/Comic Relief via Getty Images

In early January 2016, Prince George started school at the Westacre Montessori School in Norfolk. Then a year later, he transferred to Thomas’s Battersea School, the same school his sister Charlotte attends.

The fee for their education at this educational institution is around $20,000 for the upcoming year, according to the school’s website.

Aaron Chown – WPA Pool/Getty Images

When Prince George and Princess Charlotte accompany their parents on their official duties, they are referred to by their royal titles. That, however, isn’t the case at school.

According to Hello Magazine, Prince George and Prince Charlotte are called George Cambridge and Charlotte Cambridge by their teachers and their classmates, nod to their parents’ titles. George’s friends sometimes call him “PG,” his initials.

When they were at school and in the military, William and Harry also went by their parents’ titles and were called William Wales and Harry Wales, with their father being the Prince of Whales and their mother, late Diana, the Princess of Whales.

UEFA/UEFA via Getty Images

William and Kate do all in their power to provide for their children a normal childhood. The children do take on official visits to other countries and attend royal duties together with their parents, but they are still not fully aware of what awaits them in the future. Royal commentator Neil Sean claims that George is “protected” from the future burden of being King.

“When you look at Prince George, it’s so weird, isn’t it? To look and think he has no idea what’s coming for him,” he said on his Youtube channel Neil Sean’s Daily News Headlines, as quoted by Express.

“He’s mighty protected at that age, but for him, he’s born into this. He doesn’t really know exactly how the Monarchy operates even at that young age.”


In 2016, William and Kate spoke openly of the protection they provide for their children.

“I love my children in the same way any father does, and I hope George loves me the same any son does to his father,” William told BBC. “We are very normal in that sense. There’ll be a time and a place to bring George up and understand how he fits in, in the world.

“But right now, it’s just a case of keeping a secure, stable environment around him and showing as much love as I can as a father,” he added.

Aaron Chown – WPA Pool/Getty Images

We are happy the Cambridge’s children enjoy their young age to the fullest.