Sara Gilbert discovered she was attracted to the same sex while dating Johnny Galecki – he kept it a secret for years


Roseanne was a huge hit back in the day. For many of the actors, the roles they played on the show represented their big breakthrough.

Sara Gilbert, who is a well known actress, director, and producer, and one of the creators and former co-hosts of The Talk, landed a role in Roseanne when she was just 13. The role of Darlene Conner, the sarcastic middle child, brought her enormous popularity and a number of awards, including two Prime time Emmy Award nominations.

Gilbert’s on-screen partner in Roseanne was actor Johnny Galecki. However, what not many people know is that the two dated in real life, even though that relationship was a brief one.

During an episode of The Talk, Gilbert opened up about her love life and revealed how much Galecki supported her when she was struggling to come to terms with her sexuality.

“I thought he was super cute and had a total crush on him,” she said of Galecki, “and we started dating and he would come over and we would make out and then I would start to get depressed.”

He thought her reaction had something to do with him, but then Gilbert decided to share with him her internal struggles. “I eventually told him I thought it was about my sexuality, and he was super sweet about it,” she added.

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for CORE, formerly J/P HRO

Realizing she was sexually attracted to the same sex made Gilbert fearful of her career in Hollywood.

“It was something people could have found out about and Johnny, like, no one knew at the show, for years, and Johnny held the secret the whole time,” she said. “And I just felt so scared if it came out, what could happen. Could I lose my career? Would I ever be able to play a straight role again?”

Her worries slowly faded away because she knew Galecki was there to support her. He always had her back, and that never changed.

When she exposed her relationship with him, he told her: “Of course. I love you, and I think it’s really important and I’m so proud of you. If you want, I will be there, and I will hold your hand.”

Years went by and both Gilbert’s and Galecki’s lives changed a great deal since the time they starred alongside each other in Roseanne. One thing that never changed, however, is their friendship.

Man loses almost 200 pounds so that he can become a police officer, wows everyone with his journey


Self-determination has to be one of the greatest virtues one can possess. Many times, sticking to a plan is way harder than it seems, especially when it comes to managing self-control with food.

However, when we have a clear goal in mind, only sky is the limit. Take Romar Lyle for example. This young man’s story is profoundly inspiring, to say the least.

Source: Good Morning America

Ever since he was a young boy, Lyle dreamed of becoming a cop one day. When he shared this dream of his with his family and friends, they weren’t thrilled, not because they didn’t trust in his abilities, but because they though that someone as big as him didn’t fit that job. They didn’t say anything, but it was very obvious what they were thinking.

Lyle, who weighted 400 pounds, decide to study investigative forensics. He was an excellent student, but he knew his weight stood on his way of achieving his goal of becoming part of the law enforcement. He convinced himself that he would lose weight while at college, but the stress of studying only made things worse and he gained more weight instead.

Source: Good Morning America

Lyle graduated with strong qualifications for becoming a cop, but because of his weight, no police force would take him on.

It was at this point that he decided enough is enough. Although it wasn’t easy at first, this determined young man turned to a healthier lifestyle and hit the gym under a local CrossFit program.

Months passed by and Lyle was getting closer and closer to the body he wanted. In a year, he lost staggering 130 pounds. His appearance changed drastically and some of his family and friends who hadn’t seen him in a while couldn’t even recognize him.

Source: Good Morning America

Over time, Lyle’s weight shrank to the point where he could start his training to become a police officer at the Richmond Police Department.

Overall, he lost 176 pounds, and he was aware that if he could lose that much weight, he could do anything he put his mind to.

Finally, in 2017, Lyle landed his dream job. He put on the uniform and everything felt right. “It was one of the most challenging things I have ever had to do. But it has taught me so many life skills and valuable lessons that I will carry for the rest of my life,” he told CNN.

Source: Good Morning America

Today, Lyle does what he loves most, and that’s being there for his community.

For more on this man’s inspiring story go to the video below. Make sure you share it with your friends to remind them that nothing is impossible.

Dog found alone at airport with a heartbreaking note from his owner


A 3-month-old Chihuahua was spotted lying at a Las Vegas airport washroom. Many people saw it, but one particular man decided to get closer and see why the little one was all by itself. To his surprise, he noticed a handwritten note next it. It was a heartbreaking one.

As it turned out, the owner fled from an abusive relationship but was unable to take the dog with her. She couldn’t leave it with her ex either because he treated the dog with the same disrespect he treated her. One time, he kicked the dog so hard, that it was still suffering and was in need of medical help.

The note read: “Hi! I’m Chewy. My owner was in an unhealthy relationship and couldn’t afford to pay for my plane ticket. She didn’t want to leave me with her whole heart, but she didn’t have a choice. When we were arguing, my ex-boyfriend kicked my dog, and he now has a large knot on his head. He’ll most likely require the services of a veterinarian. I adore Chewy, and I beg you to cherish and care for him.”

Luckily, the man who took the time to check on Chewy wouldn’t let him there. He called Connor and Millie’s Dog Rescue and explained the situation. Luckily, they were more than wiling to take Chewy in and provide him with the much-needed help.

President and founder of the rescue organization, Linda Gilliam, was deeply touched by Chewy’s life story. “My heart plummeted to my knees. I accepted him without hesitation and told my foster to bring him to an ER right away,” she told The Dodo.

Chewy is now doing much better and is on his way to complete recovery. Yet, him being separated from the owner who loved him dearly is a very sad thing. Gilliam says owners who are in an abusive relationship and can’t take care of their pets can always leave them at rescue centers where the staff would do all in their power to keep the pets and the owners together when things get better.

“As a whole, this is a tremendously underappreciated issue,” Gilliam added. “We also wanted to convey to Chewy’s mother that she did a heroic thing by rescuing him, and that he is safe and will have a wonderful life.”

Hero loses life while saving a man who was attacked and thrown onto subway tracks


On New Year’s Eve of this year, a precious life was lost. What was supposed to be a time of celebration and new beginnings, turned into a tragedy for a 36-year-old man named Roland Hueston.

Hueston witnessed an attack of another man who was assaulted with a knife by a group of people at the Fordham Road Subway station in Bronx, New York. As the man waited at the platform, the group approached him and started a fight, after which the man was violently thrown onto the tracks, as reported by CNN.

As Hueston rushed to the man’s rescue, he lost his own life. According to the police report, the heroic man was “subsequently struck by the oncoming train, causing his death.”

The entire incident was caught on security cameras which show Hueston’s selfless act that brought him to death.

The victim of the attack was rushed to the hospital and released shortly after. His mother, Basilia Paulino, spoke of the incident in which her son was attacked and how Hueston saved him.

“He told me they attacked him,” Paulino told the New York Post. “It was a gang, and they started hitting him, and they threw him onto the tracks.

“He could hardly speak because he’s in a lot of pain,” she continued.

She was also extremely grateful to late Hueston for saving her son, but at the same time, she was heartbroken for his loss. “I’m crying for that man,” Paulino said. “I don’t know what to say. He went to help my son and look what happened. He should be in God’s glory, that man.”

In an attempt to track the attackers down, NYPD Crimestoppers shared images of them and asked from the public to come forward with information.

Later in January, three men were arrested and charged with murder, robbery, gang assault and assault. One of them was 16, and the rest were 17 years old.

A few days ago, 19-year-old Noel Rosado was arrested on recommended charges of murder, manslaughter, robbery, gang assault and assault, according to police documentation obtained by CNN.

We hope they will get what they deserve for their crime which led to a young man losing his life.

Desi Arnaz’ dark secret life, alongside iconic Lucille Ball


The show I Love Lucy, which attracted millions of viewers back in the day and is still very popular today, helped pave the way to modern-day sitcom. It was the first show of that kind and everyone found it extremely engaging. Besides the new format, it was the actors who played the main roles that helped tun it into a huge hit which earned numerous Emmy Awards and other honors. Being the first scripted television program to be shot on 35 mm film in front of a studio audience which featured an ensemble cast, the show is regarded one of the greatest and most influential sitcoms in history. In 2012, over five decades after it ended, I Love Lucy was voted the ‘Best TV Show of All Time’ in a survey conducted by ABC News and People magazine.

I Love Lucy followed the lives of a New York couple, Lucy Ricardo and Ricky Ricardo, played by iconic Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz who were married in real-life.

Public Domain Photo

Desi Arnaz was considered a man of many talents. Besides being a celebrated actor, Arnaz was a musician, executive, and producer. He has been credited with the development of the three-camera setup and syndication, as well as the first person who presented the value of reruns.

At the time he first met Ball back in 1940, both he and her were involved with other people, but it only took a couple of days for them to start seeing each other. Shortly after, they tied the knot.

Public Domain Photo

However, as millions looked up to their picture-perfect on-screen relationship, their private life was quite a different story.

Arnaz was a heavy drinker and a womanizer. He was said to be having affairs with different women during the 20 years he was married to Ball. What’s most, she was very well aware of it, and even caught him in the act once.

Things turned even more bitter when the most popular gossip magazine of that time, The Confidential, wrote of Arnaz’s extramarital affairs. On its January cover, 1955, the magazine had a picture of Ball hugging Arnaz with the headline: “Does Desi Really Love Lucy?”

When she demanded a copy of it and read the article, her reaction was: “Oh, hell, I could tell them worse than that.”

Lucille Ball and Arnaz in Los Angeles, 1953 / Wikipedia Commons

Scotty Bower, a famous Hollywood pimp, wrote in his book Full Service: My Adventures in Hollywood and the Secret Sex Lives of the Stars that Arnaz was ”a sweetheart of a guy, with a healthy heterosexual appetite. He often called me up for girls, tipping them more generously than anyone else I know.”

Ball once filed for a divorce four years into their marriage, but reports are that she spent the night with her husband and the following day, she got out of the courtroom into his arms.

Mondadori via Getty Images

The couple eventually divorced in 1960 and they both moved on with their lives and married other people.

Arnaz stayed by his second wife’s side until her passing. He, however, never stopped battling his demons when it came to drinking. It was after his wife died that he finally got into an AA program with the help of his son. “It was a big hurdle for him to do that, and I was very proud of him. That takes incredible amount of courage,” Desi Arnaz Jr.said of his father.

Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

Sadly, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. Great Desi Arnaz left this world on December 2, 1986.

Despite experiencing issues, Arnaz and Ball remained good friends after their divorce. She was said to the the last person he talked to before passing away.

Desi Arnaz truly was a versatile man of talent and class. He was a pioneer of modern television.

Family says woman mauled by dogs is clinging to life and that she’s been told about her amputated arms


Kyleen Waltman, a 38-year-old mother of three from Honea Path, South Carolina, is fighting for her life after she was mauled by three vicious dogs near her home. The harrowing incident took place on March 21, and ever since, Kyleen is at the hospital, struggling to stay alive.

She could die at the scene had it not been for a farmer who noticed the dogs biting her. Luckily, he rushed towards Kyleen and fired his gun into the air to get them to disperse. Kyleen was then airlifted to the hospital where she has been treated for her severe injuries. Unfortunately, both her arms were amputated and her colon was removed, and now, her esophagus may have to be removed.

“She didn’t deserve it,” her sister Shenna said. “She was a good person. She helped everybody.”

Kyleen’s other sister, Amy Wynne, took to social media to post an update of Kyleen’s current condition and explain how the family is in need of finances to cover the huge medical bills, as well as of prayers. A GoFundMe page has been set up to help the family.

On April 4, Amy wrote:

“I’m sorry this is kind of late but it’s been hectic here lately.. Kyleen has been fully woken up and the doctors told her about her arms but, it caused her a great deal of a anxiety, so they sedated her. Her blood pressure is still very and she is running a fever of 102+ her oxygen levels keep falling so she’s back on the ventilator. Mama says it’s like she’s giving up. Before ya’ll go assuming we as her family are not giving up. The lord has brought her this far for a reason. Her story is not done. Now they have took off everything on the arms that now she can not have regular prosthetics. So here we are trying to figure out how to keep her from thinking negative thoughts about her life. I understand that for 38 years she’s had arms and now she doesn’t, how she’s thinking. She’s still fighting. Prayers are working and slowly she healing. We just have to wait and allow God and time to do their there. I appreciate all the comments and prayers. Please just keep her and us in your prayers. I will update again when I have more information.”

Following the attack, the dogs, two Pit Bulls and one mixed breed, got seized by the Abbeville County Animаl Control, and their owner, Justin L. Minor, was arrested and charged. He has since been released on a $15,000 bond.

We pray for Kayleen and hope she would find the strength to survive.

Princesses surprise 5-year-old girl in court to make her adoption magical

Getting adopted and finding a forever family is a magical moment all by itself, but when there are Disney princesses to sprinkle some extra pixie dust, the milestone gets even better. Everyone at the Grand Rapids, Michigan, courtroom was stunned when they saw seven princesses and Prince Charming entering the place last week to support five-year-old princess-loving girl, Danielle, as her adoption by Jim and Sarah Koning became final.
The hearing was definitely fit for a princess, as caseworkers became fairy godmothers with wands and tiaras. Even the judge played along, donning a princess-themed outfit under her robe to mark the occasion. The family was happy to reach the end of the “long road” to adoption, mom Sarah Koning said, and the princess surprise for Danielle made the day even more special. “It was something we had been waiting for a long time, so it was just an awesome day to begin with, but it made it extra special,” Koning told TODAY. “Having the princesses there made it even more memorable for her and something she can hold with her for the rest of her life, and know that we love her and she’s in the right place.” During the hearing, the princesses wished Danielle well in her new forever family and celebrated the adoption. “It was a long road because of the contested adoption,” she said. But the Konings’ day finally arrived, and the idea for the princess theme originated with Kristina Grey, a foster care case manager at the Samaritas organization, who worked with Danielle. Grey said she knew Danielle was nervous about her future. “She had been anxious about permanence,” she said. “She wanted to know where she belonged.” “I knew right then and there I had to make her adoption day memorable for her,” Grey added.

Watch all of it unfold in the video below:

Koning is thankful for such an unforgettable day. “I was just blown away,” she said. “It was amazing to see it happen and just how memorable it will be for Danielle.” “We just feel blessed,” Koning added, “to be able to have these two girls and raise them and teach them and love them.” If this doesn’t bring a smile to your face or warm your heart, I’m not sure what can. Please share to spread the joy and show that there are indeed good people out there. Peace and Love Bored Daddy

Baby abandoned near dumpster as newborn is now CEO of a multi-million dollar company


Freddie Figgers is a young man whose life story has inspired many. Seeing him today and realizing how successful he is, one wouldn’t believe he was dumped in a dumpster when he was just a baby by his biological parents.

Going from rugs to riches, Freddie is a reminder that no matter how people treat you, no one can ever steal your talent and what God has prepared for you. 

Thankfully, he was adopted by a family who only showed him love from the moment he became their legal son. In fact, it was his adoptive dad who motivated Freddie to be better and better with each passing day. 


Realizing he was truly special, Freddie’s new mom and dad knew he would go far in life. So when he was just nine years old, they bought him his first ever computer. But the product didn’t work, and instead of asking from his parents to take it back to the manufacturer, Freddie said he could work out what the problem was himself. His curiosity was both natural and intense, and it led him to great things in life. 

Figgers Wireless

After taking the computer apart and building it again, Freddie made it running. In fact, he still owns that piece of technology that reminds him how his love for computers and technologies started in the first place. 

Believe it or not, Freddie was a real computer prodigy, and the fact that he got a job as a computer technician at the age of just 12 speaks best of that fact.  

Figgers Wireless

Three years later, Freddie felt like he could start his own business, so when he was 15 years old he launched a cloud computer company. Many small business used his services, and that was the start of his journey towards becoming one of the youngest millionaires. 

But this young man has a lot more to be proud of under his belt. He later used his talent and knowledge to help people who shared his father’s health condition, dementia. 

Freddie Figgers/ Facebook

Freddie attended college, but soon realized that the time he would spend in the classroom could be better used in advancing his products. And he did the right thing.

Four weeks after dropping classes, Freddie invented a computer program and earned $80,000 which he used to create a shoe for people suffering from dementia. But it wasn’t an ordinary shoe. Inside, there was a GPS tracker that worked two-way communication. 

Figgers Wireless

Later, he also invented a phone with a built-in wireless blood glucose meter. 

Working hard and using his talent the right way made Freddie an owner of a company that is now worth $62 million. It is at the same time the only minority-owned telecommunication company in The U.S.  

Figgers Wireless

No matter the rough start early in life, Freddie was taken in by the right people who helped him make his talent shine. 

“Believe in what you do. Don’t let anyone talk down to you. People will not see your vision. People will not believe in you. But just believe in yourself and keep thriving,” this inspiring young man says. 

Take a look at the full story and and don’t forget to share it with your friends.