Couple bring newly adopted baby on plane to fly home – then all the passengers start cheering


Most couples dream of welcoming a baby in their life once they get married. For some, these things go very smoothly, but others struggle to conceive.

Caren and Dustin Moore have been together for a very long time. They had been looking forward to welcoming a new addition to their family, but things had been hard and they failed at getting pregnant. Luckily, their wish came true when they adopted a precious baby girl just before the coronavirus pandemic.

Source: Twitter

On their flight home, the sweet bundle of joy behaved just perfectly most of the time, but as we all know, babies do cry for no apparent reason, and Moore’s daughter is no exception.

At first, the sweet girl needed her diaper changed and the flight attendants were more than happy to give the new mom a helping hand. They took her to the back of the plane and told her they were there to assist her with whatever she needed.

Source: CBS News, YouTube screenshot

Later on, the crew learned how the baby was adopted because they heard the Moores apologizing for the crying as they were telling some of the passengers of their journey called parenthood.

That’s when the flight attendants, including a couple named Bobby and Jenny, decided to do something super cute for the new parents. “The attendant Bobby came on and announced a special guest on the flight. Our daughter. ‘She’s just been adopted by her parents Caren and Dustin, and is making her way home.’ The entire cabin erupted in cheers and applause,” Caren told CBS News of the lovely gesture.

Source: CBS News, YouTube screenshot

But that wasn’t all. Bobby and Jenny then handed small pieces of paper to the passengers so that they could write advice and tips for the Moores. Needless to say, those words written down meant the world to Caren and Dustin.

One person wrote, “Enjoy every minute, because they will go faster than you think,” while another added, “Drink more wine.” However, it was the following note that made a deep impression. It said: “I was adopted 64 years ago. Thank you for giving this child a loving family to be part of. Us adopted kids need a little extra love. Congratulations.”

Source: CBS News, YouTube screenshot

What an incredible story. The Moore family got a baby shower high in the sky and we are sure this day will be remembered as one of the best in their lives.

Parents refuse to terminate the pregnancy with the “malformed” baby


There is nothing more exciting and more fulfilling for a couple than the bundle of joy bound to make all their tomorrows shine a bit brighter.

When Sara Heller and her husband learned they were expecting a baby, they were over the moon. They couldn’t wait to welcome the little miracle in their lives.

However, when Sara was just 24 weeks pregnant, the doctors told her how her child will be born with a facial deformation. That crushed the parents-to-be but never changed the way they felt for their child.

The two were ready to do everything in their power to provide him with all the love, affection, and support in the world.

The ultrasound showed Brody had a bilateral cleft lip and palate. During the first 6 to 10 weeks of pregnancy the bones of the upper jaw of the fetus come together in order to form the roof of the mouth and the upper lip. When the tissue doesn’t fuse, a cleft palate happens.

Very often, this condition triggers other health issues at the baby, although nowadays it is operable without further affecting the quality of life.

Source: Instagram/Sara Heller

The couple was determined to keep the baby no matter what. They loved little Brody even though they had no idea how he would look like once they welcome him into the world.

They were ready to do anything to provide him with all the care he would need. The only thing was certain, he would be the most loved baby ever, surrounded with a mom and dad who will never leave his side.

Brody’s mother, Sara, said:

“It is OK to be proud of your baby no matter the circumstances. We wanted to change what ultrasound/newborn/first year pictures on our Facebook/Instagram accounts looked like. We wanted to spread awareness of cleft lips and palates.”

Source: Instagram/Sara Heller

They were aware the baby could have difficulties breathing, eating, drinking, and even talking if the condition wasn’t surgically treated.

Sara and Chris were proud of their baby and shared his photos on social media wanting to make people aware that being different is not that bad and that we should accept each other despite our physical appearance. Luckily, most of the people who would see Brody reacted in a kind manner. Of course there were those who were interested to know what was wrong with the baby’s face.

Source: Instagram/Sara Heller

Sara wasn’t angry when people would stop her and ask her questions regarding her son’s deformity, on the contrary, she was glad she could educate people about the condition.

She said:

“I decided to educate rather than create a confrontation because that is what I want Brody to do in the future. I will want him to educate, to be an advocate for younger cleft kids who don’t have their own voice yet.”

One night while having dinner at a restaurant, the waitress approached Sara and handed her a folded piece of paper. When she opened it, she couldn’t hold her tears back. There was a check for $1000 and a message saying “For the beautiful baby.” This came from a complete stranger and Sara said this kind deed restored their faith in humanity.

Source: Instagram/Sara Heller

When the time came for the beautiful Brody to undergo the surgery, they used the money to cover part of the expenses.

The surgery was successful and baby Brody recovered well. He needs other surgeries in the future, but the parents are happy with the progress he makes.

Sara said:

“This experience has shown us just how strong the cleft community is. We’ve been contacted by people all over the country. they are praying for us and asking us to reach out if we need anything.”

This is how beautiful Brody looks like today. He’s a real beauty and his mom and dad are happy they made the right decision to keep him when everyone though he should be aborted. 

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You can take a look at the Brody’s story in the below video. 

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Officers stop woman who ran a red light and rescue four kidnapped children from back of her stolen van


Officer Parrish and Officer Flannel were conducting a routine stop when they noticed a large van speeding through a red light. They rushed to stop the woman behind the wheel and what attracted their attention were the four children at the back of the van who looked scared and were crying.

When they asked the woman if the children were hers, she said yes. However, as she didn’t seem to be telling the truth, they asked the children if the woman was their mother, to what they shook their heads.

“Once the officers stopped, they see that there are children in the back crying,” a prosecutor said, as per Click On Detroit. “They ask Ms. Binder, ‘Are these your children?’ and she says yes. The officers, due to the emotions of the children in the back, ask if they know this woman, and the children shake their heads. At this point, Ms. Binder is detained.”

Source: YouTube/ Click On Detroit | Local 4 | WDIV

The woman, 37-year-old Stephanie Marie Binder, kidnapped the four children earlier that day as they walked to school. As per Yahoo News, she took them from the side of the road after she forced the youngest, who was five years old, to enter the van she was driving, which wasn’t hers but stolen. The rest of the children, all siblings to the five year old, who were 7, 8 and 11 years old, tried to save their little brother and followed him to the van.

The abduction was caught on a doorbell camera, which is the sole footage of the kidnapping.

After the two officers saved the children, Binder was arrested and charged with four counts of kidnapping – child enticement, four counts of unlawful imprisonment, one count of unlawfully driving away of an automobile, and one count of receiving and concealing stolen property – a motor vehicle.

Luckily, the kids were safely taken home to their family.

The eldest child was honored for remaining calm and protecting his siblings.

“Here’s a young man who took a risk and is getting a reward, and hopefully, that leaves an indelible impression on him to not be a bystander,” said Rev. Horace Sheffield III, of New Destiny Christian Fellowship.

Had it not been for officers Parrish and Flannel, God knows what would have happened to the four siblings.

For more go to the video below.

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Keith Urban performs an incredible Bee Gees cover – The original singer is brought to tears


Over the years, a great number of musicians who left a profound impact on the music industry have walked this Earth. What is interesting, though, is that most of them found inspiration in the work of those creating and performing music way before them.

Some of those musicians who inspired a huge number of other stars are the Bee Gees. The group was formed back in 1958, featuring brothers Barry, the only living member, Robin, and Maurice Gibb. They were extremely successful as a popular music act in the late 1960s and early 1970s, turning to the disco-music during the late 1970s.

Source: Flickr The Bee Gees

One of our all time favorite songs by them, To Love Somebody, was performed by another very prominent musician, Keith Urban, back in 2017. Urban spoke openly of the influence the Bee Gees brothers had on him while growing up and wanted to pay tribute to Billy who was in the audience.

Urban’s performance was described as pure perfection and many agree how he did justice to both the song and Billy who was listening in awe.

Halfway through the performance which sparked deep emotions, the band and the backing singers joined Urban, and later, the audience was singing along as well. It was truly a very touching and special moment.

Source: Ku_graffitiu/Instagram

Once shared on Facebook, the rendition of To Love Somebody gained over 54 million views, and everyone loves it. “Absolutely Awesome. What a wonderful tribute to our own Bee Gees. I truly believe Barry and his wife Linda were very blessed by Keith Urban and his heartfelt tribute to the legacy of the Bee Gees. God Bless you Keith. You are a legend.”

“This song should be on the charts in its own right. Gave me goose bumps. That’s when you know it is a number one. I an a blurs, soul mab. But Kieth urban you are in a league of your own great rendition” are some of the comments.

Source: US 106.1 America’s Country/Facebook

Take a look at Urban’s performance below. You are going to love it!

This boy had disappeared for two years


A good divorce is better than a toxic marriage, they say, but what many bitter spouses often forget is that their children are the ones who suffer the most when things turn ugly between them.

When Shannon Wilfong and Michael Chekevdia learned they would become parents, they decided to tie the knot despite being aware of their constant disputes. They both believed that getting married would be for the best, but once their boy was born, the arguments between them became more and more heated. As a result, they decided to call their marriage a quits.

Sadly, as their reunion wasn’t a smooth one, their divorce was even worse. The two argued over the custody of their son Richard “Ricky” Chekevdia. Eventually, the judge ruled to give the custody to Shannon and Michael was granted visitation right. However, Shannon wouldn’t let Michael see his son so he took her to court.

Source: YouTube/ Extreme Trends

On the day she was supposed to appear in front of the judge, Shannon was nowhere to be seen. She and Ricky disappeared and no one knew where they were.

Soon, it became obvious that she took her son and ran away. A warrant was issued for her arrest and authorities did a thorough search, but Shannon and Ricky simply vanished.

Shannon’s mother, Diane Dobbs, then accused Michael of being aggressive with his son. She called him a liar and placed posters all around her yard writing he was an abuser.

Diane’s home was also searched, but her daughter and her grandson weren’t there, or at least everyone though so.

Source: YouTube/ Extreme Trends

Two years after Shannon and Ricky’s disappearance, Michael claimed Diane knew where they were, so her house was searched one again. This time, police officers took a notice of a wood dresser pushed up against the wall. When they moved it, they noticed a hidden door which led them to a twelve feet long, five feet wide, and four foot tall room. There, inside that room, they saw Shannon and Ricky.

Diane was hiding her daughter all along.

Source: YouTube/ Extreme Trends

Shannon was arrested for child abduction and Diane was arrested for helping her.

When she appeared in court, Shannon claimed that Ricky enjoyed his stay at Diane’s home and that he was free to do things, but the neighbors said they had never seen the boy outside.

According to the police, when Ricky was let out of the car, he felt relieved.

In 2011, Shannon finally pleaded guilty and was only given 2 years of probation along with a $1,500 fine.

Michael on the other hand was given the custody of his son after his name was cleared of Diane’s accusations.

Source: YouTube/ Extreme Trends

For more on the story go to the video below and don’t forget to SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

Peace and love.


Boy dressed as a British soldier gets surprise of his life when Queen’s guard starts to approach, singling him out


When we speak of the Buckingham Palace, we can’t help but think of the queen’s guardsmen, who are considered to be one of the most disciplined servicemen in the world.

When they visit UK and some of the most iconic Royal locations, visitors can’t help but snap photos of the Queen’s Guard. They do look special with their tall bearskin hats. But what is even more special about these people is that they can’t get easily distracted, no matter what is going on around them.

Many people try to make them smile or react in any way, but that sounds like a mission impossible.

Source: Flickr

Well, one little boy named Marshall Scott did the incredible. He made one of the guards approach him and salute him, and we are so glad the heartwarming scene was caught on tape.

According to Marshall’s mother, her boy has always been fascinated with the Queen’s Guard, so, for his fourth birthday, his parents decided to treat him with a visit of the Palace. During the special occasion, the sweet boy was dressed like a guard himself, including the tall bearskin hat.

Source: ABC News/YouTube

As she was starring at them, some members of the guard started marching towards their barracks, but then, one of them marched back and saluted the boy. Marshall was so fascinated that he rushed towards the guard and stood next to him, doing the salute himself. The guard then stomped next to the boy as a sign of respect and marched back inside.

What this guard did sure meant the world to Marshall. His fascination with these servicemen only grew bigger because of this incredible experience.

Source: ABC News/YouTube

The video of the beautiful encounter has been seen more than 28 million times to date, and all for the right reasons. People couldn’t help but praise the guard’s act.

Source: ABC News/YouTube

Later, it was revealed that the guard who took his time to salute Marshall was Lance Corporal Paul Edden who explained why he did what he did.

“It’s not the usual thing to happen while on guard. Usually, I would just take the guardsmen in the guardroom as normal. But my wife and I are expecting a baby boy, and I remembered standing at Edinburgh Castle when I was younger, hoping to get a picture with a soldier.”

Source: On This Day: British Military History/Facebook

We are sure this man is going to be the perfect father. He didn’t only made Marshall’s day, but ours too.

For the cute act go to the video below and don’t forget to SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

Will Smith reveals what happened to him when he was only 15


It’s safe to say that The Fresh Prince has built an astounding career in film. The world first learned of Will Smith when he conquered the music scene as part of the hip hop duo with DJ Jazzy Jeff. He, however, achieved wider fame with his fictionalized self-portrayal on the sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air which ran from 1990 to 1996. Ever since, he starred in a number of acclaimed movies such as Bad Boys, the sequel Man in Black opposite Tommy Lee Jones, the thrillers Independence Day and Enemy of the State, as well as I, Robot, The Pursuit of Happyness, and a lot more. Over the years, he has received a number of awards, including an Oscar for his portrayal of Richard Williams, the father and coach of famed tennis players Venus and Serena Williams, in the biographical sports drama King Richard.

During the Oscars, host Chris Rock made a joke about Will Smith’s wife Jada’s alopecia, which made Smith get on stage and hit Rock. As a result, the actor has been banned from attending Academy functions, including the Oscars, for ten years.

Back in the day, during an appearance in Variety’s “Actors on Actors,” Smith revealed to Benicio del Toro what made him pursue a career in music and later in film. “When I was 15, my girlfriend cheated on me,” the 53-year-old actor said. “And from that moment, in this bizarre psychological twist, I wanted to be the most famous entertainer on Earth.”

So, we have his ex to thank to for Smith’s career and all the roles he has treated us with over the years.

Today, Smith is happily married to Jada Pinkett Smith. The two have been together for 25 years. They have two children together, who are celebs in their own right, Willow Smith and Jaden Smith. The actor has another son, Trey, with his ex-wife Sheree Zampino.

Speaking of what keeps their relationship of many years going strong, Smith says it’s perseverance.

“We’ve been married 20 years and we’ve been asking ourselves [what’s the secret to marriage] and really at the end of the day it’s just not quitting,” Smith revealed of his wife back in 2015. “You can’t expect it to be easy, it’s like our marriage was the most difficult, grueling, excruciating thing that we have ever taken on in our lives. And, you know, were just not quitters.”

Magazines have been writing about Smith and Pinkett’s open marriage many times, but they don’t pay attention to what people say of the way they decided to live their life.

“We only ever worked on ourselves individually,” he said, “and then presented ourselves to one another better than we were previously.”

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After 14 years together, Bruce Willis’s wife drops truth we’ve all suspected about their marriage


With a joint statement published on social media, actor Bruce Willis’ family confirmed that the star of the Die Hard franchise is stepping away from his career due to aphasia diagnosis.

This condition affects the ability to comprehend or formulate language because of damage to specific brain regions. It is mostly caused by a stroke or traumatic injury. / Andrea Raffin

Bruce’s daughter, Rumer, took to Instagram to share the news which left millions of fans devastated. Along with a photo of her father, she wrote: “To Bruce’s amazing supporters, as a family we wanted to share that our beloved Bruce has been experiencing some health issues and has recently been diagnosed with aphasia, which is impacting his cognitive abilities.

“As a result of this and with much consideration Bruce is stepping away from the career that has meant so much to him.”

“This is a really challenging time for our family and we are so appreciative of your continued love, compassion and support. We are moving through this as a strong family unit, and wanted to bring his fans in because we know how much he means to you, as you do to him.

“As Bruce always says, ‘Live it up’ and together we plan to do just that.”

LOS ANGELES, CA – JULY 14: (L-R) Rumer Willis, Bruce Willis, Demi Moore and Tallulah Belle Willis attend the after party for the Comedy Central Roast of Bruce Willis at NeueHouse on July 14, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Phil Faraone/VMN18/Getty Images For Comedy Central)

Bruce’s acting career has been an incredible one, to say the least. Over the years, he has played in a number of iconic movies which helped him establish himself as one of the greatest actors of all time.

He first rose to fame with the TV show Moonlighting which brought him an Emmy Award and a Golden Globe. This versatile actor has showed Hollywood that there is no role he can’t execute to perfection.

Among the movies that marked his career are Armageddon, Pulp Fiction, The Fifth Element, The Last Boy Scout, Twelve Monkeys, The Sixth Sense, Looper and Moonrise Kingdom.

Bruce Willis running with automatic weapon in a scene from the film ‘Die Hard’, 1988. (Photo by 20th Century-Fox/Getty Images)

He has also tried himself in family comedies. Just last year, Bruce starred in seven films, and three have already been released this year, none of which received critical acclaim. Eight more films, which are completed, are set to be released in 2022 and 2023.

In recent years, most of his work has been limited to minor roles in low-budget projects which triggered speculations about the reasons behind it. While some believed he was aiming to easy pay-checks, there were those who suspected something could be wrong with his health.

HOLLYWOOD, CA – AUGUST 19: Actor Bruce Willis attends the premiere of Dimension Films’ “Sin City: A Dame To Kill For” at TCL Chinese Theatre on August 19, 2014 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

The “Golden Raspberry Awards,” an annual awards ceremony that honors the worst in film, created a whole category dedicated to Bruce’s recent work called “Worst Performance by Bruce Willis in a 2021 Movie,” making fun of his eight direct-to-video performances.

It has been reported by certain media outlets and magazines that some of Bruce’s co-workers did suspect something was wrong with the A-list actor as he had been spotted wearing earpiece on set.

Having been one of the Hollywood’s highest-paid actors, it’s safe to say that Bruce Willis has his retirement fund settled. According to Celebrity Net Worth, the actor has a net worth of $250 million.

Recently, a source shared with US Weekly that Bruce’s family is honored by the response from the public. They revealed that they are “deeply touched at the sheer outpouring of love and support they’ve received ever since they shared the news,” the insider told the magazine.

As it appears, his closest family, including his ex and his current wife, were well aware of Bruce’s health condition for some time before they decided to break the news to the public. Sharing the diagnosis with the fans brought a “sense of relief” to the family because it means that the actor can now focus on his health without being disturbed by speculations about the reasons which led to his retirement from the big screen.

Following the diagnosis, Bruce was pictured with 10-year-old daughter Mabel and wife Emma Heming Willis, who took the selfie along with the caption: “PJS and new Magic Johnson doc, perfection.”

We will miss this great actor on screen, but we are glad he’s getting the help he needs.

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Peace and Love.