Enraged mother hurls boiling water on her husband for sexually assaulting her children


Corinna Smith from Neston, Cheshire, had been married to her husband Michael Baines for 38 years. Later in life, she was told by her daughter that Michael abused her and her late brother when they were young. This caused her be chocked with pure rage. The first thing that came to her mind in those moments was to make him suffer too.

She boiled a kettle of water in which she poured three bags of sugar and then hurled the boiling water on her husband who was in the room asleep.

After hurting Michael, who was 80 years old at the time, Corinna ran to a neighbor’s place and told them what she did. “I’ve hurt him really bad, I think I’ve killed him,” she screamed, as reported by Liverpool Echo. The shocked neighbor called the police who arrived at the scene just to find Michael in unbearable pain.

“I’m badly burned. I’m burned all over,” he kept saying over and over again as the skin of his right hand and arm was peeling off. “She poured boiling water all over me,” he screamed. “I just want to die.”

Michael’s injuries were so severe that he was forced to spend five weeks in hospital before he passed away in August 2020.

Corinna was charged with murder. She explained that she didn’t act out of revenge, but she simply lost it and was extremely emotional at the time of the attack. “I accept that I poured boiling water over Michael with sugar in it. The whole thing is a bit of a blur. Minutes became seconds,” she added.

The detective handling the case, Chief Inspector Paul Hughes from Cheshire Constabulary’s Major Crime Directorate, appeared in court and said of Corinna, “Smith killed her husband Michael in such a painful and cruel way. To throw boiling water over someone when they are asleep is absolutely horrific. To also mix three bags of sugar with the water showed the determination she had to cause serious harm.

“The sugar placed into the water makes it viscous,” Hughes added. “It becomes thicker and stickier and sinks into the skin better. It left Michael in agony and rather than call the emergency services she wasted time by going to a house nine doors away to tell a neighbor, who she wasn’t close to, what she had done. Michael was an elderly man who fought for his life after the attack but sadly in the end he passed away.”

It wasn’t revealed whether the accusations against Michael were true or not, but the prosecutor said that at the time of the horrific attack, Corinna believed her husband was guilty and acted upon those beliefs.

Judge Amanda Yip told Corinna, “You were understandably very upset. You were described as being livid and fuming at the thought of what had been done to your children.”

In July, 2021, 58-year-old Corinna Smith was found guilty for the death of her husband Michael and was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 12 years.

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Boy, 11, takes $2 painting to Antiques Roadshow and is left floored by valuation

If you ask them what they enjoy doing in their spare time, most youngsters will tell you how they love watching TV, playing computer games, or hanging out with friends. There are also those, however, who dedicate their free time to unusual hobbies for someone their age. In an episode of Antiques Roadshow, a young boy who explained how he loved collecting and selling glass, sterling silver, and art, appeared with a painting which he bought at an auction for just 2 bucks. He wanted to meet the experts and learn whether the painting was worth any money. Speaking to host David Weiss, the boy explained how he believed the painting was in watercolor but he couldn’t tell for sure because of the UV glass. Weiss confirmed the boy’s thoughts and went on to ask him whether he could tell how old the painting was. It turned out that the beautiful piece of art was painted during the late 19th century by the Dutch artist Albert Neuhuys who had signed it in the lower right-hand corner.
Source: YouTube
The boy’s fascination grew bigger and bigger as he listened to Weiss reveal more and more interesting facts about the painting, but little did he know that he was about to hear even more stunning information about the treasure he found in South Jersey. Hearing the worth, the boy was left in complete shock as Weiss concluded that he would make an awesome antique dealer in the future. The painting was estimated at around $1000 to $1500. Not bad for a piece bought for two bucks. For the boy’s reaction go to the video below.

A father’s plea for son with autism who ‘hasn’t 1 friend’ makes birthday wishes pour in


Kevin Harrison is a father of a 15-year-old boy with autism. This man knows how hard and demanding it can be to have a child with the condition, but he is doing all in his power to provide his son Daniel with a beautiful life.

Ever since he was very little, Daniel preferred being on his own. He doesn’t have friends because he has never wanted to play with other children, and if that is what makes him happy, his dad is fine with it.

Ahead of his birthday, Daniel wrote that he had two wishes. The first one was to learn how to drive, and the second one was to make friends. This came as a shock to Kevin, who was very glad his boy felt the need of a company from other children.

In order to make his wish come true, Kevin posted Daniel’s wishes on social media along with the caption, “Daniel’s my son. Profoundly Autistic. Hasn’t one friend. It’s his birthday today,” and asked from people to wish him a happy birthday. What he didn’t expected, however, was for his post to spread on the internet like a wildfire.

The number of people who came through and sent Daniel best wishes was huge. To Kevin’s surprise, the list of well-wishers included celebrities too. Among them were Russell Crowe, Sharon Stone and Ariel Winter. Parents of children with autism also contributed to the beautiful birthday wishes.

Needless to say, Daniel was over the moon.

This story shows how powerful the social media is and how accepting people can really be of those who are somehow different. This truly restores our faith in humanity and in the good in people.

For more on the story and Kevin’s comments on the viral tweet go to the video below.

Don’t forget to SHARE this heartwarming story with your family and friends on Facebook and help raise awareness about autism.

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Dad walks in son’s room and the boy tells him about the dream he had


For young children, and even teenagers, their room is their special place even when they need to share it with their siblings.

As they grow old, children get to love different things and their room changes according to their desires. At the beginning, it’s all about toys, but as time passes by, they turn to posters of their favorite celebrities, and then computers and other equipment.

A boy named Jack was about to get a new bed because he had already outgrown his crib. He was fascinated with trains and loved everything about these powerful machines. His room was already full with a number of train toys and Jack’s knowledge of trains was quite impressive.

One day, he told his dad about a dream he had where he was sleeping in a train shaped bed.

The dad then got an incredible idea, to make such bed for Jack and surprise him. All he needed was a hammer and a bunch of stuff from the hardware store, such as plywood.

Source: YouTube/ Facts Verse

When he purchased everything he needed, Jack’s dad started working on the bed. It took many hours and a lot of hard work, but the final result was a fascinating one.

Once the train-shaped bed was ready, the dad created an awesome sign which read: “Jack’s Steam Express!” Needless to say, Jack was over the moon with what his dad did for him.

There’s nothing a parent wouldn’t do for the happiness of their children, and Jack’s dad is just another proof of that.

For more on the story check out the video below and don’t forget to SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

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Man notices elderly neighbor is crying, so he drops everything to find out why she’s upset


Getting along with your neighbors isn’t always easy, but it all starts with being a great neighbor yourself.

We can have a huge family and a bunch of friends, but our neighbors are the ones who make us feel safe and welcomed in our community.

This is the story of one very special man who knew how to keep the spirit of friendship in his neighborhood alive by being there for an elderly lady when she needed it the most.

Aldon O’neill Ward III resembles Mr. Rogers of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, and let’s be honest, how many times have you wished for someone like him to live next door?

Source: Aldon O’neill Ward III/Facebook

One day, as he was working around his yard, Aldon noticed the elderly lady whom he would always greet. He could see the lady was highly disturbed because she was crying. Without even asking what is wrong, Aldon dropped everything and rushed out onto the street. He then gave her a long and genuine hug.

Aldon didn’t know much about the woman, he only knew she and her husband were living nearby, and the only interaction he ever had with her was the friendly waving whenever he would see them.

But that didn’t stop him from being there for her during one of the hardest days of her life.

Source: Aldon O’neill Ward III/Facebook

Aldon took to Facebook to share the story that took place back in 2011.

“Since 2011 I’ve seen an older couple walking the neighborhood every morning and evening. Matching windbreaker outfits, large white new balance sneakers and a stick in hand.”

Aldon recalls how the couple always looked very happy. They loved his dog and would often send him kisses.

“Always saying what a beautiful day it was even if they were walking in the rain without an umbrella. We never exchanged names but I knew where they lived and they knew where the boys and I lived.”

Source: Aldon O’neill Ward III/Facebook

But that day, when he saw the woman all alone and with tears in her eyes, he knew something was very wrong.

“I’m watering my freshly laid sod. Griswold, my standard poodle, is close by vigilantly protecting me from dragonflies and the occasional squirrel. A windbreaker suit swooshes slowly down the street below. Alone, the woman approaches. I wave, she waves. I exclaim in a joking manner, ‘where’s the better half?’”

“She looked up at me through her large blinder style sunglasses and with a trembling voice said ‘I don’t have him anymore.’ My heart sank.”

Then, Aldon knew he was the person to comfort his fragile neighbor who have lost he husband of so many years.

“‘Ma’am?’ I said as I approached her. She turned and with tears streaming from behind here large sunglasses, not another word was spoken, we hugged. Big hugged. Like she was my mom or my grandmother.”

Source: Aldon O’neill Ward III/Facebook

The woman then leaned on Aldon’s chest and said:

“I’m just trying to do the things that we used to so I still feel like he’s around…. I needed that.”

We are so glad Aldon acted the way he did. He restored the faith in humanity for the elderly lady in need of comfort and compassion. If only more people are as loving and as caring as this man, this world would be a better place.

Below is the video of the touching moment caught on Aldon’s home camera. Make sure you watch it and SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

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3-week-old baby stops breathing after 2 hour car journey – mom issues warning to all parents


Sometimes, we make mistakes even without being aware of it. Sadly, parents Kristi Clark and her husband Christopher made a mistake which could cost them their baby daughter’s life. They now share their story in order to warn other parents not to do the same. 

It was a nice day outside and the family decided to go and run some errands. They took their three-week-old daughter with them and spent some time driving around in the car. The little girl was in her car seat the entire time. 

Whenever they would stop to make a purchase, they would take little Harper with them because they were perfectly aware leaving a child in the car during the hot summer could have fatal consequences. What these parents didn’t know, however, was that letting the baby stay in the car seat for long hours could be fatal, too. 

Due to the rush hour, the trip home took longer than expected. The family was driving for about an hour and 45 minutes before they finally arrived home. While putting her older daughter to bed, Kristi left Harper in the car seat for around 15 more minutes. Finally, when she went to check on her and get her out of the seat, she noticed something that made her panic.   

“When we got home it was way past Malena’s bedtime so we brought Harper in her car seat and she stayed in there for 15 minutes as we got Malena into bed. My husband got Harper out and put her on his knee but she looked like she couldn’t get comfy so he laid her down on her mat and she was kicking about.”

Harper’s lips turned blue and white foam started coming out of her nose and mouth. The baby was throwing her head back and it looked like she was having a seizure.

Kristi and her husband took the little girl to the emergency room where she spent the entire night. After the thorough check-up, doctors told the worried parents that Harper’s seizure was a result of Oxygen Deprivation which was caused by spending too much time in the car seat. 

They were very sad that Harper’s seizure was caused by something that could have easily been avoided. If they were aware of the consequences of being in the car seat for such a long time, they would have never let that happen. 

Thinking of the disturbing incident, Kristi realized that there are other parents out there who might be unaware of the dangers of spending time at the car seat for a prolonged amount of time. That is why she decided to share Harper’s story. 

If you believe this information can help save a life, please SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook! 

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Fellow officers of seriously injured trooper show up at his son’s baseball game to show their support


A friend in need is a friend indeed, and Texas State Trooper Juan Rojas Tovar, who was severely injured during a mass shooting, is lucky to have such friends as his colleagues who showed their support in a very thoughtful way.

Trooper Tovar was hailed a hero by his Texas community after he bravely tried to stop a shooter who had started a fire at his workplace in Bryan, Texas, killing a co-worker and injuring five others.

As he did all in his power to apprehend the suspect, Tovar’s cruiser was critically wounded and shot 13 times, with a bullet hitting Tovar at least once.

According to the Texas Police Department, Tovar was rushed to the hospital where he underwent a surgery. Luckily, his condition was stable but he still needed a further treatment and was later transferred to another hospital.

As his family prayed for the best outcome, fellow troopers and members of the department decided to support their friend and co-worker by being there for his family. During Tovar’s son baseball game, they were there to cheer on him as his father was unable to attend the big game.

People at the field even spelled out “Pray for Tovar” using disposable plastic cups stuck in the chain-link fence at the field.

The sight was an incredible one because it showed the importance of the support the entire community showed for one of them during the hardest of times for the trooper’s family.

Source: Twitter

According to a Facebook post by the Texas Department of Public Safety, when Tovar arrived to Austin for further treatment, he was greeted by Class A-2021 Trooper Trainees who saluted him for his bravery and showed their support.

“Trooper Tovar continues his road to recovery, and we want to thank the community for their support,” the Department wrote.

The shooter who killed one and injured others, including Trooper Tovar, has been identified as 27-year-old Larry Winston Bollin. He has been arrested and charged with murder and attempted murder.

We wish Trooper Tovar a quick recovery and we thank everyone who was by his and his family’s side during their difficult times.

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This is what William and Harry’s children are calling late Princess Diana


Lady Di was everything but an ordinary princess. This special woman who was dubbed the People’s Princess was a much-loved person, but above all, she was a loving and dedicated mother.

Many times, Princess Diana broke the royal rules all for the sake of her children’s happiness. Unlike any other member of the Palace, she often attended Prince William and Prince Harry’s school activities and took part in many of them.

Being a mother was something she loved more than anything else.

Sadly, her marriage to prince Charles was a turbulent one from day one. As she couldn’t put up with his infidelity and his feelings for his former lover Camilla, she decided to put a stop to her marriage.

Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

Her life was always closely followed by the media, and sadly, that had a lot to do with the tragic car accident in which she lost her life in August of 1997. Allegedly, she was running away from the press when the tragedy happened.

From the moment she became a Princess, everyone wanted a piece of her life. According to The Guardian, magazines were offering up to half a million dollars for photos of her.

Her children were perfectly aware of the way their mother was treated by the media and how that affected her life and Harry promised himself he would never allow his wife to be ever treated the same way. According to him, he even considered leaving the Royal Family when he was in his 20’s.

“Look what it did to my mum, how am I ever going to settle down and have a wife and a family when I know that it’s going to happen again,” Harry said during an appearance on the Armchair Expert podcast. “I don’t want to be part of this,” he added.

Youtube/Entertainment Online

William and Harry never miss a chance to remind everyone just how special their mother was.

“When everybody says ‘she was funny, give us an example’. All I can hear is her laugh,” Harry said in an interview he and William gave back in 2017.

“She was one of the naughtiest parents, she’d come and watch us play football and smuggle sweet into her socks, literally walking back from a football match and having five packages of [candy]. And just, the whole shirt was full with sweets.”

“We felt incredibly loved by her, and I’m very grateful that the love still feels there,” William added.” It feels like a good time to remember her and hopefully provide a different side.”

” It was that love, even though she was on the other side of the room, as her son you could feel it,” Harry said.


She did all in her power to provide a normal childhood to her sons. “William adores his little brother and spends the entire time swamping Harry with an endless supply of hugs and kisses, hardly letting the parents near!” Diana’s handwritten letter to a former steward at Buckingham Palace, Cyril Dickman, states, as reported by The Sun.

One time, she told the chef to cancel lunch for the boys because they wanted to go to McDonald’s with her. “And I said, ‘Oh my God – your Royal Highness, I can do that, I can do burgers.’ And she said, ‘No, it’s the toy they want,’” chef Darren McGrady told Marie Claire.

Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

Today, when both William and Harry are parents themselves, they make sure their children know who their grandma was and how special she was to her family and her people. This way, they honor her legacy the best they can.

Last year, Hello Magazine! reported that William and Kate’s children all wrote Mother’s Day cards to Princess Diana for Mother’s Day. “Each year on Mother’s Day, George, Charlotte and Louis make cards remembering their Granny, Diana, for William,” William and Kate wrote on Twitter, alongside three adorable homemade cards created by the youngsters.

What caught many people’s attention is that the children call the late Princess “Granny Diana.” In one of the cards, they wrote to her that their papa is missing her.

Harry’s son, Archie, on the other hand calls his father’s mother “Grandma Diana.”

Harry once revealed that he keeps a photo of his mother in Archie’s nursery and that one of the first words Archie said was “grandma.”

Speaking to Today, Harry revealed that he often talks with Archie about Princess Diana.

“Yes, very much so. I don’t tell him all the stuff that’s happened, but certainly that this is Grandma Diana, and we’ve got a couple of photos up in the house,” Harry said, adding that he constantly feels her presence.

“It has been over the last two years more so than ever before,” he said. “It is almost as though she’s done her bit with my brother and now she’s very much like helping me. She got him set up and now she’s helping me set up. That’s what it feels like. He’s got his kids, I’ve got my kids.”

“She’s watching over us,” he added.


It’s been years since Lady Di’s passing, but she still remains one of the few people loved and adored by millions. We are very sorry she didn’t get to meet any of her grandchildren. We are sure she would have been an amazing grandma, as much as she was an extraordinary mother.

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