Gabourey “Gabby” Sidibe’s, who played the role of Precious, road to fame


You call it luck, or you call it hard work and determination, actress Gabourey “Gabby” Sidibe, like most of the Hollywood celebrities, perhaps needed both when she auditioned for the role of Precious which earned her the Independent Spirit Award for Best Female Lead, in addition to nominations for the Golden Globe and Academy Award for Best Actress.

This is what Gabby’s journey to Hollywood looked like.

She was born on May 6, 1983 in Brooklyn, New York, to a mother who was a street performer and a dad who worked as a cab driver.


From very early age, Gabby showed interest in becoming a comedian and drew inspiration from actress Mo’Nique. In fact, Gabby wanted to be just like her, probably never assuming she would get to play alongside her in the future.

“I always thought she was really funny, but also she’s very confident in the way she looks, and that’s what I prayed about,” she explained in an interview with the NY Times. “At that time in my life, I wanted to be everybody else, but I wanted to want to be Gabby.”

Gabby studied psychology at Mercy College and worked as a part-time receptionist in order to be able to pay for her tuition.

Then, one, day, a friend of hers called her and told her there was an audition for Lee Daniel’s upcoming movie Precious. Gabby knew the character well as she had read the book the movie was based on, Push: A Novel. With no previous experience of that type, Gabby took the book in her hands and went to pursue her dream. There were around 300 women who auditioned for the role, but Gabby was the perfect fit, and Lee Daniel’s knew that from the beginning.


“She’s way smarter than me, way, way smarter than me, and most of the actors I’ve worked with,” Daniels told the New York Times. “I love her with all my soul.”

”I have to be really protective of her because she’s baring me her soul,” he added. ”A lot of her truth is in her.”


The movie was a huge success and suddenly, all eyes were on Gabourey Sidibe.

Her name became well known in Hollywood and everyone agreed that what she showed on screen was marvelous and extraordinary. Her noteworthy performance elevated her into the national cinematic dialogue for which she received the award ‘New Hollywood’ at the Hollywood Film Awards and the ‘Virtuosos Award’ at the Santa Barbara Film Festival.


Gabby later spoke of her career and said that it is usually the case with Oscar nominees to get on the top in Hollywood but that wasn’t really the case with her. “I work really, really hard though. I work really, really hard. An no, the Hollywood seas didn’t part for me in the same way that it might have for maybe Anna Kendrick who was nominated for the first time that year as well, who then went on to star in films and television and the whole thing,” she said. “The seas did not part that same way for me and I assume that there are a few factors that made that so, but I am still working 10 years later.”

Youtube/ The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

In recent years, “Precious” was part of the movie Yelling to the Sky, the Showtime series The Big C, American Horror Story, and the Fox musical drama series Empire.

Gabby doesn’t really want to speak of her weight, but back in 2009 she told Oprah Winfrey, “It’s something I’ve had to work at. My first diet started when I was six years old,” and added, “I’ve never been a small girl. One day I had to sit down with myself and decide that I loved myself no matter what my body looked like and what other people thought about my body.”

Three years ago, the 37-year-old actress published her book This is Just My Face: Try Not to Stare in which she spoke of her panic attacks and depression, and how her mother never understood her condition seriously.

“When I was sad about something, she told me to ‘get a thicker skin.’ When I was upset, she told me to ‘stop nitpicking.’ My mom has always had faith that things would be okay, but saying ‘tomorrow will be a better day’ wasn’t enough for me,” Gabby told People.

She is dating boyfriend Brandon Frankel, a marketing expert, and is very happy with him. The two share lots of cute pictures of themselves on Instagram, like the one below, where Frankel calls his girlfriend his queen and writes, “You’re a ball of sunshine, so generous and giving of your time and love- and your excitement and passion for life and people/things you love truly lights up my heart. You’ve taught me so much about life, myself, and the world that is truly invaluable. You make me push myself to be a better me, even though you probably don’t even realize you are. I love you more and more every single day- which seems impossible, but continually amazes me.” 

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We are pretty cute 🤓🤪

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Gabby is also posting photos of her from the gym and people praise her for her dedication. She is a real role model and a wonderful person.

Little girl tried to explain child birth to her class. This is priceless


When little children ask how babies are born, adults are always left startled. The truth is that it’s not that easy for this complex process to be explained to a young child and that is why grown ups tend to use simple words or even joke how the newborns are brought by the stork.

For one young girl named Erica, this process is not something unknown. On the contrary, she described it so profoundly during lesson time that her teacher couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

The teacher starts her story, which happened few years back, by explaining that they had a story telling class when Erica came to the board with a pillow stuffed under her shirt. As she started talking, she said: “This is Luke, my baby brother, and I’m going to tell you about his birthday.”

As the rest of the kids watched with amazement, Erica continued: “First, Mommy and Daddy made him as a symbol of their love, and then Daddy put a seed in my mother’s stomach, and Luke grew in there. He ate for 9 months through an umbrella cord.”

At this point, the teacher who shared this story was sad she didn’t have her camera rolling so she could take a video of the detailed yet innocent explanation.

Source: Shutterstock

“Then, about two Saturdays ago, my mother starts going, ‘Oh, oh, oh!” Erica said as she put a hand behind her back and groaned. “She walked around the house for, like an hour, “Oh, oh, oh!” At this point, bright Erica started doing a hysterical duck-walk, holding her back and groaning. “My father called the middle wife. She delivers babies, but she doesn’t have a sign on the car like the Domino’s man. They got my mother to lay down in bed like this.

“And then, pop! My mother had this bag of water she kept in there in case he got thirsty, and it just blew up and spilled all over the bed, like psshhheew!” 

She had her legs spread and mimicked water flowing. “Then the middle wife starts going push, push, and breathe, breathe. They start counting, but they never even got past 10. Then, all of a sudden, out comes my brother. He was covered in yucky stuff they said was from the play-center, so there must be a lot of stuff inside there.” 

Following her thorough explanation on how babies are born, Erica took a bow and returned to her seat.

The teacher was so impressed that she gave her the loudest applause.

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Bored Daddy

We asked her to leave her. She wanted to stay with us. We’ll be together soon


Cora’s story started when her parents learned they were expecting her. At first, everything seemed normal, but as the pregnancy progressed, the family received some devastating news. The little one had an abnormal heart, or half-heart syndrome (HLHS). She also had a hole in her diaphragm.

The day the parents learned how grim their unborn daughter’s condition was and that she could not possibly live with such flaws, the father decided her to be named Cora. “My husband Derek chose the name “cora” for the sandwiches at Cheesecake Factory because it resembles the Spanish term “corazon”, which means heart. I cried and replied ‘It’s beautiful’ when he suggested it,” Cora’s mom shared.

Courtesy of Shannon Welton

The parents did all in their power to transfer their medical care to the University of Washington and Seattle Children’s Hospital.When they finally switched, doctors there ruled the hole in the diaphragm out. That was great news and meant the baby still had a chance.

On the day when the induction was supposed to take place, mom Shannon received a phone call and learned the birth of her baby needed to be postponed for some time because of an infection in the hospital’s operating rooms. Later, however, the rooms were closed and she was transferred to OHSU in Portland, Oregon.

Courtesy of Shannon Welton

Shannon described the moment the process of birth was about to start and what was happening afterwards. “I puked again, and I could feel Cora attempting to give birth. My nurse was urgently calling for a doctor to come to my room while on the phone. I remember being terrified as I glanced at Derek. ‘…She’ll have to deliver Cora herself!’ I muttered to him. I knew Cora would require quick medical attention after she was born, and I was terrified she wouldn’t get it because she was due right away and we didn’t have a doctor.”

The doctor then appeared and this mom was told to push. Baby Cora Orianna Lee Welton was born on May 28th, 2019, at 7:09 a.m., weighing 6 lbs 15 oz and measuring 19 inches long.

“She was pink and sobbing when she emerged, and she was placed on my stomach. She had a lot of hair, a cute dimple on her chin, and the most gorgeous blue eyes I’d ever seen,” Shannon described her baby girl.

Courtesy of Shannon Welton

“Cora underwent several echocardiograms, a CT scan, and was prescribed prostaglandin to keep a vessel called the Ductus open so that blood could flow back to her heart from her lungs. Cora’s prescription made her forget to breathe on occasion. We saw her during a nasty apnea period the day she had her CT scan. This was the first time our child had experienced something so terrible.”

The sweet baby had her open-heart surgery at just two days old. “It was sad to see Cora after the surgery. Because her chest was still open, we had to wear masks in her room. She was very pale due to poor oxygen saturation and blood pressure. She appeared to be huge and lifeless. They administered Cora a variety of drugs over the next several days in an attempt to boost blood flow to her lungs. Her body began to swell as a result of the numerous medications she was taking,” the mother explained.

Courtesy of Shannon Welton

A day after the surgery, the couple’s older daughter, 21-month-old Chanel, met her baby sister and was over the moon.

Sadly, Cora’s SATS and blood pressure weren’t improving. Doctors then discovered that her pulmonary arteries were narrowed. 

As a result, the surgeon decided they needed to wash out Cora’s chest. Sadly, this didn’t really work and they booked her for a cardiac catheterization the next day to try to figure out what was causing her blood pressure to be so low.

Courtesy of Shannon Welton

“Cora went to the cath lab the next morning for her surgery. On her shunt, they used a stent to keep a blood channel open. They thought it was a success when she came out! Her SATS had improved, and they were optimistic that this would be all she needed. And she did fantastically well for the next two days! Epinephrine, one of her blood pressure meds, was successfully weaned. She also had a Peritoneal Dialysis drain to assist remove fluid from her abdomen and give her kidneys room to begin working. Because of the fluid and drugs, she was quite bloated. Because of the fluid, her birth weight had doubled by one week after she was born. It was painful to see her grow that large. However, the PD appeared to be assisting her! The Lord had heard our prayers and had answered them!” Shannon explained in her post.

“Our tiny girl, though, began to struggle once more. Her doctors suspected she could require more surgery, but they wanted to have a CT scan first to figure out what exactly needed to be fixed. Because the CT scan revealed nothing remarkable, they assumed she had pulmonary hypertension, which means her lungs’ capillaries were constricted. As a result, they prescribed Cora a medicine to assist dilate her pupils. Fortunately, this appeared to be of assistance! They kept a tight eye on her over the weekend, hoping for continuing progress.

“A phone call from the PICU woke us up at 1:07 a.m. on Monday, June 10th. As Derek answered my phone, I can still hear it clearly in my mind. ‘Is this Cora’s father?’ Cora was having a very difficult night, according to her, and they had maxed out her Epi, but her pressures were still too low. They were preparing to put her on ECMO, or an artificial heart and lung machine. An hour later, Ashok called to inform us that she had been placed on ECMO and that another surgery would be performed first thing in the morning. We were terrified. We were well aware of the gravity of ECMO. It’s as though you’re on life support. That so many people who try it never get off.”

Cora had her second open-heart surgery. The doctor explained that if this surgery wasn’t successful, there was nothing more they could do surgically for baby Cora.

The following day, Cora opened her tiny eyes and was removed off ECMO two days after her second surgery. She was fitted with a feeding tube and the progress was evident.

As she needed to shed more fluids, she was placed on hemodialysis to help her body rid itself from the fluids. The family went to check on their daughter, but the moment they sat in the car they received a phone call. The nurse told them Cora wasn’t doing well and was receiving CPR.

After 90 minutes of CPR, they could finally reconnect her to the ECMO circuit. When they went to check on her on Father’s Day, Cora was swollen.

“A head ultrasound revealed a few small regions on Cora’s brain that were damaged after 90 minutes of CPR. The doctors hoped the damage wouldn’t be severe, and it didn’t appear to be because Cora was still awake and wiggling. They did, however, connect her to an EEG for a day to monitor her brain activity. They were able to remove the EEG the next morning because everything appeared to be normal! She received a new breathing tube because the one she had was beginning to leak, a new IV, and a Bronchoscopy to clear her lungs over the next few days. The 20th of June was a memorable day. Since the first time she went to surgery, Cora has looked her finest. She really appeared to be so lovely and at ease,” Shannon explained.

Courtesy of Shannon Welton

Her heart was ready to beat on its own, but her lungs weren’t so they relocated her ECMO cannulas from her chest to her neck as a result. Doctors said that if everything went properly, they would seal her chest. She went to the OR for the third time.

“However, unlike her previous two procedures, this one did not proceed as planned. We had the first of several unpleasant conversations with the Cardiologist on Saturday morning. Cora’s Aorta was bleeding uncontrollably. That night, they gave her a liter of blood because they were afraid she wouldn’t make it through the weekend.”

Over the weekend the bleeding stopped, but the parents now needed to make a decision. According to Shannon’s post, they were given three options, “Stay at Doernbecher and continue on our current path, start comfort care and let her go, or transfer back to Seattle Children’s Hospital in the hopes that she would improve enough to be a candidate for a heart and lung transplant one day. We were devastated to be forced to make this decision.”

Courtesy of Shannon Welton

They decided choosing Seattle was possibly the best they could go with, but at the same time, they were aware that their girl’s time on Earth was coming to an end.

“We opted to spend the entire day with our darling Cora on Wednesday. It had been a difficult day. I changed her diaper for the first time, nurse Holly clothed her in a cute outfit I provided, and we both got to hold her for a few hours. A selfless photographer from the Portland area took family portraits for us. We sang songs to Cora, read books to her, and expressed our gratitude to her for everything she has taught us. We were happy for her to begin her Heavenly mission, even though we knew we would miss her terribly.

“On the morning of June 27th, 2019, we dressed up to say our goodbyes to Cora. We put on the nicest clothes that we had with us. Cora’s hair was rinsed, and I used a washcloth to carefully wipe her body. I swaddled her firmly and put her in clean clothing with our favorite headband. Chanel kissed Cora on the forehead when we picked her up. We advised her to say her goodbyes. ‘Bye-bye, Baby Cora,’ she said. My mother said her goodbyes and escorted Chanel away from Cora, leaving Derek and me alone.”

Courtesy of Shannon Welton

Baby Cora was gone. From her mother’s arms, she slipped to the arms of God.

“Finally, she peacefully transitioned from my arms to the arms of our wonderful Savior. She had finally found relief from the stresses of life,” Shannon wrote in her post.

Courtesy of Shannon Welton

Rest in peace baby Cora. You are dearly missed.

This story and the photos have been shared by Cora’s mother, Shannon Welton.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.

Please SHARE this heartbreaking story with your family and friends on Facebook to honor Cora’s short but meaningful life.

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He’s been in foster care for most of his life. At 13, all this boy wants is a chance to be someone’s son


13-year-old Tim from Texas has spent most of his life at the foster care system. He ended up there at the age of just three, and sadly, 10 years later, he still hasn’t found a forever family to call his own.

The sad reality is that a number of children never get a chance to be adopted. They simply age out of the system and are left to fend for themselves, with many of them ending on the streets, unable to find a job or a place to stay.

Tim has always dreamed of having someone to call him their son. In fact, he wanted that so badly that his caseworkers flew with him to the other part of the country so that he could be on the Wednesday’s Child program where he was given the chance to ask from the viewers to help him find a home.

This loving boy, who has been going from one home to another, said he’s a true angel and that his potential family won’t ever have any problems with him.

Throughout the program, photos of Tim from different stages of his life were shown on the screen. Back in the day, when he first entered the system, he had big bright eyes full of hope, but as years went by, he started losing that spark because he got tired of looking for security with a forever family.

“Kind of like being in a prison without walls. You got runners, but then where you gonna [sic] go if you run? Absolutely nowhere but right back to where you ran from,” he explained. “I know I want a mom and dad at least,” Tim added.

Image Credit: KHOU11

In a mom, he’s hoping to find someone caring and understanding. “Someone that cares, who’s always worried. I may seem embarrassed sometimes (by her worrying) but she’ll still be wondering if I’m OK. She’ll ask how my day is every time I walk through the door,” Tim said.

He dreams that his forever father would be his personal hero. Someone who will throw a ball around with him and teach him about what it means to be a man. “If I go outside, he’ll go outside with me. He’ll give me some normalcy.” Tim said.

He also said that he would love it if the family has other children too because he really wants to have siblings.

Finding a family means he would no longer need to care what his life would be like after he reaches 18.

“Freedom. Freedom to go out the door when I want and them not worrying about me coming back or not, because they know they can trust me,” this sweet boy explained.

For more information on how to adopt Tim please contact LaQueena Warren at [email protected].

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Couple adopts little girl from war affected country rejected for her looks, she later becomes a famous ballet star Michaela DePrince


Most times, all a person needs in order to thrive is a little TLC. Without that, we may feel vulnerable and never gather the courage to shine, just like one little girl named Michaela DePrince, born Mabinty Bangura on January 6, 1995, who grew up in an orphanage and was dubbed a “devil’s child” because of her vitiligo.

This girl’s father was killed during the Sierra Leone’s civil war and her mother died of starvation. Not knowing what to do with her, Michaela’s uncle placed her at an orphanage when she was just three years old. There, children were ranked from 1 to 27, with number 1 being the favorite child. Michaela was ranked 27. Everyone believed that she was possessed by an evil entry because of the white spots on her skin. Speaking of those times, Michaela recalled: “They thought of me as a devil’s child. They told me every day how I wasn’t going to get adopted because nobody would want a devil’s child.”

Life in Sierra Leone was tough. The civil war began on 23 March 1991 when the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), with support from the special forces of Charles Taylor’s National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL), intervened in Sierra Leone in an attempt to overthrow the Joseph Momoh government. It lasted 11 years, leaving over 50,000 dead.

One night, as Michaela was walking back from school with her teacher, they came across three drunk soldiers. When the three men noticed the teacher was pregnant they cut her stomach open to see whether she was carrying a boy or a girl. When they saw the fetus was a girl, they cut off the teacher’s arms and legs and one of them stabbed a machete into Michaela’s stomach. She then blacked out, but doctors managed to save her life.

Source: Michaela DePrince/ Facebook

During those tough times, Michaela stumbled upon a discarded issue of Dance Magazine. “There was a lady on it, she was on her tippy-toes, in this pink, beautiful tutu. I had never seen anything like this, a costume that stuck out with glitter on it, with just so much beauty. I could just see the beauty in that person and the hope and the love and just everything that I didn’t have. And I just thought: ‘Wow! This is what I want to be,’“ she recalled.

Luckily, her dream came true after she was adopted by an American couple who lost their three children. Once in the States, Michaela, who was five at the time, was enrolled into the Rock School of Dance in Philadelphia. Her new mom and dad, Charles and Elaine DePrince, were perfectly aware of the girl’s love and passion for dancing and did their best to support her.

Once, she asked her ballet teacher whether the white spots on her skin would stand on her way to success to what the teacher replied that she didn’t even notice them as she was way too busy admiring her dancing.

As she grew older, some of her other teachers told Michaela’s mom that she could not pursue a career as a ballerina because of her skin color, saying that they didn’t want to put “a lot of effort and money into the Black dancers because they just get fat and get big boobs and big thighs.

These words only made Michaela work even harder. “I’m still trying to change the way people see black dancers, that we can become delicate dancers, that we can be a ballerina.

Today, the little girl that was once dubbed “the devil’s child” is an ambassador for War Child Holland, which helps kids affected by conflict all over the world. She is a famous ballerina, a soloist at the Boston Ballet, featured in Beyoncé and Madonna music videos, and starred in the film adaptation of the ballet Coppelia.

Even though you might have had a terrible past and even though you might have been through a lot and might be still going through a lot, if you have something that you love and that makes you happy and that gives you that feeling inside to continue growing up and that makes you want to have a good future then you should focus on that and not focus on the negative.”

Take a look at the video about Michaela’s life journey and SHARE this inspiring story with your family and friends on Facebook.

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Kirk Douglas’ children didn’t get a penny from his fortune after his passing


Kirk Douglas will always be remembered as a Hollywood icon and an unforgettable actor. His career spanned seven decades, a time during which he played in a number of classics which are popular even today.

What is special about this actor, who passed away on February 5, 2020, at the age of 103, is that his life story went from rags to riches. As he described it in his best-selling autobiography, The Ragman’s Son, Kirk’s family lived in one of the poorest parts of New York and they were “on the lowest rung on the ladder.” His parents were Russian Jewish immigrants and no one wanted to give his father a job besides the neighborhood they lived in was known for the many factories.

In order to provide for his family, Kirk’s father worked as a junk dealer, or a ragman.

Silver Screen Collection/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Kirk explained that residing in Amsterdam, New York, meant “living in the East End, the opposite side of town from the rich people on Market Hill. It meant living at 46 Eagle Street, a run-down, two-story, gray clapboard house, the last house at the bottom of a sloping street, next to the factories, the railroad tracks, and the Mohawk River.”

Despite the unfortunate conditions his family was living in, Kirk knew he would be successful one day. However, on the way to stardom, he worked around 40 different jobs which ranged from newspaper boy to dishwasher.

“I also was a hard worker. I’d invent jobs, like selling soda and candy to workers at the mill at the end of our street. Amsterdam was one of the largest mill towns in the country. There were dozens of factories but no jobs for Jews.”

Shutterstock/Bart Sherkow

Kirk’s love for writing, reading, and acting was born because of one special teacher, Louise Livingston. She was a huge lover of poetry and passed that passion to young Kirk. As he couldn’t possibly collect enough money to attend university, his teacher encouraged him to take a leap of faith and ask for a scholarship at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York. He took all his school awards and transcripts along with a letter of recommendation written by Mrs. Livingston.

Once he got enrolled with scholarship, Kirk started working as an actor at the Tamarack Playhouse on Lake Pleasant.

It was then that he decided to change his birth name, Issur Danielovitch, to Kirk Douglas because his real name was seemingly “too unwieldy” and “too Jewish” for Hollywood back in the first half of the 20th century, according to what the actor told People.

Getty Images

In 1941, Kirk had his Broadway debut, but then the war started and he enlisted to become part of the army. While serving as a communication officer on a submarine, Kirk got injured in an accident and was discharged from the Navy as a junior grade lieutenant in 1943.

Once home, he could turn to his acting career. One thing led to another and he got cast in the 1946 film The Strange Loves of Martha Ivers whose producer, Hal Willis, noticed Kirk’s talent during a show. In 1949, the actor received his first ever Academy Award nomination for Best Actor in a Leading Role for the movie Boxer.

Although he starred in a number of Oscar winning movies, including The Bad and the Beautiful and Lust for Life among the rest, he never won a competitive Academy Award. Then, in 1996, he was awarded an honorary Oscar for “50 years as a creative and moral force in the motion picture community.”

Shutterstock/Featureflash Photo Agency

Kirk Douglas was married twice in his life. He and his first wife, actress and model Diana Dill, stayed together for eight years and welcomed two sons together, Joel and Michael Douglas. It was his second wife, Anne Buydens, who he considered the great love of his life. They were married until Kirk’s passing in 2020. He also had two children with Anne.

“I had been a big movie star with two Oscar nominations by the time I met Anne, and I believed that any woman would be flattered if I asked her out. Anne was the one who turned me down,” Kirk recalled about the time he met Anne.

He persuaded her to be his publicist for the 1953 film Act of Love and that’s when she fall for him as well. They married in 1954.

Shutterstock/Bart Sherkow

Thanks to his successful career, Kirk made a fortune. At the time of his passing, he was reported to had had a net worth of $61 million. However, reports are that his children didn’t receive a penny from his money. Instead, he left everything to the charities and causes he held near and dear to his heart his entire life.

Even his son Michael Douglas, whose relationship with Kirk wasn’t the perfect one, said his father was a generous and charitable man. “Kirk’s life was well-lived, and he leaves a legacy in film that will endure for generations to come and a history as a renowned philanthropist who worked to aid the public and bring peace to the planet,” Michael Douglas said in a statement.

During his life, Kirk and Anne gave plenty of money to charity through their Douglas Foundation.

Shutterstock/Kathy Hutchins

The relationship between Kirk and his son Michael had its ups and downs and things got even more heated when Michael persuaded his father to sell the rights to the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Kirk agreed and expected to play the lead role in the film, but Michael chose Jack Nicholson instead.

“So Michael asked me if he could try to produce it, and I said: ‘Sure!’ Next thing I know, he has a director lined up, and it’s all go. So I said to him: ‘Great! When do we start rehearsing?’” Kirk Douglas recalled in an interview with The Guardian.

“Not you, Dad,” Michael replied. “You’re too old.”

“I couldn’t believe it!” Kirk added. “So I said: ‘Who’s playing my part? Jack Nicholson? Never heard of him. Well, at least it will be a flop.”

Both Michael Douglas and Jack Nicholson received Oscars for best picture and best actor respectively.

Shutterstock/Kathy Hutchins

Kirk Douglas left a legacy and will always be remembered as someone with a heart of gold who never forgot where he came from. He spent his life creating beautiful movies and helping others. May he rest in peace.

Dog refuses to leave grave – then a woman sneaks closer to find the truth


I am sure most of you remember the story of the German Shepherd who was seen laying on the grave of whom we were told was her owner she dearly missed. The faith of this dog broke the hearts of millions of people into a million pieces. However, it turned out that it wasn’t the real story behind the photo that went viral in a blink of an eye. 

The true story of the life of this dog is also heartbreaking, but the good thing is that after her ordeal, this dog that stole our hearts got her happy ending. 

Photo credit: Facebook / Vesna Mihajloski

It turns out the mother dog was a stray who was desperately trying to find a safe place for her litter of puppies. Eventually, she chose the graveyard and dig a hole into one of the graves. 

Photo credit: Facebook / Vesna Mihajloski

This unusual event took place at the graveyard of Novi Beograd, Belgrade, Serbia.

Photo credit: Facebook / Vesna Mihajloski

This brave mother and her babies were spotted by an animal lover who decided to take things into her hands and take them off that place to a safer one. 

Photo credit: Facebook / Vesna Mihajloski

The mom was a very cute dog that wasn’t afraid of people and was happy to approach the rescuers who offered her some food. It was as though she could sense they were there to lend a helping hand.

The hero who took part in the rescue was a woman named Vesna Mihajloski. She was more than happy to welcome the whole dog family in her home. 

Photo credit: Facebook / Vesna Mihajloski

Both the mother and her cute babies were given the medical care they needed. But most important of all, they were provided with lots of love, kindness, and affection. 

The sweet pups are now all grown up and healthier and happier than ever. They enjoy their days running around and bonding with each other, their dog mommy, and their human mommy. 

The mother is glad and grateful for the second chance for a better life for her and her offspring. 

Photo credit: Facebook / Vesna Mihajloski

We hope that each of the members of this beautiful dog family will find their forever home and will spend the rest of their lives surrounded by people who would love them endlessly. Until then, they have all the time to snuggle and be by each other’s side.

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Everyone on the planet should see this 1 minute animal video


Nothing speaks love and compassion louder than unlike animal friendships that light our days like sunshine rays on cloudy days.

The most watched ad of all time featuring different species sharing happy moments together reminds us of the beautifies of life. We don’t have to be same in order to respect each other.

The Android ad spreads the message that says, “Be Together. Not The Same” through series of images between animals of different kinds that found friends in one another. So if you’ve never seen a dog and a dolphin swimming together, or a bear and tiger nuzzling than this is your chance.

“Friends Furever” will make your day as it did to the millions of people who got to see it.

This video is definitely a must see. Check it out below and don’t forget to SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

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