Former President Jimmy Carter lives in his $210,000 house in Georgia and shops at the local Dollar General


Modesty is a virtue not many possess. One would say that it is hard to be grounded and modest once you’ve experienced the life of luxury, but that is definitely not true when it comes to the oldest-living former U.S. president Jimmy Carter.

This humble man and his wife of almost 75 years have been living in their family home in Plains, Georgia from the moment they left The White House back in 1981 and handed over the presidency to Ronald Reagan.

Historic American Buildings Survey (Library of Congress)

The house, which is valued according to Zillow at $209,996, was built in 1961, when the Carters welcomed their fourth child in their lives and needed a bigger place. Namely, Jimmy Carter has always dreamed of becoming part of the military, just like his father who served in the U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps during World War I.

Carter gained admission in the Naval Academy in 1943, the same time when he met his future wife Rosalynn. After he joined the Navy, the family moved places often, and it was back in July 1953 when Carter’s father died that they decided to go back to Georgia.

Carter left the Navy in order to take over his father’s business and work as a peanut farmer.

After serving as a president, Carter returned to his roots once again because he didn’t want to “capitalize financially on being in the White House,” according to Washington Post.

He never took any advantage of post-presidential popularity and was reported saying: “I don’t see anything wrong with it; I don’t blame other people for doing it. It just never had been my ambition to be rich.”

The Carters lead a very normal and modest life, and it has always been like that. What’s most, The Rolling Stone revealed back in 2011, that the former president shops at the local Dollar General.

Both he and his wife have been part of the Habitat for Humanity for many years and helped renovate around 4,300 houses in 14 different countries.

Speaking of his home, Carter said: “We feel at home here. And the folks in town, when we need it, they take care of us.”

They will be celebrating their 75th wedding anniversary this year. We wish them health and happiness in the years to come.

Mother dog is depressed after losing her puppies in a fire then they show her a litter of orphans


A very unfortunate event left one dog mother without her litter of seven puppies.

The barn where the dogs stayed and which belonged to Jessica Woodruff caught on fire one night. One of the heat lamps that was supposed to keep the animals warm broke down and the fire spread with great speed and intensity. Daisy, the dog, was desperate to save her babies, and she even tried getting inside the burning barn, but everything happened very quickly and nothing could be done.

Despite the puppies, four goats and a pig were killed.

Over the next few days after the accident, Daisy was completely heartbroken. She avoided her humans and the rest of the animals at the farm. All she did was looking for her puppies. Whenever she would go into the destroyed barn and realize the little ones weren’t there, Daisy would start whining and crying.

Jessica knew she had to do something for her dog, otherwise, she could lose her too.

Luckily, Jessica’s sister came up with an interesting idea. She posted on her Facebook page how they were looking for newborn puppies whose mother left so that they could foster them and pair them with the grieving mother. At the same time, another woman was looking for a mother dog who would help a litter of eight puppies survive after their mom passed away.

The tragedies these two families suffered brought them together in an unexpected manner.

Daisy was soon introduced with the puppies and her maternal instinct kicked in right away.

In the weeks that followed, Daisy was the puppies’ mother. She took awesome care of them and wasn’t sad any longer.

When the little guys were a bit grown, they were reunited with their owner. Well, except for the smallest one who stayed with Daisy and Jessica and was named Benji.

This whole story and the video below are way too cute and touching not to be seen and shared with friends on Facebook!

Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

Imposter cop pulls van over and finds it filled with real police detectives


They say crime doesn’t pay and the following story certainly proves it. Well, the truth is that whenever we come up with a plan, we usually give it some thought. However, not every plan which sounds perfect inside our head can be executed the way we hope.

One day, what seemed to be a brilliant idea popped up in the head of a 25-year-old New Yorker named Valiery Portluck. He decided to put on a police uniform and pull cars over. He then sat in his black car which had emergency lights on it and stood by the road. As he noticed a van approaching, he blared his air horn and hoped the vehicle would pull over.


Well, that’s exactly what happened. But instead of making some money by pretending to be a real cop, Portluck got himself in big trouble. It turned out that the people inside the van were real detectives.

The Nassau County law enforcement officers couldn’t have been happier to see him, though.

In fact, they were looking for him as they received an anonymous call about a man on the side of the road impersonating an officer.

Source: YouTube/HAIL NEWS

The moment he realized he did a mistake and that his scam was revealed, Portluck tried to escape but was caught after a short but an intensive chase.

This not so bright criminal was charged with three violations, first-degree criminal impersonation, second-degree reckless endangerment, and unlawful fleeing from a police officer.

Source: YouTube/HAIL NEWS

His neighbors told the police that he was suspicious. Couple of days before he was arrested, Portluck was seen installing flashing lights on his car.

His plan backfired on him and he ended up in jail.

Source: YouTube/HAIL NEWS

For more on this story go to the video below and don’t forget to share it with your friends.

Bored Daddy

Internet troll calls boy with Down Syndrome “ugly” – his mother has the perfect reply


Every person is beautiful in their own way. Some people are a bit different than the rest, but those differences are what make them special and unique. In fact, it is the differences that make this world a colorful place. Unfortunately, the number of people who give themselves the right to judge others based on the way they look is huge.

The mean words, the stares, and the judgment will always be present. What we need to do is learn to ignore the mean comments and always see the positive in life.

One mom, who is a blogger and has a son with Down Syndrome, had the perfect answer for a stranger who called her boy ugly. Her words were praised by many and she received the support from thousands of people who got to read her reaction to the mean comment.

She published the letter on HuffPost before it was shared worldwide.

“Dear @JusesCrustHD,

“Since I started blogging about my son Quinn and his disability, I knew this day would come. There’s no shortage of trolls on the Internet who hide behind the anonymity of a screen name with the intent to be cruel, and I’ve seen their hostility many times before. In fact, in the wake of a recent robbery at the Down Syndrome Association of Houston’s headquarters, in which $10,000 worth of technology was stolen, there was no shortage of ignorant comments on the news story reporting the incident. One user asked, “how will they learn to count to potato?” Another claimed that wasting computers on “retards” was stupid anyway and that the organization deserved to be robbed. These comments, while offensive, simply serve to showcase people’s hate-fueled ignorance and aren’t worth my time. I grimace when I read them, but realize there’s little to be done about such stupidity. But last Saturday, you targeted my son personally and instead of being angry, I’d like to give you some advice: Don’t be a d*ck. It will come back to haunt you.

“I don’t want to make assumptions about you, but I can only guess that you know little about the helplessness that parents feel when caring for a sick infant with respiratory issues. Quinn was sick last week, but was feeling much better by Friday. We decided to sit in the backyard and soak up the sun after school. There aren’t many things in this world more beautiful than seeing your recently-ill child light up in a smile, and I snapped a few photos to celebrate his recovery, then posted them on Instagram with the hashtag “#downsyndrome.” I love to look through those photos myself in my spare time, because damn if those kiddos aren’t adorable. Of course, you feel differently because you, JusesCrustHD, found this photo and left a comment with one simple word:


“The fact that you find my child ugly is one thing. You are entitled to your opinion.

“But the fact that you intentionally search #downsyndrome to find pictures to insult (sadly, Quinn is not the only victim of your behavior; I came across many other inflammatory responses) is both childish and sad.

“Your profile is also full of offensive posts and crude statements.
“In one such photo, featuring two kids with Down syndrome and the word “wiitard,” you get bent out of shape because many, MANY people called you on your prejudice.” the mother wrote.

“You claim it was a joke and that people should lighten up. But what about purposefully seeking out pictures of our children What about the fact that a beautiful photograph of my son was tarnished by your hatred? That’s not a joke. That’s cyberbullying. Needless to say, I reported your profile. This will not be the last time someone discounts my son because he is different. It will not be the last time someone makes a joke at his expense, but to actively seek out actual people to tease goes beyond cruel. It’s inhuman.

“I recognize that you want to see me get worked up about your little “joke.” I’ll be honest; it’s hard not to be angry about it, but I can’t allow myself to carry that weight on my shoulders. I can’t allow myself to feel anything but sorry for an individual with so little tact. Because in end, you will be the one to face the consequences of your choices someday. There are few people in this world who tolerate that kind of backwards thinking, and you’ll eventually mouth off to the wrong person. My guess is that you already have, which is why you hide behind a screen name.

“God knows there were plenty of cruel adolescent boys in my time: boys who took pleasure in pranks and jokes at others’ expense. There were even a few of them that were directed at me, but it gave me tough skin and I grew from the experience of facing such mistreatment. Maybe that’s why I’m willing to let this one go; I know where most of those boys ended up, and it’s nowhere I’d want to be. And as a teacher, I’ve seen kids like you crash and burn. Go outside. Read a book. Compliment someone. Most importantly, enlighten yourself; there’s already enough cruelty in this world, and anyone worth their salt should be striving to make this place better, not worse.

“I simply hope my own children learn to look past ignorant comments and actions and treat others with respect and dignity. We all deserve it, even you.”

She signed the reply “Proud Mama.”

Way to go mama! Quinn is so happy to have you in his life.

Peace and Love

Bored Daddy

6-year-old boy forced to eat lunch behind a screen because his parents dropped him off 1 minute late


Unexpected turn of events sometimes results in very unpleasant consequences. Even if these kinds of things are not due to our fault, we are put in a position to fight against them and endure the pressure of the circumstances. This was something that Nicole Garloff and her son Hunter Cmelo had to struggle with.

The six-year old boy was a student at the Lincoln Elementary School in Grants Pass, Oregon. He had been put in a bad situation where he was punished and shamed in front of the class for things he was responsible for. His mother, as usual, drives the boy to school, but one day her car just stopped working. This resulted with Hunter being late for school. He was late just few minutes.

Hunter knew that this will result with detention and he started crying. Neither he nor his mother were guilty for this situation, but it was up to them to face up with the consequences. The boy entered his classroom, but Nicole felt uneasy. During lunchtime she decide to check on her son in order to see if he is fine.

What she saw stunned her. Her son was separated from the rest of the students as a punishment. However, the punishment didn’t end there. He sat behind a white partition, unable to see the other kids and classmates. In addition, he had a cup with the letter ‘D’ next to him, which means ‘detention’.

Put yourself in the boy’s position. Alone, punished and publicly shamed. That must be very hard for Hunter. He was sitting alone and crying all the time. His mother was very angry when she saw this, especially since Hunter is one of the students who is rarely late.


People found out about Hunter’s experience through his grandmother’s Facebook page. She posted pictures on the Internet with the note:

“This is my grandson, Hunter. He’s a little first grader. His momma’s car sometimes doesn’t like to start right up. Sometimes he’s a couple minutes late to school. Yesterday, he was 1 minute late and this is what his momma discovered they do to punish him! They have done this to him 6 times for something that is out of this baby’s control! They make a mockery of him in front of the other students! The principal is responsible for this. His mom found him there, crying, and took him home for the day. Anyone want to help me flood this lady principal with calls telling her how inappropriate this is?”

With more than 75,000 shares, people spread this message very successfully. The school’s detention policy suddenly was in the public’s focus. The school district was flooded with angry messages and people attacked the school’s management.

However, the family was not quite aware of this and people’s reaction to their problem. They didn’t know that people were coming together in order to help the family. A big surprise was about to be given to the family.

Mark Cmello, the boy’s father, was worried that the car could not be fixable again. However, a very pleasant surprise came by the auto dealer and the community. They have bought the family a new car and they made sure the new car would serve them very well.

Local people, local businessmen and Bill Meyer, paid for the car maintenance and they even gave them $100 gas card.

Mark was amazed. He couldn’t believe that people cared so much about them. He said:

“I’m just blown away to see the community come together like this and see that there’s still good people out there.”

He also added:



Mom Nicole, Hunter, and Bill Meyer at Kelly’s Automotive in Grants Pass via Facebook.

All of these happenings forced the school to change its policy and the way it functions. The school decided to established a supervised classrooms. These classrooms will shame in no way any of the students. Especially not in front of the others.

Take a look at the news report below about this story.

Please share this story with your friends and family.

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Jamie Lee Curtis says plastic surgeries made her feel worse, and that the changes were “humiliating”


Being the daughter of two famous names in the film industry, it doesn’t come as a surprise that actress Jamie Lee Curtis chose the same career path as that of her father Tony Curtis and mother Janet Leigh.

One would assume that Jamie’s childhood was a perfect one, but that’s not completely true. The fact that her parents were prominent actors was a burden through her teenage years because the media was much interested in their private lives and exposed many of their scandals. The news wasn’t always pretty. When Tony left Janet for a 17-year-old German actress, it was on every magazine’s headline.

“She [Janet] told me that she did the memorable scene on the train in The Manchurian Candidate the day she found out that Tony had filed for divorce,” Jamie said of her mother.


In 1975, when Janet left for Broadway, Jamie went with her and enrolled at the Connecticut Boarding school, Coate. Shortly after, she realized she wanted to be an actress just like her mother.

After taking some minor roles, Jamie had her breakthrough with John Carpenter’s legendary horror film Halloween when she turned 20. She was so good in the role of Laurie Strode that horror movies became her thing. Halloween established Jamie as a “Scream Queen” and opened the doors for her to a string of parts in horror films such as The FogProm NightTerror Train (all 1980) and Roadgames (1981).

Although she is awesome at playing in horror movies, she doesn’t watch any. “I do not like horror movies. I do not say this for a joke, although it gets a laugh, I really don’t,” she told NME.

Youtube/Movieclips Classic Trailers

She is the recipient of several accolades, including two Golden Globe Awards, a British Academy Film Award, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

While building her successful career, which allowed her to make a net worth of $60 million, Jamie also found time for love. In 1984, she married Christopher Guest, and they’re still together today. The couple has two adopted children.

Jamie first saw Christopher, who is best known for his role in Spinal Tap, while flipping through a Rolling Stone magazine, according to a piece she wrote for “I looked at the man on the right, wearing a plaid shirt and a waggish smirk. I’d never seen him before, but I pointed at him. ‘I’m going to marry that man,’ I said to my friend.”

The two exchanged numbers through their agents, but he didn’t call her and she moved on dating someone else.

Shutterstock/Featureflash Photo Agency

But then, she accidentally met him at a restaurant. “I glanced up and found myself staring straight at Chris, three tables away. He waved to me as if to say, ‘I’m the guy you called.’ I waved back: ‘I’m the woman who called you.’ A few minutes later, he got up to leave. Standing 20 feet away, he shrugged his shoulders and put up his hand as if to say, ‘I’ll see ya.’”

Jamie Lee Curtis is known as someone who is openly speaking against plastic surgeries although she had undergone certain procedures herself. According to her, those procedures made her feel worse about herself.


In fact, she never considered going under the knife until a cameraman made a comment about her “puffy eyes.”

“I naturally had puffy eyes. If you see photographs of me as a child, I look like I haven’t slept. I’ve just always been that person, and we were shooting a scene in a courtroom with that kind of high, nasty fluorescent light, and it came around to my coverage in the scene, and [the cameraman] said, “I’m not shooting her today. Her eyes are too puffy,” she told Variety.

“I was so mortified and so embarrassed and had just so much shame about it that after that movie, I went and had routine plastic surgery to remove the puffiness.”

In an interview with More in 2002, Jamie revealed that after her surgeries, she felt “ripped off.”

“None of it works. None of it,” she said. “It’s such a fraud. And I’m the one perpetuating it.”

Shutterstock/Featureflash Photo Agency

Two decades later, nothing changed. The actress is convinced that plastic surgeries don’t do any good.

“I would hope a young person would look at me with my grey hair and wrinkly face and say, ‘That’s cool that you are who you are,’” she told Glamour UK in 2019. “If I met Jamie at 17, I would hopefully be an adult who would say, ‘I see you.’”

Speaking to Lorraine Kelly, the 63-year-old actress said that she prefers real beauty, mainly because she’s had “the trail and error of the other part.” Jamie, who doesn’t believe in “f**king with your face,” also added that she used the same logic with her hair when she noticed some grey spots.

“I tried to everything you can do to your hair,” she said. “Personally, I felt it was humiliating.”

“The term, anti-aging … what? What are you talking about? We’re all going to f**king age. We’re all going to die. Why do you want to look 17 when you’re 70? I want to look 70 when I’m 70,” the True Lies actress added.


She doesn’t understand the “obsession” with cosmetic procedures.

“The current trend of fillers and procedures, and this obsession with filtering and the things that we do to adjust our appearance on Zoom are wiping out generations of beauty. Once you mess with your face, you can’t get it back,” Jamie told Fast Company.

“We just don’t know the longitudinal effect, mentally, spiritually and physically on a generation of young people who are in agony because of social media, because of the comparisons to other.

“All of us who are old enough know that it’s all a lie. It’s a real danger to young people.”

We love Jamie for her beauty, talent, and for believing in what she thinks is right.

If you adore Jamie Lee Curtis’ work then SHARE this article with your family and friends on Facebook!

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Woman Scoffed At This Child’s Prayer, But His Response Was Priceless

Last week I took my children to a restaurant. My six-year-old son asked if he could say grace. As we bowed our heads he said, “God is good. God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank you more if Mom gets us ice cream for dessert. And Liberty and justice for all! Amen!” Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby I heard a woman remark, “That’s what’s wrong with this country. Kids today don’t even know how to pray. Asking God for ice-cream! Why, I never!” Hearing this, my son burst into tears and asked me, “Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?” As I held him and assured him that he had done a terrific job and God was certainly not mad at him, an elderly gentleman approached the table. He winked at my son and said, “I happen to know that God thought that was a great prayer.” “Really?” my son asked. “Cross my heart,” the man replied. Then in a theatrical whisper he added (indicating the woman whose remark had started this whole thing), “Too bad she never asks God for ice cream. A little ice cream is good for the soul sometimes.” Naturally, I bought my kids ice cream at the end of the meal. My son stared at his for a moment and then did something I will remember the rest of my life. He picked up his sundae and without a word, walked over and placed it in front of the woman. With a big smile he told her, “Here, this is for you. Ice cream is good for the soul sometimes; and my soul is good already.” Brilliant! Pass this on using the buttons below. Spread the love

Veteran wants to end his life, but one encounter changes all for the better


Whenever we see a man or a woman in uniform, we somehow feel the urge to greet them and thank them for all they do for our country. These people are brave, devoted, and real-life heroes. Their lives after serving in countries where there are wars, however, are completely changed. The trauma stays with them long after they get back home from deployment.

Such was the case with Sgt. Josh Marino, a young man who served in Baghdad. There, he found himself in a middle of a mortar attack and that caused him a traumatic brain injury and post traumatic stress disorder.

Source: Screencap/Mutual Rescue via YouTube

Sadly, Marino felt so lonely and as though no one could understand what he was going through that he decided to take his own life.

“I took out one of my knives, I set it to the side, I wrote a letter up on my computer and set it there on the desk top,” Marino told Mutual Rescue.

Source: Screencap/Mutual Rescue via YouTube

Before doing that, he decided to go outside and have one last cigarette. Little this man knew that an encounter that followed would change his life forever. Namely, as he smoked what was supposed to be his last smoke, he heard meowing coming from a bush. “This little black and white kitten was walking out of the bushes. He just walked up and started rubbing up against my leg and let me pet him.”

This was a turning point at how Marino saw his life.

And I stopped thinking about all my problems and I started thinking about all of his problems, what I could do to help him,” he said.

Source: Screencap/Mutual Rescue via YouTube

Marino couldn’t leave the cat alone, so he returned in the days to come to bring him some water and some food, usually cans of tuna.

“This cat gave me something to look forward to everyday. He didn’t see anything wrong with me, he didn’t see any sort of flaws or imperfections. It felt safe.”

Source: Screencap/Mutual Rescue via YouTube

A couple of days passed by, and these two became very good friends. But then, something terrible happened. The cat was nowhere to be seen after Marino went to feed him one day. He was devastated. This girl, Becky, whom Marino started dating in the meantime, suggested that they go to an adoption event so that he can find a cat.

To everyone’s surprise, the cat that saved Marino’s life was there, waiting to be taken home by someone special. This time, he knew he couldn’t risk losing his pal again so he filled adoption papers right away.

Source: Screencap/Mutual Rescue via YouTube

The cat was named Scout and was now part of a huge family. Marino and his girlfriend moved in together and Scout got to hang out with Becky’s three cats.

“That little kitten made me realize that I wasn’t just a sack of damaged goods,” Marino said.

Source: Screencap/Mutual Rescue via YouTube

The family was very happy together, but then, they learned that Scout had leukemia. He had undergone blood transfusion treatments which gave them a few weeks to spend together, but he passed away.

Today, although Scout is no longer part of Marino’s life, this man says that he owns it all to the special cat who entered his life unexpectedly and changed it forever. Marino now works as a consultant of disabled veterans at the Department of Veteran Affairs and has earned a Master’s degree in clinical rehabilitation and mental health counseling.

Source: Screencap/Mutual Rescue via YouTube

Take a look at this touching mutual rescue story in the video below. Grab your tissues, you are going to need them, that’s for sure.