15 Year Old Nickols Woke Up Screaming, Now His Family Warns Others About This Deadly Prank

Nickolas Conrad, a 15 year old boy from Arkansas was woken up suddenly in the night with the sensation of fire on his neck, like he had been set on fire. The burning was intense, but he hadn’t been set on fire, it was his so called friends that had pranked him, but this wasn’t an ordinary prank, it was much more serious. Nickolas said:

“I just want them to leave me alone. They’re not my friends anymore and they’re not going to be”

It’s been called by some the “Hot Water Challenge” where people are pouring boiling water on unsuspecting others…
Everyone is now being warned about a seriously dangerous new thing that is spreading via the internet. Nickolas was a victim of the insane new trend that is going on. One particular night after Nickolas had fallen asleep, his so called friends crept to get some boiling water from a microwave. It was really intensely hot when they poured the boiling water on him. Nickolas said:

“I felt this really bad burning on my neck and when I woke up and I started screaming and crying. It was the worst pain of my life”

Nickolas’s so called friends had burned him before with a cigarette lighter, he just wanted to be left alone! He Said:

“I just want them to leave me alone. They’re not my friends anymore and they’re not going to be”

Nickolas isn’t alone and their are others that have been really badly burnt or injured in this cray trend, an 11 year old girl called Jamoneisha Merrit was burned on her face when her so called friends threw boiling water at her. In Florida a girl died, she was 8 years old and died because she attempted a version of the hot water challenge, her cousin challenged her to drink boiling water through a straw. Several months after the grave injuries she suffered she died. Diane Johnson, the aunt of the little girl who died is now trying to raise awareness about this dangerous growing trend, and to make others realize the grave consequences. Diane says:

“Parents, talk to your kids about these challenges. Don’t just give them your phone and let them go by. Watch what they are doing”

This really must STOP. Please share this article and raise awareness any way you can so parents will talk to their children and make sure they know how really dangerous it is!

This Guy Was Handed A Note By Another Passenger After He Told A Woman He Was Sitting In Her Seat

“Do good. Recognize good. Make the world better.” I think this story is truly wonderful, it really make me feel good inside! This guy proved that one seemingly insignificant gesture can mean the world to its recipient. If you’ve traveled before on an airplane then you have probably already seen the special treatment that is afforded to members of our nation’s amazing armed services. This guy took that step further and after the service membres were allowed to board the flight first, as is customary, he thought that this wasn’t nearly enough for all the hard work they him and his fellow service men and women do and their willingness to put their lives at stake to protect everyone’s freedoms. A man got up from his seat and told the woman in uniform, who boarded the flight after everyone else in first class, that he was sat in the wrong seat, and actually he was sitting in her rightful seat. She was a little confused at first but when she realized what was happening she was very grateful. One great deed deserves another, and as another woman had seen what was happening and this guy was giving up his seat to the service woman she decided to let him know what that meant to her. She gave him some money to treat himself, but he declined the money as he didn’t need a reward for his actions. The United States Of America is truly great because of people and the actions they take exactly like this, and the mistake is thinking that the american people do not appreciate military personnel. And this storey really reinforces that and the thoughtfulness of good people. “If everyone treated people the way you treated the servicewoman, the world would be [a] better place,” Titus wrote in a note for the man. And though he refused, according to Titus, she adds that people should make an effort to do, and recognize, all the good in the world. If you’re like me then you too think that the great servicemen and servicewomen really must be treated to be as special as they are. If you think so too then please do share this lovely warm storey with family and friends.

Mom Is Flat Broke on Last $20, Children Pray For A Miracle, Mom Finds An Envelope On The Doorstep…

A child, with their hearts not yet hard to the world, brings such incredible power in their faith of the world, the disappointments and the bad relationships included. From the bible we learnt that, in Matthew, it is asked to Jesus by his disciples; “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?” and it’s there that it’s so clear that the heart of a child is so good. In fact to enter the kingdom of heaven it’s also said we are to become like a child. As Sara Moore Gruver got to the end of her pay period she invariably had to budget, but also she was given a reminder of how fortuitous the faith of a child can be! Her kids weren’t really sure what it means to land on a week where you’re just a little short, and begged mom for ice cream. You probably well know the kind of routine that you see in your local supermarket, or with your own kids. The end of everything could come if they don’t get their treat! Mom explained that the last $20 in her pocket would last until payday, she explained to the kids, so they perhaps would understand that they were short on money that week. After all they had more than enough food at home already. The children dreamed of ice cream, just the thought conjured their imaginations and followed by sadness in their seats, knowing there was no way to persuade mom, so they said a prayer. Sara heard them say:

“God, we’d really love some ice cream. Is there any way you can give mommy some money so we can get some ice cream tonight? We know you can. Thank you.”

Telling the kids that there were bigger and more deserving things to pray for she said:

“God isn’t going to drop money on our door step so you can get ice cream. He’s BUSY right now with natural disasters.”

The Oldest, Josh, knew that God is never so busy that he can’t listen to all the prayers he receives, and he could feed millions, so ice cream should be a sinch! So Josh said to his mom:

“Nope, God said you’ll have plenty of money for ice cream and to give some to the natural disaster people.”

Sarah was going to correct him but quickly gave up.

When they pulled into their driveway, there was some mail on their front porch. They unloaded, then she opened the envelope, inside it was a check for $123.

The extra money was actually money given back from an overpayment on an old student loan from many years before. Sara finished her Facebook post:

“The kids were not surprised. God was not surprised. They got ice cream. The Red Cross got a donation. And Mom remembered, yet again, what it means to have the faith of a child.”

Since she posted her experience, the story has gone completely viral. Sara is so pleased that her post has gained so much of people’s attention, but it’s put faith well and truly in the spotlight. Lots of people have offered ice cream to Sarah’s kids, but she tells everyone that they are not really in need, it’s just that, she says:

“We have good jobs and are financially set, just some weeks we pay extra on things and don’t leave room in the budget for treats.”

So if you are now mindful to remember the faith of children then share the love and this storey too!

Deaf Man Breaks Down During A Pizza Delivery 2 Hours Late After Car Stalls, What Happens Next Is A Complete Surprise

Benjamin Houston from Flint, Michigan is a pizza delivery man who showed true dedication when his car let him down during a pizza delivery. He worked for Domino’s and that day he put his customer first! His customer, Ashley Schafer had put her three daughters to bed then ordered a pizza and drink. Ashley said:

“My husband is third shift so sometimes we have dinner for breakfast and all eat together. This night I decided to order the pizza to have it for the morning”

To deliver the pizza’s was Benjamin’s job, in his 2006 Chevy, but a short distance from the home of his customer, Ashley, his car let him down! He decided to walk the rest of the distance, about half a mile, really going above and beyond his job description. Benjamin was hearing impaired but never turned away from challenges in his life, and certainly not this one either, that pizza was going to get delivered!

Benjamin Houston, who is deaf, walked a half-mile to customer Ashley Schafer's house to make his delivery.Schafer said…

Gepostet von KTLA 5 News am Donnerstag, 3. August 2017

“I don’t like sitting in a car doing nothing for so long,” he said. “Even though the area where I live is not safe for people to walk, especially a deaf person.”

So he set out for the Ashley’s home, on foot, determined to deliver their pizza one way or another. During this Ashley had been waiting now about an hour, feeling confused, she finally got a knock at the door, now even more confused because there was the Domino’s assistant manager stood there, concerned about his driver, until he realized he had decided to finish the delivery on foot.

“I told him I wasn’t worried about the pizza,” Schafer said. “Go find Ben. It was 12:30 in the morning and being a delivery driver can be dangerous as it is.”

About half an hour later, Ashley got another knock at the door, this time to find Benjamin stood at the door with her pizza, drink, and pen and receipt in hand. When she realized he had walked she gave him an extra big tip and called the restaurant to let them know what had happened. Ashley said:

“I know he has a huge heart and is dedicated and loyal”

“Nine and a half times out of ten someone else would not have done that. That speaks a lot about his character.”

Ashley was so appreciative she set up a GoFundMe page for Benjamin to help him get his car fixed, and ove $10,000 has already been raised, what a wonderful gesture for such a wonderful kind hearted guy. Ashley said on Facebook:

“It might seem silly, but in a world that right now feels tumultuous and full of hate and in a city where itself and it’s people are constantly put down, there was this bright light that was Ben”


“He went far above and beyond, caring more about getting me my stupid pizzas [than] staying at his car and waiting for help”

Benjamin added:

“It’s more than pizza of course, it’s an enormous understanding of responsibility, respect for self and another human being, and above all unsolicited kindness.”

What a perfect example of selflessness and kindness, simply through the way Benjamin does his job, day in day out. If he can make such a difference in delivering pizzas, the we can all really do something to make the world better!

Detectives Discover Wife’s Camera During An Investigation, Husband Is Finally Relieved…

Erica and David Lacey met at work and became really good friends, things progressed fast and about a year later they became romantically involved. They got engaged and were committed to each other, in love and tied together in holy matrimony for the rest of their lives, but what they didn’t know was how long the rest of their lives actually was. The day of the wedding got closer and closer, sadly Erica started to feel poorly and experienced chest pains, and so she visited her doctor when she wasn’t getting any better. The doctors ran tests and a CT scan revealed that she had a growth, a tumor near her heart and what looked like another to the rear of the diaphragm. It turned out she had a rare form of lymphoma, but she only found out, sadly, days before she was due to be married. Erica had treatment immediately and she was told that it would be best to cancel her wedding because of the chemotherapy she must undergo, but the two of them, to be husband and wife wanted to push ahead with the wedding!

They went ahead and got married while Erica was undergoing chemotherapy, her only worry was if her bandages would be on the wedding photos.

Dave Lacey was already devastated by the loss of his young wife Erica to cancer when a burglar raided his home and stole…

Gepostet von KTLA 5 News am Samstag, 30. August 2014

Two years is the total time she lived after her diagnosis, and the couple took every minute of the time to be with each other, Erica was passionate about photography and took a camera everywhere to document all the moments she had that she wanted to capture. When Erica died the camera was full of photos, 300 of them, that told her storey and her celebration of life right up until the end. About a year after something terrible happened and Dave’s house was burgled, the precious camera of all the memories was taken too, amongst all the thing taken it was the only thing he really cared about and couldn’t replace.

He was absolutely convinced that he would never see the photos again because he hadn’t got any copies or even downloaded the photos off the camera.

Dave Lacey walked out of a Santa Ana pawn shop, happy to be reunited with a camera stolen from his home over a year ago….

Gepostet von ABC7 am Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014

In a fortunate turn of events Paul McClaskey and Jerry Verdugo, detectives, had arrested a man, Dave Aguilar in relation to the theft of computers and had interestingly found many receipts from a pawn shop, so they decided to investigate further, this was the link they needed! The pawn shop didn’t really help them, all apart from a canon camera, Jerry one of the detectives remembered being very angry as he looked through the camera at the storey of a young wife dying, and pondering how could anyone have carried out this crime!

Finally they found Dave, the victim of the robbery and reunited him with his camera and all those wonderful memories.

Had it not been for the awesome work of these to detectives, tirelessly looking for the victim of this crime Dave would have got his photos of his wife returned back to him. Dave can now always keep safe those wonderful happy memories of his wife!

Nail Salon Worker Alerts Woman To Something Life Threatening, By Looking At Her Nails

A little bit of beauty treatment is very welcome in our busy lives, foot or even hand treatments help us relax and recuperate, so the nail salon is the last place we expect to find out about life or death news. The nail shop, and Lisa Harrison Williams, who worked there, had a strange request from a client, they wanted a dark vertical line, from the nail root to the tip covered with nail polish. This marking on her nail had given rise to many manicurists speculating on what it was caused by, over the years, but generally most thought it was calcium deficiency, and some assumed it was hereditary. Lisa at the nail shop was not convinced and although reportedly, she said she didn’t want to scare the woman, she did what she felt was right. She told the woman it was imperative to seek medical advice straight away. Cancer is a general term, but, basically a small part of your body has a mutation, an error in your DNA, that keeps multiplying and getting bigger and bigger, sometimes resulting in an tumor. A tumor, though is not a single sign of cancer. Melanoma, cancer of the skin, is diagnosed commonly through changes in moles and alike and irregular skin colorations. The slightly shocked customer left the nail salon but returned a few days later with some sad news, the mark was indeed cancer, it was a Subungual Melanoma. Subungual Melanoma is a very rare and quite aggressive cancer of the nail root. Pigmentation of the vertical line spreads across the skin and then permeates surrounding tissue. Cracking, brittleness, and sometimes bleeding at the site of pigmentation can be common symptoms. Early detection is the best defense here, commonly the most used treatment is surgery to remove the cancerous tissue. Onset tends to be about middle-age, and typically it is in darker-skinned adults. Williams shared her story publicly via her social media as a precautionary tale, she hops that others that want to cover up what they think is an unsightly mark will perhaps see a doctor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMbcvbxl_oQ Ironically, this kind of pigmentation and stripes in the nails can be common and benign. Hereditary marks will show up in many nails, but a real mark of Subungual Melanoma is that of the pigmented stripe affecting, usually, just one nail, mainly the thumbs or big toes.

Lisa is delighted she could tell the customer, and now she is getting the help that she really needs.

She says; keep an eye out for changes in nail beds.

“And please keep an eye on the nail beds—toes and fingers—-of your elderly loved ones and your loved ones that aren’t physically able to notice changes in the nail beds! Early diagnosis can make all the difference in the world!!!”

Two Guys Sing While They Work, People Can’t Believe What They Hear

Would you expect, in a work day, to find to contractors video themselves as they erupt into a sing song, and if not only for that reason there are indeed many people who have such hidden talents like these two men! So you have two amazingly skilled craftsmen, working away, but nevertheless that doesn’t also stop them from following another passion, doing what they love, and of course giving many people happy smiles too.
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Josh and Aaron called the song “Singing Contractors”, two very honest and humble guys that work hard and share their talents with all. The two men are recognised for their harmonious hymns and classics that really do lift your spirits, Joshua has his camera for an old favorite on a hot july day. “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban was a request from an internet fan. Without having the lyrics committed to memory, the two men perform an impromptu harmony together right in the middle of their work space!
Screenshot via YouTube
Right in the middle of a work day, the perfect moment for the men pause to take a video, but not so many people have a true hidden talent like this, and that’s the reason that this is so unexpected! An unfinished, unfurnished home make an awesome acoustics for singing and the two mens voices, and they really can sing for sure! It’s not only the song they chose for this song that is so uplifting, the sheer power as they sing make you feel inspired to listen to them. And when these two guys take on a new contract or building work, they bring their huge harmonious voices with them too!
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Skillfully working with their tools as they sing they are truly doubly talented, if that isn’t an amazing way to make the work more enjoyable, then I don’t know what is!
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Have a listen to the “Singing Contractors. You’ll be just as wowed as we were!

Her Cry For Help Was Finally Answered, Poorly Cat Cries Out!

When you hear a screaming animal it makes your heart jump and you pulse race, well this passerby heard and animal crying out! As they got closer they could hardly believe it was a cat, but they decided straight away they had to help. The crying cat and a really poorly leg, a broken log and was very sick and diseased. Fortunately she is now recovering, but the video below is enough to bring you to tears. This cat was crying for help, then they noticed… Watch the video below! Share this amazing storey…