What Puppy Does Before Eating His Meal Will Melt Your Heart

15 before-and-after photos of rescue animals that will make your day














Dad and son turn a 100-year-old gas station into a modern living space – the interior is stunning!
They say the home is where your heart is, and Robert Guthrie’s was at an old gas station that he turned into an incredibly stunning and cozy place to live.
When he informed his son how he was planning to buy the 100-year-old gas station and re-purpose it for living, the boy thought his dad had lost his mind. But now, with a lot of hard work, dedication, and a touch of creativity, the 2,000-square-foot space resembles a perfect home. It can be described as an incredible mixture of the new and the old. Modern, but yet holding pieces of the past soul.

Wiener Dog Spots Dolphin and Goes Overboard to Catch It
Vet Shows True Compassion When He Rocks Puppy Like A Baby To Calm Her After Surgery
Baby Meesha was coming off her anesthesia and was a little scared because her body felt so weird. BARCS Surgical Assistant Dennis Moses took her out into the quiet hallway to comfort her. One of our awesome volunteers just happened to be walking by to capture this sweet moment. Thank you to Dennis and all the staff who work long, tireless hours in the background of our shelter—saving lives and loving the animals. (Turn on the sound, it will melt your heart!) Posted by BARCS Animal Shelter on Thursday, February 25, 2016
If Your Kids Have Been Asking For A Pet, Here Are 6 Reasons You Should Say Yes
1. Pets teach responsibility.
2. Kids with pets have fewer allergies.
3. Animals relieve stress.

4. Kids will get more exercise.
5. Kids become better readers.
6. Kids develop a sense of compassion.
Texas woman holds door open for stranger: Hears remark seconds later
We sometimes lose sight of the fact that every day we have a choice.
We can choose to connect to those around us, or we can choose to close ourselves off. Some days we may not feel like reaching out to others, but on days when we can, you never know just what may come of it.We’re busy.
I know. I’m caught in that cycle, too. When I do get a moment to breathe and do something for myself, sometimes I just want the time to clear my mind and, blessedly, saynothing. There’s nothing wrong with that.But during our more generous moments…
Maybe we could stretch ourselves a bit further — stretch to offer human warmth and conversation to someone who deserves it simply for being another person in our midst. Stretch to brighten someone’s day, knowing that maybe we’ll be turned down, and maybe we won’t. Stretch to keep ourselves open to the world and to other people, even if naysayers would have you believe it’s safer to stay tight and closed off. Stretch simply to tell the world that we won’t be automatons who use our energy and light only for the tasks required to survive but that we will be people who reallylive. That’s what happened when Brooke Ochoa went to lunch by herself. She could have kept her gaze fixed to her phone, barely taking in the information from the environment around her. But she tuned in. She noticed people. She noticed Delores. And what came of that is truly beautiful. Enjoy.
Every Child Who Visits His House Dies and There Will be More

In times when we lose our faith in humanity someone generous and humble like Mohamed Bzeek restores it. Really, no words can describe this man’s selflessness and kindness, and when you’ll learn why, you will realize that not all heroes wear capes, some look like ordinary humans who do so much good for those in need that they deserve every praise.
Mohamed is a foster parent, but what is special about him is that he only fosters terminally ill children no one else is willing to take in.

Mohamed made helping these kids during their final days his life mission after he was diagnosed with colon cancer and had to go to the hospital and have surgery all by himself. When he showed up there, doctors asked about his family. Unfortunately, Mohamed’s wife passed away, and his son is handicapped, so he felt what it feels like to be petrified and have no one by your side.
He said how he doesn’t want any kid to feel the same.
Mohamed’s story is so touching that it makes all of us become better people than we are today and offer a helping hand to the most vulnerable ones. It’s because of people like him that this world goes round and turns into a better place. Mohamed’s deeds are a light in the darkness of many kids.
Inspired by a story in the LA Times, Margaret Cotts started a GoFundMe for Mohamed Bzeek and his foster children. Thankfully, many who gave this man a recognition for what he does supported him, and he can now take even better care of the ill children he fosters.