Teen presents Harry and Meghan with a hand drawn portrait and they can’t believe their eyes

The newlyweds, Prince Harry and his bride Meghan Markle made their first official trip as a married couple in May landing in Ireland for two days.
The couple got the biggest surprise of their married life when a 19 year old girl presented them with a gift.
19-year-old Chloe Mullins had been preparing to see the newly married princess for several weeks. Princess Diana’s youngest son and Meghan took the time to greet the people of Ireland during their time on the Emerald Island. Chloe stood in the crowd with a special gift in hand. She stretched her hand out, and caught the Prince’s attention. Chloe had spent a lot time and energy sketching an image of the happy couple.  It was amazing.  She is so talented she was hopeful that they would accept her gift. Here’s the sketch: WOW!  Right? The royal couple seemed to think so, appearing stunned by the present. Images of Meghan and Harry’s face clearly reveal how surprised and flattered they were. https://twitter.com/cmullins98/status/1017032540929052672 What an amazing present!  The couple can enjoy that for many years to come.  I wonder how many gifts they get every day?

Nursing home worker reveals real truth about beauty

Nurses have a tough job, not only are the giving meds, taking directions from doctors, answering call bells, and sometimes even serving meals.  Good nurses are also therapists. Giving words of encouragement, glimpses of hope and in some cases just a listening ear.
Brandalyn Mae Porter works in a retirement home in Texas, as a nurse.  She is clearly one those who clearly has a very positive impact on her residents.
She is known for her simple, yet straightforward way and can make the residents feel at ease.
Brandalyn took a special picture of one of the resident’s hands and now it is spreading online like wildfire.

"Today I painted a new residents nails at work and as we were going over colors, she mentioned she wanted clear. The…

Gepostet von Love What Matters am Samstag, 27. August 2016

She was at work helping a resident wash up and asked her if she wanted her nails painted.

Here is her story of that day:

“Today I painted a new resident’s nails at work and as we were going over colors, she mentioned she wanted clear. The only thought that came to my mind was ‘CLEAR?! That’s no fun.’ I asked her why she wanted clear and she said, ‘My hands are ugly, I don’t want to draw attention to them.’ “I then carefully responded with, ‘Your hands tell the story of your life. They tell the story of love, of care and adventure. These hands have touched and held things that most people can only wish to one day.’ And with that, she went with the color pink for her nails. Sometimes what we are so insecure with, others find beauty in. Brandalyn’s beautiful inspiring words finally convinced the lady to paint her nails and not because her hands were beuartiful but because of what they revealed.  Her life experiences! All day long she could show off her beautiful manicure along with the many stories her hands had to tell. Brandalyn and all Healthcare professionals deserve recognition for the important role they play in our healthcare system.  It’s because of people like Brandalyn that this world is a wonderful place. 

Ungrateful wife left him and their son after a fight – 2 days later, he writes her a letter everyone should read

After a long, stressful day at work, a man went home exhausted to his family. All he wanted to do was sit down in his favorite chair and watch his favorite team play football. He didn’t want to be disturbed by his kids or help his wife do any chores. This upset his wife to no end and the couple got in a big argument. It had happened before, but this was the last straw and the man’s wife stormed out of the house. She didn’t come home that night, or the next morning, either. The man’s world collapsed and suddenly he had to take care of himself. After two days alone with his kids, the man found a moment to sit down and write this letter to his wife: My darling, Two nights ago, we had a huge argument. I was exhausted when I got home from work. It was 8:00 p.m and all I wanted to do was to lie down and watch the game. You weren’t in a good mood, and you were clearly tired after having a long day. You were trying to put the baby to sleep as the other kids were fighting, and all I did was turn the volume up. “Would it kill you to play a more active role in your children’s upbringing?” you asked, turning the television volume back down. “You can help out more around the house, too.” “Hey,” I said defensively. “I work hard all day just so you could play in the doll’s house all day.” The argument just kept going like that. I said terrible things to you that I can never take back, and you screamed, saying that you were sick of it all. So you tearfully ran out of the house, leaving me to take care of the children on my own. I was forced to feed the kids and put them to bed all by myself. When you didn’t come back the next day, I was forced to ask my boss if I could take a day off so I could take care of the children. I experienced the crying and the tantrums. I experienced having to run around so much all day that I didn’t even have a chance to shower. I experienced being forced to heat the milk, getting the kids dressed, and cleaning the kitchen all at once. I experienced being cooped up all day without speaking to an adult. I experienced the inability to sit calmly at the table to have a relaxed meal whenever I wanted, because I had to run after the kids. I experienced feeling so physically and emotionally drained that I just wanted to sleep for 20 hours straight, but had to get up a few hours after falling asleep because the baby was crying. I lived two days and two nights the way that you do, and I think I get it now. I get your exhaustion. I get that being a mother is all about sacrifice. I get that it is more tiring than being among corporate bigwigs for 10 hours and making economic decisions. I get how frustrated you must be to have to sacrifice your job and financial freedom so that you can provide for your children. I get how uncertain you are about the fact that your economic security now depends on your partner and not just you. I get how hard it is to not be able to hang out with your friends, exercise, or get a good night’s sleep. I get how challenging it is, being locked up and being forced to to watch the children while imagining what you must be missing in the outside world. I also get that you become upset when my mother criticizes how you choose to raise our children, because nobody in the world knows what is best for children like their own mother. I get that being a mother means carrying society’s greatest burdens. Being the person that nobody appreciates, values, or remembers. I write you this letter not just to tell you that you are missed, but additionally because I don’t want to go another day without telling you: “You are strong, doing an excellent job, and I admire you.” This letter has been circulating on the internet for a while, and it’s a wonderful tribute from a man to his wife. He never understood what an unbelievable job she did before he was forced to put himself in her shoes. I hope everyone who reads this understands what an important job it is to stay home and take care of the children. Please SHARE if you also think that moms deserve all the praise in the world!

Teen wants to wear see-through blouse on her date – grandma’s reaction is just perfect

There’s a reason why you shouldn’t mess with old people… Grandmothers and grandfathers have a lot of experience and they know how to make a point—something this grandmother clearly shows. When she saw her teenage granddaughter put on a see-through blouse to go out on a date, this grandma didn’t approve at all. So the clever old lady came up with a solution that both put a big smile on my face and got the teenage girl thinking… Scroll down to see this grandma’s hilarious response: The teenage granddaughter comes downstairs for her date with this see-through blouse on and no bra. Her grandmother just pitched a fit, telling her not to dare go out like that! The teenager tells her, “Loosen up, Grams. These are modern times. You gotta let your rosebuds show!” and out she goes. The next day the teenager comes downstairs, and the grandmother is sitting there with no top on. The teenager wants to die. She explains to her grandmother that she has friends coming over and that it is just not appropriate… Her grandmother says, “Loosen up, Sweetie. If you can show off your rosebuds, then I can display my hanging baskets.” I can just imagine the look on her granddaughter’s face! SHARE this story with your friends if you want to give them a good laugh.

He walked 20 miles to his first day of work. Here’s what happened when his boss found out.

Walter Carr was all set for his first day of a new job, but then his car broke down 20 miles from work. With the car dead and his new job with a moving company called Bellhops on the line, Carr knew he only had one choice: to walk. So after taking a four-hour nap to give him strength, the Birmingham, Alabama, resident started the long walk to work at midnight. It took him another four hours to get to his destination. At 3 a.m., several officers saw Carr walking through a neighborhood and stopped to ask where we was going. After Carr told them about his journey, the officers took him to breakfast and then to a church, where they thought he’d have a safe place to rest until his job started. But not wanting to be late for the first moving job of the day, Carr took off for Jenny and Chris Lamey’s home. Another officer — who’d just come on the clock and heard Carr’s story — picked him up and drove him the rest of the way. By 6:30 a.m., the Lameys got a knock at their door. Carr had made it to work and was ready to move their household. Carr put in a full day, refusing even a short nap before he started. Jenny Lamey, so impressed with Carr’s perseverance, shared the story on Facebook. The post has since gone viral, amassing hundreds of shares. The CEO of Bellhops caught wind of Carr’s journey. Luke Marklin, the CEO of Bellhops, drove from Tennessee to meet the guy who’d walked 20 miles to get to work. By the end of their meeting, Carr was walking away with something more than just a clap on the shoulder. Marklin gifted Carr his own car to make sure that he wouldn’t have to choose walking over sleeping before work again. Jenny Lamey also contributed, starting a GoFundMe that’s raised more than $8,000 for Carr’s future. “I want people to know this: No matter what the challenge is, you can break through the challenge,” Carr told AL.com. “Nothing is impossible unless you make it impossible. You can do anything you set your mind to.” Watch Carr get his new car below:  

Smart older lady calls a hospital to check on a patient, has the operator laughing by the end

Senior citizens tend to get a bad rap. Most people assume they live in Florida, sit around knitting all day, and go to bed at dusk. But those are unfair stereotypes! Sure, old folks may have a few more health concerns than younger adults, but they still have their wits about them — and they still know how to have a little fun. For instance, did you know that President George H.W. Bush skydived well into his 90s, comedian George Burns puffed on cigars until his death at 100,and a saucy old granny in England recently snuck out of her nursing home to get a tattoo? The senior shenanigans don’t stop there, either. Plenty of people in their golden oldies are adding a little sparkle to their lives by being downright cool and hysterically funny. Take the grandma in this story I heard a few years ago. What she does when she calls a hospital is not only hilarious, but it’s also a whip-smart move any whippersnapper half her age would be proud to say they thought of themselves… A sweet old lady telephoned St. Joseph’s Hospital. She asked, “Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing?” The operator said, “I can. What the name and the room number?” The old lady said, “Norma Findlay, Room 302.” The operator replied, “Let me place you on hold while I check with her nurse.” After a few minutes the operator returned to the phone and said, “Oh, I have good news, her nurse just told me that Norma is doing very well. Her blood pressure is fine, her blood work just came back as normal, and her physician, Dr. Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged on Tuesday.” The old lady said, “Thank you. That’s wonderful! I was so worried! God bless you!” The operator replied, “You’re more than welcome. Is Norma your daughter?” The grandmother said, “No, I’m Norma Findlay in 302. No one ever tells me sh*t.” Please SHARE if this grandma put a smile on your face.

Foster mom abuses adopted daughter at restaurant while favoring ‘real’ son but a customer has had enough

There are nearly 428,000 children in foster care in the United States. More than 18,000 foster kids live in Arizona, a state with one of the highest numbers of foster kids in the country. Most foster families are taking care and loving these children in need as their own. However, there are some families who are taking advantage of the system, taking the money, the state provides for the child’s needs and using it for their own purpose or for their other biological children instead. In the emotional video below, a family of three are having their lunch at the Sugar Bowl restaurant in Scottsdale, Arizona — Angela, the mother with her foster daughter Emma and her biological son Xavier. After moments of their arrival, people there started noticing how badly the ‘mom’ treats Emma while she treats Xavier very nice. She didn’t give Emma the same delicious food she gave to her son. When Emma asks for a sundae, Angela responded with a truly hurtful explanation: “He’s my real son and you’re my foster kid,” she tells Emma. Angela, even went beyond the unimaginable and threatened Emma to turn her back to the foster care if she doesn’t agree with her unreasonable rules! luckily, there was an all set up experiment by the famous show “What Would You Do? All of Angela, Emma and Xavier are actors, but other customers weren’t. You have to watch their reactions to the woman’s poor behavior with her foster child. It’s been all caught on hidden cameras. You’ll want to grab a tissue box before watching this one. Watch the full tear-jerking experiment in the video below: If this social experiment proves anything, it’s that when we see children being harmed, we have the power to step in and make a difference! Please SHARE this powerful message with your family and friends on Facebook!

Giant Weed Spreading Across North America Can Cause Third Degree Burns And Blindness If Touched

People are being cautioned to be on the lookout for Giant hogweed, a plant with toxic sap that can cause third degree burns and even blindness. The toxic plants are an invasive species to North America, Europe and Britain and are spreading more and more, which means people and pets are coming into more frequent contact with it. Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) is from the carrot family and is often mistaken for cow parsnip, woodland angelica and Queen Anne’s Lace (also known as wild carrot). It’s the hogweed’s sap that distinguishes it from other plants because of its high toxicity. Giant hogweed sap contains toxic chemicals that make skin hyper-sensitive to ultraviolet light.
Giant Hogweed. Photo credit: Flickr/free photos
Once the sap is exposed to sunlight, it reacts and can cause severe blistering, permanent scarring and blindness if it comes in contact with the eyes. Sometimes, people do not feel the reaction until a few days later when the sap on their body is exposed to the sun. Even after the affected areas of skin have healed, the skin can remain sensitive to light for years. The chemicals in the sap are known as furocoumarins and are carcinogenic and teratogenic, meaning they can cause cancer and birth defects. It’s no wonder people want to spread the word of the dangers of the plant! And humans are not the only ones at risk. Livestock and dogs and cats can also be badly harmed. A Great Dane in England recently sniffed a Giant Hogweed plant, which burned her nose severely. If you or someone you know comes physical contact with giant hogweed they should immediately wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and cold water. If it gets into eyes, rinse them thoroughly with water and wear sunglasses. You will also need to keep the exposed area of skin out of the sun for at least 48 hours. It’s recommended you visit the doctor (or veterinarian, in the case of an animal) if you notice any signs of reaction. 10-year-old Lauren Fuller described how she came in contact with Giant Hogweed when out fishing with her father and ended up burning her hands. Caution: there are a few graphic photos contained in the video. Key ways to identify the plant are:
  • The stems are hairy and splotchy purple and green in color
  • The leaves are dark green with three deep lobes
  • It can reach a size of height of 14 feet (4-5 metres). Stems have a diameter of 5-10 cm.
  • It has small, pretty, white flowers that are umbrella-shaped and can measure up to 80 cm across.
  • The stems can still be toxic when they are dry and have no leaves!
Identifying giant hogweed. Photo credit: Beacon Bollin
If you find a plant in your neighborhood or garden, you are advised to contact your local municipality to inform them of the invasive plant. In the video below, there are some tips for the appropriate way to get rid of the hogweed. People are advised not to make contact with the plant, and to keep pets and children away from the plant. Please share this important educational information with your friends and family!