Man helps someone in need and is surprised to learn their identity

Being there for those in need of help can influence a person’s life to the extent they’ve never assumed. Many times when someone offers a helping hand, they don’t expect anything in return. But as no good deed ever goes unnoticed, these people are later rewarded this way or the other. 

That’s exactly what happened to a homeless man with a heart of gold who didn’t hesitate a bit when it came to stepping in for a complete stranger. 

This is one of those stories that teaches us how any act of kindness can go a long way. 



Dave Cochran is a homeless guy from Kansas who lives in his vehicle, a 95′ Suburban. Although this man doesn’t have much money, he’s got something more valuable, a kind soul.

One day as he was laying in his car he noticed another man struggling to get his out of the piles of snow. The winter struck really hard and it made it difficult for people to navigate their vehicles. 

Cohran was aware the man wouldn’t be able to succeed in doing what he was trying to do, so he decided to offer a helping hand. His Suburban was way older than the 2019 BMW, but it was more powerful, so Cohran offered to tow the other car up the hill.



After it was all done, Dave was happy to help and even happier for not scratching the man’s brand new car. The man on the other hand, thanked Dave and drove his way. 

But, never in his wildest dreams did this homeless man think this story will go viral and he’ll become famous in his hometown and even further. 

The stranger turned out to be the very famous Kansas City Chief’s NFL player, Jeff Allen. 

Jeff really wanted to do something nice for Dave. Ne though that that way he’ll show everyone how doing good is always the right option. However, he didn’t know anything about Dave, except for his name and that he was driving a Suburban truck.

But, tracking someone down is quite easy these days because of the social networking sites such as Tweeter where Jeff posted about what had happened. 

Soon after, people who knew Dave told him how the player was looking for him because he wanted to invite him to the AFC championship. 



After they got in touch, Jeff gave Dave three free tickets to a game in Arrowhead Stadium. Dave said:

“He gave me three free tickets to the championship games [on] Sunday. And I mean, God bless him, I’ve never been to a football game ever in my life.”

All this made Dave believe that things may turn for the good for him in the future because now he’s faith in humanity was restored. He did what he believed was the right thing to do, and I believe that this story helped change people’s general opinion for the homeless. 

Now that people learned of Dave’s situation, we hope many will step in and help him get a new start in life. 

Soldier falls in love with puppy overseas, Watch moment they’re finally reunited in USA

Many animals make great pets, but let’s be honest, none beats dogs. They are easy to make friends with, and once they fall in love with you it means you have someone in your life who will never leave your side.

When Daniel Rindone was deployed to Syria, he hoped to meet fellow soldiers who’ll become his pals, but little did he know that he would find his best companion in the dog that would often approach the base along with a bunch of other pups. The smart creatures knew  the soldiers would give them some food so they would pay them a visit every now and then. Among the pack of dogs there was one that was sort of special. Rindone named it Syri and grew fond of it. 

As the time to get back to the States was approaching, Rindone knew it would mean saying goodbye to fluffy Syri, and that was something he couldn’t come to terms with. The only logical solution he could come up with was taking Syri home with him. After contacting the SPCA, he was told they had an international program that could help. 

“I have this little dog here that I want to bring home,” he told them and “How do I do it?” he ask.

The plan was for Syri and some other canines to be taken to the SPCA location in Erbil, Iraq until all the paperwork needed was completed. Unfortunately, just as they were supposed to leave the country and head to U.S.A, the Erbil Airport was shut down and there was no way for the dog to get to her friend any time soon. 

Eventually, four months after that, the so much anticipated encounter took place. 

“Five months ago, I met this pup fresh into my last deployment during Operation Inherent Resolve,”

Rindone posted on Facebook on Jan. 25. She was pretty skinny, but her smile was the sweetest he’s ever seen. 

“She stayed with me, sharing our food and getting stronger in the following months until she was handed over to the SPCA: I, who I found and reached out to shortly after she arrived in hopes that I could find her a way home with me. If there is any organization that can make miracles happen, it’s this one.”

For the time she was waiting to be reunited with Rindone, Syri was very well taken care of. The staff from SPCA made sure she was nicely fed while they were doing their best to get her to New York. 

“Three days ago, after flying through Lebanon, Paris, and finally to JFK Airport, this little survivor named Syri is finally here thanks to that great organization.”

“I’ll be eternally grateful to them for reuniting me with the puppy that was a light to me in an otherwise dark and awful deployment,” he wrote. “Welcome home Syri!”

Rindone believes that if it wasn’t for his sweet pup, he wouldn’t be able to get used to his old life that easily. She was there for him and although it may seem that he saved her, it was Syri who helped Daniel go through his dark times. 

Dad playfully argues with toddler about her new boyfriend

At one moment you see your little one learning how to walk and saying her first words, and then, boom, the time comes for you to understand that she fell in love! Although that’s part of life and pretty much normal, knowing your daughter is old enough to be bothered finding answers to what to wear on her first date or whether it is time for “the kiss” just yet, makes fathers feel old, and to be honest, a bit jealous. 


Although she has a long way to go until she really starts dating, this cutie pie has some news to share with her dad. And you might be guessing already, she does have a boyfriend. Not a real one, that’s for sure. But we all know that pretending to have one is what little girls do sometimes. He might be the singer whose music they love listening to, or the cute guy from Big Time Rush. But it’s usually that boy that sits next to them in the school bus and doesn’t speak to them because he’s really shy. 

Well, no matter who the lucky boy might be, this sassy toddler makes sure her dad knows she has a crush on someone. Dad’s reaction? Priceless!

Facebook/Poke My Heart

She chooses dinner time to break the big news, and she’s all casual, holding the fork in her hand and pretending to itch her nose, as though she’s trying to add to the drama. 

Their conversation is hilarious. 

“I got a boyfriend.” “Oh no you do not.” “Oh yes I do.” “Oh no you don’t.” “Oh yes I do.”

Facebook/Poke My Heart

She’s not getting no for an answer and goes on trying to make her dad accept “she is in love.”

“That boyfriend better be talking to your daddy.”

Hmm, her cute little face says it all, she doesn’t really like the idea of introducing him to her dad just yet. Maybe wait until things get more serious. Plus, she has to choose the right time. Should it be a snack time or they should all organize a play date. So many questions the tiny head should think about. 

“No no no!” “Yes, he better.” “No. He is my boyfriend.”

Facebook/Poke My Heart

As giggling can be heard from the background, daddy goes on saying:

“He needs to come talk to me first. You tell him that.”

At this point, the sassy little lady puts her hand on her forehead, as though she wants her daddy to know she doesn’t need that much pressure. But he is determined to meet the lucky boy.

“You got it?”

Turning to the laughing crowd, she once again says how she has a boyfriend and she does look like she means that. And him meeting her daddy, that’s definitely a no can do. 

She is really super cute, but we do believe that if she is strong-willed like this from this age, than daddy might be in trouble when the time comes for her to date. But we also believe that most kids her age have this attitude. Trust me, been there, done that. 

Facebook/Poke My Heart

This father-daughter moment is definitely a must watch. You’re going to fall in love with this quick-witted girl. 

The best diagnosis ever. Who said doctors don’t have a sense of humor?

This doctor’s witty answer is going to make you laugh hard, but this whole joke will make think whether parents trust their kids more than they are supposed to. 

A woman takes her 16-year-old daughter to the doctor. The doctor says, “Okay, Mrs. James, what’s the problem?”

The mother says, “It’s my daughter Darla. She keeps getting these cravings, she’s putting on weight, and is sick most mornings.”

The doctor gives Darla a good examination, then turns to the mother and says, “Well, I don’t know how to tell you this, but your Darla is pregnant-about 4 months, would be my guess.”

The mother says, “Pregnant?! She can’t be, she has never ever been left alone with a man! Have you, Darla?”

Darla replies, “No mother! I’ve never even kissed a man!”

The doctor walked over to the window and just stares out it. About five minutes pass and finally the mother says, “Is there something wrong out there doctor?”

The doctor replies, “No, not really, it’s just that the last time anything like this happened, a star appeared in the east and three wise men came over the hill. I’ll be damned if I’m going to miss it this time!”

Single Dad Wanted To Put 2-Year-Old Son Up for Adoption — But Others Advised Otherwise

He wanted advice, but..

Being a single parent is never an easy task, and anyone who had any children from a young age would know that its not a walk in the park. But one young man tried to do what he believed was the right thing, and reached out online for help. He was a 23-year-old single dad who is struggling with an unexpected reality. Disappointed as he had a lack of social life due to increased parenting responsibilities, it was hard for him to advance at work, and impossible to date anyone else new. He eventually came to the conclusion that it may be a good idea for him to put his now 2-year-old son up for adoption.

The young father had shared that he was the one who convinced his college girlfriend not to have an abortion due to his religious beliefs. He also accepted sole responsibility for their child afterwards.

After her pregnancy, he asked her not to abort the child and she reluctantly agreed but stressed that once the baby was born, it was up to him to raise their boy. He wrote in his post on Reddit: “I was graduating that year and already had a pretty well-paying job lined up so I felt that I could provide for my kid.”

However just after a mere 2 years later, and now he is starting to feel the strain of wanting to have a normal life of a young adult while raising a kid. “I just feel so tired and secluded from the world. My only friend is my son, between work and him I have no free time. All I do on my free time is go to the park with him, watch kids shows etc. My mom lives kinda far away but she visits every few months and lets me have some alone time but it’s not enough,” he wrote in a Reddit post.

He also added that due to his “parent responsibilities”, he has not been able to advance at work and was unable to date as a 23-year-old who already has a child with another woman.

Now the young father is saying that he is considering to give his boy up for adoption so that he could be raised by a “more stable family” – and users were mostly disapproving of it.

But no matter how stressful parenting can become, most do not actually arrive at this conclusion. The young man also admitted that there are only two issues which are entirely personal, and perhaps seen as selfish complaints by many. Getting personal time back is not a good reason to give up the boy for adoption at all – to them.
“You signed up for this,” one person responded to his post.
“I feel so angry for that child,” another person commented afterwards.
Someone else even reminded him that his son “isn’t a pet”.

After reviewing comments and realising that no one was going to support his idea, the young father has since reconsidered his decision.

“I think I was just in too of a dark place to see how bad this post is and even if I got a lot of non-constructive comments that hurt, I got a lot of comments that really hit it on the nail with how bad it would be to follow through with this as well as giving me really sound advice,” he replied in an update to his previous Reddit post.

For now, the young father is going to try therapy and joining some single parent groups for help – he also plans to hire a babysitter. He added that he is going to reach out to his ex-girlfriend, though he is “pretty sure that she hasn’t changed her mind”.

“Lastly, I just want to say that I love my son and that I genuinely thought that him getting adopted by a stable family would be better for him. I can now see how that can mess him up in so many different ways. I think I might have some sort of postpartum depression that comes and goes and when I wrote this post I think I was at my lowest,” he concluded.

Therefore dear readers, what do you think the father should have done? We await your response!

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Sister breaks down in tears when she realizes her voice made baby smile

Sisters’ power! Yes, that’s something real and often makes girls’ world go round.

The bond between sisters is like no other. Just imagine having your best friend by your side all along. Sharing with her your parents, your room, the clothes, and your days. That has to be priceless. 

Sometimes it may happen for sisters to get jealous of one another, but eventually all of them understand that no one else out there would love them as much as their female sibling. 



Allie is a 9-year-old girl who knows how much effort it takes for her mommy to put her little sister to sleep. Luckily, this adorable young lady is very considerate and always steps in when needed. Above all, she enjoys spending time with baby Ashlyn. 

The sweet interaction between these two sisters has gone viral for all the right reasons. 



Lovely Ashlyn is treating her big sister with the most adorable smile ever as she hears her singing. 

The choice of the song just adds to the cuteness of the video. Lion King’s “Circle of Life” is what Ashlyn enjoys listening to. As for Allie, she simply can’t believe the baby’s reaction. She’s so happy that she can’t hold her tears back.  



The parents are filled with joy seeing their daughters love each other so much.

“Is it because you love her that much?” her mom asks. After a moment, Allie replies: “Because she smiled at my sweet singing!”

She then continues singing only for her sister’s ears. She wants the little one to be as happy as can be. 



This really can’t get any cuter. We hope the two will continue loving and caring for each other their whole life.

Teen makes headlines after cutting up cop’s uniform

Life is hard anyways, but when you are a child of a police officer or a member of the army, every day is filled with a hidden feeling of anticipation of whether you parent will get back home safe and sound after they make sure everyone else is. 

We’ve heard of many cases of officers losing their life while serving the country and its people so these fears are real, and they are there, and we can’t do much about them. 

Meghan O’Grady is a 16-year-old teenager who knows all too well what it feels like to have a parent who is a police officer. She is however, a very compassionate young lady who does something incredible for the families of officers who lost their lives in the line of duty.  

Facebook/Blue Line Bears


Knowing how much it would mean for the bereaved family members to have something that was sacred to the loved ones they lost, Meghan started the Blue Line Bears. This Florida girl creates bears using just a needle, a thread, and the late officer’s uniform shirts. After she hand-sews the teddy bears, she carefully delivers them to the family’s doorstep. After they have this priceless gift in their hands, all those moms, dads, spouses, and children can’t thank Meghan enough. 

She is honest and says how what she does was inspired by the tragic incident when five Dallas officers lost their lives while doing their job in 2016. This planted fear in her for her father’s life and now she just learns how to live with it. 

Facebook/Blue Line Bears


So far, Meghan has created 450 bears that she personally delivered to families in 34 states. Each bear has a personalized badge with the person’s last name written on it. People are praising this amazing girl and her even more amazing idea. In a video with CBS, Megan said:

“I want them to be able to kind of hold a piece of their loved one again, because the shirts are obviously the most personal part of the job other than the badge itself.”

Meghan’s organization is a non-profit one and runs with the help of donors who are supporting her good cause. 

Facebook/Blue Line Bears


The families of the blue line community may not personally know each other but they live every day with the same fears, and are proud of the same achievements of their family members. All these people are connected by their hearts. 

“We are all so closely related and we’re all here for each other, and I just want them to know that there are so many people out there for them who watch out for them no matter what happens and that we all genuinely love them.”

What Meghan does makes a change in the way children mourn for their parents they won’t get to hug ever again. These huggable bears provide comfort during the toughest of times. 

The latest bear she created is the largest so far. 

Meghan is a kind soul and a teenager like no other. Way to go young lady!

Jennifer Lopez wears ‘normal-looking’ dress – Then the camera zooms out

This Jennifer Lopez’s fairytale-like performance is definitely one to remember. Being one of America’s sweethearts for so long, this multi-talented singer took our breath away once again when she took the stage of American Idol. Her amazing vocal along with her very special outfit enchanted the audience around the country. People who witnessed the unique performance of “Feel The Light” from the animated movie “Home” agree that Jenny from the block is an entertainer we don’t get to see that often.

The gorgeous and pretty huge gown takes up most of the stage and perfectly fits her figure. It’s a long white dress with a fitted corseted top and shoulder straps.  

Source: Michael Becker/FOX


It resembles a dress one would opt for if invited to a royal ball or a very special occasion, but it’s actually more than just an elegant dress. It’s a part of a big sparkly show like you’ve never seen before.

As the song goes on, the dress starts changing colors and becomes even more spectacular with every passing tone. The whiteness is now turned into dark shade filled with stars, resembling a never ending galaxy.

Now comes the best part, when the dress is completely illuminated in vibrant colors that depict scenes from the movie. 

Behind this masterpiece lays God given talent and a creative mind. 

“The gown is actually a dress with a 20-foot radius skirt attached to it,” explained stylist Rob Zangardi, according to Hollywood Reporter. “The look was inspired from an old vintage reference that we’ve been holding on to for a long time, waiting for the right moment.”

Source: Michael Becker/FOX


The dress, which was made from fabric from International Silks & Woolens in L.A., actually came in two pieces.

“There was the dress by Misha that gave us the top silhouette and the giant skirt was then placed over that,” explained Lopez’s other stylist for this look Mariel Haenn.

Lopez simply fell in love with this stunning creation.

“It wasn’t until she stepped in and we took her picture in it and showed her how she looked in it that we got the ‘wow’ reaction!” said Haenn. “We were hoping to be able to make a dress that was stunning on its own but also simple enough to allow the animation and projection to be as functional as possible.”

Source: Michael Becker/FOX


The magical images that were projected on the bottom part of the gown were mapped days before the performance to make sure they perfectly attach the skirt. 

“We wanted this to be spectacular yet elegant,” Zangardi added.

This is really something very unique and worth watching.