His name is Frederik The Great, and he’s the world’s most handsome horse

There is something in their physical stature and elegant movements that makes horses appealing to the human kind. For me personally, they stand for freedom and beauty, and I am certain many will agree how the relation between people and horses is pretty much like the one we have we dogs. Horses stood by man’s side since the beginning of time, and are one of God’s most beautiful creations. 

However, there are some horses that really stand out from the rest. Frederik the Great is a Friesian Stallion whose long, illustrious locks and his toned body make him one of the most handsome horses in the world. This beauty even has a Facebook page dedicated to him and around 26,000 followers who admire his looks every day. 

Source: izismile.com

It’s amazing how his long, black hair is waiving in the wind as he is graciously galloping around the fields. 

Source: Pinnacle Friesians

His owners say, 

“Frederik is considered one of the most Photographic Friesians in the world, his beautiful Photographs taken by the amazing Photographer Cally Matherly has been admired by millions worldwide.”

Source: Pinnacle Friesians

They call him “the Labrador in hooves” because of his gentle personality. 

Source: Pinnacle Friesians

His breeder is located in the Ozarks. Frederik, very often, takes part in various shows and treats people with his beauty. 

Source: Pinnacle Friesians

According to the breeder, the Friesian Stallion has almost gone extinct three times which makes Frederik a rare one after all!

Source: Pinnacle Friesians

Isn’t he absolutely adorable?

Source: Pinnacle Friesians

Dog thrown from a bridge with mouth taped shut thanks the man who saved him

That night, a guy named Bob Hoelter did something different. He would always drive 2 miles to the local store, but not this time. It was as though something made him walk instead of getting in his car. He now calls that force “an act of divine intervention” and we do believe he’s quite right. 

“I usually drive. That night I decided I needed some exercise,” Hoelter said.

On his way to the store there is a bridge he has to cross over. And it was exactly where he heard the noise that would change one life forever. 


It was a sound of pain and despair and Hoelter knew something was terribly wrong. 

“I was looking at the water and the land, but I don’t see anything, but I hear it,” he said. “I walked back to land and I walked around and looked around.”

He wouldn’t just let the place before thoroughly examine every corner in hopes of locating the poor soul who was obviously in need of help. He even got on his hands and knees just to make sure he doesn’t miss the help seeker in case they were under the bridge. 

“I get my flashlight out because I always carry a flashlight with me,” Hoelter said. “I got to the bottom. I finally see him!”

There was a tiny puppy, scared and trembling. Its eyes were looking straight at Hoelter’s, as though they were begging him to lend a helping hand. As he reached for the puppy, the man was shocked by what he noticed. 

The pup’s muzzle was taped shut – wrapped tightly with electrical tape and it was heartbreaking to see. 


“I’m like, ‘Oh, sh*t,” Hoelter said.

The first thing that came to Holter’s mind was to get the dog to Griffith Animal Hospital. On the way there, he was only praying for it to be open. 

“I just threw him in my jacket, crawled back up and started hoofing it to the animal hospital,” he said.

This amazing man entered the hospital, holding the puppy in his arms, hoping it would get the much needed medical assistance. The hopsital manager, Lori Kovacich says she would never forget the sight. 

“I was out of my chair and in the lobby to get him in seconds,” Kovacich said.

Kovacich didn’t even ask Hoelter what was wrong with the dog or where he found it. She just took it in her hands and alarmed the vets of the emergency of the case. 


Hoelter felt relieved knowing the soul he saved was now in the safe hands of the doctors. He was certain they would do anything in their power to nurture the pup to health. 

The vets felt devastated after they realized the tape was there for more than 4 or 5 days. How could someone be so cruel? 

They got even sadder when they did a thorough examination. Sadly, the dog’s skin was in a terrible condition and one of its tiny legs was broken. The poor soul was only four months old. 


The staff treated the pup with antibiotics and made sure they provided him not only with professional help, but a comfy bed, a bunch of toys, and endless love too. 

Kovacich commented the case posting on her Facebook page, saying:

“In my 30 years of working here, I never thought I’d see this … in real life.”


The manager’s post vent viral in a blink of an eye. It resulted in many people being concerned for the dog’s health and among the well-wishers there was a couple who knew it was destined for them to welcome the pup in their family. 

The Wittings have recently lost their dog and they instantly fell in love with this cutie pie. 

“I thought, ‘That cute little face needs me. I can give him 24/7 love, and I need him,’” Witting said.

We are happy to tell you how they did adopt the sweet dog they later named Louie.


The Wittings were extremely grateful to the person who found the puppy, but then they realized they had no idea who that was. After they reached to the hospital that treated the pup they were told how a man brought Louie in the middle of the nigh after he found it under a bridge. But, Kovacich didn’t took his number nor his name. 

Later, however, Hoelter’s niece saw the story of Louie which was viral already and informed her uncle how the people who adopted the puppy he saved wanted to meet him. 

The niece and Kovacich organized the reunion which triggered flow of emotions. 

“I was awestruck because I didn’t think he remembered me,” Hoelter said. “They sat him down and he ran right to me.”


Louie recognized the man who gave him a second chance for a better life and treated him with lots of doggy hugs and kisses. 

However, he couldn’t stop thinking what would have happened to Louie if he didn’t decide to take a walk that night.

“It makes me think God has a purpose for everyone, to be honest with you. We all have our calling,” Hoelter said. “I’m going to have to walk more often, but I sure don’t want to find more dogs under the bridge.”


Louie is indeed one lucky dog. He had a rough start in life, but he eventually got his happy ending. 


See the full Facebook post from the vet clinic below.

Airplane Companies Won’t Allow Marine’s ‘Huge’ Dogs on Plane. Heiress Charters Private Jet

Marine Andrew Morales was reassigned from the south of California to Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, which meant he and his family had to move places. That didn’t really bother the family who were looking forward to the new life, but there was one thing that made them less enthusiastic for the trip. Namely, Andrew was planning on taking a commercial flight and take his two adorable dogs with him. The issue? No large dogs allowed on the plane. 

Thankfully, this family’s story got the attention of that one person who knew exactly how to help. 

Source: ABC News

Helen Rosburg, the great-granddaughter of William Wrigley, who was known as one of the pioneer chewing gum industrialists, stepped in by doing the most amazing thing ever. She let Andrew and his dogs use her private jet to get to their new home.

“He was going to lose his dogs and I said ‘Not on my watch,’” Helen recalls. “He’s a hero on so many different levels. The Wrigleys are an extremely patriotic family and I am a true Wrigley child.”

Gorgeous Dusty and Wyatt were an important and pretty much inseparable part of the marine’s life because he saved them overseas during a military tour he was part of a couple of years ago. 

“In Afghanistan, they are pretty much your best friend,” Andrew said.

Before he even asked for help transporting his two Anatolian Shepards, he contacted every airline company, but the answer was always a resounding no.  

Source: ABC News

This made Andrew reach the league responsible for the dogs’ rescue back in Afghanistan. What they did was make his story viral and that’s when Helen first heard of the Morales family. This woman who has a heart of gold and is the founder of the On The Wings of Angels Rescue organization is also a huge supporter of the military and animal rescue. 

“Everybody in my circle knows what I do,” the good Samaritan said. “If they see an impossible situation, they’ll post something to my [Facebook] timeline.”

Needless to say, the Morales were beyond grateful and very much excited for not having to let their furry family members behind. 

Source: ABC News


“From the bottom of me and my wife’s hearts we really appreciate what she did for us,” the US Marine said.

The family would really want to thank Helen in person, and according to her, that may really happen as she is as well thrilled to get to meet these dog lovers. 

We are glad there are people like Helen out there who understand the love of someone for their furry pals. 

Man Tells Off Woman At Movie Theater

Not all heroes wear capes, and this story shared on Reddit by the user BrainKatana is just a reminder that we should always step in when we feel like someone is not treated the way they deserve. The message he wants to share is that if you believe that being disabled makes someone less of a person, than you should be the one reconsidering the humanity in you. He witnessed a woman insulting a disabled individual and decided to not let her off the hook but tell her off instead. And if you think this is just the right thing to do, have in mind that many people would simply look the other way. But not this guy. He knows that treating others with utmost respect is what makes this world go round and he wouldn’t settle for less. “I was waiting in line to buy tickets at a movie theater, and there was a fellow in front of me with cerebral palsy (or MS, or some other horrible thing that puts you in a chair and messed up your body). It was taking a while. I watched this guy struggle to open an envelope by holding it with his teeth and using his one functional hand. I wasn’t sure what to do, or if offering to help would be insulting, so I just chilled. He was doing it before the person in front of him was done with the cashier anyway, and it looked like he’d done this before. He gets up to the counter and it takes him a minute to get out his Regal card and pay for the ticket. The woman behind me started to make (loud) snide remarks about how ‘people like that shouldn’t be allowed to go to the movies.’ I was enraged. It was a kind of anger I’ve never experienced before. At first I didn’t know what to do. She said something else, and the fellow in front of me paused. At that moment I turned around and said to her, ‘We should all be so lucky to wait in this line on our own two feet. Keep your disingenuous thoughts to yourself.’ The woman looked shocked and the guy behind me leaned over to his date and said, ‘Daaaaaaaaamn…’ His date was looking at me like she’d just splooshed her pants. The woman behind me shut her mouth. It took a moment longer for the guy to get to the counter, but when I got there the girl at the register said I could go to any movie I wanted, that the gentleman in front of me had paid for me and said, ‘Thanks.’ If you’re out there, disabled guy, I didn’t do it looking for a reward. I did it because sometimes people are real asshats, and no one deserves to experience what you did today. Thanks for the movie ticket, though. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was awesome.” Source: Reddit

Singer performs Bocelli/Dion’s ‘The Prayer’ with two voices and it sounds incredible

Music makes the world a much better place. Whenever we feel down we turn to the tunes of our favorite song and seek comfort in the lyrics we so much love. However, listening to some of the most iconic songs being performed by musicians who possess incredible talent is a one-of-a-kind experience that triggers flow of emotions. 

If you’ve heard “The Prayer” being sang by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli, you know how much effort it takes to bring it to the audience the right way. Two perfect voices blended in one, and the final result resembles magic.

Marcelito Pomoy is giving the fans what is considered one of the best performances of “The Prayer.”

The most amazing thing is that he sings both the tenor and the soprano pieces. His vocal is indeed out-of-this-world.  

When he was just a child, Marcelito and his sister had been adopted by a local police officer who did everything in his power to provide for these siblings the life they deserved. Given many opportunities by his loving guardian, Marcelito discovered his talent and realized he could sing both the highest and the lowest pitches in a song. Becoming aware of his vocal skills, he took part in the talent show Pilipinas Got Talent and won the second season. 

After this, he pursued career in the music industry and his talent was recognized by the whole world. He became a very famous singer and even reunited with his biological parents. This man’s dream came true and he’s now one of the most renowned artists. 

Listen to him performing “The Prayer” and get ready to get goosebumps. This is truly incredible. 

Father throws son through wall in drunken rage. Then, a cop changed the boy’s life forever

This is one of those stories that make you realize how little does it take for a life to change for the better. Often, we don’t even think of the effects and the consequences our actions have on people, and sometimes we fail to understand that even a small act of kindness can go a long way and bring light in someone’s darkness. 

A man shares his life story and how he turned to be a different man than his abusive father only because of the cop who stepped in when they need it the most. 

“When I was 8 years old, my father decided that it was time to amp up his drinking rage and beat the living hell out of my mother… again.

As this was customary, I usually hid in the basement with my little sister until the morning, but we had just had an assembly in school about how to use 911 for help if anything bad was happening.

I dialed 911, I don’t remember speaking to anyone, but I left the phone off the hook and then tried to stand in front of my mother.

I went through a wall right after she did.

A short time later two cops busted through the door… probably after seeing my mother and I on the ground and my father screaming, and I remember my father squaring up with the cops, and I remember my father leaving in the squad car as the ambulance came for us.

I remember the cop came to the hospital, did his report thing, gave my sister a teddy bear and that was it.

My father finally was out of our life after my mother had the guts and the police report to get an order of protection, then file for divorce and went out and got a job.

I for the first time in my little life got to sign up for little league. I did not have any friends outside of school and I was excited to meet people but was shy as hell.

I do not know how little league works these days, but when I was a kid (I am now mid 30’s) there was a “try out” in a big gym with all the kids in the league for a few hours where the coaches would all evaluate the kids and try to handicap teams with the same level of talent. I had… none. My extent of baseball was having a mitt my mother got me and trying to throw a baseball in the air and catch it myself. I was beside myself with how bad I sucked.

We went home, and of course I knew I was going to be on a team, but I figured I would just ride the bench and or be a bother. First day of my teams practice my mother takes me to the field, we get our tshirts for the team and pants, and meet the team and… the coach was the cop that arrested my father.

He never said anything, he never treated me any different from anyone else, he never approached my mother or anything, but he did orchestrate the other guys on the team and I to be in social situations together so I could make friends. That short summer through being picked on a baseball team and having a coach that cared completely changed my life. I wasn’t scared that my father was going to show up because the cop that arrested him was my coach. At the end of the season, probably because all the kids on the team begged him, he brought his squad car to the last game and let all of us have a turn sitting in the drivers seat and hitting the buttons.

I asked him if one day I could be a cop like him, he told me that I would be a good cop. Looking back, its pretty funny.

Source: blogspot.com


At 17, my mother was grinding two jobs trying to make ends meet so I graduated high school early and enlisted. Got out of active duty, joined the national guard… and went to college… got out of college went to Iraq for army stuff… and took a police test with the same department that serviced the area that I used to live in growing up.

10 years later, the cop that changed our lives was retiring, and I went to his office and asked if he remembered me.

He smiled and said “I told you you would be a good cop.” I was also interviewing for a special unit that he was in charge of… WHICH I DID NOT GET… but hey, there is always next time.

I look at my wife and kid and house and everything I have and it comes down to an 8 year old boy that was scared of everything having a cop that cared as a little league coach.

Dance group Autism With Attitude gets standing ovation

Talent shows have to be the most entertaining programs on TV. Every week, we see amazing talents unfolding in front of our eyes, and many times what people have to put on stage is simply mesmerizing and takes our breath away. However, with so many different performances taking place in America’s Got Talent, The X-Factor, or The Greatest Dancer, we have to agree that impressing the panel of strict judges isn’t at all an easy task. Why? Because it looks as though they have already seen it all. However, every now and then, someone with exquisite skills decides to try their luck and their performance is so powerful that they quickly become country’s sweethearts. 

The Greatest Dancer airs on BBC and it gathers more and more viewers every week. Recently, a very special group that stole the attention of the nation took place in the competition. The dancing group Autism With Attitude is the reason why all eyes are on the show. 



The concept of this show, which is hosted by singer Alesha Dixon and judges Matthew Morrison of Glee fame, Strictly Come Dancing pro Oti Mabuse, and platinum-selling singer Cheryl, is quite different from everything you’ve seen so far. 

It sees dancers of any age and dance style compete to win £50,000 and a chance to perform on Strictly Come Dancing. Many talented dancers got their chance to show the world what they do best, but it seems like the members of Autism With Attitude really stood out and stole everyone’s heart. They appeared on the fourth week of the series. 



One interesting aspect of the show is that the decision whether someone goes to the next round is in the hands of the audience. They are the ones who have the final word, so the competitors should try to impress them. If 75% of the audience love the performance, they vote to open the secret mirror, a portal to the next stage of the competition. 

The group of kids on the Autism spectrum did their best to get the chance to open their path to their dreams and we have to say we simply love their routine. 



The group’s members all have attended the same school and now work along with their dance coach Jonathan who is very supportive of what they do. A mom of one of the dancers spoke about the goals of these aspiring young people and it brought tears to everyone’s eyes. She said:

“They just want to prove to everyone that, regardless of your abilities and your capabilities, that you can achieve anything.”

They presented an amazing hip-hop dancing choreography involving some crazy moves. The audience loved it so much that they received standing ovation and a loud applause. Needless to say, the crowd was more than happy to open the mirror for this group. They are now one step closer to fulfilling their dreams. 

Take a look at their stunning performance in the video below. 

Woman overhears old man say 9 words in Dollar Tree, knows she has to take picture

Love conquers all. We as humans strive to find a soulmate we would spend our whole life with. Unfortunately, not many are lucky to share their every day with that one person who would be by their side for bad and for worse. That is why whenever we hear of a couple being together for more than 20, 30, or more years, we know those people belong to that group of the lucky ones. 

The following story is so heartwarming it will make you reconsider the true values of life. 

As Louisa Lenore McKinney was shopping for some wrapping paper at her local Dollar Tree she witnessed an unusual sight unfolding right in front of her. An elderly man was at the store and he needed help finding what he was looking for. At one moment, he approached a young lady and asked: “Mam, would you mind helping me out with something?” The woman replied how she was more than happy to help. 

The man said: “I need help picking out a birthday card.”

“Who is it for?” the woman asked.

“It’s for me, if I wake up tomorrow, I’ll be 85.

My wife wanted to get me something, but she’s very sick and cannot leave the house, and I want her to know I got a birthday card from her.”

The man and his wife have been together their whole life. He told the lady how they fell in love when they were both just teenagers. And now, after so much time, they still wouldn’t leave each other’s side no matter what. 

Louisa was deeply touched by what that man had to say. She later wrote:

“It was the picture of love you only read about. I felt so privileged to get to hear this conversation. Melted my heart. Hope you all enjoy.”



However, this story doesn’t end there. The lady who offered to help turned out to be a restaurant owner. She told her new acquaintance that he and his sick wife are welcome to her place whenever they want. 

It’s amazing how a random encounter can trigger so many emotions. Love is the strongest force on earth and we should do our best to keep it alive whenever we get the chance to experience it.