Pam and Becky are two sisters who always put their friends’ and families’ needs on the top of the list of their priorities, which doesn’t really allow them to spend time on themselves. This resulted in both of them “rocking” the same look for years. The old-fashioned hairstyle, the classic and pretty dull clothes, and the boring make-up made them feel and look older than they really are.
The good news is that this is all going to change as the lovely sisters are getting the so much-needed makeover. We hope undergoing through this drastic transformation will make them feel good about themselves.

Both admit how they wanted to change something regarding their appearance for some time now, but didn’t really know whom to trust their look. After looking at a bunch of magazines and browsing the Internet in hopes of getting an idea of what to change and how drastic that change should be, they got even more confused. Finally, they came across one of the Makeover Guy’s videos and were left stunned by what he was capable of doing. They both knew he was the person they should contact if they wanted to achieve their goal of looking fresh and younger.

Becky hasn’t changed her hairstyle in 30 years, and Pam would often have her hair cut pretty short because that made it easier to straighten it.
As they didn’t want to look like their mother, they let Christopher decide what was best for them. Pam told him she wanted to keep her curls, but Becky didn’t like hers. Pam needed to be a red head, Becky needed to be an ash blonde. And as this incredibly talented man said, he is happy he managed to capture the sisters’ personalities pretty well.
Becky got her hair volume and make-up that shed a couple of years off her face. Pam, meanwhile, retained her curls, but now they made her feel more classy.

We love Christopher’s videos because they remind us that sometimes it only takes a little to go a long way. Every woman should take the time to give herself some self-love. Many times, the change we need so badly is hidden behind a simple hair cut, or a new shade of lipstick.
Christopher not only changes women’s physical appearance, but he gives each of them a self-esteem booster shot and that makes him the best of the best.
Take a look at how these lovely sisters look like now.