Veteran Pleads Guilty To Parking Violation, When He Says Why, Judge Utters 5 Words!

The thought of going to court for most of us is a dreadful thought, really its a real dread for us law abiding citizens! However, for people that go to the court when Judge Frank Caprio presides, in Providence, Rhode Island, the whole thing is so enjoyable that you might actually forget that you’re in a legal court proceeding! It this case, a Vietnam veteran appeared before the Judge to contend a parking ticket that he had, it was for a parking violation in May 2016… He was quite upset with the ticket and the veteran called the parking circumstances at the Providence VA Medical Center, completely “atrocious!” He has to go there several times a week and although he is willing to pay for the ticket, he felt very upset at the cost for a first-time offender! The veteran tells his story to the court and Judge Caprio make him feel at ease, he listens to his story and lets him explain, even makes jokes to keep the situation jovial and relaxed. He then makes a decision as to how things will work out from that point! Caprio said:

“This is a case of me trying to balance the equities …I’m trying to balance the enforcement policy of the city of Providence against the parking situation at the hospital.”

He believes that the parking violation is a problem and that a veteran shouldn’t be lumbered with the parking ticket when he is attempting to get medical treatment for injuries he received while serving his country… With the greatest of rulings, he dismisses the case with 5 words:

“Thank you for your service”

There aren’t many judges like this you can bet on it! Please SHARE this awesome story with your friends and family!

Mom Poses For Photo With Two Kids At The Beach, Then She Has A Life Changing Moment!

Recently at the beach with her family, Kirsten Bosly, of Perth, Australia wasn’t enjoying the fun on the beach with her loved ones, she felt incredibly awkward in herself. She was embarrassed and shameful about the way she looked in her bathing suit, it was a plus size and it was making her feel very stressed! After thinking about it for many hours though, all those people at the beach looking at her, in her plus size bathing suit, she had a moment of clarity that changed her life… Her words are now traveling far and wide online…
That very second that they returned to her home she jumped on the computer and shared her brilliant thought… She wrote:

“Today marks a new beginning for me. For most of my life, I have hated my body. Despised it. Loathed it. Resented it. Wanted so very much for it to change; for it to be smaller, thinner… less ‘fat.’ “

“I’ve used it and abused it. I’ve blamed it for a lot of things. I’ve been terribly ashamed of its wobbles and dimples; like somehow they are the measure of who I am.”

“I recently read a meme that said something along the lines of ‘be in pictures with your kids because when you’re gone, the pictures will be all they have left’ and it struck a nerve. I’ve avoided pictures most of the time as I disliked how I looked at them.”

“Not anymore! The truth is, I’m tired of being ashamed of my body; it’s done nothing but support me for 41 years… So today I let go.”

“I let go of the hatred and resentment of this body of mine and chose to enjoy it for what it is; my body. I asked The Pants to take this photo so the kids will remember us enjoying this day together, cellulite and all.”

“No cover-up. No board shorts. No ‘modesty’ towel. No filters. Just us. And you know what? I’m not ashamed. Really. I look at this photo and all I can see is how happy we are and that’s awesome.”

“I finally feel free and it feels awesome!”

It was this incredible moment of clarity that brought these thoughts to her life-changing though about how she would deal with the situation and enjoy that really precious time with her family. She knows deep down that there really is no reason to worry about what other people think about her, and why even think or stress about it? In a very touching and emotional email to the today show Kirsten opened up a bit more about how her amazing realization came about:

“I was standing on the beach, stressing out about it, and just had a moment of clarity when I realized the only person judging me in that moment was me.”

“Nobody was paying me any attention and the only thing stopping me from just letting go and embracing myself fully was a bag full of hang-ups that I had created and chosen to carry around.”

“Everyone should feel comfortable in their own skin and get to enjoy the special time spent with their loved ones!”

Kirsten is now very hopeful that her positive and body-conscious realizations will also help others in the sale situation too, to be released and free and able to enjoy their life better and happier. We all deserve happiness don’t you think? Please SHARE this amazing story, let’s spread the word and maybe help others too!

Dad Finds Out Son Is Bullying, He Teaches Him A Lesson He Will Never Forget!

Bullying seems to have always been a problem, throughout history, but it now seems to be getting worse and more severe. There are lots of reasons why this could be the case, one of these is that parents are not teaching their young how to treat others and be tougher on the rules! One father is really looking to change the way things are done, at least in his own home that is… This guy called, Bryan Thronhill, discovered that his son was bullying other kids on the school bus, he then made a decision to teach him a lesson. What he decided to do in his unique way has gone viral! Bryan started the video he posted on Facebook, like this:

“Hey everyone, welcome to ‘You Better Listen to Your Dad 2018′”

The video filmed from his car features his 10-year-old son running in the rain, on the side if the road, with a backpack on his back! Bryan explained a little more what was happening:

“My son has finally got in trouble on the bus enough to where he was kicked off the bus for three days because he was being a little bully, which I do not tolerate, can’t stand. Therefore, he has to now run to school.”

“We’re right about one mile from the school so all week he’s got the experience of running.”

Bryan was determined that he wasn’t going to stand for his son’s behavior, he planned to nip it in the bud! He said that:

“This right here is called parenting”

Bryan said also:

“We’re gonna make sure that one way or another his teachers are gonna be able to enjoy his company at school, he’s not disrupting his classmates and everything else”

It really seemed to be working! Bryan announced that his son’s behavior and attitude have greatly imporoved. He said that: “…teachers have approved of his behavior this week.” He went on: “He hasn’t got in trouble at school this week [whereas] last week he was absolutely out of his mind” Some people have called out how Bryan punishes his son and say it’s cruel and shouldn’t be done, but Bryan insists that he is doing a good job and encouraging other parents to do the same! Bryan said: “Teach your kids. Don’t be a friend, be a parent …That’s what children need these days.” Do you think that Bryan is doing a great job, doing the right thing? Then please SHARE!

Nurse Heartbroken, Sick 1-Year-Old Abused Girl, Leads To A Double Life-Changing Event!

That drive we feel to procreate for some of us is especially strong, sometimes more than others, especially as we get older, Jess Ham, from Jacksonville, Florida, really wanted to be a mother, but had not got any children of her own! She worked in nursing at the Wolfson Children’s Hospital, so instead, she saw and cared for the children of others, saw and dealt with many new parents every day as they came to her place of work. There was one particular patient that crossed paths with her, she could feel something life changing was going to happen this time!
It happened when the 14-month-old girl called Delilah was taken to the hospital, to the pediatric intensive care unit, the little one was in awful condition, it was so sad. The little girl was really sick looking and very underfed, she had broken bones and a fractured skull, she was too weak to hold a bottle even! Hamm was shocked the poor little girl was being abused at home… She said:

“My heart was broken …She was just so lifeless, but she still held onto my finger.”

Jess cared for the toddler, she knew that the girl would need more and more as time passed, she really felt in her heart that she could, herself, give something more to the girl. Jess said:

“I was like ‘oh my gosh, I’m going to take her home’”

She decided that she really wanted to adopt Delilah!
There was a twist to the story though… Jess started the paperwork and began to go through the motions with the Florida Department of Children and Families, she then learned that Delilah was not the only one! As it happened she also had a twin sister called Caroline…
Caroline too was in the hospital there, Jess thought that to separate them would be a terrible thing, she decided that the sisters had to remain together, then she did something amazing: She went ahead and started the process to adopt both twins!
Jess had been raised in a loving home and the young twins are coming along really well, with the love she gave them, they were really flourishing. Jess reads to them, and they love her back so much! For the girls, it really was a life-saving decision, but too, for Jess, it was the best timing too, although she didn’t really think about adoption before when she saw the girls it made perfect sense! Jess said:

“I hope when people hear my story it opens them up to the possibilities of adopting”

We hope that you too are inspired about adoption, and maybe we can SHARE this story and inspire others to adopt too!

Students Learn and Expose Real Truth About Their Strict Math Teacher

A Vietnam veteran called, Jim O’Connor is an amazing math teacher he is not one to dice with though! He has a super shot army-style haircut and keen all-seeing eyes that scan the classroom endlessly! Having spent years in the military he is firm and commands respect among the students, he really does not stand for rowdy behavior either or restless teens in his class.
Screenshot via YouTube
Jim, who teaches at the St. Francis High School in California, takes a “no bull” methodology to teaching and coping with 32 teenage boys in the class. All students are familiar with his strict regime in the class, but on learning his nickname outside the school they were on their backs! It happens that Jim is known out of school as the baby whisperer. He is a TLC volunteer at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, he really has devoted his time to cuddling sick children, really sharing the love!
Screenshot via YouTube
He first started helping the hospital when a friend of his persuaded him to donate blood, he has type ‘O’ negative, which is a highly wanted, universal blood type! Jim then returned to regularly give blood and platelets, he really was the hospitals top donor, so far he has shared 72 gallons of blood!
Screenshot via YouTube
When he would go to the hospital he would keep seeing sick and struggling children and babies at the hospital, he wanted to know if he could do something to help. The guy who was single and never been married or had children, but was awesome a cuddling babies! He enjoys rocking them, walking with them and feeding them too, the hospital really loves Jim, what an awesome guy, all the little ones gravitate to him too!
Screenshot via YouTube
Jim really works well with the children, he gives love and helps the hospital all the time, the staff and families really appreciate his help! Have a watch for yourself, and please SHARE this awesome story!

Group Studies What People Do When They See Bullying Happening In Front Of Them!

Even given the best efforts of parents, bullying is still a huge problem, students just keep doing harm to their fellow students. The victim in all this has an awful day and leaves psychological scars that can affect a whole life! There is one group with a mission to raise awareness about bullying, there were four children who worked with Matt TV in a creative and cool experiment.
Source: YouTube Screenshot
Matt says:

“After the recent events that happened with Keaton Jones being bullied, I decided to conduct a social experiment seeing how people would react if they saw a child being bullied in public …The results were shocking!”

Source: YouTube Screenshot
Mat tells us that:

“About 28 percent of students ages 12-18 reported being bullied at school during the school year.”

Such a staggering number, taking into account all the work done in anti-bullying, it’s a shock, Matt decides to explore it more and find out more about this! He decides to work with three teenagers in the elementary school to work out how people will react when they see bullying happens in front of them, they went to different parks to test it out! In each park they sent the younger boy to play alone, with a ball, then the bigger boys crash his fun! The ‘bully’ would say:

“Hey there, kid. Nice ball you’ve got there”

The little boy would make it look like he didn’t know them and didn’t want to play with them… Each of the group played their roles all working together in their performance, and being filmed too, they carried on until someone decided to intervene, in each case an adult saved the boy. The burning question for everyone was:

“What are you doing?!”

The boys were really old enough to know what they were doing, they should know better, they should feel shame, right? After the performance was completed they would ask the strangers why they had stepped in to help.  One said:

“Well I wouldn’t want my son to be getting bullied …so if I knew somebody would be around my son at that time, I would want them to do something as well.”

A woman said that she had felt disgusted with the teen’s actions and she knew she needed to help… She said:

“He was just messing with this poor kid, and there was nobody else taking care of it.”

Bullying is a really huge problem, Matt tells us that there are 160,000 kids that don’t attend school every day because they are scared of bullies and being bullied. It’s a happy thought to know that most parents really want to get involved in stopping it from happening, even with children who are not their own! What do you think that you would do if you saw a child being bullied? tell us in the comments below… And in the spirit of raising awareness, please SHARE with friends and family.

She had to Stop Herself Screaming When She Found Out, Julia Is Officially A Working Girl!

A first job is a big deal, we all remember our first job, it’s memorable, it’s also the first time as teenagers we learn about responsibility too. Every teenager is excited about that first step out into the real world, right? This one girl was especially excited about a first job, even more than most, she’s not your typical teenager though, she is hard working and regularly participates in within the community.

Source: Julia Hock
She also happens to be a varsity cheerleader too, as well as spending time helping at the concession stand too in the snack store of the little league, she is both driven and well achieved, also she has downs syndrome.

Source: Chris Potter
This girl had never let her special needs interfere with the way of anything she does. Recently Julia decided that she really wanted a job, to become independent! So working for the Chick-fil-A was the most awesome and best way for her to do it, a great way to achieve her dreams of independence.

Source: Kerri Bass Hock
Julia had everyone’s support, and she applied for the job… Julia’s mom, Kerri, said:

“Several kids at school wrote unsolicited letters of recommendation for her …and a couple of other kids helped her choose outfits and drove her to the interview.”

She practiced her interview technique and what she might say in the interview with her teachers, then two official interviews with the business too. Then, at last, she was ready to get an answer… Her mom posted the phone call where she actually gets the decision!!

Source: Kerri Bass Hock
Julia answered the call, she said her name, her mom advised her a little on what to do when getting the call, she seemed to be really nervous, but excited to in finding out the answer…

Source: Kerri Bass Hock
Wow, she got the job, Julia’s face lit up when she heard the news. She even had to cover her face with her had she was so excited, her new employer discussed her next steps with her briefly too… The whole family was eager to know, they had been waiting for her and they too were completely delighted for her too. Her brother, now the cameraman, showed the whole family and their excitement too

Source: Kerri Bass Hock
When Julia heard her when her first day of work would be, she almost started crying. This job meant so much to her, and she was finally able to add it on to her long list of accomplishments. Her mom said:

“Julia Hock is a working woman! …After two interviews, lots of interview practice with her teachers, and a team of her friends helping her pick outfits and putting in a good word, Julia was hired. So proud of our girl!”

It just goes to show us all that with enough determination and persistence we can get the thing we want in life, just put in a little hard work like Julia! Please SHARE this inspiring story with your friends and family!

Victim School Boy Stands Up To Bully But Gets Punished The Same By The School!?

One thing that is certainly not an answer to anything is violence, however, some people believe that it can have a place as an effective solution, like self-defense, used correctly of course. A little boy, who had been bullied so much had finally found the strength to defend himself. You can decide if he did the right thing… The boy had been a constant target since his school year started, every day the same student would be there to taunt him. The boy, the victim in all this, never once looked to get revenge for the actions against him. One day though the bully took things one step too far, an Imgur user called ‘wolverineprostateexams’ decided to share the story about how his cousin finally stood up for himself once and for all! The cousin said:

“Last Friday was the final straw …Bully was blocking my cousin from getting on the bus. There is a video of my cousin repeatedly telling the bully to move.”

He tried asking nicely, that the bully would stop, but of course that didn’t work at all, then, of course, the bully started to get violent with him…

“…(the) bully then pushed my cousin with enough force [that] he trips. As my cousin tries to get up bully kicks my cousin in the stomach and punches him in the face when he tries to get up again.”

The boy really had enough now, after all, we all have our limits of what we can endure before we snap! The cousin continues again:

“My cousin rushed his bully and proceeded to beat the living crap out of him”

The little boy’s family saw that the moment was a turning point, the tables had finally turned and the bully was firmly set to rights. Unfortunately, though, the school saw things in a different light, they took both students and dragged them to the principals’ office, they were BOTH give three days suspension!? The boy was the victim in this could really not believe this at all, I mean, doesn’t every person in the eyes of the law has the right to defend themselves and use reasonable force to do so? His parents were really unhappy and showed it the only way they knew how… One of the family said:

“My uncle makes it clear he will not be punishing my cousin and the three days will be leisure days”

This really upset the bullies family, of course, they demanded that the victim in all this be expelled, even after seeing a video of their son beating the boy in question while he was pinned to the floor!?!? The boy’s father even asked his cousin to take him out for the day, for a fun day out, on his final day of suspension, he was the victim after all? The cousin said:

“I’m going to take him go-karting and to see an R rated movie,” the kid told his viewers. “He defended himself and I’m proud of him.”

We would love to know what you make of all this in the comments below, was the right to defend himself, were his parents right in their actions? Above all please SHARE this story with your friends and family.