Cher’s son Chaz Bono shares his mom’s concerns and feelings over his transition from female to male


From Chasity to Chaz, Cher and Sonny Bono’s son has been through a lot during his transition from female to male. The fact that his parents were internationally known celebrities had Chaz in the spotlight and everyone was familiar with the cute little girl with blonde curly hair and ponytails.

Chasity would usually appear at the end of her parents’ show The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour while the two sang “I Got You Babe.”

Sonny and Cher on their TV show.

As years passed by, Chasity could feel she was in the wrong body and came out as a lesbian in 1995 before she decided to transition to a man and undergo a surgery in 2008.

Cher had a hard time coping with Chasity’s decision because she felt she would lose her daughter. However, as time passed by, she accepted the reality. Speaking to PrideSource, Cher admitted it wasn’t easy for her as a mother and said, “I didn’t go through it that easily. Both times. When I found out Chaz was gay, I didn’t go through it that easily.”

Then the transitioning took place and it made things even more worrying for the singer. “When I found out Chaz was [transitioning]… we talked about it a lot, actually. But then Chaz didn’t mention it anymore, so I kind of forgot. And what I think is, there’s such a fear of losing the child you love, and what will replace that child.”

But Chaz knew he was different. “…as a child, I always felt there was something different about me. I’d look at other girls my age and feel perplexed by their obvious interest in the latest fashion, which boy in class was the cutest, and who looked the most like cover girl Christie Brinkley. When I was 13, I finally found a name for exactly how I was different. I realized I was gay,” he wrote in his book Family Outing: A Guide to the Coming Out Process for Gays, Lesbians, and Their Families.


Fans from all over the world were closely following the relationship between Cher and Chaz who were not on good terms during the first year of Chaz’s transition, and Chaz’s life journey. Finally, at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival, people could see the documentary Becoming Chaz which was very emotional and had a scene where Cher speaks of hearing her child’s new voice for the first time.

“My mother went through a kind of mourning period. It was difficult for her, and we didn’t see each other for about the first year of my transition,” Chaz told SBS Australia.

Chaz Bono at GLAAD Awards 2012

Chaz pursued a career in the film industry and appeared in five episodes of American Horror Story: Roanoke and play Reverend Rydale on The Bold and the Beautiful.

After the transition, Chaz knew it was the time for him to turn to a healthier lifestyle. So, when he became part of the show Dancing with the Stars, he changed his diet which now contains mostly veggies, fruits, meat, and nuts and managed to lose around 85lbs.

”I would have never been able to do it before,’ he told Oprah Winfrey some years ago. ‘I was too disconnected from my body, and to, you know – the dysphoria around, that I had with my body was too much to be able to have cared enough about to do anything like that.” 

Cher is now a proud mother and praises her son for choosing a healthy lifestyle. ”He did it all by himself. He made up his own mind and he did it. And it was like what — 85, 90 pounds. Wow! … I do not know if I’d have that courage.” Cher said.

We are very glad the relationship between Cher and Chaz is stronger than ever.

Stevie Wonder opens up about his life and how he lost his sight


The life story of Stevie Wonder, the prodigy kid who took the world by storm and is up until this day known as one of the most prominent musicians who have ever walked this Earth, is profound and inspiring to say the least.

This incredible man has never considered his blindness a disadvantage and has accomplished the greatest things in life.


Born Steveland Judkins or Steveland Morris on May 13, 1950, in Saginaw, Michigan, Wonder, who got the name because of the wonders he could do with the instruments from very early age, wasn’t born blind. He was, however, born prematurely and had to be placed in an incubator at 6-weeks-old. Sadly, because of a doctor’s fault, he was given too much oxygen which destroyed his sight.

He was diagnosed with Retinopathy of Prematurity, which means that the growth of the eyes is aborted, causing the retinas to detach and leading to blindness.

Speaking to Oprah back in 2004, Wonder explained that he wasn’t mad at the doctor who gave him too much oxygen. He even said how he had once visited the hospital where he was born and was given an award.

“I don’t regret what happened because it made me who I am. But I’d love to see,” Wonder said.

Life with a disability has been challenging, especially when he was young.

Wonder recalled his mother cried a lot because of his condition, so when he was just five, he told her: “Don’t worry about me being blind, because I’m happy.”

“I said something like that. It bothered me that my mother was crying all the time. She thought God might be punishing her for something. She lived during a time when things were particularly difficult for a woman in her circumstances,” Wonder told Oprah.

“I used to say that if something happened to my mother, I wanted to die with her. That’s because I loved her so much. I want to live so I can carry out the essence of what she has shown me: kindness and goodness.”

Source: Wikipedia Commons

He recalled he was a curious child who was never afraid to try new things, including climbing trees.

“We had these woodsheds in the backyard, and we played a game where we’d jump from the top of the woodshed into the alley. Who could jump the farthest? The kids were like, ‘Go, Steve, go!’ but I guess I missed the moment when my brother Larry whispered, ‘Momma’s home.’ So I’m on top of the shed saying, ‘Are you ready? Here we go!’ And I jumped right into my mother’s arms,” he shared.

He started playing the harmonica and the drums from very early age, and he later discovered the piano.

At only 11 years old, Wonder released his debut album The Jazz Soul of Little Stevie, an instrumental, under producer and label founder Berry Gordy Jr.

Speaking of the time Berry Gordy Jr. discovered him and got fascinated with his musical abilities, Wonder explained how the deal could have failed, but luckily, that didn’t happen.

“It was a difficult point. The people there were excited about me being with them, but the lawyer my mother used was not that impressed with Motown,” Wonder recalled.

“There was some negotiating, and some guy there said to my mom, ‘Let me tell you like this: Stevie can either sign this contract, or he can spend the rest of his life selling pencils.’”

“My mother said, ‘I don’t give a damn what you say. My son will never sell pencils ever in his life.’ And the deal was off. I think Berry Gordy finally talked with my mom about the “misunderstanding,” and they worked it out.”


Many of Stevie Wonder’s songs are No.1 hits which have topped the charts all over the world. Among the songs he made, and which are touching the heart and soul, are Superstition, I Was Made to Love Her, Yesterme Yesteryou Yesterday, My Cherie Amour, For Once In My Life and Sir Duke.

When it comes to the future, Wonder is planning on moving to Ghana indefinitely in an attempt to protect his grand children and great-grandchildren from the racial injustice in America.

“I wanna see this nation smile again. And I want to see it before I leave to travel to move to Ghana, because I’m going to do that,” he told Oprah, as quoted by People.

“I am [relocating permanently], because I don’t want to see my children’s children’s children have to say, ‘Oh, please like me. Please respect me, please know that I am important, please value me.’ What kinda [life is that]?”


Wonder’s extraordinary life and career is the perfect example that no disability can stand on our way if we put our mind into accomplishing what truly makes us happy. Thank you Stevie Wonder for the joy you are giving to us with your incredible talent and music.

Model with Down syndrome fulfills her dream after appearing on catwalk


They say that “beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder,” but when it comes to Katie Harries, a young model with Down Syndrome from Australia, we all agree she’s beyond beautiful.

This 24-year-old lady is very confident in herself and wants to believe that everyone could see her for who she is. Living with the syndrome was never an obstacle for Katie to achieve great things in life.

Facebook / ABC South East NSW

Katie has always dreamed of becoming a model and conquering the runways, and finally, her dream came true. After signing with an agency, she got to walk her first ever show which was a huge success. She gathered the attention of many and was praised for the work well done.

“As soon as she did her first solo walk the whole crowd got up and started cheering for her and calling out her name,” model Krysta Heath said. “In Katie’s words, she just owned it.”

Katie is looking up to Madeline Stuart, another model with Down’s syndrome who has gained fame worldwide and is hoping to follow into her footsteps.

“I am beautiful from the inside and outside and I want to become a model so people can really see who I am,” this incredibly beautiful young lady said.

Facebook / ABC South East NSW

We wish her all the success and we are sure she is going to build a brilliant career in the world of fashion and modeling.

For more on Katie’s life check out the video below.

7-month-old baby freezes to death after mom left him on a balcony in sub-zero temperature for 5 hours


Devastating news about a baby boy left out in the freezing temperatures by his mother who forgot about him has shaken the world. Her negligence led for the little one to freeze to death. 

According to the local media, the heartbreaking incident took place in the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Russia, and the baby in question was only seven months old. 

Currently, authorities are further investigating the case. 

It was reported how the mom put the baby outside on the balcony of the family apartment so he could nap in the fresh air, but she only remembered to check on him after more than five hours passed. 

Russian winters are severe and on the day of the incident, the temperatures were -4 degrees Fahrenheit (-20 degrees Celsius).

The cause of death was hypothermia, a condition which occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce it, which leads for the temperature to drop very low. 

Many parents believe that leaving their children nap outdoors during cold weather helps them avoid colds and coughs. However, after many media outlets have shared this story and the wide public showed their rage and condemned the irresponsible mother, Russian health authorities warned parents to never leave their children outside unattended, according to Fox News. 

“Always know where and with whom [your child] is,” the ministry issued a warning in an Instagram post, adding, “Do not pass by if another child is in danger — in winter a child who is lost or injured on the street can very quickly become a victim of low temperatures.”

For a young life to be lost in such manner is beyond sad and tragic. Rest in peace little angel.

Mother outraged after finding her 4-year-old daughter superglued to McDonald’s toilet seat


A mother named Nicole Langmead and her four year old daughter Kaya were having fun time at the local McDonald’s restaurant when the girl felt the need to go to the bathroom. She asked her mom whether she could go all by herself, to which the mom said yes.

After all, the mother was right there, staying next to the bathroom making sure Kaya was all fine. However, she soon regretted the decision of leaving her daughter inside alone. 

Image Credit:

Nicole recalls that just before Kaya entered the bathroom, two girls were stepping out of it laughing hysterically. But that, of course, didn’t raise the alarm as it’s something we see every day. 

At that point, nothing could really warn this mother of the danger that was awaiting her little girl. 

Sadly, Kaya suffered serious injuries because those two mean girls they saw minutes before put superglue on the toilet seat. According to Metro, the little girl’s skin ripped from her legs and it caused her unbearable pain. 

Image Credit:

The McDonald’s staff acted quickly and provided help. Police was also alerted of the incident. They are now trying to identify and locate the girls. What they did was cruel and mean and they have to suffer the consequences of their careless behavior. 

Nicole is now trying to spread Kaya’s story in order to warn other parents to be extra cautious when letting their kids alone to the bathroom of restaurants and other public places. 

Check the whole story in the video below.

Overlooked shelter dog can’t hold back his gratitude when he realizes he’s getting adopted


Very often, we speak of the deep impact adoption has on the life of animals neglectful owners leave at shelters. However, our words are pale in comparison to witnessing first hand the joy these creatures feel the moment they get adopted.

Going from a tiny kennel to a comfy home surrounded by people who care is priceless. Luckily, those animals who are adopted are given the chance to experience this sort of unbridled happiness. 

Benny is a shy dog that resided at the high-kill shelter Carson Animal Care Center in California. He would spend all his days waiting for someone to cross his path and take him out of that place. 

He never knew what future held for him until finally the day of his adoption came. 

And his reaction? One of the cutest we’ve ever seen. He just could’t hide the delight and exhilaration that filled his heart when his new forever human came to take him home.

By sharing this lovely story, you help raise awareness of the importance of adopting shelter animals. Who knows, maybe you will be the reason for some dog’s happy ending! 

Doctor gasps seconds after delivering twins, looking down we see why!

Having a baby is exciting and stressful, but having twins is even more so, in fact, its one of the most exciting experiences to go through! It comes with its own challenges and sometimes serious complications with mom or baby. Giving birth takes its toll in the body, one mom got the surprise of her life when it was time to give birth, even the doctors were in awe! Around 10-15% of pregnancies are estimated to start with twins but, sadly, end up with only one baby. It’s called the “vanishing twin” syndrome, many mothers never find out even. It is more common to need extra care as a mother of twins though, more observations, and many things can go wrong too. Sara Thistlewaite, a math teacher from Ohio decided it was time to start a family of her own with her husband. They were excited for the arrival of their tiny babies, identical twins, they had many many questions! As it happens the twins were having a really rather rare set of twins, they were identical but monoamniotic twins, which means that they shared the same anionic sac inside the mom’s womb. That was a 1 in 10,000 chance that they had babies like this, straight away, they knew they were special! ….they didn’t expect a delivery as special as the pregnancy though! Sarah spent over two months in the hospital due to her rare pregnancy, every single person concerned was interested in the rare pregnancy, she began to feel like she was under a microscope. But what she did not know was that it was about to get worse… The couple, early on, knew that Sarah was set to have a C-section because the babies were completely together, right next to each other. The doctors thought said that it was a routine procedure and said that everything would be just fine. The Doctors gaped in shock though, it was really apparent that what they were seeing was unusual… Sara had a screen that covered what was happening and what the doctors were doing. She just wanted to hear her baby cry, it would indicate normal breathing and a successful birth had happened. But instead, she just heard noises of shock as the babies were taken from her womb. The Doctors could not separate the babies to pull them out one by one so they took them out together, entwined into one. At first, they were not sure that the babies were OK at first, but when they looked closer they then realized what was really happening, the room then fell silent… Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest, she was impatient and demanded to see her babies now! With what they saw it was really obvious that the two already share a special bond. The two babies came into this world holding hands!! When the doctor’s realized it along with the nurses they all felt a special touching moment. Everyone began to cry in joy and happiness, this really was one in a million baby birth!! Thankfully there was somebody on hand to take photos of the babies and capture the moment forever in a picture, everyone wanted to know more, everyone was so touched, how special it really was. The story about the coupe and their babies was featured in newspapers and magazines alike, nobody could get enough of the story and how it happened and the moments before and after the birth, plus of course the lovely photo of the babies holding hands! The birth and indeed the whole pregnancy was a little scary, to say the least, but both babies came out healthy and with all their fingers and toes. The special bond they share is very obvious right from the start. The called the babies Julian and Jenna. The girls really love doing everything together, even wearing matching clothes, the couple really has a hard time separating them. Sara said:

“Sometimes if my husband goes to the store, he’ll take one twin and I’ll keep the other. When that happens, they both get really upset and ask for each other. They’re definitely really close. They’re like two peas in a pod.”

Although difficult at times, their parents really love them both equally, every step of the way, bringing up twins is a challenge every day! What a wonderful in a million story, please SHARE this story if you loved it as much as us!

Teacher takes a seat on Santa’s lap totally unaware it’s her soldier son


Who wouldn’t want to spend the holidays surrounded by family and friends? I guess that is what every person is longing for, because not being able to experience that feeling of warmth and coziness of your place during the most wonderful time of the year might be the worst thing ever. After all, the holidays should be all about family and friends, and those we love the most.

Unfortunately, many people don’t get to experience the holiday festivities at home, usually because of their demanding job positions. Think of all the doctors, nurses, firefighters, and military men and women who spend endless hours and shifts helping those in need, and serving a whole nation. These people certainly don’t have it easy. 

As a result of deployment many soldiers miss not only the holidays, but many times the birth of their children and watching them grow up, many birthdays, gatherings, and other special events. For these people, as well for their families, having a chance to make it home is the ultimate Christmas present. 








Christmas can be challenging for military people and their families.
Parents, spouses, and children of soldiers spend the holidays yearning for their presence while hoping they stay safe throughout their deployment.


Oftentimes, soldiers talk to their families online, but of course, nothing beats being home for the holidays.
Stay informed and entertained for free. Like our Facebook page to get more stories.
That was the only wish of Kim Harris.
Kim is a math teacher from Prairie Heights High School. Her son, Army Spc. Ethan Harris was deployed in Afghanistan. As a mother, she could only hope for her son’s safe return and that he could spend the holidays with them.


It seemed like a farfetched wish, but anything is possible especially if Santa is listening.
Coincidentally, their school had a lottery during their Christmas breakfast.
The lottery would give the winner a chance to ask Santa for whatever they wanted for Christmas. In a video posted by KPC News, Superintendent Alan Middleton is in the middle of choosing the winner.

Source: YouTube/ KPC NEWS

Specialist Ethan Harris did a tour in Afghanistan as part of the storied 101st Airborne Division, also known as the “Screaming Eagles” because of their patch. 

A year after being away it was finally the time for this Specialist to reunite with his family. He got to be home for Christmas, and since it is the time of the year when we give presents, he got the idea of surprising his mom by doing something both emotional and fun. 

Spc. Harris’ mother works at the Prairie Heights Middle School. It was the perfect place for him to show up and make her jaw drop. So he did just that, went to the lottery the school organizes each year, dressed up in a uniform, but not the one everyone is used to seeing him in. 

Source: YouTube/ KPC NEWS

Kim Harris, Spc. Harris’ mother, isn’t just a math teacher, but one of the best teachers ever. She is loving and caring and students simply adore her. She was told her son was already in the United States and she was anticipating to embrace him and tell him how much she missed him.

On the day of the lottery there is always a person dressed as Santa. This year wasn’t any different, everyone was gathered at the school cafeteria, the Big Old man was also there waiting for the people to tell him their Christmas wishes. That’s when the Superintendent Alan Middleton called Kim’s name. 

Source: YouTube/ KPC NEWS

He then told her to come in the front and sit in Santa’s lap. She was quite excited and laughing all the time. When Santa asked her what it was that she wanted for Christmas she replied:

“Peace on Earth and goodwill towards men.” 

Although her wish list was long, the best present she could have think of was there already.

“My son is safely on U.S. soil.”

Santa then asked Kim where her son was, but when she responded “Fort Campbell,” he only had one more question to ask.

“Are you sure?”

That’s when Santa pulled his beard down and revealed his true identity!

Source: YouTube/ KPC NEWS

This mother’s reaction is priceless. She really couldn’t be happier knowing she will get to spend Christmas with her son.

Watch the full reunion in the KPC News video below: