U.S. soldier snapped standing to attention in the pouring rain


Many times in life, we experience certain difficulties and get disappointed by those around us, and then out of the blue, something or someone comes along our way and restores our faith in humanity. 

Erin Hester shared an amazing story with Love What Matters and we are all stunned by the touching and unselfish act of the soldier this woman stumbled upon on a rainy day. 

She was sitting at a stoplight when she saw a funeral procession on the opposite line. And while many people who were driving didn’t even notice the procession, one person pulled over, got out of his vehicle, and paid the deceased person respect. 

“I was so completely touched by this today. A funeral procession was passing by and this soldier got out of his jeep to stand at attention in the pouring rain,” Hester wrote.

“I always get frustrated when I see cars that don’t pull to the side and stop for a procession, but this gentlemen went above and beyond. I feel pretty confident that there isn’t a military rule that soldiers have to do this. 

This made my heart happy to see the amount of respect that this gentleman showed a family that he doesn’t even know.”

The poring rain didn’t stop this military man from doing the right thing. He showed us that these little things are what makes us all humans. In the world that slowly becomes a place of cold-hearted and emotionless creatures whose only job is to follow strict schedules and make money, seeing someone showing compassion warms our hearts and reminds us that humanity isn’t dead.

Source: Facebook/ Love What Matters

Once Hester’s photo went viral, thousands of people praised the soldier’s act. He was later located by WHAS11 and identified as Col Jack L. Usrey, the Senior Army Advisor of the Tennessee Army National Guard.

However, when he learned how his act was praised by many, he said: “I also owe it to my parents, Jim and Judy Usrey, from Martin, TN. They taught me to do this from when I have memory.

“I’m humbled and surprised at the reaction to such a simple gesture. My first thoughts were about how the bad weather can’t be helping how the family feels and I was hoping my small action would let them know we care.”

Thank you soldier for your kind deed, and thank you Hester for sharing this story with us!

Please share to inspire others to show their appreciation for those who risk their lives every day to keep us safe.

Peace and Love

Bored Daddy

This is how charming model and actor Fabio Lanzoni looks like today


Remember the handsome guy with long hair that was hard not to notice because of his numerous on screen appearances as an actor, fashion model, and a spokesperson?

Well, Fabio Lanzoni, who will be 63 in a few days, looks as gorgeous as he did back in the day when many women fell for his distinctive looks and charm.

Fabio was born in Italy, to a father who was a wealthy company owner and a mother who was a former beauty queen. Speaking to The Washington Post in 2015, he recalled the time he decided to move to the States and live the American dream. His dad was against it and said that then 21-year-old Fabio, “is going to get it out of his system and come back with his tail between his legs.” That, obviously, wasn’t the case.

Right after moving to “The Big Apple,” Fabio became the face of GAP. From that moment on, nothing was the same for the Italian model who rose to fame and caught the attention of millions Americans.

Fabio Lanzoni with nephews

Fabio’s popularity helped him appear on around 400 romance novel covers. Later, he published a book himself, but he wasn’t the author, instead a ghost writer was hired to tell his story.

He tried himself as an actor and usually played himself in the movies. He also appeared in major advertising campaigns and became a spokesman for I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter.

Despite being adored by women, the heart-throb never married. He spoke openly of his love for Jennifer, a 19-year-old model working for L’Oreal. Fabio was 23 at the time he met her but said he was “too young and crazy” for a serious relationship. However, the couple dated for six years before Jennifer decided to call it quits and changed her phone number.

Fabio moved on and not much has been known about his love life ever since. In 2016 he became an American citizen. He lives in L.A. and enjoys his life to the fullest. What’s most, he’s still very attractive. This is what he looks like today.

31-year-old invites 89-year-old neighbor whose health deteriorated to move in with him


When 31-year-old Chris Salvatore moved into a new apartment back in 2013, the first person he made friends with were 85-year-old Norma Cook and her cat Hermes. It all started with a hello, and once Chris introduced himself, they became really close. Chris would always help his elderly neighbor with her errands and was there for her whenever she needed any sort of help.

As she turned 89, Norma’s health started to decline and she ended up at the hospital. The only way for her to be able to get back home was to have around the clock assistance. However, as she had no one to take care of her, chances of returning back home were slim.

When Chris learned what was going on, he decided to step in. He was the only person Norma could rely on and he didn’t want to fail her. So, Chris started a GoFundMe and was able to raise $25,000 in just seven hours. A month later, the campaign helped raise $50,000, but as the 24-hour healthcare costs a lot of money, Chris knew he needed to find a long-term solution.

“The only other option was for her to go into a facility,” he told TODAY. “I just couldn’t do that to someone who is like my own grandmother.”

So, Chris invited Norma to move in with him. “I’m so happy I was able to give her this gift of living her last days at home,” Chris said. “I can’t imagine what it’s like to go through the end of your life at a hospital without your friends or pets.”

Unfortunately, Norma died in February 2017, but she spent the final days of her life knowing she was loved and cared for.

Chris shared the sad news with his followers on his Instagram where he would post photos and videos of him and his “granny” having fun by watching the news, talking, and eating peanuts.

“She called me the grandson she never had,” Chris said of Norma.

What a loving and thoughtful young man. May God bless you for everything you did for your neighbor.

Please SHARE this inspiring story with your family and friends on Facebook.

Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

Pregnant waitress serves cop then finds a note from him on the check


When first time mommy Courtney English, 23, was in the eighth month of pregnancy, she was doing her best to earn enough money for the big arrival. So, no matter her condition, she still worked her usual job as a waitress at the Lamp Post Diner in New Jersey.

This lovely lady always welcomes the customers with a smile and all her regulars knew just how excited she was for becoming a mother to her bundle of joy. That day, however, a new face stopped by at the restaurant, and his act of kindness touched this mother-to-be to the core and left her in tears.

As the local Voorhees County police officer entered the place on a busy Friday, the first thing he noticed was that the woman who served him was pregnant. He though she didn’t have it easy standing on her feet during the long shifts. The two engaged in a casual chat and after finishing his meal, the officer asked for the check.

What he did next quickly went viral all for the right reasons. His bill came to $8.75, but the tip he left was way bigger. Besides giving Courtney a generous tip of $100, he also wrote a message on it, and now everyone who has seen it is deeply touched by the officer’s action.

The message said, “Enjoy ur 1st. You will never forget it.”

“It was from the heart. It really touched her,” dad Brian said. “There have been plenty of situations where she got a nice tip, but just the little remark was what got her.”

Courtney’s reaction was very sweet. She just couldn’t believe someone could be so kind and generous, so she rushed to her boss with tears of joy in her eyes.

It was her father who though his daughter’s story was worth sharing it with the whole nation. Needless to say, everyone is praising the officer who wanted to remain anonymous.

Couple welcome biracial twins – Seven years later they are blessed with another miracle


One couple, Alison Spooner and Dean Durrant, made headlines years ago when they welcomed biracial twin girls into the world. While Alison is light-skinned with blue eyes and ginger hair, her husband Dean is of West Indian origin and has dark skin, black hair, and dark colored eyes.

Although they secretly hoped their girls would resemble both of them, they could never in their wildest dreams imagine that one of their twin daughters would be white just like mom and the other would be black just like her dad.

Laura and Hayleigh don’t look alike, but they share plenty of traits. When they first meet them, most people don’t trust them when they say they are twins. Of course, there have been comments by strangers over the years, but the girls don’t pay any attention to them and don’t let the mean words affect them in any way.

Source: Facebook

When Laura and Hayleigh were around seven years old, their parents told them they would have a sibling. Alison was pregnant again. They were all over the moon by the thought of welcoming another baby into the family, but doctors had a surprise for them. Alison was expecting twins again.

As her pregnancy proceeded, she and Dean sometimes joked that their other set of twins could be biracial again. Of course, the chances seemed to be extremely slim for a miracle like that to happen.

When she was 37 weeks pregnant, Alison’s babies were delivered through C-section because they were in the breech position. Right after birth, the baby girls experienced troubles breathing and were rushed to intensive care. Luckily, it wasn’t anything serious.

Source: Facebook

When the parents were finally allowed to see their bundles of joy, they were shocked. The girls were biracial, just like their older sisters. Little Leah inherited her mom’s skin color and features while baby Miya resembled her father.

Needless to say, this couple’s story went viral and made headlines again all for the right reasons.

Today, Laura and Hayleigh are teenagers. They are always there for their little sisters and guide them through the challenges they sometimes experience for being biracial twins.

Source: Facebook

What a beautiful family. We only wish them the best life can bring.

Four police officers grab a bite after a long shift – can’t believe what’s then written on their receipt

Restaurant Staff Buys Police Officer’s Dinner

Every day, law enforcement put their lives on the line to ensure the safety of the general public. One restaurant staff decided to thank their local police in a special way!

A Tasty Thanks

The Slidell police officers often visit the local Outback Steakhouse for lunch, dinner and even late-night meals. Manager Arline Wood has nothing but nice things to say about the officers that visit her restaurant! She loves having them in and server Zoe says “they’re the sweetest guys.”

The Meals On Us

They always treat the staff with respect and dignity and Arline appreciates their continued patronage. That night two employees decided to take special care of some of the officers that had come in at the end of their shift. The Outback duo picked up the check for the four officers that were dining that night! Totaling around $67, server Zoe dropped off the receipt with a little note thanking the men for all that they do.

Outback Goes Viral

The officers were very moved by this kind gesture and gave Zoe a large tip in return! They posted a picture the receipt on the Slidell PD Facebook page and received even more positive feedback. Slidell PD said,

“Words can’t describe how this makes all of us feel. Thank you Ms. Arlene and Zoe for being so kind and showing your appreciation for law enforcement.”

Manager Arline said she never expected this kind of media attention, she just wanted to thank the officers for their service.

Keep It Up

Arline and Zoe hope this helps to inspire other people to take the time to thank the men in blue. Now, more than ever, the police officers need to be reminded that we still appreciate what they do!

A Good Deed Recognized

These women were able to show their gratitude and respect to the officers who serve their community! Let’s hope more people take a page of out their book and pay it forward. A positive act like this helps to combat all of the negativity in the world.

Please share to inspire others to show their appreciation for those who risk their lives every day to keep us safe.

Bored Daddy

Mailman saves woman’s life after spotting her child wandering outside alone


Many times, when it comes to making decisions, we listen to our intuition. That gut feeling also tells us whether something bad is coming on our way.

Stephen Garofalo was on the job the day he could sense something wasn’t right. He knows all the people he delivers mail to as he’s been working as a mailman on the route in Wayne, New Jersey, for astounding 23 years.

Throughout his career as a delivery man, Stephen never experienced any inconveniences, neither he stumbled upon certain incidents or unusual situations. But that was all about to change when he spotted a two-year-old toddler wandering around the yard. What Stephen found concerning was the fact the child was all alone, unattended, and had a sad expression on his face.

When Stephen approached closer and asked the boy where his mother was, the little one pointed towards the house. After hearing that, the mailman felt like he should enter and make sure everything was alright. Once he was inside the place, he could see the boy’s mother hunching over a stroller, unconscious.

The woman had bad reaction to her medication and was just lying there unresponsive. Stephen immediately called 911 and asked for help. He stayed with her and her son until the paramedics arrived. A life was saved that day because of Stephen’s courage and kindness.

He later got a recognition from the United States Patrol Service for his action; he was presented with the Life Saving Award.

We believe what he did is really special. He didn’t think twice before offering help. He could have just ignored the boy, but he opted to care.

Take a look at the whole story in the video below.

Single mom fosters abandoned baby girl not knowing she’s the biological sister of her adopted son


Life is full of miracles and great things are just around the corner waiting from us to wide open our arms and embrace them.

When 30-year-old Katie Price went through a divorce, she didn’t see it as something negative, but as a chance to start her life over and discover happiness in fostering children.

She struggled with fertility issues, but despite that, she knew she would make a great mother one day, whether she would give birth to the children in her life or not.

Katie fostered four children during the years, but her life took a completely different turn for the better when she got a call about an abandoned 4-day-old baby who needed someone to take him in.

Katie and little Grayson bonded perfectly during the time he was under her care, and finally, once he turned 11-months-old, she adopted him. Needless to say, the day Grayson became her legal son was the happiest day of Katie’s life.

Grayson made Katie’s life complete, but she knew she wanted to adopt other children in the future too.

One day, she got a call from a caseworker who told her of a baby girl that was surrendered at the same hospital as Grayson was a year ago. They asked Katie whether she was interested in fostering the girl.

“I know over the next 10 minutes and subsequent phone calls I made that afternoon, the phrase ‘I know I am crazy, but God is telling me to say ‘YES’ kept coming out of my mouth.”

It wasn’t long after baby Hannah became part of Katie’s family.

But, as the girl was dropped at Katie’s house, something unusual caught her attention. The name of the woman listed as Hannah’s mother was the same as that of Grayson.

That could be just a coincidence, but something told Katie that there was more to the story.

Grayson and Hannah didn’t look alike at all, but that name written on their bracelets made Katie investigate further.

“Grayson is half African American with beautiful darker skin and dark curly hair,” Katie wrote on her blog. “Baby Girl has a pale white skin tone with straight red-blonde hair.”

After reaching Hannah’s birth mother, it turned out Katie’s intuition didn’t fool her. That woman told her how she had given birth to a baby boy before she had Hannah.

A DNA test confirmed Katie’s adopted children were biological half-sibling.

“What if Baby Girl had gone to another family?” Katie wrote in her blog post. “We would have never found her or Grayson’s mother. The connection would have never been made!

I could not believe the miracle that had just happened.”

Hannah was officially adopted in December of 2018.

“That day I said ‘Yes’ to taking the Baby Girl I felt the strangest feeling ever. I don’t think I had truly until that moment felt an undeniable calling from God.

My brain was telling me to say ‘no’ because it made no sense and was not in my plans, but something inside kept saying you have to say ‘YES’. It is a sheer miracle, once in a lifetime chance… call it what you will, but it is amazing that my children found each other.”

But Katie’s family journey doesn’t stop there. She’s now planning to adopt her children’s five-month-old brother.

Having baby Jackson in the house, the three siblings could be raised together.

“I am constantly taking leaps of faith and building my wings on the way down,” Katie says.

I am sharing my passions and loves along this crazy journey that God has blessed me with.”

If you would love to learn more of this incredible woman and her family, you can follow her on Instagram.