Matthew McConaughey still gifts handwritten love poems to his wife


Hollywood is the place where dreams are made, and being part of it truly is a dream come true. A huge number of people yearn for a place under its sky, but not everyone is lucky enough to make it big in the industry.

Matthew McConaughey is one of those people who were fortunate enough to make a name for themselves in the showbiz. Over the years, he became a much loved face and gathered millions of fans. McConaughey has landed a number of iconic roles, but that in Dazed and Confused is considered by many to be his breakthrough role.

This American sweetheart is not only a famous actor, but a loving husband and a proud father of three. His love story with wife Camila Alves resembles that of a fairy-tale, and if you believed he executes roles of a romantic guy perfectly, wait until you see how charming he is around his lady.

The couple first laid eyes on one another in 2006 and tied the knot in 2012.

McConaughey never misses a chance to speak of his affection for his wife. Even years after they first met, he’s still smitten with her and he’s not afraid to confess that.

When it comes to showing his love, he doesn’t do it by buying expensive gifts, but maintains his romance in a different way.

“I don’t have a certain thing I buy her. An earnest handwritten note, that she knows I sat down and took some time and has some poetry to it, that’s worth more than whatever retail I paid for something,” McConaughey told TODAY.

He says Camila posses qualities he admires and describes her as graceful, beautiful, and having strong sense of identity. When it comes to loyalty, he says that he’s faithful to her to a point that is selfish, as reported by Playboy Magazine. He, however, adds that he loves that and wants that to stay that way.

Speaking to People, Camila said she wasn’t a typical girl, the one who dreams of getting married, but meeting McConaughey changed all that.

Besides having tight work schedules, they both make sure they spend much time with their children, and that includes movie night, trips, and a lot more. Fridays are always pretty special in their home because on those days, the kids are allowed to have pizza and everything else they please. They are even allowed to sleep in their parents’ bedroom after the festivities which often turn into dance nights.

When it comes to their parenting, the actor says he and his wife blend different styles of parenting, he’s more laid-back, but they both share similar moral values. At the end of the day, the moral traits of each person are inherited and their sense of morality would always be in their core, as per McConaughey.

Source:  Jason Merritt/Getty Images

We love McConaughey so very much and we are extremely happy for him. What a beautiful love story these two share.

Dad and twin sons cut enough firewood for 80 trucks – give it all away to people in need


During our lifetime we witness injustice being done and generosity is slowly becoming something we hear less of. 

However, people who do kind deeds are still among us and because of their hearts of gold our faith in humanity is restored. 

While they were growing up, twin brothers Henry and Harrison would go into the woods with their father Shane McDaniel where they would help him harvest firewood. This activity never bothered this hardworking family. On the contrary, they see it as a great way to bond and help the community at the same time. 

There was a heavy storm in the place of Lake Stevens, Washington which caused lots of trees to fall down. 

“I had a lot of wood I had to cut because of storm damage and trees that were taken down. It just kept piling up and piling up. Once it got to be such an amount of wood we decided we could do something better with it,” Shane said. 

This father and his sons came up with the most incredible idea possible. Namely, they decided to combine their hard work and their generosity by offering firewood to those in need of some. 

Speaking to PEOPLE Magazine, they said: “The Pacific Northwest is a pretty rugged area, it’s cold and wet. Once I started, I saw the need and my eyes were opened up. So many people were stopping and asking to buy it and we just started giving it away.”

In the period of seven months, starting from March through October 2018, Shane, Henry and Harrison managed to chop firewood enough to fill 80 trucks. 

After offering the firewood to those who needed it the most, they still had a lot left so they took to Facebook to spread the word and ask from people to sign up if they were looking forward to a hot and cozy home during the winter time. 

People who stumbled upon the post were surprised by the act of kindness which soon went a long way. Many wanted to be part of what the McDaniels were doing so they volunteered to help distribute the firewood. 

“It’s a pretty wonderful thing to see. You can just see this feeling of pride and sharing that I don’t think they had before,” Shane said.

“When you do good things for people, they don’t forget. I love helping people.”

If only more people were as noble as this family, this world would be a much better place.

Please share this story with your family and friends. It may inspire someone to do a kind deed.

Babysitter makes a decision about family’s dying daughter that makes me want to cry

If you’ve ever been a babysitter or even taken responsibility for someone else’s children then you will know the burden or responsibility that rests with you when you look after the children that are not your own. There are many babysitters that take this responsibility and the job very seriously and most certainly go above and beyond what their parents ask for, without a doubt! Kiersten Miles had been caring for George and Farra Rosko’s three children for some weeks, however when one of the children’s lives was in jeopardy, kiersten had to make a scary life changing decision. The Roskos will be forever thankful for the decision she made!
A 22 year old student from New Jersey, Kiersten Miles, needed to work to support her studies, she contacted the Rosko family through a friend and started working for them straight away. Kiersten quickly formed a powerful bond with the couple’s three children, most of all their youngest daughter, called Talia.
Some sad news came and the doctor said that Talia needed a new liver, she had a very rare and life threatening liver disease, Kiersten was right there without even a second thought to offer if part of her liver could help. George and Farra and Rosko were unsure at first and explained to Kiersten how much a of serious thing it was that she was offering. Donating a part of your liver is not at all like giving blood, invasive surgery is involved for one and then there are many risks too.
Kiersten stuck by her decision and applied straight away to be a donor for Talia, when she got the test results, Kiersten was a perfect match for Talia! Talia’s parents were ecstatic and more that thankful to Kiersten for her selfless act, however, they made sure that they didn’t push Kiersten at all to make the decision, they didn’t want her to regret it later. Kiersten certainly had no regrets at all, and on the 11th January 2017, she and Talia took the journey to hospital to undertake the 14 hour surgery together.
The doctors administered anesthesia to Kiersten then removed part of her liver, immediately performing a transplant on tiny Talia. Thankfully, by the grace of the great surgeons the transplant was successful and both Talia and Kiersten recovered quickly.
Talia today is renewed and doing all the things a toddler should be doing, now she can play and run and eat like never before! Kiersten of course really does deserve a huge big hug, “thank you” for her amazing gesture. Some people really do have a heart of gold!
Kiersten gave and still does, in her storey, give us both hope and inspiration in a cruel cold world!
Kiersten really is a modern day superhero!
Please share this story if you also want to spread a little light and hope today!

People are upset over sign KFC store posted on their doors – Restaurant refuses to take it down

Over the last few years, Law enforcement officers had had hard times, and things are only getting harder. Many Officers have been singled out and attacked as well as some people assuming that all cops are bad cops, or corrupt in some way. Well, one restaurant decided they would make a difference, a place over at Gallipolis, Ohio decided to show the men and women in uniform that they are valued and appreciated. The sign in the window is really causing a stir!!
Facebook/Ohio Going Blue
The sign clearly says:

“All uniformed police officers eat free everyday.”

To absolutely prove to all the men and women in uniform that they have the city’s wholehearted appreciation for their work everyday, each time they put their own well being on the line to keep us all safe. A delicious hot meal is no better way to fuel up before, during, or after a hard day and maybe even keep the streets even safer, how wonderful! Ever since the sign has been pinned in the KFC window, things have gone crazy, it’s gone completely viral getting well over 5,000 shares and 10,000 likes on Facebook. The store’s employees have even been joining in and commenting on the Facebook post, they absolutely do server all the uniformed police officers, completely FREE all day, every day! You might expect the most people will be supportive and super happy about it, especially the men and women of the police force, but, there are also plenty of people that are not happy at all!
Flickr/Mike Mozart
Some people really didn’t like what the store owners had done and said that they believed that all first response services should be included, not just the police, even the administer of the Ohio Going Blue, an officer of the law, too said he couldn’t agree more. He said:

This is a positive post, but some of you can’t see the bigger picture. As an officer, I do not go into any establishment expecting [or] wanting anything to be free or…. even a discount, whether I’m in uniform or not, and I can tell you other officers feel the same way. We don’t like ‘special treatment.’ The fact is that KFC is acknowledging law enforcement, which is why this was posted. To those who stated that other first responders should also be acknowledged. My answer? ABSOLUTELY.”

The fine officers of the law lay their well being on the line for us every day, and do their very best to keep us safe but have nothing in return, so to give them a free meal and keep them fueled up for their long day is reasonable…. Why do you think of the KFC sign in the window? Do you support it?

Dog waits outside empty home for weeks after family moves places and leaves him behind


Cupid, an incredibly loving and loyal dog from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, was left behind. His family moved places and didn’t take him with them. The poor dog couldn’t understand what happened and why his humans wouldn’t open the door to the house for him, not knowing the place he considered home was now completely empty.

Cupid was left without any food or water, and whenever he would go around trying to find something to eat he would always get back to his house’s front porch.

Source: Facebook/ Speranza Animal Rescue

Thankfully, Cupid’s state of confusion and desperation came to an end after Janine Guido, the founder of Speranza Animal Rescue, learned of his sad fate.

However, getting near Cupid wasn’t an easy task. She approached him a couple of times, but he always ran away towards the porch and tried getting inside, looking for his humans to save him from Janine. But what Cupid didn’t know at that point was that Janine was in fact his savior.

Source: Facebook/ Speranza Animal Rescue

Janine never quit trying earning Cupid’s trust, and once they became friends, she could finally help him.

She was left heartbroken. How could some pet owners be so cruel as to abandon their dog who loved them unconditionally?

Janine shared her disappointment through a Facebook post she shared.

“This is what your dog does, When you move out and leave him behind….”

“I got a call this afternoon regarding your dog. That has been roaming around Harrisburg since you moved out. And more often than not he was seen lying on your porch.

“When i got there your dog was eating out of a dumpster. And when i tried to approach your dog he took off to his ‘safe place.’

“When I approached your doorstep , your dog frantically jumped up and scratched at the door – begging for you to let him in.

“Your dog then bolted once again, and ran down alleys. Away from me – the stranger trying to help him.

“The next time I approached your dog on the porch he sat there. He wasn’t interested in my food. He wasnt interested in me. He wanted back inside your house. He once again clawed at your door, but no one was there to let him in.

“I spoke to your dog and he would bark at me and yet again took off down the street.

“The next time he came back to your porch i spoke to him and told him I’m here to help. Help to get him off the streets.

“At that moment it was like your dog understood. He didnt bolt. He walked up to me and sat down. Allowing me to leash him.

“I cried as i put your dog into my car. And even though I probably sounded crazy I explained to your dog what was going on the whole ride home.

“‘I’m so sorry you were let down. But i hope you realize we are here to help. And you will never be left alone again.

“Welcome to the Family, Cupid.’”

The staff at Speranza Animal Rescue fell in love with Cupid the moment they laid their eyes on him.

Sweet Cupid treats them with licks and kisses as a thank you for keeping him safe and loved.

“He has been nothing but the sweetest gentleman since coming to the rescue,” Janine said speaking to The Dodo “You can tell he’s still really confused. But he is happy to meet everyone with a wagging tail.”

Cupid’s story touched the hearts of many. As for now, more than 50 families are interested in adopting him but he’s not ready to leave the shelter yet. He should get neutered and get over the trauma of being left behind.

The staff believes he can get along with little kids and other pets, including cats, as he was sharing some food with a stray cat at the time of his rescue.

Have in mind that even though Cupid is not ready to be adopted yet, there are plenty of other animals at the shelter who are.

“We know he’s super cute and he has a sad story, but so do many others,” Guido stated. “We have so many amazing dogs that are available for adoption, please consider one of them.”

If you wish to see what Cupid’s days look like at the animal rescue go to the video below.

Baby boy smiles for the first time after his second open-heart surgery


When baby Theodore “Teddy” Nelson was born, doctors told his parents that their little bundle of joy had a congenital heart defect called hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Since this condition affects normal blood flow through the heart, sweet Teddy was forced to undergo an open-heart surgery just 15 minutes after he was welcomed into the world.

It was devastating news for his mom and dad, but they never lost hope and prayed for the surgery to go as planned. Shortly after, Teddy underwent another surgery.

“Around the second open heart surgery he suffered a stroke,” mom Alexandria Nelson told “Good Morning America.”

Source: Facebook

Neither she nor her husband were certain about the future of their beautiful son. They knew the little one could experience more health issues and didn’t know whether or not he would be able to smile. However, after 185 days, he treated his parents with the cutest smile and melted their hearts.

“We weren’t sure the connections were there in the brain to allow a smile to show on his face. It really gave a huge glimmer of hope for the future that he’s able to overcome these obstacles,” the proud mom said. “That’s what the smile meant to us.”

The best thing of all was that they were able to capture Teddy’s enchanting smile on video which they later shared on social media. Teddy’s first major milestone, his ability to smile, has been seen by thousands of people from all over the world.

“His sister was in the room; [Teddy] loves to hear her voice and my husband, he has the special touch,” Alexandria explained.

Of course, more surgeries would follow in the future, but for now, Teddy is doing great and spreads happiness and joy.

“They call him feisty and we love it,” the mom said. “Half the time we don’t give him enough credit … he [has] so much determination and fight.

“I always say, ‘Theodore’s half a heart produces twice the love.’”

We truly hope baby Teddy would reach more milestones and would be able to lead a normal life.

8-year-old boy loses father, younger siblings, and grandmother in worst tornado to hit Iowa in 14 years


The devastating tornado which hit Iowa on Saturday claimed the lives of seven people, four of which were part of a same family.

Among those who lost their lives were Michael Bolger, 37, his two young children, 5-year-old Kinlee Bolger and 2-year-old Owen Bolger, and his mother-in-law, 63-year-old Melissa Bazley whom the Bolger family was visiting at the time the tragedy struck.

Michael’s wife, Kuri Bolger, and their eldest child, 8-year-old Brysen, survived. The boy has already been discharged from hospital while Kuri is still being treated for her severe injuries.

Twitter/The Weather Channel

According to reports, late Bazley didn’t have a basement in her home which was located near rural Winterset, just outside the capital Des Moines so some of the family members didn’t stand a chance when the tornado hit.

One of Bolger family’s long time friend, Kayla, set up a GoFundMe page to help Brysen and his mom with the medical expenses. A huge number of people who got deeply touched by this tragedy donated money and so far around $540,000 has been raised.

Michael’s mother, Lynn Larson, told NPR News that the entire family is devastated. Her heart is filled with grief and she can’t believe that her son and two of her grandchildren are forever gone. “I just can’t describe how wonderful Mike was. Everybody loved him,” she said. “It just rips your heart out. My grandchildren were wonderful. They were just the light of my life,” the heartbroken mother said.

Source: GoFundMe

Two of Bazley’s neighbors, Rodney Clark, 64, and Cecilia Lloyd, 72 also lost their lives. The seventh person who died when the tornado struck was from Lucas County, located around 54 miles southeast of the capital Des Moines. A number of people have been injured as well.

We are deeply saddened by this tragedy. Our hearts go out to the grieving families who lost their loved ones.

A Canadian mother shares photo of her son on Facebook to ‘make everyone aware’


One devastated mother who lost her son in a tragic manner is warning everyone of the dangers of opoid abuse.

In a touching Facebook post, Sherri Kent explained that her 22-year-old son Michael overdosed on prescription painkillers. He took a fatal dose of the drug fentanyl, which is around 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine.

“I just want everyone to know that my son Michael overdosed on fentanyl,” this heartbroken mother wrote. “My son was not an addict he made a mistake that cost him his life.”


Along with the warning, Sherri shared a photo of Michael in his hospital bed, intubated and probably unconscious, while she is holding him in her arms.


Michael Kent passed away on March 21.

According to his mom, Michael and his sister were running errands when they stumbled upon an unknown man who offered them drugs, as per CBC. This happened a day before the tragedy struck. Michael sister told him not to take the pills, but he met with the man the following day. He bought the drugs and took them inside the store’s bathroom, where he overdosed. 

“By the time the ambulance got there he was in cardiac arrest,” Sherri told CBC.

Michael was rushed to the hospital where he later died.

“Believe me, it was the worst days of my life,” Sherri said.

According to the Huffington Post, “deaths due to opioid overdoses have risen sharply in the past few years, partly due to a particularly potent drug called fentanyl. Fentanyl is between 50 and 100 times more powerful than another opioid, morphine, and its use seems to be on the rise in the U.S.”

Fentanyl overdoses in Canada, particularly in the area where Michael resided, are also on the rise, CBC reports.

“I just want to make everyone aware of the epidemic that’s goin (sic) on right now that’s killing 5-7 people a day in every city in Canada,” Sherri wrote. “It’s out of control and there is no way to protect our children from this other than to warn them of the dangers of drug use today.”



“They made me a spot on the bed where I could lay with my son and talk to him,” the mother said. “This is where I told him I was still proud of him.”

Sherri’s touching and heartbreaking post went viral. People offered their condolences and prayers, and she is glad it reached to thousands of people because it means she helped raise awareness. 

We are very sorry for this mother’s loss and we thank her for sharing her son’s story because it can prevent at least a few overdoses of this dangerous drug.

Rest in peace, Michael.