Queen Elizabeth called Camilla a “wicked woman,” leaving Charles angry and in tears


When the news about the relationship between Prince Charles and Camilla spread around, the entire country was in a complete shock. It looked like everyone was angry at the heir to the throne for cheating on Diana, the princess who stole millions of hearts because of her groundbreaking humanitarian work and the care she showed for her people.

Why many turn back to this turbulent period for the Royal Family is the series Crown, which reminded everyone once again just how special Lady Di was.

Although her marriage to Prince Charles resembled picture-perfect, there was always this other woman who made things hard for the young princess and who reminded her over and over again how unhappy she was with the union. That woman, of course, is Prince Charles’ current wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

Shutterstock/mark reinstein

Diana Spencer met Charles back in 1980, and a year later, the two announced their engagement. However, it looked like his heart belonged to Camilla from the beginning and Charles was “forced” to get married.

According to Prince Charles’ authorized biography, as quoted by Town & Country, his affair with Camilla started in 1986, just a few years after he tied the knot. Camilla was also married at the time.

Allegedly, Diana couldn’t put up pretending she didn’t know what was going on behind her back, so she confronted Camilla in 1898.

“I know what’s going on between you and Charles and I just want you to know that,” Diana told her biographer Andrew Morton.

“She said to me: ‘You’ve got everything you ever wanted. You’ve got all the men in the world fall in love with you and you’ve got two beautiful children, what more do you want?’ So I said, ‘I want my husband’. And I said, ‘I’m sorry I’m in the way … and it must be hell for both of you. But I do know what’s going on. Don’t treat me like an idiot.’”

Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

Former royal security guard Ken Wharfe exposed on Robert Jobson’s Royal Podcast that Diana was well aware of the affair and it was something she learned to “live with,” as reported by MamaMia.

Diana and Charles announced they were splitting in 1992, and their divorce was finalized in 1996. She was allowed to retain her “Princess of Wales” title, but gave up her title of “Royal Highness.”

Besides Diana and the Britons, another person who didn’t approve of Charles’ relationship with Camilla was Queen Elizabeth. She was very angry at her son for having an affair and even angrier with Camilla, who was the reason he divorced Diana.


According to author and journalist Tom Bower, The Queen avoided meeting Camilla or even being at the same place as her for many years. That was the reason why she missed the birthday celebration of Charles’ 50th birthday.

“For years, both the Queen and her mother had refused to have anything to do with Charles’ mistress,” Bower said in 2018.

“Not only did they not want her present at any royal function, either formal or informal; they actively disapproved of her, and of Charles’ relationship with her.”


Bower revealed that Charles couldn’t stand his girlfriend to be treated with such disrespect so he confronted his mother.

“He asked that she soften her antagonism so he could live openly with Camilla,” he said. “His hope was that the Queen, who rarely interfered, would at least not directly forbid it.

“But on that evening she’d had several martinis, and to Charles’ surprise, she replied forcefully: she would not condone his adultery, nor forgive Camilla for not leaving Charles alone to allow his marriage to recover. [Queen Elizabeth] vented her anger that he had lied about his relationship with what she called ‘that wicked woman,’ and added: ‘I want nothing to do with her.’”

Apparently, that made Charles angry and he was left in tears.

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

As it looked like Queen Elizabeth would never approve of Charles and Camilla’s relationship, everyone became aware that things could change when she attended the 60th birthday party of the King of Greece although she was aware Camilla would be there.

Over time, everyone understood that there was nothing to be done and that what Charles and Camilla had was truly something special.

They got married in 2005 and are still going strong. As for The Queen, she and her daughter-in-law are now in good terms, and even more than that.

“Those two ladies [Camilla and Sophie, Countess of Wessex], the Queen absolutely adores them,” Royal expert Howard Hodgson told Express.

“The Queen gets on very well with Camilla. She didn’t really understand, and was probably guilty of believing what she might not have read, but had been told.”

‘She had a broken arm, sores. She was in over 5 homes in 6 weeks’ – Woman adopts sisters to keep them together


It takes a big heart to give struggling children a home to call their own.

Kim Lacefield, a mom of three, always knew she wanted to adopt a child who didn’t have a family. He husband is a pastor and they know just how much it would mean for a child without anyone to take care of to feel safe and loved.

One day, Kim received a call that changed her life forever. Police officers told her that three ‘God children’ needed a home badly. Kim was confused at first, but the officers explained that the mom of the children was part of the church where Kim’s husband worked.

Without giving it a second thought, she agreed to take the boys in for as long as they needed.

“Thirty minutes later, I had three little faces at my door. They had no clothes other than what was on their back, no toothbrush, no blanket or favorite pillow,” Kim shared with Love What Matters about the first encounter with the boys aged 6, 8, and 10.

The following day, the older children reunited with their father and the 6-year-old stayed with Kim’s family for little over a year.

“Oh, how I loved him. I knew he had a dad who had just been released from prison and he loved his son. I helped him get his son back. I know that might seem strange for some, but the best gift you can give a child is a healthy bio parent who loves them and wants them. If anyone deserved a second chance, it was this father, who was holding a job down and willing to drive 10 hours for his visits.”

Having these children in her home opened new horizons for this mother. She knew she could do the same for other kids in similar position.

A few days after the boy got reunited with his dad, Kim got a call about a 5-year-old girl.

“Later that day, she walked into my house with a trash bag with her clothes in it. I had to take it back outside and leave on the porch. She had head lice, body lice, and pinworms. She had come from a dirty foster home where she said she was made to lay on the floor. In fact, she had been in over five homes in 6 weeks.”

It took some time before Kim was able to get to the girl who refused to communicate. When she started school, the teachers were worried because she was behind her peers. “It wasn’t long before I was getting calls from the school asking me what was going on. She was in first grade and couldn’t trace the letter ‘L.’ She would mess in her pants and wouldn’t change them,” Kim explained.

Both Kim and the girl’s teacher went the extra mile to help the little one get on track. After a year at school, the girl showed incredible progress and was even dubbed a “miracle child.”

“Teachers and school social workers couldn’t believe how far she came in a year. A lot of kids who come into care are 5 or more years emotionally behind their actual age,” Kim said.

Kim was over the moon she gave the girl a new lease on life.

Days passed by and Kim got a call about the girl’s 2-year-old sister. Not wanting the siblings to be raised in different families, she agreed to take this other girl too.

“She had been living with a relative. She had a broken arm and big sores on her skin. She came to me during the day while her sister was at school,” Kim recalled.

“She seemed so scared but after a while, she looked up at my wall of pictures and said, ‘Addy.’ That was her sister she recognized. I will never forget that moment. It has made me passionate about keeping sibling groups together.”

A year later, the girls’ biological mom signed her rights over to Kim and her husband. She couldn’t take care of her daughters because she was in and out of rehab most of the time. But she loved them and wanted to be involved in their lives so Kim offered her to visit her daughters whenever she wanted. Eventually, the mother decided to give her daughters up for adoption and they officially became part of Kim’s family.

“Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to adopt. The thought of kids not being loved caused sleepless nights even as a child,” Kim said.

“The courts made it happen and both girls were adopted last week on (on the younger sister’s) seventh birthday, 5 years after coming to me with her broken arm.”

Although they now have five daughters, Kim and her husband’s home is always filled with kids because whenever they hear of a child no one wants to foster, they step in.

“I hear this a lot, ‘I could never do what you do, I would get too attached.’ My response to that is, ‘That’s what the kids need. If you don’t get attached, then you are doing it wrong.’ Kids deserve love. It is better for me to hurt than them to keep being hurt.”

Mom gives birth to a healthy baby boy, but then doctor sees chart to notice a coincidence of 1 in 48 million


On February 6, 2018, baby Aiden was welcomed into the world. What came along with his arrival was a continuation of one stunning and faithful tradition that left the nurses in awe.

Aiden’s mom, Kyrsten Moreno, was born on the same date. Quite a coincidence, we’d say, but what is even more incredible is that Kyrsten’s mom, Aiden’s grandma, was born on February 6 as well. That made the sweet baby boy the third person in their southwest suburban family’s home to be welcomed on that same date.

When Dr. Diane Leonard noticed that these mother and son share the same birthday, she felt it was a great thing, but when they told her about the grandmother, she realized that she had never heard of something like that before. It was a reason for a huge celebration, so she and the nurses bought a cake and sang “Happy Birthday”

It turns out that the chances of a child, parent, and a grandparent to be born on the same date is one in 48 million.

CBS Chicago got in touch with Kyrsten who was still at the hospital and asked her for a comment. The thrilled mother said that she felt like this was a payback for all the birthdays she stole from her mother when she was a child.

“Well, I definitely stole it from my mom,” she said jokingly. “So I have a feeling this is my payback.”

“I’m like, there’s no way he’s going to be born on my birthday,” Kyrsten added.

As for the grandma, Nadine, she believes nothing is a coincidence, “I think it was meant to be,” she said.

For more on the story go to the video below.

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Bored Daddy

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Ex-teacher goes off on parents who ‘coddle and enable’ their rude and disrespectful children


When it comes to teaching, many people say how teachers have it easy only because they get to spend a couple of months off during the summer. But no one really speaks of the fact that they are underpaid and that their job is really demanding. After all, they help shape the students into the adults they become and do their best to prepare them for the world that awaits them after they graduate. 

So whenever you have difficulties making your child behave, just imagine how teachers have around 20 and even more kids in their classroom that they have to put up with every single day. 

Julie Marburger, a sixth-grade teacher at Cedar Creek Intermediate School in Texas had it enough from all the kids who weren’t taught proper behavior by their parents and made her lessons a real hell. She’s now sharing what she experienced during those two years she spent teaching and says how she considers quitting the school and being a teacher in general. 

In a post she shared on Facebook and vent viral, she wrote, “Parents have become far too disrespectful, and their children are even worse. One parent today thought it was wrong of me to hold her son accountable for his behavior and decided to very rudely tell me so, in front of her son.”

Marburger shared photos of some of the things the misbehaving students do on a daily basis. They don’t respect neither the school’s, nor their teachers’ belongings. The photos showed torn books, destroyed electronics, and even a chewing gum stuck on a window sill.   

“Keep in mind that many of the items damaged or destroyed by my students are my personal possessions or I purchased myself, because I have NO classroom budget,” she wrote. “I have finally had enough of the disregard for personal and school property and am drawing a line in the sand on a myriad of behaviors that I am through tolerating.”

She also said that neither her students nor their parents care for all the missed assignment. 

She ended her post with a message she wants the parents to hear.

“People absolutely HAVE to stop coddling and enabling their children,” she stated. “It’s not fair to society, and more importantly, is not fair to the children to teach them this is okay. It will not serve them towards a successful and happy life.”

“Any passion for this work I once had has been wrung completely out of me. Maybe I can be the voice of reason. THIS HAS TO STOP!” 

Marburger has later deleted the post and the photos, but it was already seen by more than 350,000 people who took their time to share it and comment on it. Most of them said how she had all the right to be mad and frustrated because children really are crazily spoiled by their moms and dads. 

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think parents should be more strict?

Teen is about to start his performance on stage when Simon Cowell tells him to take a look at the crowd and see who is there to cheer for him


Britain’s Got Talent is the show we always go back to when we are in the mood of having some fun time. Fierce competition, people with incredible inner talent for music, dancing, performing, and more, and touching life stories are just some of the things this show brings.

Over the years, we witnessed many stars being born on the stage of BGT.

Out of all the judges, Simon Cowell is considered the strictest. His comments are often brutally honest and that is the reason not everyone is fond of him. The truth is that he’s a real softie who has helped many people succeed.

One of the episodes of Britain’s Got Talent featured a young man named Reuben Gray. He was eager to take the stage and show the world how talented he was. When he introduced himself, he explained that his mom and his girlfriend were there to support him. However, when Simon asked him who he thought his biggest fan was, Reuben answered it was his dad who couldn’t be there that night because he was way too busy working.

In the next moment, Simon asked the contestant to find his mom in the audience, and that’s when Reuben’s father stood up and waived to his son. Needless to say, Reuben couldn’t believe his eyes. He was overjoyed to see his dad among the crowd.

“No, I had no idea, it totally shocked me,” Reuben later said in an interview.

It was a very touching moment. The video of it has been seen more than 22 million times. You can see it below.

Ship docks at a deserted island and a skeletal dog starts running towards it


David Foster was a passenger on the boat that cruised along the Amazon River. He expected to see nice things while on board, but what he got to spot on the deserted island where the boat docked left him in complete shock.

There was a dog running towards him that resembled a skeleton. He just couldn’t believe his eyes as there was no way for a dog to be able to end up there, unless it was left on purpose, probably to die. 

Play For Strays

He didn’t hesitate even a bit before taking the poor creature on the boat. The animal was quiet and friendly and ate some of the food David had to offer. 

Play For Strays

This kind man was determined to get the dog home with him despite some of the passenger didn’t like it on the boat. 

At one moment, David could hear the engines and that’s when he realized that Negrita ran away. He pleaded the boat owner to help him get her back, and he agreed. Luckily, he found her waiting at the shore. 

As they continued their trip and got to on the main cites of the river, David got out looking for someone who could take care of the dog for a while. Luckily, he stumbled upon a woman who could speak English and asked her whether she could keep the dog until he gets back to take her with him. After hearing the incredible rescue story, the woman said yes, and David now had to find a way to return and get Negrita to her new home. 

Play For Strays

It took David five months to arrange a trip to where he left his dog. But once with him, Negrita was completely transformed and didn’t resemble the starved animal any longer. 

Negrita is now happy and gets to spend her days surrounded by people who love her to the moon and back. She definitely loves Northern Ireland way more than that secluded place. 

Thanks to people like David, this world is a better place for our furry palls. 

Play For Strays

SHARE Negrita’s heartwarming rescue story with your family and friends.

Mom has perfect response to text about daughter’s boyfriend


That racism is still present is a sad, but undeniable fact. But whether or not it will continue growing or will hopefully vanish over time is something that depends on all of us.

One mom from Houston, Mississippi, named Heather Boyer is showing us how we should all deal with rude racist people who are sticking their nose in other peoples’ business.

Kennedy, Boyer’s daughter, shared a cute photo of her and her boyfriend on Facebook. But then her mom got an upsetting message from one of her friends.

She said, “Today my daughter changed her profile picture. After maybe 5 minutes I get a text… ‘I didn’t know she was dating a black boy, did you?’”

Boyer realized how the people around her somehow expected that she had a problem with her daughter’s choice only because they were of different race.

Luckily, this mom won’t ever judge anyone by the color of their skin. What she wanted was for her girl to be loved and appreciated by the man by her side, no matter if he was black or white.

Boyer just couldn’t stop thinking about the message she received and she was outraged knowing there are still individuals out there who would judge an interracial relationship.

She could just choose not to answer back and ignore the rude question, but instead, she decided to speak up and teach those ignorant people a lesson. She did respond, but she did it publicly so that everyone knew how she felt about her daughter’s boyfriend.

“Yes in fact I did know, but the color of his skin doesn’t define who he is. What does define who is he is how he treats my daughter. I see my daughter dating a boy that comes to my house and shows me nothing but respect (a big deal in my book).”

She believed someone should really tell people what is in a relationship that matters, so she continued saying,

“I see my daughter dating a boy who takes her to church with him. Every Sunday. He plays in the band, she sits with his family. How many young men these days make church a priority? None of the others have. He doesn’t hit her, cuss her, lie to her, or make her cry. Would I rather her date a white boy that did, to keep from her dating another race? Absolutely not.”

More than 1.3 million people have reacted on Boyer’s post. There were thousands of comments too, most of which praised this woman for what she had to write.

She added how true love is hard to find these days and her daughter is lucky to be with someone who treats her the way she deserves, like a queen.

“And I know people have their own opinion, but at the end of the day, the fact that my daughter has someone that loves her and treats her like a queen makes me happy. That’s something I’ve never had in my life and I’m glad she does.”

Everyone agreed how Boyle nailed it at parenting. She’s kind and supportive and won’t let anyone attack her daughter for being in love.

We guess that the person who dared to sent Boyle the text in the first place is now ashamed of themselves. And yes, this is also a lesson for anyone who would ever think of asking such rude and racist questions.

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Man rescues puppy stuck in the mud but finds it’s no puppy at all


Animal rescue stories are my favorite because they remind me that people still care for all those creatures in need of help.

A 67-year-old bird watcher and a huge animal lover named Ian Ellis was outside in the nature trying to spot some new and unique birds, but instead, he spotted a strange animal resembling a tiny puppy stuck in the mud. A herd of cows surrounded the poor creature and Ellis knew he had to step in and take the animal out.

Source: On Demand News/YouTube

Rescuing the animal wasn’t easy, of course, because he was supposed to get close to all those cows that were staring at the helpless creature.

However, as he knew the time was running out, Ellis approached the animal. To his surprise, it wasn’t a puppy, but an abandoned baby seal.

Ellis, who didn’t know what to do next, called Skegness Natureland Seal Sanctuary and asked for help. They advised him to rush the baby seal to the sanctuary hospital. Once there, the little one received a medical treatment because she wasn’t feeling well and was dehydrated and lethargic.

Source: On Demand News/YouTube

Although no one knew for sure how the sweet animal, now named Celebration, ended up into the mud, they believed she was taken to the ground by a tide and got stuck once the water went back in.

Celebration got to be surrounded by a bunch of other seals and once she was completely healed and gained weight, she was taken back into the wild.

If you want to learn more about this incredible rescue story check out the video below.