New Mom Brings Baby to work, Then Boss Unknowingly Snaps Photo


We all have to agree that mothers are our everyday heroes. There’s nothing they wouldn’t do for the happiness of their little ones. And although it feels like children grow up in a blink of an eye and want to be more and more independent as time goes by, little babies still need around the clock love and care from their mothers.

This is all great and I am sure every mother out there would love to spend her days with her children more than anything, but most of them have jobs they have to return to after giving birth. 

Melody Jett Blackwell is one lucky mother who happens to be working in a very friendly and baby-welcoming environment. Her boss doesn’t mind if she brings her baby daughter at the office. 

It was one of those days when lovely Nora-Jo kept her mommy company while she was doing her job. The two were enjoying a sweet mother-daughter moment together which was the reason why Melody’s boss decided to make a public comment about bringing babies to work. 

Facebook/Melody Jett Blackwell

This sight was way too precious not to be shared with the world. Melody made motherhood look like a piece of cake, or at least her boss thought so. The pictures of the two bonding while working was uploaded on the Maryland Farms Chiropractic Facebook page and neither Melody nor her boss could imagine it would gather that much attention.  

“Workin’ mamas. She makes it look easy. It helps that Baby Nora-Jo is so sweet and content just being with and near her mama. Would y’all mind sharing this? We need more small and large businesses to see this is doable and should be allowed more often! The newborn months are so short. #WorkinMamas post a pic of you and your little ones while you work!”

Melody is still allowed to work from home and only visits her workplace when it’s really crowded at the office and her colleagues need an extra pair of hands. She works at a chiropractic office in Brentwood, Tennessee and her employee lets her take as many breaks as she needs to breastfeed her baby. 

Facebook/Maryland Farms Chiropractic

With all those people sharing and reacting to the photo, Melody and her boss realized it could inspire other companies and business to follow their example. 

Melody told Love What Matters:

“I know not every office and work environment is conducive for children and babies, but I think more places can be more flexible than they are currently.”

This flexibility may result in reducing the daycare costs and increasing mother’s productivity.

“I think many families find it almost makes more financial sense for one parent to stay home, rather than go to work just to have most or all of their checks pay for day care.”

Not every single mother can choose to be a stay-at-home-mother as she might be the only money maker in the family. 

Facebook/Melody Jett Blackwell

Melody wishes that the photo of her taking care for her baby while doing her regular job motivates other owners to see the bigger picture. 

“Depending on the work place, moms can bring their children to work and be productive. I hope that more moms in the future will get the opportunity that I have-to get to spend every day with my baby but also contribute to the family income.”

Bringing baby Nora-Jo to work doesn’t affect Melody’s efficiency. She is capable of doing both ‘jobs’ at the same time. But as she says, this is all thanks to the friendly and supportive working environment. 

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Bored Daddy

Legendary Mama Cass passed away in 1974, now her best friend confirms the musician’s real cause of death


John Phillips, Denny Doherty, Cass Elliot, and Michelle Phillips were the members of the legendary group The Mamas & the Papas which represented a “defining force in the music scene of the counterculture of the 1960s.”


During their three years as a folk rock vocal group, they achieved the unthinkable. Selling millions of copies and having huge hits such as California Dreamin’, Monday Monday, Snowqueen of Texas and Dream A Little Dream of Me, the group changed the world of music forever and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998.

One of the singers, Cass Elliot, or better known as Mama Cass, somehow stood out of the rest of the members.

Her voice was dubbed angelic and she possessed out-of-this-world singing skills. Sadly, she passed away very young, at the age of 32, and according to initial reports the reason was that she chocked on a sandwich.


Mama Cass was born Ellen Cohen on September 11, 1941 in Baltimore, Maryland and at the age of 4 she could speak four languages. She was always very special. Bright and quite intelligent, and always a big girl. According to the book Dream a Little Dream of Me: The Life of ‘Mama’ Cass Elliot, she herself was confirmed saying, “I’ve always been different. I’ve been fat since I was seven. Being fat sets you apart, but luckily I was bright with it; I had an IQ of 165. I got into the habit of being independent and the habit became a design for living.”

At the age of 17, Mama Cass moved to New York and changed her name to Cass Elliot.

She dreamed of pursuing a career in the entertainment industry and toured with the musical The Music Man for a short period of time.

In 1962, she auditioned for the Broadway production I Can Get it for You Wholesale, but she didn’t get the role. Instead, then young Barbara Streisand did. Mama Cass then moved to Washington to study at the American University.


Once in Washington, Mama Cass became part of her first band, the trio called The Triumvirate, together with Tim Rose and John Brown. The band played popular and country music before they they turned to the folk which was gaining its popularity at the time. In 1963, James Hendricks replaced John Brown and the band changed its name to The Big Three. Soon after, Mama Cass and John became a couple and tied the knot but divorced in 1968.

It was in 1965 that the iconic group with even more iconic songs that topped the charts was born, The Mamas & the Papas.

Their first ever single, which remains a huge hit even today, California Dreamin’ was released and fans went crazy over the music piece which was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2001.

The group shared the story behind the song with Michelle Phillips recalling, “We were staying at the Albert Hotel, near Washington Square. It was a fleabag. I had never seen snow before, I had never been to the East Coast. I was miserable.” The couple went for a walk and entered the St. Patrick’s Cathedral. That night, John woke Michelle up in the middle of the night and had the guitar in his hand. Seconds later, he spoke the lyrics:

All the leaves are brown
And the sky is gray
I’ve been for a walk
On a winter’s day
I’d be safe and warm
If I was in L.A.
California Dreamin’
On such a winter’s day…

“I added the next few lines about the church. He hated it. Just hated it. But he didn’t have anything better. That portion of the song — ‘Stopped in to church / I passed along the way / Well, I got down on my knees / And I began to pray’ — has an interesting history. Not everyone hears the same lyrics, and that includes the people who sang it.”

Youtube / TMTPMusic

Michelle also spoke of her relationship with Mama Cass and said how she was a huge part of her life and was her very best friend.

Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, she said, “She would always encourage me to go for the note [when we sang]: ‘Go for it! You can do it! I know you’re gonna make it! I’ll be there for you!’ She was also very protective of me and assertive for me where John was concerned.”

“She said, ‘Don’t let him boss you around like that! You are Michelle! You cannot be afraid of him!’ I felt very insecure because I met and married him when I was in high school. [But John] could be belittling. Cass helped me with my self-esteem, forcefully.”

In 1967, Mama Cass gave birth to daughter Owen Vanessa Elliot and left the group a year later. Although she never spoke of her girl’s father, it was later revealed that it was guitarist Charles Wayne Day.

Speaking of her decision to start a solo career, Mama Cass told Rolling Stone in 1968, “Well, having the baby changed my life a lot. I don’t want to go on the road, you see. It’s actually a matter of economics, much like the Vietnamese war, I guess. I didn’t want to go on the road and I wanted to stay home with my baby. 

Facebook/TheMamasandthePapas Owen Elliot

As a solo artist, Mama Cass released five albums and had performances in Las Vegas and starred on several shows including The Andy Williams Show and The Johnny Cash Show. One of her most memorable songs as a solo singer was the cover of Make Your Own Kind of Music, which reached No. 36. Mama Cass’ last album was titled Don’t Call Me Mama Any More, and it looked like she was trying to get a new name for herself.

“I never created the Big Mama image,” she said. “The public does it for you.”

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Mama Cass passed away in 1974. It was initially believed the cause of death was choking, but the truth is the musician died of a heart attack.

One of her closest friends, Sue Cameron, spoke this year to People Magazine of the night preceding Mama Cass’ death when she played two shows at The Palladium in London, UK. “After she had played two nights there, she called crying with joy telling me that she had got a standing ovation both nights and she had sold out both nights, she was just as happy as I’d ever seen her or heard her,” Cameron recalled.


Cameron was a columnist for The Hollywood Reporter when she got a call from Mama Cass’ manager Allan Carr. “[He] picked up the phone and he was hysterical. Allan said, ‘You’ve got to tell them that she died choking on a ham sandwich. You must go to your typewriter and write that. There’s a half of a ham sandwich on her nightstand.’ I didn’t ask any questions,” said Cameron.

In 1998, legendary Mama Cass was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.


She was a woman who was never afraid to pursue her dreams. Her weight never stood on her way to happiness and success and that turned her into a role model for many young girls who struggled with their weight.

Owen, who is now married and has two children, said of her mother, “She was a one-woman triumph against adversity; she was ahead of her time; women now are finally doing what she did 50 years ago. I look back on her and realize that, just by example, she taught me, and others, not to accept it when someone says you can’t do something.”

Little girl breaks down in tears as she watches bitter old woman hosing down her chalk drawings


While most adults enjoy spending time in the comfort of their home, children love being outside most of the time. At the end of the day, they need to run and play because that’s what children do.

Sadly, there are people out there who hate it when kids are outside because they claim they are noisy and annoying.

One mother shared a video of how one of the neighbors made her daughter cry after she washed away the chalk drawings the girl did on the street. As the little one was playing, the woman took the hose and sprayed the drawings away.

The girl started crying, but the woman didn’t care.

“This neighbor stood on her balcony and stared us down, then came out with her f—ing hose to hose down our chalk drawings. She didn’t tell us it was against condo rules nothing!!!” the mother of the little girl wrote in a post that was later shared on Imgur. 

As it turned out, this wasn’t the first time for the woman to do such a thing even though the girl and the rest of the children are all well-behaved and don’t disturb the neighbors.

The mother added that some of the neighbors tried to confront the woman whom they named ‘Sidewalk Susan’ but she didn’t answer the door.

The mother was thankful that the rest of the neighbors stood by her side. “Thank you guys for your kind words and support,” she wrote and added that the mean woman targets her daughter for no apparent reason.

“This lady has some issues with us. Yesterday the neighbor kid was out there drawing with chalk and she stayed inside. She messed with the wrong family,” the mother went on to say. “…Today she yelled at my daughter to shut up while she was playing outside.”

Many took their time to comment the woman’s outrageous behavior, with one person writing, “This is unacceptable. This woman needs to be evicted. What is the landlord doing about this?” Another person added: “Take your daughter out with pots and pans tomorrow.”

The girl’s mom wrote that the mean neighbor continued messing up with her daughter and she had had it enough. “I try really hard to keep a cool head ESPECIALLY with my child around. But today this salty, condo board b*tch left notices on people’s door banning the kids from using the empty fucking parket lot, THEN I see her recording/taking pictures of me when I went to offer the neighbors some food bars and water because they’re locked out. I try to compose myself when my kid is around.”

One time, when her daughter wasn’t with her, the mother met Sidewalk Susan and couldn’t help it but confront her. “I CUSSED her b!^@# a$$ out as she ran back inside her apartment. I’m DONE WITH THIS LADY.”

The video of Sidewalk Susan hosing the drawings was later shared on Reddit. “I see a lot of shitty chalk pictures on the pavement in my street, but they make me smile regardless. Some kid spent ages drawing them, then proudly showing them off to their parents. It’s not permanent, it’ll disappear in the rain,” one user wrote. “What kind of black, hateful heart do you have to have to go out and hose them off, let alone to do it while the kid is still there?!”

“…How miserable do you have to be to be genuinely offended or bothered by chalk art. this little girl doesn’t get to hang out with her friends at school or go play on a playground,” a user which goes by the name scarlittytitty wrote. “She’s confused and sad and doesn’t fully comprehend what is going on in the world. she needs a break! All these people saying she’s vandalizing are the same folks who say kids spend too much time inside looking at screens. again, it’s chalk for f— sake. it washes off…”

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Bored Daddy

9-year-old boy begs to find a family after his brother gets adopted without him


What would you ask for if you are granted three wishes? To be rich and famous, maybe? A boy named Jordan only has one, he wants to have a family to call his own. Asked by KFOR Oklahoma’s News 4 where he would like to go if he could choose any place, his answer was, “to an adoption party for a home”.

These words touched the hearts of thousands of families who are now offering him his dream forever home.

Source: YouTube – KFOR Oklahoma’s News 4

Jordan’s story spread around like a wildfire after he made a heartbreaking plea to have a mom and a dad. His life wasn’t an easy one, he and his younger brother Braison, who got adopted last year, spent many years under the care of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services and in group homes.

“I hope one of y’all pick me,” he told KFOR. “I would just like to have a family to call mom and dad, or just mom, or just dad, I don’t really care.”

Source: YouTube – KFOR Oklahoma’s News 4

At the moment, Christopher Marlowe, the child welfare specialist in charge of finding Jordan permanent home, is reviewing around 10,000 applications in order to narrow down the number and find the perfect family for Jordan.

Source: YouTube – KFOR Oklahoma’s News 4

“I’m in the process of reading through those profiles to select a family to try to move forward with,” he said. They are also hoping to find a family near Braison’s so that the brothers who are very close could spend time together. “His brother’s adoptive family has been agreeable to that and even if things go well, they said they would be willing to take them out on day passes so they could spend some good quality time together,” Marlowe said.

Source: GMA

The specialist believes that Jordan would be able to move in into a new home within a few months. The boy is not aware of his viral fame and has no idea how many hearts he touched.

Take a look at his story in the video below and don’t forget to SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

Bored Daddy

Baby with Down Syndrome is adored by millions after treating adoptive mom with her ‘new smile’


Nothing in this world is cuter than a baby’s smile so it doesn’t come as a surprise that videos of babies laughing are the most watched there are.

One mother who adopted a loving baby girl with Down Syndrome was so enchanted by her daughter’s charming smile that she decided to share a video of her on the National Down Syndrome Adoption Network’s Facebook page. It doesn’t come as a surprise that the video was seen by thousands of people and received a bunch of likes and comments.

Source: Facebook

The little one was adopted by a family in Texas who love her unconditionally. It takes a big heart to open the doors to your heart and home to a special child. Well, while some see Down Syndrome as a form of disability, the truth is that these people are just like any normal person out there. Most of them get to go to school, find a job, and start a family on their own. Today, things are different and these people are well accepted by the society.

Baby H, as her family referred to her in the video, is now eight months old. She could be seen bursting into a laughter when mom asks her some questions.

Source: Facebook

What’s most, H’s mom says her baby girl can do the smile on cue. “Ohh I adore your new grin! That is the prettiest! Can you show me again?” to what the cutie pie smiles over and over again.

Honestly, this video is a must watch. It will definitely make your day so make sure you check it out below.

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Dr. Phil is a proud granddad and many agree his sweet grandson London looks so much like him


Being one of the most famous TV show hosts and someone whose life goal is to help others makes Dr P.hil a one-of-a-kind celebrity.

He started his career when he offered his valuable advice to ordinary people on The Oprah Winfrey Show. In fact, it was Oprah who taught him a lot about what it truly takes to be successful in the world of show business. “I often say I’m the first graduate from Oprah University, and that’s a pretty great place to learn how to do television,” our favorite doctor says.


He also spoke of the impact Oprah had not only on his career but his personal life as well. On one occasion, he said, “She told me something personally that really meant a lot to me. She said ’use the media, don’t let the media use you,’. And she said ’if you don’t feel like interacting with everybody, just don’t go out there. You gotta have the energy to go out there and be nice to everybody, or just don’t go out there.’ And she was really right about that.”


Dr. Phil was shortly married to wife Debbie Higgins McCall before he met the love of his life, his current wife of 44 years, Robin.

Robin was a friend of his sister and he first saw her in his home. “The first thing he said was ’who are you?’ Not a great game,” Robin recalled in an interview with Yahoo. ”I was going back to school and looking for love was the last thing I had on my mind at the time,” Dr. Phil added.


They started dating and got married on August 14, 1976. Some years later, they welcomed their boys Jay and Jordan in their life. Speaking of his marriage, Dr. Phil told Us Weekly, “I always tell people that the formula for a good relationship is that it’s based on a solid friendship. We’re really good friends.”

Dr. Phil and Robin’s life was blessed with grandchildren who make their world complete. Their son Jay and wife Erica have two children, Avery and London. The proud grandparents share a lot of photos of the little ones and people can’t help but notice that they both resemble their granddad Phil a lot.


“They are amazing parents,” Jay said of Phil and Robin. “And amazing grandparents,” Erica added. “To see Dr. Phil be such a soft and loving grandfather is so fun, and Robin always makes the kids feel like they are the center of the universe. They are a special part of the kids’ lives.”

Even more great news were shared by the grandparents who are not eagerly waiting the arrival of their third grandchild, first from their younger son Jordan. “We are so proud of you and Morgan! Another grandbaby, yay!,” Dr. Phil wrote on Instagram.

Dr. Phil McGraw is a family man who believes the most important thing is life is spending quality time with the members of the family.

“I always tell people to make time for each other. whether it’s a date night or an hour through the day,” the author of a number of best-selling books said. “The stranger that feels, the further you’ve drifted away from what brought the two of you together. You need to remember and focus on why you feel in love with that person, to begin with. If you wake up everyday and ask yourself, ‘What can I do today to make my spouse’s life better?’ It’ll change the course of your [relationship].

“It doesn’t have to be something big. You don’t have to go buy them a diamond ring. You don’t have to go buy them a set of golf clubs. It could be a little note in their pocket. It could be something simple. ‘What can I do today to make things better?’”

These are some very wise words coming from a very wise man, don’t you agree? We wish Dr. Phil and his family only the best in the years to come.

This is what Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, Brad and Angelina’s first biological child, looks like today


We have witnessed many times how the onscreen chemistry between actors working on a set side by side has quickly been brought into their private life. Take the most famous, now ex, couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie for example. When the two filmed Mr. and Mrs. Smith together in 2004, Pitt was still married to lovely Jennifer Aniston, but that didn’t stop the Hollywood heartthrob from falling in love with sex icon Jolie thus giving the world “Brangelina,” one of most popular couples in the entire world.

Wikipedia Commons

“Because of the film, we ended up being brought together to do all these crazy things, and I think we found this strange friendship and partnership that kind of just suddenly happened. I think a few months in I realized, ‘God, I can’t wait to get to work.’ … Anything we had to do with each other, we just found a lot of joy in it together and a lot of real teamwork. We just became kind of a pair,” Jolie told People in 2006.

The two stayed together for 12 years and are parents to Angelina’s three adopted children Maddox, Zahara and Pax, and their three biological children, Shiloh and twins Vivienne and Knox.


The news of Jolie’s pregnancy was huge and caused media frenzy. Paparazzi followed the couple’s every step as the whole world was anticipating for the couple’s first child to be brought into the world. Magazines were offering $1 million for an exclusive photo of the child who was a celebrity even before being born.

New York magazine wrote at the time, “Not since Jesus has a baby been so eagerly anticipated.”

Shiloh was born May 27, 2006, and Pitt and Jolie sold the photo of her for whooping $14 million, money they donated to UNICEF.

”While we celebrate the joy of the birth of our daughter, we recognise that 2 million babies born every year in the developing world die on the first day of their lives. These children can be saved, but only if governments around the world make it a priority,” the couple said in a statement.


Shiloh, who would be 16 soon, has practically been under the spotlight since forever.

She seems to have inherited the best from her famous parents and looks gorgeous. However, something about her caused a stir among fans; the way she dressed. She even asked from her parents and siblings to call her John instead of her real name.

During an interview with Oprah, dad Pitt confessed, ”She only wants to be called John. John or Peter. So it’s a Peter Pan thing. So we’ve got to call her John” He then added, ‘Shi, do you want …’ – ‘John. I’m John.’ And then I’ll say, ‘John, would you like some orange juice?’ And she goes, ‘No!’ So, you know, it’s just that kind of stuff that’s cute to parents, and it’s probably really obnoxious to other people.” 


Jolie also spoke of her daughter’s wish to dress as a boy and told Vanity Fair, “She wants to be a boy. So we had to cut her hair. She likes to wear boys’ everything. She thinks she’s one of the brothers.”

Neither Pitt nor Jolie, however, seemed to have a problem with this. They supported their girl in whatever she chose to be.

Jolie said it was a bit hard for her not to call her Shiloh any longer as that name was of great significance to her, but she respected the girl’s will.

“It was a name my parents almost named their first child — there was a miscarriage: Shiloh Baptist. Because my father had been shooting in Georgia and that was the most southern name [my parents] could come up with,” Jolie said of the name she originally gave her daughter.

After the couple split, they have arranged custody rules which seem to be working well so all the kids get to spend time with their mom and their dad. Both Pitt and Jolie are devoted parents who would always go an extra mile for their kids’ well being.

”Brad is so proud of Shiloh and who she has become. He loves that she always stays true to herself and is so good to her brothers and sisters,” source told ET, adding the two are very close.

Jolie, who is considered a feminist that girls look up to, spoke of the importance of women on the International Women’s Day, saying: “I have spent the last two months in and out of surgeries with my eldest daughter [Zahara], and days ago watched her younger sister [Shiloh] go under the knife for hip surgery. So my wish on this day is that we value girls. Care for them. And know that the stronger they grow, the healthier they will be and the more they will give back to their family and community.”

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Back in 2021, Shiloh left the world in awe after she appeared alongside her famous mother for the premiere of Marvel’s “Eternals” wearing her mom’s Dior gown that Angelina wore at a press conference for a Maleficent: Mistress of Evil event in 2019. Shiloh grew her hair, which was in a bun, and looked amazingly beautiful.

Dave J Hogan/Getty Images

For the Rome premiere, Shiloh opted for a little black dress she paired with yellow and black snickers.

Getty Images

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Jolie Welling Floored By Announcement During Birthday Dinner

Birthday parties are special occasions that celebrate life. These days are especially important for young children and teenagers who are looking forward to having the time of their life with all their friends by their side. Parents on the other hand would do anything for this memorable day that marks the end of the 365 day journey filled with amazing moments, and the start of another one, to be flawless. One mother from Pennsylvania decided to throw a party for her daughter’s sixth birthday at Applebee’s and as the night was coming to an end, the waitress approached and announced something that left Jolie Welling in complete awe.
Sofia (Photo Credit: YouTube)
Six-year-old Sofia was eager for the day of her birthday to arrive because that meant a huge party, lots of smiley faces dancing to their favorite music, fancy food, and lots of cupcakes. Sounds pretty much like a perfect day in a kid’s life. But this sweet festivity had a different ending than that of most other kids’.
“We had drinks, appetizers, full-course meals,” Jolie recalled of the celebratory event. “We brought our own dessert — we had cupcakes — but that’s pretty expensive right there,”
said the mother, referring to the bill. But the night was rounded off by the sudden announcement that surprised the family.
Jolie Welling (Photo Credit: YouTube)
“(The waitress) came over and announced to the table that an anonymous person paid our whole tab, and we were like, ‘What? Who?’ She was like, ‘I can’t tell you, they want to be anonymous,’ and I was like, ‘Oh my goodness,’” Jolie said. “The next thing, when we finally realized it, we started tearing up.”
Never in their wildest dreams did they think a complete stranger would give them such a generous present. It’s a day this family will never forget. Jollie said, “Life is so complicated as it is, and you just work and work and work and struggle, and you try to enjoy every moment you can, and having my 6-year-old see that someone did this act of kindness really shows her that there are good people in this world.” We will add that because of people like this kind-hearted stranger, the world becomes a better place. Sharing is caring, and as long as we do good for others we’ll be able to experience true happiness. Please share this amazing story with your family and friends. Please SHARE this with your friends and family. Bored Daddy