Val Kilmer dropped out of the Hollywood spotlight, and this is the reason why


As much as it represents larger-than-life symbol of the entertainment business and glamour, Hollywood is at the same time a place where many dreams are crashed.

Over the years, a huge number of actors and actresses experienced the Hollywood glam, but not many were destined to stay there for long. Those who did, however, left a mark and even changed the industry forever.

One actor who made an impact and then somehow faded out of the spotlight is Val Kilmer.

Born on December 31, 1959 in Los Angeles, to parents who were not in any way related to the acting business, Val showed immense talent for acting from very early age. He attended Chatsworth High School together with Kevin Spacey and Mare Winningham and then the Hollywood Professional School. Val became the youngest ever person at the time to be accepted into the Juilliard School’s Drama Division in New York.

After Juilliard, young Val found himself conquering the New York City theater scene. What followed were some roles in blockbusters, and eventually, he ended up being part of some of the most iconic movies such as Top Gun, where he starred opposite Tom Cruise. This movie helped Val make a name for himself almost overnight. All of a sudden, everyone was obsessed with this young actor’s charming looks and undeniable talent.

During the 80s, Val starred opposite Michelle Pfeiffer in the ABC afterschool Special One Too Many. Rumors were that the two were a thing, but neither ever denied or confirmed that. Val, however, wrote a song about her titled “The Pfeiffer Howls at the Moon,” which only made the magazines speculate about their alleged relationship even further back in the day.

On the set of Willow, in 1988, Val met his future wife, actress Joanne Whalley. They had two children together before they decided to put a stop on their marriage eight years later.

“You just don’t understand humility until you have children and get divorced,” Val told Elle magazine about the divorce.

“I was very hurt and very angry and so was she. But when kids are involved, you either become friends with respect or you become mortal enemies.”

In 1991, Val played the iconic role of Jim Morrison in The Doors. He provided the vocals for the movie’s soundtrack, showing the world just another talent of his.

Others movies that followed and marked Val’s career, among the rest, are Tombstone, True Romance, and Batman.

Batman Forever ended up being the year’s highest grossing film, raking in some $336.6 million at the box office.

Although playing this superhero put Val on the pedestal, he felt like he didn’t want to do the sequels and decided to stare alongside Robert De Niro and Al Pacino in Heat. This decision didn’t turn out to be the best one because the refusal sort of broke Val’s reputations and roles started to dry up. On top of that, he was believed to be tough to work with on set.

In 2015, Val underwent a surgery due to throat cancer and lost his natural voice. When asked what he truly misses about his old voice, he said, “That I had one! That I didn’t laugh like a pirate.”

Val Kilmer will reprise the role of Lt. Tom “Iceman” Kazansky in Top Gun: Mavericks, coming out in May, 2022.

A three-year-old girl experienced dramatic moments


Laila, a three year old girl from a small town in the south of France, spent days inside her family’s apartment with her mother’s dead body before neighbors decided to check on the family and discovered the horrifying truth.

Some of the neighbors got concerned for Laila and her mom because they hadn’t seen them in days so they decided to see if everything was fine. When they got to the apartment, they noticed it was locked, but then they saw Laila and her puppy at the balcony. The girl seemed confused. When they asked her about her mom, she said that her mommy was tired and sleeping for some time.

This raised a red flag and the neighbors decided to break the apartment’s door and get inside. There, they noticed chaos. There were plenty of empty beer and wine bottles all over the place. The kitchen was full of dirty dishes and Laila’s mother’s lifeless body was on the bed.

The neighbors realized that Laila spent days with her mom’s dead body. She ate canned food and even fed her puppy some.

Laila was taken by social services who provided her with medical assistance. Not much is known about Laila’s father or whether or not she has family.

We hope the future would be bright for this little girl.

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Instead of shutting boy’s hot dog stand down, officials help him grow his business


For someone to be successful it doesn’t only take hard work and determination, but a little support from the community as well.

13-year-old Jaequan Faulkner from Minneapolis is a young entrepreneur who decided to open a hot dog stand and make some money on his own instead of asking for a pocket money from his parents.

Once the Bike Cops for Kids learned of Jaequan’s stand, they decided to promote his business on their Facebook page. This was a huge success as may people were eager to try his hot dogs. However, there were also those who didn’t like what he was doing and filed a complaint against him saying he was working without a permit.

Source: YouTube/ Kare 11

When officials learned that Jaequan was still a teen, they decided to help him instead of shutting his business down.

“When I realized what it was, I said, ‘No, we’re not going to just go and shut him down’ like we would an unlicensed vendor,” Minneapolis Environmental Health Director Dan Huff told KCPQ-13.

“We can help him get the permit. Let’s make this a positive thing and help him become a business owner.”

That is exactly what happened. The employees at the health department chipped in and helped the young man get the $87 10-day permit. What’s most, they got him a tent for shade, meat thermometers, and a hand-washing station for food handling.

Source: YouTube/ Kare 11

Jaequan’s story spread around the community and the Northside Economic Opportunity Network, a non-profit organization, decided to step in as well. They help “underserved entrepreneurs” and taught Jaequan basic business principles like financing, marketing, and pricing.

After the permit expired, the young man’s stand was relocated. Finally, the church collected money for his next permits until it was time for him to get back to school.

Source: YouTube/ Kare 11

“It’s the cooking and the people,” Jaequan told KCPQ-13 of why he does it. “I see someone go by with a frown on their face. I’m there with a smile, then I see a smile on their face. I just made a smile on somebody’s face by selling them a hot dog.”

“My auntie always told me, ‘Can’t nobody stop you but you.’ If you say ‘I can’t do that,’ well, then you just set yourself up for failure,” he told CNBC.

We are very glad that young people like Jaequan are interested in starting their own business and we truly hope that one day “Mr. Falkner’s Old-Fashioned-Hot-Dogs” would grow into a big business.

For more on the story go to the video below and don’t forget to SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

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Love and Peace

Baby goat jumps all over the place, and this footage of him is going viral


There isn’t anything cuter out there than babies. Whether it is a human bundle of joy or a baby animal, whenever we see one, we like to hold them and cuddle with them.

When it comes to animals, this isn’t only true for cats and dogs, but the little creatures living on the farm too. Well, what’s not to love about fluffy little animals?

Source: YouTube

If you are an animal lover yourself, the following video will certainly make your day. It is a compilation of funny baby goats jumping and running around. Also, one thing that these animals seem to enjoy the most is climbing on things, no matter if that’s a huge doll house or other animals.

They are not only great around humans but dogs too.

They are so darn cute. We really needed the laugh! To see the baby goats having the time of their life go to the video below.

If you loved it as much as we did don’t forget to SHARE it with your friends on Facebook!

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Pilot forced to turn plane around because mom forgets her baby at the airport


Waiting long hours at the airport can be tiring. With all those people rushing to get their flights, the long queues, and the pressure of flying, one has to double check all their belongings needed in order to board the plane. As it turns out, it’s not really that uncommon for passengers to forget their passport, luggage, or ticket, but what about a child? This is definitely something we think happens only in the movies. Does “Home Alone” and the McAllisters ring a bell?

Well, one obviously highly forgetful mother did exactly that. She boarded the plane, and as it took off, she remembered her baby was still in the terminal. 

She was heading to Malaysia from Saudi Arabia, and since that flight takes around eight hours, she had to beg the pilot to turn the plane around. Distressed and in panic, this mother feared for her child’s safety, although it was her fault for allowing something like that to happen. 

Flying the plane around seemed like a mission impossible, but it was a kid left all alone at a huge airport in question, so the pilot asked for permission to return. 

According to a YouTube video, he calls the traffic controllers and says, “May God be with us. Can we come back or what?” He then explains the reason for his requests saying, “This flight is requesting to come back…a passenger forgot her baby in the waiting area, the poor thing.”

The operators couldn’t believe what they were hearing and took a minute or two to come around saying, “This is totally a new one for us” after which they gave the pilot a green light to land. 

Thankfully, the mother soon had her child in her arms. No one really knew how it happened for her to left the poor kid behind in the first place. People assume the crowd at the airport made everything too hectic for her so her brain just stopped working. 

We honestly hope she will never let something like this happen ever again. Although we understand all moms are too busy, and many times too tired because of all the commitments on their plate, forgetting a child at the airport is something we can’t really understand. 

Check the video below for more information on this “crazy” story and don’t forget to SHARE it with your friends on Facebook! 

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Uvalde First Responder shares agonizing moment he learned his child was among the victims of the shooting


On Tuesday, a shooter gunned down 21 people at Robb Elementary School. The nineteen children whose lives were claimed were aged between seven and 10. Two of their teachers lost their lives too as they tried to protect their students.

The day started as any other, and no one could have ever predicted that a man at the other side of town would fire the opening shots of one of America’s deadliest mass shootings.

The killer, Salvador Ramos, first shot his grandmother in the head and then announced his plans on Facebook in a series of text messages he sent to a girl from Europe he met online.

One of the victims was a girl named Amerie Jo Garza. He father, Angel Garza, responded to the aftermath of the shooting still unaware that his girl was among the killed. Speaking to CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Angel explained that he attended to a girl “covered in blood, head to toe.”

“I thought she was injured, I asked her what was wrong and she said she’s OK,” Garza told Cooper. “She was hysterical, saying that they shot her best friend, that they killed her best friend, she’s not breathing and she was trying to call the cops.

Then he asked the young girl for her friend’s name. “She told me, she said Amerie,” he said, before breaking down and weeping on air.

“She was so sweet, Mr. Cooper,” the grief-stricken father said after an emotional pause in which he hugged a framed photo of his daughter. “She was the sweetest little girl who did nothing wrong. She listened to her mom and dad, she always brushed her teeth, she was creative, she made things for us, she never got in trouble in school.”

“I just want to know what she did to be a victim,” he said crying.

Sweet Amerie died a hero. Her grandma, Berlinda Arreola, told The Daily Beast that her granddaughter tried to call 911 on her cellphone before the 18-year-old gunman killed her.

“And instead of grabbing it and breaking it or taking it from her, he shot her,” Arreola said. “She was sitting right next to her best friend. Her best friend was covered in her blood.”

Amerie had just celebrated her birthday on May 10, her dad told Cooper. The phone was a birthday gift.

“She’d been wanting a phone for so long and we finally got it for her,” Angel said and added that other children confirmed how his daughter died while trying to call the police.

“She just tried to call the police … and I guess he just shot her,” he said through tears.

“How do you look at this girl and shoot her?” he said.

We are so very sorry for all the lives lost. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims’ families.

Please SHARE this heartbreaking story to honor Amerie’s bravery.

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Hollywood Legend Ray Liotta Dies Aged 67


Devastating news has just hit the headlines and left millions in shock.

via Getty Images

Hollywood actor Ray Liotta has tragically passed away.

Liotta, who was born in New Jersey in 1954, is best known for his star turns in films such as Goodfellas in which he played the main character Henry Hill as he navigated the world of being a gangster. He’s also famous for playing Shoeless Joe in Field of Dreams.

The actor’s publicist, Jennifer Allen, said the he died in his sleep in the Dominican Republic, where he was filming his latest movie, as per Press Association news agency.

His fiancee Jacy Nittolo was on location at the time of his death, Allen said. Liotta was a father to daughter Karsen.

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Liotta received many awards throughout the years. Back in 2016, he told PA agency that he regretted how he handled his career, including turning down a chance to audition for Tim Burton’s Batman movie. “I wish I’d handled my career differently but, you know, hindsight…” 

“When I did my first movie, Tim Burton was getting ready to do Batman and he was interested in me because he wanted it to be edgy and real. I thought, ‘Batman? That’s a stupid idea’, even though he had just done one of my favourite movies of all time, Beetlejuice. So yes, I regret not auditioning for that.”

In recent years Liotta appeared in Marriage Story and No Sudden Move.

Rest in peace, Ray.

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Witness for Amber Heard testifies that Johnny Depp joked about hitting his then-wife on their wedding day


A friend of Amber Heard’s, iO Tillett Wright, who met Heard back in the day through a mutual friend testified on Tuesday claiming he acted as a mediator of the couple whenever things turned heated between them. Heard and Wright have been seen pictured together multiple times over the last decade and rumors are that he was “the friend” she defecated Depp’s bed with.

The prerecorded testimony played to the courtroom shows Wright explaining how Heard sent him a message in May 2016 saying she wanted to talk to him. Later, over the phone, after she put him on speakerphone, she told him how her then-husband, Johnny Depp, accused them of the incident mentioned above, to what Wright laughed. However, he then realized that the actor wasn’t joking.

“I could hear him walk away from the phone,” Wright said. “He came clomping back down the stairs and I heard like a [punches hand] noise and then the phone dropped and he said to her, ‘Oh? You think I hit you? You think I fucking hit you? What if I peel your fucking hair back?’ And then I heard the phone drop again and then I heard her scream.”

Wright claimed that he then called Heard’s neighbor and friend Raquel Pennington and called 911 although he was in New York while the couple was in Los Angeles.

As he was good friends with Heard, Wright became a close friend with Depp too. During the prerecorded testimony, Wright said that Depp believed Heard was cheating on him with her costars.

He continued saying that Depp would get jealous sometimes and feel crazy, and had to get it under control but was “kind, generous, and loyal” when he wasn’t under influence of alcohol.

Further, he spoke of a joke Depp made during the now ex-couple’s wedding. “I was walking with Johnny and congratulating him that they pulled it off and they did it,” Wright explained. “And he said, ‘We’re married. Now I can punch her in the face and no one can do anything about it.'”

Wright, however, said that he never really witnessed Depp physically abusing Heard.

Depp is suing his ex on the grounds that she defamed him in an op-ed she wrote for The Washington Post. She didn’t mention his name, but he claimed that was implied and he lost out on development deals as a result.

Heard is counter-suing Depp, claiming that he launched a smear campaign to paint her domestic abuse allegations as “fake” and a “hoax” orchestrated by her.

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