When thinking of the 70s, it's simply impossible not to recall those youthful days when dancing was all we needed, and all we did. It really was a thrilling time to be alive in America. Among the disco music,...
The father-son hunting trip of the teenage boy named Ryle Gordon and his stepdad Chris Trumbich turned into a hunt of life and death the two will never forget. Both Ryle and Chris were looking forward to spending time...
Some people have the power to touch our hearts so deeply that what they do never fades from our memory. The 16-year-old Raffi Arto's voice resembles that of the legend Elvis Presley so much that it gives us chills. During...
Being pulled over by the police is something we all want to avoid by any means. The moment we see the red and blue signals in the mirror, we immediately know we have to come up with a bunch...
Every life is worth saving, even when it comes from the smallest egg you have ever seen.
When the guy who runs the YouTube channel A Chick Called Albert was alerted of something that had fallen in the neighbor's backyard, he...
The bond between twins is like no other. There are many documentaries and research that claim twins have the power to feel each other's pain, as well as happiness. Many times, their relationship is endowed with extraordinary, telepathic, qualities.
Having a...