At one moment you see your little one learning how to walk and saying her first words, and then, boom, the time comes for you to understand that she fell in love! Although that's part of life and pretty...
This doctor's witty answer is going to make you laugh hard, but this whole joke will make think whether parents trust their kids more than they are supposed to.
A woman takes her 16-year-old daughter to the doctor. The doctor...
He wanted advice, but..
Being a single parent is never an easy task, and anyone who had any children from a young age would know that its not a walk in the park. But one young man tried to do...
Sisters' power! Yes, that's something real and often makes girls' world go round.
The bond between sisters is like no other. Just imagine having your best friend by your side all along. Sharing with her your parents, your room, the...
Life is hard anyways, but when you are a child of a police officer or a member of the army, every day is filled with a hidden feeling of anticipation of whether you parent will get back home safe...
This Jennifer Lopez's fairytale-like performance is definitely one to remember. Being one of America's sweethearts for so long, this multi-talented singer took our breath away once again when she took the stage of American Idol. Her amazing vocal along...
The advance of technology creates device addicted generations that cannot function without their phones. The worst part is that many are using them while driving, which may result in life-threatening situations. Talking on the phone while behind the wheel...
Being a mom is not easy. Constantly making sure your little one is getting the right amount of attention while doing a bunch of other errands along the way has to be really tiring. Above all, young kids go...
It was back in 2017 when young Angelica Hale's out-of-this-world talent captured the attention of the audience worldwide. Even those who are not fans of competition shows made sure they are in front of the TV when it was...
What's better than a snowy winter and some chilly weather that allows us to get out and feel young again by breathing the fresh air while our ears and noses become red from the cold. This definitely brings us...