This isn't just another dancing video involving some crazy moves, but a very special edition coming from those who make sure we sleep tight at night knowing we are safe and well served. Yes, this is a unique routine...
Every parent does their best to teach their kids good behavior and how to act in public. But the harsh reality is that beside all that time you put in the long and tiring talks, your child will still...
Young children are fun to be around mainly because they always speak their mind, and most of the time they do have a lot to say. Some are way smarter for their age and leave us speechless. Take little...
Every parent out there wants what is best for their child. So when the time comes for the bundles of joy to take their first steps, many moms and dads are willing to spend a bunch of money on...
Love is the most powerful force on earth that has the power to change the world, but should we let it change who we are as a person?
When we fall for someone and get involved in a relationship we...
Getting to the finals of the Tournament of Champions meant so much to the dedicated basketball players and everyone at the Dodge City High School. But no matter how excited the guys were to be taking part in such...
Until recently, people had been very judgmental when it came to non-traditional families. It's not that they've accepted it as a norm over night, but many realized that everyone should live their life as they please, even if that...
According to psychologists, the father figure plays a crucial part in the process of raising children the right way. It's not like those growing up without a dad end up being less successful than those who do, but having...
If you have a teacher friend, or you are a teacher yourself then you are all too familiar with all those struggles they are facing every single day. One may say that each profession has its own pros and...
The most amusing stories come from taxi drivers. They get to meet many new people on a daily basis and the interesting thing is that they have no idea who they are going to run across. We don't even...