5-year-old boy riddled with cancer ‘from his nose to his knees’ is now all clear

5-year-old Freddy was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer. But after chemotherapy, a stem cell transplant and surgery, he's finally in remission. Way to go little fighter!


Mom Alice Phillips and dad Ricky Wetherley describe their 5-year-old son as the most vibrant young child out there. Freddie loves what most his peers do and that’s running around, hanging out with his friends, and going on fairground rides.

So, when this perfectly healthy boy started complaining of pain in his legs, his parents believed it was because he was very active. One day, however, after he refused going on the fairground rides because as he said he’s legs were sore, that raised the red flag. Something was really wrong and Alice and Rick knew Freddie had to visit a doctor.

Sadly, the family got the most devastating news. Little Freddie had an aggressive form of cancer known as neuroblastoma. This rare form of the life-threatening disease affects around 100 children in the UK annually.

The family’s hearts broke into million pieces when the initial scans showed that the illness had affected all his body. They recall the doctors’ words who said that the cancer spread “from his nose to his knees.”

The odds of survival weren’t in Freddy’s favor. But neither this little fighter, nor his loving parents ever thought of giving up. The boy had gone through various treatments and he’s now cancer free.

“He has done wonderfully well and made an amazing recovery and we are very proud of him,” his parents told Daily Mail.

The treatments Freddy had to go through were long and painful, but at the end, it was all worth it.

After he was transferred to Great Ormond Street hospital, he immediately started a 70-day cycle of chemotherapy. Later, at Christmas, he had undergone a stem-cell transplant, and in February of this year, he had his stomach tumor removed.

“He was sick and exhausted through the treatment, but he has handled everything really well,” Alice explained.

She added that talking to his two year old sister named Freya on Facetime helped Freddy a lot. She was his support and he was looking forward to their talks every single day.

Now, sweet Freddy can get back to what he loved doing the most. He’s back to school and doesn’t miss a football match with his friends.

“When we first saw that body scan, we didn’t think there was much hope,” Alice continued.

“He really is our little miracle.”

We are extremely happy for this brave boy and his family who never gave up and never lost hope. Please share this story in support of Freddy.