She had to Stop Herself Screaming When She Found Out, Julia Is Officially A Working Girl!

A first job is a big deal, we all remember our first job, it’s memorable, it’s also the first time as teenagers we learn about responsibility too. Every teenager is excited about that first step out into the real world, right? This one girl was especially excited about a first job, even more than most, she’s not your typical teenager though, she is hard working and regularly participates in within the community.

Source: Julia Hock
She also happens to be a varsity cheerleader too, as well as spending time helping at the concession stand too in the snack store of the little league, she is both driven and well achieved, also she has downs syndrome.

Source: Chris Potter
This girl had never let her special needs interfere with the way of anything she does. Recently Julia decided that she really wanted a job, to become independent! So working for the Chick-fil-A was the most awesome and best way for her to do it, a great way to achieve her dreams of independence.

Source: Kerri Bass Hock
Julia had everyone’s support, and she applied for the job… Julia’s mom, Kerri, said:

“Several kids at school wrote unsolicited letters of recommendation for her …and a couple of other kids helped her choose outfits and drove her to the interview.”

She practiced her interview technique and what she might say in the interview with her teachers, then two official interviews with the business too. Then, at last, she was ready to get an answer… Her mom posted the phone call where she actually gets the decision!!

Source: Kerri Bass Hock
Julia answered the call, she said her name, her mom advised her a little on what to do when getting the call, she seemed to be really nervous, but excited to in finding out the answer…

Source: Kerri Bass Hock
Wow, she got the job, Julia’s face lit up when she heard the news. She even had to cover her face with her had she was so excited, her new employer discussed her next steps with her briefly too… The whole family was eager to know, they had been waiting for her and they too were completely delighted for her too. Her brother, now the cameraman, showed the whole family and their excitement too

Source: Kerri Bass Hock
When Julia heard her when her first day of work would be, she almost started crying. This job meant so much to her, and she was finally able to add it on to her long list of accomplishments. Her mom said:

“Julia Hock is a working woman! …After two interviews, lots of interview practice with her teachers, and a team of her friends helping her pick outfits and putting in a good word, Julia was hired. So proud of our girl!”

It just goes to show us all that with enough determination and persistence we can get the thing we want in life, just put in a little hard work like Julia! Please SHARE this inspiring story with your friends and family!

Victim School Boy Stands Up To Bully But Gets Punished The Same By The School!?

One thing that is certainly not an answer to anything is violence, however, some people believe that it can have a place as an effective solution, like self-defense, used correctly of course. A little boy, who had been bullied so much had finally found the strength to defend himself. You can decide if he did the right thing… The boy had been a constant target since his school year started, every day the same student would be there to taunt him. The boy, the victim in all this, never once looked to get revenge for the actions against him. One day though the bully took things one step too far, an Imgur user called ‘wolverineprostateexams’ decided to share the story about how his cousin finally stood up for himself once and for all! The cousin said:

“Last Friday was the final straw …Bully was blocking my cousin from getting on the bus. There is a video of my cousin repeatedly telling the bully to move.”

He tried asking nicely, that the bully would stop, but of course that didn’t work at all, then, of course, the bully started to get violent with him…

“…(the) bully then pushed my cousin with enough force [that] he trips. As my cousin tries to get up bully kicks my cousin in the stomach and punches him in the face when he tries to get up again.”

The boy really had enough now, after all, we all have our limits of what we can endure before we snap! The cousin continues again:

“My cousin rushed his bully and proceeded to beat the living crap out of him”

The little boy’s family saw that the moment was a turning point, the tables had finally turned and the bully was firmly set to rights. Unfortunately, though, the school saw things in a different light, they took both students and dragged them to the principals’ office, they were BOTH give three days suspension!? The boy was the victim in this could really not believe this at all, I mean, doesn’t every person in the eyes of the law has the right to defend themselves and use reasonable force to do so? His parents were really unhappy and showed it the only way they knew how… One of the family said:

“My uncle makes it clear he will not be punishing my cousin and the three days will be leisure days”

This really upset the bullies family, of course, they demanded that the victim in all this be expelled, even after seeing a video of their son beating the boy in question while he was pinned to the floor!?!? The boy’s father even asked his cousin to take him out for the day, for a fun day out, on his final day of suspension, he was the victim after all? The cousin said:

“I’m going to take him go-karting and to see an R rated movie,” the kid told his viewers. “He defended himself and I’m proud of him.”

We would love to know what you make of all this in the comments below, was the right to defend himself, were his parents right in their actions? Above all please SHARE this story with your friends and family.

Registered Blind Vet Is Confused At Waiter’s Questions Until He Discovers Who It Is…

A really heartwarming and lovely moment was captured in this video, at dinner in a place called Racine in Wisconsin. This US veteran had a really wired moment chatting with the waiter! The Guy had assumed that the waiter was just a waiter, of course, who wouldn’t right? You can see in the video that the 90-year-old guy, a veteran from World War II is sat down to have breakfast with his family… The waiter walks over to them and serves them coffee, then he begins talking to him. After he has noted what he wants to eat and drink, the apparent waiter says to him:

“Well, you got room for one more?”

A pretty odd question to ask a stranger, don’t you think? the veteran replies:

“I’ll let you know”

Then the waiter asks:

“You don’t recognize me?”

The veteran exclaims, of course, says:

“No… I’m legally blind!”

He really doesn’t twig that the waiter is really not the waiter at all, it’s his grandson and he hasn’t seen the boy for months! The young man said:

“My whole life I’ve been extremely close with my grandpa, as he is the only male role model that I’ve had”

The young man then goes on to say that he moved from Wisconsin to Florida and had not been able to see his grandpa in months, so he flew up to give him the surprise of his life! The message seems to take a little while to sink in though … Watch the really awesome moment, and please SHARE with friends and family!

Grandparents Try To Get Baby To Say His First Word, They Are All Truly Surprised by What He Says!

A baby’s first words are always special and for most children that tend to be the usual ‘Mama’ or ‘Dada’. For sure, the parent who has their little boy or girl say their name first feels especially special, but for this one family, it happened it little differently! Grandma and Grandpa came to visit them, and like most grandparents encourage their little one to say their first word, but for the little one, ‘Mama’ and ‘Dada’ really don’t seem to be words he wants to say!!
These sweet and quite definitely very loving Grandparents could not be more proud of their beautiful grandson, his little ‘coo’ and ‘goo’ sounds are really lovely. Most of all though they are excited to try to get him to speak and say his first words… Funnily though his very first word is a completely unexpected surprise, everyone is completely stunned for a brief moment after he says the words, did they hear him right?
Yep, they certainly did hear him right, he really said it… Just before Grandma had been saying to him: “Say, Mama. Do you want to?”

“Do you want to say milk?”

After a few tries Grandpa has a genius moment, and without too much thought says something unexpected… Grandpa looked straight to his Grandson and said:


The little one paused and with a carefully thought out movement of his mouth, looking at grandpa’s amusement at the word he says the word! As it just happens to be, the family have a cat called Taco and it’s the cat’s honor to have baby say his name! A big thanks goes to Grandpa and the cat from this really hilarious and great moment caught on camera! Looks like this little one feels quite close to the cat!
Wath the amazing and funny moment it all unfolds in the video below and SHARE:

Young Couple Go To The Doctors When She Is Pregnant, They’re In For The Surprise Of Their Lives!

Bethani and Tim Webb met for the first time and Bethani knew that things were going to be different, how he smiled, his great passion for life and grandeur dreams pulled Bathani to him. So the fact that Tim felt the same was a relief, two years later Tim asked him to marry her… They really had no idea how their lives would be turned inside out just a few short weeks after their wedding day!
Facebook/Bethani Esther Irene Webb
After that period of a warm glow came to an end, Tim and Bethani began to discuss what the future was going to look like for them both as a couple. Were they going to buy a house, were they going to have pets? Would they have children? Bethani told the news channels that she was happy to start trying for a family right away, but Tim preferred to wait for a little and enjoy their time together as newlyweds. She said:

“My husband definitely wanted to wait a year. I was fine with whenever it ended up happening, but then we found out we were very excited, only thinking we were having one…”

Bethani realized that she was pregnant and they shot straight to the doctors to have an ultrasound! …but what happened next in the doctor’s office was going to be something they will remember for the all of their lives!
Facebook/Webb Quadruplets Updates
The tech positioned the ultrasound wand scanner over her stomach at precisely the correct angle, then announced, to both of them, that they were going to be having quadruplets! Bethani said:

“I could not believe it, I was in such shock. Honestly, I thought the ultrasound tech was joking. I couldn’t believe it… It was a good thing that my husband was sitting down because he almost fainted.”

Neither of them had a history of this in their families because they conceived naturally it was even rarer! The couple realized that having four identical girls happens once in fifteen million pregnancies! They were very grateful that the remainder of Bethani’s pregnancy went really smooth and she had four identical girls, McKayla, Grace, Abigail, and Emily…
Facebook/Webb Quadruplets Updates
The couple was in luck that the community all grouped together and helped them, people in their hometown started a fundraiser and ensure that they didn’t want for anything, how awesome! She said:

“It’s really amazing because there would be no way we could do this by ourselves”

Neighbors as well as family members and even complete strangers all helped and looked after the couple any way they could, the couple knew things were going to be hard though!
Facebook/Webb Quadruplets Updates
They are both coming to the realization that they now have children together and even though they never imagined it, they are both getting stuck in and making the most of their new position. Bethani said to the News:

“I think my husband has gotten used to the idea that there are four babies, but I don’t think he’s gotten used to the idea that there are four identical girls”

There will be arguments like all couples have, some hard and sad times too, but in the years to come, they know it will be worth it all.
Facebook/Webb Quadruplets Updates
The girls are growing day by day and they will become fine young women one day, their proud parents will be there with them every step of the way! Please SHARE this great and pretty amazing story with friends and family!

Guy Plays His Guitar On Sidewalk, Two Strangers Come Over, Everyone Is Amazed At What Happens Next!

People go about their daily lives, dashing from doing one job to the next, a guy perched on the sidewalk and singing can be an interruption to the flow of your day a little hiccup, enough to stop and listen… Many people think that a street performer is a lazy guy begging for money, couldn’t he just go and get a job, and some might be just to busy to appreciate the performance… But for Jesse Rya things were different, he played his guitar outside the grocery store in Dallas-Fort Worth in Texas!
Jesse sat next to the store, he was singing an original song of his own, anyone could just stop and listen to it. As it happens a tall man came up to him, he had a small thought that someone had come to move him on, out of the way of customers. However, when you’re making the right kind of noise, full of joy, it can be really infectious and carry the feelings with it! The guy who approached Jesse was nonother than Howard Mullins, he wasn’t coming to move him on he was coming to join in with him…
At first, Howards just listened, quietly appreciating the song, but then, like he had been compelled by a force beyond him, he just joined right in, being creative and following his heart and creative inner self. Howard improvised with Jesse while joining in… They sang:
Tell ’em that I just don’t know no, no no (All your chances I was never leaving) Tell ’em that I just don’t know no, no no (all the times that ive been down and out) Tell ’em that I just don’t know no, no no (I was thinkin’ I’d take all my life, all my time)
Then two other men came over, they walked over with a kind of swag that said they were coming for some of the action. They didn’t stop the song though, they were wearing yellow reflective vests, and one of them Ron Lashey, dances next to them, singing along with them.
Ron’s obvious natural skill is not just dancing and singing though, he gets right into a rapid-fire freestyle rap about persistence in the plight of struggle. Then after that, the three ‘artists who are also three strangers to each other, break up and go off in different directions. An onlooker, James Maldondo, just happened to catch it all going on and after he shared it online. The video quickly gathered momentum until it got millions of views. Rya posted on social media so he could ask names of the fellow singers, he never thought that he would find out their names though. It wasn’t long before they all found fame and they even made it to the Jimmy Kimmel show and onstage, the late-night host even accompanied on the sax!
Facebook/Jesse Rya
This really was an awesome gathering like an angel from above had pushed them all together and then watched the show, some artists believed that in their sculptures the art was already formed inside, they just needed to reveal it, well these guys had talent, and for sure they revealed it to the world! Watch the amazing and lovely performance below, and please SHARE with friends and family:

Man Discovers Many Holes In His Walls, What’s Inside Them Has The Whole Internet Laughing!

There are often things behind your walls you might not imagine, it’s times like home renovations that can reveal them, things like cash, jewels, antiques. As you pull out the old ready to replace with the new almost anything unexpected could be hidden! Mark Von Thaden in California had a surprise behind his walls, but sadly for him, he wasn’t going to find something as lavish as what we said before, what he found was a critter had been doing his own renovations… and it looks like he has been doing it for a very long time!
Facebook/Mark Von Thaden
Mark just wanted to give his pool house a facelift, make it look sleek and cool inside, in the video clip he explains some of the work he needed to do, but after removing the wooden panels he notices many little holes in the walls. Mark, with a little doom in his voice, happens to mention that he hates woodpeckers, funnily enough, a naughty little bird, a woodpecker, has been drilling holes in the walls for a special reason, he was creating a snack shack of his very own!
Facebook/Mark Von Thaden
Mark was soon going to discover that Woody the Woodpecker himself, had been a busy boy pushing acorns into the holes he drilled, for a long time! Unfortunately for the bird, this strange tree was hollow and the acorns would fall to the bottom where he couldn’t reach them! Even though he was on a fruitless task he just couldn’t stop himself, acorn after acorn, like throwing quarters in a slot machine, one after the other, mar was soon to discover exactly how many acorns were behind the walls…
Facebook/Mark Von Thaden
You know those bins you see at the grocery store, the vertical ones that contain nuts, beans, and rice? when you lift the slot they pour out… Well watch the video when he lifts the insulation back, does it remind you of anything else, like in your grocery store? This little woody-woodpecker had unknowingly been creating a mass food storage unit for acorns and that is just why this quite unhappy guy hates woodpeckers! He certainly has his work cut out for him now, for sure!!
Facebook/Mark Von Thaden
Watch this video below and see for yourself, and please SHARE with your friends and family…

Couple Have The Surprise Of Their Life At Mom’s First Ultrasound, it’s One In Fifteen Million!

A childbirth is both a special thing and a unique miracle, each and every time, especially for loving parents… There are some births that really are unique, in a way every birth is unique, but some more than other births. This one couple has always said to themselves that they really want a family, and it wasn’t long at all after they got married that they found out that they were going to be parents. They really didn’t imagine that they were going to have a pregnancy that was one in a million! Tim and Bathani first met each other about two years before they finally married in the June of 2015, then around three months after that Bethani went to the hospital after she discovered that she was pregnant, for her routine ultrasound checkup. When the nurse realized that the image on the ultrasound was very special, both her and the parents were in disbelief at what their eyes could see on the scan! The couple never could have imagined in a million years that they were going to have four identical quadruplet girls, in fact the chances of this happening are about one in fifteen million! Bethani said:

“I could not believe it, I was in such shock. Honestly, I thought the ultrasound tech was joking. I couldn’t believe it”

Although she had to have a C-section around the 33 weeks mark, in the June of 2016, four healthy little girls were born and called Grace, Emily, Abigail, and McKayla. Neither mom nor dad of the little girls had any previous history of quads in their past that they knew of, however the children were conceived naturally, so, you can understand how rare his occurrence was! If they had undergone any kind of fertility treatment, then we might understand that this happened, for for a natural conception this was completely amazing! The couple are having a really hard time being able to tell the twins apart though, but to help with the problem they painted their toenails in different colors, its their secret code! Caring for just one newborn baby is pretty hard work, but for four, managing day to day tasks really seems gargantuan, it’s a wonder how their mental state remains in tact each and every 24 hours! Having four little cheeky babies is so much more expensive than you could imagine though and they rely on weekly donations to help them to survive sometimes too! Bethani said:

“It’s really amazing, because there would be no way we could do this by ourselves”

The couple feel really blessed, even though sometimes they just don’t know how they are going to cope with it all. The family now live with Tim’s mom, she really does love her grandchildren dearly, they make her feel so happy! Life really has got surprises for us all, but its how we cope with those surprises that defines you as a person and show haw beautiful people we can be too! SHARE this lovely story to inspire us all and you friends and loved ones, how beautiful life can really be…