Parents Mourn Son, He Took His Life At 12-Years-Old Over School Bullying.

Our children should have their lives filled with joy and play, laughter, and feelings of security and fun, to be children without the worries of life, experiencing new and happy things each day. Andrew Leach was 12-years-old, and he had his whole life ahead of him, but for Andrew, he felt like he could not go on anymore. The young boy, having seen nothing of life chose to end his life and his personal nightmare in the worse way possible on March 6. His brother found him in the garage, such a deeply upsetting tragedy! Andy was putting up with being bullied, and it only got worse as time went on, he told his classmates that he thought he might be bisexual… His father said to the news that he thought that because he was open it only made other children pick on him even more. His Mother said that:

he was called… “fat, ugly and useless”

The other children at the at Southaven Middle School picked on him, they didn’t care in the least bit about his feelings at all!
Facebook / CherylHudson
It all went too far, he even got death threats from other children at the school whilst he was in the school toilets, how incredibly low and inhumane! His dad said:

“Kids were telling him, ‘We’re gonna put hands on you. You’re not going to make it out of this bathroom.’ Things of that nature”

The family told the school and complained about the treatment of their son, but none of the teachers could stop the bullying from happening. In the end, Andy, in the sixth grade, thought enough was enough, he couldn’t stand it anymore. He was found dead in the garage, he had hung himself, his brother, 16-years-old and also suffering from bullying had found him, such sadness for the family, but especially for him, seeing him like he did.
Facebook / CherylHudson
And’s mom, Cheryl Hudson, said that her son left a farewell letter to his family, he revealed in the letter about his plan to end his life. Since he died his mom has shared many heartbreaking stories about her son on Facebook, she also tells about how Andy loved to cook even, many things he wouldn’t be able to do anymore! Cheryl writes:

“Another story just came to mind. Andy loved to learn how to cook. He wasn’t always good at it but he loved it. I came home from work one day (this happened several times) and sitting on my nightstand would be something he made. Once, it was sliced potatoes that were dang near raw lol But he always thought about things he could do for me, help me with, he loved doing special things for me”

Facebook / CherylHudson
In yet another post hi mom shared; she wrote:

“I also remember each time I’d give him a bath. I’d get him out of the tub and stand him up on the toilet to dry him off. One night he said, “Mommy, I don’t want to eat anymore.” I said “what?? Why baby?” And he said “if I eat I’ll get bigger. And then you won’t be able to hold me anymore.” God I miss my baby so much”

Facebook / CherylHudson
Andy’s parents have spoken out to the media following their son’s death, they want to raise awareness and use the tragedy to educate and help others about the dangers of bullying. Cheryl said to the news:

“I am on a crusade that I plan to not stop”

His mom hopes that Andy’s death won’t be in vain, that more and more people will join the fight against bullying. Cheryl writes on her Facebook:

“Please share!! We need people to attend this. If your child is being bullied, you need to be here. If you know children being bullied, you need to be here. If you have children growing up and beginning school, you need to be here. Let’s allow Andy’s Voice to make a difference!! Share this event and tag everyone you know!”

Facebook / CherylHudson
Sadly Andy’s story is not an isolated incident, there are many similar cases. Way too many children end up taking their lives each year because of being bullied by peers. DeSoto County School said (In a statement relating to Andy’s case):

“All bullying reports are treated with the utmost importance. Students and parents are encouraged to contact school officials anytime there are bullying concerns, and they can use a link on the DeSoto County Schools website if they would prefer to report bullying incidents anonymously. All claims are investigated thoroughly, and school counselors are trained to help students and intervene when they are aware of a situation. Our hearts go out to this young student’s friends and family.”

Facebook / CherylHudson
Bullying is a terrible and deeply disturbing thing to experience, to be pushed to such extreme limits, it’s so sad! Let Andy’s story give us a reminder and huge wake-up call. All of us must do whatever we can to stop bullying, wherever and whatever stop bullying! Bullying can happen anywhere, let’s all join together and stop bullying once and for all! Please help and SHARE this with everyone you know!

Officer Impounds Single Mom’s Car, But When Her Discovers Her Secret, He Is Forced to Take A Suprising Action!

Pulled over for a routine check, Ebony Rhodes felt nauseous and butterflies in her stomach as she stopped, she was so far down on luck that this was really the last thing that she needed today. The police officer, Jeff Glazier, wanted to see her license and registration, but both of them were expired, just to make it worse she also had no insurance either. Tere were no other options open to him, he had to impound her car and arrest her, she was heartbroken but it all.
On the way back to the police station with Ebony the Officer received a call, one of the officers who searched her car found something strange about something on the back seats. The officer was alarmed and reported it to Jeff Glazier! The officers just kept on pulling out belongings and a ton of clothes, it was really a huge amount of things, like her whole apartment was squashed into the car.
Ebony had to reveal the terrible and sad truth about the fact that she was homeless and had been forced to live out of her car, but she was living in the car with four children too! For an incredible and grueling six months her four children, Calvin, Ja’heame, Isaac, and Dannaija were all living out of the car, which happened to be a 20-year-old Buick Regal, but they how no other options! Eboly desperately tried to keep her family above water, by working at Walmart, she was also a single mom! But she did not earn enough to be able to afford a place to live, how sad and heartbreaking!
The Officer also learned that Ebony has a chronic blood disorder that was so serious that she had to miss days off work at a time, Ebony really felt like she was seriously letting down her children, she felt terrible about it! She really did feel like the worse mo ever, each step forward she took seemed to force her to then take two steps back again. The Officer after learning about Ebony went home to his wife and then had a powerful idea, he talked with his wife about it that evening, he could not just sit aside and watch this happening.
There really was not a thing in the world that could prepare Ebony for what was about to happen, watch what the officer does below: Please SHARE this awesome and powerful story with your friends and family!

Army Veteran Is Pulled Up By The Police, Officer Has Seen His Flag And Decided To Stop Him!

When the very brave man and women that serve our country come home after months abroad, they have baggage, both mental and emotional. Quite often many of us can’t imagine how these brave men and women carry baggage like this. Many veterans come home with PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Some seek help for their condition, but there are many that don’t seek help, don’t know how to get help or feel like they should just carry on without help and go unchecked. William Jazwinski was sure that he couldn’t go through life without getting help for his problems, he was a former Heavy Wheeled Vehicle Operator for the United States Army and he had many terrible and painful memories after months in Iraq. He really also felt that fighting for his country was an honor and he never removed the flag from his truck, he kept it there, in fact, he was very proud of it, but he never thought that his pride in his service would make him a target of law enforcement officers.
Facebook/William Jazwinski
From the account of his tour he was a brave and great honorable soldier, he would have done anything for his fellow servicemen and women. The hot and long shifts in Iraqui deserts along with the demanding training schedules brought the battalions together in ways they never imagined. William and his team, once they were on a mission, there was truly nothing that could stop them from achieving their objective! He was dedicated to all of his duties, but it was apparent that his duties took their toll on him. He had seen things that no one should have to see in life, and the time away from his family was hard, but even though it all he was proud to have served his country! When Williams tour came to an end, he came home and drove his truck with a neatly and correctly folded United States flag on his dashboard. It really was the perfect way to keep reminding himself the well-learned lessons of his service to his country. William’s perspective about having the flag in his truck was completely different after he had been stopped by the police. Just as the officer’s red and blue lights came on, William looked down to see he wasn’t speeding, what was it all about? The veteran soldier was ready with his license and registration for the office, but quite puzzled, the officer was not looking for his license and registration though! In a deeply emotional Facebook post, William said why the officer had stopped him: Me: Good morning, Officer. Was I speeding? Officer: Good morning, no not speeding. Just wanted to stop ya and say thank you for your service. Me: Oooh the bumper sticker, nice. Your welcome, Sir. My pleasure. Officer: Where did you serve? Me: I went to Iraq. Did a 15 month [stint]. Out of Fort Benning. Officer: Well, alright. My son went to Iraq. He didn’t make it home.”
Facebook/William Jazwinski
Me: Man, I’m so sorry to hear that. I just finished a PTSD program. Officer: I see you have a flag in the truck. The one we got for him? Well, it’s at the house. Can I ask a question? Me: Sure. Officer: Do you mind stepping out and receiving a hug? You remind me of my son. I pulled you over. I thought you were him. I still don’t believe it most days he’s gone. “With tears in both our eyes, I got out and hugged that man. I’m talking about for a minute or two crying. Down to our knees crying. I needed that. “ “To all the family and friends of soldiers, fighting or that have been fighting, God bless you. Your peace and your hearts. It’s so hard without them, I know. This road is a tremendous one. Love to all.” The officer just wanted to give William the very well deserved well done and thank you for serving his country, leaving your family to serve your country is truly a difficult thing! The officer that stopped William had a new sense of focus for his faith and how he would treat strangers… The second that William came home, he took a picture of his flag in his truck (seen above) and then shared it online.
Facebook/William Jazwinski
William had no clue that his story of this would inspire so many thousands of other people all around the country. Since posting his amazing and warm words online, it’s been shared 180,000 times, it’s been liked by more than 210,000 users, wow! The moment between the officer and William has really struck a chord with everyone, so awesome! Please SHARE this magnificent story with all your friends and family!

He Sees the Elderly Woman Is Being Attacked, He Decides To Take Action!

You can guarantee that if I ever saw someone attacking my grandmother, I would break free and lose it. Some people steal from the elderly, but to attack an elderly person it the lowest of the low… That, sadly, is the hard truth about what happened here, but also something else too happened, something absolutely AMAZING! A 76-year-old woman was on her way to her car, in a Winn-Dixie parking lot, then a purse snatcher dove out in front of her and attacked her… Thankfully though three people came to help her, one was a Navy veteran and for sure, you didn’t want to mess with this guy. That big guy, you know the one your always nervous about standing next to, that is Kendrick Taylor and when he heard a woman screaming he looked over to see that a woman was being assaulted. The guy doing the assault was quite obviously a coward and a thief too, Kendrick walked over to him he jumped on his bike and he took off as fast as he could! Kendrick pursued the guy at full speed, the navy veteran ran faster than his bike, caught him and tackled him to the ground, he held him down and called the police on his cell phone. The guy he caught was already on probation so for him he took a fast route back to jail with fresh robbery charged added to his rap sheet. Like most veterans, Taylor says he doesn’t think of himself as a hero. He said:

“What if that was my Grandma?”

What an amazing guy right there, the world would be a much better place with more guys like this! Please SHARE this veteran’s heroic story with all your friends and family!

Veteran Pleads Guilty To Parking Violation, When He Says Why, Judge Utters 5 Words!

The thought of going to court for most of us is a dreadful thought, really its a real dread for us law abiding citizens! However, for people that go to the court when Judge Frank Caprio presides, in Providence, Rhode Island, the whole thing is so enjoyable that you might actually forget that you’re in a legal court proceeding! It this case, a Vietnam veteran appeared before the Judge to contend a parking ticket that he had, it was for a parking violation in May 2016… He was quite upset with the ticket and the veteran called the parking circumstances at the Providence VA Medical Center, completely “atrocious!” He has to go there several times a week and although he is willing to pay for the ticket, he felt very upset at the cost for a first-time offender! The veteran tells his story to the court and Judge Caprio make him feel at ease, he listens to his story and lets him explain, even makes jokes to keep the situation jovial and relaxed. He then makes a decision as to how things will work out from that point! Caprio said:

“This is a case of me trying to balance the equities …I’m trying to balance the enforcement policy of the city of Providence against the parking situation at the hospital.”

He believes that the parking violation is a problem and that a veteran shouldn’t be lumbered with the parking ticket when he is attempting to get medical treatment for injuries he received while serving his country… With the greatest of rulings, he dismisses the case with 5 words:

“Thank you for your service”

There aren’t many judges like this you can bet on it! Please SHARE this awesome story with your friends and family!

Mom Poses For Photo With Two Kids At The Beach, Then She Has A Life Changing Moment!

Recently at the beach with her family, Kirsten Bosly, of Perth, Australia wasn’t enjoying the fun on the beach with her loved ones, she felt incredibly awkward in herself. She was embarrassed and shameful about the way she looked in her bathing suit, it was a plus size and it was making her feel very stressed! After thinking about it for many hours though, all those people at the beach looking at her, in her plus size bathing suit, she had a moment of clarity that changed her life… Her words are now traveling far and wide online…
That very second that they returned to her home she jumped on the computer and shared her brilliant thought… She wrote:

“Today marks a new beginning for me. For most of my life, I have hated my body. Despised it. Loathed it. Resented it. Wanted so very much for it to change; for it to be smaller, thinner… less ‘fat.’ “

“I’ve used it and abused it. I’ve blamed it for a lot of things. I’ve been terribly ashamed of its wobbles and dimples; like somehow they are the measure of who I am.”

“I recently read a meme that said something along the lines of ‘be in pictures with your kids because when you’re gone, the pictures will be all they have left’ and it struck a nerve. I’ve avoided pictures most of the time as I disliked how I looked at them.”

“Not anymore! The truth is, I’m tired of being ashamed of my body; it’s done nothing but support me for 41 years… So today I let go.”

“I let go of the hatred and resentment of this body of mine and chose to enjoy it for what it is; my body. I asked The Pants to take this photo so the kids will remember us enjoying this day together, cellulite and all.”

“No cover-up. No board shorts. No ‘modesty’ towel. No filters. Just us. And you know what? I’m not ashamed. Really. I look at this photo and all I can see is how happy we are and that’s awesome.”

“I finally feel free and it feels awesome!”

It was this incredible moment of clarity that brought these thoughts to her life-changing though about how she would deal with the situation and enjoy that really precious time with her family. She knows deep down that there really is no reason to worry about what other people think about her, and why even think or stress about it? In a very touching and emotional email to the today show Kirsten opened up a bit more about how her amazing realization came about:

“I was standing on the beach, stressing out about it, and just had a moment of clarity when I realized the only person judging me in that moment was me.”

“Nobody was paying me any attention and the only thing stopping me from just letting go and embracing myself fully was a bag full of hang-ups that I had created and chosen to carry around.”

“Everyone should feel comfortable in their own skin and get to enjoy the special time spent with their loved ones!”

Kirsten is now very hopeful that her positive and body-conscious realizations will also help others in the sale situation too, to be released and free and able to enjoy their life better and happier. We all deserve happiness don’t you think? Please SHARE this amazing story, let’s spread the word and maybe help others too!

Dad Finds Out Son Is Bullying, He Teaches Him A Lesson He Will Never Forget!

Bullying seems to have always been a problem, throughout history, but it now seems to be getting worse and more severe. There are lots of reasons why this could be the case, one of these is that parents are not teaching their young how to treat others and be tougher on the rules! One father is really looking to change the way things are done, at least in his own home that is… This guy called, Bryan Thronhill, discovered that his son was bullying other kids on the school bus, he then made a decision to teach him a lesson. What he decided to do in his unique way has gone viral! Bryan started the video he posted on Facebook, like this:

“Hey everyone, welcome to ‘You Better Listen to Your Dad 2018′”

The video filmed from his car features his 10-year-old son running in the rain, on the side if the road, with a backpack on his back! Bryan explained a little more what was happening:

“My son has finally got in trouble on the bus enough to where he was kicked off the bus for three days because he was being a little bully, which I do not tolerate, can’t stand. Therefore, he has to now run to school.”

“We’re right about one mile from the school so all week he’s got the experience of running.”

Bryan was determined that he wasn’t going to stand for his son’s behavior, he planned to nip it in the bud! He said that:

“This right here is called parenting”

Bryan said also:

“We’re gonna make sure that one way or another his teachers are gonna be able to enjoy his company at school, he’s not disrupting his classmates and everything else”

It really seemed to be working! Bryan announced that his son’s behavior and attitude have greatly imporoved. He said that: “…teachers have approved of his behavior this week.” He went on: “He hasn’t got in trouble at school this week [whereas] last week he was absolutely out of his mind” Some people have called out how Bryan punishes his son and say it’s cruel and shouldn’t be done, but Bryan insists that he is doing a good job and encouraging other parents to do the same! Bryan said: “Teach your kids. Don’t be a friend, be a parent …That’s what children need these days.” Do you think that Bryan is doing a great job, doing the right thing? Then please SHARE!

Nurse Heartbroken, Sick 1-Year-Old Abused Girl, Leads To A Double Life-Changing Event!

That drive we feel to procreate for some of us is especially strong, sometimes more than others, especially as we get older, Jess Ham, from Jacksonville, Florida, really wanted to be a mother, but had not got any children of her own! She worked in nursing at the Wolfson Children’s Hospital, so instead, she saw and cared for the children of others, saw and dealt with many new parents every day as they came to her place of work. There was one particular patient that crossed paths with her, she could feel something life changing was going to happen this time!
It happened when the 14-month-old girl called Delilah was taken to the hospital, to the pediatric intensive care unit, the little one was in awful condition, it was so sad. The little girl was really sick looking and very underfed, she had broken bones and a fractured skull, she was too weak to hold a bottle even! Hamm was shocked the poor little girl was being abused at home… She said:

“My heart was broken …She was just so lifeless, but she still held onto my finger.”

Jess cared for the toddler, she knew that the girl would need more and more as time passed, she really felt in her heart that she could, herself, give something more to the girl. Jess said:

“I was like ‘oh my gosh, I’m going to take her home’”

She decided that she really wanted to adopt Delilah!
There was a twist to the story though… Jess started the paperwork and began to go through the motions with the Florida Department of Children and Families, she then learned that Delilah was not the only one! As it happened she also had a twin sister called Caroline…
Caroline too was in the hospital there, Jess thought that to separate them would be a terrible thing, she decided that the sisters had to remain together, then she did something amazing: She went ahead and started the process to adopt both twins!
Jess had been raised in a loving home and the young twins are coming along really well, with the love she gave them, they were really flourishing. Jess reads to them, and they love her back so much! For the girls, it really was a life-saving decision, but too, for Jess, it was the best timing too, although she didn’t really think about adoption before when she saw the girls it made perfect sense! Jess said:

“I hope when people hear my story it opens them up to the possibilities of adopting”

We hope that you too are inspired about adoption, and maybe we can SHARE this story and inspire others to adopt too!