20 Years After Their Birth Captivated The World, The Aylmer Twins Are All Grown Up

In 1996, Donna and Vince Aylmer had the surprise of the lives when they found out that they weren’t just expecting their fourth child, they were going to be welcoming a fifth one too. On January 16, 1997, the couple welcomed twin girls, Lucy and Maria, into the family. Although, they knew early on that the twins were fraternal, they did not expect them to look so significantly different from one another. Maria was born black with tight curls and brown eyes like her half-Jamaican mother, while Lucy’s fair skin and light eyes matched her dad’s, who is Caucasian. As expected, Donna and Vince were in shock when they were handed their daughters. “It was such a shock for her because obviously things like skin color don’t show up on scans before birth,” Lucy explained in a recent interview. “So she had no idea that we were so different. When the midwife handed us both to her, she was just speechless.” The twins have other siblings, including two older brothers, and an older sister, but all of them bear light-brown complexions that reflect their mixed race genes. “Our brothers and sisters have skin which is in between Maria and I,” said Lucy to Daily Mail, “We are at opposite ends of the spectrum and they are all somewhere in between. But my grandmother has a very fair English rose complexion, just like mine.” Over the years, Donna and Vince got divorced, but they continued to co-parent the twins and their siblings. Donna would often dress the girls in matching outfits, which confused people because although they were sisters, they looked nothing alike. “No one ever believes we are twins because I am white and Maria is black,” Lucy explained to the New York Post. “Even when we dress alike, we still don’t even look like sisters, let alone twins.” As Lucy and Maria got older, they asked their mom to stop dressing them in matching outfits. Around the age of seven is when the girls knew that although they’re twin sisters, they were also unique individuals, and they wanted to let that show. “We don’t look alike. So why should we have to wear the exact same thing?” said Lucy. Unfortunately, because of their looks, the twins endured some not-so-great moments while growing up. Lucy was often teased and called names because she did not look like the rest of her family. Her red hair and fair skin set her apart from her siblings, and people thought she was adopted. Maria also admitted that she “hated” her curly locks, and “used to cry about it.” Now, 20 years since their birth captivated the world, Lucy and Maria are still very much opposites, in every sense of the word. Their personalities and taste in style are almost as different as their looks. Nowadays, the sisters have learned to embrace their differences, and it has brought them a little closer. The boho-chic Maria is currently studying law and psychology at Cheltenham College in the U.K, and describes herself as “outgoing.” She also dresses in girly outfits and loves being glamorous. “I love meeting people. I’m not scared to approach people,” Maria told Inside Edition. As for Lucy, she is an art student at a college in Gloucester, U.K and has developed a very edgy style, but is a lot more reserved and shy than her sister. “I’m terrified of going up to random strangers,” she admitted. When asked if their opposite appearances had an effect on their relationship as sisters, Lucy replied, “I think if we’d looked similar or even identical, then the bond between us would have been stronger when we were younger. But Maria and I had such different personalities, too. She was the outgoing twin whilst I was the shy one.” Today, the sisters consider themselves as close friends and their bond is stronger than ever. “Now we have grown older, even though we still look so different, the bond between us is much stronger,” Maria explained. People, including their friends, are still doubtful that they’re sisters, but that doesn’t stop them from proudly telling everyone that they’re related. “Maria loves telling people at college that she has a white twin – and I’m very proud of having a black twin,” Lucy said. We can’t wait to see what Maria and Lucy have in store for the future! Do you remember hearing about the Aylmer twins back in 1997? Let us know!

This Woman Was Being Followed By An Unmarked Police Car. What She Did Next Is Genius

When an unmarked police car turns on their lights, always pull over into a gas station. If you can do what the person here did, you need to. It’s your life on the line and here’s why.

Hilarious Dentist Puts New Spin On Dance Challenge

When most of us think about the dentist, frightening images of sharp tools, screeching machines, and grisly older men come into mind. But this dentist is here to change our perception of dentists – and he’s doing so with a fun rendition of Drake’s “In My Feelings” dance challenge. While the song plays in the background, Dr. Rich Constantine of Constantine Dental in Greenville, South Carolina boogies like the best of ’em. He had no idea his video would gain so much attention online, but we understand why it did…
Dr. Constantine performed all of the moves to the “In My Feelings” challenge – but this time, he called it the “In My Fillings” challenge! The “In My Feelings” or “Shiggy” dance challenge began shortly after (the hip-hop artist) Drake’s song “In My Feelings” went viral. Fans began posting videos of themselves dancing to his words and the best renditions started to gain attention online. That’s when Dr. Constantine got the good idea to record his own version! People from all over the world were blown away by the dentist’s fun moves. He even got a little special attention from women. One viewer wrote: “I found myself looking for his wedding ring, then I remembered that I’m married.”
Since his video has totally blown up online, Dr. Constantine had to go back on his practice’s official Facebook page to share an update. “Until the other day, I was just known for some wedding dancing and some dance battles with my wife Trish at home in the living room. This is all to make people realize that going to the dentist can be fun and that we’re just here to make you smile.” While all of the women pining over Dr. Constantine are probably disappointed to learn he is, in fact, married, we can all use the reminder that dentists have a tough job! They just want to help us show off our best smile – yet, they get such a bad reputation! Be sure to show your dentist a little extra appreciation during your next appointment!
Watch Dr. Constantine’s awesome version of the “In My Feelings” challenge below. What a fun dentist!

65 years of math in American public schools. This is frighteningly accurate

Last week I purchased a burger at Burger King for $1.58. The counter girl took my $2 and I was digging for my change when I pulled 8 cents from my pocket and gave it to her. She stood there, holding the nickel and 3 pennies, while looking at the screen on her register. I sensed her discomfort and tried to tell her to just give me two quarters, but she hailed the manager for help. While he tried to explain the transaction to her, she stood there and cried. Why do I tell you this? Because of the evolution in teaching math since the 1950’s: Teaching Math In 1950’s: A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit ? Teaching Math In 1960’s: A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit? Teaching Math In 1970’s: A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80. Did he make a profit? Teaching Math In 1980’s: A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80 and his profit is $20. Your assignment: Underline the number 20. Teaching Math In 1990’s: A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is selfish and inconsiderate and cares nothing for the habitat of animals or the preservation of our woodlands. He does this so he can make a profit of $20. What do you think of this way of making a living? Topic for class participation after answering the question: How did the birds and squirrels feel as the logger cut down their homes? (There are no wrong answers, and if you feel like crying, it’s ok. ) Teaching Math in 2000’s: If you have special needs or just feel you need assistance because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, childhood memories, criminal background, then don’t answer and the correct answer will be provided for you. There are no wrong answers. Teaching Math In 2015: Un ha chero vende una carretada de maderapara $100. El costo de la Producciones es $80. Cuanto dinero ha hecho? — It’s time to make America great again. SHARE this post if you agree.

Terri Irwins Latest Confession About Husband Can’t Be Ignored

There are some people that leave their mark on the world in a way no one else can compare. And in 2006 the world mourned the loss of one of the world’s finest, Steve Irwin. It’s been 12 years since the loss of the remarkable zookeeper everyone around the world loved for his fun, spunky personality. And although his passing came as a shock to the world at just the young age of 44, his wife Terri Irwin is speaking up to tell fans it wouldn’t have shocked him at all.
Instagram/Bindi Sue Irwin
Recently, Terri sat with an Australian television series called “Anh’s Brush With Fame” and the interview took a turn when Terri emotionally revealed, He never thought he’d have a long life. He always kind of had this sense his life would be cut short. Unfortunately, Steve was right, when a sting ray approached him and pierced him in the chest with its barb in between takes while filming “Ocean’s Deadliest” in Queensland, Australia. Following the incident Terri was notified to call her zoo manager. Recalling the moment when she found out Terri states, I just remember this incredible sense of responsibility, this feeling of overwhelming grief but ‘what do I do next? I kind of collected my thoughts and then had to go out to the car and tell Bindi and Robert … which was really hard.
Instagram/Bindi Sue Irwin
Terri then tearfully recalls the last time she saw Steve. She, Bindi and Robert were flying to Tasmania while Steve stayed behind to film the documentary. I remember him at the airstrip waving goodbye. That was the last time we saw him. Once the news of his passing got out to the press Terri admits Steve himself would have been shocked by the amount of support he was shown. No one would’ve been more surprised than Steve at the outpouring of grief and love. Sadly he left behind his wife and two young children, who to this day are big wildlife enthusiasts just like their father. Despite the fame that Steve had over the years Terri says she always admired the fact that the fame never got to his head stating, Famous wasn’t a word that occurred to Steve. I loved that about him, he was never pretentious, never big-noted himself, and we did put everything we made for wildlife and still do back into conservation, I’m really proud of that.
Instagram/Bindi Sue Irwin
I think it’s safe to say that’s part of the reason why the world loved him so much and continues to remember his name. Thankfully, his loving children and wife continue to build on his incredible legacy. Rest in peace, Steve.

Woman has the best comeback for her rude mother-in-law…

A woman who was married to her irresponsible husband had to raise a kid on her own because the so-called man of the house was always out at the bar with his friends, and when he wasn’t, he was always slacking off at home. She called up her mother-in-law during a particularly hard day, whom she wasn’t always on the best of terms with because she tended to side with her son rather than offer the woman any sort of support. The woman asked, “Could you tell me who changes the child if it poops itself? Is it the dad or the mom?” “It is always the mother, honey,” said the mother-in-law condescendingly. “OK then“ said the woman. “Could you come over please? Your son got drunk and sh*t himself.” Share this joke using the buttons below.

Cameron Lyle donated 2 liters of bone marrow to save a stranger’s life – the price he paid has me in tears

Cameron Lyle was a 21 year old track and field star at the University of New Hampshire when he received a call that would change his life. He had registered to be a bone marrow donor two years previously, and was told that the chances that he would be a match were extremely small. However, he was a match, for a 28 year old man who he’d never met, who had been given just months to live. Cameron didn’t think twice about donating, and his decision changed both of their lives forever.
YouTube/ NCAA
Cameron had joined the bone marrow registry during his sophomore year, but hadn’t thought much of it since then. “I swabbed for ‘Be The Match’. I went with a couple of friends, took 10 minutes, filled some paperwork, swabbed a cheek,” he tells NCAA. The chances of being a match for someone are extremely small, so Cameron was blown away when he received a call 2 years later saying that he was a match. All they could tell him about the potential recipient was that he was a 28 year old man with leukemia who had been given just months to live. Cameron didn’t think twice before agreeing to donate. Life changing Bone marrow donation is a long and complicated procedure, and is often tough on the donor. An average patient needs 5-10 cubic centimeters of marrow, however Cameron’s recipient needed 1800 cubic centimeters. But luckily, both Cameron and his recipient recovered well following the procedure. Cameron even received a heartfelt letter from the man he had saved.
YouTube/ NCAA
“I got a really powerful card from him. It was dated the day that he received the marrow, so he wrote it still not knowing if he was gonna’ live or not,” Cameron says.
YouTube/ NCAA
End of his athletic career Cameron’s actions didn’t just have a life-changing impact on his recipient, it also changed his own life forever. When Cameron agreed to donate, he was nearing the end of his athletic season and his final campionships. Donating bone marrow put a stop to his campionship ambitions. “I went to tell my coach and then I realized slowly that my season was over,” cameron tells ABC News. But of course, everybody around Cameron was extremely supportive of his selfless act. As his coach James Boulander puts it: “Throwing a 16lb metal object as far as you can – nice! Helping somebody live – totally different. Priceless. And Cameron’s decision had a bigger impact than he could have imagined. Not only did he save this recipient’s life, but he inspired others to go out and register as potential donors, too. “So, many people went out and got swabbed when my story came out. The numbers doubled in a week,” Cameron explains.
YouTube/ NCAA
“It really starts with you wanting to help someone. There’s not enough of that right now, people helping people. There’s a bigger picture out there than just you.”

Police receive letter from 9 yr old girl, then they notice the $10 bill stuffed inside and act immediately

A cop walks into a donut shop…sounds like the start of a joke but it was the start of an unforgettable moment for 9 year old Brooke.
Brooke was standing in line, waiting to buy some donut holes. But when she got to the cashier, she discovered that she didn’t have enough money. As it turns out, there was a kind stranger waiting behind her – State Trooper Chad Savannah. What happened next is what has the people’s heart melting all over the internet. 9 year old Brooke describes the scene in a way that we can all relate to.

Unexpected reaction

“I was standing in line and I didn’t have enough money and I’m like, frozen,” Brooke tells The Butler Eagle. “I didn’t know what to do.”


But when Brooke got home, she was able to compose her thoughts, and decided to write a ‘Thank you‘ note to her local police department.  She wanted to thank the unknown trooper for helping her. In the thank you not, she also enclosed a $10 bill to cover the cost of the donuts. Trooper Savannah and his fellow officers were all impressed by the little girl’s thank you message. “I think everybody here was very moved by the kindness of this 9 year old,” says the captain of the police department. “The officers decided that Brooke deserved a reward, and gathered some money together to purchase a $50 Toys R Us gift card for Brooke. They mailed the card to the little girl and figured she would buy some toys for herself. But what she did instead took them by surprise. She purchased $50 worth of toys with the gift voucher and donated them to Toys for Tots.” When the officer’s found out that Brooke donated all the toys she bought, they decided that she deserved some special treatment. Brook was invited to the police station, where she was given a full tour. Sitting in the police care was her favorite part of the day.
Brooke’s family says that her thoughtfulness was not out of character at all.
“We’re trying to teach our kids right. To take care of what they owe for,” says Brooke’s mom Beth Yost.
Share this story if Brooke’s kind gesture made you smile!