I’m A 100% Sure You Got No Clue Of What This Is. SHARE If You Know

Funny, I had no idea what this was, but I asked my wife and got it right away. Did you know? This was a Hercules vacuum cleaner. The design is wonderful! look at the crocodile skin, who would believe this material could be used for a vacuum cleaner? SHARE if you knew it was a vacuum cleaner and if you love to remember the good old days..

Little Boy Jumps Into Action After Seeing Neighbor In Trouble

In many situations, it can be about being in the right place at the right time – but it’s important to know what to do as well. Dorian Beshara was only 6-years-old when he spotted a troubling sight in the neighbor’s yard. It all started on an ordinary day at his grandmother’s house in Salem, New Hampshire. Dorian looked out one of her large windows and quickly noticed Dorothy Beal by her birdbath. Dorothy and Dorian had been buddies since he was born, but something seemed strange about her this afternoon…
The young boy knew his grandma’s 84-year-old neighbor well, so was hoping to be able to say hello. Usually, she treated him with a piece of candy or a big hug – so he always made a point to say hi when he came to visit. But this time, Dorian got a strange feeling. When he spotted Dorothy outside, something seemed off about her demeanor. She appeared to be hurt and was motioning to little Dorian. Immediately he made the decision to get help. He later told WCVB 5: “I was looking to see if Dot Beal was in the front yard so I could say hi. I knew she broke something, so I called my dad and uncle and told them to go over.” The pair rushed over to help the elderly woman and called 911 for an ambulance.
As it turns out, Dorothy had actually broken her back that day while bending over in her yard. She was in pain and needed medical attention – so not only was it a miracle that Dorian was there, but it made all the difference in the world that he knew the importance of seeking help from an adult. Dorothy told WCBV that little Dorian was her only hope. “I bent over and heard my back crack and it hurt real bad, so I motioned for Dorian to come.”
He became a hero that day to Dorothy, who will forever be grateful. His parents and the firefighters who responded to the emergency call were very proud of him. Dorian’s father said that, while his son is a young boy, he can do more than people think. The same goes for all children! “Little kids can do so much more than they get credit for. I’m the proudest father ever.” Since that fateful afternoon, Dorian and Dorothy are as close as ever. In fact, Dorothy says they get to see even more of each other following her accident. “We are buddies. He watches out for me. He knocks on the door and comes to visit, and then he goes on his way.” Dorothy knows that with Dorian by her side, she’ll always be protected! What an impressive little boy.
Watch the video below to hear more about this amazing story – and to see how Dorian was rewarded for his quick actions. He’s proof heroes come in all sizes!

Wife Says No to Dog Sleeping in Their Bed – Husband’s Reaction Has Everyone’s Hearts Melt Away

This is Violet, she’s the most amazing pups around!  She is a pug and she loves to snuggle.  Luckily for her her human loves snuggling as much as she does…even if it means sleeping on the floor or in another room. Who could possibly deny this adorable pug what she loves the most? When McKenna was introduced to Violet however, as sweet as the little pug is, she only managed to win McKenna’s mother heart. Luckily, Violet quickly won over the entire family! I mean, come on now, how can you not absolutely love this face? “At first my father wasn’t fond of me bringing a dog home. However, once we’d had her in our house for about a week or so, good old dad warmed up to her as well,” McKenna said to her friend Dodo. “The funny thing is, how Violet grew a fondness for him that was stronger than any other member of the family. Once he’d seen the way she loved him, they became the best of friends.” Violet ended up joining McKenna’s parent’s in bed every single night. The both actually enjoy having her in bed with them. Until recently… Violet had to get a surgical procedure last week and even though it went smoothly, her recovery was a little slow.  Unfortunately Violet had to be completely healed before being able to enjoy a nice warm bath again. Since she wasn’t clean McKenna’s mom refused to allow her to sleep in the bed. Instead of arguing McKenna’s  dad decided to join Violet on the floor, sleeping all night with her right there. “It looked so cute, the two of them sleeping together.” So much so, that McKenna slipped into the room and snapped a picture. Explaining “I think it was a bit extreme on dad’s part, however, they just looked so adorable. According to McKenna, “The way fell asleep at that very spot, I simply couldn’t resist.” What did his wife think? “She thought it was so hilarious.” McKenna claimed. “It warms my heart that dad finally loves Violet the way he does, I’d much prefer it compared to the relationship they used to share.” Said McKenna. His life has changed for the better, since the two of them met.

Husband spots old man and instantly jumps out of car – what camera catches has the entire internet cheering

We should all respect and take care of our elderly. It can be as simple as helping to carry their bags, offering them a seat on the bus, or reaching for something from a high shelf in the supermarket. Sometimes it’s easy to forget. We live in a world where our own needs are put first and we’re often rushing around without much thought. That’s why we think it’s important to celebrate good deeds when they happen. This is the story of a man named Chris who shows how a small gesture can really make a huge difference. Chris was sitting in the car with his family on the way home from buying groceries, when he caught sight of an old man walking along the side of the road. Without hesitating, Chris jumped out of his car and went over to the man.
Facebook/Tara Carter
The old man seemed to be pacing back and forth along the sidewalk. It looked a little strange. But Chris soon realised that the man was mowing the lawn. Instead of just continuing on with his day, Chris turned to his wife Tara. “This is one of the many reasons I love my husband. As we are driving home with Kylie and Gage, Chris suddenly turns the jeep around and says ‘Take the food home and come back and get me.’” Tara writes in a Facebook post. Tara didn’t know what Chris had seen, but she went along and left her husband there. When she came back she saw her husband doing something that warmed her heart – and picked up her camera.
Facebook/Tara Carter
Chris had seen the old man mowing the lawn and decided that instead of just driving on, he would help him. “I pray that my son learns from this and randomly helps people do things like his father does,” Tara writes.
Facebook/Tara Carter
Chris’ actions towards the man are really inspiring. He’s most definitely taught his son to take care of and show respect to the elderly – if more people were like Chris we’re sure the next generation would definitely act the same way. Talk about a real everyday hero! We need more people like Chris – SHARE this touching story on Facebook so that more people can take inspiration from this lovely guy!

Young woman confesses terrible truth on flight – Passengers overhear and realize they have to act immediately

Most people have a dream job; a job they’ve been thinking about since their childhood. A few of us have even managed to achieve that dream, though for the majority life hasn’t turned out exactly the way we thought it would when we were young. The plain fact of the matter is that most of us get stuck in a job that serves but one purpose: Paying the bills necessary to keep a roof over our heads. Finding a job that you truly love is a rarity, but Kimber Bermudez is one of the few who has managed it. When she started talking with the passenger sitting next to her aboard a flight from Chicago to Florida, she had other things on her mind. But since her friendly neighbor was so talkative, and asked Kimber to tell more about her profession, she started speaking about the job she so loves.
Facebook / Kimber Bermudez
Kimber is a teacher, and an extremely passionate one at that. Of course, she mentioned this to the man who had sat beside her on the plane as they engaged in small talk. The conversation then moved on to the teaching community at large, with the stranger asking Kimber what the biggest challenge was for modern teachers. Kimber, who has always been frank, held nothing back. She confessed that her work at a low-income school could be heartbreaking at times. She talked about how tough the children there had it, and the magnitude of the difficult conditions they endured at home.
Flickr / hyougushi
However, she’s never wavered in her conviction of giving everything she has for those kids. She hoped that 2018 would be the year when none of her pupils came to school hungry. The man beside her then asked for her contact details. He explained that his company often makes donations, sometimes to schools like the one Kimber works in. Kimber wasn’t expecting anything big, but she gave the man an email address for the school’s administration anyway. Shortly after she did, something amazing happened. Here’s what Kimber wrote on Facebook: “The man behind me tapped my shoulder. I turned around and he apologized for listening in to my conversation, and he handed me a wad of cash. He told me to “do something amazing” and sat back down. I was in complete awe that I had touched a stranger. I realized that there was $100 on top, and started to cry. I thanked him and told him how I would buy my students books and give back to the community. I didn’t count the money from that man, but I would later find out that he gave me $500.”
Facebook / Kimber Bermudez
However, things didn’t end with this heartwarming gesture alone. When the plane landed, something else happened, something that moved Kimber beyond expectation. “The plane landed and the man on the aisle across from me told me that he listened as well. He said that he didn’t have much, but he gave me $20. As if my heart couldn’t be any happier the man in front turns around as well. He also handed me money, and said that he only had $10. I started crying on the plane. I told all four men that I would do something amazing for the kids. “I was not telling my story to solicit money, and never intended to walk out of that flight with anything other than my carry on. I do however hope that posting this continues the chain reaction of people helping those in need, and especially the children in need. It doesn’t have to be a school in Chicago, and any bit helps! “My heart is in complete shock and awe right now. When the world seems crazy there are always good people. I would do anything for my students, and want to thank these strangers. I don’t know the name of the man who gave me the $500 or the other generous strangers, but they deserve to be recognized. I am thankful for the good people in this world. No child should ever go without anything. This experience made me want to do more for the kids, and use my gift of speaking to help others in need. I want to pass this story around, and thank those strangers and their amazing hearts!” -Kimber Bermudez Aisle 14 Seat C July 10, 2018
Facebook / Kimber Bermudez
Teachers are truly a gift to our children, and it’s always the most passionate amongst them that leave the lasting impressions as our kids grow. Thank you, Kimber, for sharing this brilliant story. It’s a major reminder that there are yet good people in the world. Since her story went viral, thousands of other people have pledged their support to Kimber’s cause and donated money. There’s a saying: The average teacher tells, the good teacher explains, the great teacher shows, the greatest teacher inspires. I certainly know which category Kimber belongs to. Please share this amazing story if you want to help us spread some inspiration around. Together, we can make a difference.

Drunk driver smashes into wedding car: Police looks into wreckage and see horrific discovery

The bride’s parents Christopher and Denice, along with her sister, Jennifer, Jennifer’s husband, Neil, and their two young daughters, Katie and Grace, got in the limousine that would take them home after a long day of love, laughter and festivities. “I remember looking in on the limo and seeing Kate and waving goodbye and she waved goodbye and never thought that was going to be the type of moment where you’re seeing people for the last time”, says the groom David. The left the wedding in a limousine from Long Island and soon joined the highway. They weren’t to know that a drunk 24-year-old, Martin Heidgen, was also driving at the same time. Heidgen, hit the limo head-on, when driving on the wrong side of the road causing a devastating accident. Martin’s blood alcohol level was more than three times the legal limit according to police reports. He was driving at a speed of 70 miles per hour, he had consumed at least 14 drinks and was on the wrong side of the highway for at least two miles, before the catastrophic event happened. Stanley Rabinowitz, 59, the driver of the limousine, was killed instantly after being crushed by the engine. Christopher, the bride’s father had broke both of his legs in several places after being thrown to the floor. At a later stage he had to have one amputated. Also seriouly injured was his wife Denice and little grace was stuck in the wreckage. Neil attempted to crawl from the car to seek help, despite having a broken back. In the meantime, Jennifer, who injured her foot, was desperately looking for Katie, at the time of the crash she had been lying beside her on the seat. All of a sudden, Jennifer Flynn saw something that no mother should ever have to witness – Katie, her little girl had been decapitated by her own safety-belt. Michael Tangney, one of the first responders on the scene who was the bride’s uncle and a policeman himself. He had been at the wedding just hours before: Michael comments “I was walking to the rear of the limousine when a gentleman was coming away from it, and he said, ‘Don’t go back there. It’s bad.'” “I opened the rear door to the limousine and realized it was my family.” he remarks. Unfortunately, the worst was yet to come. Michael Tagney, would witness Jennifer emerging from the limo with her daughter’s head in her hands. Katie’s body still in the car, wearing the dress she had proudly worn for the wedding only a few hours earlier. Jennifer sat on the roadside for the next while. On her lap she kept hold of Katie’s head, and looked on as the rest of her family were released from the wreckage of the destroyed vehicle. Finally, she knew it was time to let her daughter go; and handed her to Michael. She tenderly kissed her daughter’s face one last time. The lives of the whole family has been shattered by this tragic event. Driver Martin Heidgen, was sentenced to 18 years in prison for two counts of second-degree murder – although no justice will ever ease the pain for Jennifer’s loss of her daughter. Jennifer and Neil have courageously chosen to speak up about their story, in the hope that it might prevent repeat incidents. “Since no one should have to live the life I do, I felt a responsibility, an obligation, to stand up and tell our story”, Jennifer said. “I hope that by experiencing the devastation that we survived that night, and still continue to live through, people can see the seriousness of drunk driving as the crime it really is. Hopefully we will save more in the future.” she adds. Please share this story to help prevent acts like this tragedy occurring in the future.

90% Have No Idea What This Is. Do You? SHARE if you do…

My dad had a few of these. They were Avon colognes and there were many. Have you ever seen one of these? Avon Car Bottles are some of the world’s favorite collectibles. Here you will find pictures and information about the many possible decanters and bottles you can add to your collection. Avon Straight Eight Here is a vintage 1970s Avon bottle featuring the Straight Eight race car. In the picture you can also see the original box. The green decanter is adorned on the top with a big red circle with the number 8 printed in bold black lettering. The name “straight eight” comes from an early style where the 8 cylinders in the engine block were placed in a straight line along the crankcase. This type of engine first become popular before World War I, but by World War II it had been completely replaced by more modern engine designs. Avon 1951 Studebaker The Studebaker is an infamous car manufacturer that went out of business in the 1960s. In this 2 ounce bottle of Wild Country after shave Avon celebrates the 1951 version of the car. As you can tell from the bottle this was a big car with a lot of metal and chrome. Perfect for the early 1950s. Avon 1953 Ferrari This is the cool 1953 Ferrari bottle from Avon. Smaller than other cars at only five inches long, this decanter originally held two ounces of Wild Country after shave. This car was fast and the bottle looks fast too! SHARE if you remember these!

Joke of the Day – A.A.A.D.D. – Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder

Joke of the Day – A.A.A.D.D. – Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder. This is how is manifests itself: I decide to wash my car. As I start toward to the garage, I notice that there is mail on the hall table. I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car. I lay my car keys down on the table, put the junk mail in the trash can under the table, and notice that the trash can is full. So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the trash first, but then I think that since I’m going to be near the mailbox when I take out the trash anyway, I may as well pay the bills first. I take my checkbook off the table and see that there is only one check left. My extra checks are in my desk in the study, o I go to my desk where I find the can of Coke that I had been drinking. I’m going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the Coke aside so that I don’t accidentally knock it over. I see that the Coke is getting warm, and I decide I should put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold. As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye – they need to be watered. I set the Coke down on the counter and I discover my reading glasses that I’ve been searching for all morning. I decide I’d better put them back on my desk, but first I’m going to water the flowers. I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water, and suddenly I spot the TV remote. Someone left it on the kitchen table. I realize that tonight, when we go to watch TV, we will be looking for the remote, but nobody will remember that it’s on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I’ll water the flowers. I splash some water on the flowers, but most of it spills on the floor. So, I set the remote back down on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill. Then I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do. At the end of the day; the car isn’t washed, the bills aren’t paid, there is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter, the flowers aren’t watered, there is still only one check in my checkbook, I can’t find the remote, I can’t find my glasses, and I don’t remember what I did with the car keys. Then, when I try to figure out why nothing got done today, I’m really baffled because I know I was busy all day long and I’m really tired. I realize this is a serious problem, and I’ll try to get some help for it, but first I’ll check my e-mail. Do me a favor, will you? Forward this message to close friends you know, because I don’t remember to whom it has been sent. Don’t laugh – if this isn’t you yet, your day is coming! And if I have sent this to you before…well, now you know why you’re getting it again.