Sibling Dance Team Takes Home Top Prize With Country Swing Routine

Musical talent definitely runs in the Willis family. Known for their hit television show that showcases their vocal abilities, they are our favorite siblings. Besides this, many are very successful in other fields, such as the remarkable duo Jeremiah and Jennifer who are rocking the stage whenever they show their swing dancing skills. Recently, a video of the duo performing at the US Open swing competition caught the attention of the people who were left stunned by the frisky moves. It’s been a while that we’ve seen anything similar. As this type of dancing involves jazz music, Jeremiah and Jennifer elevate the routine by mixing some country music tunes and the blending of the two styles results in a real delight for the eyes and ears.
These two masters at swing dancing move in perfect harmony and are in sync during the whole act. Keeping a fast-paced beat, their moves are quite difficult to be replicated by any other contestant. The crowd simply loves them because they are not only excellent at what they do, but they are charming and have a smile on their faces that captivates the audience. We are not surprised they took the trophy for this performance.
Those familiar with the show know that the kids’ father was charged with child abuse and sentenced to 40 years in prison. The siblings are ready to move on and show the world their talent, as well as their music and dancing skills. One thing Jeremiah told TODAY was that their family’s trust in God was a guiding light.
“[Our beliefs were] definitely tested, but honestly our faith is what brought us through, and we’re so thankful that we had that.”
We hope all of the twelve Willis kids will have a bright future ahead because they deserve nothing less.
Take a look at the mesmerizing dance moves in the video below.

Woman’s Fateful Encounter With Foreign Hiker Prompts Call To Police

Nancy Abel and her family reside in the rural Washington area. The beautiful nature that surrounds their home is one of the reasons they love the place. Even though some people may assume living on the outskirts could be monotonous, that’s not really the case with this woman who enjoys going hiking now and then. Whenever she decides to explore the surroundings, she always makes sure she wears appropriate clothes depending on the weather, and has a back-pack full of supplies. Her journeys are usually pretty short and she doesn’t really meet many people while  hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, but that day was unlike any other.
Nancy could see a young woman walking down the path. She decided to approach the lady who introduced herself as Katharina Groene from Germany. She told Nancy how she started her journey from the Mexican border and was heading towards the Canadian. It was amazing how she managed to cross more than 2,500 miles, with only 150 to go. The Pacific Crest Trail is around 2,650 miles and it is assumed that it takes approximately the entire snow-free season, or around 5 months, to complete it walking from start to finish. The trail spans from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon, and Washington.
Nancy feared for this woman’s safety because the weather conditions started changing, becoming more severe. From what Nancy could see, Katharina didn’t have the right equipment to continue her journey. The snow was just around the corner and she didn’t even have snow shoes nor other appropriate cold-weather gear. Nancy later stated how she believed Katharina wasn’t really aware of the dangers this trip could bring, and wondered what would she do once she reaches the cold mountains of Canada. She tied her best to talk the hiker out of her intention, but in vain.
“In fact I told her, ‘If you were my daughter I wouldn’t let you do this,'”
Nancy said. But Katharina was determined to finish what she started and ignored the warnings.
As for Nancy, she couldn’t take the woman out of her mind. She was checking on the weather forecast all the time, and when she read how a heavy snowfall was about to hit the country, she simply had to call 911 and ask for help. When they asked her what the emergency was, she said there wasn’t any, and went further elaborating her concerns. The first responders also believed Katharina could be in trouble so they sent a helicopter in search for her. Unfortunately, their concerns were justified. The hiker was soaking wet, unable to light a fire, alone in the freezing weather in the mountains. If it wasn’t for Nancy she could have died alone with no one by her side.
“I’ll think of her as a hero for the rest of my life,”
Deputy J. Adams said.
Katharina spent the next couple of days at Nancy’s place and is beyond grateful she saved her life. She is now planning her trip back to Germany and says how she decided to hike the trail all by her self because she had lost faith in humanity, but now that faith is back “in a really big way” and stronger than ever. It was the mother’s instinct and her gut that made Nancy take things in her hands and save a life. Take a look at the whole story below and make sure you share it with friends.

Josh Turner’s Boys Sing With Dad’s Powerful Voice Onstage

It looks as though the saying “like father, like son,” in this case sons, suits Josh Turner’s loving family the best. Now if you think he is one hell of a singer then you have to listen to his kids performing. They are so great, it will give you chills. Josh is known as one of the most famous American country and gospel singers, a devout Christian, and a family man. His voice has touched the hearts of many, and now it’s turn for his children to follow into his footsteps. After you hear them singing, you’ll hope they pursue a career in music and continue their father’s legacy. The boys, Hampton, Colby, Marion, and Hawke, could be seen performing during a gospel ceremony. They got the chance to experience what it feels like to stand in front of a crowd and sing their hearts out, just the way their dad does.
Josh got involved into music form the time he was a young boy. He simply knew singing was his call after he started the group “Thankful Hearts” which was a gospel group that marked the beginning of his career as a country singer who made on the top lists. His name is not only known in the States, but worldwide. Performing at the Grand Ole Opry in 2001 was another significant moment that helped him boost his career. Besides his huge successes, Josh is a humble husband and a father who remains devoted to religion.
His seventh studio album consists of gospel music he often sings with his boys during religious services at their church.”I Serve A Savior” had been recorded at the Gaither Studios in Alexandria, Indiana and features appearances by Sonya Isaacs, Bobby Osborne, and Turner’s boys. People were eager to see the Turners performing together on stage, and the boys were so good that they made their parents proud. Although a bit shy, they still managed to sound as though they have been performing much longer. It’s not everyday that we see young people praising God the way this family does.
Take a look at the Turners doing what they know best, and that’s singing.

Dad Makes It His Mission To Embarrass Daughter Who Missed The Bus

Parents will do anything for their children, and although coping with a teenage kid can be exhausting and challenging, it can also be pretty fun at times. During college, children want to be independent, and they are sometimes ashamed to be hanging out with their parents. But this dad doesn’t really care. He want’s to be around his daughter, and like every other father out there, to embarrass her in front of her friends. Yes, you’ve heard that right, this dad has a great sense of humor and he decided to “punish” his daughter’s negligence in the most hilarious way possible. When she asked him to give her a ride to school because she missed the bus, he knew exactly what to do to teach her a lesson.
He quickly jumped into the car and headed towards Morgan’s school. He then took his phone out and started recording, making sure he spreads the word of his daughter missing the bus on her second day of school. And while he is having fun, Morgan keeps her hand high and tries to cover her face, but she can’t hide the smile as she listens to her dad making jokes on her behalf.
When they arrived, dad told her he was going to walk her to her classroom, then turned to the camera and said:
“My subscribers are going to love this!”
Morgan keeps laughing and says:
“You don’t have subscribers!”
Though that was pretty much true back then, after he posted the video online people loved it so much that it has been viewed more than 2 million times. Everyone loves this dad’s witty sense of humor.
Take a peek at Dad’s hilarious video below. We are sure Morgan won’t miss the bus anytime soon. If it makes you laugh, share it with friends.

Doctor Singing To Sick Patients Realizes Baby Girl Is Following Him

Little Sophia Romano Bueno is a lovely seventeen-month-old girl who spends significant amount of time at the hospital due to a rare form of an immune system disorder.  Spending that much time at the medical center and undergoing so many treatments can be both scary and boring in the extreme, but that’s not the case with the Ribeirao Preto Clinical Hospital in Sao Paulo where Dr. Paulo Martins works. He is really one of a kind and what he does for his patients is beyond adorable.
He thought it would be nice if the patients had some fun so he came up with the brilliant idea of entertaining them playing the ukulele. The moment Sophia heard a vibrant voice coming from the hospital halls, she immediately rushed to check who that was. The little girl caught wind of Dr. Martins amazing vocal skills and she was excited to see such an unusual instrument. Sophia made sure she didn’t miss any of the tones he produced by following him from room to room, looking at him with a dose of admiration.
This little angel was patiently waiting for the doctor at the hallway with a glimmer of hope that he will dedicate a song to her. Dr. Martins knew what the girl expected and it was fun how a grown up man could grow timid in front of a little girl. But that was because he didn’t really know how to play any kids songs and he certainly didn’t want to disappoint his most faithful fan. That’s when Sophia’s father told the doctor how she loved adult music and asked for a song that Dr. Martins knew. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she couldn’t wait to show her frisky dancing skills.
Once the doctor burst into song, Sophia started dancing swaying back and fort while tethered to the IV pole. Besides her condition, she had a real blast and made everyone around as excited as herself. The hospital staff couldn’t help but gather around the lovely dancer. Seeing her stomping her little feet, wearing sweet pink shoes was the best thing they’ve ever witnessed. Once the song finished, she encouraged the doctor to sing some more, and he simply couldn’t say no. Thankfully, this amazing interaction was caught on camera so everyone could see it.
Thanks to amazing Dr. Martens, Sophia and the rest of the patients could put their worries to rest at least for a moment. We pray for Sophia’s health and hope she will manage to cure completely.

Mom’s Surprised By Manager’s Response To Son’s Shoe Dilemma

This is one of those stories that warm our hearts and remind us that there are still good and compassionate people out there who use kindness to make our days brighter. Mother Natalie shares what happened on the day when her son Landon went shopping for his first ever normal pair of shoes. The boy was born with a condition known as club foot with one of his feet rotated upwards which resulted with the boy wearing casts and braces until the age of eight. You may assume it is quite challenging for a young boy to be facing this issue, so what happened at the Under Armour store really meant the world for both Landon and his mother.
Facebook/Natalie Ann
The boy was thrilled and was about to experience how it feels like to enter the store and pick the shoes you like the most not having to worry whether the brace would fit.
Facebook/Natalie Ann
The store manager Sean Kelly assisted Landon and showed him a bunch of shoes to choose from, and once he picked the model he liked the most, Sean measured the boy’s feet in order to get him the right number. However, what they heard next simply wiped the smiles off their faces. Due to different foot size, they had to buy two pairs of shoes, a size three and a size six. This made Landon quite sad, and his mom got a bit emotional and concerned because that meant paying double the price.
“Anyone who knows Landon knows he was born with a club foot and has struggled ever since the day he was born. As he grew older his right foot did, too. However, his left foot being casted so much did not allow his left to keep up. This is when I mentioned his disability he was born with, causing the huge difference. I struggled to hold back tears as I always do, but Landon loved these shoes so I knew regardless I was buying both. I made the comment, ‘Welp we buy both.'”
Facebook/Natalie Ann
Sean, the manager, could see that Landon really liked that pair, and he could also see how distressed his mother was, so he stepped in and made a generous offer.
“How about I buy a pair and you buy a pair?”
He simply took the money out and paid for a pair of shoes.
“Not that we wanted a hand out or couldn’t afford them, but he wanted to do this for a little boy who loved these shoes… Seriously, I’m amazed by how kind people truly can be, to make a kid smile.”
Facebook/Natalie Ann
Natalie couldn’t let Sean’s deed to be left unheard so she expressed her gratefulness in the best way possible. She wrote to the store telling them how their manager saved the day and didn’t let her son’s dream of buying his first normal shoes ever to be crushed. He was willing to see the boy smile and that was the best thing someone could do for Landon.
“Landon gave him a thank you card for being so kind. Sean ended up having a surprise up his sleeve for Landon. We went into the store and were looking for a few things and Landon mentioned I want a back pack from here for school. Here comes Sean with a backpack of goodies. Landon was pumped and so grateful. We were also told that Under Armour World Headquarters had given us 5 buy one get one free for shoes. Which is incredible. Some may see this as a small gesture but to us it’s huge! As if the first story didn’t tear at your heart strings, this only solidifies there are good people out there. Sean didn’t have to do this, Under Armour didn’t have to do anything. But people made things happen, to be kind.”
The story went viral and it made people aware of two things. The first is that an act of kindness, no matter how big or small, always goes a long way, and the other thing is that it raised awareness of the condition Landon was born with and how it affects children’s health and self-confidence. It even inspired other moms to join in and share their stories. Brittany Walls Canup wrote on Facebook:
“My 2.5 year old daughter has clubfoot. We have a difficult time finding shoes to fit. Her feet are 2 sizes difference.”
Sean did something amazing that day and he probably never imagined that so many people will learn of his kind deed. Please share this story with your family and friends. It may inspire someone to follow this manager’s example and help someone in need.

Assistant Chief of Police Anita Najiy Refuses Pledge Of Allegiance

The flag is a sacred symbol of a country, but it seems like Americans are attached to it more than any other nation. In a country that is a home of people with different political, social, racial, and geographic background, the flag has become a symbol that unites the citizens who share a unique homeland regardless all the differences .
After Assistant Chief of Police Anita Najiy (far left) refused to salute the flag, a fellow officer took action. (Photo Credit: Screenshot via YouTube)
American schoolchildren are expected to salute the flag in a formal ritual every day, and that speaks a lot about how much the Stars and Stripes are involved in the core values of each American. It’s somehow logical for us to expect from the military and the police officers to pay even greater respect to the flag under which they serve the country. That is why a police chief raised his concerns when he spotted a fellow colleague disrespecting the hardiness and valor, purity and innocence, and vigilance, perseverance and justice that the flag stands for after she stood silently and refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and place her hand over her heart during a ceremony. Unfortunately for the 32-year-veteran officer Anita Najiy, her colleague Fraternal Order of Police president Javier Ortiz noticed her apparent contempt for America and wrote a letter to her superior in which he questioned her ability to serve the country.
“If you’re not pledging allegiance to the United States, my question is what country are you pledging allegiance to?” Ortiz says. “Anyone who isn’t offended by that is not American, because when you become a U.S. citizen, you pledge allegiance to the .US.”
Ortiz strongly believed that Anita Najiy should have been disciplined and removed from her position as commander of the department’s Honor Guard.
Fraternal Order of Police President Javier Ortiz reported Anita Najiy for violating the department’s code. (Photo Credit: Screenshot via YouTube)
Ortiz also believed that being a Muslim, Najiy put her religion above the country and failed to perform her duties as an officer which he stated in the letter to Chief Rodolfo Llanes.
“I had false hopes that the MPD [Miami Police Department] would address the issue at hand. Assistant Chief Najiy practices in the Muslim faith. The MPD apparently is afraid to address this,” Ortiz said. “In the United States, you have the right to practice any religion and say whatever you want off-duty. When you’re in your police uniform, you are to be neutral.”
After Ortiz’s claims were refuted by the justification that Najiy was following U.S. Military code, which supersedes the city’s Honor Guard code, he went further saying that she should have behaved according to the code because she is an officer wearing a law enforcement uniform.
“Religious and political views have no business being reflected when wearing a police uniform,” Ortiz said. “There are plenty of police officers in our department that practice the Muslim faith and pledge allegiance to our country and have a problem with her defiance towards the United States.”
Najiy’s refusal to place her hand over her heart has sparked debate concerning a police officers’ rights and responsibilities. (Photo Credit: Screenshot via YouTube)
This incident and his attempt to bring to question Najiy’s actions marked officer Javier Ortiz a racist and he was strongly criticized for expressing his concerns and beliefs on the social media.
“We are appalled by the hateful comments that we have been forced to witness over the past several days,” Miami Community Police Benevolent Association President Ella Moore wrote. “Manufacturing issues to divide and call attention away from his own misdeeds seem to be a pattern of this FOP president, who does not appear to be up to the task of showing the true leadership benefiting his current position.”
The ordeal has sparked debate across the country whether Javier Ortiz was right denouncing Anita Najiy’s acting during the ceremony. Some people support Ortiz’s claims, while others believe that officers have the right to refuse to salute the flag without questioning their reasons for doing so. Would you take a stand for Ortiz’s or Najiy’s actions. Do you believe the country should be above everything? Please share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.  

19 powerful lessons from Robin Williams on life, love, money, and loneliness

Four years ago, the world lost one of the most adored artistic souls, the great Robin Williams. The news of his passing spread like wildfire and left huge number of devoted fans heartbroken. His vibrant personality and unique sense of humor made millions laugh. He never failed to amaze and captivate worldwide audiences with his one-of-a-kind performances. Some of his most memorable roles are that of Mr. Keating in Dead Poets Society, Peter Pan in Hook, Mrs. Doubtfire, therapist Sean Maguire in Good Will Hunting, and many more. The list is endless as he played more than 100 iconic roles. Robin Williams’ spirit will continue living through all the characters he played and the powerful words and messages he was spreading to people from all around the globe. No matter how much time passes by, he will always be dearly missed. Below are some of his most powerful and most influential quotes that will give you more optimistic  perspective on life.
Photo Credit: Everett Collection /
“You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” “The essential truth is that sometimes you’re worried that they’ll find out it’s a fluke, that you don’t really have it. You’ve lost the muse or – the worst dread – you never had it at all. I went through all that madness early on.” “No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” “Winning an Oscar is an honor, but, between you and me, it does not makes things easier.” “I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone.”

Photo Credit: travelview /
“Please, don’t worry so much. Because in the end, none of us have very long on this Earth. Life is fleeting.” “Tweets? That stuff kills conversation. And people taking pictures with their phone or recording you, sometimes surreptitiously, is creepy. They come up and just start talking to you, and you can see the red light on their phone.” “I do believe in love; it’s wonderful – especially love (the) third time around, it’s even more precious; it’s kind of amazing.” “Reality: What a concept!” “Politics is so personal, vicious and immediate, how are you going to get anything done? Even the local politics where I live have gotten so ugly.”
Photo Credit: Gocili /
“I’m sorry, if you were right, I’d agree with you.” “Sometimes over things that I did, movies that didn’t turn out very well – you go, ‘Why did you do that?’ But in the end, I can’t regret them because I met amazing people. There was always something that was worth it.” “Comedy is acting out optimism.” “Spring is nature’s way of saying, Let’s party!”
Photo Credit: Everett Collection /
“Cocaine is God’s way of telling you you are making too much money.” “Never pick a fight with an ugly person, they’ve got nothing to lose.” “Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love: these are what we stay alive for.” “You will have bad times, but they will always wake you up to the stuff you weren’t paying attention to.” “Good people end up in Hell because they can’t forgive themselves.
Please share these wise words with your loved ones!