There’s Scientific Evidence That Clutter Causes Anxiety

Has it ever happened to you to just sit right there in the corner of your living room, looking at all those things covering the sofa and the floors such as bunch of toys the kids didn’t pick up, or all the clothes placed on the chairs instead in the wardrobe, thinking how messy you place is? It does happen to many people, and according to science, being surrounded by clutter can be a major cause of anxiety. Whereas there are people out there who can function just perfectly in a cluttered environment, most of us find it pretty much upsetting. Scientists also argue that the state of your place is related to the state of your mind, when your surrounding is clean it reflects your thoughts and you are more calm. One mother who has brought up this question on a forum where mothers share their daily life experiences couldn’t believe how many other women share the same feeling, saying how clutter makes them nervous, anxious and causes depression. Psychologist Sherrie Bourg Carter wrote in an article for Psychology Today:
“Clutter can play a significant role in how we feel about our homes, our workplaces, and ourselves. Messy homes and workspaces leave us feeling anxious, helpless, and overwhelmed. Yet, rarely is clutter recognized as a significant source of stress in our lives.”
Source: How Does She
There are 8 major reasons why Carter believes this:
  • Clutter overwhelms us because it causes excessive stimuli so our senses go into overdrive
  • It distracts us from other things we’d like to focus on
  • It makes it harder to mentally and physically relax
  • It signals to our minds that our work is never done
  • It also causes anxiety because we have to think about how we are going to clean everything up
  • It can impede productivity and creativity
  • It makes it harder for us to find what we need and takes up space for doing other necessary things on our list
Source: MyLifeSuckers
However, it is interesting to mention that this doesn’t affect men the same way it affects women. The reason for this is that when women are surrounded be clutter the level of the hormone called cortisol increases, triggering stress, which is not the case with men. Sometimes, not being able to keep your place clean may also cause the feeling of guilt. We consider ourselves incapable to deal with our choirs and it makes us frustrated and decreases our self-esteem. According to Carter, these things can be eliminated if we follow some useful tips and tricks he suggests.
Source: Spouses Cleaning Houses
Here are some of those tips:
  • Get your family involved in cleaning. If you’re on your own, start in one space at a time before you move on to another so that you don’t get overwhelmed and can feel accomplished as you progress.
  • Create a specific space for your items so you’re more likely to keep the item in its designated space. It’s best to keep items in closed spaces so you don’t have to look at it.
  • Throw away things that you don’t use or that you don’t need. If you haven’t opened it or used it in a year, toss it!
  • Clean up your mess after you make it. It will give you a nice sense of closure and will be clean when you return to it.
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This ‘Unusual’ Set Of Conjoined Twins Was Born, But Take A Look At Them 16 Years Later

Sisters Macey, Mackenzie, and Madeline were given up for adoption right after they were born. Their parents couldn’t take care of them because they were drug abusers struggling with the addiction. The girls were welcomed by the Garrisons who already had three children of their own, all of which boys, Tyler, 20; Matt, 17; and Luke, 16. Darla and Jeff who had fostered many children so far knew they had to step in and provide the baby girls with the life they deserved. The family was perfectly aware that Macey and Mackenzie would need additional dedication, love, and support because they were born as conjoined twins.
“We had no idea what to expect – but they only needed someone who loved them. We got Madeline when she was four days old and Macey and Mackenzie came to us after four weeks,” Darla told Closer.
They always dreamed of having daughters so the girls fit in perfectly.
Source: Facebook
“We’d fallen in love with them. Our boys were so happy to have three sisters,” Darla told Closer.
Jeff and Darla’s life goal was to make sure the girls undergo the much needed surgery, so in 2003, they were successfully separated at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Two years after, the whole family moved to a farm in Indianola, Iowa. Macey and Mackenzie now use prosthetic in place of the leg they once shared. The girls are getting used to walking and they have a normal life, doing everything other kids do.
Source: Facebook
When they come across certain obstacles doing the everyday choirs they can always ask their sister Madeline to give them a helping hand.
“When they encounter something they can’t do,” Darla told People, “they don’t dwell on it too long.”
They have never ever considered quitting, but are determined to move on and achieve great things in life.
“The girls have succeeded through hard work and the commitment by their family. Their progression is wonderful and inspiring,” says Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Pediatric Surgeon James Stein, who performed the multi-staged separation in 2003.
Source: Facebook
Now, at the age of 16, the girls are full of life and ready to respond to any challenge or obstacle that comes along their way. They know they are loved and cared for by their parents, their brothers, and their sister. We hope they will have a bright future ahead. Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Family With Twins Overwhelmed By Sonogram Results

Life is full of surprises, and whether they are pleasant or not, we can’t prevent them from happening and leaving us stunned. Robert and Nia Tolbert tied the knot back in 2014 after ten years into dating. The couple had a three-year-old son, Shai, and Nia was pregnant with twins on the day of their wedding. They were both thrilled by the fact of having a large family, because that was something they both dreamed of ever since the moment they met. Soon after, the happy parents welcomed babies Riley and Alexander into the world. However, two years after the birth of the twins, the Tolberts were caught by surprise with the news they received.
Facebook/Nia Tolbert
Nia was expecting another baby. Although she was excited by the news, she was also a bit scared, because that would mean having to take care of four children, and we all know that’s not an easy thing to do. When the time for the first ultrasound came, the nurse asked Nia whether there were multiples in the family, and that’s when this mother-to-be figured out she was caring more than one baby. Nia left the exam room to use the bathroom, and what she heard when she returned was:
“There’s three. Baby A. Baby B. Baby C.”
This was huge, three babies were on the way. Nia could never in her wildest dreams imagine she could be having so many kids. But she couldn’t hide her excitement.
This was a real miracle, because conceiving naturally with triplets is not that common, especially if the mother have given birth to a set of twins before. However, Nia’s multiples were due to a condition called hyper-ovulation, in which more than one egg ovulates at the same time. Now the only thing she needed to do was to break the news to Robert.
Facebook/Nia Tolbert
He was totally flabbergasted, but as happy and as excited as his wife. He said:
“Oh I passed out. I hit the bed. I blinked twice, when I woke up I saw that some time had elapsed on the clock.”
It was going to be fun with so many kids in the house. Now Nia and Robert couldn’t wait to learn the babies’ gender. With three boys, they were secretly hoping at least one of the babies would be a girl, but it turned out they were going to have three daughters. The couple was over the moon. Robert noted:
“The house is officially balanced now, because the three boys they flock to their mother. They want to defend her. They don’t give her a second to breathe or do anything on her own. Now I have my own little posse. They will follow me, and protect me, and take care of me.”
Take a look at the video of the gender reveal party.

Boy Is Surprised By Ed Sheeran While Singing

Ellen DeGeneres really knows how to make our days. She is one of the best hosts whose show is really one-of-a-kind, featuring top notch celebrities and ordinary people with incredible talents or unusual stories. But it looks as though from all the people she hosted, little Kai is her favorite. She never misses a chance to invite him over to the show. His singing talent is what makes Ellen, and the rest of us, so fond of this boy who’s climbing his way up the ladder of success. When Kai first appeared on Ellen’s show he treated the audience performing Katy Perry’s “Roar.”
The way he sings, the gestures he makes, and that adorable smile on his face make it impossible not to love him. He simply enjoys at what he does best. This time he sings a song of one of his own favorite musicians, Ed Sheeran. He chose the Grammy Award winning song “Thinking Out Loud.”
Kai is so adorable that he even has a handmade gift for Ellen with handwritten messages of how beautiful she is and how much he loves her, which wins him a kiss from our favorite host. They talk for a while and then the moment we are all eagerly waiting is here. Kai starts singing, and we all get to enjoy. He closes his eyes and bursts out into song. The audience follows along with a loud applause.
As the performance is coming to an end, Ed Sheeran himself stands behind the little prodigy who has no idea what is going on because he is already deep into his singing.
Ellen can’t wait to see Kai’s reaction once he realizes who is standing next to him, and she goes all smiles. Ed does pretty much the same thing, and is flattered little Kai chooses to sing one of his songs. Kai finally discovering Ed has been there all the time is precious. This is definitely a must see.
Take a look at the surprise Kai got from Ellen and his idol in the video below.

Grandpa Stands In Formation With Two Granddaughters, Perform ‘Dance’ That Has Gone Viral

Grandparents are simply awesome. They take care of their grandchildren’s well-being the same way the parents do, but unlike mommies and daddies, they let the kids do whatever they want, they buy them a bunch of presents, and spoil them rotten. That’s why they are the favorite people in the life of the little ones. Spending time with the grandkids is believed to be very beneficial for the elderly because it reduces the chances of suffering from dementia or the Alzheimer.
Source: YouTube Screenshot
 An unusual sight of what might be the coolest grandpa ever and his lovely granddaughters was posted on YouTube and it stole the hearts of everyone who got to see the amazing dancing skills they possess. The three are outside in the park, walking and enjoying the day, when they suddenly break out in dance and gather the attention of the passersby who can’t hide their excitement. The whole thing is very fun and cute at the same time, because the grandpa is an excellent dancer. No matter his age, he shows some frisky dance moves that leave everyone is awe. The young girls, all dressed up in cute red dresses, follow along and are in perfect sync with grandpa.
Source: YouTube Screenshot
Dancing might be the best way of having fun and be healthy, and this man knows that best. He looks pretty young and is in top shape. According to the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine:
“Dancing may help people with Parkinson’s disease, which is characterized by rigid muscles, slowed movement, and impaired balance. Dancing may also be good for your mood. It has been shown to reduce depression, anxiety, and stress and boost self-esteem, body image, coping ability, and overall sense of well-being, with the benefits lasting over time. In one study, it even helped control ‘emotional eating’ in obese women who eat as a response to stress.”
Source: YouTube Screenshot
This is perfect for bonding with your grandchildren. It’s really some quality time these three spend together. It took quite some time practicing this breathtaking dance routine, that’s for sure, because they do it flawlessly, without any mistake. Watching them from aside makes it look as though dancing is a piece of cake, they do it with such an ease. The grandpa can stay active and make sure his granddaughters are having the time of their life. Another study published in Arts in Psychotherapy concluded:
“Dancing should be encouraged as part of treatment for people with depression and anxiety. Though other forms of exercise can have many of the same benefits, dancing is more appealing to some people, so they are more likely to stick with it.”
Source: YouTube Screenshot
If Grandpa continues to dance with his girls like this, he will likely have a healthy life ahead of him. Those who watched the video say this is the best shuffle they’ve seen recently, and one person even asks if the grandpa would like to adopt him. That’s how strong of impression he makes.
Source: YouTube Screenshot
We hope this won’t be the last time we see from this adorable family. They definitely know how to enjoy. The girls must be so lucky to have a grandpa like this, who won’t let them be bored at any time. We can’t wait for another stunning performance. Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Mom’s Stunned By Bakery’s Actions On Autistic Teen’s Birthday

The beauty of life is that whenever we feel down and lose faith in humanity along the way, someone crosses our path and restores it, teaching us that things aren’t as bad as they look. Kim is a mother of an autistic daughter who is a very special girl with a heart of gold. However, in today’s world, people don’t really care how nice someone is, as long as they are different, they don’t fit the standards of our society, which is really devastating, but sadly, that’s how many people react. This mother knows that best. She was over the moon with her daughter’s 11th birthday party, eager for Amy to have the time of her life. But, that day turned out to be one of the worst days they’ve experienced. None of the schoolmates she invited showed up. Amy was sitting there all by herself, with no friends around. That was the last time this mother threw a birthday party for her daughter.
When the time came for Amy to turn 13, Kim called a bakery to order a birthday cake. When Elizabeth Scott from Savage’s Bakery asked about the venue of the party, Kim told her how there wasn’t going to be any, and then explained why they stopped throwing parties and inviting people. Elizabeth simply couldn’t believe how a girl that young wouldn’t have a party, so she decided to take things into her hands.
She went beyond decorating a cake with a bunch of flowers Amy was crazy about, and wanted this girl to experience the joy of opening gifts, dancing, and singing. She told
“This spoke to my heart. I told her we would invite a bunch of folks and make it extra special.”
Elizabeth posted an invitation for Amy’s birthday party on the bakery’s Facebook page and envisioned a handful of people popping by. She reached out KultureCity, an organization that helps public places become more sensory-friendly for autistic people, in hopes they will come up with something special for Amy. Dr. Julian Maha, founder of KultureCity, has an autistic child herself and understands how these children are often treated by their peers.
“No one ever invites you to their birthday party and no one ever attends a birthday party for you.”
What Julian did was sort of amazing. She brought a brand new sensory activation vehicle to the bakery’s parking lot. There were lots of fun things inside of it that would also serve the purpose of calming down the children with autism.
“The other kids joined her in it, which relieved her anxiety, and then she went in after that and had a really good time at the party.”
Facebook/Savage’s Bakery
The party was a huge success, with a lot of people and kids attending it. Amy received many gifts, among which a colorful stuffed chicken that clucked which she loved the most. Elizabeth went a step further and took Amy inside her shop explaining how her cake was decorated. She made sure Amy gets her flowers and the best party she could ever ask for. Elizabeth told
“We made it a special day for her. Amy was all smiles, all day long.”
Kim was beyond grateful for what Elizabeth did for Amy. She was just a complete stranger who wouldn’t let a young girl spend her special day without guests to celebrate together with her. Julian on the other hand said how it was important for people to understand that autistic children are no different than the rest of the kids. They want to have fun as much as everyone else, and people like Elizabeth who are aware of this are those who make the change in these kids’ life.
“People like Elizabeth, for me, are the reason why we do what we do, because if we can convert someone like Elizabeth who really has no personal connection to disabilities and take that message of inclusion and acceptance to the next level, we’ve done our job.”
Take a look at the unique birthday party. This will make your day!

Mother Of Boy Dismayed When Asked To Leave During Girls-Only Playdate

Which was the right choice?

One mom reached out online to a parent advice columnist named Carolyn Hax, during a Washington Post live chat. She shared that she has a daughter, whom she frequently brings to a public park. One day while chatting with other mothers (all of them have daughters), another woman showed up at the very same park – with her son. The mom tried to ask both the woman and boy to leave if she would mind leaving as all of them had wanted their gathering to be ‘girls-only’. However, the boy’s mother did not take it well – she got angry at her. For the woman, it was important for mothers to spend time with their daughters without any males around. Gender was the main issue of conflict in this situation – how would Hax respond? The mom who voiced her concern expressed: “We live in a world where boys get everything and girls are left with the crumbs – and I would think this mom would realize that but she seems to think her son is entitled to crash this girls-only time.” Hax advised that shooing off the mother and her son was a terrible thing to do as it would hurt their feelings, regardless of gender. Girls are not always left with the crumbs, according to Hax’s response. She continued: “The adult you shooed off is a mom, possessor of the same crumbs you’ve been fed, no? So don’t you think she would have just liked to hang with some fellow moms in the park while she was out with her child?” True enough. Hax was right – a public park is for all to enjoy themselves. Instead, Hax’s suggestion was that the mother could have held her ‘girls-only’ gathering at a private location instead of a public place – if she had wanted some privacy. Do you agree with Hax? Share this story!

Officer’s Generousity For The Homeless Was Caught On Camera

It touched the hearts of many when he did that.

In Mesa, Arizona, one police officer named Kent Green protects and serves the local community very seriously. One day while out running, he had spotted a worn out homeless man rummaging through the trash, and worried about his safety. As it would turn out, the man had been looking through a dumpster for aluminium cans and glass bottles to sell. Once Green asked the man to step away from the dumpster, he noticed that this man’s very much worn out shoes. Green headed back over to his car and pulled out one pair of his own old running shoes, and gave it to him. It was a pair of extra sneakers he had while out running. Green had no idea that someone else nearby had been documenting his act of kindness all along- it was one of the complex’s residents named Jenny Crider. She took some photos of the scene along with a caption on social media –  the post ended up going viral after the Mesa Police Department shared it on their own page. The post read: “This man comes by our complex a few times a week collecting cans to earn money from recycling them. When I went to grab our mail, a police officer drove up and got out to talk to him. I honestly thought he was going to ask him to leave and stop going through the trash. When I came back home from getting the mail, the officer had brought out a nice, new pair of shoes to give to the man. It’s the simple, Christlike acts like this that give me hope in this world. Thank you Mesa Police for having such wonderful officers patrol the area!” Green woke up the next day, and was surprised with the overwhelming positive responses online. Green explains that his simple act of kindness is actually typical among his fellow officers, who tend to reach out to the local community in different ways. “It’s been overwhelmingly positive, humbling, and just awesome,” he remarked. Share this story!