Tim Tebow’s charities has given hope to so many children in need of love. This young athlete who is a devoted Christian has done the most amazing thing by founding an event that changes the lives of the young people with special needs. Night to Shine gives these teens a chance to understand how important they are and how dreams do come true. The event is organized in February as a prom party that hosts a great number of young people aged 14 and older.
Judy Adams was one of the guests of last year’s event sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation. Tim did for this very special young lady something she will never forget.
Judy asked Tim to be her prom partner during the event he hosted but he had to turn her down, and now he got on The Tonight Show elaborating his reasons he had to say no to the sweet offer. But he had something in his sleeve, a surprise that Judy didn’t expect. Tim really is a very special guy who never ceases to melt our hearts.
“She is so amazing and so inspirational, and she is here.” He called Judy’s name and approached the crowd, took her hand and asked her for a dance. Needless to say, the excited teenager gave him a resounding “Yes!”
Her mother couldn’t hold the tears back because this was her daughter’s dream coming true in front of her eyes.
This has to be the best prom dance both for Tim and Judy. Take a look at the touching moment in the video below.
Getting stuck at the airport between flights or because of a delay can be nerve-racking, mostly because it’s downright boring. If you are lucky to be traveling to or from some of the most exciting airports such as the Munich airport in Germany, then you can have fun because this one is a destination itself. It offers a behind the scene tours, you can watch films on aviation in the airport’s 60-seat cinema, or just stop for a teeth cleaning at the airport dental office.
But this group of passengers found themselves waiting at an airport in Malta, which is an ordinary one and doesn’t offer any specific type of fun, except for a couple of shops. However, these people were treated with something really unique. A piano performance by one of the famous composers and pianists who showed his talent in the middle of the lobby.
As everyone was either taking a quick nap, or staring on their phone’s screen, a man dressed in casual clothes, a shirt, comfy shorts, and slippers, approached the piano. Once he opened the lid and started moving his fingers over the keyboard, it was obvious it wasn’t going to be ‘just an ordinary day’ at the airport.
The man is actually a renowned composer who has around 70,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel. He makes his own music and treats the world with unique and ear-catching compositions. Evgeny Khmara gave the passengers a day to remember.
His amazing talent and the way he “plays” with the instrument caught the attention of everyone present. One by one, people started gathering around. Many took their phones out making sure they capture the amazing performance. The pleasant music put a smile on the onlookers’ faces who are clearly enjoying the melody.
Even the young kids who were playing and running around took their time to stop and listen to the enchanting sound. Everyone is watching with a rapt attention.
Evgeny’s performance was simply flawless. He is a true professional who does his best no matter if he performs on a stage or in the middle of an airport. Aside from making original music, he also does covers of famous songs. Playing on public places isn’t something he does for the first time. He has done it before simply because he wants making random peoples’ days. Evgeny is a great musician and a kind-hearted person. We would like to stumble upon one of his public performances.
We are sure the passenger didn’t get mad for the flight delay because they got to enjoy something very special.
Doing good is what makes the world go round, because when those around us are happy that makes us happy too.
It’s amazing how a good deed never goes unnoticed and how an act of kindness, no matter how small, always goes a long way and inspires others to become better people.
Maya Angelou explained what kindness really is, and we can’t agree more.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
The nice things we do for someone have the power to evoke feelings of gratitude that stay with the person in the years to come. That’s why we should all strive to be those people who make others feel good.
An anonymous note was left on a gate near a lake in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, recently. The note was written by a woman whose husband’s ashes were in the lake. This loving lady felt the need to visit her lover’s resting place and bring a rose as a sign that she has never forgotten about him, although he was no longer by her side.
This story has been shared on Twitter by someone from Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School Rowing club, who stumbled upon the note.
“Please can someone throw this into the lake for me?” the note’s simple request reads. “My late husband’s ashes are in the lake and I can’t get to the lakeside in my wheelchair anymore.”
This note was left on the gate at the water this afternoon. No name or number left but whoever you are, rest assured your rose is in place in the middle of the lake. pic.twitter.com/GAQcbQRSZJ
The woman left that note because she couldn’t reach the lake herself, and it was obvious it meant the world to her.
The kind person who stumbled upon her request took a photo of the rose floating the water. People who read the post said what the lady wanted to do for her late husband was very touching. One person wrote:
“I hope that this woman knows that her message went viral.”
It’s interesting how the person who fulfilled the woman’s wish tweeted about kindness days prior to the event.
“Another full day of rowing as usual but worth stopping for a second to recognise (sic) world mental health day, remember to look after each other, talk, and be kind.”
It’s so good to know that this person doesn’t only say how important it is to care for one another and do good, but actually does it.
We hope this story will make you do a kind deed whenever you are given a chance. Never forget that it may change someone’s life!
While growing up, young children experience lots of new things, among which fears of the dark or the freaky monsters hiding under their bed or in the closet. But this girl, however, is experiencing something more real and much scarier. Someone is secretly sneaking into her room during the night andstealing her toys while she’s sound asleep.
The parents knew they had to find out what was going on. They assumed their younger son was the little thief so they decided to take things in their hands and catch the ‘wrongdoer’ who left the poor girl terrified.
The Mosers decided to keep the girl’s room’s door locked so that her brother can’t enter and take the toys. However, when they realized that they toys kept vanishing they sort of panicked and decided to examine the matter even further.
What they did next was installing a camera that would catch the thief in action. It was placed on night mode so that they could clearly see how the toy bandit manages to enter the room.
The mystery is finally revealed, but in order for you to learn who the sneaky thief is you’ll have to watch the video and see it for yourself.
You’ll probably want your friends to see it too, especially those who have children or are planning to have in the future. Having them in our life is a real blessing, although they can be hard to handle at times.
Luckily for this family and their daughter, her toys are now safe.
Many times, public transport is a place where different sorts of people are found to be staying together, as well as the place where many women experience the so called “street” harassment.
A woman gets to Reddit, the online platform where people share their stories and jokes anonymously, and talks about her uncomfortable experience and what a random guy did for her.
This user that goes by the name of strawberry_luv posted this under the name “Thank you to the guy on the subway who could read my body language’. This is a proof that not all heroes wear capes, some are just fellow subway passengers who know how to sense if someone’s in trouble.
“I got on the 1 train here, and a man got on after me. (this happens everywhere) I had my keys between my hands but barely noticable because this guy has been standing behind me the whole 6 minutes i waited for the train. (calling me baby etc,) I sat down and he sat over me holding the bar and I felt so anxious like throwing up so I stood up near a bunch of other people holding the rail.
Then this guy says to me ‘hey Lauren. you going to Jeff’s dinner party too?’ I was confused for a sec because he was staring at me and my name isn’t Lauren. it took me like 10 seconds to even realize what he was doing. i said yeah. and he said ‘perfect timing we can walk together. what stop were you going to get off on” and I told him. then he says look what Jeff texted me and handed me the notes app which had ‘are you ok?’ and he kind of moved to side so i could write in it. I told him this guy was following me.”
The kind stranger got off at her stop and made sure she arrived at her friend’s place safe and sound. As for the stalker, he just had to quit after he realized the woman was not alone.
She confesses how she panicked about the whole thing and then added how grateful she was for what this mad did for her.
“I am so thankful men like him are out there and aware of situations like that. In New York most people really keep to themselves so thank you very much Michael wherever you are. I am sorry I made you late but you were like my guardian angel.”
Walking the streets or taking the subway all alone can be a scary experience for a woman, so you should always have a tactic in case someone decides to start stalking you.
However, we are glad there are still men out there who would step in for a lady in trouble.
Have you or someone you know ever experienced a similar situation? Share it with us in the comments section below.
If you ask people what the most annoying insect is, you are probably going to get the word mosquito as an answer. Even though it can come as a surprise, despite their irritating buzzing and the itchy bites, these tiny creatures can be useful at times. Especially when it comes to discovering original paintings that are worth staggering amount of money. Yes, you’ve actually heard that right. And if you wonder what the heck we are talking about just check the story of this young lady.
After her loving granny passed away she left her the painting that was hanging above the bed in her bedroom all her life. This meant so much to the lady that she wanted to keep it in perfect shape, which meant she had to get rid of the dried-up corpse of a mosquito that was glued on the painting. But once she took it out of the glass and touched it, her intuition told her that it could be a masterpiece she was holding in her hands.
She didn’t know whether she was right until she met Meredith Hilferty, a master appraiser who came to Harrisburg as part of the TV show series Antiques Roadshow. The young lady was only one of the bunch of people who showed up and waited in anticipation for their valuables to be evaluated.
“I took it out to the front yard and I opened it up to get the mosquito out, so I could take it with me to college, and then it kind of scared me a little. I closed it back up immediately because it looked like it might be real.”
The painting was signed by the French-born artist Henry Francosi Farny. His life story was an interesting one and that added to the values of his art work. The artist had been adopted into a Sioux tribe and his relationship with the Native Americans was strong. He had been given the tribe name Long Boots.
The painting, which was this lady’s grandmother’s most valuable item, depicted a group of Sioux members riding on horseback around the bend of a rocky mountain trail. The art is unbelievably detailed.
“Her dad, I’m guessing, would’ve given it to her after she spent the summer at a dude ranch when she was 19, in, like, the 40’s.”
The lady, as well as her grandmother, were told that it’s a replica of the original painting that’s worth not more than $200. But no matter the material value, this piece’s emotional value couldn’t be put a price on.
Meredith revealed that the piece was actually the original painting and was around 100 years old. Its true value was way more than they were previously told by other appraisals.
The lady’s reaction is priceless. She is left in disbelief when she realizes that a true historical treasure had been part of the family for so many years. And if it wasn’t for that tiny insect, she would never find out the truth.
Now it’s up to her to decide what she’s going to do next. Check the video to see how much is this painting worth it.
Alan Naiman was known among his colleagues and friends as a very modest and humble man who didn’t spend much money. He is also described as a loner who never got married and had no children but devoted his whole life to his job as a social worker.
Knowing that these people don’t really make that much money, his friends didn’t think he was exaggerating whenever he opted to duck-tape his torn shoes instead of buying a new pair. However, no one could ever imagine the real reason behind this thrifty man’s lifestyle until he lost the battle to cancer at the age of only 63. His secret gives a whole new meaning to the old saying that “it’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for.”
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Whenever someone would invited him out for dinner he would choose a fast food restaurant over a nice sit-down place, and even waited in front of the deli around closing time to grab some cooked food for less money. That’s how careful he was with his spending habits.
However, him being considered “stingy” by some didn’t overpower the fact that Alan Naiman was a very special person who was aware of the hardships vulnerable children suffered, among which his brother with a developmental disability Alan rarely spoke of. He even fostered children in need of home while he was younger, and apparently they were the reason behind his thrift way of living.
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When Alan left this world, he left something behind. To everyone’s surprise, this man managed to save quite a fortune during his lifetime. He sacrificed a life of luxury and abundance just to have enough for the number of charities that helped the poor, sick, disabled, and abandoned children.
The sum he had put aside were staggering 11 million dollars. Each penny of that money ended at the right place.
Many of the organizations that got a part of Alan’s funds didn’t even know him. But he knew how much they needed someone who will do their best to ease their hard life. According to CTV News, Barbara Drennan, founder of the Pediatric Interim Care Center said:
“We would never dream that something like this would happen to us. I wish very much that I could have met him. I would have loved to have had him see the babies he’s protecting.”
Barbara’s organization got 2.5 million dollars. This particular organization helps newborns and babies of drug-abusive mothers wean off their chemical dependence. She remembers she and Alan spoke on the phone regarding a case while he was still working as a social worker but she never met him in person. She only knew that he was the most generous man ever.
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He left $900,000 to the Threehouse foster care organization that took care of the kids he once fostered. This organization provides children in need with toys, clothes, school supplies, and other necessities. Jessica Ross, Treehouse’s chief development officer couldn’t believe that one man could be so committed to serving a higher calling:
“The frugality that he lived through, that he committed to in his life, was for this. It’s really a gift to all of us to see that pure demonstration of philanthropy and love.”
Alan will be forever remembered for the life he led and the amazing reason behind it. A man with a heart of gold who put other’s happiness on the top of the list of his life priorities.
It’s a pity he was never given the recognition while he was still alive. Although he isn’t among us any longer, his deed will live forever.
Joe Serna has spent a significant part of his life serving the country. He had taken part in the Afghanistan war. The courage he showed in the battle field brought him Three Purple Hearts.
However, this war veteran was going through tough times after he returned to his home country and had troubles adjusting to the life he left there after he joined the military.
In hopes of dealing with the stress, Serna turned to the alcohol and that decision lead him to the Veterans Treatment Court which helps struggling veterans get back on track.
The judge conducting the Green Beret veteran’s trial was a veteran himself. Because Serna violated his probation and faked his urine test, judge Lou Olivera sentenced him to a night in jail.
However, recalling everything a member of the military goes through while deployed, made Judge Olivera empathetic and he simply couldn’t let Serna spend the nigh all by himself.
“When Joe first came to my court, he was so tight,” Olivera says. “His shoulders were so tense. Over time, you could see his shoulders relax.”
Serna knew it was going to be the longest and most difficult night of his life, as she started thinking of the fellow companions who lost their life in a devastating incident. Anxiety gripped him and flashbacks began to play in his mind as the door closed behind him.
While he and three other soldiers were driving, the road gave way and they ended up into the water. They knew all hope was lost when the truck started filling with water.
With tears rolling down his face, he says how he was the only survivor.
Olivera then did the most amazing thing. He accompanied Serna to the cell and told the guard that he was about to spend the night there as well. Those who witnessed what happened were left speechless.
“Joe was a good soldier and he’s a good man,” Olivera said. “I wanted him to know I had his back. I didn’t want him to do this alone.”
Serna felt relieved when he saw the familiar face getting closer.
“When he came in, I knew everything was going to be okay,” recalled Serna.
The two war veterans spent the entire night talking about their service, their families, and their lives.
Judge Olivera knew Serna was a good man who had to face the consequences of his behavior, but he wasn’t willing to let him do it alone.
“He is a judge, but that night, he was my battle buddy,” Serna said. “He knew what I was going through. As a warrior, he connected.”
This judge and this story remind us that the soldiers who spend time deployed serving our country don’t have it easy adjusting to the life once they retire. They do so much for us and our well-being that the least we can do is pay them respect the way Olivera did.
Or simple “thank you for your service” might be enough and can mean so much to them, especially when they face rough periods in life.