A couple named Randy and Alicia Atkins shared a special yet unique moment together, with proof in the form of a photo in which most parents would just shake their heads and gasp at – it was not something everyone would commonly experience. Plus, it happened during a surgical procedure. While Alicia was giving birth to their daughter which required a C-section, her husband Randy Atkins had been informed, much to his surprise, by one of the doctors – that their daughter had grabbed onto his finger during the surgery! A very bewildered Randy took it upon himself to see the moment with his very own eyes and take a commorative photo of that phenomenon. Little did he know that soon the picture would go viral once uploaded on social media. “The doctor called me over and said, ‘Hey, she’s grabbing my finger.’ So I ran over there and just grabbed the shot and I was just in awe looking at it. It was such an amazing picture,” recalled Randy Atkins. His wife added: “It was all the doctor could talk about for weeks.” Alicia mentions that her doctor even has his own canvas print of the photo.
The Atkins couple had dearly named their daughter Nevaeh, which actually meant Heaven, spelled backwards. The hospital staff discussed with the Atkins about that moment, as if there was something almost spiritual about the picture of their daughter holding onto the doctor’s finger before she was born. Naveah is the newest addition to their family, with two older siblings. The photo has since gained more than 1,000 likes on Facebook. Alicia even got a few monetary offers from organizations who even expressed great interest in buying he photo!
Her catchy and out-of-this-world vocal isn’t the only thing remarkable Susan Boyle stands behind. Her taking part in one of the most popular music shows, Britain’s Got Talent, and showing the whole world that what really matters is what’s inside was enough inspiration for many “ordinary” people to show the world their own talent. She made millions believe that they can change the world and trust in themselves, just like Susan did.
It feels like yesterday when this fierce lady told the world how she wanted to become a professional singer like Elaine Paige. The audience that took her for granted regretted their cynical attitude once she let her voice loose and charmed the 10 million viewers.
Screenshot via YouTube
This time, nine years after she first took the stage, she appeared on America’s Got Talent’s series “The Champions” where she got to sing in front of Simon Cowell once again.
She chose to be a champion for those who lack self-confidence, those who are ignored, and those with unfulfilled promises.
She opted for “Wild Horses” by the Rolling Stones and filled the place with incredible emotions she poured into the amazing performance. Both the audience and the judges were thrilled and enjoyed Susan’s singing. At the end, everyone was on their feet, giving her standing ovation.
Screenshot via YouTube
“You’re the one,” says Simon, the one that is the definition of the show, he explains.
“You know what, Susan,” Simon said, “I can’t think of any other contestant who has defined this show better than you, I’m being honest with you. You’re the one. You’ve made a huge difference to a lot of people’s lives and I’m absolutely thrilled that you’re here.”
Susan earned herself a golden buzzer given to her by Mel B who believes it’s something she truly deserves. It’s sort of a recognition for all the years she treated us with her talent. Way to go Susan!
Make sure you listen to her performing in the video below.
Grandparents have a very special place in the life of their grandchildren. They are the most loving people who enjoy spoiling the little ones rotten, by giving them a resounding YES any time they ask for a new toy, or want to go outside and play. Being lucky to have a grandma and a grandpa in your life means having someone you can always rely on.
It has been scientifically proven that those grandparents who spend certain amount of time around their children’s children live longer and have a more fulfilled life. We do believe this is true!
If you are a grandparent then you will definitely agree with some of the best quotes that describe this unique relationship, and if you are not, we do hope you’ll get to experience this kind of love in the years to come. Enjoy!
I don’t think there is a single person who doesn’t move along the rhythm of the addictive River Dance music. The unique Irish dancing style was introduced to the general public and gained its popularity during the Eurovision song contest of 1994. If there was someone until then who would say the Irish dancers keeping their upper body straight while performing are not presenting anything special, Michael Flatley and gracious Jean Butler changed all that.
All of a sudden, this style enchanted the whole world by storm and became so popular that now millions of people are eager to get a ticket for the Riverdance show which is now the most successful dance productions in the world.
The lively rhythm is so contagious that even young children follow it with ease. This fun and inspiring music made this lovely baby go for it and treat us with the most adorable step dance moves. It is bound to make you smile and want more.
The sweet cutie pie is simply mesmerized by the Celtic music her mother plays in background. It might be that this music and the skillful motion runs in the DNA of the Irish people. They have to be born with it. As for this lovely girl, she is definitely a Riverdancer in the making.
Keeping her upper body straight and doing some crazy dancing with her legs, makes her a real “pro.” She taps her tiny feet in the beat as though she is a part of a step dancing competition.
No training, just an incredible instinct! It simply comes natural to her. It’s obvious she’s going to love the traditional dance.
Make sure you check the way she does it, and pass it to someone who is into good Irish tune. She will melt your heart.
Every bride out there deserves a picture perfect wedding she and her loved one will never forget. This day is all about the two sweethearts who decided to devote the rest of their days to one another.
But this wedding ceremony was unlike any other. Neil and Tricia planned every single detail and made sure their guests had a great time, but at the end they were the ones who were given the ultimate surprise and a day to remember.
A voice could be heard coming from behind and soon the lovely melody of “How Great Thou Art” filled the air with love and everyone was left in awe. Tricia shed tears of excitement. She couldn’t ask for a more beautiful ceremony.
The surprise was organized by the bride’s best friend who asked for the help of the local celebrities.
This is not the first time we hear a rendition of this heart-touching song, but it’s definitely the only time people are holding candles during the amazing collective performance.
This wedding we’ll be talked about in the years to come. Staggering number of more than 8 million people saw the unique performance that won’t leave anyone fee; casual about it.
Take a peek at the video below. This can’t get any better.
The reality is that no matter how hard you try to nail at your parenting style, you are likely to end up with a child that throws tantrums every now and then. The reason behind this behavior is not that you failed in raising them right, but because they go through stages while growing up and getting mad and acting stubborn are just one of them.
However, knowing this doesn’t really help parents deal with the embarrassment when their kid decides to throw a tantrum at a public place. These kinds of situations can be a bit awkward and no matter how moms and dads try to deal with the issue, they’ll be regarded “bad parents” by the onlookers. Well, at least by those who don’t have children on their own.
If you decide to ignore them, people will say you are not a good parent because you are not taking things into your own hands, if you try to calm them down that would probably make them scream even louder, and if you yell at them back, oh boy, you are definitely not getting the parent of the year award. To be honest, parents don’t have it easy.
Brianna Lelos, a Massachusetts mom, felt uneasy after her little girl decided to tell the world that she hated doing shopping that day. She made it clear enough by screaming and sitting on the ground. She simply refused to move.
Just when Brianna though she had it enough, an employee named Liliana decided to step in and try to calm the child down. She took the time to sit on the floor herself and kept the toddler company until she was ready to get back to her mommy again. The incident took place at the Target store in Wilmington.
Twitter/Brianna Lelos
Briana felt glad and very thankful. She didn’t expect for this loving and caring young lady to stop doing was she was doing and step in. This mother felt the urge to share the story on Twitter.
“To Liliana of the Wilmington, MA @Target store: Thankyou. I *think* every parents knows the feeling of their toddler/any age child having a tantrum in the middle of the store……”
Briana thanked Target for having such considerate employees who make sure the customers feel welcome and enjoy their shopping.
Facebook/Boston 25 News
Liliana did an amazing thing. It has been said that “it takes a village to raise a child” and we can’t agree more. Every parent out there deserves a bit of support and help every once in a while, and Liliana knew exactly what she needed to do.
So, whenever you stumble upon a child throwing a tantrum with a struggling parent by their side, don’t judge their parenting but try to do what Liliana did. Help!
In the past, the medical community associated depression with adulthood, but the reality is very much different. Many young people are likely to suffer from this condition during their teenage years. Around 11% of all the teens in the U.S have experienced an episode of depression.
Depression, as a condition, is characterized by persistent sadness, despair, and hopelessness. Although teenagers can be moody at times, this is something way more serious, and it’s crucial for it to be recognized at the early stage.
These people are overly critical of themselves and feel worthless. They can even have suicidal thought and usually isolate themselves from the rest of the world.
Photo by Kat Jayne from Pexels
People should be aware of the signs that lead to depression and learn how to cope with it, mainly by seeking friendship and trying to be around people, because stumbling upon considering individuals may help in their fight. That was the case with the 16-year-old girl from Waterloo, Iowa. She visited a hair saloon after weeks spent in bed.
The girl told the hairdresser how she didn’t wash nor combed her hair in weeks, because she didn’t feel like doing anything except for being locked in her room. Needless to say, her hair was in an awful condition. It was unlike anything the hairdresser has even seen before.
Kayley Olsson via Facebook
The girl had a simple request. She wanted her hair shaved or cut really short, because she was well aware there was nothing could be done. But 20-year-old stylist Kayley Olsson knew better than that. She felt she had to take things in her hands and give this girl a makeover to remember. Maybe that could help boost her self-confidence. She knew it would take hours to untangle the hair, but she also knew it would be worth it.
Kayley told the BBC:
“Cutting her hair was absolutely not an option for me. I knew right then and there that we had to keep as much hair as possible.”
Photo of Olssen via Facebook
Kayley and her fellow stylist Mariah spent total of 13 hours combing the girl’s hair.
Photo of Wenger via BBC News
Of course, the process was painful, but they wouldn’t let the girl give up or feel like a burden:
“It took a lot of encouraging words, reassurance, and just plain conversation to take her mind off of the pain involved in removing the matting and to boost her self esteem and confidence.”
The two stylist knew how it felt like to be facing with mental issues and they could relate to their client.
“I was able to very closely relate to her mental health problems and the daily struggle that comes with them, due to my struggles with postpartum depression and anxiety,” explained Mariah.
“I understood how it felt to feel worthless – a child should never feel like that. I knew I had to help her, just like people helped me. We all deserve to feel beautiful.” Kayley said.
The girl was very excited. That wasn’t only a hairstyle change, but a life change that would hopefully make her feel good about herself again. She was now ready to get back to school without being mocked about her appearance.
Kayley posted about the incident on her Facebook page, reporting that the girl’s final words to her were:
“I will actually smile for my school’s pictures today, you made me feel like me again.”
The Facebook post has been shared more than 79 thousand times and received more than 200,000 reactions.
Kayley Olsson via Facebook
Teen depression can be a result of a stressful home environment, poverty or violence in the family, the loss of a close friend or a relative, learning difficulties, or peer bullying.
These teens avoid social events, have lack of focus, are usually exhausted, and even suffer from insomnia. The list of reasons, signs and symptoms is however much longer.
If you know someone who is facing this condition you can encourage them to seek professional help. If you want to learn more about what teen depression looks like and some ways you can help kids cope, the Mayo Clinic has resources available here.
Being a woman means having so much on your plate. Constantly torn between a bunch of commitments such as running errand, looking after the kids, making sure the place is in perfect order, pursuing a career, and a lot more, many women don’t have the time for themselves. Years pass by, and when they look in the mirror they realize it’s been a very long time that they haven’t chained their wardrobe, or their hairstyle.
One mother from Virginia found herself trapped in the same style and desperately needed a change.
Michelle Moyers, 48, made the first step towards her new life by loosing 40 pounds. However, she needed a push from some professionals so she found herself at TODAY’s plaza holding a sign saying: “I lost 40lbs & still Going!!! 30th Class Reunion next month.”
This mother was over the moon when the Ambush crew approached her and told her she was getting the much needed makeover.
They started with her long hair that hadn’t been cut in years. That pile of hair was now turned into nicely shaped waves and highlights.
Her baggy clothes found their way into the trash. Her figure will now be accentuated with some brand new clothes.
It’s amazing how the looks of Michelle was changed in such a short time. She doesn’t resemble the lady of a couple of days ago. This makeover shed a few years off her face. We wonder if her classmates will be able to recognize her at the reunion.
But the best part is yet to come. Her new look is about to be revealed in front of her friends and her son Daniel. He has been very supportive of his mom during the whole process and now he can’t hold his tears back. He’s so happy for his mother, because he knows she deserves this.
“You look amazing, Mom. You look so beautiful!”
This is really sweet, a mother-son moment that left us feel pleased.
Take a look at the whole makeover process in the video below.