Toddler Performs With Brass Band In New Orleans

I don’t think there is anyone out there who doesn’t appreciate good music. Many times, even if we are not in the mood of singing or dancing, we find ourselves lightly moving around in the rhythm or mumbling the lyrics once our favorite song comes along. 

Take this lovely boy for example. He got into his role of a musician so much that he managed to put huge grin on the onlookers’ faces. Looking at him rolling will melt your heart. The band is more than happy to let him join them in. 



Little Boone and his mommy Stefanie are from Pensacola, Florida but they were taking a trip to New Orleans where they stumbled upon the performance by the band of jazz musicians who are well known to the New Orleans residents. “Where Ya At Brass Band” got together back in 2010 and are making the crowd happy ever since. They performed at the 2014 NBA All-Star Game, the 2013 Texas Music Festival, and the 2016 Jazz Musical Press Conference. 

The Jackson Square was the place where all the fun was that day. 



Passersby were stopping to enjoy the incredible sound coming from the square, but none could imagine that the show they were putting on will become even more entertaining with another member joining in. 

Cute Boone was holding in his tiny hands an object resembling a trumpet and confidently started “playing” on it as he approached the band members. They accepted the boy with a smile and were glad he decided to add to the fun. 

One of the musicians squatted behind Boone while blowing his trumpet and that made the boy swaying his hips while blowing his “trumpet.”

Everyone enjoyed the sight, including Stefanie who couldn’t hold her laughter back. She was so proud of her son. He didn’t mind performing in front of an audience, and acted as though he had done it countless of times before. 

One of the people who witnessed the cute performance recorded it and posted it on YouTube. 



The crowd couldn’t stop clapping as the band let Boone steal the show by putting him in the limelight. After a while, Stefanie thought it was enough “playing” for that day so they both thanked the band members and left. 

As they were leaving the square, Boone didn’t stop “playing his trumpet.”

Everyone agrees that this toddler is one-of-a-kind. Not every child his age has the courage to stand in front of a bunch of people and pretend to play the instrument. He is a real star in the making. 

Girl sings Lady Gaga song and stuns her partner

We all agree that the singing competition shows such as Britain’s Got Talent and X Factor catch our attention because we are eager to discover new talents the way the judges are. Whenever someone takes the stage we wonder whether the next Susan Boyle is about to shine and steal our hearts. 

However, we often forget how many people who are extremely talented don’t even take part in such shows. Although we are aware of this, we are still a bit surprised when someone really talented comes along our way, like this adorable choir from Ireland. Even though their vocals are exceptional,  the video of them performing at a Christmas concert vent viral for another reason. 


The members from the Mount Sion Choir in Waterfowrd performed the song “Shallow” from the movie “A star is born” which requires out-of-this-world vocal skills to be completed at least close to the original. 

Luckily, Jessica Reinl and Christopher Halligan posses energetic voices that filled the room with amazing energy. Their singing was accompanied by the soft sound of the piano which made the whole experience even more enjoyable.  

Facebook/Mount Sion Choir

Chris started singing first, and when the time came for Jess to let her voice loose something really sweet happened. Her singing partner Chris started smiling, feeling all proud of the way she performed her part. It was as though he was hearing her voice for the first time. His reaction was spotted by everyone around and they all agreed it was a fun one.

Some even say that the big grin on his face was a result of his nervousness because he was performing in front of a bunch of people whose eyes were all looking at him and his fellow friends. 

When they sang together, their voices blended in a perfect harmony and they created a real pleasure for the eyes and ears of everyone present at this Christmas show. The video of the beautiful performance has been seen by millions of people. 


It looks like this Lady Gaga’s song was the real deal for this choir that gained a lot of followers that day. They are planning on releasing a single with the help of the Irish singer and a songwriter Don Mescall. It will be for the benefit of The Solas Centre in Waterford, Can Teen, and Can Care 4 Living.

And as we all agree that their talent is truly amazing, it’s Chris’ reaction that made the whole thing more memorable.

Toddler embraces stranger when he notices they have something in common

The need to be around other people and share our emotions with those who we believe are similar to us is what makes us human beings. The connections we make during our life time define us and speak a lot about us as individuals.

A woman from Orlando experienced the most heartwarming encounter in her life. An adorable young boy approached her and felt the need to treat her with a hug. Why? Because he believed they were the same.

“The Lucky Pin Project” is a non profit organization that enables meet-ups for people with limb differences. The emotional moment took place during one of the events they hosted, where lovely Joseph Tidd was with his parents.

As he was making everyone around smile with the sweet “good-byes” he was sharing around, the 1-year-old boy’s attention was captured by the 34-year-old Amy Siesel, from Mexico.

Why this young mom was so appealing for Joseph is because she had an undeveloped right arm which was a result of a side effect of the medicine her mother was taking while she was pregnant with her. Lovely Joseph was missing his left arm, so seeing someone with the same birth defect made him come closer.

Amy greeted her new pal in the cutest way possible, by rising her arm for a fist bump.

Everyone around agreed how amazing it was for the boy to feel the connection with someone similar to him. It was as though he knew Amy for a long time. This kind soul felt the need to give Amy a hug. She was overwhelmed with emotions and couldn’t believe how deep this simple gesture affected her.

This meeting was something both of them needed badly. Amy was pleased to show the boy that he wasn’t alone and that’s something his parents appreciated very much.

As she was holding Joseph in her arms, their affected limbs were touching as though they were doing fist bumps. The reason behind Joseph’s undeveloped arm was a condition that prevented it from getting fully developed while he was still in his mommy’s womb.

However, Joseph is very lucky to have caring parents like Colleen and Miles who do all in their power to make him feel accepted. They want to teach him that not having an arm doesn’t make him less worth or any different than the rest of the world. That is why they support initiatives like the one organized by “Lucky Fin Project.” It’s a great way for their son to get to bond with people, many of which have the same condition as him.

This encounter is something you don’t want to miss.

Tim Tebow Fans Can’t Believe His Big News With Miss Universe

One of the most adorable American couples are engaged and the fans from all over the country are going crazy. Miss Universe Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters said YES, and we can’t be more excited for her and her fiancé Tim Tebow.

These devoted Christians fell in love during an event hosted by Tim’s foundation and they became inseparable ever since. 


Demi-Leigh’s sister is a girl with special needs and she was part of “Night to Shine,” a prom-like occasion that hosts young teenagers with certain disabilities, and makes them feel extra special by walking on a red carpet and being treated like queens and kings. The one when the two sweethearts first met took place in Demi-Leigh’s home country South Africa.

The moment they laid eyes on each other, they knew they were meant to be. Their devotion to God and the faith they live by is only one of the things they have in common.


Tim shared with PEOPLE details about the romantic proposal. Although they dated for a short period of time, he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life by her side.

He invited her to his family farm outside of Jacksonville, Florida where he had set up an arbor and a custom designed bench engraved with the date the couple first met.

Tim proposed saying: “Demi Leigh Nel-Peters, I love you. Demi Leigh Nel-Peters, will you marry me?” and that was a moment to remember. To be honest, that 7.25-carat solitaire ring suits her perfectly.

“This ring is internally flawless. Just like you.”


As though this wasn’t enough surprise for the day, Tim arranger South African singer Mattew Mole to serenade the lovely couple one of their favorite songs.

“I actually wasn’t really nervous. I was excited. I wanted everything to be perfect and to go smoothly. But I wasn’t nervous to actually ask her.”

He couldn’t wait to share the big news with his fans by posting a cute photo on Instagram.

“Thank you for saying YES and making me the happiest man in the world. You’re the love of my life, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

She posted the same photo with the following caption:

“Any dreams I’ve ever had, you’ve exceeded them all! I love you and I can’t wait to spend forever with you! @timtebow.

But what’s a moment like this if you don’t share it with those that mean the world to you. Their family and friends were all there to congratulate the newly engaged couple.


They have spent a great day together, cherishing and celebrating the love of Tim and Demi-Leigh. Her father suggested the guests to make a circle around the couple and pray for their life together. It was an emotional moment that united the two families even stronger.

They have same plans for the future and know they’ll continue their life mission of helping the less fortunate and be valuable part of the community.

Tim and Demi-Leigh, we wish you an amazing life ahead!

When a police officer overheard a guy treating his date terribly, an epic dialogue took place

When you notice a person in trouble, you feel the urge to step in and help. That’s exactly what a Reddit user planned on doing after he overheard a guy threatening the girl he was out on a date with. But as he wanted to head towards the couple, a man came closer and said, “I have this.” What happened next is sort of amazing and restores our faith in humanity.

Below is the post.

So, possibly one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. I mean you know how you hear the “women want him, men want to be him” stuff in old movies? Well I’m a man and by god I wanted to be this guy. Anyway!

I’m having dinner with my girlfriend at the time, and behind us are a couple on a date. It is not going well. Guy was being rather creepy and making some pretty inappropriate comments, the girl doesn’t look at all comfortable.

The girl finishes her appetizer really quickly, my guess is she wanted to get it over with. Guy proceeds to comment on it and says “well, least I know you can swallow right?”. Loudly.
Girl goes red and tells him that isn’t appropriate, he literally waves his hand in a “shoo” type motion and says “oh calm down I was going to find out in a few hours anyway”.

I missed her exact reply as she moved to a hushed tone, but it was fairly obvious what was being said – f*ck no, f*ck off, f*ck this. He responded with “sweetheart I picked you up, I know where you live”. She lost the color in her face and said nothing.

I’m not one of those “get involved” type of people, but there is no way I’m sitting here watching this go down. I get up. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I’m 23, fighting fit and happy to put that motherf*cker through a wall.

I was halfway out of my chair when a hand came down on my shoulder and I look up to this mid-50s but super fit guy who says “Easy.. I’ve got this one son”. Absolute, total confidence in his voice..

He walks over, grabs a nearby chair, flips it around and sits down with the couple. Then.. he pulls out his police ID and puts it on the table. Now the guy doesn’t have any color in his face.

Cop: “So, I’m quietly celebrating my daughters birthday with my family when I distinctly hear you threaten this young lady, would you care to explain yourself?”

Guy: “I, ah, well, um, you see..”

Cop: “That’s what I thought. Now see, we take a very dim view of that kind of thing, so right now I’m deciding if I want to have some of my buddies come pick you up.”

Guy: “oh no well that…”

Cop: “But that would disrupt everyone’s dinner, so how about you hand me your ID, because I wouldn’t want you running off on me, then you go see one of the staff here and settle your bill.. the full bill now, this young lady shouldn’t go hungry on account of your poor behavior. Or we can go with the first option, I’ll leave it up to you.”

Guy: “No no! That’s perfectly fine!” *hands over ID, gets up and walks very quickly in the direction of the counter*

Cop: *while writing down the guys details* “Sorry about that miss, I hope I’m not intruding it just seemed like you could use some help. Oh and don’t worry, if you want to pursue this further I’ll have some of the boys pick him up on his way home, we can definitely take this further.”

Girl: “No, thank you so much, I wanted to run out 30 minutes ago but he drove me here”.

Cop: *shifts from hard-ass cop to comforting father figure in about half a second* “Well I’m here with my daughter, she’s about your age, perhaps you’d like to finish your meal with us? We can take you home afterwards if you’d like, unless you’d prefer to call someone else?”

Girl: “Oh.. that would be really nice.. thank you so much!”

*guy returns, so does the cop*

Guy: “Uh so, I’ve paid the bill, if I could have my ID back..”.

Cop: “There you go.. now I have your details right here so I highly recommend you don’t go near or contact this young lady ever again.”

Guy: “Yes yes of course, I’m so sorry!”

The guy pretty much fled the restaurant, the girl went and sat with the cop and his family and by the time we left they were still sitting around talking and laughing about random crap.

It was hands down the best way I have ever seen anybody handle any situation, ever.

That cop is my hero.

We believe the cop acted the best way possible and couldn’t handle the situation any better. Would you do anything differently?

Police Rip Open Attic Crawl Space Nailed Shut, Find Missing 6-Year-Old Locked Inside

After the mother of 6-year-old Braedence Jones from Camden County, Missouri failed to return him to his father, Ryan Jones, the boy has been reported missing. According to Lake Expo, the father court-ordered custody of the child and that’s when everything started. From that moment, no one knew where the boy could be.

Both the father and the authorities were deeply concerned for Braedence well-being because his mother’s boyfriend, Ferguson, whom they assumed was near the child, was a convicted felon.

The search for the little boy went on for almost six months. He was found after following a tip from the U.S. Marshals Service Midwest Violent Fugitive Task Force, KTVI reported.

The case of Braedence got the public attention and everyone was praying for the boy to be found safe and sound. These kinds of cases affect people very deeply because the lives of young children are in question.

Many people offered their help and there was a Facebook page “Help Bring Braedence Home” where people could share any information that could help officers track the boy down.

The search was finally over when Braedence was located inside a home around 30 miles from his father’s home, in a crawlspace in the attic.

He was inside together with his mother, and that tiny space where they were staying was nailed shut.

Little Braedence reunited with his daddy and it was indeed heartwarming. Ryan and his girlfriend Breanne Dominguez couldn’t be happier for having their son by their side again. They went on to thank everyone who helped along the way, saying:

“Our little boy is home! God is so good! Thank you all for the prayers, shared, phone calls and etc. we don’t know how to thank everyone enough. Our hearts are so full of joy. Just thank you everyone.”

The federal attorney charged Ferguson with multiple crimes, and currently, he is in custody.

“We also want to thank every officer that has helped on the way and looked for him,” Dominguez wrote in a separate post. “Thank you all for bringing him home, you all will forever be in our hearts.”

We are also very happy because the search ended well and Braedence will have a happy childhood with people who love him instead of being on the run with his mother and her criminal boyfriend.

A family friend set up a GoFundMe page where people can donate to help the family cover the costs for the search.

Dancer with Down Syndrome Blows Judges Away, Watch Moment Audience Gives Him Standing Ovation

I don’t really understand why someone would still believe that people with Down syndrome are likely to live less fulfilling life than that of other people. This belief comes from those same judgmental and biased individuals who would shamelessly stare at someone who is a bit different than them, not realizing that being different means being unique.

Luckily, the number of those who are supportive towards the individuals with Down syndrome is huge, and we can’t be happier because of the fact that whole communities are becoming friendly towards these people.

Take lovely Andrew for example. He is our hero who proves once again that if you really want something, every obstacle can be easily overcome. He is taking part in the new show “The Greatest Dancer.” It aired on England’s BBC One and is produced by Simon Cowell’s entertainment company and focuses on ordinary people.

Andrew is truly extraordinary. His audition began as he and his mother entered the waiting-room space.

“Show time!” he exclaimed as his mother tied his dancing shoes. “It’s all about me now, Mum.”

His mother explained how he fell in love with dancing since he was 11 years old. This affection grew stronger by Andrew watching dancing shows and performances, just like the one he was about to take part in. You already assume, this means the world to this boy who would spent his days practicing the moves in his home’s living room.

“It just made him feel joyful,” she explained. “And that’s what started him on his love of dance.”

“Dance has helped Andrew’s confidence enormously,” she added. “His self-esteem has rocketed.”

The Evening Express pointed out that the concept of this show is quite different than everything we’ve seen so far. The contestants will only be revealed to the crowd if they get 75% of the audience’s votes in their favor. If this happens, lights flash.

Andrew started dancing to Justin Timberlake’s 2016 hit “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” and his performance is just wow. You just have to see it for yourself!

The show he put on stage made everyone’s day. He got the audience’s votes in no time and even made judge Cheryl Tweedy shed some tears.

“That was amazing and to watch you and see your excitement and see how much you thrive from an audience is such a special moment,” she said. “You clearly need to be doing this more because it does something for your soul, you’re in your element.”

Although Andrew’s dancing stole our hearts, another scene touched us to the core. As our star was about to start performing a woman from the audience was seen touching the shoulder of another young man with Down Syndrome saying in excitement, “Tom, Tom, there’s Andrew.” This was very sweet!

Seeing his best friend rocking the stage put a smile on his face, the way he put on ours.

3 Women Sitting In A Sauna Have A Hilarious Conversation About Technology

With the advance of technology, the way we communicate is eased a great deal. However, the older generations may experience certain difficulties when it comes to using the modern devices, and many of them simply refuse to learn how to check their e-mail, talk via Facetime or Skype, or share the way they feel by sending emojis on Viber. As long as they lived in the time when the typewriter was a thing, they are probably outdated. However, they are way more skilled than the youngsters when it comes to REAL face to face communication spiced with a pinch of old-school humor. Take this witty lady for example, she is gonna make you laugh. 

Three women, two younger, and one senior citizen, were sitting naked in a sauna. Suddenly there was a beeping sound. The young woman pressed her forearm and the beep stopped. The others looked at her questioningly. ‘That was my pager,’ she said. ‘I have a microchip under the skin of my arm.’

A few minutes later, a phone rang. The second young woman lifted her palm to her ear. When she finished, she explained, ‘That was my mobile phone. I have a microchip in my hand.’

The older woman felt very low-tech. Not to be outdone, she decided she had to do something just as impressive. She stepped out of the sauna and went to the bathroom. She returned with a piece of toilet paper hanging from her rear end.

The others raised their eyebrows and stared at her. The older woman finally said… ‘Well, will you look at that…

I’m getting a fax!!!’