Photo of elderly woman forced to stand while youngsters remain seated busy on phones sparks outrage

Recently, a Facebook user posted a photo of an elderly woman on a train clutching a pole for support while some younger people are sitting and staring at their phones. This sparked outrage at the community members who agree how young generations lack good manners and don’t stick to the basic moral values that are supposed to be followed in order for this world to become a better place. There are those, however, who believe that we don’t know what was really going on on the train and whether someone offered their seat or not. The person who posted the photo wrote the caption “No Respect” and no matter if you believe this is right or wrong, this speaks a lot about failed humanity. Many took to social media to judge the person who took the photo saying they should have done something regarding the situation the lady found herself in instead of just taking photos for gathering likes and comments. A 16 year old teen commented how he would always offer his seat to an elderly person the moment they enter the train. He says how he would have done the same thing for this poor lady who is obviously having hard time standing on her feet.
According to some, this all have to do with how we raise our children and how much time we spend telling them how the elderly should be paid ultimate respect. However, there are divided opinions regarding this too. As one woman says, “My son is 7 years old I just asked him what is wrong with this picture and he said the lady mommy and those two with the headphones not giving their seat to her. Because she’s older They are rude mommy,” another person adds: “If he’s 7, he’s at the perfect age to teach him not to make assumptions based on limited information. He’s assuming they’re rude but doesn’t know if they’ve already offered their seats, if she is standing because she’s about to get off, if there are open seats out of view, etc.”
A person named Heather says how we are all judgmental without knowing the whole story behind the photo. She says it’s very unlikely that no single person offered their seat. She assumes how the person posting the picture aims at people saying bad things for the future generations, including inciting hatred.
Sydney Trains told Daily Mail: “Sydney Trains encourages all of its passengers to observe appropriate transport etiquette including respecting elderly, disabled or pregnant customers by offering up their seats.” BBC on the other hand makes an assumption that sometimes people won’t offer their seat to someone else not because they are selfish but because they fear the consequences that actually stop them from getting up and offering their seats to someone who needs it more than they do.
Although selfishness is to be blamed for this type of rude behavior by the train passengers, Dr. Oliver Scott Curry, an expert in human behavior, based at the University of Oxford believes that it’s also a result of buck-passing. That means every person believes that other one would offer their seat and say to themselves, “let someone else stand up, why should it be me?”
“There’s a fear of getting it wrong, of seeming patronizing or thinking someone is a charity case. It doesn’t hurt for the person needing help to ask for it.” According to Dr. Curry many times it happens for passengers to get competitive and offer their seat in order to show they are more of gentleman than the others.
Sometimes people believe they could be making a mistake if they choose to offer their seat. Let’s say a lady just had lunch and her tummy appears big only because she ate and not because she’s pregnant which may lead for the person offering the seat to find themselves in an awkward situation. That is why many people simply avoid eye contact with other passengers. So, in case you want to offer your seat to someone without getting into any form of contact, you can just stand up and if they really need to sit down they’d do it.

Doctors discover surprise inside pastor who donated kidney

Who would knew that this would happen?

In North Carolina, one man’s generous act has ended up saving his own life despite helping another. It was Pastor Tim Jones, who wanted to donate his kidney to help a man he befriended at a church fundraiser last fall. Don Herbert, who is also a former professional wrestler turned gospel singer, had been suffering from kidney failure which required a kidney donation.

“I wanted to give him a chance at life, I wanted to give him hope. I prayed for peace with it and a couple of days later God gave me peace. I told my wife we’re going to do this,” said Jones.

He went for testing, and was a match for Herbert! After many preliminary tests and procedures, the transplant was finally scheduled at Duke University Medical Center – and it was a success. Plus, the operation not only saved Herbert’s life, but Jones’s as well.

Jones’s surgery spanned for 6 hours, twice as long as expected as doctors had found an aneurysm in one of his arteries. It had never shown up in any of the preoperative tests – until now.

The chances of finding a donor were very slim due to the many recipants on the waiting list for a new kidney. Herbert had met local pastor Tim Jones during a church craft and bake sale. Don struck up a conversation and shared his love of gospel music, leading the two to quickly become fast friends. Now Herbert is in trouble.

After a medical check-up at the Duke University Medical Center back in early November, 56-year-old Herbert was diagnoised with Stage 4 Kidney Disease. Both of his kidneys were failing, but that was not the only issue. He also needed a heart catheterization, which caused him to be removed from the hospital’s kidney waiting list. This news left both Herbert and his wife Belinda greatly depressed.

Belinda wrote about her husband’s plight on their Facebook page, in the form of a personal plea to anyone who would give Don a chance at another organ donation. Jones had been browsing Facebook in the afternoon, and came across Belinda’s post.

Tim and Sherry then invited both Don and Belinda Herbert to their Salisbury home located in Settlers Grove. The couple informed them about Don’s whole medical history and experiences. It was then Jones told Herbert he wanted to donate one of his kidneys to him, as a gift. It was a perfect match which saved 2 lives.

“What if it was me? Or what if it was you? How many people would be lining up, waiting to give us a kidney?”

On the other hand, Jones has expressed that he was in fact, not nervous at all for the procedure. “Things are risky for me, I understand that. But they are more risky for Don. My wife kids me and says, ‘You act like you’re giving him a piece of gum,’” he laughs.

Watch the story of the two men unfold in the video below!

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Teacher Informs Man After Taking A Photo In McDonald’s: “I Hope You Know, You’re Going Viral”

This is incredibly moving!

The kindness of strangers is very rare, but valued by society. This notion has highlighted the friendship between a man from Indiana and an elderly woman – they became a hot topic on social media! The man in question was Eric Haralson. He was in the middle of his lunch in November 2018 at a McDonald’s outlet when suddenly, a woman whom he did not know personally had approached him. The old woman then asked Eric if he would mind if she sat down at the very same table he was sitting at, just for some company.

“She said she just wanted a little conversation, because no one likes to eat alone.”

Eric said: “No, not at all.” After speaking to her, he even proceeded to clear the table and a seat, for her to sit down. During their friendly chat, Eric learnt that the woman was named Jan, and that she lived in an apartment by herself, located not far from the McDonald’s itself.

Midway, Amanda Craft told Eric: “You’re such a gentleman. I hope you know you’re going viral.” Craft was a teacher who had been also dining at the restaurant. What Eric did not expect was that had taken a photo of them and posted it on her Facebook page – and the picture went viral almost instantly. Eric walked her to her car after lunch, and talked for 20 minutes more. The pair even exchanged phone numbers!

“It was so heartwarming to see this man and this older lady sit together, and eat. They didn’t know each other, but he was so kind. The woman had a contagious laugh, and my friends and I couldn’t help but laugh along,” Craft says in an interview.

Watch the footage in the video below!

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Man Learns Of His Fate After Beating Daughter’s Rapist To Death

Was this justified?

In Shiner, one Texan father had beaten a man to death who was in the midst of raping and molesting his daughter. The court has ruled that he would not be charged with murder, due to a 911 tape released. The father had been recorded, frantically pleading for help over the phone before the man’s death.

The Lavaca County grand jury had declined to hold the 23-year-old father responsible for the death of Jesus Mora Flores, a 47-year-old ranch helper hired to help with the horses on the property.
Both the prosecutors and the police decided for it to be so after reviewing the evidence provided. The father was ruled to be authorized to use deadly force, in order to protect his daughter. The incident happened back on 9 June, on the family ranch itself.

The attack happened on the family’s ranch which was located along a quiet and two-lane county road, between Shiner and Yoakum. Mr. Flores had been described to be forcibly carrying the man’s daughter into a secluded area before attempting to rape her.
Running toward his daughter’s screams, the father pulled Mr. Flores off and proceeded to inflict several blows to the man’s head and neck area in anger – which proved to be fatal. Mr. Flores’s pants and underwear were also found to be pulled down, while authorities were examining his lifeless body.

The now 5-year-old girl was taken to a hospital for a medical examination. Both the overwhelming forensic evidence left behind by Mr Flores and eyewitness accounts supported the young father’s story – his daughter had been sexually molested. The girl’s father was never arrested, and the killing was ruled as a homicide instead.

Watch the two court footages in the videos below:

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Mom surrenders newborn twins to fire station under safe haven law

No one really knows why would a parent, especially a mother, leave their newborn baby and refuse to take care of it. The sad reality is that many women decide to give their bundles of joy for adoption, and the reasons for doing so are numerous. Recently, a mother of two healthy twins made a decision to surrender her babies to the San Bernardino Fire Station in California. The official report by the Fire Department, which they also shared on their Facebook page, states how the babies were clean and fed and brought to the local hospital for further check-up minutes after their arrival at the station. The firefighters offered the mother medical assistance too, but she refused any further help. She was also told how she could come back and take her children back withing 14 days if she wishes so. This period of two weeks is regulated by the safe surrender state law.
“This is exactly why the Safe Surrender program was created,” said Fire Chief Mark Hartwig. “This young mother did the right thing by bringing her babies to the fire station. Regardless of your circumstances, the Safe Surrender program is a viable and loving option—no questions asked.”
This law known as California’s Safe Haven Law allows new mothers or other people, to surrender a baby to a designated “safe-surrender site” within 72 hours of birth. The baby and the person bringing the newborn both get coded ankle bracelets in case the parent changes their mind and wants the baby back. After the medical examination and treatment, the babies are placed to foster homes, or pre-adoptive homes. This policy of placing the baby at a safe site allows mothers who are not able to take care of their little ones to get them to a place where they know they will be given proper care and later a forever home. This prevents babies to be abandoned and end up dead which is punishable by law. From 1999 to 2018, 3,524 newborns were surrendered using Safe Haven laws, 1,397 newborns were illegally abandoned, 773 newborns were found dead, and 462 newborns were found alive, according to National Safe Haven Alliance.
“You may have heard stories about babies being left in dumpsters, public toilets, or other unsafe locations. The parents abandoning their babies may have been under severe emotional or financial stress. The mothers may have hidden their pregnancies, fearful of what would happen if their families found out. Because they were afraid and felt they had nowhere to turn for help, they abandoned their baby,” according to the California Department of Social Services website.
This law that protects both the biological parent and the baby was first introduced in California in 2001 and was formally signed in 2006. This law resulted in 931 babies being surrendered in California in the year of 2017. In Los Angeles County, 151 babies have been given to the safe places since 2001.
“One hundred and forty-nine families have been blessed, 149 mothers made the right decision, 149 children have the right to grow up and be whatever they want to be because of the love and the care of the safe-surrender families,” Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe said in a video posted to the L.A. County Safe Surrender Facebook page.
All haven-safe sites have signs displayed. This law resulted in many baby lives being saved, as mothers choose to place them in these places instead of simply abandoning them.

Makeover guy’s mom shows how to create younger face

They say apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and these skillful mother and son prove that right. As we’ve brought to you numerous stories of the amazing transformations of Christopher Hopkins, the Makeover Guy, we now present to you his lovely, talented mother Joann Hopkins. 

As this beautiful lady aged, her cute face got filled with some wrinkles. It’s not like it affected her stunning looks that much, but using make-up, she gets to look as fabulous as she did in her younger days. Joann admits she loves wearing make up, even while sleeping. 


She only applies new fresh look in the morning, after she thoroughly cleans her face. She knows how wearing make up during the night isn’t really a good thing to do, but she can’t help but look amazing all the time. 

As for you, we guess you should always opt to take the make-up off your face before you go to bed and avoid skin damage, acne, and even premature skin aging. And if you really can’t go make-up free, you can simply apply it before you start the day and let your face clean while sleeping. 


Joann however, has flawless skin and this routine of hers didn’t affect her face that much. She’s really aging well. 

She doesn’t care if people believe she puts too much make-up because as she says, she really wants to look and feel young. And we have to be honest, with her make-up on, she does look many years younger. Everyone should be able to feel great in their skin and that’s exactly what this lovely lady is trying to achieve. 


Joann is a real professional and possesses some crazy skills. She basically transforms into her younger self thanks to some eye shadows, the right foundation, and a lipstick which is on point. One may notice how one side of her face is slightly higher, but Joann manages to cover that perfectly. It’s no wonder Christopher is the god of make-up himself. He had a great teacher. 

The MakeOverGuy shares:

“This is what I watched every day growing up and it still fascinates me. You can tell where I get my inspiration. I will always see her as she appears after.”

We are stunned how a 78-year-old could look as great as Joann. And we are so glad her son got to inherit her amazing talent and make so many women happy. 

Kate Hudson And Goldie Hawn Dance On The Ellen Show

Whether one loves her or not, no one misses Ellen DeGeneres’ show. She is a comedian and a host who is really hard to beat, simply the best of the best. Welcoming some of the most famous celebrities who open their hearts while sitting opposite the goddess of the talk shows, as well covering numerous human interest stories, she makes people fond of her and the whole concept of the daytime show she made the most popular ever. 

This time, however, Ellen let someone else take her role of a host, and to be honest, we did like her choice. Being part of the show before, these mother and daughter were up to the task, and we won’t be surprised if they start their own show in the future. Kate Hudson and her mother Goldie Hawn were the captains that day and they did a remarkable job. Lovely Kate, who was wearing a bohemian kaftan with high heeled boots and sporting short hair with tight waves, and her mom who is always late were greeted by the cheering crowd with a loud applause. 


Ever since The Ellen Show first aired on TV, September 8, 2003 it became peoples’ favorite. After The Oprah Winfrey Show went off the air on May 2011, Ellen’s show filled the void. Her show surpassed every other show of this type in terms of awards, winning 59 Daytime Emmy Awards, and 17 People’s Choice Awards. 

Ellen’s great sense of humor fills the show with lots of laughter and fun time, so it’s no surprise each episode is waited by millions in anticipation. What makes her show special is that at the end of each series, the host gets to dance with her audience, which I believe is their most favorite part and an amazing experience. 


Katie and Goldie did exactly that. They danced with the crowd and they loved it. Dj Twitch who is in charge of the music never fails to choose the right music and rhythm. Goldie has started her career as a dancer and that’s why she’s so good at it. She got her first job as a dancer for a theater show across Disneyland. After this, her career went upwards, with her getting a job in the CBS sitcom Good Morning, World in 1967. She then started playing in movies and became one of the most famous Hollywood actresses of all time. 


Besides their dancing skills, they filled the show with fun stories such as those of Kate’s older brother who spoke of the times when they were kids and their mother embarrassed them, which the audience enjoyed listening to. 

These mother and daughter we love so much later took a Warner Bros studio tour, and they had so much fun that the crowd couldn’t help but burst out laughing. 

Tell us what you think of Kate and Goldie as show hosts.

Pentatonix sings haunting “Sound of Silence” quintet

The most famous America’s a cappella group Pentatonix are here with another out-of-this-world performance of a classic song. The group has been part of the music scene ever since they won the third season of the NBC’s The Sing-Off. During the show that took place in 2011, Pentatonix showed the country something the audience had never seen before. Amazingly talented and skilled young people whose music touched the hearts of many. 

This time, however, they are treating the world with a rendition of a song many tried singing before, but besides the original performance by Simon & Garfunkel, this group’s presentation of “The Sound of Silence” is the best so far. If you know how this exceptional piece of music sounds sang by two incredible voices, now imagine how powerful would it sound with five vocals that blend together just perfectly. 



What makes this group so special are the members’ incredible skills of combining beatboxing, riffing, percussion, and basslines into the melody and still sound as they have real voices. 

Typical for this group are their renditions of Christmas classics. Every holiday season, a great number of people are eagerly waiting to hear which classic they are performing. Whatever they choose, they make it extraordinary and enchantingly beautiful to listen to. 

This time, we get to listen one of the greatest performances of “The Sound of Silence” and this definitely doesn’t compare to anything you’ve heard so far. 



Get ready to experience different form of amazing music once you hear Scott’s deep baritone belt out “Hello darkness my old friend…” The rest of the group members join in and create magic. The powerful vocal of the youngest member, Mitch Grassi, really stands out and gives certain sweetness to the melancholy tune. 

The voice of the newest addition to the group, vocalist Matt Sallee, only adds to the powerful performance. 



Kirstin’s mezzo-soprano gives balance to the masculine baritone, bass, and tenor. 

Pentatonix not only do covers, but revive old classics in a way typical for their heavenly vocals. People are commenting how they can’t have enough of them, as for this rendition, it gives us goosebumps. 

You don’t want to miss this.