One day, Moses, Jesus and an old man went golfing. The ending will have you in stitches.

Get ready for some good laugh because it doesn’t get any funnier than this. You know what they say, oldie but goldie. 

One day, Moses, Jesus and an old man are golfing. Moses steps up to the tee and hits the ball. It goes sailing over the fairway and lands in the water trap. Moses parts the water and chips the ball onto the green.

Jesus steps up to the tee and hits the ball. It goes sailing over the fairway and lands in the water trap. Jesus just walks on the water and chips the ball onto the green.

The old man steps up to the tee and hits the ball. It goes sailing over the fairway and heads for the watertrap.

But just before it falls into the water, a fish jumps up and grabs the ball in its mouth. As the fish is falling back down to the water, and eagle swoops down and grabs the fish in its claws.

The eagle flies off, and when it is over the green, a lighting bolt shoots from the sky and hits the eagle. Startled, the eagle drops the fish. When the fish hits the ground, the ball pops out of its mouth and rolls into the hole for a hole-in-one.

Jesus turns to the old man and says, “Dad, if you don’t quit playing like that, we’re not going to bring you next time.”

Pink invited veteran father on stage for duet

War veterans are people who have done so much for our country. In fact, I am not sure if we can ever thank them enough for their sacrifice. That is why I always shed a tear of joy when I see someone paying these people the ultimate respect. 

America’s sweetheart, the music icon Pink has done something incredible while performing on stage. She shared with the crowd how there is a special person in her life who helped her get where she is today. A Vietnam veteran who happened to be her father. This would be the first time ever this hero to be performing along with his loving daughter, and it doesn’t get any more emotional than this. 

Jim Moore was honored to sing in front of the crowd the song he wrote some 40 years ago while deployed. “I Have Seen The Rain” is a piece of music every person who was part of the military can relate to. The audience was mesmerized by this father-daughter duo that poured pure emotions on that stage.

Watching Pink’s favorite person singing by her side is an incredible experience. She admits her daddy was her biggest support in life, and listening to him performing makes us realize who did Pink inherit her talent from. It’s obvious music runs in this family’s genes. 

Take a look at the show they put on stage. You are going to love it!

Married or Not you should read this

When you see someone for the first time what attracts you to the person is their physical appearance. Over time, as two people decide to be together and get married, the way they look doesn’t really matter, as they understand that what makes them fond of their other half is their partner’s inner beauty and how they make them feel. Once we realize this is what we need to feel complete, we actually understand true meaning of love.

However, there comes a time in people’s life when they come across someone new whose beauty enchants them and make them forget about their partner who was by their side for bad and for worse.

No matter if you are married or not, you should take a look at the following story.

When I got home that night as my wife served me dinner, I grabbed her hand and said “I have something to tell you.” She sat down and ate quietly. I watched and saw the pain in her eyes. Suddenly I did not know how to open my mouth, but I had to tell her what I was thinking: “I want a divorce”. She did not seem upset by my words and asked me softly, why? You’re not a man?

That night we did not talk, and she cried. She wanted to know what was happening to me. 

It was something with our marriage, but I could not answer what exactly. It happened that she had lost my heart, and I had another woman named Joan. I no longer loved my wife, but I pitied her. With a great sense of guilt, I wrote a divorce agreement and with this agreement she got the house, the car and 30% of our business.

She looked at the agreement and threw it away. She spent 10 years of her life with me and now we were like strangers. I pitied her, for all the lost time, energy was not the same but it could not change. I loved Joan. Suddenly she started screaming. The idea of divorce was now clearer to me.

The next day I came home and I found myself writing at the table. I did not eat dinner and went to sleep, I was very tired having spent the day with Juana. When I woke up, my wife was still writing at the table. I did not mind, I turned around and continued sleeping. In the morning my wife introduced me to divorce conditions: She did not want anything from me, but needed a month’s notice before the divorce.

She asked me for a month, we would have to live as if nothing happened. Her reason was simple, our son had whole month of tests and she did not want to bother him with our broken marriage. I agreed, but she had another request: to agree upon me carrying her to our room like the day we got married. I thought she was going crazy, but that this alone was accepted.

My wife and I had no physical contact since I expressed my intention to divorce, so when I took her to the front door the first day, we both feel bad. Our son walked behind with clapping and saying: Dad is carrying mom is his arms! His words gave me a lot of pain.

I walked the 10 meters with my wife in my arms. She closed her eyes and said quietly: do not tell our son about the divorce. Then I went to work. I drove alone to work. The second day, we were both more relaxed.

She leaned against my chest, I could feel the fragrance of her blouse. I realized that I had not looked at it carefully. I realized she was no longer so young, had some wrinkles, some gray hairs … that was notable a damage of our marriage. For a moment I thought and I ask: what was it I did? The fourth day, I felt some affection was returning between us. This was the woman who gave me 10 years of her life. In the fifth and sixth day, it continued to. I said nothing about Joan.

Every other day it was easier to carry my wife and month was running. I thought I was getting used to her weight. One morning, she was looking for what to wear. She had tried many dresses on, but all of them were too big. It was then that I realized she was very thin, and that was the reason that I did not feel her weight load. Suddenly I realized that I had provoked much pain and bitterness.

Without realizing it, she touched my hair. Our son entered the room and said, Dad, it is time that you take Mom to the door! For my son, seeing his father day after day carry her mother to the door, that had become an essential part of his life. My wife hugged him, I covered my face. I was afraid I changed my thinking about divorce. And holding my wife in my arms to the door, it felt like the first day of our wedding.

She stroked my neck soft and naturally. I held her strong, just like our wedding night. I hugged her and did not move, but she was so thin and that made me sad. The last day I just hugged her and did not want to move, I told her I did not realize that we had no privacy. Our son was at school. I drove to the office, I left the car without closing the door, I climbed the stairs, Joan opened the door, and I said, excuse me, sorry, I do not want to divorce my wife.

Joan looked at me and asked me if I had a fever. I said:

My wife and I love each other, it was that we were doing everything as a routine and boring. We did not value the details of our life since I started carrying her to the room. Joan began to mourn, slapped me and closed the door. Going down the stairs, I went in the car and went to the florist.

I bought my wife flowers. The girl in the florist asked me what to write on the card? I told her to put: I will carry you every morning until death parts us. I arrived at my house with flowers in my hands and smile, and ran up the stairs; when I went … I found my dead wife. My wife was battling cancer, and I was so busy with Joan, so I did not realize. My wife knew she was dying and that is why she asked for a month’s notice before the divorce, so that our son will not have bad memories of divorce.

At least in my son’s eyes, the memory of his father who was a good husband who loved his wife will stay. These small details are what matters in a relationship, not the house, the car, the money in the bank. All this only creates an environment that you think will lead to happiness, but really … is not. Try to keep your marriage happy, share this story on your wall, you may be saving a marriage. All the stories of failure are equal; they give up when they are about to enter to success. We do not know what we have until we lose it…

We hope this story will make you think of the true blessings in life we sometimes take for granted, as the love this woman had for her husband. 

School principal’s snow day video goes viral

Being a school principal means having a lot on your plate. Just think of all those teachers who are constantly complaining of their busy schedules and the misbehaving students, and all those kids who many times prefer having fun during lesson time than do actual studying. I guess it takes a lot of nerve to cope with all these things. That is why one really cool principal decided he deserved time for himself after the regular lessons were cancelled due to a snow storm. Once he found himself all alone at the school building, principal Sean Martin put his camera on and got ready to paint the town red. 

He sang in the cafeteria, shot hoops in the gym and even performed a quite interesting dancing routine in the halls. He knew the video would make his fellow colleagues laugh, although the janitor didn’t find Martin’s antics amusing and decided to chastise him. 

Martin didn’t plan on the students watching him goofing around, but the video somehow ended in their hands. Needless to say, they all agreed their principal is a cool guy who knows how to have fun. 

Martin told The Baltimore Sun:

“I figured people are starting to feel a little stir crazy, and I thought our staff and community would appreciate a lighthearted perspective about what goes on in school during snow days.”

If you ever wondered what happens in the school after children leave, here’s your chance to see. 

Tiny 2-yr-old bakes a cake in cute cooking show

Apparently, there is a new chef in town and we feel like we should warn Gordon Ramsey and the rest of the cooking masters how they should pay really close attention to this cute platinum blond guy who possesses some killing baking skills. The best thing about chef Roman aren’t his sweet cookies everyone would want to taste, but the fact that this prodigy is only 2 years old. And yes, if this makes you feel disappointed because your skills in the kitchen are not even half as good as that of little Roman, you are not alone. He started cooking and baking when he was really young. His mother, Ayla Belville is a great cook herself and has her YouTube channel where she posts videos of her preparing delicious dishes and baking cool cookies. Roman enjoyed watching his mother do magic at the kitchen counter and that’s how he fell in love with mixing up ingredients.
Once you see the video of him baking a cake you’re going to get overly excited when we tell you this is not the only one. Chef Roman already has his own cooking show. This time, however, he’s baking his first ever cake, wearing a child-sized apron, because let’s get honest, little kids are messy, although we are a bit surprised of how this cutie pie keeps things neat and tidy. Along with the video, Roman’s mommy wrote: “Say hello to a new series called ‘Roman’s Cooking Corner’! I hope you enjoy watching it as much as he did making this cake!! If you have any future recipes you’d like to see Roman make, be sure to comment below!!”
The way Roman speaks and explains the steps of the recipe, using clear, yet childish voice and words will definitely put a huge grin on your face. He calls out the ingredients he needs and resembles a surgeon asking his nurse for the instruments, and we do believe he does his baking with surgeon’s precision. Before he starts his tutorial he says the sweetest “Hello!” and I guess it’s more than enough for him to make you fall in love with his bubbly personality. During his cooking he always makes sure to taste every ingredient, just to be sure everything is in perfect order.
The fun thing about Roman is that not only we all love him, but he really loves himself too. Halfway through the video, right before he puts the cake into the oven, he stretches his tiny arms towards the came and gives his body a big squeeze. We understand you Roman. No one can resist your charm.
Once the cake is out of the oven little Roman gets to decorate it. And as you already assume, that’s the part he enjoys the most. He does it using lots of sprinkles. And as he mommy says: “I let him do what he wants to do, whether it’s licking the batter or dumping the whole bottle of sprinkles on.” We love how she lets him do things on his own and doesn’t care about the mess he makes in the kitchen because kids learn best by doing.
This chef doesn’t even wait for others to “judge” his baking skills as he already knows how the final result is so perfect and yummy. He gives himself a thumb up and is happy with his delicious cake. Who wouldn’t want a bite of this masterpiece?
People take the time to comment and praise his cooking and baking skills with one person writing, “This is a 2 year old baking a cake I can’t even cook noodles on a stove properly.” Others say how Roman saying “please” and “thank you” during the entire video is even sweeter than the cake itself. Just take a look at his video. Roman is going to become your favorite little person, that’s for sure.

Fan impresses Michael Buble when asked to sing at concert

If there is an artist out there you have to see only once in order to call yourself a true music fan, than it has to be Michael Buble. He isn’t just a singer, but an all-around entertainer who makes the classic hits we are all so fond of sound out-of-this-world. His amazing vocal abilities along with his charming appearance make him one of our favorite musicians who packs huge concert halls and arenas all around the world. 

During his performances, he often invites a fan from the crowd and lets them sing a song. The concert he held at the Infinite Energy Center, Duluth, GA wasn’t any different. Only this time, the guy he chose to invite on the stage left Michael amazed. It turned out that Andrew Zarrillo from Houston, Texas possesses some crazy vocal skills too. As he later said, he and his girlfriend got upper deck seats but were upgraded to floor seats at the last minute. Well, it was obviously the best thing that could happen. 

Andrew recalls how his favorite singer was talking about kindness as the tune to Frank Sinatra’s hit “Fly Me To the Moon” could be heard filling the crowded arena. In the next moment, Andrew could see the mic being handed to him, and boy he was happy to grab it. 

“I wasn’t nervous because I didn’t have time to be nervous,” Andrew said.

Michael asked Andrew whether he needed help to which he answered “No, I’m fine. I got it.” Once Andrew let his voice loose, the audience quickly figured out this wasn’t any random guy performing, but a singer who knew what he was doing. Michael himself stood at the background cheering and encouraging the crowd to do the same. The best part was when Andrew turned to his girlfriend Amanda and kissed her as he lyrics “in other words, baby, kiss me” were on. What a gentleman. 

Andrew’s performance did resemble those of Michael. Crooning such a huge hit, he brought sweet smiles on everyone’s face. Amanda knew she had to put this once-in-a-lifetime chance of singing along Michael on tape. We could also see Michael singing and dancing while listening to his fan. 

The ending was truly impressive as Michael congratulated Andrew on his amazing performance. He even got a bunch of high-fives from the fans. This really was a very special night Andrew and Amanda would never forget. It’s not every day that you get to perform with your most loved singer. 

Did you like Andrew’s singing? 

Girl teased for clothes she wears is blindsided by classmate

Middle school is supposed to be the best period in the life of a child. It’s the time when kids make new friends who are luckily for life, and have fun hanging around with classmates. Well, at least some of them get to experience these things, as there are also those who go through real ordeal while at school because of the mean bullies. It’s a sad fact that bullying is present in many educational institutions and the staff are either not aware of it, or have no means of coping with it. 

Haley Olsen is a seventh grader who comes from a pretty huge family. She has six siblings and her parents have hard time making ends meet. This means neither Haley, nor her brothers and sisters can afford to be bought fancy or expensive clothes so they usually wear hand-me-downs. Unfortunately, this is enough reason for her mean peers to make fun of her and make her school days a living hell. 

Before you go to this lovely girl’s story let us tell you there came someone in her life who changed all this and brought the smile on Haley’s face. 

Many times, Haley would come home with tears in her eyes, telling her parents she’s done going to school. She told Fox 10 Phoenix:

“I always came home crying and stuff to my parents saying how I didn’t want to go to school anymore, I wanted to be home schooled.”

Then, out of the blue, an angel disguised in the form of a sweet teen decided Haley had it enough and stepped in for her. Mariah Andrew goes at the same school as Haley, Atkinson Middle School in Phoenix, Arizona, and she could witness how the poor girl felt whenever her schoolmates bullied her. What Mariah did for her new friend is truly amazing. She turned Haley from a victim into a queen. 

Maria had a huge surprise for Haley. One day, she went home and choose her best clothes and shoes and gave them to her friend. After seeing all those cool stuff, Haley was over the moon and couldn’t contain her excitement. The grateful teen said:

“I was jumping all over the place screaming how happy I was.”

This story of the new friends who made huge impact in each other’s life was soon spread among the rest of the students which resulted in many others reaching out to Haley too. Sonoran Smile Orthodontics offered their services for free. 

Haley and Mariah are now closest friends and each other’s support. Having one another in their life they know they always have someone to rely on. Doing such kind deed for her friend made Mariah proud of herself. 

“It made me feel happy at first and the day that I gave it to her, I was trying so hard not to cry.”

Now, not only students treat Haley with respect, but they became aware of how their behavior affected the girl’s life. Mariah inspired many to become better people by encouraging them to always step in for someone in need of help and support.

This is what true friendship is all about. Take a look at the full story in the video below. 

9 reasons for your body to love eggs

Vanessa Lollipop via Flickr


Heart disease is still the leading cause of death in the United States. It is linked with the high blood cholesterol which was a reason for many people to avoid foods believed to be high in fats, among which the eggs. However, according to the recent studies, there is a huge difference between blood cholesterol and dietary cholesterol, and eggs not only have nothing to do with bad health, but they actually improve one’s overall good physical condition. 

Consuming other foods containing unhealthy fats may affect the increase of the blood cholesterol which leads to heart disease. Harvard’s Public Health blog discussed how dietary cholesterol has a small effect on blood cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol). Below are some of the reasons why eating eggs is good for you. 

Packed with Vitamins

Egg yolks are high in vitamin A, a host of B vitamins including B6, B9 and B12, vitamin D, and vitamin E. All these vitamins help with your glowing skin, boosts your energy, and help the body fight certain diseases. 

Packed with Minerals

Eggs contain a handful of minerals among which iron, zinc, and calcium, that help the body have solid bones and joints, healthy blood, and strong immune system. Even the egg shells are full of calcium and some people consume them too. You can check for recipes online. 

Protein Power

Eggs are high in protein, which we need for energy, healthy metabolism, tissues, hair, muscle building, nails, and much more! One large egg has 6 to 7 grams of protein in it.

Choline Mother Lode

Many diets are low in choline, which can contribute to poor liver function. Choline also helps the body synthesize the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Where it really shines is being key to brain development in fetuses and young children, and preventing neurological defects in babies. The egg yolk is one of the top three sources of choline.



Omega-3 Fats Booster

Omega 3s help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and fight inflammation in the body. These fats also boost immunity and brain health.

Fertility Assistant

Many times, eating eggs regularly helps women conceive. They even contain progesterone which induces healthy ovulation. 

Vision Enhancer

Vitamin A boosts vision, but eggs also contain lutein and zeaxanthin. Both are antioxidants found in the eye that can prevent macular degeneration. Eat eggs to up your levels of both. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is also abundant in eggs and can prevent cataracts and other eye problems.

Weight Loss Promoter

Eggs are full protein and nutrients, which can make you feel fuller. Eating one egg with other nutritious foods like green vegetables will help you keep the calories low, especially as the first meal of the day. One hard-boiled egg contains about 70 calories.

Improves Cognitive Function

Besides containing choline for brain health, eggs have helper fats in them called phospholipids. Along with a nutrient dense diet, these fats might aid in protection from Alzheimer’s and memory dysfunction.

If you have been avoiding eggs, it’s now time to make them an important part of your diet. You have to mind the food combinations you take, as doctors advise avoiding greasy foods and including more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  

We are now sure the next thing you’ll do will be browsing for some egg recipes. 


  • Harvard Gazette, Harvard Medical School
  • NIH, Food Network, NPR, Egg Nutrition Center