Man discovers $500 In ATM, Bank Teller Calls The Manager!

One year on the holiday season Bobby Puryear was passing through, he went to the ATM to get some cash but discovered that there was a bunch of money already left in the tray! He was shocked and knew straight away what he was going to do… He thought that someone had left it behind so he picked it up and realized that there was $500 there. That was no small amount at all, we have heard to saying before right, finders keepers, losers weepers….. Well, it’s not a very nice expression at all, certainly not in this case anyway, there is almost definitely something the bank can do to find out who it belongs to! He really wanted the money to find its way back to its owner so he drove around to the bank to speak to someone that could help him! When he got to the bank he told the teller he had found the money and what had happened? He wanted to give her the money but she wouldn’t take it, instead, she called for the manager!

When the manager came he just asked him what he expected him to do with the money?!? Puryear was really baffled, surely he was having a weird dream right? No, he asked if they would check who used the ATM just before him so they could return the money…. The manager then agreed and Puryear shared to Facebook, the manager had Puryear’s number to contact him also. The very next day after this he got a call from the bank, while he was working, they found the owner of the cash! He was on a three-way call with the manager and the 92-year-old lady called Edith who had lost the money. Edith drew the $500 for her monthly rent and without it, she would have been both upset and lost, what an awful thing to lose $500 especially considering her financial situation! Edith was so grateful that she wanted to give Puryear the $20 that she didn’t need for her rent, as a reward… That was all the money was left! Puryear said:

“I told her absolutely not, and have a great day”

When he came off the phone he realized that she only has this for the rest of the month; just $20! That really didn’t seem right at all… Puyear called the bank manager again and told him to transfer $200 from his account the elderly lady’s account, how lovely!! As he was speaking to the bank a co-worker overheard what was going on, the whole story and felt touched too, they also contributed to the elderly lady, he told Puryear he wanted to give $100 too! Puryear felt touched that another person felt like that too, but he didn’t realize that this was just the beginning…. About an hour on the bank called Puryear again, it was the manager again, who told him that he shared the story with all the tellers and they too grouped together and put in another $300 too! Puryear said on Facebook:

“So today was a good day …Merry Christmas a little early, Edith.”

This guy’s simple thoughtful act of kindness of returning the money from the ATM to the rightful owner turned into something much bigger and even nobler. All this was posted to Facebook and it has been shared over 180,000 times all around the world, how awesome! Puryear went straight to Facebook to explain his actions, in today’s world where many people just seem to look out for themselves then this act is even more gracious and inspiring to us all! This small act really touch everyone who read the story because it was so genuine and kind! Puryear said:

“I mean, this is just something small, but just think if everybody would just do something kind for someone every day …Imagine what this would be like.”

To Puryear $200 was a lot of money and quite a big deal to him and he couldn’t do this very often at all, but as he wrote he just couldn’t stand the thought of this elderly lady cold or not being able to eat!

If you love this story as much as we did then SHARE with friends and family and inspire others!

One Last Christmas For 2 Year Old Terminally Ill Boy, Santa Comes For Him…

It was December 5th and this day was going to be a cherished memory for the family of 2 year old Miles Agnew. Santa made a special trip to the hospital this year for this little boy, he rushed there so he could sit on his knee for the very last time ever! Sadly Miles has a condition that he was born with called microcephaly, spastic quad cerebral palsy, and cortical vision impairment, brain malformations, and a feeding intolerance. When Miles was three months old he was adopted by his now parents, Michelle and Sean Agnew, the couple also have two other children Taveon, 11 and Hailey, 13. Michelle said:

“With the turn in Miles’ health and trying to make more memories as quickly as we can we didn’t think we would be able to do our Santa visit”

When he landed in hospital permanently then Santa came to him and tanks to the Secret Sleigh Project, an organisation that gives Santa visits to children who are very sick, either in hospital or at their homes. Michelle said:

“I’m sure if Miles could speak, he would have been excited to see Santa”

“Miles was very weak during his Santa visit, unfortunately [but] I think he appreciates it and he would have been pretty excited if he was awake.”

The Secret Sleigh Project Facebook page said:

“The family was grateful to have Santa there and to get pictures with all of their children, one last time”

Over recent years the Agnews have been through the loss of their two youngest children, they had genetic disorders, their names were Mannix and Maggie.

The family really doesn’t assume anything anymore, they are thankful for everything that life give to them, they treasure all their memories with family ever so much more! Michelle said:

“Although we have had so much heartache in our lives we try our hardest to keep moving forward”

Santa was played by the lovely Jerry Bodily and he treated Miles and his other siblings to an hour long visit, they had pictures together and Miles got to sleep on his Lap. Jerry said:

“I can’t lie, I got choked up …And there was a tear in Santa’s eye, but this was for this family’s memory”

The whole day was completely special to all involved, especially Michelle and Sean, they are so grateful to those who made those special memories possible. Michelle said:

“We are so fortunate for all the good times we’ve shared together and are so grateful for the friends, family and medical community that have supported us …Miles is such a special little boy who is very, very loved in our family.”

All our thoughts and prayers are for the family this Christmas!

Mother at 18, Has Cancer, She Risks Her Own Life to Save Her Unborn Baby!

There is always one thing in a couple’s lives that completely changes everything in one fell swoop, it alters the schedules for life, that you might have decided. Each and every single mother can vouch for the fact that children are not all coos and grins, looking after a newborn is hard work, but worth it! Loretta Cyrus, 41 years old and residing in Michigan really knows this well. When she was the tender age of 18 and then called Loretta Pullins, she found out that she was pregnant, she wasn’t married at the time… At the time her boyfriend responded to the news by saying “You’re not going to keep it, are you?”, but Loretta said that she was going to have the baby and he then left her to cope all by herself!

It wasn’t long after this that she discovered that a lump on the side of her neck… She had been tired and sick for months, the weight was really dropping off her too… She visited the doctor in the end and that led to a biopsy and terrible news: She had a disease called Hodgkin’s disease, its a sort of cancer that affects the lymphatic system. The Doctors advised her that if she started chemotherapy and radiation therapy straight away that she would have much better chances of living, but on the other hand it would kill her unborn baby, the choice was hers to make. Loretta wouldn’t do it, she wanted her baby to have life and be born, it was a risk she was more than willing to take! It was a huge risk and it nearly was fatal to her… Doctors were not able to monitor the state of her cancer as it worked its way through her neck and chest to her abdomen and even under her arms, poor brave girl! Towards the end of her pregnancy, the physicians started administering targeted radiation treatments to her chest so she was able to keep breathing and to keep the cancer in her chest at bay. At about seven months her doctor induced labor, little Alana was born weighing 4 pounds and 10 ½ ounces…. After this Loretta’s treatment really started! The chemotherapy really made her lose her hair fast and she was so incredibly thin too, but it really killed off the cancer too, she was at last cancer free!

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the only problem that she had, she also had an ovarian tumor, o bowel obstruction and a very nearly fatal car accident, all affecting her life very seriously. She was, however, such a strong girl and she survived it all, her daughter by her side all the time, her reason to live and to fight on! Alana, her daughter said:

“My mom’s amazing!! …Sometimes when bad things happen, people kind of fall, and she doesn’t. When something bad happens, she gets back up and keeps going.”

Dairy Cow Crying Even After Rescued, Rescuers Learn Why…

In Tennessee, this dairy cow, Maybelle had been producing milk for around eight years for her previous owners, she was healthy and cared for well by them. But like many cows over five years old she was not producing as much milk anymore. Her previous owners were very grateful for the years she had produced good milk and they were very happy to surrender her to the sanctuary called The Gentle Barn. Andrea Burritt, the sanctuary Manager was happy to receive Maybelle and she wouldn’t have to produce any more milk again for people. She could now spend her time in comfy stalls and have nice deep bedding and graze in the fields in the lovely pastures on the sanctuary. But even though Maybelle had a wonderful environment, comfy and relaxed she was still pacing and crying, she was really frantic! Andrea was really concerned for her, and what was wrong, it was really hard to see her so distressed, she said that it made her feel awful! She said:

“She would look you right in the eye, and just scream. You knew something was wrong, and it was just hard trying to figure out how we could help and what we could do.”

The only time Andrea had seen her stressed like this before was when she had been separated from her baby. No one knew if she had a baby, but it certainly looked like she did. Like us, humans animals have extremely strong bonds with their young. Mothers love is clearly what seemed to be compelling her to feel like this, she was trying to tell everyone what was wrong! The family that owned Maybelle didn’t have a phone so the Gentle Barn confounder, Jay Weiner, went over to the farm to see if she had a baby on site, he had a trailed just in case they did have her baby there! Sure enough, there was a calf, and it was Maybelle’s baby, the little calf was male and 9 months old, called Miles, how sweet! Miles was over the age of weaning and was completely self-sufficient now, but he was next to Maybelle’s pasture and they saw each other every day! They talked about what to do and in the end, they decided that Miles should also stay with her mom, they loaded her onto the trailer and headed back with her… As soon as Maybelle heard the calf, she knew it was hers, everyone was so pleased to see her happy again! Andrea said:

“We ran to Maybelle and told her, We have your baby, we have your baby”

“And she just stood at the corner of the pasture until she saw that trailer come. Then she started chasing the trailer across the pasture up to the top.”

Maybelle was calm again and all was well with the two of them, she even started eating again, because she hadn’t been eating she had been moved to the Gentle Barn. As another complete surprise to everyone, months later Maybelle was found to be pregnant! She was pregnant when she was brought to the sanctuary but no-one had realized that she was at the time! Maybelle had a little girl, she was called Eclipse, now Maybelle, Miles, and Eclipse are all together on the sanctuary at the Gentle Barn, these lovely cows will have such an awesome time together!

Farmer Drives Tractor To Create Stunning Snow Art

Joy and cheer at Christmas are absolutely essential and to spread a little of this around at Christmas can be as simple as sending a Christmas Card or singing some carols. One group of clever people though thought up a really clever way to spread joy at Christmas! They waited until the snow was deep enough then they sent out the farmer on his tractor, with 10 inches of snow it was perfect for his holiday mission. Dan the Farmer had his mission and only one chance to get it right!
Only one chance made it a little harder but if he were to pull it off he would be so pleased, just one wrong turn and it would be all over! All the other farmers had faith in him as they sent him out to do his deed! It was not an easy task for sure, but nevertheless, he got stuck into it and kept going until he was finished.
They filmed him on his mission in the snow, you can see scenes of his tractor driving in all different directions in the deep snow. He looked like he was just driving in circles, but he wasn’t at all, he was there for a purpose! Every last little turn was planned out beforehand. As you looked at him driving from ground level it just looks like he is crazy though, but we know he is not…
His route across the snow covered acres of land, it was a mammoth mission and thankfully there was a drone covering the ground to capture what was going on. They all really hoped that their holiday mission would actually turn out perfect. It all took quite a lot of effort but the end result would be really worth it.
Thankfully the results were flawless and their idea to spread Christmas cheer worked exactly just how they had planned that it would do, maybe even a little better. There have been many farmers that carve patterns into their fields of maize, but this farmer used mother nature gift of Christmas snow for their idea!
Get prepared to see an incredible performance and the result that they achieved, you won’t want to miss it. If you love it like we love it, then please SHARE!

Born Just After 24 Week Abortion Limit, 9 Months On, Doctors Can’t Believe What They See!

We all have a paternal instinct in us, to prosper and carry on our genetic lines. Victoria Bradley was more eager than most to have a little beautiful baby and bless the word with another little beauty of life. Imagine how excited she was to realize that she was pregnant! Around 24 weeks into her pregnancy she realized that it was not going to be a conventional sort of pregnancy for her. She learned in her hospital visit that it could be devastating if her daughter was born too soon.
It was a very touching and special time, quite emotionally taxing though too. She was so nervous not knowing what might happen to her precious little baby when Victoria gave birth to the tiny little girl the doctors said that she wasn’t likely to live very long.
Francesca is what her mom decided to call her sweet little girl, she had no idea at that stage that the two-pound little baby was going to be a miracle! The little baby arrived so early that just two days before her birth she could have been legally aborted and while her early birth was a shock to both mom and the doctors, mom grasped hope for her little girl to live.
Just looking at Francesca’s tiny little feet and her tiny little hands made everyone melt, her mom said that looking at her little body it hadn’t sunk in that she was her daughter! Mom hung on and was string through her multiple surgeries and medical procedures, she held her skin-to-skin to help bond to each other and hoped it all worked out.
During the first month, there were many challenges and it makes it very hard to believe that she could one day really be a normal thriving baby girl. However, after many months of sickness and recovery, just see how she looks now!
Francesca has completely denied the odds and look at her now, an inspiration, one day she will grow to be an even bigger inspiration too! Wath the video below, and if you love it as much as us, please SHARE the video and raise awareness about this miracle!

Mom Gives Birth To Incredibly Special Set Of Triplets

The sudden realization that your having triplets would shock most parents, so that moment that doctors told the 23 years old Becki-Jo Allen that she actually has three babies in her tummy, she was completely stunned! One Becky-Jo had gone through the birth she then got another surprise, one that nobody had any clue about and that was a complete surprise too! As it happened the three babies, baby boys to be precise were really rare… They were identical triplets!! That’s about one in two hundred million!!! Becki-Jo Allen and Becki-Jo Allen had some lovely news to share with their daughter Indiana, she was going to be a big sister three times over! The couple lives just outside Liverpool in England and they had been thinking about having more children, but they weren’t quite sure how many, it looks like some higher force has at least in part helped them make a decision. The ultrasound really make it clear as day! Early on in Becki-Jo’s pregnancy she was very sick indeed and had very bad headaches too, that’s when the doctors scheduled her ultrasound just that little bit earlier than usual and it’s because of that they got their shocker triplets news! Becki-Jo said to the news:

“It was the biggest shock of my life! We haven’t got any triplets in the family so it came completely out of the blue”

The three boys were delivered by Cesarean section in her 31st week of pregnancy, they weighed about 3pounds 5 ounces, their names are Rohan, Roman and Rocco and beautiful they are! There first six weeks was in intensive care until they were a little stronger on their own! Having triplets usually involves many complications, it’s quite unusual for all three to survive even. We too, like the parents are very grateful that they did so well, they all gained weight really well too, after just six weeks they were ready and able to go home with mom and dad. Doctors said that the boys weren’t identical triplets. But everyone who visited the family noticed how incredibly similar the boys were. And so, Becki-Jo decided to look into it further. They did a private DNA test and samples were sent to a Lab, her question was answered in the result, the three were completely identical genetically! As in vitro fertilization is becoming more common so are triplets, but normally, and naturally occurring they are extremely rare. The chances of an egg splitting into two and then for one of these that have split to then spit again and all during the first ten days of pregnancy. In America, in 2015 there were only four sets of identical triplets actually born!! Roman, Rocco, and Rohan really look so amazing, and unsurprisingly similar, however, Becki-Jo has no trouble at all distinguishing between her three sons. Becki-Jo said:

“It’s only when they’re asleep that they look the same to me. But they all have completely different personalities. And they’ve all got dark birthmarks between their eyebrows, but Roman’s is slightly darker than the others, and Rohan has got a birthmark on his leg as well”

The tree babies go through about 130 diapers every single week, add onto that about 5 packs of wipes, these little ones really keep their parents super busy.
6-year-old Indiana really is happy with her lovely special brothers. What a proud big sister she is! Becki-Jo said:

“Indiana loves them. She’s not one bit jealous. I do feel a bit sorry for her when I think what it’s going to be like growing up with three little brothers though”

These guys will most certainly get huge amounts of attention for a quite a while. And I think they really do deserve it, how adorable! Please do SHARE if you Like this story like we do, and of course to wish them good luck too! Prace and Love

Boy Gets On Bus Crying, Bus Driver Stops Him And Has To Take Action!

We all know that Washington is well known for its cold weather, it is after all quite far north, so in Kennewick its exceptionally cold too. Getting deep into the winter months it is really important that parents help their children stay warm. Not all families have the money though to spend on a hat and gloves each year, especially as kids grow out of their things so quickly! A bus driver from Kennewick, John Lunceford, saw this as a problem up close and he wanted to do something about it and help the kids who can’t afford clothes they need to keep warm this winter! He first saw this happening one time he stopped at the ‘bus stop’ to pick up some kids. There was one boy in particular who got on the bus crying. His ears and his hands were red, from being exposed to the cold so he let the boy use his own gloves. He said to the little boy that it would all be OK, but really he was quite concerned, he didn’t like the thought of any kids going without warm winter clothes, what a nice guy!
Source: Kennewick School District Facebook
After he finished his work for the day he thought up an idea, he was determined to help! To make sure the kids could actually keep warm when outside it was so incredibly cold he went to the dollar store. He bought several pairs of hats and gloves in black and pink. He revisited the school where the boy was who he helped earlier, he didn’t know the boy’s name, but he found him anyway! He gave the boy a pair of gloves and a hat, so he wouldn’t be cold again. Lunceford is a grandpa and it really touches him deeply to see such suffering! He had plenty of hats and gloves left over, and he now wanted to give them all to children who needed them. He planned a trip to the school Library to talk to the children, he said he would give them hats and gloves that they needed them.
Source: Kennewick School District Facebook
There was one girl who was very excited about a hat and gloves! All the kids at Kennewick School district now know that if they need warm clothing for the winter, there is one lovely guy looking out for them! He told them all he would take care of them if they needed help!! For many families its hard to even put food on the table each day, let alone afford gloves and hats, boots etc. ….all the things needed for the winter months! If the kids were left to get cold they would be sick for sure, making them even more behind and disadvantaged at school! It’s really so essential that they have these things to stay happy and healthy and educated and that is why this lovely bus drivers contribution really was so special, many children really do feel special and cared for by what this wonderful guy has done. Not surprisingly the bus drivers story has gone viral and people on the internet are talking about how inspiring this guy really is, and we completely agree!! Facebook user Shelley Maglio said:

“Amazing role model to all.”

Please SHARE this with your family and friends at this wonderful time of year, what an inspiration!