Teen saves bus driver and panicked classmates during emergency


We tend to believe that young people are careless. The truth is that most of them are only interested in hanging out with friends and having fun. But there are also those who pay close attention to their lessons and gather knowledge on different subjects, something that comes in handy when they need it the most.

A teen named Matt Stauffer from Carbon County saved the day and the lives of his fellow classmates thanks to his quick thinking and the emergency-related lessons he had at school.

Source: YouTube/ WNEP

That morning seemed like any other. He boarded the school bus and headed to his seat when he noticed his friends had strange looks on their faces. It was obvious they were frightened and confused. Matt had no idea what was going on, but he then became aware of the danger that was lurking.

When he took a look at the bus driver, Matt knew trouble would be on the way unless he reacted quickly. The driver didn’t feel fine and was leaning out of his seat.

Speaking to ABC affiliate WNEP 16, Matt said, “So I turned around, and the bus driver was like leaning out of his seat and only his seatbelt was holding him up.”

Source: YouTube/ WNEP

He rushed to the driver’s seat and noticed his foot was still on the gas pedal. Matt reached for the keys and turned the bus’ engine off. He then instructed the students to get out of the bus and called 911.

“Once they saw I was taking control, they all listened to me and they got off the bus and they all stayed in one area,” Matt said of his friends.

Source: YouTube/ WNEP

Luckily, first responders arrived just in time to take the bus driver to the hospital. He’s now feeling fine and is home resting.

Superintendent Dr. Brian Gasper told WNEP 16, “It’s refreshing to know that the students paid attention and employed the skills that we gave them last week, but also just snapping into action and the focus that he and the other students exhibited.”

As the school district is planning on expressing appreciation to Matt and the rest of the students, the teen says his act wasn’t heroic, he just did what he thought was right.

Source: YouTube/ WNEP

For more on this beautiful story go to the video below.

This is the coolest and sweetest story ever, also grab a tissue

We never know what plans God has for us, nor what life brings, but the only thing we know is that we should never lose hope that at the end things are going to turn just fine as long as we don’t stop believing in miracles. This is the amazing story of Heather Crockett Oram of Utah, submitted by her. It’s about her life, her struggles, and her joys. She’s being honest when she speaks of her inability to become a mother of a child she would carry inside of her, which doesn’t make her less of a mother to the beautiful children who entered her life this way or the other. It’s so touching and sweet that you may not be able to hold your tears back. “When I was 6 weeks old, I went to have an ultrasound for tummy issues and they noticed my ovaries were not hooked up right. The doctor at the time felt it would be best to remove them completely. When I was 13 years old, I found out I would never be able to have children. It was then that I started researching adoption. As I grew older my biggest fear was to have to someday tell a prospective spouse that I would never be able to birth our children. Then I met Jason. He was a single dad to 2 wonderful little boys and we fell head over heels.
“Before we got engaged, I told him the biggest secret of my life. One that only a handful of people knew about me. I sobbed as I told him. He then grabbed my face and told me it didn’t matter how our children came to us. They would be OUR children. Last June we were approved to adopt. After a lot of research, we didn’t want to go through an agency. There were too many shady ones out there and they cost close to $55K when all is said and done. So we set out to do it on our own. We ‘marketed’ ourselves online and through social media. We made a Facebook adoption page and paid for targeted ads. We had an Instagram page with pictures of our life and we also put our profile on adoption.com. We were contacted by a handful of women and most turned out to be scams. Then we got a message on Facebook. A young woman emailed us telling us that her friend was pregnant and looking for a family. “September 1st we got a phone call from this woman in Missouri and we talked for an hour and a half. Over the next month we built our relationship and became increasingly excited. However, she never got us official proof of pregnancy. People can fake ultrasounds and blood tests online all the time. I was ready to commit because I trusted this woman, but my husband wanted to renew our adoption.com profile one more time. We renewed it on October 1st and on October 2nd we got a message from another expectant mother. She had been watching our profile and wanted to meet us. Two days later we met in a little diner 20 minutes from our house. Just when we thought she had stood us up, in walked a very pregnant girl and her mom. We hugged and she showed us the ultrasounds of a little baby boy. He then started kicking and she had me feel her belly. Towards the end of breakfast she asked us how we felt. She then asked us if we would adopt her baby and love him forever. Jason and I sobbed. In the middle of a diner. In complete shock. 3 weeks later we stood there and watched as our son Andy was born. I was the first to hold him and kiss his tiny hands. That was October 30th, 2017.
Courtesy of Heather Crockett Oram
Courtesy of Heather Crockett Oram
Courtesy of Heather Crockett Oram
“As we took Andy home and adjusted to being new parents, I had continued to talk to the first expectant mom we had matched with. She had still never given us proof. She had also told us congratulations and that she found another family for her baby. I was happy for her and we maintained occasional contact over the next couple of months. In January of this year I received a phone call from this same woman. She told me she had just told the other family she did not feel good about them adopting her baby. She then told me that she knew this baby was supposed to be ours. I stood there holding my 3-month-old baby boy and she sent me pictures of an ultrasound of the baby boy growing in her stomach. I was speechless. But I also knew. Deep down I knew. “Over the next two weeks my husband and I prayed a lot about adding another newborn to our family only months apart. The same resounding answer came again and again. Six weeks after that phone call we flew out with Andy to Missouri and met a woman and her three children the night before she was being induced. We all instantly connected. The next day we stood at her bedside and watched as our son Ellis was born. Jason even got to cut the cord. I was first to hold him and again kiss his tiny hands.
Courtesy of Heather Crockett Oram
Courtesy of Heather Crockett Oram
Courtesy of Heather Crockett Oram
Courtesy of Heather Crockett Oram
|Never did we imagine having 2 newborn babies only 4 months apart. Adoption is an amazing thing. Because of a woman’s greatest sacrifice and selfless decision, I became a mom. To 2 of the most perfect baby boys I could have ever asked for.
Courtesy of Heather Crockett Oram
Courtesy of Heather Crockett Oram
Courtesy of Heather Crockett Oram
|We have open adoptions with both of our boys’ birth parents. We talk and send pictures and recently met up with Andy’s birth parents at a nearby park.
Courtesy of Heather Crockett Oram
“Four months after Ellis was born we had a strong feeling to reach out to his birth mom and she had mentioned they were in a rough spot. Jason and I decided to then fly her oldest child out to visit us for 10 days so he could spend some time with Ellis. Sean had never been on a plane or been that far away from his home. We instantly fell in love with this sweet boy. 10 days eventually turned into all summer.
Courtesy of Heather Crockett Oram
“At the end of summer, he asked if he could to watch his new friends try out for football. Before we knew it, he was talking to the coaches and asked if he could try out. Sean made the top football team for 8th grade in his first year ever playing an organized sport. He called his mom and asked her if he could stay. She said whatever would make him happy. Sean has now been living with us for 6 months and his football team made it all the way to playoffs.
“Never did we imagine one year ago that we would be adding 3 more children in under 9 months (especially all boys) to the 2 that we already had. I have not given birth to any of the 5 boys we have at home right now. But I am their mom. We have since finalized both Andy and Ellis’ adoptions. They are officially Orams. We share custody with our oldest two boys and their mom. And we don’t have a timeline as to how long Sean will end up staying. Family does not have to be made from blood. It can come in many shapes and sizes. Love is all that matters. So here we are. A current family of 7. We love each other deeply. And go on a lot of adventures together. It is not always easy. There have been many ups and downs and everything in between. But we wouldn’t trade it for the world.”
Please share this heartwarming story with your family and friends.

Rescue Pit Bull singles out boy with cancer and runs over to him


Pit Bulls are most undervalued animals. They have a reputation of being aggressive, but that’s far from reality. This breed is so sympathetic, loyal, and caring, that they used to be considered nanny dogs and were often left to keep an eye on young children. Over the years, however, they started being used in fights which led for them to be dubbed hostile.

Aladdin is a very special Pit Bull who seems to posses power to sense when someone’s feeling down. This dog had a very tough life. Someone starved him so much in the past that he lost 12 of his teeth and experienced severe orthopedic issues which left him with permanently damaged knees, and as a result, Laddy, as his new mom calls him, can’t bend his legs. Despite all that, he is always there for everyone in need of a friend and some love.

Source: YouTube/ The DoDo

After Michele Schaffer adopted Aladdin, she realized he could be a great therapy dog, and she was right. Shortly after he became a therapy dog, Aladdin received an award from the American Humane Association for the work well done.

Schaffer shared that one time, as she and Laddy were among a group of people and he got petted, he suddenly jumped and headed towards a young boy. As it turned out, the little guy had brain cancer, and Laddy could sense that.

Aladdin’s life story is so worth sharing because he’s a proof that no matter how hard things get, we should always find a reason to live for and be there for those who go through struggles.

Make sure you watch the entire video. It’s going to melt your heart.

The inspiring weight loss journey of actor John Goodman – This is how he looks today


John Goodman, like most famous actors, knew that he wanted to be part of the film industry from very young age. At one point of his life, he even considered becoming a radio DJ, but the theater and film seem to always be his calling.

During his college years, Goodman excelled in sports but an injury prevented him from becoming a professional, so he decided to move from Missouri to New York and try his luck at the theater. He rented a tiny apartment with his brother’s help and worked as both a bartender and a waiter while doing his best to get any role in any movie. Things didn’t seem bright at the time, but he never gave up on his dream of reaching to Hollywood, the Mecca of film production. “I knew that if I didn’t, I’d regret it – if I didn’t at least try,” he said of his pursue of an acting career.


The number of auditions he went on led him nowhere as he couldn’t get a job. He was having no contacts and no agent, and according to him, things were terrifying at times.

“There were times when I’d run out of money,” he told The Guardian. One night, “I had some beans on the stove. I left them on the stove to simmer and I got locked out of the apartment so they were gone. And that was the last meal for a while.”

However, things started to change for the better for the aspiring actor. In 1977, he made his off-Broadway debut in the film Jailbait Babysitter. During the ’80s, he appeared in a number of movies, including Big River (1985), Raising Arizona (1987), and Antony and Cleopatra (1987). However, his breakthrough role which turned him into a star practically overnight was that of Dan Conner in the new ABC TV series Roseanne.

Back in the day, Goodman told People how he loved the role. “He’s like a lot of guys I know. In the wintertime they don’t work because construction is sporadic. I don’t want to have to stand for the American workingman, but if this guy’s gonna be one, I’d rather have him be semi-intelligent, not a dumb beast who sucks down beer all day.”


He and the cast became very good friends and the on-screen chemistry between them transferred into their personal life as well, and it was probably one of the reasons why the series was a smash-hit and so much loved during the 9 seasons it aired. “We got along right off the bat,” Goodman explained. “We made each other laugh. That’s one of the keys to the characters: They really adore each other.”

Speaking of the fame he experienced, the actor said that he never really dreamed of being famous, all he ever wanted was to act. “I’m apprehensive about fame,” he told People. “I’ve known people whom it bothers a great deal, and I’m kind of a shy person. Lately people are starting to put my face with my name, instead of thinking I’m either somebody they went to high school with or did time with.”


In 1989, Goodman married Anna Beth Hartzog. “I went to this Halloween party, and she walked up to me and said, ‘Hi.’ I couldn’t figure out why anyone that pretty was talking to me,” Goodman told Elle.

They welcomed daughter Molly Evangeline Goodman in 1990 and the family lives in New Orleans, out of the public eye.

Throughout the years, mainly because there were times when he struggled to find a job, Goodman turned to alcohol and that led him to depression. He has also struggled with his weight most of his life. Whenever he was supposed to get on stage, he would experience panic attacks.

“Absolutely terrified, paralyzed. I couldn’t remember my first line,” he explained. “I was just sweating and I was about to say: ‘I’m sorry, folks, I can’t.’ And I opened my mouth and my first line came out and it [the panic] was gone, I don’t know where it came from.”


When he recalls the filming of Rosseane, Goodman says he remembers drinking on set.

“At first it was exciting,” he told Today. “Then it got frightening when I lost my anonymity. I got complacent and ungrateful. And after nine years—eight years, I wanted to leave the show,” he continued. “I handled it like I did everything else, by sittin’ on a bar stool. And that made it worse.”


Thankfully, with the help and the support of his wife, Goodman has been sober since 2007. He even went to rehab back in the day and managed to get control of his life.

Today, The Big Lebowski‘s star is leading a healthy life. With the help of fitness guru and personal trainer Mackie Shilstone, he lost around 100 lbs and is looking awesome. “This didn’t happen overnight — it’s been an ongoing process,” Shilstone told New York Post. There needs to be strategic planning. This time, he really wanted to do it.”

Goodman is one our favorite actors. He’s talented and versatile, and it doesn’t come as a surprise that his career lasts for so long.

In the foster world, an 8-year-old boy wouldn’t get anything better than this


This is the incredible story of a very special man named Michael J. Bowler who became a single father of a boy stuck in the foster system.

“‘I never asked for any of this!’ screams my sobbing eight-year-old foster son to his new therapist when he learns that, despite being on an adoption track with me, he must endure more therapy and more ‘services,’ which he’d been forced to be part of since the age of four,” Bowler recalled the star of his journey towards parenthood.

Instagram/Michael J Bowler

In 2015, he turned to Raise A Child event in Los Angeles in order to see if he could be an adoptive parent. Learning that despite being single he was legally allowed to adopt made Bowler’s heart skip a beat.

The boy he was supposed to welcome into his home was 8-year-old Ronald who moved from one foster home to another after he suffered severe abuse. He ended up in the system even before he turned 5, and his life was already hard even without the constant need to adapt to a number of foster parents.

After the first three hours spent together, Ronald asked for three more. When asked how he felt in the company of his potential adoptive father, the boy answered, “It’s like we’re the same person!” and Bowler felt exactly the same.

Instagram/Michael J Bowler

“Once he moves in, Ronald believes that, since he’s now in an adoptive home, he’ll be free of the constraints of foster care and, more importantly, that the adoption will finalize sooner, rather than later. It takes many weeks and numerous visits by his new team members before Ronald will even speak to them, hence the cry of anguish with which I opened this post,” Bowler continued his story.

Ronald experienced trauma after one of his foster fathers forced him to rewrite mathematical standards for hours, so the boy felt repulsive towards both math and writing.

On top of that, Ronald would hoard all his toys, even those which were broken. Bowler found out that it was a result of yet another trauma. Apparently, a former foster parent would accuse Ronald of lying and would cut up all of his stuffed animals as a punishment.

Instagram/Michael J Bowler

“Ronald is now eleven and his adoption was finalized, at long last, in January. After such a lengthy wait, with numerous roadblocks thrown into our path by his bio mother and a court system that sadly, puts the wants of irresponsible adults above the needs of children, his dream of the past seven years finally comes to fruition,” Bowler wrote.

“He told me when we first met, ‘I’ve wanted to be adopted all the time I’ve been in foster care,’ and, in his excitement, barely sleeps the night before that dream is to become a reality.

“On Adoption Day, I wake him early so we can get ready and make the hour-long drive to the courthouse. He sits up at once, grabbing me in a tight hug, gushing, ‘Today’s the day!’ I know him well enough to notice the look on his face and slight undertone to his voice – he’s been in the system too long to believe in the adoption until it actually occurs. We dress in matching suits and ties and Ronald, like most young boys, complains about his tie being too tight, while also beaming at the reason for wearing it.”

Instagram/Michael J Bowler

At the courtroom, the soon-to-be legal father and son were met by Bowler’s sister and nephew as well as Rich Valenza, founder and CEO of Raise a Child.

“When finally called upstairs, we enter a quiet courtroom with the judge examining paperwork on his desk. He doesn’t acknowledge us, but merely waits for our attorney to speak. This man has been an intimidating force in Ronald’s life since the age of four and has watched my son grow up in his courtroom over the years as he approved Ronald’s move from foster home to foster home. Not once does the judge speak to my son, congratulate him, try to put him at ease after all those terrifying court appearances in the past. As the judge reads out the declaration that Ronald and I are now a family, my son hugs me. I feel choked with emotion and he looks ready to cry with happiness,” Bowler continued.

On the way home Ronald told his dad that it was the happiest day of his life. It was definitely the same for Bowler.

Instagram/Michael J Bowler

The adoption was celebrated with a huge party attended by everyone who supported Bowler from day one. All of his family and friends were there, including Ronald’s friends from school and some of the foster care workers and social care workers who knew Ronald from the day he entered the system and did all in their power to help him find his forever home.

Instagram/Michael J Bowler

“As other friends arrive, they play giant Jenga, darts, beanbag toss, and Nerf wars in the backyard. Hearing the laughter and good cheer coupled with smiling happy faces, pulls my heart tight in my chest with happiness. We have food and a huge cake, which he cuts and dispenses to kids and adults alike. He opens presents and notes with amusement how many people have given us photo frames with the word ‘Family’ emblazoned on them. I remind him that today is a celebration of our family and he grins broadly.

Instagram/Michael J Bowler

“We have photos on display from the adoption, alongside a commemorative gift I gave him on Adoption Day: father-son bobbleheads depicting me as Batman and he as Robin (though I told him the “R” on his chest is for Ronald). Written along the base are the words “Family is Forever.” The artist custom-made these bobbleheads so the faces look exactly like ours and they will remain a fun reminder of the day we became an official family, even though he was my son from the moment he walked through my door and has never been treated as anything less.”

Instagram/Michael J Bowler

As the party was over, sweet Ronald told his dad that it was his second best day ever. Those words meant the world to the new father who embarked the adventure of parenthood.

9-year-old girl with an IQ higher than Albert Einstein’s and Stephen Hawking’s starts college


No matter how fast societies develop, it looks like it will take quite some time until we learn to accept those that are in any way different than us. As soon as we realize that being different isn’t something bad, but on the contrary, something unique and special, this world would become a much better place for those that now feel like they don’t belong there.

Meet Adhara Pérez Sánchez, a 9-year-old girl from Mexico City who has a higher IQ than that of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

adhara.maite.perez.sanchez / Instagram

Adhara has always been quite different and not understood by those around her. Luckily, that didn’t include her parents who realized that their girl is somewhat special.

From very early age, Adhara was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, which is a developmental disorder included on the autism spectrum. As a result, she had a hard time fitting in and was often bullied by her friends. Her mom once witnessed how some of her classmates locked her inside a play house and started calling her “weirdo” and “oddball.” This broke her heart. She knew she needed to do something in order to protect her daughter. After all the teachers accused Adhara of not being interested in the lessons and with everything that was going on with the kids at school, the most logical thing to do was pull Adhara out of the school and home-school her.

adhara.maite.perez.sanchez / Instagram

Being given the opportunity to spend a lot of time around their daughter, Adhara’s parents realized she was overly intelligent for someone her age.

One thing led to another, and soon, experts realized the same thing. At the age of 5, this sweet girl finished elementary school, and at the age of 6, she already graduated from high school. Currently, she’s attending Universidad CNCI in Mexico where she pursues two degrees, one in industrial engineering in mathematics and one in systems engineering.

Her dream is to attend the University of Arizona and become part of NASA, thus visit the space.

Currently, she’s studying English in order to be able to study in the States.

adhara.maite.perez.sanchez / Instagram

Adhara was featured in Forbes México’s 100 Most Powerful Women.

Currently, this bright little girl who was considered odd and unfriendly in the past is working on developing a special bracelet that would read emotions and would help autistic kids who don’t speak to be able to communicate. It would also prevent seizures and other outbursts.

adhara.maite.perez.sanchez / Instagram

For Adhara to thrive and for her life to change drastically, it only took someone to see beyond her autism and accept her for who she is.

We are sure this special girl would achieve everything she puts her mind to.

Céline Dion reveals “deeply personal” documentary about her life is in the making


Whether it is singing, acting, writing, or something different, there are a lot of people out there who are truly talented but not everyone becomes famous. That’s because success never comes over night and only the most courageous and most determined individuals get to experience it.

When we think of all the celebrities whose lives are filled with fortune and luxury, we tend to believe that they had never struggled and everything was given to them on a silver platter. The truth is that most of them worked extremely hard in order to achieve their status and failed many times before they finally succeeded.

Before she became an international superstar, Céline Dion, who is now considered one of the best female singers in history, felt like an outsider and didn’t feel her best or looked her best. However, she was very talented and her parents knew that, so they decided to help her with her career.

Credit: VEVO

One day, her mother sent a demo tape to manager and producer Rene Angelil, who would later become Dion’s husband. When he heard the recording, he gave them a call because he wanted to hear Dion singing in person. She was just 12 at the time and sang on a pencil, pretending it was a microphone. What Rene did after that encounter was ditch all his other clients so that he could focus on Dion’s career. He even put a second mortgage on his house in order to be able to finance her first album.

Dion rose to fame after winning the Eurovision Song Contest in 1988. She represented Switzerland with the song Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi’ (‘Don’t Leave Without Me in Dublin’). The final was one of the most thrilling in Eurovision history, with presenter Pat Kenny joking, “I have to tell you that we employed Agatha Christie to write the script for tonight!”

Credit: Wikimedia / Georges Biard

Dion went on to build a tremendously successful career with song such as My Heart Will Go On, for which she received an Academy Award for Best Original Song, Because You Loved MeThe Power of Love, Where Does My Heart Beat Now and a lot more.

Dion and her husband Rene Angelil, who was 26 years her senior, had two twin sons together, Eddy, who was named after Dion’s favorite French songwriter, Eddy Marnay, and Nelson, who got his name after Nelson Mandela.

The boys were born in 2010.

“My greatest reward is my children. Unless you are a mum you don’t know what you’re missing or what it even is really. It felt for me that with all my children another heart grew inside of me,” the singer told Woman’s Weekly in 2013.

“I don’t believe in the umbilical chord being cut. For me it’s never cut, once you’re a mum you’re a mum for life  – it gives you true meaning to your life and it’s the most important job.

“Who cares if people like me as a singer or not, they can find other singers and there will be other singers. But no other mother can be a better mother for my children than me. My children trust me so much, they need me so much – that is priceless to me.”

Shutterstock/Tom Rose

Unfortunately, Rene passed away five years ago after battling lung cancer and that changed the singer’s life forever.

After his passing, Dion lost weight and her fans got worried for her health, advising her to start eating more. She, however, said she was feeling great in her skin. “I’m doing this for me. I want to feel strong, beautiful, feminine and sexy,” she told The Sun. “If I like it, I don’t want to talk about it. Don’t bother. Don’t take a picture. If you like it, I’ll be there. If you don’t, leave me alone.”

At the moment, the tour she announced is on hold because of the pandemic, but once this craziness comes to an end, she’s planning on continuing it. As for now, she will soon have her new show in Las Vegas.


Recently, during a press release, Dion shared that a documentary about her life will be filmed. The person behind it will be filmmaker Irene Taylor Brosky, nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary, Short Subject in 2009 for The Final Inch.

In a statement, Dion said, “I’ve always been an open book with my fans. And with [Taylor’s] sensitivity and thoughtful creativity, I think that Irene will be able to show everyone a part of me that they haven’t seen before… I know she’ll tell my story in the most honest and heartfelt way.”

Taylor also spoke of the opportunity to direct the documentary depicting the life of one of the best singers that have ever walked this Earth, saying, “Going on this journey with a legendary artist such as Celine Dion is an extraordinary opportunity for me as a filmmaker. Having access to examine her life and inimitable career, will allow me to create a multifaceted portrait of an iconic, global superstar, which I look forward to sharing with the world.”

We can’t wait to see this documentary.

Dad accidentally films his daughter dancing while the dog plays the piano


Nothing really beats dogs, don’t you think so? Not only they are cute and love you more than they love themselves, but no day passes by without them making you laugh. No imagine adding the talent for playing and singing on the list. 

An adorable beagle-basset hound mix does exactly that. His family must be having tons of fun listening to him master the piano keys. 

Source: YouTube/ Buddy Mercury

This very skillful four-legged canine is a rescue dog. His parents Laurie and Glen Wolfe, and baby sister, Eve, named him Buddy Mercury after the music icon Freddie Mercury and we believe the name suits his talent and personality just perfectly. 

Source: Facebook

Buddy has showed his love for the piano since the day he set foot in his forever home. His parents noticed his fascination for the instrument and soon after he spent a couple of days inspecting that unusual object, he stood on his hind legs and started playing. It was obvious that going through the piano keys with his paws made him very joyous. 

Now if you think this is unusual and special wait until you hear him singing. Yes, Buddy plays and howls at the same time and it’s fascinating to both listen and watch. 

Source: YouTube/ Buddy Mercury

Buddy’s family enjoyed his ‘concerts’ so much that they though it would be pity if they don’t share his talent with the rest of the world. The videos of him rocking the instrument are going viral and people can’t get enough of the singing and piano-playing dog. 

What’s most, he’s got a back up, and it makes the whole thing even cuter. His little sister Eve joins her furry brother every now and then dancing around and playing on a toy guitar. 

Source: YouTube/ Buddy Mercury

People agree these two are the best band out there and we believe they are awesome, too. 

Source: YouTube/ Buddy Mercury

Some say how the Wolfes are very lucky to be having such talented children. 

“Super talented Buddy & baby! You have a dog prodigy & a baby dancer…what could be more exciting?” one person wrote. 

“These two are way too CUTE! They both really know how to party!” another added.

Buddy’s family is lucky people are sharing his videos not because they try to make him famous but because they want to raise awareness about rescue dogs and how perfectly they fit in their new families. 

“We want to help more animals get rescued,” Laurie said. “We only have so much space in our home.”

By sharing Buddy’s videos you are helping raise awareness of the importance of rescue animals adoption.